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Just in: Fresh Call From Croatia to Arrest EPO Vice-President Željko Topić

Summary: Željko Topić is called a "corrupt Balkans gangster" amid many corruption charges against him in Croatia

The only EPO manager who can challenge his boss when it comes to corruption is Mr. Topić, who faces many corruption charges. In a new interview published by [PDF] we are beginning to see what we were about to show in the coming weeks. Topić is a thug and probably a serious white-collar criminal; the fact that he managed to become EPO Vice-President says a lot about the EPO itself. For Topić this is just one among many battles. He earned notoriety and many enemies in his home country for legitimate reasons.

"The Croatian news portal," informs us a source, "recently had a big interview with the Croatian entrepreneur Rikard Frgacic who is involved in various lawsuits against the Croatian SIPO and Mr. Topić. and Lufthansa concerning the allegedly corrupt reassignment of a trademark ("Airplus") to Lufthansa.

"The interview takes place against the background of the current Presidential election campaign in Croatia and it includes a mention of Mr. Topić.

"Here is the commentary that was forwarded from Croatia:

Enclosed you can find Mr. Frgacic' interview for portal "" where, among other things, he mentioned T.:

"... Nadam se da ce tog korumpiranog balkanskog gangstera uskoro Njemacka policija uhititi i transferirati u Hrvatsku na suÄ‘enje zbog enormne štete i protuzakonitih radnji koje je pocinio na mjestu ravnatelja DZIV-a."


"I hope that German police will arrest this corrupt Balkans gangster and transfer him to Croatia for trial soon, because of the huge damage and unlawful actions which he did in the post of Director General of the SIPO."

"It seems that is currently being blocked by hackers," [crackers] we are told, "but the interview is accessible on another portal,

The original Croatian text of the section of the interview where Topic is mentioned is as follows:

Kolika je procijenjena vrijednost brenda AirPlus?

To je dobro pitanje za dr. Ivu Josipovića i za njegovog prijatelja magistra Željka Topića, nekadašnjeg ravnatelja DZIV-a RH, trenutno zaposlenog u minhenskom EPO-u. Nadam se da će tog korumpiranog balkanskog gangstera uskoro Njemačka policija uhititi i transferirati u Hrvatsku na suÄ‘enje zbog enorme štete i protuzakonitih radnji koje je počinio na mjestu ravnatelja DZIVa.

Kako neslužbeno saznajem, jedan od predmeta protiv nekadašnjeg ravnatelja DZIV-a istražuje i ŽDO u Zagrebu gdje jedan od tragova vodi prema Pantovčaku. MeÄ‘utim, istražiteljica šokira svojim neinteligentnim ili protuzakonitim zaključcima, meÄ‘u kojima svakako fascinira jedna njena izjava kako naš muzikalni predsjednik ne bi bio izabran od strane naroda da nije pošten.

Dalje zaključite sami...

Uostalom, u dosadašnjem sudskom postupku protiv "Luftike" pristupile su mi dvije zločinačke organizacije s ponudom za preuzimanje spora, od kojih jedna vodi do suca Vrhovnog suda RH i njemačkog veleposlanstva u Zagrebu.

Zanimljivo pitanje koje bi se moglo otvoriti u tom kaznenom postupku bit će protuzakonita zapošljavanja osoba i u DZIV-u na poticaj gospodina Josipovića. Gotovo tri četvrtine zaposlenika DZIV-a čine polufabricirani kadrovi iz HDS-ZAMP-a. Zanimljivo je i to da se i sam predsjednik kitio tuÄ‘im perjem kada je u pitanju intelektualno vlasništvo i spominjanje imena Air-Plus.

This is not pure gossip. We are going to say more about Topić in weeks to come.

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