THE FOLKS from Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) are not new/beginners when it comes to EPO scandals. As a matter of fact, we wrote about them before, both this year and last year [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. USF does not tolerate the yellow union of Battistelli.
states, bemoaning lack of involvement from politicians in the face of union-busting. This document was issued this week.
that "Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) is again deeply shocked hearing about the latest, disproportionate dismissal of a trade union official at the European Patent Office (EPO) in November 2016."
, the Chinchilla man of the Administrative Council (they call him "President of the EPO Council"). Here is the letter as images again:
"It is worth noting that Mr. Kongstad never responded to Transparency International (TI), as we noted way back in 2014.""A juicy detail (I found this yesterday)," told us a source, comes from a handy source, the "GERMAN wikipedia page (The English page does not have this juicy detail), [notably] Section Aufbau und Finanzierung, 3rd paragraph..."
It says: "...David Schraven leitet das Recherchebüro Correctiv als inhaltlicher Geschäftsführer, der kaufmännische Bereich wird von Christian Humborg (zuvor Geschäftsführer von Transparency International Deutschland) verantwortet, als Chefredakteur fungiert..."
"So," our reader explained, "there is also a juicy link between TI and CORRECTIV!!! I did not know this before, and I have no further information or source for this statement."
Lots of things turn out to be connected. Oversight is so deficient in Germany and unless this issue is tackled, Germany's image too will be stained. ⬆