Only About 150,000 People Worldwide Use WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-05-06 13:03:06 UTC
- Modified: 2020-05-06 13:03:06 UTC

Source/more: Last month's IRC logs
"We recently learned from a reliable and involved source that the WSL adoption numbers are rather laughable (maybe just hundreds of thousands of active users worldwide). The project is an utter failure, so it’s being rebranded the “2.0ââ¬Â³ way. After almost half a decade ‘out there’, combined with loads of PR and puff pieces from Microsoft boosters inside the media." --
Blog post published days later
Summary: Why we expect Microsoft to abandon/mothball WSL sooner or later (just like most products); WSL and WSL2 are failing (people would rather use proper distros... the "Real Thing")