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Links 11/7/2021: KPhotoAlbum 5.8.1 and Solus 4.3 Released

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • Linux Mint Has Three Flavors. Which Is Right For You?

        Are you new to Linux or thinking about switching to Linux? If so, then you probably know that Linux Mint is one of the best distros for new users. But Linux Mint has three main desktop editions: Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce. Not sure which desktop environment to choose?

    • Kernel Space

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • How To Install OpenSSL on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install OpenSSL on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, OpenSSL is an open-source toolkit for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols, as well as a cryptography library. OpenSSL is used by many programs like Apache Web server, PHP, and many others providing support for various cryptographic algorithms.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of OpenSSL on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint.

      • How to Disable VIM Syntax Highlighting – Linux Hint

        The VIM editor provides a cool feature to highlight syntax based on whatever language you are programming in. This makes it easier to edit the code and visually understand the syntax of the code. However as a system admin or DevOps engineer you may find yourself editing many configuration files of various formats and on various remote machines and because of the systems you login to, the syntax highlighting makes the file unreadable in your session.

        Therefore in this post, we will show how to disable syntax highlighting in the .vimrc configuration file. This way all files that you open will have plain text, without any color schemes, and you can quickly get to work.

        I found myself frequently opening files and then disabling syntax highlighting dynamically, its more efficient to add the command to the .vimrc file on each machine you use.

      • Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu: An Easy-to-Follow Guide

        In this article we’re going to cover how to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu from the official Ubuntu repository or by adding the PostgreSQL repository and installing the same.

        PostgreSQL, also known as “Postgres”, is an advanced, enterprise class open source relational database management system (ORDBMS). It is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers and it is quite popular due to its stability and advanced features. PostgreSQL is not controlled by any corporation or other private entity and the source code is available free of charge.

        Most Linux distributions such as Debian, CentOS, openSUSE, and Ubuntu have PostgreSQL integrated with their package management. In this tutorial we are going to show you how to install and use the version available by default with your version of Ubuntu as well as how to install it by adding the PostgreSQL repository and installing the same.

      • How to record terminal session How to Record terminal sessions in ubuntu

        While working on ubuntu we have to use terminal at a great extent. When we have to deal with the system configuration in ubuntu we generally took the help of Ubuntu terminal. Ubuntu terminal is very useful while interacting with ubuntu system. sometimes we have to save our terminal sessions, so that we could see and understand all the activities during the process for future reference. In linux ‘script’ is the command to perform this action. With the help of script we can save our terminal logs in a file. So We can have a glance on our work after finishing it. ‘Scriptreplay’ is another command which would perform a full automatic replay of the terminal session. Here I will help you to learn , how to record the terminal session in ubuntu.

        Also we can use the ‘History’ command for this purpose but it doesn’t save the output. While using the script command we can view the output of a command in history from the Log file.

      • How to install Kali Linux How to install Kali Linux in virtual box - Unixcop

        We have heard about a lot of linux distributions in the industry. But each of the linux flavor has its own purpose and functionalities. To know more about it , let’s dive into its history. developed by mati ahroni and devon kearns, kali is the rewrite of backtrack. So Backtrack was the previous security testing distribution of kali which was based on knoppix. Kali got its name so because its basically a kernel auditing linux. In short its KA – kernel auditing Linux ‘KALI’. But We can use kali as a debian based linux distribution .we can use it for purposes such as digital forensics and penetration testing. So here I will show you ‘How to install Kali Linux on virtual Box’.

        I want to tell you that kali linux has a set of pre installed tools in addition. So we can use these tools for security testing purposes. In fact, here I can point out some of the tools which play a very important role in security testing purposes.

      • Install CMake on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / 21.04 - Unixcop

        CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. The suite of CMake tools were created by Kitware in response to the need for a powerful, cross-platform build environment for open-source projects such as ITK and VTK.

      • How to play Hearthstone on Linux

        Hearthstone is a free-to-play online digital card game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Hearthstone builds on existing lore from Warcraft and gives players a chance to battle each other using collectible cards.

      • Rootless container management with docker-compose and podman

        Everyone has an opinion for the best way to manage containers, and there are many contenders depending on how much complexity you can handle and how much automation you require. One of my favorite ways to manage containers is docker-compose.


        Now it’s time to use docker-compose with podman as a regular user and run a container as our regular user.

        We can use librespeed for this example, and the LinuxServer librespeed container is a great way to deploy it. It’s a self-hosted speed test application that works well with desktops and mobile devices.

    • Wine or Emulation

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KPhotoAlbum 5.8.1 released

          We're happy to annouce a new release of KPhotoAlbum, the KDE photo management software! It's version number is 5.8.1. The reason we skipped 5.8.0 is simply that i messed up the release, but the tag was already published – so I had to immediately tag another one ;-)

        • GSOC with KStars 02: Community Bonding and First Coding Period

          Of course the task I described in the last post looks and is quite monumental. That is why I laid some of the groundwork for my GSOC beforehand (in the actual German semester breaks). This work continued in the community bonding and first coding period and will therefore be described here.

          But first I want to thank my mentor Jasem Mutlaq for his support, his patience with me and his nerves of steel. My mood levels were somewhat similar to a huge-amplitude sine wave those last weeks.

          Now to the meat…

          I began by studying the existing deep sky object implementation in KStars to identify what structure the new catalogs should have and what the smallest irreducible core of functionality was I could replace to make integration easier. I discovered that the catalogs were a mix of SQL databases and text files, somehow loaded at startup and then appended to some linked list. There was some deduplication implemented but like most DSO code it was oddly catalog specific. Especially the Messier, IC and NGC catalogs were often mentioned in the code. Also the explicit distinction between stars and DSOs made writing general code complicated but I found a consistent set of data fields shared by all catalog objects which all admitted sane defaults. It wasn't bad code or anything like that. Just the product of "organic groth" with many thing I wanted already present in some way but somewhat all over the place. I admit that I studied the code just enough to find out what exactly I had to replace and maybe I could have reused more of the existing code but I've picked this specific path in the multiverse, so let's get on with it. Just a shout out to all who did previous work on the DSO code among whom are, just to name a few, Jason Harris, Rishab Arora, Thomas Kabelmann and Akarsh Simha.

        • digiKam: GSoC 2021 Week 4-5 | Anjani's blog

          Last two weeks was the first time I started planning to build digiKam with Qt6. A major problem was that digiKam used Qt Webengine/Qt Webkit to have support of in-built browser for displaying online documents and webservice authorization steps.

          Qt Webengine/Qt Webkit modules, as of now, are not available in Qt 6.1.2 and will only be stable with release Qt 6.2, expected to arrive in September 2021. It is not trivial to isolate code that dependeds on this module. I thought about some solutions like building with alpha Qt 6.2 release. It failed. Me and my mentors had a long discussion about the solution and Gilles suggested that writing a dummy API for now is a good solution.

        • Update On My Gsoc Project

          I realize it has been a long time since the start of GSoC and I didn’t write any update blogs on the status of my project, I’m currently working on Okular to extend it to have better support for custom image stamps. Right now, Okular doesn’t fully support representing Stamp Annotations, resulting in not being able to render Stamps or not being able to save custom ones so that other viewers are able to render them.

          I’m currently working under the mentorship of Albert Astals Cid, whom I’d like to thank a lot for his continuous support and help. He has been really supportive and made the GSoC period a really fruitful journey so far.

        • GSoC 2021 KMyMoney - Week 3, 4 and 5

          Week 5 was more into replacing the WebPriceQuote usage in KMyMoney and figuring out what APIs are needed in libalkimia.

          I noticed that the online quotes that were in kmymoneyrc weren’t visible in the Online Quotes dialog. I figured out that and used the kmymoney profiles only. As also further pointed by Ralf, the onlinequoteseditor (in libalkimia) is intended to support multiple applications and therefore adds multiple profiles. As unit tests were already written in libalkmia I run all the tests to check if something were wrong. All the tests passed successfully.

          I started replacing WebPriceQuote implementation with that of Alkimia one by one. I managed to do so with the help of API documentation and previous KMyMoney 4.8 implementation. I found that some of the implementations were not present in libalkimia

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • A New Look for the Health app

          This required the creation of a new view (homepage) along with the creation of 2 widgets (circular progress bar and arrow) drawn with cairo.

          The rationale for this design is to show important data at the top. Users can get more details (graphs and activity history) by clicking the buttons below.

    • Distributions

      • Solus 4.3 Released with Linux Kernel 5.13, KDE Plasma 5.22, and GNOME 40.2

        Coming more than five months after Solus 4.2, the Solus 4.3 release is the third installment in the Solus 4 “Fortitude” series, introducing updated internals for better hardware support, as well as updated desktop environments and apps for an improved Solus desktop experience.

        Highlights of Solus 4.3 include the latest Linux 5.13 kernel series, the Mesa 21.1.3 graphics stack, BlueZ 5.60 Bluetooth stack, FFmpeg 4.4 and GStreamer 1.18.4 multimedia frameworks, dav1d 0.9.0 AV1 decoder, PulseAudio 14.2 sound system, LibreOffice 7.1.4 office suite, Mozilla Thunderbird 78.11 email client, and Mozilla Firefox 89.0.2 web browser.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

        • Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri - New Features and Release Date

          Final release of 2021, Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri development is in progress. In this post, we sum up the new features known so far and planned release dates.

        • 6 ways to turn your smartphone into a computer

          Perhaps the best options for turning a smartphone into a computer are available to Samsung users. With the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+, Note 8 or later, you have the option of DeX. Launched from the notification bar, DeX is basically a desktop environment for Android.


          The main feature of Ubuntu Touch is the convergence system. Like Samsung DeX, it is a desktop environment, which is activated when the smartphone is connected to an external monitor.

          The operating system is preinstalled with many tools, including LibreOffice. Having a mobile phone that can be used as a laptop at all times is great for the productivity factor.

        • This South African billionaire surged up the UK’s rich list – and is now one of three locals inside the top 100

          Previous rich lists from the Sunday Times tracked the 1,000 richest people in the UK, which also included other South Africans like SA-born property mogul, Sir Donald Gordon; Ubuntu developer Mark Shuttleworth; pharmaceutical boss Tony Tabatznik; businessman Vivian Imerman; and investment banker Richard Gnodde.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • Haiku activity report - June 2021

        Hello, it’s time for the June activity report! (yes, not much innovation in the tagline for these reports lately. I’m out of ideas, or maybe just lazy to find new ones).

        Before we dig into the report, two important announcements (in case you are not following the other news on the website, since both were already announced separately).

        The beta 3 release process is going well, and there are some “testing candidate” images available for testing. If you have some time to install one of these and see if everything is running fine on your hardware, that would be great!


        If you are a Haiku developer or contributor, you can contact Haiku inc for your funding requests, it can be for buying some specific hardware, or negociating a paid contract if that allows you to spend more time working on Haiku or related things. You can also join our Liberapay team to collect a part of the donations sent to the team, and make your Lierapay profile more visible to donators if they want to target you directly. You need an invitation to join the team, please contact one of the existing team members so they can invite you.

        With that being said, let’s look at what happened in Haiku sourcecode this month! Of course with the release announcement, everyone has been scrambling to get their changes in at the last minute, so it has been a bit more busy than usual (this is only my arbitrary and subjective perception of things, with no statistics to back it).

      • Haiku Marching Towards R1 Beta 3, RISC-V Bring-Up, Intel Display work

        The Haiku open-source operating system building off the inspiration and work of BeOS is continuing strong over the summer months.

        The Haiku OS project has published their June 2021 progress report with a lot of work being tackled as part of this "BeOS successor" that has been in the works for two decades.

      • Funding

        • China's Alternative To GSoC Is Seeing Some Interesting Summer Open-Source Projects

          Back in May we wrote about China launching an alternative to Google Summer of Code and Outreachy. This global open-source program hosted by the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences is running "Summer 2021" for encouraging university-aged students regardless of gender or nationality to get involved in open-source development.

          The Summer 2021 program pays out roughly $932 to $1865 USD per project depending upon complexity. Open-source community projects can participate as well to receive help if they are under an OSI-approved software license.

      • Programming/Development

        • Perl/Raku

          • gfldex: Contextual addition

            I took the absense of complaint as silent consent and set forth to implement HyperWhatever in associative subscripts. To do so I setup a little bit of tooling to lower cognitive load. When writing code I like to hit F1 in Vim and have it do the right thing depending on context. Since Vim is not self aware yet, we have to tell it what to do to help us. To specify context we can add a line to a source file to define a pseudo filetype.

        • Python

          • Yes Python Is My Favourite Programming Language

            Every so often someone asks me what my favourite programming language is and I know this will annoy some people but it's Python, it's such an easy language to work with, has such a powerful standard library has some amazing documentation that I don't know why you wouldn't like it.

  • Leftovers

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

        • U.K. Supreme Court rejects NHS claim of €220M financial loss in Servier patent lawsuit

          In the culmination of a 10-year case, the U.K. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Servier Laboratories in its defense against England’s National Health Service over a patent on cardio drug Coversyl.

          The lawsuit surrounded the French pharmaceutical company’s alleged attempt to block the sale of generic versions of Coversyl by defending a patent that the company knew was not valid. The NHS claimed that Servier caused the government financial loss by deceiving the European Patents Office and the courts and sought €220 million ($300 million) in damages.

          By a unanimous vote, the court ruled in favor of Servier.

          Coversyl’s patent expired in 2001 but the first generic didn’t enter the market until 2007. The NHS argued that it would have saved millions if it had been able to access generics in a timely fashion.

        • [Older] Patent Owner Tip #5 for Surviving An Instituted IPR: The Right Expert Can Save Your Patent [Ed: "Surviving" is a wrong, misleading, improper term. Challenging a monopolist doesn't mean monopolies fight for survival; it's a distortion of narratives.]

          The right expert can be the critical piece that saves the validity of your patent. Finding the right expert for a patent owner requires careful selection and due diligence. We previously detailed how your expert’s testimony can make or break your Patent Owner’s Response (“POR”). The following details what actions and considerations Patent Owners should take to locate and identify the best experts for testifying to the Board, which can be different considerations than those for other proceedings.

        • [Older] Speeding Examination of Related U.S. and Japanese Patent Applications [Ed: Speed should never be a priority; validity and quality matter a lot more]

          It is not uncommon for applicants to file related patent applications in the United States and in Japan. When the applications claim priority to a common patent application, or one of the applications claims priority to the other, the applications’ family relationship can be used advantageously to speed prosecution in one or both jurisdictions. Multiple programs exist to expedite prosecution at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Japan Patent Office (JPO). Evaluating the available options for a particular pair of U.S. and Japanese patent applications can help identify the option that will best help those applications be substantively examined and issued quickly.

        • Amarin: Let's Revisit The M&A Discussion

          A lower court ruling voiding Amarin’s patents was upheld by a court of appeals and the US Supreme Court declined to take up the matter.

        • And I will go to Texas: four firms speak out on moving to Austin [Ed: All this while practising firms that actually make something and offer jobs to locals flee the place after TC Heartland]

          The rise of the Western District of Texas and other factors have pushed lawyers to build their Austin offices, which they plan to mention in client pitches

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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Over at Tux Machines...
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Mauritania: Windows Falls to All-Time Low of 6% (It Used to be Over 99%)
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New USPTO Memo Makes Fighting Patent Trolls Even Harder
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Over at Tux Machines...
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