Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 15/8/2021: New Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/Hurd, Ogre 13, and grep 3.7

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux Release Roundup: Cozy, Polychromatic, and Latte Dock - OMG! Ubuntu!

      There are a couple of notable Linux app updates I wanted to mention on the site, so I’ve dusted off my Linux Release Roundup (LRR) format to give them some time in the spotlight.

      Now, I haven’t written one of these for a few months. After publishing one in June I got 3 — THREE! — emails accusing me of “ripping off” other Linux blogs. ‘OMG’, the critics said, ‘you even use the same name!!1’.

      This is a mildly frustrating thing to get because I posted the first roundup specifically titled “Linux Release Roundup” on this site back in 2017 (and omg doing news roundups goes back as far as 2010).

      An advanced Google Search tells me no-other real€ª Linux blog used that phrase “Linux Release Roundup” before I started using it in 2017.

    • Linux Release Roundup #21.33: elementary OS 6, Thunderbird 91, and More New Releases - It's FOSS News

      In the Linux Release Roundup series, we summarize the new application and distribution versions release in the last few days. This keeps you informed of the latest developments in the Linux world.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • An introduction to eBPF and where it shines

        Every operating system leaves room for improvement. But modifying any OS can create security risks and performance penalties, as well as create dependencies that are almost impossible to accommodate in OS version and module updates.

        The goal of OS programmability is deceptively simple: allow additional code to run without any change to the OS kernel's source code or create unwanted dependencies in new modules.

        OS modification is nothing new. Early designs of virtualization relied on OS modifications to support forms of paravirtualization. But whenever you customize software, you may create dependencies that make it difficult -- even impossible -- to update the underlying software. When a new version emerges, IT must rework and retest those existing customizations.

      • Progress Report: August 2021 - Asahi Linux

        It’s been a long time since the last update! In all honesty, the first Progress Report set the bar a little bit too high, and I found it difficult to sit down and put together monthly reports that would do it justice. So, going forward, we’re going to be providing shorter-form updates while striving to keep a monthly schedule.

      • Reverse Engineering & Bring-Up Of Linux On The Apple Silicon M1 Continues - Phoronix

        A new status report has been published by the developers of "Asahi Linux" that are continuing to work on providing Linux support for the Apple Silicon initially with the M1 SoC.

      • ASUS Laptop Platform Profile Support Under Review For Linux - Phoronix

        One of the features that has come together nicely for Linux on laptops in recent months has been the platform profile support around the ACPI specification with support from multiple laptop vendors for allowing users to control their power/performance preference based on various system profile configurations. A patch is pending for newer ASUS laptops to enjoy this platform profile control under Linux.

        The platform profile support on Linux has seen the core kernel support since Linux 5.12 and supported by some Lenovo laptops, some Dell laptops, and also some HP laptops. The platform profile control is exposed to user-space via sysfs while both GNOME and KDE desktops have begun offering convenient GUI controls around platform profiles.

      • LightNVM

        • Linux Turning Off The Light - The LightNVM Subsystem To Be Removed

          Merged to the mainline Linux kernel six years ago was the LightNVM subsystem as part of Linux 4.4 LTS around "Open-Channel SSDs". That LightNVM code is now slated for removal with the upcoming Linux 5.15 cycle.

          LightNVM was focused on features around predictable latency, I/O isolation, and better memory management. However, LightNVM has been effectively superseded by the Zoed Namespace (ZNS) command set with NVMe.

    • Applications

      • Ardour 6.9 Digital Audio Workstation Released - Phoronix

        Ardour as one of the leading open-source digital audio workstation (DAW) solutions is out with another new release.

        This GPLv2+ digital audio workstation continues advancing for artists on Linux, macOS, and Windows and suiting the needs of professionals. Ardour 6.9 is another release continuing to support older platforms while Ardour 7.0 looks to be up next and will trim out the older software support -- following Friday's 6.9 release was already 7.0-pre0 being tagged.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Low Bandwidth Images

        But how does this compare to images like on or those at, well, those seem to range from ~50kb to ~120kb, and are all black & white. Now, this isn’t supposed to be a call out post. There’s two reasons to do it the dithered, low palette way: not all browsers supported .webp and, frankly, it’s a stylistic choice. The problem is by showing it as a technical choice for conserving data or helping those with limited bandwidth, it promotes the idea that this is the best way to do it, instead of driving adoption of .webp, a format that if had greater adoption would actually greatly benefit the web at large instead of fringe (albeit amazing) websites like these. This is even weirder when you consider that even Safari has caught up and .webp is basically supported everywhere.

      • How to Install ImageMagick on Ubuntu 20.04 - LinuxCapable

        ImageMagick is a free, open-source application installed as a binary distribution or as a source code. ImageMagick can convert, read, write and process raster images. ImageMagick is also available across all major platforms, including Android, BSD, Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, and many others.

      • How to Install PHP ImageMagick (IMAGICK) on Ubuntu 20.04 - LinuxCapable

        Imagick is a PHP extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick library. Those unfamiliar with the ImageMagick software are open-source, free software that can convert, read, write, and process raster images. Currently, the PHP extension only supports PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. Currently, no PHP 8.0 or 8.1 support exists at this current time.

      • Schedule a task with the Linux at command |

        Computers are good at automation, but not everyone knows how to make automation work. It's a real luxury, though, to be able to schedule a task for a computer at a specific time and then forget about it. Maybe you have a file to upload or download at a specific time, or you need to process a batch of files that don't yet exist but are guaranteed to exist by a certain time or a setting that needs monitoring, or maybe you just need a friendly reminder to pick up bread and butter on the way home from work.

      • Easy way to install Chrome Browser on Elementary OS 6 Odin

        Install Google Chrome Browser on Elementary OS 6 “Odin” using the command terminal. It is a free but propriety software hence that is the reason this internet app is not available in AppCenter or the official repo of Elementary Linux.

        Well, Linux doesn’t deprive of browser out of the box, so the Elementary OS. You will find the one on this Linux that uses Firefox as a base. However, if you are a multiple devices user, for example, an Android one with default Chrome browser with sync feature ON, then for sure you want the same on Linux as well. Therefore, if you want your Chrome browsing history, saved password, and other sync data on Elementary OS as well then follow the below-given steps.

      • How to Connect Your Flask App With CouchDB: A NoSQL Database

        Connecting Flask with SQL databases like PostgreSQL and SQLite is a cinch. But the framework syncs perfectly with NoSQL databases like CouchDB, too. And as an added benefit, you can query your data easily when you use CouchDB with Flask.

        Ready to make a change by using a NoSQL like CouchDB with your Flask app? Here's how to set CouchDB up on your local machine and connect it with Flask.

      • How To Install Tor Browser on Linux Mint 20 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Tor Browser on Linux Mint 20. For those of you who didn’t know, Tor Browser is an open network and free web browser that helps users to defend against traffic analysis, a type of network surveillance that threatens personal privacy and freedom, confidential business relationships, activities, and state security.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of Tor Browser anonymous web surfing on a Linux Mint 20 (Ulyana).

      • How do I change the GRUB timeout in Linux?

        This tutorial shows how to easily change the GRUB timeout in Linux. After reading this tutorial, you’ll know how to edit the Grub timeout in a few steps.

        Before starting, if when you boot your computer, GRUB doesn’t show up, jump to the What to do if GRUB menu doesn’t show up section.

      • How do I shrink my LVM volume?

        One of the most challenging decisions a new user faces when installing Linux is partitioning the disc drive. The requirement to predict how much space will be required for system and user files puts the installation more complicated than it needs to be, as well as some users easily take all of their data into one huge partition to avoid the problem. Logical Volume Management, or LVM, is a packing device management technique that allows users to pool and encapsulate the physical layout of component storage systems for easier and more flexible management. Logical volume management is quite alike to virtualization in that it allows you to build as many virtual storage volumes as you need on top of a particular storage device. The logical storage volumes that result can be increased or decreased to meet your changing storage requirements. In laptop storage, logical volume management (LVM) is a mechanism for allocating space on devices significantly more flexible than traditional partitioning schemes for storage space. Increased abstraction, adaptability, and control are the key benefits of LVM.

        The names of logical volumes can be meaningful. On a running system, volumes can be enlarged dynamically as storage space vary, and they can be readily transferred between physical devices inside the pool or exported. One of the advantages of LVM systems is the ability to efficiently and rapidly scale storage capacity. Of yet, sysadmins frequently need to scale up (increase capacity). It’s also worth noting that LVM can be used to reduce storage capacity. This means you can reduce storage capacity if it is over-allocated (you configured considerably more storage than required). In this guide, we will go over the process to shrink LVM volume in Ubuntu 20.04 system.

      • How to Partition and Format Hard Drive in Manjaro

        Disk partitioning is a way of setting boundaries or creating regions to treat each storage space independently. Some advantages of partitioning a storage space include easy data recovery and backup, better organization, ease of reinstallation, and a new hard disk. However, each partition needs to have an appropriate filesystem, and it must be mounted at a mount point before use.

        The article demonstrates ways to partition disks in Manjaro and explains how to format and mount disk partitions for proper drive usage.

      • How to upgrade Debian 10 to Debian 11 Bullseye using the CLI - nixCraft

        I have Debian 10.10 installed on the AWS EC2 and Linode server. How do I upgrade Debian 10 Buster to Debian 11 Bullseye using the apt command or apt-get command safely? How can I upgrade Debian 10 to Debian 11 using ssh client?

        Debian Linux 11 “Bullseye” is going to release soon. The new version offers updated packages and five years of support. This page explains how to update Debian 10 Buster to Debian 11 Bullseye using command-line options, including upgrading all installed packages.

      • How to use systemctl in Ubuntu

        The systemctl command is the key management tool for init system control. We examine this command and discuss how services are managed, checked status, changed system statements, and configured files.

        An init system has its basic objective to initialize components to be launched after the Linux kernel booting. This system is used to manage services and daemons at all times running in a touring machine.

        The init is no longer the top of each process chain and is replaced by the systemd. The systemd is the initialization and management framework for a Linux operating system. systemd activity is structured by “units” that manage start/stop/restart, etc. Run levels are now substituted for objectives.

      • Input-Output Redirection in Ubuntu

        In Linux, each process has three communication channels: standard input, standard output, and standard error. These communication channels help users interact with the processes on a Linux system. The standard input (STDIN) communication channel takes the input from the user through the terminal as a command, and then after processing the command with the Linux kernel, the terminal displays the result through standard output (STDOUT) or standard error (STDERR) communication channel. The standard output (STDOUT) or standard error (STDERR) of one command can be redirected as the standard input (STDIN) for another command using the “>” I/O redirection, and similarly, a standard input (STDIN) can be redirected as the standard output (STDOUT) for another command using the “<” I/O redirection.

      • How to use Fuseblk in Linux?

        Fuseblk is a fuse-based block mechanism, i.e., a file system based in userspace. It is being used to mount non-root users’ read and write access to NTFS partitions. FUSE is a file system technology for userspace. A kernel module (fuse.ko), a userspace library (libfuse.*), and mount tools are included (fusermount) in it. Allowing safe, non-privileged mounts is among FUSE’s most significant features. This expands the range of applications for file systems. Sshfs, a secure network file system based on the sftp protocol, is an excellent example of it. FUSE is especially helpful when creating virtual file systems. Unlike typical file systems that interact with data stored on mass storage, virtual filesystems do not store data. They serve as a perspective or translation of a file system or storage device that already exists. FUSE does not check file access privileges by default; the file system might implement its access control policies or leave it to the supporting file access method, e.g., in the case of network file systems. This application allows permission checking, which limits access to files based on their mode. Ntfs-formatted drives for all-time mounts with the most known “fuseblk” File System.

    • Wine or Emulation

    • Games

      • Ogre 13 released

        We just tagged the Ogre 13 release, making it the new current and recommended version. We would advise you to update wherever possible, to benefit from all the fixes and improvements that made their way into the new release.

        This release represents 2.5 years of work from various contributors when compared to the previous major 1.12 release. Compared to the last Ogre minor release (1.12.12), however we are only talking about 4 months. Here, you will mainly find bugfixes and the architectural changes that justify the version number bump.

        For source code and pre-compiled SDKs, see the downloads page.

      • Ogre 13 Open-Source Game Engine Released

        Besides the very successful Godot game engine and the up and coming O3DE, Ogre continues progressing as another useful open-source game engine. Out this weekend is Ogre 13.0 as the project switches up its versioning scheme.

        Ogre 13 brings improved API stability for this game engine, the reusable normal map stage can now be combined with GBuffer rendering, improved glyph placement, support for full constant buffers on Direct3D 11, a GLSLang plug-in, DotScene export support, and much more.

      • Video: MiSTer FPGA Overview

        I've owned a MiSTer FPGA for close to two year now. I didn't buy everything all at once and kept adding additional things over time. A few months ago, I finally had the complete setup although there are many aspects of the MiSTer (like analog output) that I have yet to take advantage of. I really enjoy the fact that new cores are coming out every few weeks.


        There are also a large number of video game consoles including the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, and Lynx handheld, Nintendo NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Game Gear handheld, Neo Geo, Turbo Grafx 16 / CD, etc. There is also a wide variety of retro home computers including all of the ones I grew up with. It is just incredible.

      • Linux Native vs Proton - IT DOESN'T MATTER! - Invidious

        Since the Steam Deck was announced, there have been a few heated debates on the value of a native Linux applications compared to a windows version running through proton. Most people see this through the lens of gaming, but Proton could be used to run regular desktop apps, so let's see if, and why, we should care about how an app runs on Linux.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • The Three Laws of FLOSS Projects

          While discussing with a colleague what would be okay to offer KDE patrons in the way of collaborative promotion, I was surprised of how easy it was to decide which activities were appropriate and which inappropriate for a FLOSS project.


          Someone who signs up to your Twitter or Mastodon feed expects to receive information about your project, and that’s it. If you start to show them unrelated information in the shape of sponsored posts or cover images from third companies, you are forcing upon them information they did not ask for. Like the unskippable ads on some video streaming sites, or the advertising included in a supposedly “free” (as in beer) Android app, you are violating their right to control the information they receive.

          Of course, you may argue that readers can always unregister from your feeds and thus regain control. Yes, indeed, that is how I would expect a reader to react. But they would leave precisely because you breached the First Law and, I have to say, I do not believe to have invented these laws. I think that they exist meme-like at the back of the minds of everybody who understands the underlying ethics of Free Software. This means others will be aware of when they are breached (even if they haven’t read this blog post!) and you will risk losing their support.

          Although I didn’t invent them, using the “Three Laws” is a way of expressing them out loud, making them memorable and giving me a yardstick for my work.

        • Big fixes, more customisation, many improvements — Kalendar week 10 (GSoC 2021)

          Over the past week, work has focused on three things: stability, tweaks, and options. Once again, all of your feedback has been valuable and it has driven many of the additions and changes you all have asked about over the past few weeks.


          Last week we showed off our new maps in the incidence information sidebar/drawer, showing the location of an event or todo. This week we added a couple of extra location-related features.

          Clicking on the location text for an incidence now copies this text to your clipboard, letting you quickly paste this location into your desired mapping application. Clicking on the map itself now opens OpenStreetMaps at the incidence’s set location, for extra convenience. You can still click and drag the map to see stuff as usual, but a quick click will open OSM.

    • Distributions

      • Debian Family

        • Debian Edu 11 “Bullseye” Released as a Complete Linux Solution for Schools

          Based on the recently released Debian GNU/Linux 11 “Bullseye” operating system series, Debian Edu 11 “Bullseye” is here to provide you with an out-of-the box environment for configuring a complete and fully capable school network.

          New features in Debian Edu 11 include support for LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) diskless workstations and thin clients supporting the X2Go technology, iPXE network boot support for LTSP compliance, support for graphical iPXE installations, as well as standalone Samba "server" with SMB2/SMB3 support.

        • Debian Edu / Skolelinux Bullseye — a complete Linux solution for your school

          Are you the administrator for a computer lab or an entire school network? Would you like to install servers, workstations, and laptops to work together? Do you want the stability of Debian with network services already preconfigured? Do you wish to have a web-based tool to manage systems and several hundred or even more user accounts? Have you asked yourself if and how older computers could be used?

          Then Debian Edu is for you. The teachers themselves or their technical support can roll out a complete multi-user multi-machine study environment within a few days. Debian Edu comes with hundreds of applications pre-installed, and you can always add more packages from Debian.

          The Debian Edu developer team is happy to announce Debian Edu 11 Bullseye, the Debian Edu / Skolelinux release based on the Debian 11 Bullseye release. Please consider testing it and reporting back (<>) to help us to improve it further.


          These are some items from the release notes for Debian Edu 11 Bullseye, based on the Debian 11 Bullseye release. The full list including more detailed information is part of the related Debian Edu manual chapter.

        • Debian 11 "BullsEye" released with Panfrost & Lima GPU drivers, exFAT support, driverless printing - CNX Software

          Debian 11 “BullsEye” has been released with Panfrost & Lima open-source drivers for Arm GPUs, in-kernel exFAT file system, driverless printing, and many more updates, plus a 5-year support window.

          Debian’s release is significant as the Linux operating system serves as the base for Ubuntu and derivatives, Raspberry Pi OS, and together with Ubuntu, is one of the operating systems supported by Armbian which offers images for a range of Arm-based single board computers.

        • Let's Download Debian 11 LTS Bullseye

          Debian 11 Bullseye operating system finally released on Saturday, 14 August 2021. This is a Long Term Support release with five years of support and has been developed for two years since the previous release Debian 10. It includes full and complete set of tens of thousands of software packages including the digital tools to help combating COVID-19 for health care professionals. This release following the loss of three honorable Debian developers Robert, Karl, and Rogerio who passed away between these years -- to them we would love to offer condolendes and say thank you for all your contributions to us all. Bullseye is available for almost all types of computer available in the world and we can download it for desktop and laptop for both 64-bit and 32-bit as detailed below plus further instructions. Let's download Debian!

        • Debian 11 'Bullseye' Linux distro is here

          Debian is a great operating system in its own right, but also, it makes for an excellent base for other Linux distributions as well. For example, Ubuntu is probably the most well-known Linux distro in the world, and it is based on Debian. There are countless other operating systems, such as deepin Linux, that also stand on Debian's figurative shoulders. That's why it is so significant when a new version of Debian is released.

          And today, that is exactly what is happening. You see, after much testing, Debian 11 is finally available for download! Called "Bullseye," the number of changes is absolutely insane. You see, it has 11,294 totally new packages and 42,821 updated packages. Some major changes include native exFAT support and improved printing.

        • Jonathan Wiltshire: #ReleasingDebianBullseye
        • Debian Bullseye Released – Koipond

          Wow. It is 21:49 in the evening here (I am with isy and sledge in Cambridge) and image testing has completed! The images are being signed, and sledge is running through the final steps to push them out to our servers, and from there out onto the mirror and torrent networks to be available for public download.

          We have had help testing installation images from the regular team; amacater and schweer. With schweer, as ever, covering the edu images. Thank you.

          This release we were joined by bitin who kindly ran through a couple of tests of the default netinst image with both UEFI and BIOS based VMs, before joining a release party.

        • Bullseye release – part 1 – Koipond

          Release of Debian 11 Bullseye is in progress. Building install media is underway, and we’ll be downloading and smoke testing these images just as soon as they become available.

        • Gunnar Wolf● Bullseye arrives. Private ARM64 install fest!

          So today is the day when a new Debian release comes out! Congratulations to everybody, and thanks a lot mainly to the Release Team. Lots of very hard work was put into making Debian 11 €«Bullseye€» a reality!

          My very personal way to celebrate this was to do a somewhat different Debian install at home. Why different? Well, I have quite a bit of old, older and frankly elderly laptops at home. And as many of you know, I have done more than my fair share of Raspberry Pi installs… I have played and worked with assorted ARM machines at least since 2013, and I cannot consider myself a newbie with them by any means.

          But this is the first time I installed Debian on a mass-market, decently-specced ARM64-based laptop. Yes, I know the Pinebook has been there like for ages, but it really does feel like a computer to show off and not to use seriously (and I’ve seen probably too many people fiddling with it, unable to get $foo to work). So I got myself a used Lenovo Yoga C630. Yes, a discontinued product — it seems Lenovo was not able to properly market this machine, and it had a pretty short shelf life — the machine was available for samples in late 2018 and for general sale in 2019! The specs are quite decent:

        • FLOSSLinux: And we're almost there with media testing - 202108142013

          It's been quite a long day - last few normal tests are being run through now.

          Lots more involvement from more people: nothing too catastrophic and a good many installs run through. The usual back and forth and noticing odd things that crop up: it's always interesting to get someone else's viewpoint and second pair of eyes on something.

          Thanks also to Schweer who's done his usual solo testing of all the Debian-Edu software, quietly and with no fuss.

        • FLOSSLinux: Still chasing through release testing Debian media for Bullseye release 202108141655

          Lots of people - lots of effort - we're gradually closing in on a last few tests.

          It's been quite a long time but we're significantly ahead of where we would be on many tests for release candidates and main releases. It's always fun to do and chat back and forth. Having new testers check in from tomorrow (Australia) has also been a novelty.

        • FLOSSLinux: Vanilla Debian on a Raspberry Pi 4 with UEFI

          Thanks to the good folk who put the hard work into building a UEFI implementation for the Raspberry Pi 4 which "just works", allowing you to install Debian straightforwardly, and especially to Pete Batard who has written up the process and collected a zip file together.

        • Clint Adams: upgrayedd
        • Debian 11 "bullseye" has been released! - Bits from Debian

          Want to install it? Choose your favourite installation media and read the installation manual. You can also use an official cloud image directly on your cloud provider, or try Debian prior to installing it using our "live" images.

          Already a happy Debian user and you only want to upgrade? You can easily upgrade from your current Debian 10 "buster" installation; please read the release notes.

          Do you want to celebrate the release? We provide some bullseye artwork that you can share or use as base for your own creations. Follow the conversation about bullseye in social media via the #ReleasingDebianBullseye and #Debian11Bullseye hashtags or join an in-person or online Release Party!

        • Debian 11 bullseye released

          After 2 years, 1 month, and 9 days of development, the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 11 (code name bullseye), which will be supported for the next 5 years thanks to the combined work of the Debian Security team and the Debian Long Term Support team.

          Debian 11 bullseye ships with several desktop applications and environments. Amongst others it now includes the desktop environments:

        • Debian GNU/Linux 11 “Bullseye” Officially Released, This Is What’s New

          More than two years in the works, Debian GNU/Linux 11 “Bullseye” is here with lots of updated components and new GNU/Linux technologies to keep up with the times. It’s powered by the Linux 5.10 LTS kernel series, which will be supported for the next five years, until December 2026, and offers improved hardware support.

          Software-wise, all supported desktop environments have been updated to newer versions, including GNOME 3.38, KDE Plasma 5.20, Xfce 4.16, LXQt 0.16, LXDE 11, and MATE 1.24. Under the hood, Debian GNU/Linux 11 uses the GCC 10.2 system compiler, as well as GNU C Library 2.31, LLVM 11.0.1, and other technologies.

        • Debian 11 Bullseye is Here After 2 Years Development, Here's What's New

          The Debian Project has finally released a new stable version Debian 11 “Bullseye”. Let’s see what are the new features.

          After just over 2 years of development, the Debian Project released the latest stable version of its operating system, code name “Bullseye” today. This is a little over two years since the release of Debian 10 “Buster,” which came out 6 July 2019.

          Debian is one of the most stable and versatile Linux distributions that you can find. It is a very important distribution. Since many operating systems are based on Debian, the release of Bullseye will have a huge impact on the Linux community overall.

        • Debian GNU/Hurd 2021 Released With Experimental Rump-Based Userland Disk Driver, Go Port - Phoronix

          In addition to Debian GNU/Linux 11 set for release today, Debian GNU/Hurd 2021 has been released as the unofficial port of Debian to the GNU Hurd micro-kernel.

          Debian GNU/Hurd remains an unofficial port and thus not a formal release alongside today's Debian 11 Bullseye festivities. Debian GNU/Hurd represents a snapshot of the current development state as of the Debian 11.0 release time so is similar in nature and mostly the same sources.

          Given the current Hurd limitations, Debian GNU/Hurd 2021 remains just available for i386 and currently builds around 70% of the package archive. The overall hardware support of Debian GNU/Hurd remains quite poor so mostly just useful if you want to spin up a limited virtual machine.

        • Debian GNU/Hurd 2021 released!
          It is with huge pleasure that the Debian GNU/Hurd team announces the
          release of Debian GNU/Hurd 2021.  This is a snapshot of Debian "sid" at
          the time of the stable Debian "bullseye" release (August 2021), so it is
          mostly based on the same sources.  It is not an official Debian release,
          but it is an official Debian GNU/Hurd port release.

          The installation ISO images can be downloaded from cdimage ( in the usual three Debian flavors: NETINST, CD, or DVD. Besides the friendly Debian installer, a pre-installed disk image is also available, making it even easier to try Debian GNU/Hurd. The easiest way to run it is inside a VM such as qemu (

          Debian GNU/Hurd is currently available for the i386 architecture with about 70% of the Debian archive, and more to come!

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • 16 Popular Free And Open Source UML tools

        UML stands for unified modeling language and it is used heavily when designing computer systems large and small, it looks like boxes and arrows with some text.

        It is an open standard that isn't controlled by any specific vendor this means that you can learn it easily.

        UML is an industry-standard, graphical language for specifying, visualizing, and constructing software systems' artifacts.

      • Web Browsers

      • FSF

        • GNU Projects

          • grep-3.7 released

            This is to announce grep-3.7, a stable release.

            There have been 33 commits by 6 people in the 40 weeks since 3.6.

            See the NEWS below for a brief summary.

            Thanks to everyone who has contributed! The following people contributed changes to this release:

            Helge Kreutzmann (1) Jim Meyering (15) Kevin Locke (2) Marek Suppa (1) Mateusz Okulus (1) Paul Eggert (13)

            There were also 855 changes via the gnulib submodule. ================================================================== Here is the GNU grep home page:

            Here are the compressed sources: (2.6MB) (1.6MB)

            Here are the GPG detached signatures[*]:

            Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

            Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums:

            5359ea0105cedfa21a63c89b22e0d7b41b016a40 grep-3.7.tar.gz wisM8tT2u+WZyQI4foBYmQ4e7pmu8zOiA4KeX9Pbs0I grep-3.7.tar.gz 4d56da85e468e4012c81533a22052014a4c98b17 grep-3.7.tar.xz XBDaMSRgrschmE1dgyRtJFIOxDjdSNerWgXbwNbWgjw grep-3.7.tar.xz

            The SHA256 checksum is base64 encoded, instead of the hexadecimal encoding that most checksum tools default to.

            [*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this:

            gpg --verify grep-3.7.tar.gz.sig

            If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, then run this command to import it:

            gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 7FD9FCCB000BEEEE

            and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

            This release was bootstrapped with the following tools: Autoconf 2.71 Automake 1.16d Gnulib v0.1-4847-g1cb09be022

            =============================== NEWS

            * Noteworthy changes in release 3.7 (2021-08-14) [stable]

            ** Changes in behavior

            Use of the --unix-byte-offsets (-u) option now evokes a warning. Since 3.1, this Windows-only option has had no effect.

            ** Bug fixes

            Preprocessing N patterns would take at least O(N^2) time when too many patterns hashed to too few buckets. This now takes seconds, not days: : | grep -Ff <(seq 6400000 | tr 0-9 A-J) [Bug#44754 introduced in grep 3.5]

      • Programming/Development

        • Dirk Eddelbuettel: RApiDatetime 0.0.5 (and 0.0.6): Updated (Twice)

          After nearly two years, the RApiDatetime package on CRAN has received an update, followed-up a quick bug fix.

          RApiDatetime provides a number of entry points for C-level functions of the R API for Date and Datetime calculations. The functions asPOSIXlt and asPOSIXct convert between long and compact datetime representation, formatPOSIXlt and Rstrptime convert to and from character strings, and POSIXlt2D and D2POSIXlt convert between Date and POSIXlt datetime. Lastly, asDatePOSIXct converts to a date type. All these functions are rather useful, but were not previously exported by R for C-level use by other packages. Which this package aims to change.

        • Dirk Eddelbuettel: x13binary 1.1.57-2 on CRAN: Packaging Updates

          Release 1.1.57-2 of the x13binary package providing the X-13ARIMA-SEATS program by the US Census Bureau is now on CRAN.

          This release comes a mere week after the previous release 1.1.57-1 and cleans up two packaging aspects. It corrects a (non-bash) shell script snippet for SunOS, and turns off the prohibition of staged install (which was needed a while back for macOS). No other changes were made; please see last week’s release post for more about x13binary and the 1.1.57 release.

        • JS

          • What is the typeof Operator in JavaScript?

            The typeof is an operator present in most programming languages and is used to check the datatype of an operand (opernad: the variable which is operated on).

            In this write-up, we will learn all about the typeof operator, what it is and how to use it; but first, we need to understand what data types are.

          • Top 5 JavaScript Code Editors and IDEs [Ed: Too much Microsoft there]

            Code editors are text editor programs specifically designed to write and edit source code of a software while IDEs (integrated development environments) provide tools and facilities required for software development; IDEs consist of code editors debuggers and build automation tools. They provide a single environment where everything can be done, from writing to executing the code. This increases the productivity of the developers and makes their lives easier.

          • Top 5 JavaScript Online Code Editors

            Online code editors allow you to start writing code without any setup. These code editors can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. Most of them are free and have collaboration features that allow remote team members to contribute to a project easily. Some of these online tools only have basic features, while others are full-fledged IDEs.

          • Top 10 JavaScript Online Courses

            JavaScript is a scripting language widely used across the internet to enhance the user experience by adding interactive and dynamic elements to a webpage. It converts static pages (made by CSS & HTML) into dynamic ones that catch the user’s attention. JavaScript can run without communicating with the server as the client-side’s source code is processed by the client’s browser.

            Slideshows, change in the colour of a button when the cursor hovers over it, displays of a time countdown are common examples of interactive elements added by JavaScript to a website.

            Some People have a misconception that Java and JavaScript are similar. There is no similarity between them other than their names.

          • What is the Slice() method in JavaScript

            JavaScript is the language that is used to make the website dynamic and more interactive. In any programming language, arrays play an important role in storing data and managing different types of data. Developers often need to filter out the array, merge multiple arrays, and push or pop elements from an array to fulfill the required tasks. In this post, we learn about a well-known array’s function, “slice().”

          • Beginners guide to classes in JavaScript

            Classes are a template/blueprint for objects. They simplify the process of creating multiple objects with similar properties and methods. Classes were not present in ES5 and were introduced in the ES6 version of JavaScript. Classes are merely syntactic sugar in JavaScript, built on top of prototypes, and work in the same manner behind the scenes.

          • How to use JavaScript Array Reduce Function

            Javascript provides many built-in array functions for getting tasks done quickly and in an efficient way. Javascript reduce() function is one of those popular functions used to iterate over an array’s elements and get the desired result.

            In this post, we will grasp the concept of the javascript reduce() function. What is a reduce() function, and how can we use it to help in simplifying the Javascript code and complete the tasks efficiently and most quickly.

          • JavaScript Array Contains/Includes

            Javascript provides many built-in array functions for getting tasks done quickly and in an efficient way. Javascript filter() function is one of those popular functions used to iterate over an array’s elements and get the desired result.

            In this post, we will grasp the concept of the javascript filter() function. What is a filter() function, and how can we use it to help in simplifying the Javascript code and complete the tasks efficiently and most quickly.

          • JavaScript Array Filter Function

            Javascript provides many built-in array functions for getting tasks done quickly and in an efficient way. Javascript filter() function is one of those popular functions used to iterate over an array’s elements and get the desired result.

            In this post, we will grasp the concept of the javascript filter() function. What is a filter() function, and how can we use it to help in simplifying the Javascript code and complete the tasks efficiently and most quickly.

          • JavaScript Date Object – Explained
          • JavaScript For Loop – Tutorial for Beginners
          • JavaScript Functions – Explained with Examples for Beginners
          • JavaScript If else and else if statements – Explained
          • JavaScript Interview Questions
          • JavaScript Merging and Concatenating Arrays
          • JavaScript Objects/Dictionary – Explained
          • JavaScript String includes/contains
          • JavaScript Switch Statement – Explained
          • JavaScript forEach Loop
          • JavaScript vs. Java
        • Python

          • How to Use the Difflib Module in Python

            This article will cover a guide on using the “difflib” module in Python. The difflib module can be used to compare two Python objects of certain types and view similarities or differences between them. All code samples in this article are tested with Python 3.9.5 on Ubuntu 21.04.

  • Leftovers

    • Who is TikTok’s masked vigilante?

      The game is online trolling, and the prize is that the Great Londini tracks you down.

      If you're a troll you may think you can safely hide behind an anonymous account name. But Londini works on the premise that he can discover your real identity within seven to eight clicks.

    • Health/Nutrition

      • Opinion | The Far Right's Deadly Embrace of Anti-Vaccine Stupidity

        You’d think that the whole world could unite against a deadly virus. COVID-19 has already sickened over 200 million people around the world and killed over 4 million. It has now mutated into more contagious forms that threaten to plunge the globe into another spin cycle of lockdown.

      • Child Hospitalization for Covid-19 Hits All-Time High in US: Report

        The U.S. hit a troubling milestone Saturday as federal data showed the most children to date hospitalized due to Covid-19.

        "Our students under 12 can't get vaccinated. It's our responsibility to keep them safe. Keeping them safe means that everyone who can be vaccinated should be vaccinated." —Becky Pringle, NEA

      • 'This was a race and we lost': How US doctors really feel about Covid surge

        We went back to several healthcare professionals - doctors, nurses, and medical staff - who we spoke to last summer, to ask how they are faring nearly 18 months into the Covid pandemic.

        Here's what they told us.

      • Facial recognition AI helps save multibillion dollar grape crop

        Extracting useful information from such a large, high-resolution image was Jiang’s challenge, and his team used AI to solve it. Using breakthroughs in deep neural networks developed for computer vision tasks like face recognition, Jiang applied this knowledge to the analysis of microscopic images of grape leaves. In addition, Jiang and his team implemented the visualization of the network inferential processes, which help biologists better understand the analysis process and build confidence with AI models.

        Working together, Cadle-Davidson’s team tests and validates what the robots see, enabling Jiang’s team to teach them how to identify biological traits more effectively. The results are astounding, Cadle-Davison said. Research experiments that used to take his entire lab team six months to complete now take the BlackBird robots just one day.

      • If You Skip the Vaccine, It Is My ‘Damn Business’

        Johnson and all the others are wrong. Wearing a helmet while bike riding, strapping on your seatbelt in a car — these are personal decisions, at least as far as your own injuries are concerned. Vaccination is different. In the context of a deadly and often debilitating contagion, in which the unchecked spread of infection has consequences for the entire society, vaccination is not a personal decision. And inasmuch as the United States has struggled to achieve herd immunity against Covid-19 through vaccination, it is because we refuse to treat the pandemic for what it is: a social problem to solve through collective action.

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • Microsoft Confirms (Yet Another) PrintNightmare Flaw as Ransomware Actors Pounce

          Exasperated Windows fleet administrators woke up Thursday to news of a new, unpatched Print Spooler vulnerability that leaves machines exposed to remote code execution attacks.

        • Pseudo-Open Source

          • Privatisation/Privateering

            • Linux Foundation

              • Industry leaders come together to drive the growth of eBPF as a transformational technology

                The Linux Foundation announced that it is hosting the eBPF Foundation. Founding members include Facebook, Google, Isovalent, Microsoft and Netflix. This comes in advance of the eBPF Summit, a free and virtual event taking place August 18-19, 2021.

                eBPF allows developers to safely and efficiently embed programs in any piece of software, including the operating system kernel. As a result, eBPF is quickly becoming the method of choice for achieving a wide range of infrastructure use cases, delivering significant efficiency and performance gains and dramatically reducing the complexity of the system. For example, Facebook is using eBPF as the primary software-defined load balancer in its data centers, and Google is using Cilium to bring eBPF-based networking and security to the managed Kubernetes offerings GKE and Anthos.

        • Security

          • Privacy/Surveillance

            • Apple says its iCloud scanning will rely on multiple child safety groups to address privacy fears

              Apple’s upcoming iOS and iPadOS releases will automatically match US-based iCloud Photos accounts against known CSAM from a list of image hashes compiled by child safety groups. While many companies scan cloud storage services remotely, Apple’s device-based strategy has drawn sharp criticism from some cryptography and privacy experts.

              The paper, called “Security Threat Model Review of Apple’s Child Safety Features,” hopes to allay privacy and security concerns around that rollout. It builds on a Wall Street Journal interview with Apple executive Craig Federighi, who outlined some of the information this morning.

            • Facebook, Amazon seek U.S. approval to operate undersea data cable

              The two companies told the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) they intend to start commercial operation by late 2022 and said the new data connection will provide significant new capacity on routes where capacity demand continues to increase substantially each year.

              The companies in a joint filing said the new cable will help to support Facebook applications and provide Amazon and its affiliates with capacity to support Amazon's cloud services and connect its data centers.

            • News Sites: Readers need to "buy back" their own data at an exorbitant price

              Today, noyb filed complaints against the cookie paywalls of seven major German and Austrian news websites:,,,,, and An increasing amount of websites asks their users to either agree to data being passed on to hundreds of tracking companies (which generates a few cents of revenue for the website) or take out a subscription (for up to € 80 per year). Can consent be considered “freely given” if the alternative is to pay 10, 20 or 100 times the market price of your data to keep it to yourself?

            • Smart cities are neither, 2021 edition

              As Williams writes, the smart city always starts with the rejections of participatory dialogue ("What would we like in our neighborhood?") in favor of technocratic analysis ("They will design data collection that will inform them to what they will do with our neighborhood").

              Technocrats don't want dialogue about surveillance because the dialogue always leads to a rejection. The Sidewalk Labs consultations in Toronto were overwhelmingly dominated by people who didn't want a giant American monopolist spying on their literal footsteps 24/7.

            • Google Bans Location Data Firm Funded by Former Saudi Intelligence Head

              Google has banned SafeGraph, a location data firm whose investors include a former head of Saudi intelligence, Motherboard has learned. The ban means that any apps working with SafeGraph had to remove the offending location gathering code from their apps. SafeGraph markets its data to government entities and a wide range of industries, but it also sells the data on the open market to essentially anyone.

            • Amazon’s Plan to Track Worker Keystrokes: A Sign of Controls to Come?

              The company added that it’s considering using a company called BehavioSec, which uses the aggregate data of a user’s mouse clicks and keystrokes to develop a profile of their typical behavior. Once that baseline of typical behavior is established, the BehavioSec tool will identify when someone’s activity is unusual. But based on Motherboard’s reporting, Amazon doesn’t seem to have settled on a final plan.

            • Amazon to Monitor Customer Service Workers’ Keyboard and Mouse Strokes

              For legal reasons, the document says Amazon is "facing challenges around collecting keystrokes data." For that reason, the company looked more at "privacy-aware" models that instead collect anonymous keyboard data, the document says.

            • Big Tech call center workers face pressure to accept home surveillance

              The concerns of the workers, who all spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, highlight a pandemic-related trend that has alarmed privacy and labor experts: As many workers have shifted to performing their duties at home, some companies are pushing for increasing levels of digital monitoring of their staff in an effort to recreate the oversight of the office at home.

              The issue is not isolated to Teleperformance’s workers in Colombia. The company states on its website that it offers similar monitoring through its TP Cloud Campus product, the software it uses to enable staff to work remotely in more than 19 markets. An official Teleperformance promotional video for TP Cloud Campus from January 2021 describes how it uses “AI to monitor clean desk policy and fraud” among its remote workers by analyzing camera feeds. And in its latest earnings statement, released in June, Teleperformance said it has shifted 240,000 of its approximately 380,000 employees to working from home thanks to the TP Cloud Campus product.

            • Survivors Laud Apple's New Tool To Spot Child Sex Abuse But The Backlash Is Growing

              The petition said the new feature sets "a precedent where our personal devices become a radical new tool for invasive surveillance, with little oversight to prevent eventual abuse and unreasonable expansion of the scope of surveillance."

              The opposition also includes the head of Facebook's encrypted messaging service WhatsApp and Edward Snowden. Even some Apple employees have raised concerns, prompting a debate inside the company.

              India McKinney of the Electronic Frontier Foundation says the technology amounts to "putting a bunch of scanners in a black box onto your phone."

              She said Apple has bowed to authoritarian governments before. For example, it sells iPhones in Saudi Arabia without FaceTime because local laws prohibit encrypted calls. So the fear is that Apple will make similar concessions with its photo-scanning technology.

    • Defence/Aggression

    • Environment

      • Heat continues after a scorching July to forget: Severe drought and heat wave, explained

        The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Monday that California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada all experienced their warmest July on record last month. Since it started on July 13, the Dixie Fire has grown to become the largest single fire in the state's history, burning nearly a half million acres and almost 900 structures.

        Meanwhile, meteorologists expect more triple-digit temperatures in the regions that need it least in central California and the Pacific Northwest. In addition to fueling destructive wildfires, all the heat is exacerbating a drought that's already at near-biblical proportions.

      • What Does It Mean for a Whole Nation to Become Uninhabitable?

        Devi Lockwood spent five years traveling the globe talking to people about changes they were seeing to their local water and climates. Here are some of the stories she heard.

      • We Can’t Fight the Climate Crisis Without Fighting the Military-Industrial Complex

        The US military is the single largest industrial consumer of oil and gas and one of the largest polluters in the history of the world. According to a Brown University report, between 2001 and 2019, the US war in Afghanistan caused the emission of 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases and resulted in deforestation and the toxic burning of munitions.

        It’s not just US military operations. The United States is responsible for 37 percent of the global arms trade. During the fiscal year (FY) 2020, US weapons manufacturers sold foreign countries over $175 billion in arms, 24 percent of which went to Saudi Arabia.

      • Opinion | The Climate Emergency is a Global Public Health Threat

        The recent UN report on climate change alerts the world to the dramatic consequences to the environment that increasing global warming trends in our planet pose for our survival. One of these negative consequences is on people’s health, particularly in developing countries that don’t have the financial resources to deal with them.

      • 'High Casualties' Feared After 7.2-Magnitude Quake Hits Haiti

        This is a breaking news story... Check back for possible updates...

        Fears of widespread death, injury, and damage took hold Saturday morning after a large earthquake struck western Haiti, tremors that impacted highly-populated areas and triggered an initial tsunami warning for coastal areas in the Caribbean that were subsequently deemed unnecessary.

      • Energy

      • Overpopulation

        • Cameroon Says Fight Over Water Leaves Many Dead or Wounded

          Frequent conflicts occur between the Mousgoum fishermen and Arab Choua cattle ranchers over water from the Logone river separating Cameroon from Chad.

          The Logone and Chari Division is part of the Lake Chad Basin. Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic, Niger and Benin, member countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, say the lake's water resources have diminished by 70% within the past 50 years.

        • Drought: Santa Cruz on brink of Stage 2 water shortage

          Santa Cruz is dependent upon local rainfall for all of its water supply. The city received slightly more than half of its average rainfall this year. When full, Loch Lomond holds just one year’s water supply for Santa Cruz water customers and is the city’s sole “water insurance policy” in times of drought.

    • Finance

      • More Workers Are Saying That Minimum-Wage Jobs Just Aren't Worth It Anymore
      • 'DeJoy and Bloom Are Bandits': Top Dem Calls for Removal of Postal Service Chiefs

        The removal of both U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and Ron Bloom, chair of the Postal Service Board of Governors, was demanded Friday night after it was reported that DeJoy had purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of publicly-traded bonds from an investment firm for which Bloom is a managing partner—a transaction critics say is a gross breach of government ethics.

        "I'm stuck on DeJoy's purchase of bonds from the company in which his quasi-boss is a managing partner, because I wonder whether it affects Bloom's ability to protect the public interest in his assessment of DeJoy's performance as postmaster general."—Kathleen Clark, law professor at Washington University

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • The Congresswoman Behind FOSTA Is Coming for OnlyFans

        The spokesperson added that the platform uses several third-party technologies to find and prevent abusive material, including detection software Safer, Microsoft PhotoDNA which is also used by platforms including Adobe and Facebook, moderation software Sight Engine, as well as OnlyFans' own proprietary technology and a human moderation teams that review all content.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

      • Christian Woman in Pakistan Accused of Blasphemy for Simply Receiving a Text

        International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Christian woman in Pakistan has been arrested for allegedly violating the country’s notorious blasphemy laws after she received a text message on WhatsApp. Following the arrest, the Christian woman’s family fled into hiding due to death threats from religious extremists.

        On July 29, Shagufta Rafiq was accused of committing blasphemy and arrested in an armed police raid on her home in Islamabad. Shagufta was charged under 295-A and 295-B of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and could face life in prison if convicted.

      • PayPal and the ADL: A Match Made in Censorship Hell

        In fact, this exact thing has already happened once before with PayPal, which has been banning and cancelling the accounts of various groups and individuals over the last few years. In 2018, the company came under fire when, alongside its ban of the far-right Proud Boys, it also threw in the accounts of several anti-fascist groups for good measure. Just like when Reddit included a host of left-leaning subreddits in its purge of violent and hateful content last year, these platforms have a commercial interest in appearing to be equally opposed to extremists on “both sides,” even when one of those sides is violent racists like the Proud Boys and the other is people who oppose and confront those racists.

        But PayPal’s partnership with the ADL threatens to go even further down this worrying road. The ADL, which was founded in 1913 as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, has been on the right side of many issues related to racism and intolerance, but it also has a long history of acting as essentially an informal lobbying group for the Israeli government, and in the process conflating opposition to Israel’s apartheid policies with actual antisemitism — as well as attacking the Left and skirting dangerously close to bigotry itself.

      • Cancel culture has plenty of culture left to cancel

        Perhaps the most insidious part of today’s cancel culture scourge is this: Who knows what new films will soon be labeled “problematic” for breaking rules yet to be written? If two-year-old material must be instantly “reframed,” what hope do we have for future art?

        Today’s Hollywood stars rarely defend their work, cowering in fear that they might be canceled next. Too many press outlets won’t stand up for politically incorrect art, either. recently capped a four-part cancel culture series that all but waved pompoms in its general direction.

    • Freedom of Information/Freedom of the Press

      • Sarah Rainsford on Russia: 'I've been told I can't come back - ever'

        "The reality is that they don't want people like that here. It's much easier to have fewer people here who understand and who can talk directly to people and hear their stories. It's much easier, perhaps, to have people who don't speak the language, don't know the country so deeply. I really think it is indicative of an increasingly difficult and repressive environment. "

    • Civil Rights/Policing

    • Monopolies

      • Copyrights

        • Twitch Finally Gets Around to Telling Streamers Why They’re Banned

          Twitch has been unprepared to deal with the huge onslaught of DMCA takedowns from the music industry. They’ve admitted such in their apology to gamers when the DMCA bomb dropped, leading to many streamers ban.

        • Rockstar Begins A War On Modders For 'GTA' Games For Totally Unclear Reasons

          There are two types of video game publishers: those that embrace their modding communities and those that do not. The latter group is in something of a spectrum. iD Software, for instance, has long kept the modding community open and operating on its Doom titles, while developer 1C embraced its modding community so much that it built some mods into official releases. Other publishers have gone into full restriction mode, shutting down modding communities and even going after them over supposed copyright infringement violations.

        • Internet Archive Wants Publishers' Sales Data to Show Digital Library Doesn't Hurt Sales

          In June 2020, major publishers Hachette, HarperCollins, John Wiley and Penguin Random House sued the Internet Archive, claiming that its Open Library is effectively a pirate site. The Internet Archive disputes this characterization and is now demanding that the publishers hand over sales data to show that its lending had little or no effect on the commercial performance of books.

Recent Techrights' Posts

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Free Software Community Folks Are Closer Together Than the Cliques and Opportunists Rallying Around "Open Source" (Openwashing, Marketing, Conniving)
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