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Links 10/03/2023: Bodhi Linux 7.0.0 Alpha and Thunderbird for Android Coming

  • GNU/Linux

    • Unix MenWhat You Need to Become a Linux Programmer

      Are you looking to become a Linux programmer? The open-source operating system is a popular choice among developers and is widely used in the tech industry.

      Programming is a challenging and rewarding field, and Linux programming is no exception. To become a Linux programmer, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of coding fundamentals and be able to work with the Linux operating system.

      We’ll go over 14 skills that are essential for any Linux programmer, paying close attention to the programming languages, tools, and other important elements required to make the most out of your experience. With the right knowledge, resources, and dedication, you can become a successful Linux programmer in no time.

    • Server

      • Avi Alkalay: Wonders of NextCloud

        CIOs must pay attention to NextCloud.

        It is an open source solution that kinda let you run your own Google Drive, own Google Apps, own Dropbox, own iCloud on your own servers and storage.

        Has an App Store with hundreds of extensions, vibrant community, supports multiple users with file sharing and pretty advanced collaboration, conference calls, corporate mobile device management, security and encryption, and much more.

        They also provide free and mature desktop and mobile apps that let users sync part or whole filesets with their devices for offline use (similar to Dropbox but limitless and with far more features). Iâ€Ã¢â€žÂ¢m running it on my family server and my folks (and me) are pretty impressed.

      • Riccardo Padovani: No heroes needed

        Being a hero is nice, isn’t it? You work hard, single-handedly save the day, and your teammates are eternally grateful to you. However, such behavior is, in fact, highly problematic.

        In Google, we have an internal document, quite often quoted, that says to let things fail if the workload to keep them alive is too high. From Google, many good practices have been exported and adopted in the IT world, and I believe this could be very useful to many teams.

      • Charles Plessy: If you work at Dreamhost, can you help us?

        Update: thanks to the very kind involvment of the widow of our wemaster, we could provide enough private information to Dreamhost, who finally accepted to reset the password and the MFA. We have recovered evrything! Many thanks to everybody who helped us!

        Due to tragic circumstances, one association that I am part of, Sciencescope got locked out of its account at Dreamhost. Locked out, we can not pay the annual bill. Dreamhost contacted us about the payment, but will not let us recover the access to our account in order to pay. So they will soon close the account. Our website, mailing lists and archives, will be erased. We provided plenty of evidence that we are not scammers and that we are the legitimate owners of the account, but reviewing it is above the pay grade of the custommer support (I don't blame them) and I could not convince them to let somebody higher have a look at our case.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • Tux DigitalSudo show 60: Private Cloud Strikes Back

        The hosts get together to discuss the apparent growth trend of Private Cloud, to us it sounds like a combination of cost savings, Edge computing and getting workloads closer to the user. Let us know what you think in the TuxDigital forum, or join us on Discord.

      • Tux DigitalLinux Out Loud 53: Unpopular Opinions Part 2

        This week, Linux Out Loud chats about unpopular tech opinions, part 2. Welcome to episode 53 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up our mics, connected those headphones as we searched the community for themes to expound upon. We kept the banter friendly, the conversation somewhat on topic, and had fun doing it.

      • Kernel Podcast: S2E3 – 2023/03/09

        Season 2 – Episode 3 – 2023/03/09


        The latest stable kernel is Linux 6.2.2, released by Greg Kroah-Hartman on March 3rd 2023. The latest mainline (development) kernel is 6.3-rc1, released by Linus on March 5th 2023.

    • Kernel Space

      • LWNLinux 6.2.3
        I'm announcing the release of the 6.2.3 kernel.

        All users of the 6.2 kernel series must upgrade.

        The updated 6.2.y git tree can be found at: git:// linux-6.2.y and can be browsed at the normal git web browser:


        greg k-h
      • LWNLinux 6.1.16
      • LWNLinux 5.15.99
    • Applications

      • Linux LinksMachine Learning in Linux: Upscayl – image upscaler

        This series looks at highly promising machine learning and deep learning software for Linux.

        Upscayl is GUI software that uses sophisticated AI models to enhance your images by guessing what the details could be. It’s free and open source software.

      • LWNa2ps 4.15 released

        Version 4.15 of the "anything to PostScript" filter a2ps has been released — the first release since 2007. ""This release contains few user-visible changes. It does however contain a lot of changes “under the hood”: code clean-up, etc. Therefore, it’s likely that there are new bugs.""

      • LWNSamba 4.18.0 released

        Version 4.18 of the Samba interoperability suite is out. Changes include some significant performance improvements, better error messages, and more; click below for the details.

      • WordPressWordPress 6.2 Release Candidate 1

        WordPress 6.2 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download and testing.

        This version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on production or mission-critical websites. Instead, it is recommended that you test RC 1 on a test server and site.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • ID RootHow To Install Wallabag on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Wallabag on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, Wallabag is a self-hosted application that allows users to save web content for later reading.

      • Daniel Berrange: creating tiny initrds for testing QEMU or Linux kernel/userspace behaviour

        As a virtualization developer a significant amount of time is spent in understanding and debugging the behaviour and interaction of QEMU and the guest kernel/userspace code. As such my development machines have a variety of guest OS installations that get booted for various tasks. Some tasks, however, require a repeated cycle of QEMU code changes, or QEMU config changes, followed by guest testing. Waiting for an OS to boot can quickly become a significant time sink affecting productivity and lead to frustration. What is needed is a very low overhead way to accomplish simple testing tasks without an OS getting in the way.

        Enter ‘‘ tool for creating minimal initrd images.

        If invoked with no arguments, this tool will create an initrd containing nothing more than busybox. The “init” program will be a script that creates a few device nodes, mounts proc/sysfs and then runs the busybox ‘sh’ binary to provide an interactive shell. This is intended to be used as follows

      • ZDNetHow to install Linux on an old laptop

        Linux has been my primary operating system since 1997. When I first started using the open-source OS, it was not easy. There was a lot of command line work to do and keeping my 33.6k modem online was a nightmare. With some serious persistence, I made it work and eventually made a career out of covering Linux and open-source software.

        Back in those days, installing Linux on a laptop was something only the most skilled users could pull off. The problem was (at the time) Linux didn't have a great deal of support for things like Wi-Fi cards, sound, and video. Because of that, it was pretty hit-and-miss. You might try to install your favorite Linux distribution, only to find out it didn't support your video card. Try a different distribution that did support your video card, but not your sound card. If you were really good with the command line, you could install firmware for the hardware to get it running.

        Eventually, Linux caught up to the competition until it found support for most hardware (save for maybe cutting edge graphics and some newer peripherals). Even then, the Linux community has been doing a great job of keeping pace with the likes of Windows and MacOS.

      • Make Use OfHow to Install Slack on Linux

        You might have seen your team members using Slack on their Windows systems. But what if you are a Linux user and don’t want to switch to Windows just to stay connected with your team? Luckily, Slack is also available for Linux.

        Whether you're using Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, or any other Linux distribution, the installation process for Slack is straightforward and just requires a few simple commands. Let’s see how you can install Slack on Linux.

      • Make Use Offd Is a Blazingly Fast Way to Find Files on Linux

        Finding files in the terminal is a pain. It's slow, and the find command requires very specific arguments to ensure you locate the file you're looking for.

        fd is designed to be a simple, quick, intuitive, and easy-to-use replacement for the find command. Here's how to install and use fd on Linux.

      • Make Use OfHow to Get the Best Linux Features With Windows Apps

        Even though Linux is a term that applies to many different flavors of operating system, there are a handful of features that Linux users will know well, but Windows users have to go without.

        Thankfully, much like Linux, Windows leaves power in the hands of the user. Let's have a look at a handful of different features you can pull over from Linux into your own Windows system

      • Make Use Ofspeedread Lets You Rapidly Assimilate Text Documents on Linux

        Reading is a great way to pass the time, and a means to both expand your knowledge of the world around you and indulge in idle flights of fancy through fiction. But there are only 24 hours in a day, and there's a limit to how many words you can force your eyeballs to take in during a lunch break at work.

        speedread is a terminal-based Linux app that can jack those numbers up, and help you to read faster and more efficiently than ever before.

      • UNIX CopHow to get the latest version of GCC on Debian 11

        Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to get the latest version of GCC in Debian 11. GCC is the compiler of the GNU project for C language, and one of the most important bases that we have on Linux.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KDE: Porting away from gbm_surface

          Until recently, the drm backend of KWin used gbm_surfaces for getting buffers to display on the screen. This is a relatively simple API that allows to extend what one can do with a EGL surfaces - you get to directly choose buffer format and modifiers and you get a gbm buffer after rendering a frame, which you can then use with the drm API to actually get the image on the screen.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • LinuxiacElementary OS 7’s Latest Update Enhances Functionality

      In recent years, elementary OS has consistently ranked as one of the best desktop-oriented Linux distributions. It has a sleek, modern, intuitive user interface called Pantheon that is easy to use and visually appealing. At the same time, the distro offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to tailor the UI to their specific needs and preferences.

      The recently released elementary OS 7 is a confirmation of all this. At the same time, developers are continuously working on improvements of various aesthetics to give users the most simplified and pleasant user experience.

      Entirely in line with this, the latest advancements that came with the recent updates to the operating system prove it. So let’s see what it is all about.

    • TecAdmin10 Best Lightweight Linux Distros for Old Computers

      As computers age, their performance inevitably degrades, and the operating system becomes less responsive. This can be frustrating for users who want to continue using their old hardware but are limited by the resources available.

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Linux LinksCalibrate your Monitor with these Open Source Tools

      The objective when calibrating a monitor is to ensure the monitor has color references known by everyone (humans and software). This will mean the colors are represented accurately on your monitor.

      Generally speaking, using a color measurement instrument to calibrate your display will result in a better calibration compared to a visual calibration. The following open source tools are invaluable for anyone looking for accurate color reproduction.

    • Events

      • SCALE Linux and free software convention returns to Pasadena for first time since COVID lockdown

        The Southern California Linux Expo and the city of Pasadena are getting back together.

        Known by its acronym SCALE, the convention for lovers of the Linux computer operating system and other free, open-source software last took place at the Pasadena Convention Center in early March 2020 — right before the COVID-19 lockdown.

        SCALE organizers spent the weeks prior to their 2020 dates watching COVID case numbers, consulting with experts and weighing whether or not to cancel.

        But the show did go on. Like in years before, thousands of free software users, developers, advocates and professionals came to Pasadena for the keynote speeches, technical talks, booth-filled convention floor — and to meet old friends and make new ones.

        The 2020 convention ended, and within days, gatherings of any kind were off the table as the new virus grew and threatened a world without any vaccines or treatments.

        Along with day-to-day work, school and family gatherings, tech conferences turned to Zoom, and SCALE went dark for 2021.

    • Web Browsers/Web Servers

    • Programming/Development

      • RlangWebR IS HERE!

        WebR 0.1.0 was released! I had been git-stalking George (the absolute genius who we all must thank for this) for a while and noticed the GH org and repos being updated earlier this week, So, I was already pretty excited.

      • Steinar H GundersonSteinar H. Gunderson: Solving a 1998 problem with 2023 methods

        A long time ago, in 1998, our family entered a contest with a puzzle; given a bunch of company names (they were the ones participating in a loyalty program known as Domino, which has since gone defunct), try to spell out as many Norwegian names as possible. (The name list was fixed, but you actually had to buy a book to find it.)

        The prize was fairly attractive, so I went to work with a computer program instead of trying to figure it out by hand. I remember running it literally for weeks on my 400 MHz machine at the time; at some point, we even went on vacation for more than a month, and I came back disappointed to see that the search hadn't really gone that much further. Over time, I optimized it to use randomization in addition to backtracking, some bit fiddling tricks and so on. We thought we had a good shot.

      • Rust

        • Rust BlogThe Rust Programming Language Blog: Announcing Rust 1.68.0

          The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.68.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

          If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.68.0 with:

          rustup update stable
        • LWNRust 1.68.0 released

          Version 1.68.0 of the Rust language has been released.

  • Leftovers

    • Science

    • Hardware

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

    • Proprietary

      • Silicon AngleOracle’s stock heads south on revenue shortfall
        Database giant Oracle Corp. missed expectations on revenue by a whisker as it reported its fiscal 2023 third-quarter earnings results today, sending its stock down in extended trading.

    • Linux Foundation

      • PR NewswireLinux Foundation Energy Announces Conference Schedule for LF Energy Summit

        LF Energy, the open source foundation focused on harnessing the power of collaborative software and hardware technologies to decarbonize our global economies, is pleased to announce the lineup of sessions for LF Energy Summit, taking place June 1-2, 2023 in Paris, France. LF Energy Summit is returning to an in-person format after three years as a virtual-only event. The summit will gather members of the LF Energy community including foundation members, developers, vendors, utility end users and other energy industry stakeholders to learn about LF Energy and its projects as well as to collaborate and share best practices for developing and implementing open source technologies and standards in the power sector.

    • Security

      • LWNSecurity updates for Wednesday []

        Security updates have been issued by Debian (apr), Fedora (c-ares), Oracle (curl, kernel, pesign, samba, and zlib), Red Hat (curl, gnutls, kernel, kernel-rt, and pesign), Scientific Linux (kernel, pesign, samba, and zlib), SUSE (libX11, python-rsa, python3, python36, qemu, rubygem-rack, xorg-x11-server, and xwayland), and Ubuntu (libtpms, linux-ibm, linux-raspi, linux-raspi, python3.7, python3.8, and sofia-sip).

      • LWNSecurity updates for Thursday

        Security updates have been issued by CentOS (kernel, pesign, samba, and zlib), Oracle (kernel), Slackware (httpd), SUSE (emacs, libxslt, nodejs12, nodejs14, nodejs16, openssl, poppler, python-py, python-wheel, xen, and xorg-x11-server), and Ubuntu (linux-gcp-5.4, linux-gkeop, opusfile, and samba).

      • Building a Pentest Lab for Beginners: Tips and Tricks for Success

        A penetration testing (pentest) lab is a safe and controlled environment where you can practice and improve your hacking skills without breaking the law. Building your own pentest lab is an excellent way to gain practical experience and learn new techniques.

      • Andrea Corbellini: Authenticated encryption: why you need it and how it works

        In this article I want to explore a common problem of modern cryptographic ciphers: malleability. I will explain that problem with some hands-on examples, and then look in detail at how that problem is solved through the use of authenticated encryption. I will describe in particular two algorithms that provide authenticated encryption: ChaCha20-Poly1305 and AES-GCM, and briefly mention some of their variants.

        The problem

        If we want to encrypt some data, a very common approach is to use a symmetric cipher. When we use a symmetric cipher, we hold a secret key, which is generally a sequence of bits chosen at random of some fixed length (nowadays ranging from 128 to 256 bits). The symmetric cipher takes two inputs: the secret key, and the message that we want to encrypt, and produces a single output: a ciphertext. Decryption is the inverse process: it takes the secret key and the ciphertext as the input and yields back the original message as an output. With symmetric ciphers, we use the same secret key both to encrypt and decrypt messages, and this is why they are called symmetric (this is in contrast with public key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography, where encryption and decryption are performed using two different keys: a public key and a private key).

      • Security WeekCustom Chinese Malware Found on SonicWall Appliance

        Malware deployed by Chinese hackers on a SonicWall SMA appliance includes credential theft, shell access, and persistence functionality.

      • Security WeekVulnerability Exposes Cisco Enterprise Routers to Disruptive Attacks

        Cisco has released patches for a high-severity DoS vulnerability in IOS XR software for several enterprise-grade routers.

      • Security WeekDozens of Exploited Vulnerabilities Missing From CISA ‘Must Patch’ List

        An analysis found that over 40 exploited vulnerabilities, mostly leveraged by botnets, are missing from CISA’s ‘must patch’ catalog.

      • Dark ReadingIceFire Ransomware Portends a Broader Shift From Windows to Linux [Ed: The voices of Redmond, singing from the same lyrics?]

        In recent weeks, hackers have been deploying the "IceFire" ransomware against Linux enterprise networks, a noted shift for what was once a Windows-only malware.

        A report from SentinelOne published today suggests that this may represent a budding trend. Ransomware actors have been targeting Linux systems more than ever in cyberattacks in recent weeks and months, notable not least because "in comparison to Windows, Linux is more difficult to deploy ransomware against, particularly at scale," Alex Delamotte, security researcher at SentinelOne, tells Dark Reading.

      • Bleeping ComputerIceFire ransomware now encrypts both Linux and Windows systems

        Threat actors linked to the IceFire ransomware operation now actively target Linux systems worldwide with a new dedicated encryptor.

        SentinelLabs security researchers found that the gang has breached the networks of several media and entertainment organizations around the world in recent weeks, starting mid-February, according to a report shared in advance with BleepingComputer.

        Once inside their networks, the attackers deploy their new malware variant to encrypt the victims' Linux systems.

        When executed, IceFire ransomware encrypts files, appends the '.ifire' extension to the filename, and then covers its tracks by deleting itself and removing the binary.

      • Hacker NewsIceFire Ransomware Exploits IBM Aspera Faspex to Attack Linux-Powered Enterprise Networks

        A previously known Windows-based ransomware strain known as IceFire has expanded its focus to target Linux enterprise networks belonging to several media and entertainment sector organizations across the world.

        The intrusions entail the exploitation of a recently disclosed deserialization vulnerability in IBM Aspera Faspex file-sharing software (CVE-2022-47986, CVSS score: 9.8), according to cybersecurity company SentinelOne.

      • Security WeekJenkins Server Vulnerabilities Chained for Remote Code Execution

        Two vulnerabilities recently addressed in Jenkins server can be chained to achieve arbitrary code execution.

      • Security WeekFortinet Patches Critical Unauthenticated RCE Vulnerability in FortiOS

        Fortinet has patched a critical buffer underflow vulnerability in FortiOS and FortiProxy that could lead to remote code execution without authentication.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • Federal News NetworkLawmaker says FBI wrongly sought surveillance info about him

          A Republican lawmaker has accused the FBI of wrongly searching for his name in foreign surveillance data, underscoring the challenges ahead for U.S. officials trying to persuade Congress to renew their authorities to collect huge swaths of communications. Rep. Darin LaHood of Illinois made the comments at a hearing Thursday but did not say why the FBI may have searched his name in information collected under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

        • Silicon AngleWhatsApp tells the UK it would rather be blocked than adhere to the Online Safety Bill [Ed: WhatsApp is mass surveillance; this seems like a PR stunt from Zuckerface]
          Meta Platforms Inc.’s chat app WhatsApp says it will not compromise end-to-end encryption, and since that’s required in the U.K. under the new Online Safety Bill, it might mean the end of its existence in the country.

      • Confidentiality

        • GizmodoThis Shadowy Catholic Group Says It Buys Grindr Data to Trace Gay Priests

          In a witch hunt to out gay priests, a conservative Catholic nonprofit in Denver has poured $4 million into buying data it claims is primarily sourced from Grindr and other gay dating apps, according to the Washington Post.

        • GizmodoCongress’s Social Security Numbers Leaked in Health Data Breach

          In a classic “whoopsie” situation, a health data breach affecting members of the US House of Representatives and their staff exposed social security numbers, names of family members, emails, phone numbers, and home addresses, which are now for sale on the dark web.

        • Silicon AngleMembers of Congress have personal information stolen in DC Health Link data breach
          Personally identifiable information belonging to members of Congress and others has been published online following a data breach at DC Health Link, the District of Columbia’s health insurance exchange. The breach first came to light on Wednesday when DC Health Link informed members of the House and Senate that hackers had gained access...

    • Defence/Aggression

      • Latvia'CMX23' to test NATO's crisis decision-making

        From March 9 to 15, the NATO crisis management exercise "CMX23" (Crisis Management Exercise) will take place in NATO member states, including Latvia, the purpose of which is to check the consultation and decision-making procedures of€ alliance member states at the strategic political-military level.

      • AntiWarWhy Is the US So Unhappy That China Offered a Peace Proposal?

        On February 24, China published its "Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis." The US reacted very negatively very quickly. They reacted more negatively even than Ukraine. What is it about the Chinese proposal that so unnerves the US? It is not even a fully developed settlement proposal ripe for negotiation.

      • AntiWarWomen Don’t Let Women Drive War: Feminists Say Fire Nuland

        When President Biden nominated Victoria Nuland as Undersecretary of State, CODEPINK feminists objected to her nomination out of concern she would bring pain and heartache to mothers and daughters as she fomented war in their midst. Instead of promoting diplomacy, Nuland lights matches wherever she meddles, agitating for war in Afghanistan, and now Ukraine. I

    • Environment

      • Energy/Transportation

        • GizmodoSam Bankman-Fried's Lawyers Say They May Need to Delay Trial

          Lawyers representing FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried announced on Wednesday that his October trial might need to be delayed. The lawyers said they were still waiting for important documents to be handed over and claimed the hold-up could hinder their ability to review the evidence and create a proper defense.

    • Finance

      • LatviaLatvia made progress on gender pay gap in 2021

        On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, women's issues are very much in focus, but with regard to the differences in pay between men and women, there is at least one sign€ of progress even if pay remains far from equal.

      • Silicon AngleShares of tech startup-heavy Silicon Valley Bank plunge 60%+ on stock sale plan

        Shares of SVB Financial Group Inc., the parent company of Silicon Valley Bank, plunged more than 60% today after the financial institution announced plans to sell $2.2 billion in stock. The stock sale is part of an effort by the company to address recent losses in its securities portfolio.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Daniel MiesslerThe Primary Liberal vs. Conservative Disconnect

        For a long time the main disconnect between Liberals and Conservatives was considered to be how much they embrace change and tolerate inequity. Those still seem like decent measurements, but new research by Nick Kerry suggests that the clearer distinction is the belief that the world is fundamentally hierarchical.

      • uni EmoryConservatism and progressivism are both necessary to improve society

        “A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.” — John Stuart Mill Chinese philosophers invented the concept of yin and yang more than 2,000 years ago.

      • Federal News NetworkTrump invited to testify before NY grand jury, lawyer says

        Former President Donald Trump has been invited to testify next week before a New York grand jury that has been investigating hush money payments made on his behalf during his 2016 presidential campaign. That's according to one of his lawyers. Such an invitation often indicates a decision on indictments is near. The Manhattan district attorney's office declined to comment. Any indictment would mark the first time any former U.S. president has been charged with a crime. Trump attorney Joseph Tacopina says a case would have no legal basis.

      • Federal News NetworkMississippi man gets 42 months in prison for cross burning

        A Mississippi man who burned a cross in his front yard to intimidate his Black neighbors has been sentenced to 42 months in prison. U.S. Southern District of Mississippi Judge Sul Ozerden handed down the sentence Thursday after 24-year-old Axel Cox pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime in December. Cox was charged with violating the Fair Housing Act over a December 2020 incident in which he put together a wooden cross in his front yard and propped it up so his Black neighbors could see it. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke called it an “abhorrent act” intended to inspire fear and drive a Black family from their home.

      • NYPostChina’s Xi Jinping secures precedent-breaking third term as president

        Nearly 3,000 members of China's rubber-stamp parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), voted unanimously in the Great Hall of the People for Xi, 69, to be president in an election where there was no other candidate.

      • NYPostTrump likely to face criminal charges in New York in Stormy Daniels case: report

        Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg has notified attorneys for Trump, 76, that the former commander-in-chief will be given the opportunity to defend himself next week in front of the grand jury hearing evidence in the case before the indictment comes down.

      • Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda

    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • EDRI2023 Spring Fling

        CDT is pleased to announce our inaugural 2023 Spring Fling, a celebration during IAPP’s Global Privacy Summit. You won’t want to miss it!

      • Proposals sought for next round of OVPR Anti-Racism Grants

        The Office of the Vice President for Research seeks applicants for Anti-Racism Grants that fund research and scholarship related to societal and racial inequalities, and that inform actions to achieve equity and justice.

      • ACLUJudy Heumann's Legacy Lives On

        “I wanna see a feisty group of disabled people around the world…if you don’t respect yourself and if you don’t demand what you believe in for yourself, you’re not gonna get it.” – Judy Heumann

        Judy Heumann, a civil rights titan who spent her life advocating and fighting for integration, accessibility, and dignity for people with disabilities, died on March 4. Her spirit and advocacy will live on in the generation of disabled activists she inspired and empowered to take up the mantle.

        When Judy was born, the fight for civil rights didn’t include people with disabilities. Disabled people faced rampant discrimination and segregation in American life. Disabled people experienced high rates of unemployment and were taught in separate schools. Changing these institutions wasn’t just a calling for Judy, it was a necessity. At a young age, Judy learned that the world did not see her the way she saw herself, and she spent the rest of her life committed to changing that.

      • ACLUThe Women Who Made ACLU History

        From its early feminist founders, to the trailblazing clients and lawyers that have fought sex-based discrimination in the hundred years since, the ACLU’s history has been entwined with women’s rights since its founding in 1920 — the same year women won the right to vote.

      • The StrategistThe future of UN peacekeeping and women, peace and security

        To make peacekeeping safer in an increasingly dangerous world, countries contributing troops to United Nations peacekeeping efforts need to embrace emerging technology more readily, and they must involve many more women on operations. Today ASPI’s ...

      • EDRIFoss-north 2023

        Foss-north is a free / open source conference covering both software and hardware from the technical perspective. Hosted in Gothenburg between Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm, with an international airport, we provide a meeting place for the Nordic foss communities and will bring together great speakers with a great audience.

      • EDRIEU DisinfoLab 2023 Annual Conference

        During those two days, the event will bring together renowned experts from diverse backgrounds, digging into the pressing issues in the disinformation space. By attending this physical forum, you’ll join leading experts and stakeholders from across the disinformation world for a mix of sessions formats and exciting networking opportunities. Don’t miss it!

      • EDRI#PrivacyCamp23: Event summary

        In January 2023, EDRi gathered policymakers, activists, human rights defenders, climate and social justice advocates and academics in Brussels to discuss the criticality of our digital worlds. We welcomed 200+ participants in person and enjoyed an online audience of 600+ people engaging with the event livestream videos. If you missed the event or want a reminder of what happened in a session, find the session summaries and video recordings below.

      • EDRIThe Green/Digital/Society Conference

        If you are an environmental or digital rights activist, researcher, policymaker, community member or just a concerned human being from the SEE region or Europe, join the discussion on the current challenges and potential advocacy plans for the future on matters at the intersection of green politics, human rights and technology

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

    • Digital Restrictions (DRM)

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • Not feeling feelings for a long time

        As I look back, I used to be someone who always held an optimistic outlook on life. I was a "believer," or at least someone who always "wanted to believe." This also made me a gullible person at times, especially in my younger days. Once I found a cause to believe in, I became quite a dedicated believer, at least for a while, until I began seeing hypocrisies and internal inconsistencies, and started smelling bullshit.

        Outwardly, this made me appear to be a "model believer" to some. When I was a teenager, the adults in my church were impressed by how I talked like someone on fire, comparing me to their own kids who were begrudgingly attending church only because the parents made them to.


        That summer, I felt aimless. I lost my community and the social capital I built. But somehow I survived, going through the motions. I didn't feel "sad" or "disappointed." I did not feel anything.

      • Steven Swanson, Astronaut

        My existence happens to coincide with a number of very interesting human achievements, not the least among them space travel. I recall watching the challenger explode on TV at school; they had let us all out of class to watch in a central area where they could setup a set. To be honest, that was the last I really paid attention to space travel, outside of science fiction.

        And while I'm being honest, I'm sort of ashamed of my inattention. We reach for the stars and actually touch them, and then we go about our business. Or worse, we make an international competition out of reaching for the stars, and then punish one another with our tech. For me personally, the age of home computing was more interesting than space. I guess a few things are, to this day, more interesting to me.

      • More time?

        I didn't end up having more time to write today... I mean, today in local time. On the Zaibatsu, it's already tomorrow.

      • Hardware Store Hijinks

        So I've been working at the local small-scale hardware store for the past few months.

        This was my first standard job; I've done a number of things for work over the past few years since I've stopped living with my parents. One of those jobs was working for my parents as a general laborer, but I also was a doordash driver and a courier boy for a tech liquidation company. Roomie has been working at the hardware store for about 6 months, and had put in a good word for me before my interview, so I wasn't too surprised I got the job last November.

    • Technical

      • on EasyOS

        EasyOS is the latest distribution from the guy behind Puppy Linux. It has a bunch of cool ideas regarding security, mostly stemming from it being built around containers. I think it's supposed to make it easy to create isolated containers on the fly, for e.g. building random software or whatnot. It has some nice X11 sandboxing features too. Besides that, it has first class support for live USBs, which is always nice.

      • MNT Pocket Reform Campaign Coming Soon

        I held off endlessly against the original MNT Reform because it was, quite frankly, a first-generation product. I'm leery of ever buying those. But the concept had lots of promise and potential, so I was more than willing to play the waiting game and see if I can get ahold of either a later generation of the original Reform, or.. the Pocket Reform.

        I'll spare you the descriptions and ogling over it. Go take a look at it yourself.

      • Five years a sundog - Happy birthday, circumlunar space!

        Five years ago today, on the 10th of March in 2018, I made a post to my phlog[1], then hosted at SDF, announcing that I was moving it to a shiny new server -

        How much has changed since then! The Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu[2] began life as a single low-spec server spun up for the sole purpose of offering Gopherspace to the community. Today, still standing proud at the same IP address five years later, it is one part of many in an ongoing experiment into resilient and decentralised Do-It-Yourself digital community.

      • Stray Bridge Musings

        Holy heck. IRC, XMPP and email only have to worry about one message at a time on the wire. Matrix needs to sign & send the entire universe.

        Anyway, I was thinking about that ejabberd announcment today, since I’ve been on a bridges kick, prompted by my newfound enthusiasm for XMPP, after finding out that Bitlbee can send multiple-line messages.

        On Matrix’ old bridges blog post they list a bunch of categories of bridges, and mention in passing s2s bridges:

      • art ownership

        I've recently been thinking more about ownership of creations online. I remember a time online where people were encouraging others to spread their creations and repost them and use them freely because they did not care about having their name attached, it felt just nice having created something that others like and would use. You felt proud seeing it used on others' pages, a part of you traveling through the web. The whole culture of spreading graphics around, like the dolls and a variety of blingees.

        I think with the state of capitalism at this point and the normalization of extreme copyright laws as well as virality and what comes with it, there's been a change in that. I think hobbyists see how hard professionals have to guard and protect their work because for them, it means clients, it means money, it means survival. I totally understand the struggle professional creators go through to be recognized for their hard work, however I have found myself confused at hobbyists copying the same behaviors. I wonder if it happens because people do not see that many artists online have to behave this aggressively because it is their livelihood, not because all creations have to be treated like that.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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to "know and understand"
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Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
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As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
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Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
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The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
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Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
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IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025
Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
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Links for the day
No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
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For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
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Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
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IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025