Just Because Fox 'News' Lost (or Settled) Doesn't Mean Voting Machines Are Safe or Acceptable
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2023-04-19 05:45:33 UTC
- Modified: 2023-04-19 05:45:33 UTC
Straw man arguments can undermine democracy, too

Murdoch (right) with President John F. Kennedy and Zell Rabin in the Oval Office in 1961
Summary: Straw man arguments for voting machines -- or against critics of these -- will become ubiquitous in days to come; it's important to distinguish between the disinformation from Rupert Murdoch's media apparatus and the actual science (many distinguished scientists have long warned against voting machines, more so proprietary ones)
So, as
noted in Daily Links (
much more on this later), Dominion won a case against a very "soft" target (Rupert Murdoch, serial fabricator), but voting machines must still be avoided, criticised, and generally protested against. Pseudo-liberal media will be missing the point, as usual,
instead stigmatising critics and sceptics of voting machines as "Nazis".
"We are seeing many cautionary tales right now in Russia and in China."We kindly ask people not to fall for it. There are many perfectly legitimise reasons to avoid voting machines. When I vote here a few days from now it'll involve only paper, a pencil, and a physical box with a hole in it. That works. No reason/s to give a large contract to some "tech" company. Many other things in "modern" society are being turned into a computer for no good, pragmatic/practical reasons. They use buzzwords like "digitalisation", but the agenda is multi-faceted and potentially very dangerous. It gives very few people far too much control (top-down control by centralisation and consolidation of authority). That's potentially devastating to democracy. We are seeing many cautionary tales right now in Russia and in China. ⬆