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Links 07/06/2023: Reddit Layoffs and OpenGL 3.1 in Asahi Linux

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • mintCast PodcastmintCast 413.5 – Git Some!

        In our innards, talk all things Git

        In "Check This Out" Londoner shared a cool tool for generating secure passwords; Joe sheres a couple links for getting started with Git No feedback this episode. Get in touch with us! Download
    • Graphics Stack

      • DebugPointOpenGL 3.1 is Now Available in Asahi Linux, Boosting Graphics Performance

        The Asahi Linux team has unveiled an exciting upgrade for Asahi Linux systems: the highly anticipated OpenGL 3.1 support. This leap in graphics drivers surpasses the previous OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL 3.0 versions, significantly boosting gaming experiences and overall application functionality. Additionally, the team has announced the elevation of OpenGL ES 2.0 support to OpenGL ES 3.0, opening doors to a whole new level of possibilities.

      • Alyssa RosenzweigAlyssa Rosenzweig: OpenGL 3.1 on Asahi Linux

        Upgrade your Asahi Linux systems, because your graphics drivers are getting a big boost: leapfrogging from OpenGL 2.1 over OpenGL 3.0 up to OpenGL 3.1! Similarly, the OpenGL ES 2.0 support is bumping up to OpenGL ES 3.0. That means more playable games and more functioning applications.

        Back in December, I teased an early screenshot of SuperTuxKart’s deferred renderer working on Asahi, using OpenGL ES 3.0 features like multiple render targets and instancing. Now you too can enjoy SuperTuxKart with advanced lighting the way it’s meant to be:

        [SuperTuxKart rendering with advanced lighting]

        As before, these drivers are experimental and not yet conformant to the OpenGL or OpenGL ES specifications. For now, you’ll need to run our -edge packages to opt-in to the work-in-progress drivers, understanding that there may be bugs. Please refer to our previous post explaining how to install the drivers and how to report bugs to help us improve.

        With that disclaimer out of the way, there’s a LOT of new functionality packed into OpenGL 3.0, 3.1, and OpenGL ES 3.0 to make this release. Highlights include: [...]

    • Applications

      • Linux LinksMachine Learning in Linux: BackgroundRemover – remove backgrounds from images and video

        Our Machine Learning in Linux series focuses on apps that make it easy to experiment with machine learning.

        BackgroundRemover is a command line tool to remove the background from images and videos using AI. The AI is performed courtesy of U2Net, a machine learning model that allows you to crop objects in a single shot. Taking an image of a person, cat, etc. as input, it can compute an alpha value to separate the background from the panoramic view.

        U2Net is a neural network based on a two-level nested architecture. This offers two main advantages: the ability to capture information at different levels of scale and the ability to go deeper without increasing the computational cost too much. U2-Net’s authors aim to design a new neural network for salient object-detection that can be trained from scratch.

        BackgroundRemover is written in Python and published under an open source license.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Linux HandbookSystem Calls in Linux

        System calls are slightly different from what it suggests from its naming schema.

      • OSTechNixHow To Dual Boot Fedora And Windows

        In this guide, we will explore the process of installing and configuring a dual boot setup with Fedora and Windows. We will cover the necessary steps to prepare your computer, partition the hard drive, install Fedora alongside Windows, and frequently asked questions about Dual booting Fedora with Windows.

      • TecMint8 Best IP Address Management Tools for Linux Network

        If you are a network administrator, you surely know, how important it is to keep track of the leased IP addresses within your network and easily manage those addresses.

        For short the IP address management process is called IPAM. It is crucial to have a management tool to help you track allocation and classify your IP addresses, which can help you avoid network conflicts and outages.

      • TecMint19 Best Linux Bandwidth Monitoring Tools for Network Analysis

        Are you having problems monitoring your Linux network bandwidth usage? Do you need help? It’s important that you are able to visualize what is happening in your network in order to understand and resolve whatever is causing network slowness or simply to keep an eye on your network.

        In this article, we will review 19 useful bandwidth monitoring tools to analyze network usage on a Linux system. The tools listed below are all open source and can help you to answer questions such as “why is the network so slow today?”.

      • TecMintFixing “Failed to Load Module Canberra-GTK-Module” Error

        GTK, an abbreviation for GNOME Toolkit, is an open-source and feature-rich development toolkit used for creating GUI applications. It’s free and open-source and offers a rich set of UI tools for creating stunning and immersive desktop applications and UI elements for desktop environments and window managers. With GTK, you can develop standalone desktop apps to complete application suites.

        If you have been running Linux for a while, you might have bumped into the “failed to load module canberra-gtk-module” error on the terminal. This occurs on Linux desktops and, as you can infer, is caused by a missing GTK module known as the canberra-gtk-module.

      • TecMint3 Ways to Find Out Which Process Listening on a Particular Port

        A port is a logical entity that represents an endpoint of communication and is associated with a given process or service in an operating system. In previous articles, we explained how to find out the list of all open ports in Linux and how to check if remote ports are reachable using the Netcat command.

        In this short guide, we will show different ways of finding the process/service listening on a particular port in Linux.

      • UNIX CopHow to install Glances on Debian 11

        In this post, you will learn how to install Glances on Debian 11. According to the tool's website Glances is a cross-platform system monitoring tool written in Python. It allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of your system such as CPU, memory, disk, network usage etc.

      • Linux HintHow to Install Fish Shell on Linux

        Guide on how to install the Fish shell on various Linux distros and how to build and install Fish from the source along with some basic usage of the Fish shell.

    • Games

      • TechdirtBorked KOTOR 2 Switch Release Ends As It Began: A Shit Show

        Almost exactly a year ago, we discussed the train wreck release of Knights of the Old Republic 2 as a port for the Nintendo Switch. How big a screw up was this whole thing from the start? Well, if you’re not familiar with our previous post on it, we can just start with there being a bug that makes the game literally unfinishable and take it from there. Aspyr, the company that did the port, apparently didn’t do the sort of QC to uncover this itself, and instead only learned of the issue when many customers who bought the game got very angry on social media some two weeks after the game was released for purchase.

      • GamingOnLinuxTransform creatures into tools in puzzle-platformer Transmogrify now with Linux support

        Released originally back in April, Transmogrify is a puzzle-platformer where you play as Chris — a janitor stranded at Future Perfect Labs where strange and deadly specimens have breached containment and overrun the facility. To help you get through it, you have access to the experimental Transmogrify device, which allows you to transform living creatures into tools and structures to get through various puzzles and platforming and hopefully escape the lab.

      • GamingOnLinuxClaim a free copy of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs on GOG

        To celebrate the release of the new Amnesia: The Bunker, GOG are giving away free copies of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.€  All you need to do to claim it is be logged into GOG, scroll down a bit on the homepage and you'll see the giveaway banner to add it to your library.

      • GamingOnLinuxProton Experimental fixes up Halo MCC, Ubisoft Connect, Creativerse

        Valve has released an update to Proton Experimental, bringing with it a few nice fixes for issues in various games so here's a run over what's changed.

      • GamingOnLinuxAmnesia: The Bunker is stressful horror done the right way

        Amnesia: The Bunker is the latest in a series of horror games from Frictional Games, one that feels a lot like Alien: Isolation with a WW1 theme. Definitely not a game for the faint of heart€ — like me. Wow, this was a stressful game to play. Note: key provided by Evolve.

      • GamingOnLinuxHumble Choice for June 2023 has Ghostwire: Tokyo and Remnant: From the Ashes

        Need even more games to fill up your Summer with? Humble Choice for June 2023 is out now with some fresh games and here's a run over what to expect on Steam Deck and desktop Linux.

      • GamingOnLinuxA fully transparent Steam Deck mod is on the way

        We've had transparent backplates for the Steam Deck for a while now but what about the front? Well, they're on the way from two different companies.

      • GamingOnLinuxDead Cells hits over 10 million sales

        Something that not many indie titles are able to do, Dead Cells has now managed to hit over 10 million sales and still going strong. This news was shared in a press release yesterday June 5th, via Tinsley PR.

      • GamingOnLinuxSandtrix is Tetris with sand - delightful, free and renamed after a DMCA

        Have a few minutes to kill here and there? Sandtrix could be what you need. It's free, has a Linux version and got the attention of Tetris Holding, LLC under the previous name Setris so it got a DMCA takedown but now it's back. But for how long?

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • 9to5LinuxpostmarketOS 23.06 Arrives for Linux Phones and Tablets with GNOME Mobile

          Based on the latest Alpine Linux 3.18 operating system, postmarketOS 23.06 is here as the first-ever version to ship the GNOME Shell UI (GNOME Mobile) graphical interface for supported phones and tablets. GNOME Shell on Mobile 44 is included in this release, which comes with a much-improved GNOME Software package manager.

          KDE Plasma Mobile 5.27.5, GNOME-based Phosh 0.27, and Sxmo 1.14.0 are among other graphical interfaces that are included by default and supported in the postmarketOS 23.06 release. Notable here is the fact that the Phosh 0.27 interface now comes with the Evince document viewer by default.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • BSD

      • KlaraLinux vs. FreeBSD: FreeBSD or Linux – A Choice Without OS Wars

        In the world of operating systems, there are always loud voices complaining about one operating system or another, its lack of relevance, or wrong approach to a certain problem. Throughout the development of FreeBSD as an operating system there have been triumphs and setbacks, but ultimately both Linux and FreeBSD have evolved to be stable operating systems with very different philosophies and approach to start-up, set-up and usability. When choosing an operating system, it is important to consider the best tool for the job, rather than just what is most popular.

      • Data SwampOpenKuBSD design document

        I got an idea today (while taking a shower...) about _partially_ reusing Qubes OS design of using VMs to separate contexts and programs, but doing so on OpenBSD.

        To make explanations CLEAR, I won't reimplement Qubes OS entirely on OpenBSD. Qubes OS is an interesting operating system with a very strong focus on security (from a very practical point of view ), but it's in my opinion overkill for most users, and hence not always practical or usable.

        In the meantime, I think the core design could be reused and made it easy for users, like we are used to do in OpenBSD.

    • SUSE/OpenSUSE

      • 9to5LinuxopenSUSE Leap 15.5 Releases with KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS, Xfce 4.18, and More

        openSUSE Leap 15.5 is here exactly one year after openSUSE Leap 15.4 and it’s built on top of binary packages from the SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5 operating system. It’s powered by the same Linux 5.14 kernel as Leap 15.4 but with added drivers for better hardware support.

        openSUSE Project compares the Linux 5.14 kernel included in openSUSE Leap 15.5 with the upstream Linux 6.0 kernel series saying that the biggest changes are in the area of GPU drivers, supporting new graphics cards like AMD Radeon RX 7600, AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT/XTX, Intel ARC A380, Intel Arc A750, and Intel Arc A770.

      • OpenSUSEProject Announces Plans for Another Minor Leap 15 Release

        We’d like to announce that the openSUSE Release team plans to work on openSUSE Leap 15.6.

        openSUSE Leap 15.6 is expected to be released in early June 2024 and would reach its end of life by the end of the year 2025.

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • The Register UKRed Hat to stop packaging LibreOffice for RHEL

        Red Hat is to stop packaging a native version of the LibreOffice suite for its enterprise Linux distro.

        According to a post on the Fedora Development mailing list, the official RPM packages for LibreOffice in RHEL have been orphaned — in other words, they no longer have an official maintainer. The official stated reason is that the company is switching manpower to fixing more critical issues, such as support for high dynamic range displays, and that uses of the RHEL workstation distro who need LibreOffice can install the Flatpak version instead.

        This doesn't seem to be a direct result of the well publicised Red Hat layoffs back in April, which resulted in calls to unionize. The proximate cause seems to be that the Hatter who was the product's lead maintainer, Caolán McNamara, has quit and gone to work for Collabora, the primary company behind the ongoing development of the FOSS office suite.

      • Red Hat OfficialSupply chain challenges: Handling returns

        Evolving customer expectations have forced retailers to figure out how to better manage the ripple effects that the pandemic, increased online shopping and supply chain disruptions have created— including handling customer returns. On the surface, returns may seem like a fairly straightforward problem, but there are many nuances and tradeoffs to consider.€ 

        Customers want easy returns. For merchandise delivered to the home, the return experience can be a critical reason why consumers stick with a given retailer. Take Zappos, for example, their generous return policy for shoes—an item that’s tricky to buy without trying on—was one important ingredient in their early success.

      • Red Hat OfficialSecuring D-Bus based connections with mTLS and double proxy

        When we started the discussions on the requirements that led to the development of Hirte (introduced by Pierre-Yves Chibon and Daniel Walsh in their blog post), we explored using systemctl with its --host parameter to manage systemd units on remote machines. However, this capability requires a secure shell (SSH) connection between the nodes, and SSH is too large of a tunnel.

        Instead, Hirte was created using transmission control protocol (TCP) based manager-client communication between the machines. Since Hirte manages systemd units, it uses the D-Bus protocol and the sd-bus application programming interface (API), not only between hirte-agent and systemd, but also between hirte-manager and hirte-agent.

      • Red Hat OfficialGetting to know Penny Philpot, Vice President, EMEA Partner Ecosystems, Red Hat

        Red Hat is delighted to welcome Penny Philpot as Vice President of the EMEA Partner Ecosystem. In this role, Penny will be responsible for Red Hat’s partner ecosystem business in EMEA, driving an ecosystem-first mindset and continuing to expand Red Hat’s footprint across the region through valued partners.€ 

        We caught up with Penny to find out more about her impressive career, why she chose Red Hat and her open approach to leadership.

      • Red Hat OfficialEnd of maintenance for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is almost here

        It’s time to prepare for the end of maintenance support.

        It’s been almost ten years since the launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, and its maintenance support phase will come to an end in June 2024.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • Own HowToHow to Install Kubuntu 23.04

        In this tutorial, you will learn how to install kubuntu.

        Kubuntu is basically Ubuntu, but instead of Gnome desktop environment, Kubuntu uses KDE Plasma as desktop environment. Even though both systems are the same, the desktop environments are different and each has its own pros and cons.

      • UbuntuMeet Canonical at SmartNICs Summit 2023

        SmartNICs, the programmable network adapters that make data centre networking, security and storage efficient, scalable and modular, have started to play a significant role in the industry.

        Join Canonical at the second SmartNICs Summit in San Jose, California from June 13-15€  to connect with engineers and managers who are interested in this field.€ 

      • UbuntuUbuntu Blog: How telco companies can reduce 5G infrastructure costs with open source

        5G has the potential to revolutionise the telecommunications industry, offering high speed and connectivity for a wide range of devices ranging from radio access networks (RAN), user equipment (UE), and core networks. However, the high costs associated with 5G infrastructure have been a significant blocker for adoption, hindering innovation and growth in this area.€ 

        This blog discusses the primary challenges faced in the telecom industry and how open source technologies are helping to resolve them.€ 

    • Devices/Embedded

      • HackadayA Lightweight Smart Home Server

        Working towards automating a few things in a home often seems simple on the surface, but it’s easy for these projects to snowball into dozens of sensors and various servos, switches, and cameras strewn about one’s living space. The same sort of feature creep sneaks into some of the more popular self-hosted home server platforms as well, with things like openHAB requiring so much computing power that they barely function on something like a Raspberry Pi. [Paulo] thought there should be a more lightweight way of tackling a project like this, and set about building his own smart home server with help from some interesting software.


        From here the major hurdle is that using the default software from these devices is fairly limiting, so [Paulo] reached for a Raspbee 2 Zigbee gateway for use with a Raspberry Pi and an extremely lightweight and customizable web server called Mako to make this happen. Using Lua as the high-level language to tie everything together he was able to easily deploy the server to control the Ikea hub and devices and automate them in any way he sees fit.
      • HackadayHackaday Prize 2023: Bluetooth Spell To Speak

        Have you ever known what you wanted to say but couldn’t figure out exactly how to say it? For some individuals, that’s all the time. The gap between intention and action can be a massive chasm. [Pedro Martin] is trying to help bridge that gap with a Bluetooth RPM letterboard.

      • HackadayRetroPie, Without The Pi

        With most of these devices, a Linux environment is included running on top of an ARM platform. If that sounds similar to the Raspberry Pi, it turns out that a lot of these old Android TV sets are quite capable of doing almost everything that a Raspberry Pi can do, with the major exception of GPIO. That’s exactly what [Timax] is doing here, but he notes that one of the major hurdles is the vast variety of hardware configurations found on these devices. Essentially you’d have to order one and hope that you can find all the drivers and software to get into a usable Linux environment. But if you get lucky, these devices can be more powerful than a Pi and also be found for a much lower price.

      • Raspberry PiOnlyTrains: for fans of trains, and only trains

        Jonathan M created Trainbot with a Raspberry Pi Camera. It watches a stretch of train track outside his home, detects trains, and stitches together images of them.

        Everyone else at Pi Towers said their favourite thing about the project is the Wes Anderson-esque aesthetic of the screen recording above. My favourite thing is that the tab for the train watching website says “Onlytrains”, because I am easily amused.

    • Arduino

      • ArduinoDIY marble solitaire board helps you solve the puzzle

        Solitaire is any tabletop game that can be played by just one person, and it can take the form of cards, pegs, memory, and in this case, marbles. As Mark Donners discusses in his element14 Presents video, marble solitaire is made of 33 individual divots and a total of 32 marbles that populate each one except the center with the goal of capturing every marble until the last one lands in the middle. Due to the pattern being somewhat difficult to memorize, Donners constructed a custom board that uses an Arduino Nano and LEDs to light the way.

      • ArduinoThis beer pong-playing robot uses sophisticated math to sink shots

        Beer pong is a classic party game involving skill, persistence, and alcohol tolerance. Participating in friendly games of beer pong is a great way to socialize with peers, but what if you aren't very good at tossing ping pong balls into red Solo cups?

      • Linux GizmosThe Epi 32U4 is a miniature board compatible with Arduino

        Crowdsupply launched last month a tiny embedded board powered by an ATmega32 microcontroller. This open-source device features an USB Type-C port and it provides up to 23x IOs with support for serial protocols as I2C, SPI, etc.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • MedevelLibre: Open-source Manufacturing Execution and Performance monitoring Solution

      Libre is an open-source manufacturing execution and performance monitoring tool that allows you to define your master data, push your machine metrics, and start collecting and analyzing your manufacturing data to improve your operations.

    • OpenSource.comNew developments at

      You may have noticed that it's been quiet here on lately. That's because there's a new project in the works, and while there aren't many specific details to announce yet, there's plenty to talk about. What better way to start than with the entire internet?

  • Leftovers

    • Science

    • Education

    • Hardware

      • CNX SoftwareUP Squared i12 is a compact Alder Lake-P single board computer

        AAEON’s UP Squared i12 is a single board computer with the same dimensions as the UP Squared (Apollo Lake) and UP Squared V2 (Elkhart Lake) boards, and mostly the same ports layout, but powered by a more powerful 12th generation Intel Alder Lake-P processor from a Celeron 7305E up to an Intel Core i7-1270PE.

      • HackadayBillion Year Clock Is LEGO Genius Or Madness

        If you are a fan of LEGO bricks or Rube Goldberg, you should have a look at [Brick Technology’s] billion-year LEGO clock. Obviously, it hasn’t been tested for a billion years, and we wonder if ABS would last that long, but the video below is still worth watching.

      • HackadayOp Amp Contest: This Lighthouse Sculpture Flickers In The Rhythm Of Chaos

        Op amps are typically used to build signal processing circuits like amplifiers, integrators and oscillators. Their functionality can be described by mathematical formulas that have a single, well-defined solution. However, not every circuit is so well-behaved, as Leon Chua famously showed in the early 1980s: if you make a circuit with three reactive elements and a non-linear component, the resulting oscillation will be chaotic. Every cycle of the output will be slightly different from its predecessors, and the circuit might flip back and forth between different frequencies.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • The Straits TimesBeyond sushi: Japan expands vegan options to tempt tourists

        Japan is on a mission to show its renowned gastronomy is not off-limits to those who do not eat meat.

      • LatviaAgriculture Ministry plans supermarket closures on Sundays

        To stop the rise in food prices, one of the action plans prepared by the Agriculture Ministry is the closure of supermarkets on Sundays.€ This will encourage more low-price fights on working days and the opportunity on Sunddays for small businesses to earn, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported on June 6.

      • LatviaAgriculture Minister: no reason to declare dairy sector emergency

        Minister of Agriculture Didzis Å mits (United List) does not see a reason€ for announcing a state of emergency€ in the dairy sector, as farmers have requested, but hopes for€ additional European Union (EU) support for the sector, as well as plans a special program for restructuring dairy farmers' activities to other agricultural sectors, LSM reports on June 6.

      • France24'The air is unbreathable': Congolese living near a foundry say they are being poisoned

        For weeks now, Cyrille Traoré Nbembi has been filming video after video of the black smoke coming out of an old foundry and factory located just a few metres from his home in Vindoulou, an area on the outskirts of Pointe-Noire, in Congo. As his family and neighbours continue to suffer health problems, Nbembi reached out to the FRANCE 24 Observers team€ – and is calling on the government to take action

      • France24Continuing wildfires in Canada prompt air quality warnings in northeastern US

        Intense Canadian wildfires are blanketing the northeastern U.S. in a dystopian haze, turning the air acrid, the sky yellowish gray and prompting warnings for vulnerable populations to stay inside.

      • Hong Kong Free Press‘Phenomenon’ behind organ donor withdrawals similar to 2019 ‘black riots,’ says Hong Kong’s John Lee

        Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee has likened the “phenomenon” behind the recent uptick in withdrawals from the city’s organ donation registry to the “black riots” in 2019, after four people were arrested over suspicious cancellations.

      • Las Vegas Won't Save the Water It Needs by Just Removing Lawns

        Drought-plagued Nevada pledged to do away with 3,900 acres of grass in the Las Vegas area within six years, but a ProPublica analysis found that the state grossly overestimated how much of that grass would likely be removed.

      • The AtlanticSterilizing Cats, No Surgery Required

        A single shot might someday replace spaying as a tool for cat-population control.

      • Science AlertThis Common Artificial Sweetener Can Break Down DNA, Scientists Warn

        The artificial sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda) is widely used and found in products like diet soda and chewing gum. According to a new study, it's also capable of damaging the DNA material inside our cells.

        As DNA holds the genetic code controlling how our bodies grow and are maintained, that's a serious problem that could lead to multiple health issues.

      • Science AlertThese Companies Kept Silent About 'Forever Chemicals' For Decades

        We never knew.

      • Defence WebFunding shortfall means military health patients face complications and possibly death

        A presentation by the Director: Military Health Planning of the SA Military Health Service (SAMHS) left Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Defence (JSCD) under no illusions about the poor health of the national defence force’s healthcare facilities

      • [Repeat] RFAGrieving mother who lost son kills herself after cyberbullying, official warnings

        A Chinese woman killed herself in late May after her first-grade son was fatally struck by a teacher’s car on school property, sparking outrage among residents and netizens who blamed cyberbullying and government pressure for her death.

        The specific reason for her death remains unclear, but in a video recorded before she died, the woman, surnamed Yang, said that national security officers had told her to keep quiet about her son’s death.

      • The Register UKUS govt now bans TikTok from contractors' work gear

        The US federal government's ban on TikTok has been extended to include devices used by its many contractors - even those that are privately owned. The bottom line: if some electronics are used for government work, it better not have any ByteDance bits on it.

        The interim rule was jointly issued by NASA, the Department of Defense and the General Services Administration, which handles contracting for US federal agencies. The change amends the Federal Acquisition Regulation to prohibit TikTok, any successor application, or any software produced by TikTok's Beijing-based parent ByteDance from being present on contractor devices.

      • Return of the revenge of “vaccines permanently alter your DNA”

        Last week, I discovered a new antivax scientist named Kevin McKernan, whose message had been recently amplified by long time quack tycoon Joe Mercola. At the time, his false claim was that SV40 promoter sequences in plasmid DNA contaminating the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines were somehow putting people at risk for cancer. In my deconstruction, I pointed out that this claim was an even more ridiculous variation on an old antivax claim that oral polio vaccines from the late 1950s to 1963 that had been discovered to be contaminated with SV40 virus were responsible for a wave of cancer. They weren’t, but this antivax claim keeps coming back from the grave (going back a decade, at least), ready to party. This time is no different, except that the claim is even more ridiculous than the movie from which I adapted that tagline to describe it. Why? Because it’s almost as though McKernan, his background in microbiology and (apparently) genomics, either does not know the difference between a promoter sequence and an actual gene or, more likely, knows the difference but knows that his audience doesn’t know the difference but is aware of the polio vaccine/SV40 story.(Take your pick.)

      • HackadayReverse Engineering A Better Night’s Sleep

        All you want is a decent night’s sleep, so you decide to invest in one of those fancy adjustable beds. At first, it’s fine — being able to adjust the mattress to your needs on the fly is a joy, and yet…something isn’t quite right. Something nags at you every night, thwarting your slumber and turning your dreams of peaceful sleep into a nightmare once you realize your bed has locked you into a vertically integrated software ecosystem from which there’s no escape.

    • Proprietary

    • Security

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • AntiWarIt Was All in Vain: Edward Snowden’s Sacrifice 10 Years On

          This week marks the 10th anniversary of the first story featuring National Security Agency (NSA) contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden’s initial revelation: the role of Verizon in aiding NSA’s telephone metadata mass surveillance program.

        • Vice Media Group'Night Fury': Documents Detail DHS Project to Give 'Risk Scores' to Social Media Users

          Internal DHS documents reviewed by Motherboard provide more detail on a DHS plan to monitor social media for content related to terrorists, the illegal opioid trade, and foreign interference bots.

        • The Register UKMicrosoft cops $20M slap on the wrist for mishandling kids' Xbox data: Pocket change, in other words

          Microsoft is being fined $20 million by the US Federal Trade Commission for violating the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by illegally gathering kids' personal information and retaining it without parental consent.

          Along with paying the rather small fine (slightly more than a tenth of a percent of Microsoft's most recent quarterly profit), the FTC is also requiring the company to update its account creation process for children to prevent collection and storage of data, and extend those responsibilities to third-party publishers that Microsoft shares such data with.

        • The Register UKPolice use of PayPal records under fire after raid on 'Cop City' protest fund trio

          This evidence, according to Patterson's arrest warrant [PDF], included reimbursements from the Network for Strong Communities, a state-registered nonprofit, for expenses including "gasoline, forest clean-up, totes, COVID rapid tests, media, yard signs and other miscellaneous expenses." These expenses totaled nearly $7,000 over about two years.

          The police somehow obtained and used PayPal records as evidence of those reimbursements. The cops suspect charitable donations to the Network for Strong Communities were passed to Kautz et al, who then used the cash, as board members of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, to support those protesting against Cop City. Those protesters included the Defend the Atlanta Forest group, which Homeland Security considers violent domestic extremists, according to the police.

        • Scheerpost‘The Whole World Is Watching’: Atlanta City Council Approves Cop City Funding

          "We're here pleading our case to a government that has been unresponsive, if not hostile, to an unprecedented movement in our City Council's history," one opponent of the police training facility said.

        • Democracy NowCop City: Atlanta City Council OKs $67M for Facility Despite Mass Protests & Armed Raid on Bail Fund

          Residents in Atlanta shattered the record for turnout at a city council meeting Monday, as thousands lined up to voice their opposition to the construction of a massive police training facility known as Cop City. Ultimately, the Atlanta City Council voted 11-4 to approve $30 million in additional funding for the project, bringing the total to $67 million — more than double the original estimate. The contentious vote comes after a SWAT team raided the Atlanta Solidarity Fund last Wednesday and arrested three people who had been raising money to bail out protesters opposed to Cop City, charging them with money laundering and charity fraud. Forty-two protesters still face charges including domestic terrorism for opposing Cop City, and activists continue to demand answers over the fatal police shooting of environmental activist Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán in January. For more on Cop City, we speak with Reverend James Woodall from the Southern Center for Human Rights, who spoke at the City Council meeting, as well as Atlanta Solidarity Fund organizer Marlon Kautz, one of the three people arrested in last week’s SWAT raid. Kautz says the charges are “malicious political prosecutions” with the intent to “suppress a political movement.”

        • The NationAtlanta Is Trying to Crush the Opposition to “Cop City” by Any Means Necessary

          In the early morning of Wednesday, May 31, a heavily armed joint task force of officers from the Atlanta Police Department and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation raided the Teardown House, a long-standing community center in Edgewood—a historically Black, rapidly gentrifying neighborhood in Atlanta—that doubles as a home for community organizers.

        • OpenRightsGroupSnowden Revelations: Ten Years On

          It would take much more than a blog to outline all of what we learnt over the next year and more. Javier Ruiz, Policy Director at ORG wrote a comprehensive analysis, Collect it all, describing what specifically learnt about surveillance in the UK, which included the following: [...]

        • Michael West MediaJapan, Australia, US to fund Micronesia undersea cable

          Japan has joined the United States and Australia in signing a $US95 million ($A143 million) undersea cable project that will connect East Micronesia island nations to improve networks in the Indo-Pacific region where China is increasingly expanding its influence.

          The approximately 2250-kilometre undersea cable will connect the state of Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia, Tarawa in Kiribati and Nauru to the existing cable landing point located in Pohnpei in Micronesia, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.

        • The NationGet Ready for AI Surveillance at the 2024 Paris Olympics

          After some initial public enchantment with artificial-intelligence (AI) technologies, people have been ringing alarm bells with increasing fervor. In Hollywood, concerns that AI will be used as a worker-replacement contraption has helped animate the ongoing Writers Guild of America strike. Katrina vanden Heuvel noted in The Nation that although AI could usher in “an era of unprecedented human health and happiness,” the bundle of technologies also “has the potential for massive economic disruption, weakened national security, and the erosion of personal privacy.” In other words, because we, the people, don’t control AI, it is in the hands of the 1 percent, and it could come to control us.

    • Defence/Aggression

    • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

      • Bruce SchneierSnowden Ten Years Later

        In 2013 and 2014, I wrote extensively about new revelations regarding NSA surveillance based on the documents provided by Edward Snowden. But I had a more personal involvement as well.

        I wrote the essay below in September 2013. The New Yorker agreed to publish it, but the Guardian asked me not to. It was scared of UK law enforcement, and worried that this essay would reflect badly on it. And given that the UK police would raid its offices in July 2014, it had legitimate cause to be worried.

        Now, ten years later, I offer this as a time capsule of what those early months of Snowden were like.

      • Digital First MediaDetroit police in leaked memo: Stop leaking information to media

        The May 23 teletype, titled "Releasing Information to News Outlets Without Proper Authority," advised that unauthorized leaks to reporters would "not be tolerated. Any member found to be engaging in this behavior will be subject to discipline up to and including termination."

      • Deutsche WelleFact check: No, Sweden is not holding a 'sex championship'

        A headline on the website for The Times of India, one of India's most popular and reputable newspapers, reads that "Sweden Will Soon Host the European Sex Championship."

        According to the report, Sweden has officially recognized sex as a sport and, to determine who's best at it, would host a tournament in which contestants would engage in daily encounters lasting up to six hours.

        The competition was apparently scheduled to begin June 8 in the city of Gothenburg.

    • Environment

      • France24Earthquake kills several people in Haiti following deadly floods

        An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 struck southern Haiti early Tuesday, killing at least four people and injuring 36 others, authorities said.

      • France24Scores dead and thousands displaced after flooding, landslides in Haiti

        At least 42 people were dead and 11 missing in Haiti after heavy rains at the weekend triggered flooding and landslides, civil protection officials said Monday.

      • YLEAlleged Finnish-Estonian environmental crimes case goes to court

        An investigation by the National Bureau of Investigation in cooperation with Estonian authorities uncovered evidence that thousands of tons of waste were illegally transported between Finland and Estonia.

      • Marcy WheelerNow Fully Normalized: Sportswashing the Bonesaw with Golf

        Golf as a professional sport now has completely lost its way with the merger of PGA with LIV. Apparently blood money makes the greens greener.

      • Michael West MediaTreasurer heads to New Zealand for economic talks

        Climate action and economic development will be on the agenda as Treasurer Jim Chalmers visits€ New Zealand.

        Dr Chalmers heads to Wellington on Wednesday as the two countries mark 40 years of the€ Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement, known as the CER.

      • Michael West MediaClimate change risk added to banking watchdog's beat

        Australia’s banking regulator will push banks, insurers and superannuation funds to properly account for climate risks under an updated charter.

        The Albanese government on Wednesday released an updated Statement of Expectations for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).

      • Pro PublicaClimate Crisis Has Stranded 600 Million Outside Most Livable Environment

        Climate change is remapping where humans can exist on the planet. As optimum conditions shift away from the equator and toward the poles, more than 600 million people have already been stranded outside of a crucial environmental niche that scientists say best supports life. By late this century, according to a study published last month in the journal Nature Sustainability, 3 to 6 billion people, or between a third and a half of humanity, could be trapped outside of that zone, facing extreme heat, food scarcity and higher death rates, unless emissions are sharply curtailed or mass migration is accommodated.

        The research, which adds novel detail about who will be most affected and where, suggests that climate-driven migration could easily eclipse even the largest estimates as enormous segments of the earth’s population seek safe havens. It also makes a moral case for immediate and aggressive policies to prevent such a change from occurring, in part by showing how unequal the distribution of pain will be and how great the improvements could be with even small achievements in slowing the pace of warming.

    • Finance

      • ScheerpostFor Media, Giving in to Debt Limit Blackmail Was a Triumph of Bipartisanship

        Media legitimizing the GOP’s economic hostage-taking allowed the party to stick with it without fear of massive political blowback.

      • Telex (Hungary)The Hungarian economy will have to transition to an existence without EU funding – Márton Nagy

        The price freezes will not be lifted for the time being, but why should they be, and inflation will be down to single digit figures by the end of the year, Márton Nagy, Hungarian Minister for Economic Development, told Világgazdaság in an interview evaluating his past year on the job. The paper also asked about the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) and whether it can replace EU funds, and the Minister for Economic Development said that it can, and is even better than EU funds.

      • Telex (Hungary)Hungary sees biggest drop in retail sales in EU

        Among EU member states, Hungary saw the biggest year-on-year decline in retail sales in April, Portfolio reports.

      • Michael West MediaContentious Australia-first rent bidding revamp shelved

        An Australia-first proposal to make rent bidding transparent has been shelved after warnings of even worse inflation were aired by tenant and landlord advocates.

        Designed to help level the playing field for tenants and assist with the costs of renting, a ban on secret rent bidding would spark legal rental auctions and further push up prices, an inquiry into the proposal heard late last week.

      • Michael West MediaLabor rejects claim wage rise to blame for rates hike

        The federal government has rejected claims the latest hike in interest rates was partially driven by its decision to back wage rises for low-paid workers.

        The Reserve Bank of Australia on Tuesday hiked the key cash interest rate to 4.1 per cent in another blow for mortgage holders.

      • New York TimesWorld Bank Projects Weak Global Growth Amid Rising Interest Rates [Ed: Growth in what? The currencies lose their value rapidly.]

        A new report projects that economic growth will slow this year and remain weak in 2024.

      • Michael West MediaInflation-beating pay rises can't be widespread: RBA [Ed: The banksters are starving the poor]

        The wages of the lowest-paid workers should be protected from the rising cost of living but not everyone should expect a pay rise that eclipses inflation, the central bank head says.

        Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe has clarified his thinking about swelling pay packets and the inflationary outlook after the RBA’s interest rate decision on Tuesday.

      • Michael West MediaAustralia on 'narrow path' to bring down inflation: RBA

        Australia is still on track to bring inflation down without triggering a recession but this “narrow path” is littered with risks,€ Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe says.€ 

        Tuesday’s interest rate hike – the 12th in a particularly assertive tightening cycle – will ensure inflation comes back within its two-to-three per cent target range in a “reasonable timeframe”.

      • ScheerpostFailure of the US Monetary System and the Solution

        The debt-ceiling crisis that recently played out in Washington between budget-cutting Republicans and the further explosion of debt under the Biden administration highlights again the failure of the US monetary system to provide effective liquidity for the world’s largest economy.€ 

      • Michael West MediaWorld Bank lifts 2023 growth forecasts, cuts outlook

        The World Bank has raised its 2023 global growth outlook as the US, China and other major economies have proven more resilient than forecast but says higher interest rates and tighter credit will take a bigger toll on next year’s results.

        Real global GDP is set to climb 2.1 per cent this year, the World Bank said in its latest Global Economic Prospects report –€ up from a 1.7 per cent forecast issued in January but well below the 2022 growth rate of 3.1 per cent.

      • Michael West MediaJenny Craig to cease trading, employees made redundant

        Weight loss giant Jenny Craig will immediately cease trading€ from stores across Australia with employees to be€ made redundant after the company failed to sell its Australian and New Zealand operations of the brand.

        FTI Consulting took the reins of the weight management service’s Australian and New Zealand operations last month after they slipped into voluntary administration.

      • Michael West MediaUS debt ceiling talks rekindle feud over Ukraine funds

        The battle to raise the $US31.4 ($A47.2) trillion US debt ceiling has rekindled debate in Congress over funding for Ukraine, as House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy says he has no immediate plans to take up legislation to boost defence spending beyond what was in the deal.

        McCarthy’s comments could signal a tougher road through Congress when President Joe Biden next asks for additional funds for Ukraine.€ 

      • QuartzSingapore will shut down its oldest and only racecourse to build more homes

        Amid a housing crunch, Singapore’s only racecourse is being cleared to make way for more homes.

      • France24Nationwide protests against pension reform see lowest turnout since January

        A mere 300,000 people participated in demonstrations in Paris on Tuesday according to the CGT union, the lowest since protests against the government's deeply unpopular pension reform started in January, while police put turnout at 31,000. Despite the low numbers, French unions remain determined in their fight againt raising France's retirement age. Read our live blog to see how all the day's events unfolded.€ All times are Paris time (GMT+2).

      • New York TimesFrench Pension Plan Protests Erupt Again

        After months of widespread protests failed to budge the government, opponents acknowledge that the chances of turning the tide now are slim.

      • JURISTFrance unions stage potentially last nation-wide protests against pension reforms

        French union activists and protesters once again took to the streets Tuesday€ to protest the controversial pension reform bill, which first sparked mass protests back in January. While tens of thousands of people still turned out to protest, the turnout—as of the time of this report—is lower than previous protests.

      • The NationCongress Is Sticking Students With the Check

        As centrist Washington rallies around the Fiscal Responsibility Act—the GOP austerity bill blessed by the Biden White House as a shining example of elegant, difference-trimming compromise—student debtors are facing a far less pleasing lesson in bipartisan lawmaking. The debt agreement abolishes the pandemic-era pause on student debt repayments—a senselessly punitive reversal that comes as the US Supreme Court is preparing to decide a right-wing challenge to President Joe Biden’s own student debt-relief plan, pledging $20,000 in debt forgiveness per borrower. It will almost certainly rule in favor of the plaintiffs seeking its overthrow. In this charged atmosphere, Biden’s mishandling of the debt crisis is a stunning repudiation of yet another bold claim that Biden has made about his egalitarian record: commitment to relieve “unsustainable debt” for college students seeking basic middle-class economic security, and to “fix a broken system” of spiraling tuition and debt for college students.

      • La Quadature Du NetFamily Branch of the French Welfare System: technology in the service of exclusion and harassment of the most vulnerable
      • Yahoo NewsReddit to Lay Off 5% of Workforce, Citing Company Restructuring

        Reddit confirmed it was laying off approximately 5% of its workforce, or 90 employees, on Tuesday — in line with most other noteworthy tech companies — to make 2023 a year of layoffs and cost-cutting measures.

        The Wall Street Journal broke the news, revealing that Reddit’s laying off employees and looking to cut down on costs in an effort to break even next year. Furthermore, the company’s previous projections of hiring 300 people by the end of 2023 have been slashed down to 100.

      • The Wall Street JournalReddit Laying Off About 90 Employees and Slowing Hiring Amid Restructuring
      • CNN's Licht Apologizes To Newsroom, As Critics' Dire Predictions Intensify

        “CNN is not about me,” he said, according to multiple reports based on a transcription, and inside sources. “I should not be in the news unless it’s taking arrows for you.” Licht also vowed to “fight like hell” to earn back the newsroom's trust.

      • Android HeadlinesT-Mobile lays off almost 70% of its notable customer service team

        Several tech companies are dropping their workers like ballasts as they struggle to take on the diminishing economy. Job cuts are affecting major companies like Microsoft, Google, Meta, Etc. T-Mobile is no stranger to this as the company has dropped several hundred more employees. According to The Mobile Report, T-Mobile laid off nearly 70% of its notable T-Force customer service team.

        If you are unfamiliar with what T-Force is, it’s T-Mobile’s very notable team of customer service specialists. They were introduced back in 2018 when John Legere was the CEO. The consisted of several call centers full of waiting customer service representatives to help people with their troubles.

      • QuartzWhat happens if the SEC's Coinbase lawsuit lands at the Supreme Court?

        The US Securities and Exchange Commission’s lawsuit against cryptocurrency€ exchange Coinbase has the potential to significantly diminish either the crypto industry’s presence in the US, or the power of the SEC.

      • QuartzThe SEC is finally making good on its threats to rein in crypto

        The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sued the crypto company Coinbase, one day after filing€ a lawsuit against Binance. Nearly a year after SEC chair Gary Gensler asserted that most cryptocurrencies are, in fact, securities, the agency is finally trying to bring the crypto industry into compliance.

      • LatviaLatvia ranks low in EU for social protection spending

        New data published by Eurostat May 5 shows that Latvia is close to the bottom of the list in the European Union when it comes to social protection expenditure.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • The Straits TimesMalaysia wins appeal against partial award in $20b claim by sultan's heirs

        The decision, which is final and binding, is a decisive victory for Malaysia, the law minister said.

      • Craig MurrayThe Framing of Jeremy Corbyn

        On Sunday I spoke alongside Jeremy Corbyn and others at a packed meeting in Oslo to discuss freedom in the modern world, with particular reference to Julian Assange and to Guantanamo. It was a truly inspirational event.

      • The NationCornel West’s Presidential Run Is Already Shaking Up the 2024 Race

        After decades of challenging the Democratic Party from within and without, professor and progressive activist Cornel West announced on Monday that he is running for president in 2024 as the candidate of the independent progressive People’s Party.

      • Telex (Hungary)The latest from Arte Weekly: A look at the lasting scars the pandemic left on the mental health of Europe's youth, and the political gamble of Spain's socialist party

        Spain's socialist leader Pedro Sanchez is betting his party’s survival on voters’ desire to keep the far right out of government. Although the pandemic is officially over, it has had a lasting impact on the mental health of young people across Europe. The Afghan artist Kubra Khademi’s bold artwork of the female body explores politics, culture and the patriarchy.

      • The NationSpain’s Left Is in Turmoil—and Now It’s Facing a Huge Electoral Test

        Is Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez a political chameleon, a phoenix, or a kamikaze? This is the question running through the minds of many on the left in Spain after May 29, when, less than 12 hours after his Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) was humiliated in local and regional elections across the country, Sánchez suddenly announced that he was dissolving the parliament and calling a general election for July 23—a full five months earlier than expected.

      • The NationThe GOP Is Not Gaining Black Voters

        Increasingly, Republicans are going after Black candidates for higher office. The GOP has fielded multiple Black nominees for statewide office and encouraged South Carolina Senator Tim Scott to run for president. Although these are mainly cynical attempts to peel away some Black support from Democrats, these developments do pose a threat to the party—but not for the reason many pundits think.

      • TechdirtWelcome To Twitter, Linda Yaccarino, No One Wants To Advertise On Your Terrible Platform Any More

        On Monday of this week, new CEO Linda Yaccarino officially became CEO of Twitter. Of course, basically no one believes that she’s actually the CEO. Everyone knows that Elon Musk, who in the past has mocked the “CEO” title anyway, is still in charge. He still owns the company and is executive chairman, meaning that he can still fire Yaccarino whenever he wants. And he’s still managing the company and its products. Any honest look at what’s happening here would recognize that Yaccarino’s role is somewhere between “VP of Marketing & Advertising” and “the person we sent to meetings when Elon has pissed off someone important.” At best, she’s poised atop that glass cliff, awaiting the inevitable shove from Elon.

      • New York TimesBolsonaro to Face Trial Over Electoral Fraud Claims

        Brazil’s former president is accused of spreading false information about the nation’s election systems. A conviction would block him from office for eight years.

      • Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda

        • ReasonFirst (?) Libel-by-AI (ChatGPT) Lawsuit Filed [Ed: It had to happen. Just a matter of time. Microsoft making libel and plagiarism machines, then MARKETS them as INTELLIGENT!]

          "Every statement of fact in the summary [provided by ChatGPT] pertaining to [plaintiff] Walters is false."

        • India TimesIs it real or made by AI? Europe wants a label for that as it fights disinformation

          The European Union is pushing online platforms like Google and Meta to step up the fight against false information by adding labels to text, photos and other content generated by artificial intelligence, a top official said Monday.

          EU Commission Vice President Vera Jourova said the ability of a new generation of AI chatbots to create complex content and visuals in seconds raises "fresh challenges for the fight against disinformation."

        • TechdirtPossible Reasons Why YouTube Has Given Up Trying To Police 2020 Election Misinfo

          Judging by the number of very angry press releases that landed in my inbox this past Friday, you’d think that YouTube had decided to personally burn down democracy. You see, that day the company announced an update to its approach to moderating election misinformation, effectively saying that it would no longer try to police most such misinformation regarding the legitimacy of the 2020 election:

    • Censorship/Free Speech

      • Hong Kong Free PressHong Kong pollster axes release of Tiananmen anniversary survey results, citing gov’t ‘suggestions’
        A Hong Kong pollster said it has cancelled the release of survey results on Hongkongers’ views of the Tiananmen crackdown, citing “suggestions” made by “relevant government department(s).” The findings of the annual survey, conducted by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI), were originally scheduled to be announced on Tuesday.


        PORI published a statement hours before the slated release, saying that it was advised by “relevant government department(s)” to cancel the sharing of its June 4th Anniversary Survey Report based on a “risk assessment.”

      • Hong Kong Free PressWhy I lit a candle
        On Sunday, June 4, I went to Victoria Park to light a candle. In Poland, that’s how we commemorate the dead. That’s how we pray for the dead who lost their voice, and the living. Having made friends here during my exchange, I was made aware that Hong Kong used to have a similar tradition.


        When I entered Victoria Park, the truth is, I was scared, very scared. I thought I would be arrested, probably even deported. But if that’s what it meant – that in 24-hours I might be on the plane to the safety of home – it was a risk worth taking. My Hong Kong friends don’t have the same luxury.

        In the end, I had nothing to lose as an exchange student, but the action felt important. I wanted to show that the exchange students are aware of what Hong Kong is going through. We know. We might be foreigners, but we are not foreign to Hong Kong’s struggle.

      • [Repeat] Hong Kong Free Press‘To care, to express our sorrow’: Taiwan hosts Tiananmen crackdown remembrance vigil

        Hundreds gathered in Taiwan’s capital on Sunday to mark the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown – a show of solidarity as Beijing continues to censor all trace of the 1989 incident.

        The annual vigil took place outside Taipei’s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, with speakers including Chinese human rights lawyer Chen Jiangang, Taiwanese NGO worker Lee Ming-che, Danish artist Jens Galschiøt via video link, and ex-Tiananmen student leader Zhou Fengsuo — who spoke from New York, home to the world’s only museum about the crackdown.

      • Hong Kong Free PressGov’t seeks to ban protest song ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, including from internet

        The government is seeking a legal injunction, and interim injunction, to ban unlawful acts relating to the 2019 protest song Glory to Hong Kong, the lyrics of which contain a slogan that has been deemed a call for secession.

      • Hong Kong Free PressHong Kong police remove ‘seditious’ Tiananmen crackdown candle banner from Sai Kung shop

        The store owner Debby Chan, a former district councillor, told HKFP that a banner was hung on the gate on Sunday. The date marked the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown.

        On Monday morning, some neighbours sent her photos of several police officers outside her store before the banner was removed and a notice was put on the gate, Chan told HKFP.

      • Hong Kong Free PressHong Kong law is ‘clearly stated,’ John Lee says when asked about arrests over Tiananmen crackdown anniversary

        Hong Kong’s law is “clearly stated,” Chief Executive John Lee has said when asked to explain the reason behind a number of arrests made in relation to the Tiananmen crackdown anniversary.

      • The Register UKHong Kong tries to outlaw uploads of unofficial and anti-Beijing anthem

        The government of Hong Kong has sought an injunction to prevent performance and distribution, including online, of a song that has been mistaken for its national anthem.

        The song is titled "Glory to Hong Kong" and was composed as part of protests against the winding back of democratic freedoms in the Chinese territory.

        The ditty became popular among protestors and was widely shared – so widely shared that Google's search engine often produces results naming it the Special Administrative Region's (SAR) official anthem.

      • ReasonSomeone Trying to Vanish My Article About People Trying to Vanish Articles

        In 2021, I published Shenanigans (Internet Takedown Edition) in the Utah Law Review; the article is about people using various schemes—some of which included forgeries and frauds—to get material vanished from Internet search results. (You can read the Introduction below.)

        Yesterday, I saw that someone tried to use a different scheme, which I briefly mentioned in the article (pp. 300-01), to try to deindex the Utah Law Review version of my article: They sent a Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice to Google claiming that they owned the copyright in my article, and that the Utah Law Review version was an unauthorized copy of the version that I had posted on my own site: [...]

      • El PaísChina on the anniversary of Tiananmen massacre: Between oblivion and silence

        “Oblivion and silence,” sums up a European diplomatic source based in Beijing. Thirty-four years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, those two words are what best define the mood on the anniversary of the bloody repression of June 4, 1989 against peaceful protesters who had spent weeks in Tiananmen Square demanding political reforms from the Chinese government.

        For several years now there has not even been an official ceremony in Hong Kong. The island, returned by the United Kingdom to China in 1997, was for decades the only stronghold in the People’s Republic where massive vigils were organized annually in memory of the victims of the 1989 student protests. But a growing crackdown on freedoms in the former British colony, where a harsh National Security Law has been in force since 2020, has resulted in another year of forgetfulness.

      • RFAYoung overseas Chinese mark 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre

        Chinese students in Britain, the United States and elsewhere outside their homeland led vigils and rallies over the weekend marking the anniversary of the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen massacre despite threats and potential violence from agents and government supporters.

        A group of overseas students in London called the "China Deviants" staged a rally in Trafalgar Square on Sunday, displaying posters and photos of the massacre, alongside plastic tanks and other props.

        In actions that imitated the banners, headband slogans brought by the young people who once congregated in their thousands on Tiananmen Square 34 years ago, the students' slogans also spoke eloquently to their own generation in the wake of the "white paper" protests of November 2022.

      • [Repeat] JURISTRussia bans ‘unfriendly countries’ journalists from economic gathering

        A spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitri Peskov announced on Sunday that journalists from ‘unfriendly countries’ were banned from covering St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) which is scheduled for mid June. The ban, announced just days before the event, effectively prohibits independent media organizations and critical journalists from reporting on one of Russia’s most prominent economic gatherings. No journalists from Western countries will be accredited to attend for the first time in history. Peskov stated “Yes, indeed. It was decided not to accredit media outlets from unfriendly countries to the SPIEF this time.”

      • Jacobin MagazineNarendra Modi Is Developing a New Template for Authoritarian Control of the Internet

        Many journalists have been jailed for reporting on issues that displeased Modi’s government. The Indian authorities have raided the offices of human rights organizations like Amnesty International and frozen their bank accounts, accusing them of money laundering. In February of this year, there were raids on the BBC’s local offices after the British channel broadcast a documentary that criticized Modi’s handling of the 2002 anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat when he was the state’s chief minister.

        Most of the Indian media supports Modi and has either misrepresented this crackdown or ignored it altogether. New Delhi Television (NDTV) was one of the last remaining news channels that maintained a semblance of neutrality and reported on uncomfortable issues. However, a wealthy Gujarati businessman and Modi supporter, Gautam Adani, recently purchased NDTV in a hostile takeover. Many of NDTV’s leading news anchors resigned after the takeover, anticipating a change in its editorial policies.

        With near-total control of the conventional print and broadcast media, one can only find unbiased and critical reporting in the independent news platforms that are available online. But Modi and the BJP are now seeking to crack down on the space offered by the [Internet] for dissenting voices. The moves it is making could establish a wider template for authoritarian control of online space and platforms.

      • The NationLike It or Not, Cancel Culture Is Free Speech

        When I wrote a cover €­story about the so-called “father of gynecology,” J. Marion Sims, for the November 2017 edition of Harper’s Magazine, I wanted to take him down. To ruin his reputation and topple the statues of him. I didn’t realize it would make me an apologist for cancel culture.

      • TechdirtTechdirt Podcast Episode 353: Moderator Mayhem!

        Last month, in partnership with Engine, we launched our new browser game that puts you in the shoes of a frontline content moderation worker at a growing online platform: Moderator Mayhem. If you haven’t tried it yet, you can play it in your browser on mobile or desktop. The response to the game has been great, and this week Mike is joined on the podcast by myself, our game design partner Randy Lubin of Leveraged Play, and Engine executive director Kate Tummarello who spearheaded the project, to discuss how we built Moderator Mayhem and the impact it’s been having so far.

      • ScheerpostTwitter Files Extra: How the World’s ‘No-Kidding Decision Makers’ Got Organized

        The Atlantic Council is hosting its 360/0S Summit at RightsCon this week, and Twitter Files documents tell us more about how this VIP-room-within-a-VIP-room was formed.

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

      • [Repeat] teleSURUS Gannett Journalists Go on Strike

        On Monday, hundreds of journalists joined a strike to demand a change in management at Gannett, a business group that controls newspapers like USA Today.

        Their protest coincides with Gannett's annual meeting of shareholders who have been asked by protesters to withdraw their trust from CEO Mike Reed.

      • Hong Kong Free PressHong Kong police urged to give explanation after journalist taken away on Tiananmen crackdown anniversary

        The move of putting veteran journalist Mak Yin-ting in police custody in Causeway Bay on Sunday without giving any reason amounted to “seriously hindering reporting,” the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) said in a statement issued on Monday.

      • RFERLEuropean Rights Court Slams Russia's Failure To Adequately Investigate Navalny Poisoning

        The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that Russian authorities failed to adequately investigate the poisoning in 2020 of Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, thus violating his right to life and a proper investigation under the European Convention of Human Rights.

      • RFERLJournalists Not Allowed To Attend Navalny's New Trial Inside Russian Prison

        The administration of a prison in Russia's Vladimir region has barred journalists from entering the facility, where the preliminary hearing into a new criminal case against already jailed opposition leader Aleksei Navalny is set to start on June 6.

      • teleSURRussia-South Africa Mass Media Partnership's Prospects Are Huge [Ed: Russia exporting lies]

        The BRICS Africa Channel€ editor-in-chief tells TV BRICS about the opportunities in the South African media market.

      • AxiosChaos looms over CNN

        CNN is on edge following a chaotic weekend of media reports and headlines suggesting CEO Chris Licht's days at the network are numbered.

        Why it matters: The network was already under enormous stress following years of corporate mergers, product pivots and evaporating cable viewership.

      • EFFTo Save the News, We Must Open Up App Stores

        When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad in 2010, he didn’t just usher in a new kind of computing device - the first mainstream touchscreen tablet - he also promised a new model for internet-based publishing: paid subscriptions.

        Jobs railed against the world of advertising-supported web publishing, correctly identifying it as the pretense for the creation of a vast, dangerous unaccountable surveillance system that€  the private sector would build, but which cops and spies enjoyed unfettered, warrantless access to.

        Jobs promised a better internet: he promised publishers that if they expended the capital to build apps for his new tablets, that he would free them from the increasingly concentrated and aggressive surveillance advertising sector. Instead of paying for journalism with ads, Jobs promised that publishers would be able to sign up subscribers who’d pay cash money, breaking the uneasy coalition between surveillance and journalism.

      • Democracy Now“Enough Is Enough”: Australian PM Throws Support Behind Movement to Free Julian Assange

        A growing number of politicians, including Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, are calling on the United States to drop its case against WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange, who has been locked up for four years in London’s Belmarsh prison awaiting possible extradition to face espionage and hacking charges for publishing leaked documents about U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Among Assange’s supporters is Australian human rights attorney Jen Robinson, who has been a legal adviser to Assange since 2010. She joins us from London, where she calls for the case against Assange to be dropped and warns that continuing his prosecution “threatens free speech around the world.”

      • Scheerpost15 Reasons Why Mass Media Employees Act Like Propagandists

        By Caitlin Johnstone / If you watch western news media with a critical eye you eventually notice how their reporting consistently aligns with the interests of the US-centralized empire, in almost the same way you’d expect them to if they were government-run propaganda outlets. The New York Times has reliably€ supported every war the US […]

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • RFERLSpeculation Rises Over Death Of Iranian Ex-Policewoman After Her Release From Custody

        A former member of Iran's police force who resigned in protest against the suppression of demonstrators, is said to have died under what colleagues say were suspicious circumstances.

      • TechdirtThe Fleeting Utopia: Navigating The Euphoria Of New Digital Communities

        Joining a new digital community can be an exhilarating and empowering experience. This has been observed on numerous occasions when people join new platforms such as Nostr, BlueSky, Farcaster,, Tribel, and many others, as well as older social media platforms such as blogs, Usenet, LiveJournal, Xanga, AOL, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

      • QuartzTwo planes of migrants landed in California within a week—both flown by the same air charter company

        Days after a planeload of Latin American migrants arrived on a private jet at a small Sacramento airport, a second such group has landed in California’s capital.

      • LatviaRīga Mayor: pride flag above city council was a one-person decision

        Riga Mayor Mārtiņš StaÄ·is told Latvian Radio June 6 that the decision on hanging the pride flag€ at the City Council building was taken by himself alone, to express solidarity with the LGBT+ community.

      • Federal News NetworkRacist message, dead raccoon left for Oregon mayor, Black city council member

        Authorities say someone left a dead raccoon and a sign with “intimidating language” outside an Oregon city mayor's law office. The Redmond Police Department says the raccoon and the sign were found Monday and named both Redmond Mayor Ed Fitch and Redmond City Councilor Clifford Evelyn, who is Black. The Bulletin reports that Fitch characterized the sign’s language as “racially hateful.” Evelyn described the act as a hate crime in an interview with Oregon Public Broadcasting. He says he has confidence in the police investigation.

      • NYPostSouthern Poverty Law Center adds parental rights groups to ‘hate and extremism’ report

        “Schools, especially, have been on the receiving end of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks, frequently through the guise of ‘parents’ rights’ groups,” the SPLC’s report argues.

      • New York TimesThe Immigrant Experience in a Danish Butter Cookie Tin

        Ubiquitous in immigrant households, the cookie tin might be a more apt metaphor for our journeys than the melting pot.

      • Onur Yaser Can case: Police officers receive lenient sentences in prolonged trial

        Onur Yaser Can, a 28, took his own life in 2010 following alleged torture by narcotics police. After years of legal proceedings, four officers were ultimately convicted of "tampering or destroying official documents." The plaintiff's lawyers will appeal the decision, urging for the officers to be face trial for torture.

      • ReasonWomen-Only Naked Spa Lacks Constitutional Right to Exclude Transgender Patrons with Pensises

        From Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein's opinion yesterday in Olympus Spa v. Armstrong (W.D. Wash.): The Olympus Spa is a Korean spa "specifically designed for women," and the services offered there "are closely tied to the Korean tradition," meaning patrons are "require[d] … to be naked" during certain services.

      • The Straits TimesCustomer ran amok in a restaurant in Malaysia after being called ‘pak cik’, say cops

        Mr Wan Azlan said the authorities are tracing the suspect's whereabouts.

      • [Repeat] teleSUR77 Schoolgirls Poisoned in Afghanistan

        The Taliban have banned secondary and higher education for women since they came to power on August 15, 2021. Other gender-related restrictions include mandatory face coverings, segregation by sex, and requiring women to travel accompanied by a male relative.

      • [Repeat] New York TimesNearly 90 Afghan Schoolgirls Were Poisoned, Officials Suspect

        In March last year, the Taliban administration barred girls from attending high schools and in November, it prohibited women from attending university. Women have also been barred from going to many public places like gyms and parks, traveling any significant distance without a male relative and working in most fields outside of the private sector and health care.

      • NL TimesHundreds of young Dutch people at risk of forced marriage during summer holiday

        Hundreds of young Dutch people are at risk of forced marriage and abandonment abroad during the summer period because they often miss signs of danger. They are blind to these issues, often out of loyalty to their family, so that a seemingly innocent family visit abroad can end in a "one-way trip," claimed the LKHA, a Dutch information center specialized in research and policy regarding forced marriage and abandonment.

        Victims realize only afterwards that there were signs, such as a sudden departure or a lack of control over their passport, visa or tickets. "For example, victims are kept out of certain conversations, or no return ticket has been booked for the victim," the LKHA said.

      • Michael West MediaTask force to bring aged care back from the brink

        The unanswered question of the royal commission into aged care will be tackled by a new expert group seeking to lift standards, improve funding models and put people’s rights at the centre of the system.€ 

        Aged Care Minister Anika Wells will lead a task force of economic, finance, public policy, First Nations and consumer advocacy representatives who will provide the federal government with the next steps in sector reform.

      • The NationCountry of Immigrants
      • The NationHow Black Women Writers Got It Done

        In the early 1980s, two Black women sat at a table, a tape recorder between them. One, Margaret Walker, was an elder, a trailblazing writer and educator who had endured untold obstacles since her career began in the 1940s. The other, Claudia Tate, was a young academic hard at work on her first book: a study of Black women writers who, like Walker, had found success in spite of the misogynoir of the American literary landscape. “People think that [Richard] Wright helped me and my writing,” Walker told Tate, the hurt and indignation in her voice. “But I was writing poetry as a child in New Orleans. I had published in The Crisis even before I ever met Wright…. Do you believe I was just being introduced to literature by Wright?” Though Tate had never suggested that, decades of snubs and indignities animated Walker’s defensiveness. Eventually, though, she softened. “Here’s one of Wright’s letters,” she said, and I can imagine Walker rummaging through an armoire, or a filing cabinet, to deliver these precious yellowed memories into Tate’s lap. It is a beautiful thing to picture her, after shadowboxing her invisible detractors, realizing that the young Black woman sitting in front of her can be trusted.

      • ScheerpostProgressive Groups Sue Mississippi Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Anti-Protest Law

        "We should not have to risk arrest and imprisonment for exercising our constitutional rights, including freedom of speech and equal protection under the law," asserted one of the plaintiffs.

      • ScheerpostFormer Prisoner of 48 Years Reviews John Oliver’s Report on Solitary Confinement

        Mansa Musa, who spent 48 years in prison, talks about what John Oliver’s recent Last Week Tonight segment on solitary confinement gets right and what it leaves out, including the fact that solitary was used to isolate Black Panthers and other radicals entering the prison system in the ’70s.

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

    • Digital Restrictions (DRM)

      • TechStory MediaSpotify to lay off 200 workers in podcast division - TechStory

        On Monday, Spotify Technology SA said it would slack off 200 employees in its podcast division, which is about 2 per cent of the audio streamer’s global workforce. The company has complied to aggressive methods of expansion to compensate for its earnings from music streaming with other revenue-generating formats including podcasts, spending more than $1 billion on them and adding popular names such as Joe Rogan and Meghan, Duchhess of Sussex, to its brand campaign.

      • TechdirtDisney Gets A Nice Fat Tax Break For Making Its Streaming Catalog Worse

        We just got done discussing how, as the streaming video space consolidates and grows, it’s starting to behave more and more like the unpopular, consolidated cable and broadcast companies they once disrupted. Cory Doctorow’s theory of enshittification has come to streaming, in a big way.

    • Monopolies

      • The NationAI Doesn’t Pose an Existential Risk—but Silicon Valley Does

        A coalition of the willing has united to confront what they say is a menace that could destroy us all: artificial intelligence. More than 350 executives, engineers, and researchers who work on AI have signed a pithy one-sentence statement: “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks, such as pandemics and nuclear war.” But like the target of the last infamous coalition of the willing—Saddam Hussein and his mythical “weapons of mass destruction”—there is no existential threat here.

      • EU/EC

        • European CommissionPolitical agreement on new Anti-Coercion Instrument to better defend EU interests on global stage [Ed: The same EC that helped EPO and patent profiteers break the law, violate constitutions, to the detriment of "EU interests on global stage" with the insane Unified Patent Court]

          European Commission Press release Brussels, 06 Jun 2023 The European Parliament and the Council have today reached a final political agreement on the Anti-Coercion Instrument (ACI).

        • European Commission€2.2 million from European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to support 600 dismissed workers in Belgium [Ed: While at the same time attacking all Belgium SMEs by unlawfully bringing Unified Patent Court into force]

          European Commission Press release Brussels, 06 Jun 2023 Today, the European Commission proposed to support 603 workers dismissed by a logistics company in Belgium with €2.2 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF).

        • Telex (Hungary)OLAF opened 15 investigations into suspected fraud in Hungary last year [Ed: EU says it cracks down on fraud. So why does EU PARTICIPATE in the EPO fraud? Why did it start a fraudulent court illegal and unconstitutionally? Where does "fraud" seem acceptable?]

          The EU's Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has published its annual report, which shows that in 2022 it opened 15 investigations into suspected fraud in Hungary, and in ten of these, the office proposed some kind of financial consequence. The investigation didn't just compare EU member states, but included other countries where EU funds are used as well, reports.

      • Trademarks

        • ReasonS. Ct. Will Decide "TRUMP TOO SMALL" Trademark / First Amendment Case

          The government, on the other hand, argues that the trademark registration scheme should be treated like government subsidies, which can generally be distributed in content-based but reasonable and viewpoint-neutral ways. (For instance, the charitable tax exemption can be limited to groups that don't use the exemption to advocate for or against candidates, because the exemption is a subsidy and the no-electioneering condition is viewed as reasonable and viewpoint-neutral.) The Court will presumably hear the case this Fall, and will decide it by June 2024.

      • Copyrights

        • Public Domain ReviewIn the Mind of Marie: A Haunting Encounter in the Gardens of Versailles (1913)

          Time travel with a hairpin twist: two women land in the psyche of Marie Antoinette in 1792, while she is thinking about 1789.

        • Digital Music NewsStray Kids Smashes K-Pop Record with More Than 5 Million Album Pre-Sales

          K-pop boy band Stray Kids smashes records with five million-plus album pre-sales and more than two million copies sold on day one in South Korea. On the day of its release, Stray Kids’ comeback album€ 5 Star€ quickly became one of the bestselling titles in South Korea this year.

        • Torrent FreakManga Publishers Seek Google Analytics Data to Back $14m Piracy Damages Claim

          Manga publishers Kodakawa, Shogakukan, and Shueisha hope to recoup millions of dollars in damages from the operator of Mangamura, which was once the largest manga piracy site. To assist in their legal battle in Japan, the publishers went to a U.S. federal court this week, requesting traffic stats and personal data from the site's accounts at Google and Cloudflare.

        • Torrent FreakDodgy RARBG Knockoffs Thrive as Former Users Seek Refuge

          While the shutdown of RARBG is bad news for former users, scammers are happily exploiting the confusion to boost their own traffic. One copycat in particular, which has been around for years, has sneakily managed to convince some people that the site hasn't been shut down. RARGB is working just fine! Oh, wait...

        • Torrent FreakRightscorp Taps Indie Labels to Fuel New Wave of Piracy Settlement Action

          After somehow managing to survive years of losses that pushed the company ever closer to bankruptcy, Rightscorp's piracy settlement model suddenly underpinned recording industry lawsuits against ISPs in the United States. After joining the American Association of Independent Music (A2IM), Rightscorp hopes that the Indie sector will reinvigorate its fortunes.

        • Creative CommonsEllen Euler — Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 18

          Open Culture VOICES is a series of short videos that highlight the benefits and barriers of open culture as well as inspiration and advice on the subject of opening up cultural heritage. Ellen is a Lawyer and Cultural Heritage professional who is currently a Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam where she teaches about open access in the Library and Information Sciences department.

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