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HelenahLike... male nor female?Aug 24 00:00
HelenahI'm confused...Aug 24 00:00
DaemonFCWhen I go outside, I may not be dressed in the nicest clothes, but I'm not letting my sex organs hang out.Aug 24 00:00
DaemonFCI think societal decay is responsible for a lot of this "rape culture" problem that mjg59_ is so worked up about.Aug 24 00:00
HelenahWait... slow down a min...Aug 24 00:00
Helenahrape culture problem?Aug 24 00:00
DaemonFCNot all, maybe not most, but some.Aug 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: in the 70s many women went around toplessAug 24 00:01
schestowitz[TR]that does not happen anymoreAug 24 00:01
schestowitz[TR]so what you describe is hardly newAug 24 00:01
schestowitz[TR]you can still find photo albums of people in the 1970sAug 24 00:01
HelenahWhy would your sex organs hang out of your clothes anyway?Aug 24 00:01
schestowitz[TR]toplessAug 24 00:01
DaemonFCThe mass media also fuels this problem.Aug 24 00:01
MinceR(cat) 24 00:02
DaemonFCThey give men and women these impossible standards and then nobody wants to have sex with real people anymore.Aug 24 00:02
HelenahI'm struggling with tis... lolAug 24 00:02
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Security: Patches, Flaws, and FUD" ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 00:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Security: Patches, Flaws, and FUD"Aug 24 00:02
DaemonFCReal people might have bad teeth, some hair issues, might be a little overweight.Aug 24 00:02
HelenahMaybe American culture is VERY different...Aug 24 00:02
DaemonFCThe amusing thing about Game of Thrones is that there's a lot of nudity, right?Aug 24 00:03
DaemonFCAnd it's not like what you normally see in porn or something.Aug 24 00:03
DaemonFCThese are what people look like nude.Aug 24 00:03
HelenahDaemonFC: This is my "Whatever I want for myself" look 24 00:03
HelenahAn individualist who er...Aug 24 00:03
techusermaybe at least less overpopulation riskAug 24 00:03
HelenahWould rather not sheep others.Aug 24 00:03
DaemonFCI'm just disgusted by our culture.Aug 24 00:04
HelenahPersonally I wouldn't go nude.Aug 24 00:04
Helenahtechuser knows why.Aug 24 00:04
DaemonFCIt takes dumpy people and tells them that other dumpy people aren't good enough for them.Aug 24 00:04
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 00:04
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 00:04
techuseriirc you told here something, and this channel is publicly loggedAug 24 00:04
DaemonFCThe mass media pushes down a sort of collective mental illness.Aug 24 00:05
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], ^Aug 24 00:05
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:05
techusersex is too much price to payAug 24 00:05
DaemonFCNobody is worried about stopping them.Aug 24 00:05
DaemonFCPeople have been told that getting old and dying without kids means they're a failure.Aug 24 00:06
DaemonFCGetting old and dying with kids (workers) to replace them.... GREAT SUCCESS!Aug 24 00:06
techuserI don't understand what is a success and what is failureAug 24 00:06
techuserI don't expect I will be accepted by societyAug 24 00:06
DaemonFCThere is no society, really.Aug 24 00:07
techuserseems to be soAug 24 00:07
DaemonFCThere's just individuals.Aug 24 00:07
Helenah23:06 <DaemonFC> People have been told that getting old and dying without kids means they're a failure.Aug 24 00:07
DaemonFCWhat gets portrayed as "society" is synthetic.Aug 24 00:07
HelenahNot me...Aug 24 00:07
HelenahI never had that said to me...Aug 24 00:07
DaemonFCIt's like a McDonalds hamburger they want everyone to choke down.Aug 24 00:07
HelenahI don't have kids, I'm infertile.Aug 24 00:07
DaemonFCThe media sets expectations low. They make every single thing the same.Aug 24 00:07
DaemonFCIt's a McDonalds burger.Aug 24 00:07
HelenahMy mother wants grand children but she understands it's her issue and not mine so she doesn't get on my case about it, she accepts the situation.Aug 24 00:08
DaemonFCNothing in nature is that perfect.Aug 24 00:08
DaemonFCIf something is as repeatable as a McDonalds hamburger, it's fake.Aug 24 00:08
techuserit is evil to "want children"Aug 24 00:08
HelenahWell you are concerned about over population.Aug 24 00:09
techuserbecause it means children are equal to propertyAug 24 00:09
DaemonFCWhen parents figure out they aren't getting grandchildren, you're cut off.Aug 24 00:09
DaemonFCYou're on your own.Aug 24 00:09
DaemonFCFailed investment.Aug 24 00:09
techuserI'm concerned about toxic parent-child relationships (both ways)Aug 24 00:09
HelenahDaemonFC: My mother never cut me off.Aug 24 00:09
HelenahMy sister doesn't want children.Aug 24 00:09
HelenahAnd she said if she was to have a child, she doesn't want to get pregnant.Aug 24 00:09
HelenahShe wants to adoptAug 24 00:09
schestowitz[TR]midnight here, wif'e birthday startedAug 24 00:09
Helenahbut she's a lesbianAug 24 00:10
schestowitz[TR]need to draw somethingAug 24 00:10
techuserparents hate their children for wasting their children, teenagers hate their parents, children of old parents wants them to die for inheritance and no waste of moneyAug 24 00:10
HelenahI only got a single sibling so my mother can't get grand children from anyone.Aug 24 00:10
HelenahShe hasn't cut us off.Aug 24 00:10
HelenahShe supports us both all the same.Aug 24 00:10
techuser*wasting their timeAug 24 00:10
HelenahI just think American culture is truly fucked upAug 24 00:10
techuserand moneyAug 24 00:10
Helenahand that's without sounding like UK culture is perfect because it's not, it also has shit in it too.Aug 24 00:10
HelenahDon't get me wrong, I like people regardless of if they're American or not...Aug 24 00:11
HelenahPeople as individuals are good or badAug 24 00:11
HelenahBut if DaemonFC is telling the truth...Aug 24 00:11
HelenahThen a lot of bad has been said about American culture by them already.Aug 24 00:12
techuserif there is shit like this (wanting grandchildren), I would also want my parents to disappear soonerAug 24 00:12
Helenahtechuser: She doesn't beg, get on my case or throw it in my face...Aug 24 00:12
techuserI have no faith things will get better without major sacrificesAug 24 00:12
DaemonFC<techuser> parents hate their children for wasting their children, teenagers hate their parents, children of old parents wants them to die for inheritance and no waste of moneyAug 24 00:12
HelenahShe has only ever a few times, not many expressed that she'd like grand children.Aug 24 00:13
HelenahI don't see an issue with a mere expression like that, a neutral one.Aug 24 00:13
DaemonFCThe only thing mom's mom did is squander all of her money and wreck the house and then go to the retirement home.Aug 24 00:13
HelenahOne that isn't intended to get to meAug 24 00:13
HelenahI'd rather know my mother than not know her...Aug 24 00:13
DaemonFCShe wrecked the Cadillac too.Aug 24 00:13
DaemonFCShe didn't leave them a damned thing and they still take care of her.Aug 24 00:13
DaemonFCShe's so mean that the only reason she ever sees anyone in the family is because both my cousins work at the nursing home she lives in.Aug 24 00:14
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:14
HelenahDamnAug 24 00:14
HelenahI'm sorry to hear that! :(Aug 24 00:14
HelenahYeah not all family relationships are goodAug 24 00:14
techuserI think living together with someone all day is not good for mental healthAug 24 00:15
techuserall day, for lifeAug 24 00:15
Helenahtechuser: I'd rather talk to you here, people speak sensical, it's hard to talk with people who are soo set on opinions that make no sense...Aug 24 00:15
HelenahCause I don't want to trample on people...Aug 24 00:16
Helenahand I don't like arguments really :DAug 24 00:16
HelenahBut yeah, DaemonFC speaks a lot of sense!Aug 24 00:16
HelenahHe knows stuff.Aug 24 00:16
HelenahI like the guy.Aug 24 00:16
Helenahtechuser: How much of your opinions and views of the world are via misguidance due to the peers you hang around with?Aug 24 00:16
techuserI think my life is wasted, and I will never be happy anymore.Aug 24 00:16
HelenahYou see, Anonymous says similar...Aug 24 00:17
techuserI'm not happy with things with tech, but I don't know how to live without itAug 24 00:17
HelenahAnd you're in a small channel with him...Aug 24 00:17
techuserno ideaAug 24 00:17
HelenahAnd Anonymous also mentioned not being happy with tech...Aug 24 00:17
HelenahIt's like... you rub off on each other...Aug 24 00:17
DaemonFCLast time mom tried to go have dinner with her this happened. Before mom even put the car in reverse, my grandmother said "Do you know why you can't keep a man? It's because you're so mean!" and then mom took her to her favorite restaurant. Then by the time they were on the freeway on the way back, Grandma started another argument, sunk her fingernails into mom's hand on the steering wheel and drew blood, and tried to run them underneath a semi Aug 24 00:17
DaemonFCtrailer.Aug 24 00:17
HelenahI could be wrong though!Aug 24 00:17
HelenahIt's mere observation...Aug 24 00:18
HelenahI wanted to point it out because pointing it how keeps you informed.Aug 24 00:18
DaemonFCThen mom had to grab grandma's arm to get her off so she could get the car under control again, and old people bruise really easily.Aug 24 00:18
HelenahI want you to be an individual, techuser Aug 24 00:18
DaemonFCSo grandma found the social worker and said mom had beaten her.Aug 24 00:18
DaemonFCThe social worker opened an investigation, and closed it again after she interviewed 9 family members who said "Grandma does things like this all the time and it's why none of us go anywhere near her.".Aug 24 00:19
HelenahYeah that's sounds bad...Aug 24 00:19
HelenahDaFuQAug 24 00:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 00:20
HelenahWitnesses are your friend :)Aug 24 00:20
DaemonFCThey talked to me and after I named the 5-6 worst things Grandma ever did to me, including starting a food fight involving a McDonalds Coke and cheeseburger.......Aug 24 00:20
DaemonFCThey said thank you for talking to us.Aug 24 00:20
techusermy grandfather is an annoyance for other family members, but for some reason they don't put him into a mental hospitalAug 24 00:20
techuseridk why notAug 24 00:20
Helenahtechuser: I've known families who...Aug 24 00:20
Helenahno matter what would rather care for the member themselvesAug 24 00:20
DaemonFCI said, "This is subjective, but I don't even know how she stayed married for over 50 years. I asked my grandfather when he was alive and he told me 'At least I'll go to Heaven someday.'.".Aug 24 00:21
HelenahA care home that doesn't abuse its patients and takes good care of them is a better environment for an elderly person than a family home or their own home is.Aug 24 00:21
DaemonFCIt's better at a certain point not to even argue with someone about religion.Aug 24 00:21
HelenahYeahAug 24 00:22
DaemonFCIf they're so thoroughly convinced that a wasted life that someone else made them suffer through is okay because they're going somewhere, let them.Aug 24 00:22
HelenahDo not argue with a religious person about their beliefs :DAug 24 00:22
Helenahor your own!Aug 24 00:22
HelenahIt always results in chaos. :/Aug 24 00:22
HelenahlolAug 24 00:22
DaemonFCWell, you don't resolve anything.Aug 24 00:22
HelenahAgreedAug 24 00:22
Helenahyou just end up with a verbal fight LOLAug 24 00:23
DaemonFCYou'll still believe what you do, they'll still believe what they do. You'll both be pissed at each other and looking for ways to cause problems.Aug 24 00:23
DaemonFCLike, especially at work.Aug 24 00:23
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:23
DaemonFCThey'll go to the boss and say you made them feel uncomfortable by insulting their religious beliefs.Aug 24 00:23
DaemonFCWhoopsie.Aug 24 00:23
HelenahYeah, religious people are protected here too and so they should.Aug 24 00:24
HelenahbeAug 24 00:24
HelenahCause like...Aug 24 00:24
HelenahI don't think they should be at risk of harm or prejudice based on a belief...Aug 24 00:24
Helenaha belief that only really affects themAug 24 00:24
DaemonFCThey have persecutory delusions.Aug 24 00:25
DaemonFC 24 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What Are Persecutory Delusions?Aug 24 00:25
Helenahbut I don't think people should be able to force their beliefs into other peoples faces.Aug 24 00:25
DaemonFCBut that's their problem. Don't play into it. You'll be the one in trouble.Aug 24 00:25
HelenahI think it should be personal and kept to ones self.Aug 24 00:25
techuserparents tell their children about religionAug 24 00:25
techuserthen most people's religion is the one's their parents hadAug 24 00:25
HelenahYeh that's conversion, I don't agree with it, techuser Aug 24 00:25
HelenahReligion should be consentual.Aug 24 00:26
DaemonFC"or they believe the government is trying to kill them"Aug 24 00:26
DaemonFCThe government did try to kill me.Aug 24 00:26
HelenahIt must not be forced.Aug 24 00:26
HelenahThe Government is the reason why I exist, DaemonFC Aug 24 00:26
DaemonFCIt's like I just spoke of with schestowitz[TR] about Maricel being nudged out the door at the hospital.Aug 24 00:27
DaemonFCThey just harass you and lean on you and make life hard and you're supposed to take the hint and walk in front of a train.Aug 24 00:27
DaemonFCThat's what the police and state government tried to do to me.Aug 24 00:27
HelenahI've tried conversing with people and it's being god pushing after god pushing from themAug 24 00:27
Helenahlike each sentence has to involve godAug 24 00:27
techuserwhy do they take the people who attempt suicide to mental hospitals then though?Aug 24 00:27
Helenahand when you say you're athiest, politely say itAug 24 00:28
Helenahit amounts to nothing on their sideAug 24 00:28
DaemonFC<techuser> why do they take the people who attempt suicide to mental hospitals then though?Aug 24 00:28
DaemonFCMedical debt.Aug 24 00:28
HelenahThey don't like... stop the god pushingAug 24 00:28
DaemonFCThey know that they can put you $50,000 in medical debt and then if you don't kill yourself you'll owe them a lot of money.Aug 24 00:28
HelenahI'm fine with them having their beliefs, I'm not fine with their beliefs pushed into my face.Aug 24 00:28
Helenahlike I should believe it tooAug 24 00:28
HelenahYou see...Aug 24 00:29
DaemonFCtechuser, Involuntary committal is another way to dial up suicidal pressure when the government is in a harassment campaign against someone like me.Aug 24 00:29
HelenahThis is where American healthcare has gone wrong...Aug 24 00:29
DaemonFCThat's why you never admit they're making you have thoughts of suicide to them.Aug 24 00:29
HelenahWhat if someones suicide attempt harms someone else?Aug 24 00:29
HelenahIt's stupid that they don't just sort out the suicidal person...Aug 24 00:30
Helenahand want money before they do it...Aug 24 00:30
DaemonFCThey dump you out a couple weeks later and you owe them money and you're still facing criminal charges, and you owe the court money, and you owe the lawyers money, and you owe the banks money, and your landlord threw you out and you owe the motel money.Aug 24 00:30
DaemonFCBeen there. Done that. Bought the t-shirt.Aug 24 00:31
DaemonFCThe whole thing about living here is a scam.Aug 24 00:32
DaemonFCIf they can't get you to run on a treadmill like Mark and MARISOL, you're no good to them.Aug 24 00:32
DaemonFCSo they figure out how to force money and labor out of you or get you to kill yourself so you won't be a problem for the state again.Aug 24 00:33
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 Programming Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 00:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Programming LeftoversAug 24 00:33
DaemonFCIt's a conspiracy to destroy the soul of man.Aug 24 00:33
DaemonFCNow the state's a drug dealer too.Aug 24 00:34
DaemonFCNext it'll be a pimp.Aug 24 00:35
DaemonFCI guarantee you, legal whore houses will be the next thing in Illinois.Aug 24 00:35
DaemonFCThey want money, they know how to get it without complaint. So they'll employ some of their citizens to be prostitutes and tax some of their other citizens to fuck them.Aug 24 00:35
HelenahSuicide is against UK lawAug 24 00:35
Helenahbut they prevent it at the same time.Aug 24 00:36
HelenahThe idea is...Aug 24 00:36
DaemonFC<Helenah> Suicide is against UK lawAug 24 00:36
Helenahnot to incriminate youAug 24 00:36
Helenahbut to erm...Aug 24 00:36
DaemonFCIn less enlightened times, they would hang you for it.Aug 24 00:36
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], ^Aug 24 00:36
Helenahencourage other people to help you not commit it.Aug 24 00:36
HelenahBut yeah, it's er... weird law even so...Aug 24 00:36
HelenahSo if you attempted suicide you wouldn't end up in jail or with a criminal record...Aug 24 00:36
HelenahAnd it's illegal to die in parliament.Aug 24 00:37
HelenahSeriously none of this is enforced.Aug 24 00:38
HelenahThere's a lot of un-enforced UK lawAug 24 00:38
HelenahBecause it can be decided which laws are silly and which aren't because it's difficult to change UK law.Aug 24 00:38
DaemonFCYeah, they like making a lot of laws.Aug 24 00:38
HelenahMeaning it takes a long time to get rid of silly lawsAug 24 00:38
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): SUSE and Red Hat Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” SUSE and Red Hat LeftoversAug 24 00:39
Helenahso they can mark them un-enforcableAug 24 00:39
HelenahFor example...Aug 24 00:39
HelenahIt's illegal to carry planks of wood on the pavement, DaemonFC Aug 24 00:39
DaemonFCMaybe when Illinois decides to have whorehouses they can guarantee no Monkey pox or your monkey back.Aug 24 00:39
DaemonFCMinceR, ^Aug 24 00:39
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: can't talk right now, drawing card for wifeAug 24 00:39
HelenahWhich means if you went to ikea, bought a wardrobe, carried it across the pavement and into your home then you broke the law.Aug 24 00:39
HelenahBut you won't be done for it because it is a non-enforced law.Aug 24 00:40
HelenahBut is the lawAug 24 00:40
Helenahat the same timeAug 24 00:40
DaemonFC<Helenah> It's illegal to carry planks of wood on the pavement, DaemonFC Aug 24 00:40
DaemonFCThere was a guy drawing penises on the potholes to shame the city into filling them.Aug 24 00:40
HelenahPersonal drug possession laws are the same depending on drug classification.Aug 24 00:40
HelenahI can smoke a weedAug 24 00:41
DaemonFCThe cops here will pounce on drugs, 10 times worse if you're black.Aug 24 00:41
Helenahand not be done for itAug 24 00:41
Helenahbut I broke the law doing soAug 24 00:41
HelenahEven the police know, DaemonFC Aug 24 00:41
DaemonFCWeed is legal but they still figure out ways to bust black people for it.Aug 24 00:41
HelenahYep the police know I smoke weedAug 24 00:41
HelenahThey won't enforce that law.Aug 24 00:41
HelenahThe argument is that... it takes resources which can be best spent on actual harmful crimes.Aug 24 00:41
DaemonFCThat's not how it works here.Aug 24 00:41
DaemonFCIf the police catch you with drugs, they can take everything.Aug 24 00:42
DaemonFCThe money in your bank account, your cash, your car, your house.Aug 24 00:42
HelenahYeah, if they can you with drugs they can take the drugs and do you for itAug 24 00:42
DaemonFCSo they love drugs.Aug 24 00:42
HelenahLike I said it dependsAug 24 00:42
Helenahif it's personal use, if it's low classification such as weedAug 24 00:42
Helenahthey won't do you for itAug 24 00:42
HelenahIf it's a class A drug personal supply then they willAug 24 00:42
HelenahIf you run a cannabis farm, they will shut it downAug 24 00:42
HelenahThey'd rather go after the gold mine than the drug userAug 24 00:42
HelenahBecause... it isn't worth going after the drug users when you can just shut down the farms...Aug 24 00:43
HelenahYeah, they can't take everything from you for it.Aug 24 00:43
HelenahInfact... UK prisons can't take your liberties awayAug 24 00:44
HelenahWait is liberties the right term?Aug 24 00:44
HelenahThey got to look after youAug 24 00:44
HelenahUK prisons are about... serving time for what you did, they're not about treating you like some turd.Aug 24 00:44
HelenahFor example I'm AutisticAug 24 00:45
Helenahand I read into this cause I'm scared of prison due to my AutismAug 24 00:45
HelenahApparently they can't simply just stick me in prison like they would with any NT person.Aug 24 00:45
HelenahApparently they got to assign me a support worker who will slowly introduce me to the prison life and make adaptations based on my needs, DaemonFC Aug 24 00:45
HelenahThey won't for example expect you to hang around with the inmates if you would socially struggle with that.Aug 24 00:46
Helenahtechuser: ^Aug 24 00:48
schestowitz[TR]in the us prisons are businessAug 24 00:49
schestowitz[TR]businesses have one functionAug 24 00:50
schestowitz[TR]make more moneyAug 24 00:50
schestowitz[TR]how?Aug 24 00:50
schestowitz[TR]more prisonersAug 24 00:50
schestowitz[TR]or more expensive prisonersAug 24 00:50
schestowitz[TR]dental, meals, long termsAug 24 00:50
HelenahYeah in the UK, they're state, "Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service"Aug 24 00:51
HelenahThat doesn't mean the monarch shapes it though.Aug 24 00:51
schestowitz[TR]for nowAug 24 00:51
schestowitz[TR]let's wait for Tories tof* that up, tooAug 24 00:51
HelenahWell I can only speak of now...Aug 24 00:52
HelenahFuck speculation...Aug 24 00:52
HelenahSpeculation outputs a fuckton of different potential results, most if not all will not be true most likely.Aug 24 00:52
DaemonFC<Helenah> Apparently they got to assign me a support worker who will slowly introduce me to the prison life and make adaptations based on my needs, DaemonFC Aug 24 00:53
DaemonFCYeah, that's not how prison works here.Aug 24 00:53
HelenahThey make you life in your piss, shit, vomit?Aug 24 00:53
DaemonFCThey toss you into a cell, you eat whatever they decide to give you, you do whatever work they give you.Aug 24 00:53
HelenahThe guards give you a slap around?Aug 24 00:53
HelenahOhAug 24 00:53
DaemonFCIf people rape you in the shower, that's what happens in prison.Aug 24 00:53
HelenahHere they don't mix high risk offenders with low risk ones...Aug 24 00:54
HelenahSo rapists don't get mixed with debt criminals for exampleAug 24 00:54
DaemonFCPretty much every state prison system is a shit show.Aug 24 00:54
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Godot Engine - Godot 4.0 will discontinue visual scripting ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 00:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Godot Engine - Godot 4.0 will discontinue visual scriptingAug 24 00:54
DaemonFCYou're better off if you commit a federal crime and they throw you in prison.Aug 24 00:54
HelenahThey have different ways for different profile criminals.Aug 24 00:54
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Videos and Shows: HowTos, Goodbye to DuckDuckGo (Microsoft Front), and More ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 00:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Videos and Shows: HowTos, Goodbye to DuckDuckGo (Microsoft Front), and More"Aug 24 00:54
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today's π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 00:54
Helenah(wingsAug 24 00:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” today's leftoversAug 24 00:54
Helenah*wingsAug 24 00:54
HelenahThey put the high profile inmates in the centre of the prisons so they're behind a lot more secure doors.Aug 24 00:55
HelenahAnd they don't allow high profile criminals to mix with high profile criminalsAug 24 00:56
DaemonFCYou're less likely to be murdered or raped in federal prison.Aug 24 00:56
HelenahSo they won't mix a rapist with a rapist, a murder with a murder, a rapist with a murder, etcAug 24 00:56
DaemonFCThey have better food.Aug 24 00:56
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:56
DaemonFCThat's why the feds normally don't bust you for something that's also a state crime.Aug 24 00:56
DaemonFCFor example, peddling child pornography is a federal crime, but few people are in federal prison for that. Why?Aug 24 00:57
HelenahDid you know UK police carry guns as absolute last resort too?Aug 24 00:57
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:57
DaemonFCBecause they can throw them in state prison and make them really suffer and spend almost no money feeding them or keeping them safe from the other prisoners.Aug 24 00:57
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:57
DaemonFCIt's also more difficult to commit a federal crime, although not a lot more.Aug 24 00:58
HelenahEven in a riot the police would rather resort to shields and less harmful weapons.Aug 24 00:58
DaemonFCIt has to affect the financial system or involve state lines, or someone's civil rights, or something like that, usually.Aug 24 00:58
HelenahhmmAug 24 00:58
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–ƒβ–„β–β–ˆβ–ƒβ–β–ƒβ–‚β–β–ƒβ–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‚β–„β–β–‚β–…β–‚β–„β–β–‚β–‚β–†β–„β–…β–ƒβ–β–‚β–β– avg(k/sec) 30.95 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–‚β–β–ˆβ–β–β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–…β–ˆβ–ƒβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–‚β–‚β–ˆβ–‚β–β–ˆβ–β–β–β–ˆβ–†β–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 71.81β–• swarm size (avg): 110.06  βŸ²Aug 24 00:59
HelenahI don't normally use ignore but that bot is going on ignore until I need it.Aug 24 00:59
HelenahIt fills up my damn display!Aug 24 00:59
HelenahlolAug 24 00:59
HelenahDoneAug 24 00:59
*kevingranade has quit (*.net *.split)Aug 24 01:00
*swaggboi has quit (*.net *.split)Aug 24 01:00
*danielinux has quit (*.net *.split)Aug 24 01:00
*danielinux ( has joined #techrightsAug 24 01:00
*kevingranade (sid297678@CataclysmDDA/leader/kevingranade) has joined #techrightsAug 24 01:00
DaemonFCThe federal government likes to push it.Aug 24 01:00
HelenahUS sounds backward...Aug 24 01:01
HelenahThey really give ZERO shits about you whatsoeverAug 24 01:01
DaemonFCThey use the commerce clause to declare that almost any sort of offense or regulation is in their jurisdiction because it may affect interstate commerce somehow.Aug 24 01:01
DaemonFC<Helenah> They really give ZERO shits about you whatsoeverAug 24 01:01
DaemonFCPretty much.Aug 24 01:02
HelenahWait... so it's all money drivenAug 24 01:02
Helenahthe damn justice systemAug 24 01:02
Helenah100% money driven...Aug 24 01:02
HelenahIt's paid for in tax here...Aug 24 01:02
DaemonFCThe federal government tried to pass a federal gun free school zone law saying that it affected interstate commerce.Aug 24 01:02
Helenaho.OAug 24 01:03
DaemonFCThe Supreme Court struck that down.Aug 24 01:03
HelenahHow can kids learn around guns?!Aug 24 01:03
HelenahGeez... seriously...Aug 24 01:03
DaemonFCThey use "taxation" and the commerce clause as the backbone of every law they pass.Aug 24 01:03
HelenahI never had to worry about guns in my life!Aug 24 01:03
HelenahAnd I prefer it that way...Aug 24 01:03
DaemonFCIf you shoot a kid, it may affect commerce!Aug 24 01:03
DaemonFC:)Aug 24 01:03
HelenahWhy should I have to live in fear?Aug 24 01:03
DaemonFCWe're basically the Ferengi.Aug 24 01:04
HelenahWhy should kids have to struggle to learn and develop due to the fear of being shot every second of every day?Aug 24 01:04
HelenahCause that's how it will goAug 24 01:04
CrystalMathhi Helenah :)Aug 24 01:04
HelenahHi CrystalMath :DAug 24 01:04
DaemonFC 24 01:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Commerce Clause - WikipediaAug 24 01:05
techrights-newsLinks 24/08/2022: CrossOver 22.0.0 and Linux Schools Server 14.0.0 | Techrights βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 01:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 24/08/2022: CrossOver 22.0.0 and Linux Schools Server 14.0.0 | TechrightsAug 24 01:05
DaemonFC"Daniel v. Paul, 395 U.S. 298 (1969), ruled that the federal government could regulate a recreational facility because three of the four items sold at its snack bar were purchased from outside the state.[19]"Aug 24 01:05
HelenahI'm pretty sure crimes, rules and regulations don't affect commerce unless they involve it...Aug 24 01:05
Helenahcommerce... it's...Aug 24 01:05
Helenahyou know...Aug 24 01:05
Helenahretail, etc, etc, etcAug 24 01:05
HelenahIt should have NOTHING to do with the law/justice system!!!Aug 24 01:05
HelenahDamnAug 24 01:05
HelenahThey don't know what commerce is...Aug 24 01:05
Helenaho.OAug 24 01:05
DaemonFC"Starting in 1995, the Rehnquist Court's revived federalism, as evident in its 5–4 decision in United States v. Lopez, enforced strict limits to congressional power under the Commerce Clause.[20] In Lopez, the Court struck down the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990. It was the first time in almost 60 years that the Court had struck down a federal law for exceeding the limits of the Commerce Clause.[20] In the case, the Court was confronteAug 24 01:06
DaemonFCd with the conviction of a high school student for carrying a concealed handgun into school in violation of the act.Aug 24 01:06
DaemonFCIn striking down the federal law, the majority opinion explained:Aug 24 01:06
DaemonFC    [The Gun-Free School Zones Act] is a criminal statute that by its terms has nothing to do with "commerce" or any sort of economic enterprise, however broadly one might define those terms. [The act] is not an essential part of a larger regulation of economic activity, in which the regulatory scheme could be undercut unless the intrastate activity were regulated. It cannot, therefore, be sustained under our cases upholding regulations of Aug 24 01:06
DaemonFCactivities that arise out of or are connected with a commercial transaction, which viewed in the aggregate, substantially affects interstate commerce."Aug 24 01:06
schestowitz[TR]us holy matrimony between kids and bulletsAug 24 01:07
DaemonFC"Lopez was clarified by the Rehnquist Court in United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598 (2000). In Morrison, the Court invalidated Β§ 40302 of the Violence Against Women Act ("VAWA"), which created civil liability for the commission of a gender-based violent crime but without any jurisdictional requirement of a connection to interstate commerce or to commercial activity.[27]"Aug 24 01:07
Helenah"violence against women act", eh?Aug 24 01:08
HelenahI'm pretty sure violence affects both sexes...Aug 24 01:08
heurekaand childrenAug 24 01:08
HelenahYepAug 24 01:08
DaemonFCWell, despite the name, it deals generally in domestic violence.Aug 24 01:08
Helenahbut "both sexes" covers childrenAug 24 01:08
techuserHelenah: we have evil SJWsAug 24 01:09
HelenahMen are victims of domestic violence too.Aug 24 01:09
DaemonFCIt's possible for a woman to be in trouble with it over violence against a man.Aug 24 01:09
techuserthey will deny violence against men, or racism against white, and so onAug 24 01:09
HelenahSo the act is named fucky then, DaemonFC Aug 24 01:09
DaemonFCYeah, Joe Biden "did that".Aug 24 01:09
DaemonFCTo imply that only men can be violent.Aug 24 01:09
DaemonFCSo he could get votes.Aug 24 01:09
DaemonFCMen don't vote for Democrats.Aug 24 01:10
HelenahI mean Testosterone and everything, a man is most likely to go into a fight mode but erm...Aug 24 01:10
DaemonFCOnly about 30-35% of men vote for Democrats.Aug 24 01:10
HelenahWomen also have the fight or flight stress responseAug 24 01:10
DaemonFCSo politicians like Biden look to women for votes, by pandering, by calling men pigs.Aug 24 01:10
HelenahMeaning they're capable of also behaving the same wayAug 24 01:10
DaemonFCEven though he is allegedly a man.Aug 24 01:10
HelenahhmmAug 24 01:10
DaemonFCJoe had to pass the Violence Against Women Act, you know.Aug 24 01:10
DaemonFCTo protect women from Hunter.Aug 24 01:11
Helenahhmm :/Aug 24 01:11
DaemonFC:)Aug 24 01:11
HelenahWhat's wrong with covering both and receiving votes from both cause both feel protected from each other?Aug 24 01:11
Helenah"Domestic Violence Act"Aug 24 01:11
heurekanowadays, it's best to stay away from women and relations with them, as far away as possibleAug 24 01:11
DaemonFCHunter Biden took a cell phone video of himself trying to pay a hooker in crack.Aug 24 01:11
DaemonFChe even argued with her about how much crack the scale said was there.Aug 24 01:11
DaemonFCThis is the most embarrassing family member a sitting president has ever had.Aug 24 01:12
DaemonFCThat's after the laptop 'o child porn.Aug 24 01:12
HelenahI thought him sniffing a girls neck was bad optics...Aug 24 01:12
DaemonFCRemember when people thought it didn't get worse for a sitting president than to have a family member like Roger Clinton?Aug 24 01:12
HelenahSo he had child porn on a device?Aug 24 01:12
DaemonFCThey were so wrong.Aug 24 01:12
HelenahAnd so it wasn't bad optics?Aug 24 01:12
HelenahAnyone can take a picture of someone close to someone elses neck...Aug 24 01:13
DaemonFCHaving child porn on a laptop is pretty bad optics.Aug 24 01:13
Helenahand make it look disgustingAug 24 01:13
HelenahSo yeah that's why I thought "Might be bad optics"Aug 24 01:13
DaemonFCThat's why the media killed all of the Hunter Biden scandals leading to the election.Aug 24 01:13
DaemonFCIncluding the Chinese business dealings.Aug 24 01:13
techrights-newsMendy gets angry at his players after messing around with the ball for ages, basically conceding the goal all on his own. 24 01:13
HelenahWell I was meaning like...Aug 24 01:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leeds United 3-0 Chelsea | Premier League Highlights - InvidiousAug 24 01:13
Helenahillusions with camera workAug 24 01:13
HelenahJournalists do it all the time to stir shit.Aug 24 01:13
DaemonFC 24 01:14
HelenahSo this wasn't an illusion, he probably did that?Aug 24 01:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hunter Biden - WikipediaAug 24 01:14
DaemonFC"Several bank accounts linked to Hunter Biden have received $3.8 million in payments from CEFC China Energy, an oil and gas company with links to the Chinese Communist Party.[31] "Aug 24 01:14
DaemonFCHunter is currently under federal investigation for various crimes.Aug 24 01:15
DaemonFC 24 01:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hunter Biden laptop controversy - WikipediaAug 24 01:15
HelenahBut what does this have to do with Joe Biden?Aug 24 01:15
*Helenah reads articleAug 24 01:15
HelenahI said itAug 24 01:17
HelenahreadAug 24 01:17
HelenahSo Joe was protecting himAug 24 01:17
*swaggboi ( has joined #techrightsAug 24 01:17
HelenahAhAug 24 01:17
HelenahDamn, that's bad.Aug 24 01:17
DaemonFCHe probably wishes that Hunter died and that he still had Beau Biden.Aug 24 01:18
HelenahWhy is my kitten not breathing...Aug 24 01:18
HelenahbrbAug 24 01:18
HelenahDaFuQ...Aug 24 01:18
HelenahHis belly ALWAYS goes up and down!!!Aug 24 01:18
HelenahNot now so I er...Aug 24 01:19
Helenahtouched him...Aug 24 01:19
HelenahHe's alive...Aug 24 01:19
DaemonFC 24 01:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WATCH: Hunter Biden films himself weighing his β€˜crack’ | Sky News AustraliaAug 24 01:19
DaemonFC 24 01:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hunter Biden says he was 'smoking crack every 15 minutes', more jaw-dropping moments from memoir 'Beautiful Things'Aug 24 01:19
Helenahfilmed it... how naive can one get?Aug 24 01:19
DaemonFC 24 01:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WATCH: Hunter Biden films himself weighing his β€˜crack’ - InvidiousAug 24 01:19
HelenahEven a drug dealer knows not to film that...Aug 24 01:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 01:20
starstreakits probably powdered sugarAug 24 01:20
DaemonFC2.07 of powdered sugarAug 24 01:20
DaemonFCDamn, that's gangsta!Aug 24 01:20
HelenahDepending on the drug, it might not be right for it to control the mind of someone who is running a country.Aug 24 01:20
schestowitz[TR]biden laptop conyrtoversty = murdoch running interfereces for trumpAug 24 01:20
schestowitz[TR]before inciting people to commit treason with a coupAug 24 01:21
schestowitz[TR]WSJ, Fox, NYPAug 24 01:21
schestowitz[TR]=MurdochAug 24 01:21
HelenahLike I know I wouldn't wanna run a country while I got weed in my systemAug 24 01:21
Helenahcause I know what weed does to me and it's not good for stuff like thatAug 24 01:21
HelenahInfact it would turn me into a baffoon in powerAug 24 01:22
HelenahIt mongs me the hell outAug 24 01:23
HelenahMy gf says that when I smoke it, I don't talk for daysAug 24 01:23
techrights-newsAn Arduino controls this strange two-wheel steering e-bike | Arduino Blog βš“ δ·‰ Source: Arduino | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 01:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | An Arduino controls this strange two-wheel steering e-bike | Arduino BlogAug 24 01:23
HelenahAnd also don't take in what's said to meAug 24 01:23
techrights-newsNew display technology features magnetic pixels | Arduino Blog βš“ δ·‰ Source: Arduino | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 01:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New display technology features magnetic pixels | Arduino BlogAug 24 01:24
HelenahOne minute I love it, the next I'm shouting "I FUCKIN HATE WEED! HOW CAN I FUNCTION LIKE THIS?"Aug 24 01:24
Helenahtechrights-news: IgnoredAug 24 01:25
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: muted the bot?Aug 24 01:25
techrights-news[PATCH v2 00/10] Encrypted Hibernation - Evan Green βš“ δ·‰ Source: Google | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 01:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [PATCH v2 00/10] Encrypted Hibernation - Evan GreenAug 24 01:25
starstreakHelenah, i ignored some of the bots tooAug 24 01:25
Helenahstarstreak: How am I supposed to communicate in this channel when the bots fill up my display with a single line of text?!Aug 24 01:26
HelenahI'm trying to read what people are saying and then the bot tosses up a wall...Aug 24 01:26
starstreakHelenah, exactlyAug 24 01:26
HelenahNoisy bots shouldn't be in a discussion channel, just saying.Aug 24 01:26
techrights-news"As of this moment, Mesa is now using the Mold linker in CI for faster build times. If you haven’t tried Mold yet, you’re just pointlessly wasting your own time." 24 01:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Continuous – Mike Blumenkrantz – Super. Good. Code.Aug 24 01:27
starstreak"transparency"Aug 24 01:27
starstreakyou can crash one of the bots by linking the golang source codeAug 24 01:28
HelenahI'm not one for using /ignore, my reason is very valid. Lets say there is a channel containing UserA, UserB, UserC, UserD and UserE.... Lets say I put UserB on ignore... lets say at some point UserA and UserB are talking to each other then it looks like UserA is talking to nobody therefore half of the conversation is missing so it gets difficult to understand UserA'sAug 24 01:29
Helenahconversation because UserB is ignored. I prefer a mental ignore but it's not easy with noisy bots and plus bots don't create this problem I mentioned that happens when you /ignore humans.Aug 24 01:29
starstreakyou're absolutely correctAug 24 01:30
HelenahYepAug 24 01:30
starstreakthats the same reason that i don't /ignore people but the bots aren't part of conversationsAug 24 01:30
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Kubernetes v1.25: Combiner ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 01:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Kubernetes v1.25: CombinerAug 24 01:30
HelenahPlus I don't wanna permanently silence people or forget that I silenced them, I like people to have a chance, it's good to observe when they have calmed down and stopped being annoying if you know what I mean.Aug 24 01:31
HelenahEr.. silence was the wrong word...Aug 24 01:31
HelenahThough it is a "form" of silencing I suppose...Aug 24 01:31
HelenahThey're silent to yourselfAug 24 01:31
HelenahDuck hunt bots are annoying too.Aug 24 01:32
*darwin has quit (connection closed)Aug 24 01:32
HelenahI don't understand why a developer would write a game that fills up a channel with "QUACK"...Aug 24 01:33
techrights-news"Energy costs have gone absolutely off the rails in the UK. The geopolitics of it are known, of course, but that doesn't change the domestic impact." gemini:// 24 01:33
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 24 01:34
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 24 01:34
starstreaki thought of ignoring Daemon but sometimes he says some good stuffAug 24 01:34
schestowitz[TR]techrights-news is not a bot per seAug 24 01:34
HelenahDuck hunt was never a thing in the past and in the past would've filled up the tiny display resolutions that were available back then.Aug 24 01:34
schestowitz[TR]and it keeps the channel on topic, more or lessAug 24 01:34
schestowitz[TR]techrights-ipfs-bot is really a botAug 24 01:34
HelenahThese days people don't realise how much they have...Aug 24 01:34
Helenahresource wiseAug 24 01:34
schestowitz[TR]as for TechrightsBot-tr, it's a utility bot that helps you know what's linked toAug 24 01:35
HelenahThey got 4K resolution and higher, they got fucktons of RAM on a single machine, etc, etcAug 24 01:35
HelenahAnd I feel it is turning developers into careless "take resources for granted" sloppy coders too.Aug 24 01:35
schestowitz[TR]that it has a bug in its handling of very large files isn't new... it assumes certain file size limits... since over a decade agoAug 24 01:35
techuserand evil software that eats all the resourcesAug 24 01:35
HelenahCoding software that's heavier than it needs to be.Aug 24 01:35
Helenahtechuser: Yeah, my line er... covered that.Aug 24 01:36
HelenahI hate itAug 24 01:36
starstreakHelenah, people in the 90s would be saying the same thing Aug 24 01:36
HelenahWhy does webkit needs to eat all the RAM when in the past on even less RAM it didn't?Aug 24 01:36
starstreak"what, 16GB of ram, who needs that much?"Aug 24 01:36
starstreaki remember when 128mb of ram was a lotAug 24 01:36
Helenahstarstreak: You want to know much resources each of my IRC servers has?Aug 24 01:37
HelenahI have an IRC network of 3 serversAug 24 01:37
starstreaknow im using 4GB just running gnome, discord, element, vlc, keybase, etcAug 24 01:37
HelenahEach one has only 128MB RAM but is using way lessAug 24 01:37
HelenahAround 64MB of it is usedAug 24 01:37
Helenahsingle coreAug 24 01:37
HelenahSee?Aug 24 01:37
starstreakalpine linux?Aug 24 01:37
HelenahTold you, people are sloppy and take resources for granted.Aug 24 01:37
Helenahand I can see them doing that when I can still run 128MB RAM single core systems...Aug 24 01:38
schestowitz[TR]not just computer resourcesAug 24 01:38
schestowitz[TR]some people fly every monthAug 24 01:38
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Devuan, sysvinitAug 24 01:38
schestowitz[TR]or flewAug 24 01:38
Helenaher... starstreak Aug 24 01:38
schestowitz[TR]before it became even more of a hassleAug 24 01:38
starstreakahhhAug 24 01:38
Helenahsystemd isn't an init system, it contains one.Aug 24 01:38
HelenahIt has MANY functions...Aug 24 01:38
schestowitz[TR]you give people a lot more spaceAug 24 01:38
schestowitz[TR]and they find a way to occupy it allAug 24 01:38
Helenahit tries to be "a system" in one single program suiteAug 24 01:38
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: YepAug 24 01:39
HelenahAnd it's greedAug 24 01:39
schestowitz[TR]it takes simple programs that work and makes them complicatedAug 24 01:39
schestowitz[TR]and not modular except among themselvesAug 24 01:39
HelenahMany friends who have been like "I got 32GB RAM" for example...Aug 24 01:39
schestowitz[TR]systemd is modular in the ccontext of systemdAug 24 01:39
HelenahI say "And I bet you never used it up"Aug 24 01:39
starstreakwhy does element and discord need to have their own instances of electronAug 24 01:39
HelenahThey say "No, I've yet to do it"Aug 24 01:39
Helenahso then my mind is like "So why spend all that cash on resources you don't need then?"Aug 24 01:40
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], Energy prices are falling again here.Aug 24 01:40
schestowitz[TR]they then le;ave like 100 tabs openAug 24 01:40
HelenahThe resources will die of old age before it's well used...Aug 24 01:40
DaemonFCI just filled up for $3.95 a gallon. Why am I happy about this?Aug 24 01:40
schestowitz[TR]and cannot even find which one is whichAug 24 01:40
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: My web browser is closed to save on resources.Aug 24 01:40
schestowitz[TR]same here, partlyAug 24 01:40
HelenahThe only thing I got open is my WM and a terminal emulator.Aug 24 01:40
schestowitz[TR]I used to use 4 browsers, now 3Aug 24 01:40
schestowitz[TR]usually only falkon runsAug 24 01:41
Helenah"4 browsers", what?Aug 24 01:41
DaemonFCI have NoScript to deal with most of the JavaShit garbage.Aug 24 01:41
schestowitz[TR]konqueror, librewold, ff, and falkonAug 24 01:41
Helenaho.OAug 24 01:41
DaemonFCThe stuff mjg59_ was praising for "security".Aug 24 01:41
HelenahDamn...Aug 24 01:41
HelenahSo you use KDE?Aug 24 01:41
HelenahEach to their own but no thanksAug 24 01:41
schestowitz[TR]nobody is perfectAug 24 01:41
DaemonFCJust because people have chosen to expose a JavaShit engine to the Web doesn't mean it's safe to do that.Aug 24 01:41
starstreakI use gnome and braveAug 24 01:41
DaemonFCIt just means that's what people are doing.Aug 24 01:42
HelenahHow I see it is I don't need to use a fuckton of resources to for example type a document, but if KDE is running and a word processor at the same time then more resources than needed is used to write that document.Aug 24 01:42
HelenahSpeaking of word processors thoughAug 24 01:42
HelenahI don't use them, I use TeX in vimAug 24 01:42
DaemonFCIt's like when I was contemplating suicide so I got drunk and had sex with someone I didn't know the 3rd day at the hotel.Aug 24 01:42
HelenahThat's how I even wrote my CVAug 24 01:42
DaemonFCIt wasn't safe, I just didn't care.Aug 24 01:42
heurekaTeX is a problem too nowadaysAug 24 01:43
Helenahheureka: It is?Aug 24 01:43
starstreakI wrote my resume in markdown before but now I'm just lazy and use libreofficeAug 24 01:43
DaemonFCA lot of life is where your mind is at, at that moment.Aug 24 01:43
heurekaHelenah: don't recall all details, first and foremost i couldn't find a suitable TeX distribution anymore which did pass all testing hereAug 24 01:43
CrystalMathstarstreak: TeX or gtfoAug 24 01:43
CrystalMath(just kidding)Aug 24 01:43
starstreakfuck TeXAug 24 01:43
starstreaklolAug 24 01:43
Helenahheureka: Interesting, no problem with it here.Aug 24 01:43
CrystalMathit's very elitistAug 24 01:44
DaemonFCI never really understood as a child how horrible the tragedy of my Aunt was. She never cleaned the house. It was all under 6 laywer of trash. If they got their hand dirty while they were eating, they wiped it on the carpet.Aug 24 01:44
HelenahI am NOT a level 0 peasant, CrystalMath !Aug 24 01:44
HelenahBut then you know that...Aug 24 01:44
DaemonFCThey would dump their tampons in a corner in the bathroom.Aug 24 01:44
CrystalMathi kinda like TeX, but i sometimes joke about how elitist it isAug 24 01:44
HelenahlolAug 24 01:44
starstreakvim is pretty elitist Aug 24 01:44
DaemonFCThe fixtures were broken and she put a wrench on the faucet to replace the handle.Aug 24 01:44
CrystalMathstarstreak: vim is just very convenientAug 24 01:45
HelenahIdk I just use what I'm used to...Aug 24 01:45
HelenahWhat I likeAug 24 01:45
heurekaTeX and it's dependencies are cluttered all over the place too nowadaysAug 24 01:45
DaemonFCThe shower curtain fell off and nobody ever put it on so they just showered with no curtain until the wall had a hole in it big enough to see through into the kitchen.Aug 24 01:45
starstreakCrystalMath, i just use nanoAug 24 01:45
CrystalMathvim users don't look down upon othersAug 24 01:45
HelenahIt's not about putting myself above others and claiming my ways are superior.Aug 24 01:45
techrights-newsWhen servers were still being REBRANDED as "clown" 24 01:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ian Murdock - Sun's new VP of Cloud Strategy - InvidiousAug 24 01:45
heurekaand the TeX distribtions blew up in size excessivelyAug 24 01:45
CrystalMathstarstreak: i use emacs with evil-modeAug 24 01:45
DaemonFCThe kitchen caught fire and the insurance company wrote her a check. They spent the check going to Disney world and left the fire damage.Aug 24 01:45
CrystalMathemulating vimAug 24 01:45
CrystalMath:PAug 24 01:45
starstreaklolAug 24 01:45
Helenahheureka: Why are you installing the full distribution?Aug 24 01:45
HelenahInstall what you need.Aug 24 01:45
DaemonFCI mean, after Keith left and got that "sex change", she was never the same again.Aug 24 01:45
heurekathat's why i am curious about neatroff for exampleAug 24 01:45
DaemonFCWhat kind of a person does that to his two daughters?Aug 24 01:46
HelenahIf you need a banana, you don't claim the monkey and the jungle with it, do you?Aug 24 01:46
heurekaHelenah: i didn't install any TeX distribution anymore at allAug 24 01:46
HelenahWhos is keith, DaemonFC ?Aug 24 01:46
starstreakoooof, DaemonFC is being transphobic againAug 24 01:46
DaemonFCShe just fell into a deep depression and never came out of it, for over twenty years, and then she died in a horrific car accident.Aug 24 01:46
HelenahI wouldn't know if that's transphobia myself...Aug 24 01:46
HelenahI never really spoke to DaemonFC until now...Aug 24 01:47
heurekadon't recall all details, as i explained, i hammered an acceptance criteria into stone, which is gcc47 c-only toolchain, and no c++Aug 24 01:47
heurekaand none of the TeX distributions passed this anymoreAug 24 01:47
HelenahSo what caused the depression, DaemonFC ?Aug 24 01:47
DaemonFCKeith ditching his entire family, telling the girls to call him mom, and having a sex change operation.Aug 24 01:47
heurekathen, tried TeTeX from year 2006, and had trouble with the autotools magic which failed for no obvious reasonAug 24 01:47
DaemonFCThat's when she fell into the funk and started ruining her house.Aug 24 01:47
heurekathe previous TeTeX maintainer gave up year 2006 iircAug 24 01:47
Helenahheureka: You mean LaTeX or is that not a mistake?Aug 24 01:48
starstreakHelenah, hes dead naming the trans womanAug 24 01:48
heurekano, i didn't mean LaTeXAug 24 01:48
Helenahstarstreak: Yeah but what I mean is...Aug 24 01:48
DaemonFCEveryone calls Keith Keith.Aug 24 01:48
DaemonFCIncluding his daughters.Aug 24 01:48
HelenahI'm not sure if it was a lack of education/understanding or transphobia...Aug 24 01:49
heurekaas said, none of the TeX distributions passed acceptance criteria anymoreAug 24 01:49
starstreakKeith never changed her name?Aug 24 01:49
techuserHelenah: btw may want to bring Luis64_gamer here (actually, bring back, since he used to be here earlier), as he did mention some planned obsolescence things in PM for meAug 24 01:49
DaemonFCNot legally, no.Aug 24 01:49
techuserI did tell him, idk if he appearsAug 24 01:49
DaemonFCAt the time, no psychiatrist would allow him to get the sex change.Aug 24 01:49
Helenahtechuser: AhAug 24 01:49
DaemonFCThey all said he was not a candidate, including the centers in the US that performed those.Aug 24 01:49
DaemonFCSo he went and did it in Canada.Aug 24 01:49
HelenahWhy is not having their name changed legally a reason to dead name them?Aug 24 01:50
DaemonFCHe was dating another woman after he left my Aunt and before he did all of this.Aug 24 01:50
Helenahyou aunt?Aug 24 01:50
DaemonFCAnd my Aunt came over to his apartment for something and they ended up having sex.Aug 24 01:50
HelenahYou know each other irl?Aug 24 01:50
DaemonFCAnd this girlfriend of his walked in.Aug 24 01:50
DaemonFCAnd that's when something inside his brain just snapped and he decided to become a woman.Aug 24 01:50
DaemonFCI don't believe he's trans and none of the psychiatrists do either.Aug 24 01:51
Helenahstarstreak: DaemonFC "may" be telling the truth... I do not know...Aug 24 01:51
starstreakI got approved by psychiatrists but it sounds like gatekeepingAug 24 01:51
DaemonFCThis was never typical behavior for him well into his 30s, and then all of a sudden....Aug 24 01:51
HelenahI do not really know DaemonFC and I do not know this "apparent" trans person either.Aug 24 01:51
HelenahAnd to be honest it's er...Aug 24 01:51
HelenahProbably best for me not to know maybeAug 24 01:52
DaemonFCHe always had weird personality quirks. Especially dietary habits.Aug 24 01:52
starstreakHelenah, hes said "men who wear dresses" beforeAug 24 01:52
Helenahseems as I'm getting conflicting stories from two people.Aug 24 01:52
DaemonFCHe would not eat rice because it "reminded him of maggots".Aug 24 01:52
DaemonFCNo salad dressing on any salads.Aug 24 01:52
Helenahstarstreak: OhAug 24 01:52
DaemonFCEvery pizza had to be pepperoni and nothing else.Aug 24 01:52
HelenahWhat in this discussion?Aug 24 01:52
HelenahI didn't see that.Aug 24 01:52
starstreakHelenah, a few weeks ago, maybe a few monthsAug 24 01:52
DaemonFCWhen the divorce happened, my aunt said "We are never having another pepperoni pizza in this house again.".Aug 24 01:52
DaemonFCYou could order anything else you wanted, but never a pepperoni (only), because that's all he allowed.Aug 24 01:53
HelenahEr...Aug 24 01:53
DaemonFCYou can make the joke, "No sausage.".Aug 24 01:53
HelenahOkies I don't know what to make of this... er okies er... lolAug 24 01:53
HelenahI'm gonna like... er... lol keep out of this I think... o.oAug 24 01:54
DaemonFCI'm just glad that nothing in my life has ever struck me down with depression like what that did to my Aunt.Aug 24 01:54
DaemonFCI guess I took the long way around.Aug 24 01:54
DaemonFCKeith really did hurt himself in a lot of ways.Aug 24 01:54
DaemonFCHe lied on his taxes for years and now can't draw Social Security.Aug 24 01:55
*Helenah sighsAug 24 01:55
techrights-newsBack when "Linux" was a community, not frauds like "Linux" [sic] Foundation 24 01:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LinuxWorld Convention & Expo Summer 2000: Day 3: ShowfloorAug 24 01:55
HelenahYou're gonna keep talking about it anyway so erm...Aug 24 01:55
DaemonFCHe hurt himself in his shop and tried to file for Disability and they said he had no earnings record.Aug 24 01:55
HelenahThe important part to me now is...Aug 24 01:55
HelenahBefore they... er...Aug 24 01:55
Helenahclaimed they're a womanAug 24 01:55
HelenahSo please, forget the woman bit for now...Aug 24 01:55
DaemonFCSo he asked them to give him money based on my Aunt's record, and they told him "You weren't married for 10 years. You were short by two months.".Aug 24 01:55
HelenahBefore then...Aug 24 01:55
HelenahAny mental health conditions?Aug 24 01:55
HelenahAny weird behaviours, things like that?Aug 24 01:56
DaemonFC<Helenah> Any mental health conditions?Aug 24 01:56
HelenahCause like... You clearly want me to know the full story...Aug 24 01:56
HelenahDaemonFC: Yes...Aug 24 01:56
*starstreak ducks out because this might become triggeringAug 24 01:56
Helenaho.oAug 24 01:56
HelenahLike schizophrenia, autism, adhd, ocd, etcAug 24 01:56
starstreakback to star trek generationsAug 24 01:56
HelenahAnythingAug 24 01:56
DaemonFCMy mom came back to the apartment that Keith and my Aunt had in Kokomo years before they had kids.Aug 24 01:56
DaemonFCThey were going out to eat, and my Aunt asked mom to go get something from the apartment.Aug 24 01:57
DaemonFCMom said she walked in and found Keith wearing one of my Aunt's dresses.Aug 24 01:57
DaemonFCHe made her swear she'd never say anything about it.Aug 24 01:57
HelenahThat's apparently common with trans people to at first wear whatever article of clothing they can get their hands on even if it's out of a family members wardrobe and often done privately too...Aug 24 01:57
DaemonFCHow horrible, though.Aug 24 01:58
DaemonFCTo have kids and then put them through that.Aug 24 01:58
HelenahI don't think it's as simple as you make it out to be though...Aug 24 01:58
DaemonFCIf he already figured he wanted to "be a woman".Aug 24 01:58
techrights-newsA history of Slackware development - T-DOSE 2009 by Eric Hameleers (alienbob) - Invidious βš“ oldest living GNU/Linux distroAug 24 01:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A history of Slackware development - T-DOSE 2009 by Eric Hameleers (alienbob) - InvidiousAug 24 01:58
DaemonFCWhy was he putting my aunt through that?Aug 24 01:58
DaemonFCWhy would he have kids and then bail and leave her to raise them as a single mom when they were 2?Aug 24 01:58
DaemonFCWhat an asshole.Aug 24 01:59
HelenahThere is the shame part of it too that well regardless of being trans or not, if you are made to feel ashamed of something then you bury it deep inside...Aug 24 01:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–„β–β–ƒβ–„β–β–ƒβ–β–‚β–ƒβ–„β–‚β–„β–‚β–„β–β–β–‚β–ƒβ–‡β–β–β–β–ƒβ–…β–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–„β– avg(k/sec) 11.11 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–ˆβ–β–ƒβ–β–β–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–β–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–ƒβ–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–β–ˆβ–β– avg(k/sec) 87.33β–• swarm size (avg): 108.86  βŸ²Aug 24 01:59
DaemonFCAnd I'm the villain for "deadnaming". LOLAug 24 01:59
HelenahAnd it can take like...Aug 24 01:59
HelenahDECADES for one to finally out what's inside of them...Aug 24 01:59
Helenahand by that point a lot has already gone on in their lives...Aug 24 01:59
starstreakDaemonFC, you're a villain because you're putting all this selfish blame on him when he was trying to come outAug 24 01:59
Helenahthat messes in life happen...Aug 24 01:59
starstreaks/he/sheAug 24 01:59
DaemonFCHe should have done it before he had kids.Aug 24 01:59
DaemonFCOr before he decided to get married!Aug 24 01:59
starstreakits not always known beforeAug 24 02:00
DaemonFCShe could have married someone decent and had a nice life.Aug 24 02:00
starstreaki was 34 when i figured it outAug 24 02:00
HelenahDaemonFC: Did you listen to what I said though?Aug 24 02:00
starstreaki was married tooAug 24 02:00
HelenahAbout the shame?Aug 24 02:00
DaemonFCWhat about what he put them through?Aug 24 02:00
starstreakbeing her authentic self?Aug 24 02:00
DaemonFCI was furious when he came to my Aunt's funeral.Aug 24 02:00
HelenahThis is going to be hard for the kids, yesAug 24 02:00
Helenahbut...Aug 24 02:00
Helenahthe "shame" thing I saidAug 24 02:00
DaemonFCIf he wasn't a sick old man on oxygen I could have knocked him into next week for having the nerve to show up and sit next to the casket.Aug 24 02:01
HelenahThey may have thought they would've never been able to come out...Aug 24 02:01
DaemonFCIntroducing himself as her ex.Aug 24 02:01
starstreakok im leaving for real because im trans and this conversation is very triggering for meAug 24 02:01
Helenahand therefore just... got on with life... you know?Aug 24 02:01
Helenahstarstreak: Wait... I'm sorry! :'(Aug 24 02:01
starstreakHelenah, its not youAug 24 02:01
Helenahstarstreak: Please forgive me...Aug 24 02:01
HelenahPhew...Aug 24 02:01
starstreakactually im just gonna temp ignore himAug 24 02:02
starstreakDaemonFC!*@* added to ignore list.Aug 24 02:02
DaemonFCI'm not anti-trans, I just don't like Keith in particular.Aug 24 02:02
schestowitz[TR]join the clubAug 24 02:02
DaemonFCThat's triggered Garrett too.Aug 24 02:02
starstreaklolAug 24 02:02
schestowitz[TR]the "ignore DaemonFC " clubAug 24 02:02
Helenaher..Aug 24 02:02
DaemonFCWe've gotten to the point in our society where if you don't like an individual who has a characteristic, it makes you a bigot.Aug 24 02:03
DaemonFCEven if you have legitimate reasons to dislike them.Aug 24 02:03
starstreakim surprised he hasnt been banned for his conduct alreadyAug 24 02:03
starstreakhes constantly saying racist things tooAug 24 02:03
DaemonFCSo everyone figures that out and hides behind it.Aug 24 02:03
starstreak"i cant be racist, i have a non white partner"Aug 24 02:03
DaemonFCI'm in an interracial gay marriage and there's a lot of other things that a lot of people wouldn't like about me.Aug 24 02:04
DaemonFCI'm sure if they try really hard, they can hate me for some legitimate reason though.Aug 24 02:04
starstreakhe literally derailed a tech convo about resources with his transphobic nonsenseAug 24 02:04
DaemonFCI believe in them!Aug 24 02:04
HelenahDaemonFC: It isn't not liking an individual that makes you a bigot, it's expressing your dislike towards the individual which then touches that individuals emotions.Aug 24 02:05
HelenahYou can dislike who you want.Aug 24 02:05
HelenahDoesn't mean you have you outwardly speak it though.Aug 24 02:06
DaemonFCI thought he put my Aunt through every worldly indignity possible but then he crashed her funeral too.Aug 24 02:06
HelenahThere is such a thing as common sense.Aug 24 02:06
DaemonFCShe was a good person. The world destroys good people.Aug 24 02:07
DaemonFCIt's almost like a bloodsport.Aug 24 02:07
DaemonFCThe depression was one aspect. And like I said, I never really understood it. It's like living in Hell forever, by choice.Aug 24 02:08
techrights-news"Some of the people travelling to this year’s Berlin Mini GUADEC were delayed by the massive heatwave, because train tracks on the way could not handle the heat." 24 02:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Post Collapse Computing Part 1: The Crisis is Here – Space and MeaningAug 24 02:08
DaemonFCAside from the police trying to drive me to kill myself, I wouldn't have lost one minute of sleep over John.Aug 24 02:09
DaemonFCBut even with them, I've never descended into absolute madness that's gone on for more than a few weeks.Aug 24 02:09
techrights-news"Staring at the tiny screen of a smartphone for long hours can cause eye fatigue at best and irreversible eye damage at worst." Missing suggestion: quit using these lousy 'computers', use something more adequate. 24 02:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Protect Your Eyes When Using a Smartphone - Make Tech EasierAug 24 02:10
DaemonFC<Helenah> Like schizophrenia, autism, adhd, ocd, etcAug 24 02:10
schestowitz[TR]"i'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!!'Aug 24 02:10
DaemonFCThey use all of those diagnoses because they don't know what they're doing.Aug 24 02:10
DaemonFCThe psychiatrists don't. They're bullshit artists. Good ones, too.Aug 24 02:10
schestowitz[TR]Great depressio part IIAug 24 02:11
schestowitz[TR]coming to you soon, 100 years laterAug 24 02:11
DaemonFCI've been diagnosed with about half the things in their book.Aug 24 02:11
HelenahPeople who support free speech think they NEED to say something when in actuality they WANT to say something and then will try justifying what they said as something they needed to say...Aug 24 02:11
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], They don't know. They're guessing at names they invented for things they invented.Aug 24 02:11
DaemonFCEveryone wants to be fucking crazy all of a sudden.Aug 24 02:12
DaemonFCIt's fashionable.Aug 24 02:12
DaemonFC"I'm neurodivergent!" *chuckles*Aug 24 02:12
HelenahSo you think my Autism is a fashion?Aug 24 02:12
*DaemonFC takes pictures of all the pills, posts them to RedditAug 24 02:12
DaemonFC<Helenah> So you think my Autism is a fashion?Aug 24 02:12
DaemonFCNo, I mean, like....Aug 24 02:12
DaemonFCWhen they've been committed a couple of times.Aug 24 02:13
DaemonFCThey can come back and tell me how much they enjoy being "neurodivergent". (crazy)Aug 24 02:13
DaemonFCBecause when you're talking to someone who has been a repeat victim of psychiatrists, you must be this tall to ride.Aug 24 02:13
Helenahneurodivergence != crazyAug 24 02:13
HelenahIt = neurologically wired non-typicallyAug 24 02:14
DaemonFCI have fucking had it.....with psychiatrists telling me what I will never do.Aug 24 02:14
HelenahI'm not NT either but I'm not crazy.Aug 24 02:14
DaemonFCYou know, they even said they'd be surprised if I could ever count change.Aug 24 02:14
DaemonFCMost people in their 20s can't do that. You give me some change, I'll cash you out in 2 seconds flat.Aug 24 02:14
HelenahDaemonFC: Yeah my psychiatrist said the same thing but I was diagnosed at age 14Aug 24 02:15
DaemonFCIt's like basic shit, you know. People are losing the ability to tie their fucking shoes.Aug 24 02:15
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: I told you that "bot" was more on-topic than mostAug 24 02:15
DaemonFCAnd I'm going to be insulted by this guy?Aug 24 02:15
HelenahA pediatric psychiatrist can't always know how someone will be as an adult.Aug 24 02:15
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Lol yeah :DAug 24 02:15
DaemonFC<Helenah> DaemonFC: Yeah my psychiatrist said the same thing but I was diagnosed at age 14Aug 24 02:15
schestowitz[TR]after 14+ years we're stiull here in IRCAug 24 02:15
DaemonFCThe school made my parents take me to child psychiatrists when I was 6.Aug 24 02:16
schestowitz[TR]with a nazi from germany, a gay transphob from IL, and people who would not get alongAug 24 02:16
schestowitz[TR]but we all share an interest in techAug 24 02:16
DaemonFCDr. Vance MaloneyAug 24 02:16
HelenahIf you think agr 14 is late for diagnosis then look into Autistic women, they usually get diagnosed at age 14+ while men at age 7-Aug 24 02:16
Helenah*ageAug 24 02:16
HelenahThey're expected to be socially sophisticated.Aug 24 02:17
DaemonFCI remember his name because on the way to see him I was like "Vance Maloney, full 'a boloney! Vance Maloney, full 'a boloney!".Aug 24 02:17
DaemonFCWhich isn't bad for a 6 year old, right?Aug 24 02:17
HelenahAre you a person who sees all doctors as bad?Aug 24 02:17
DaemonFC 24 02:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vance Maloney | Taylor UniversityAug 24 02:17
DaemonFCThere he is.Aug 24 02:18
HelenahhmmAug 24 02:18
DaemonFC<Helenah> Are you a person who sees all doctors as bad?Aug 24 02:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 02:20
DaemonFCNo, just the hacks.Aug 24 02:20
HelenahThis one is mine, DaemonFC 24 02:20
HelenahWas mine evenAug 24 02:20
*scientes (~d839d5c2@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 02:21
scientesXRevan86 have you ever coded ARM thumb code?Aug 24 02:21
HelenahDaemonFC: So how do I know you can actually manage money? What if your psychiatrist was actually right and that you "think" you can handle money when in reality you're not handling it very well?Aug 24 02:24
scientesI assume the link register is just a normal register, so I could use it to do coroutinesAug 24 02:24
HelenahIf you "think" you can handle it properly then you will tell people you can manage money.Aug 24 02:24
DaemonFCThe only reason I went bankrupt was because of the disaster that my ex caused.Aug 24 02:25
scientesthere are a bunch of namedregisters, but on the pc is truly specialAug 24 02:25
DaemonFCA horrible disaster that nobody else would have made it out of.Aug 24 02:25
HelenahDaemonFC: This trans woman who I seem to only know as "Keith"?Aug 24 02:25
DaemonFCOh I can't remember what he calls himself now.Aug 24 02:26
DaemonFCSomething that begins with J.Aug 24 02:26
HelenahOkiesAug 24 02:26
DaemonFCJennifer or Jessica, it's one of those I think.Aug 24 02:26
*scientes has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Aug 24 02:26
HelenahSo why do you think that you ex is the reason why you fucked up your money?Aug 24 02:26
Helenah*yourAug 24 02:26
HelenahWhy can't you manage your own money without allowing others to interfere?Aug 24 02:27
DaemonFCWell, at that point I had to hire a psychiatrist, move out, live in motels for over 2 years.Aug 24 02:27
DaemonFCFigure out how to pay immigration lawyers and fees.Aug 24 02:27
HelenahOh yeah I remember you saying now.Aug 24 02:27
DaemonFCIt was just so many things at once, and mine was the only income.Aug 24 02:28
DaemonFCImmigration would have never heard our case.Aug 24 02:28
HelenahBut again... this story just doesn't idk... lol It's like.. I'm hearing a one-sided argument and no input from the other side becase well they're gone and then hearing bits and pieces from other people who are IRC users and have nothing to do with that persons real life.Aug 24 02:28
DaemonFCThey would have said we had barely any money and denied even hearing it.Aug 24 02:28
DaemonFCI lied to MARISOL and implied that I was just shy of being able to support our household.Aug 24 02:28
DaemonFCWhen I was actually a lot shy.Aug 24 02:29
DaemonFCShe figured that she could extort him once he began working.Aug 24 02:29
schestowitz[TR]what household?Aug 24 02:29
schestowitz[TR]she could be in the streets soonAug 24 02:29
schestowitz[TR]with debtAug 24 02:29
DaemonFCSo she kept her mouth shut for a while and by the time she tried to get his money from his job, once they granted him permission, I told her "No.".Aug 24 02:29
schestowitz[TR]hosueholds are relativeAug 24 02:29
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I had to bootstrap our case with her promising to support him.Aug 24 02:30
schestowitz[TR]our households is cheap to sustainAug 24 02:30
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: She might be on the streets now hence why she didn't come back here.Aug 24 02:30
schestowitz[TR]like under $1000Aug 24 02:30
DaemonFCBy the time she hired an attorney to undo that, it didn't matter anymore because he was working, and our combined income was high enough.Aug 24 02:30
DaemonFCShe thinks she's smarter than everyone else.Aug 24 02:30
DaemonFCShe was really going crazy when I told her to fuck off.Aug 24 02:30
HelenahSo why tell her to fuck off then if she's going crazy? How does that help a person recover from craziness?Aug 24 02:31
HelenahSurely a person going crazy needs psychiatrist help, no?Aug 24 02:31
DaemonFCI don't care about her mental health.Aug 24 02:31
HelenahHow do I know you're not the selfish one in all this?Aug 24 02:31
HelenahSee?Aug 24 02:31
HelenahYou are the selfish one!Aug 24 02:31
Helenah:DAug 24 02:31
schestowitz[TR]<DaemonFC> She was really going crazy when I told her to fuck off.Aug 24 02:32
schestowitz[TR]she cannot GO crazyAug 24 02:32
schestowitz[TR]she IS crazyAug 24 02:32
HelenahYou call her crazy so you're admitting they're off their head and you don't care about their mental health?Aug 24 02:32
DaemonFCWhen she was harassing us by telephone, I changed our phone numbers.Aug 24 02:32
HelenahHow can you be with someone and just let them suffer like that?Aug 24 02:32
HelenahYou act the victim in all this...Aug 24 02:32
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I meant, she was lashing out irrationally over the phone.Aug 24 02:32
DaemonFCIn all sorts of weird ways.Aug 24 02:32
HelenahHow do I know she isn't partly victim too?Aug 24 02:32
DaemonFCShe was harassing us over those fake texting things online.Aug 24 02:32
DaemonFCAfter I blocked her number.Aug 24 02:32
DaemonFCSo I changed our numbers.Aug 24 02:33
HelenahAnd why does not liking someone individually justifying being transphobic to them?Aug 24 02:33
HelenahYou said you didn't mind trans people just hated her...Aug 24 02:33
HelenahSo if you aren't transphobic... then why be that to particular individuals?Aug 24 02:33
HelenahYou could've said any insult but why that?Aug 24 02:33
DaemonFCKeith? Because of the way he treated my Aunt and my cousins? Absolutely unforgivable.Aug 24 02:33
DaemonFCThey don't even like him.Aug 24 02:33
HelenahBut you said they have poor mental health...Aug 24 02:34
HelenahPeople can behave insane when they have mental health issues...Aug 24 02:34
DaemonFCI said he really messed his kids up.Aug 24 02:34
DaemonFCTraumatized them.Aug 24 02:34
HelenahAnd such people need help from the hospitalAug 24 02:34
DaemonFCTo say nothing of the depression, the other kids making fun of them.Aug 24 02:34
DaemonFCParents should suffer for their kids.Aug 24 02:34
HelenahI think you just make things all about you and your family.Aug 24 02:34
DaemonFCNot the other way around.Aug 24 02:34
DaemonFCIf you can't, then don't have them.Aug 24 02:34
HelenahAnd refuse to look into why someone else is behaving the way they are...Aug 24 02:34
HelenahYou call them crazy, you don't state the cause...Aug 24 02:35
schestowitz[TR]<Helenah> You call her crazy so you're admitting they're off their head and you don't care about their mental health?Aug 24 02:35
schestowitz[TR]there's more to itAug 24 02:35
schestowitz[TR]I have heard about it for over a yearAug 24 02:35
HelenahhmmAug 24 02:35
schestowitz[TR]she was abusing them really badlyAug 24 02:35
HelenahAhAug 24 02:35
schestowitz[TR]and apparently defrauding, scheming to kill her own bortherAug 24 02:35
schestowitz[TR]for moneyAug 24 02:35
DaemonFCYes!Aug 24 02:35
DaemonFCThe fake insurance policy she forged his name on.Aug 24 02:36
schestowitz[TR]that's not crazy I can have sympathy forAug 24 02:36
DaemonFCFor a million dollars.Aug 24 02:36
DaemonFCShe even lied on his medical history.Aug 24 02:36
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Did you know that... in a UK court... you can be let off with crime on the grounds of "insanity"? You want to know why that is? Because it's a valid reason why people might do terrible, terrible things...Aug 24 02:36
HelenahSo why was this not brought up with any professional person?Aug 24 02:36
HelenahAnd dealt with 100% by DaemonFC's family?Aug 24 02:36
DaemonFCThe police ignored me and wouldn'y take my report.Aug 24 02:36
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: it still endangers the publicAug 24 02:36
DaemonFCI essentially have no family that will help me.Aug 24 02:37
schestowitz[TR]that's why ther public might be better off with some of them locked upAug 24 02:37
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Yeah and in the UK you can be sectioned too if a danger to the public.Aug 24 02:37
schestowitz[TR]people who can commit mass murderAug 24 02:37
DaemonFCHelenah, They're either dead or have disowned me, or broke and can't help.Aug 24 02:37
DaemonFCSo I'm on my own.Aug 24 02:37
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: People can claim murder on the grounds of insanity tooAug 24 02:37
Helenahand it would be seen as a public health risk.Aug 24 02:38
Helenahbut the insanity would be taken into consideration at the same time.Aug 24 02:38
DaemonFCYeah, it's better to claim some sort of diminished capacity.Aug 24 02:38
HelenahI'm not talking about using it as an excuse...Aug 24 02:38
DaemonFCThey drove you to the point where you may have been somewhat responsible, but it wasn't cold blooded.Aug 24 02:38
Helenahpeople who work in the justice system can tell if someone is lying...Aug 24 02:38
DaemonFCEven Hans Reiser managed that.Aug 24 02:38
DaemonFC<Helenah> people who work in the justice system can tell if someone is lying...Aug 24 02:39
DaemonFCThat's not true.Aug 24 02:39
techrights-newsπŸ…ΈπŸ†πŸ…² techpol + social irc β–  Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 24 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, August 23, 2022Aug 24 02:39
DaemonFCIf you have to lie, lie like you have nothing invested in it.Aug 24 02:39
DaemonFCPeople who get emotional about lying have tells.Aug 24 02:40
DaemonFCThe tells are how other people end up being onto them.Aug 24 02:40
HelenahExcept...Aug 24 02:40
HelenahWhen I've read about such tells in the past...Aug 24 02:40
techrights-newsπŸ…ΈπŸ†πŸ…² techrights irc β–  Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 24 02:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, August 23, 2022Aug 24 02:40
HelenahThey also manifest in my social awkwardnessAug 24 02:40
HelenahSo no... you can't see that to claim someone is lying.Aug 24 02:41
HelenahWhen they could simply be socially awkward.Aug 24 02:41
DaemonFCMost ways people get caught doing something are by being careless.Aug 24 02:41
DaemonFCLeaving a lot of evidence.Aug 24 02:41
techrights-newsπŸ…ΈπŸ†πŸ…² boycottnovell irc β–  Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 24 02:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, August 23, 2022Aug 24 02:41
HelenahI wonder if they'd have to record me?Aug 24 02:42
HelenahI know they do with my gf...Aug 24 02:42
HelenahShe's got SchizophreniaAug 24 02:42
Helenahthe police for example are only allowed to interview her behind a camera but not be in the room with her.Aug 24 02:42
DaemonFCLike, someone gets killed and the police don't have any physical evidence. They know you didn't like the person.Aug 24 02:42
DaemonFCWhat do they do?Aug 24 02:42
techrights-newsπŸ…ΈπŸ†πŸ…² techbytes irc β–  Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 24 02:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, August 23, 2022Aug 24 02:42
HelenahThey did nothing...Aug 24 02:42
DaemonFCThey go arrest you and question you and lead you into admitting it.Aug 24 02:42
HelenahTheir laptop was confiscated...Aug 24 02:42
HelenahCame back cleanAug 24 02:43
HelenahBut...Aug 24 02:43
Helenahthey interviewed her tooAug 24 02:43
Helenahand they said that cause of her Schizophrenia diagnosis, they're not allowed to be in the room with her and so it has to be done via camera and mic.Aug 24 02:43
DaemonFCMost criminals get caught by lack of planning and being stupid and leaving all kinds of evidence.Aug 24 02:43
DaemonFCAlso, not knowing what the laws are sets you back terribly.Aug 24 02:44
DaemonFCIf you look at the law, really read what it says, you may find ways to work around it.Aug 24 02:44
techrights-newsβœ©β–‘β–’β–“β–†β–…β–ƒβ–‚β–ππ”π‹π‹π„π“πˆπβ–β–‚β–ƒβ–…β–†β–“β–’β–‘βœ© Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! πŸ…·πŸ†ƒπŸ†ƒπŸ…Ώ: | πŸ…ΆπŸ…΄πŸ…ΌπŸ…ΈπŸ…½πŸ…Έ gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Aug 24 02:44
HelenahDaemonFC: Here you go 24 02:44
HelenahThe camera and mic is one of the welfare'sAug 24 02:45
DaemonFCThe cops here like "vulnerable" people.Aug 24 02:45
DaemonFCMentally retarded people. Crazy people.Aug 24 02:45
DaemonFCThey can pin all sorts of things on them.Aug 24 02:45
DaemonFCEven get them to admit it all.Aug 24 02:45
DaemonFC:)Aug 24 02:45
HelenahYou see lets say someone is socially awkward, they need space when you speak with them, you shouldn't be in the same room as them, looking at them, being close to them at a table, etc.Aug 24 02:46
DaemonFCTheir favorite is arresting people who don't even speak English and getting a full written confession in English, with perfect grammar and punctuation.Aug 24 02:46
DaemonFCWaukegan Police SpecialAug 24 02:46
HelenahIt can make the awkwardness worseAug 24 02:46
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], ^Aug 24 02:46
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: i don't trust cops hereAug 24 02:46
schestowitz[TR]and they are not even as ruthless as the metAug 24 02:46
HelenahYeh, they sound full on corruptAug 24 02:46
HelenahHere I wouldn't say they're corrupt as such but what I would say is they're underfunded and that can affect their er... work quality.Aug 24 02:47
*darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 02:47
schestowitz[TR]which part of england?Aug 24 02:47
schestowitz[TR]i have a cop friendAug 24 02:48
schestowitz[TR]who confesses to mdoing illegal thingsAug 24 02:48
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Manchester met police, lancashire constabulary.Aug 24 02:48
schestowitz[TR]like hitting people at the  neckAug 24 02:48
schestowitz[TR]to neutralise themAug 24 02:48
HelenahThose are the only two I knowAug 24 02:48
HelenahThey two have their own funding potsAug 24 02:48
HelenahI wrote a programAug 24 02:48
Helenahthat will list the police forces in the countryAug 24 02:48
schestowitz[TR]i am in manc alsoAug 24 02:48
schestowitz[TR] 24 02:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Β» Blog Archive Β» Why I Believe British Police Serves and Protects Only Itself (and Maybe the Rich/Powerful)Aug 24 02:49
HelenahYeah, the tories keep cutting the met police.Aug 24 02:49
HelenahWhich er...Aug 24 02:49
Helenahmakes the quality of the force not goodAug 24 02:49
schestowitz[TR]iirc, no encounters with police since ther aboveAug 24 02:49
schestowitz[TR]so nothing to update withAug 24 02:49
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: They know I smoke weed.Aug 24 02:49
schestowitz[TR]if cops come knocking for info...Aug 24 02:49
schestowitz[TR] thanks, didn't heard nuthin'Aug 24 02:49
HelenahThey said I am allowed to smoke weed and that it's fine, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 02:50
HelenahI er...Aug 24 02:50
HelenahTold them some things when I was rapedAug 24 02:50
*souseksi (~souseksi@z4erpfet58qwy.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 02:50
starstreakweed is legal in canadaAug 24 02:50
HelenahI was honest that I smoke weed anyway despite them forcing me to smoke it.Aug 24 02:50
schestowitz[TR]hi souseksi Aug 24 02:50
HelenahAnd they said smoking weed is fineAug 24 02:50
HelenahTold you they don't enforce that lawAug 24 02:50
HelenahI confirmed itAug 24 02:50
souseksiHelloAug 24 02:50
starstreaki can't smoke weed anymore though, it makes me paranoidAug 24 02:51
Helenahstarstreak: It's illegal hereAug 24 02:51
schestowitz[TR]i think pot is class a nowAug 24 02:51
Helenahbut illegal =! enforcedAug 24 02:51
schestowitz[TR]our neighbours smoke that shitAug 24 02:51
schestowitz[TR]smells badAug 24 02:51
schestowitz[TR]i opened the door just nowAug 24 02:51
HelenahIllegal just means wrote in law to be illegalAug 24 02:51
Helenahenforced means the written laws are carried outAug 24 02:51
schestowitz[TR]nobody smokes  anything at 3amAug 24 02:51
HelenahPot is class A?Aug 24 02:52
HelenahYou won't like this but...Aug 24 02:52
HelenahI can understand why they changed it to that...Aug 24 02:52
schestowitz[TR]the closest i got to narcotics was in medical procedureAug 24 02:52
HelenahBecause...Aug 24 02:52
schestowitz[TR]they made me more friendlyAug 24 02:52
HelenahI've heard big week smokers tell me I'm smoking the wrong stuffAug 24 02:52
HelenahI've been smoking it since I was 19Aug 24 02:52
schestowitz[TR]but pain relievers reallyAug 24 02:52
Helenahmany many different strainsAug 24 02:52
Helenahboth hybrid and non-bybridAug 24 02:53
HelenahSeriously... it debilitates meAug 24 02:53
HelenahSo if it debilitates me then I won't be the only one it does it toAug 24 02:53
schestowitz[TR]i like readingAug 24 02:53
schestowitz[TR]and writingAug 24 02:53
schestowitz[TR]no need for boozeAug 24 02:53
DaemonFCI smoked pot when it was illegal.Aug 24 02:53
DaemonFCJust because I could.Aug 24 02:53
HelenahI used to want it to be legal, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 02:53
DaemonFCNow that it's legal, it's like who cares.Aug 24 02:53
DaemonFCIt's everywhere.Aug 24 02:53
schestowitz[TR]you can have boozeAug 24 02:53
schestowitz[TR]it's cheaper too, i thinkAug 24 02:54
HelenahNot when driving thoughAug 24 02:54
schestowitz[TR]bad on the liverAug 24 02:54
DaemonFCPeople who aren't particularly clever can go buy it.Aug 24 02:54
Helenahwhich I agree with that lawAug 24 02:54
DaemonFCIt FUNDS the state. Fuck the state.Aug 24 02:54
schestowitz[TR]2l; bottle of chemical cider is still like one pound fiftyAug 24 02:54
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], The beatings will continue until morale improves!Aug 24 02:54
HelenahYeah it's ridiculousAug 24 02:54
HelenahMy step dad drank that nightlyAug 24 02:54
DaemonFCPritzker seems to think this is fine.Aug 24 02:54
HelenahIt fucked his liverAug 24 02:55
HelenahAnd he was like "Bah, it won't fuck up again"Aug 24 02:55
schestowitz[TR]it wouldAug 24 02:55
Helenahstarted againAug 24 02:55
HelenahIt was the second time he ended up in hospital that...Aug 24 02:55
Helenahit became lasered into his brain that it will fuck him up each time...Aug 24 02:55
HelenahHe got scared and quitAug 24 02:55
schestowitz[TR]goodAug 24 02:55
HelenahBut after the first time he ended up in hospitalAug 24 02:55
HelenahMy mother was like "Don't do that again"Aug 24 02:56
schestowitz[TR]permanent damageAug 24 02:56
HelenahWhat did he do? He went to the park to drink itAug 24 02:56
schestowitz[TR]quitting =damage controlAug 24 02:56
schestowitz[TR]same with smokingAug 24 02:56
HelenahBut my mother is a very tolerant personAug 24 02:56
Helenahanyone else, he'd be outAug 24 02:56
HelenahMy mother even gave my biological father a second chance when he had an affairAug 24 02:56
schestowitz[TR]alcohol is in our cultureAug 24 02:56
HelenahBut my biological father blew the chanceAug 24 02:57
schestowitz[TR]the worker class was given booze to cope with hard lifeAug 24 02:57
Helenahbut he's a whackjob anyway, my step father is nice.Aug 24 02:57
schestowitz[TR]the pubsAug 24 02:57
HelenahYeahAug 24 02:57
schestowitz[TR]btw, covid i view similarlyAug 24 02:57
HelenahI drink caffe correttoAug 24 02:57
schestowitz[TR]fucks you ujp each time you get itAug 24 02:57
HelenahI'm single vaccinated, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 02:57
schestowitz[TR]still undecided on damage done by synthetic covidAug 24 02:57
Helenahand had covid afterwardsAug 24 02:57
schestowitz[TR]depends on which maker, tooAug 24 02:58
HelenahWellAug 24 02:58
HelenahI'm single vaxxed causeAug 24 02:58
Helenahthe vaccine fucked me up...Aug 24 02:58
HelenahI was almost dead...Aug 24 02:58
schestowitz[TR]now they want to press reset and do another round of 60 million shotsAug 24 02:58
HelenahIt almost killed meAug 24 02:58
schestowitz[TR]for "omicron"Aug 24 02:58
schestowitz[TR]all my close friends took the shotsAug 24 02:58
HelenahI don't want anymore vaccinations, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 02:58
HelenahI'm terrified :'(Aug 24 02:58
schestowitz[TR]all of them had bnad things to sayAug 24 02:59
schestowitz[TR]they re not cranksAug 24 02:59
HelenahMy heart hasn't been the same since...Aug 24 02:59
schestowitz[TR]very well edeucatedAug 24 02:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▂▄▁▂▂▃▃▁▅▁▂▂▁▂▁▂▃▃▁▁▁▂▁▃▁▂▁▃▁▄▅▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 22.88 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–β–ˆβ–‚β–β–β–ƒβ–„β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–β–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 165.55β–• swarm size (avg): 120.63  βŸ²Aug 24 02:59
schestowitz[TR]one pro/lecturerAug 24 02:59
HelenahThe vaccine fucked my heart...Aug 24 02:59
schestowitz[TR]*profAug 24 02:59
DaemonFCI am a Doctor of Divinity.Aug 24 02:59
schestowitz[TR]the other has 3 masters degrees, world champion for atheleticsAug 24 02:59
DaemonFCIt's true!Aug 24 02:59
schestowitz[TR]it did him a lot of damageAug 24 02:59
HelenahAnd yet I get covid...Aug 24 03:00
Helenahand it's extremely mildAug 24 03:00
schestowitz[TR]now they call everyone "antivaxxers"Aug 24 03:00
Helenahand my body fights it off in 2 daysAug 24 03:00
schestowitz[TR]even people who take itAug 24 03:00
schestowitz[TR]if they don't like itAug 24 03:00
HelenahI'd rather just get covid, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 03:00
DaemonFCThe Universal Life Church pretty much just gives away honorary titles.Aug 24 03:00
HelenahI prefer to have covidAug 24 03:00
schestowitz[TR]<DaemonFC> schestowitz[TR], The beatings will continue until morale improves!Aug 24 03:00
schestowitz[TR]the doses will contiunuen until morale improvesAug 24 03:00
DaemonFCI figure get one that sounds important.Aug 24 03:00
HelenahDaemonFC: Do you think this is a Plandemic?Aug 24 03:01
schestowitz[TR]covid-19 stilll kills loads of peopleAug 24 03:01
schestowitz[TR] 24 03:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-schestowitz.comAug 24 03:01
schestowitz[TR] 24 03:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Β» Blog Archive Β» Hiding the Reports to Hide the Bodies (That β€˜Pile Up High’)Aug 24 03:01
HelenahWhether it's a plandemic or not...Aug 24 03:01
HelenahIt's serious as fuck!Aug 24 03:01
HelenahRegardless...Aug 24 03:01
Helenahand should be taken seriously...Aug 24 03:01
DaemonFCHelenah, It would be impossible to prove one way or another whether this is bioengineered or released deliberately.Aug 24 03:01
HelenahNobody knows how it started reallyAug 24 03:01
schestowitz[TR]<Helenah> I prefer to have covidAug 24 03:01
schestowitz[TR]better to have neitherAug 24 03:01
Helenahthere is only ever speculationAug 24 03:01
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Yeah yeah ofcAug 24 03:02
DaemonFCIt's a little convenient that it kills pensioners.Aug 24 03:02
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 24 03:02
schestowitz[TR]i recognise that's not possible in some occupationsAug 24 03:02
Helenahbut I mean if I have to have one or the otherAug 24 03:02
Helenahit would be covid that I chooseAug 24 03:02
Helenahbecause of my experience with the vaccine.Aug 24 03:02
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:   198538 total β€’ Total number of pages in capsule: 42262 β€’     Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-08-04 09:15:14 BST; 2 weeks 5 days agoAug 24 03:02
HelenahAnd the fact that...Aug 24 03:02
Helenahthe NHS said they'd help butAug 24 03:02
Helenahrepeated contact got me no helpAug 24 03:02
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 24 03:02
HelenahThey said I needed to take my other shots under the monitoring of a specialistAug 24 03:02
HelenahI can't get them to do it so...Aug 24 03:03
DaemonFCMy dad figures it was deliberate.Aug 24 03:03
HelenahI'm now denied vaccinationsAug 24 03:03
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.  TotalIn: 4.7 GB  β€’  TotalOut: 1.5 GBAug 24 03:03
DaemonFCKill off the people on Social Security and other pension funds.Aug 24 03:03
DaemonFCAnd leave the workers.Aug 24 03:03
schestowitz[TR]DaemonFC: capitalism does not need pensionersAug 24 03:03
DaemonFCNope.Aug 24 03:03
HelenahAnd I would rather be denied vaccinations than take them and go home with that in my system and then end up dead...Aug 24 03:03
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: No but they need people to be healthy :)Aug 24 03:04
HelenahTo support worker countAug 24 03:04
Helenahmore workers, more moneyAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]my mom got cover 3+ timesAug 24 03:04
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.Aug 24 03:04
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], If it leaves them all, then taxes will have to go up to pay for them.Aug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]AFTER she got 4 shotsAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]she was bed-bound a lotAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]she his mid 60sAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]*got covidAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]not coverAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]typing while standing sorryAug 24 03:04
schestowitz[TR]i try not to sit down TOOO muchAug 24 03:05
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Are you from the UK? The British have a way of talking to each other but you don't show a single sign of that.Aug 24 03:05
schestowitz[TR]in mancAug 24 03:05
schestowitz[TR]we live in same placeAug 24 03:05
HelenahAh manc well they say that for short :DAug 24 03:05
schestowitz[TR]man-che-stah!Aug 24 03:06
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I had to abandon the cityAug 24 03:06
schestowitz[TR]a friend of mine leftAug 24 03:06
HelenahI was raped by 3 menAug 24 03:06
HelenahI lived in the roughest estate in Bury...Aug 24 03:06
schestowitz[TR]moved to oldham area but the mountainsAug 24 03:06
schestowitz[TR]we like ther market in buryAug 24 03:07
schestowitz[TR]did not go well outside itAug 24 03:07
HelenahHell I even had a pedophile killer in my house...Aug 24 03:07
HelenahAnd with me chatting on these IRC netsAug 24 03:07
Helenahconnected to likeAug 24 03:07
HelenahanoymisersAug 24 03:07
Helenahtor and what notAug 24 03:07
Helenahyou hear a lot of pedo talkAug 24 03:07
Helenahand I could've been killedAug 24 03:07
Helenahif like...Aug 24 03:07
HelenahSomeone talked of thatAug 24 03:07
Helenahand he saw it over my shoulder!Aug 24 03:07
Helenaho.oAug 24 03:08
schestowitz[TR]that is a problemAug 24 03:08
HelenahYepAug 24 03:08
schestowitz[TR]being force to live with dodgy peopleAug 24 03:08
HelenahI was forced cause er...Aug 24 03:08
HelenahI developed stockholm syndromeAug 24 03:08
schestowitz[TR]i knowAug 24 03:08
schestowitz[TR]waitAug 24 03:08
HelenahYou do?Aug 24 03:08
HelenahYou had it?Aug 24 03:08
schestowitz[TR]i know comes before thatAug 24 03:09
schestowitz[TR]the irc sequence came out all wrongAug 24 03:09
HelenahOh wow nice, someone who understands me! :DAug 24 03:09
schestowitz[TR]i nodded to forcedAug 24 03:09
HelenahhmmAug 24 03:09
HelenahahAug 24 03:09
schestowitz[TR]i lives in moss side for a couple of monthsAug 24 03:10
schestowitz[TR]with fellow studentsAug 24 03:10
schestowitz[TR]it was cheapAug 24 03:10
schestowitz[TR]i didn't get muggedAug 24 03:10
schestowitz[TR]but those places are riskyAug 24 03:10
schestowitz[TR]this was 2001Aug 24 03:10
HelenahBut yeah, Stockholm syndrome where you support the ones you're victim to. He was high profile, most wanted by the Manchester police and I was harbouring him because the stockholm syndrome.Aug 24 03:10
HelenahI was protecting himAug 24 03:11
Helenaha pedophile killer...Aug 24 03:11
schestowitz[TR]financial constraints leave people unable to live with reliable co-tenantsAug 24 03:11
HelenahMy heart is racing now...Aug 24 03:11
HelenahWTFAug 24 03:11
Helenahdid I say...Aug 24 03:11
schestowitz[TR]take your timeAug 24 03:11
schestowitz[TR]take a breakAug 24 03:11
HelenahOh co-tenants, never done that.Aug 24 03:11
HelenahHe wasn't a co-tenant.Aug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]they were OKAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]the surroundings were notAug 24 03:12
HelenahhmmAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]2 germanys, two britsAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]mostly computer scientistsAug 24 03:12
HelenahAhAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]paying like 50 quid a weekAug 24 03:12
HelenahhmmAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]20+ years agoAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]food was cheaper tooAug 24 03:12
HelenahYes it was cheaperAug 24 03:12
schestowitz[TR]the house was filthy.... men's placeAug 24 03:13
HelenahI harboured another murderer tooAug 24 03:13
schestowitz[TR]even CS men!Aug 24 03:13
schestowitz[TR]geeks are worst then averageAug 24 03:13
Helenahdue to stockholm syndromeAug 24 03:13
schestowitz[TR]one broughtn  his girldfriened inAug 24 03:13
schestowitz[TR]and she eventualkly did the bathAug 24 03:13
HelenahAnd then when I was raped I supported the rapistsAug 24 03:13
schestowitz[TR]women are less tolerant to filthAug 24 03:13
HelenahYesAug 24 03:13
HelenahagreedAug 24 03:13
schestowitz[TR]i remember whose fault the filth wasAug 24 03:14
schestowitz[TR]even walking on the carpet was awfulAug 24 03:14
HelenahOhAug 24 03:14
Helenah:(Aug 24 03:14
schestowitz[TR]i used flip-flopsAug 24 03:14
schestowitz[TR]INSIDE the homeAug 24 03:14
schestowitz[TR]on ther carpetsAug 24 03:14
HelenahI lived in filth... :'(Aug 24 03:14
HelenahI didn't want to...Aug 24 03:14
HelenahI couldn't clean my home because my mental health was too shot, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 03:15
schestowitz[TR]many people who nare high and or stoned end up like thisAug 24 03:15
Helenahstockholm syndrome and PTSD piling themselves on top of my Autism and ADHD...Aug 24 03:15
schestowitz[TR]i saw homes of "artistic types"Aug 24 03:15
HelenahWell they were forcing drugs into meAug 24 03:15
schestowitz[TR]much worse than filthyAug 24 03:15
schestowitz[TR]it's like a barn!Aug 24 03:15
Helenahcocaine, weedAug 24 03:15
HelenahalcoholAug 24 03:16
HelenahtobaccoAug 24 03:16
Helenaheven food was forced into meAug 24 03:16
Helenahturd forced into meAug 24 03:16
Helenahbeastiality I was forced to doAug 24 03:16
Helenahblowjobs I was forced to giveAug 24 03:16
HelenahHad to do it or shag the knife and bleed to deathAug 24 03:16
schestowitz[TR]ssounds awfulAug 24 03:16
HelenahI would rather shag a dog than die, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 03:16
HelenahAnd I was grossed out by it...Aug 24 03:16
Helenahand felt...Aug 24 03:16
Helenaher...Aug 24 03:16
Helenahsorry I'm crying...Aug 24 03:17
schestowitz[TR]sorryAug 24 03:17
HelenahI felt sorry for the dog...Aug 24 03:17
Helenahwhile telling the rapist I was loving the dog sexAug 24 03:17
Helenahwhile being grossed out by the sexAug 24 03:17
schestowitz[TR]and did not report to the policed?Aug 24 03:17
schestowitz[TR]tbh, cops don't know how to deal with such stuffAug 24 03:17
HelenahPolice didn't believe me, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 03:17
schestowitz[TR]yes, cops are on average not cleverAug 24 03:18
schestowitz[TR]and orruptAug 24 03:18
HelenahI was imprisoned tooAug 24 03:18
Helenahso it was years laterAug 24 03:18
Helenahbefore I could tell the police...Aug 24 03:18
Helenahand at that point I was busy fleeing the areaAug 24 03:18
HelenahHeart racing, running, panicingAug 24 03:18
schestowitz[TR]rochdale still has this issueAug 24 03:18
schestowitz[TR]but..Aug 24 03:18
Helenah"OH shit, don't catch me, don't want them to see me, don't want them to run after me"Aug 24 03:18
schestowitz[TR]not the sameAug 24 03:18
HelenahI ran and ran and ranAug 24 03:18
Helenahand ranAug 24 03:18
schestowitz[TR]cops cxovering upAug 24 03:18
Helenahfaster than ever in my life...Aug 24 03:18
HelenahI then banged hard on a strangers door I don't even know shouting "PLEASE LET ME IN!"Aug 24 03:19
HelenahOpened it, I ran inAug 24 03:19
HelenahThey er... sat me down and everything, cup of tea and everything, I'm crying, out of breathAug 24 03:19
HelenahgreasyAug 24 03:19
schestowitz[TR]did she or he phone cops?Aug 24 03:19
HelenahShe could tellAug 24 03:19
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Yeah but they didn't believe meAug 24 03:19
schestowitz[TR]uselessAug 24 03:20
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]as usualAug 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]cops always let me down hereAug 24 03:20
Helenah:(Aug 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]i learned to ignore themAug 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]they can come for a fightAug 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]that's itAug 24 03:20
HelenahBut yeah she said I looked a messAug 24 03:20
HelenahShe said without me askingAug 24 03:20
Helenah"You can go take a shower if you like"Aug 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]anything more complicated than come for a fight.. not suitably trainedAug 24 03:20
HelenahMy clothes were filthyAug 24 03:20
schestowitz[TR]or dealing with stressed out victimsAug 24 03:20
HelenahI was fed food by the rapists to keep me aliveAug 24 03:20
Helenahso I would continue satisfying themAug 24 03:21
Helenahit was 3 menAug 24 03:21
Helenahbut like...Aug 24 03:21
Helenahthey turned it into a freak show of the 3 men plus 15 more...Aug 24 03:21
HelenahIrish, big familyAug 24 03:21
HelenahThey watchedAug 24 03:21
Helenah3 men one by one would shit into my mouthAug 24 03:21
HelenahI had to eat it wholeAug 24 03:21
HelenahI wasn't allowed to puke it out and if I did I had to eat off the floorAug 24 03:21
HelenahThey claimed to be gypsiesAug 24 03:22
HelenahShowed me "gypsies having sex" videosAug 24 03:22
Helenahit's roughAug 24 03:22
Helenahhad me do the stuffAug 24 03:22
HelenahBut they like... ran a business and er... rented an apartmentAug 24 03:22
schestowitz[TR]have they all been arrested yet?Aug 24 03:22
HelenahI don't knowAug 24 03:23
HelenahI'm in a lovely village now :DAug 24 03:23
HelenahI <3 this villege!Aug 24 03:23
HelenahI deserve this placeAug 24 03:23
Helenahoh I'm tearing againAug 24 03:23
Helenahbut this time tears of happiness!Aug 24 03:23
HelenahawwwAug 24 03:23
schestowitz[TR]sorry, didn't imagine the discussion would gom  down this routeAug 24 03:23
HelenahAt first...Aug 24 03:24
schestowitz[TR]you are still young enough to restartAug 24 03:24
Helenahwhen the PTSD was there I didn't speak of itAug 24 03:24
Helenahunless my gf forced it out of me during a triggerAug 24 03:24
HelenahSo because of that...Aug 24 03:24
HelenahI now these days feel I can have a good talk about it, you know?Aug 24 03:24
HelenahBecause I couldn't previouslyAug 24 03:24
schestowitz[TR]so that was in buryAug 24 03:25
HelenahI still get Stockholm syndrome a little bitAug 24 03:25
HelenahOr should I say...Aug 24 03:25
souseksiHelenah, I'm sorry to hear you were in such a terrible situationAug 24 03:25
HelenahI can feel in situations likeAug 24 03:25
Helenahif it got roughAug 24 03:25
HelenahThe syndrome would come out of meAug 24 03:25
Helenahbut everyone is nice around hereAug 24 03:25
Helenahsouseksi: Aww thanksAug 24 03:25
Helenah<3Aug 24 03:25
schestowitz[TR]you're welcome gereAug 24 03:25
schestowitz[TR]*hereAug 24 03:25
HelenahI was a "yes" personAug 24 03:25
schestowitz[TR]didn't even realise you are from the same cityAug 24 03:26
Helenahor a "no" person, whether I'd respond "yes" or "no" would depend on whether it put the criminal at an advantage.Aug 24 03:26
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I'm not from it :DAug 24 03:26
HelenahIt was like I was a robotic assistantAug 24 03:26
schestowitz[TR]the cops in yorkshire were also failingAug 24 03:26
HelenahThere to support the people who use meAug 24 03:26
schestowitz[TR]several no-notorious placesAug 24 03:27
schestowitz[TR]know better for abuses like these than their football teams or historyAug 24 03:27
HelenahTold to cook a meal I went and cooked a mealAug 24 03:27
schestowitz[TR]the sad thing is,Aug 24 03:27
schestowitz[TR]I don't think the police got any better since thenAug 24 03:27
schestowitz[TR]maybe they hide it betterAug 24 03:27
schestowitz[TR]hostage situation now involve landlords, tooAug 24 03:27
HelenahI wish I had man musclesAug 24 03:28
HelenahIt was as simple as this to keep me captive...Aug 24 03:28
schestowitz[TR]weapons are stronger than musclesAug 24 03:28
Helenahgrip me by the arm and drag me insideAug 24 03:28
schestowitz[TR]but they're messsy to deal withAug 24 03:28
HelenahThat's all it tookAug 24 03:28
HelenahI was weakAug 24 03:28
HelenahTrying to get htem off me was like wrestling with iron manAug 24 03:28
schestowitz[TR]they use psychological tricks tooAug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]common themeAug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]1) turn the girl intoa  junkieAug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]than use the addictionAug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]2) call her "girlfriend"Aug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]then she eels guilty about leavingAug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]3) lower her morale a lotAug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]that leads to stockholm syndromeAug 24 03:29
Helenah:'(Aug 24 03:29
schestowitz[TR]or the self-esteemAug 24 03:30
schestowitz[TR].e.g. "you're BLOODY USELESS!"Aug 24 03:30
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I'm intersexAug 24 03:30
starstreakHelenah, that is absolutely terrifying and horrific, im sorry that happened to youAug 24 03:30
Helenahand it was a thrill to themAug 24 03:30
Helenahlike I was some sex toyAug 24 03:30
Helenahstarstreak: They said to me "You're a dirty slut, aren't you?"Aug 24 03:30
HelenahWhile I was doing sexual stuffAug 24 03:30
Helenahand I would be like "Yes, daddy, I'm a real dirty slut"Aug 24 03:30
starstreak:(Aug 24 03:31
schestowitz[TR]cops cannot distinguish between abusive spouse and sex prisonerAug 24 03:31
HelenahAnd then they would get really like... er...Aug 24 03:31
schestowitz[TR]so they stay awayAug 24 03:31
Helenaharoused by itAug 24 03:31
Helenahand push my head harder down onto their cockAug 24 03:31
HelenahMucus would come forwardAug 24 03:31
Helenahdue to gaggingAug 24 03:31
Helenahchoke a little on itAug 24 03:31
*Helenah huggles starstreakAug 24 03:32
schestowitz[TR]anyway, I think we've gone a bit off topicAug 24 03:32
schestowitz[TR]for a channel about techAug 24 03:32
HelenahYeahAug 24 03:32
HelenahNobody seems to be talking tech though...Aug 24 03:32
HelenahhmmAug 24 03:32
HelenahAnyone wanna talk about anyone?Aug 24 03:32
Helenah*anythingAug 24 03:32
starstreaki use arch btwAug 24 03:33
HelenahMe tooAug 24 03:33
Helenah:DAug 24 03:33
starstreak=)Aug 24 03:33
Helenahand devuan :3Aug 24 03:33
starstreakdevuan on your servers right?Aug 24 03:33
souseksistarstreak joke is funny.Aug 24 03:33
starstreaksouseksi, XDAug 24 03:33
starstreakim gonna rent a server at the end of the month, probably use openbsd or freebsdAug 24 03:34
techrights-newsBetter uninstall Windows, too Git is better off done on UNIX/LinuxAug 24 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Uninstall Git on WindowsAug 24 03:35
starstreakif i cant get cjdns to work on those then i might use almalinuxAug 24 03:35
HelenahSorry, gf just woke upAug 24 03:35
Helenahmight be slow respondingAug 24 03:35
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: sorry if I could not help moreAug 24 03:35
techrights-newsRaspberry Pi Music Station with MPD βš“ δ·‰ Source: Linux Hint | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 03:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Music Station with MPDAug 24 03:36
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: No help was needed but I liked you talking about er... the tactics they used cause nobody has ever mentioned the tactics to me before and yet that is almost what happened but I got a gf so they tried making her relationship a polyamorous one. Anyway I will stop talking about this now but I'm free to talk further in PM.Aug 24 03:37
Helenahstarstreak: Yes, Devuan on my servers.Aug 24 03:37
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: thanks for the chatAug 24 03:37
schestowitz[TR]we tested techrights/tuxmachines on devuanAug 24 03:38
schestowitz[TR]but are now using alpineAug 24 03:38
HelenahNo problem. :3Aug 24 03:38
schestowitz[TR]I tried devuan on my main laptopAug 24 03:38
HelenahOh nice :DAug 24 03:38
schestowitz[TR]but it lacked reaktek wifi supportAug 24 03:38
schestowitz[TR]*realtekAug 24 03:38
schestowitz[TR]seems like a WELL-KNOWN issueAug 24 03:38
HelenahYes it isAug 24 03:39
schestowitz[TR]realtek = bad for LinuxAug 24 03:39
HelenahRealtek and GNU/Linux don't mix very well.Aug 24 03:39
starstreakschestowitz[TR], have you considered using alpine linux as a desktop?Aug 24 03:39
HelenahAtheros mixes better, a LOT better.Aug 24 03:39
schestowitz[TR]I don'r want 20 meter ethernet cables crawling through hereAug 24 03:39
schestowitz[TR]we already have one (for the IP Phone)Aug 24 03:39
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: My place in the city I er...Aug 24 03:39
souseksiCan I ask what does TR in schestowitz[TR] stand for?Aug 24 03:39
Helenahinstalled ethernet faceplatesAug 24 03:39
schestowitz[TR]starstreak: yesAug 24 03:39
schestowitz[TR]but I think I would miss some softwareAug 24 03:39
HelenahSo I simply plugged my ethernet cables into the wall. :DAug 24 03:39
starstreakahhhAug 24 03:39
Helenahcat6Aug 24 03:40
schestowitz[TR]2 nights ago I struggled with 'find'Aug 24 03:40
schestowitz[TR]as alpine had the busybox version of itAug 24 03:40
HelenahSolid from socket to switch and stranded from computers to socketsAug 24 03:40
HelenahSolid is good quality but stranded doesn't break easily.Aug 24 03:40
schestowitz[TR]I managed to avoid ethernet until late 2013Aug 24 03:40
HelenahSo moving cables stranded and still cables solidAug 24 03:40
starstreakI would switch to BSD but I would miss Brave, Discord and ElementAug 24 03:41
schestowitz[TR]when rianne and I lived together I wanted to take the machine to other roomsAug 24 03:41
schestowitz[TR]so wifi was left onAug 24 03:41
schestowitz[TR]otherwise I'd turn it on for guests Aug 24 03:41
schestowitz[TR]then turn it back offAug 24 03:41
starstreaki wanted to put BSD on my raspi zero w but it doesnt have a wifi driver :(Aug 24 03:41
Helenahstarstreak: I created a guest hotspotAug 24 03:42
HelenahWhich er...Aug 24 03:42
HelenahBasicallyAug 24 03:42
HelenahGave them an IP address on a subnet but the IP addresses couldn't see each otherAug 24 03:42
HelenahThe isolated subnet could not see the LAN subnet and the isolated IPs could not see each other.Aug 24 03:42
starstreakoh nice, sounds secureAug 24 03:43
HelenahSo it was literally a gateway to the internet via wifi and nothing more.Aug 24 03:43
Helenahstarstreak: Secure is how I workAug 24 03:43
HelenahSecure, reliable, resource efficientAug 24 03:43
Helenahstarstreak: That wasn't all though...Aug 24 03:43
HelenahIt had a ticket systemAug 24 03:43
Helenaher..Aug 24 03:43
Helenahticket wrong wordAug 24 03:43
HelenahBasicallyAug 24 03:44
HelenahI'd generate a passAug 24 03:44
Helenahand it would give them like an hours usage or somethingAug 24 03:44
HelenahThey would enter the pass they got into the captive portalAug 24 03:44
HelenahIt was like...Aug 24 03:44
Helenahthe pass is randomly generated, never used againAug 24 03:44
starstreakthats cool :DAug 24 03:44
HelenahTwo people can have two different passesAug 24 03:45
HelenahOne might have one hour the other two hoursAug 24 03:45
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Guess how I had to dial 999?Aug 24 03:46
Helenah9999Aug 24 03:46
Helenah4 9s and not 3Aug 24 03:46
schestowitz[TR]where?Aug 24 03:46
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: At my houseAug 24 03:46
schestowitz[TR]ohAug 24 03:46
HelenahPBX systemAug 24 03:46
Helenah9 = dial outAug 24 03:46
schestowitz[TR]maybe tampered withAug 24 03:47
HelenahEach number unless local to the LAN had to start with 9Aug 24 03:47
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: tampered?Aug 24 03:47
HelenahIt's my systemAug 24 03:47
schestowitz[TR]ah, okAug 24 03:47
HelenahIt had an ISDN modemAug 24 03:47
schestowitz[TR]1990s?Aug 24 03:47
HelenahThe modem was used to make and receive calls via the telephone line, schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 03:48
HelenahActually I had 8 as a dial out code tooAug 24 03:48
Helenah9 = PSTNAug 24 03:48
Helenah8 = GSMAug 24 03:48
schestowitz[TR]I almost forgot how those workedAug 24 03:48
starstreakHelenah, did you ever use BBSes?Aug 24 03:48
Helenah*PTSNAug 24 03:48
schestowitz[TR]I moved to LAN in 2000Aug 24 03:48
Helenahstarstreak: Now I got a screenshot for you! :DAug 24 03:48
Helenahstarstreak: The echo command, the prompt, the username, the hostname, the escape characters, I coded it all! 24 03:49
HelenahCustom SSH implementationAug 24 03:49
HelenahBasically the custom implementation has no way to the host OS shellAug 24 03:50
HelenahIt's simply hard coded into the programAug 24 03:50
HelenahI coded a shell...Aug 24 03:50
Helenaha user and groups management systemAug 24 03:50
starstreaksweetAug 24 03:50
Helenaha echo commandAug 24 03:50
Helenaha date commandAug 24 03:50
Helenaha who commandAug 24 03:50
HelenahScreenshot before echo was POSIX compliant 24 03:51
HelenahOh and I coded the file and directory systemAug 24 03:51
HelenahI need to dig this code out now...Aug 24 03:51
schestowitz[TR]systemd-echodAug 24 03:52
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: No init systemAug 24 03:52
schestowitz[TR]lol. systemd-LSDAug 24 03:52
HelenahIt's simply a SSH-based TCP/IP based BBSAug 24 03:52
Helenahthat I hadn't gotten around to coding er...Aug 24 03:52
Helenahmore useful stuff forAug 24 03:52
Helenahbut it has erm... what's itAug 24 03:52
Helenaha wall commandAug 24 03:52
Helenah1minAug 24 03:52
starstreaki still connect to a BBS to play legend of the red dragon Aug 24 03:53
Helenahstarstreak: 24 03:53
schestowitz[TR]I missed most of the bbs eraAug 24 03:54
schestowitz[TR]friends with bbs would burn me CDs with the rars from bbsAug 24 03:54
schestowitz[TR]or arj etc.Aug 24 03:54
starstreakCDs? lolAug 24 03:54
starstreaki had floppiesAug 24 03:54
schestowitz[TR]those rars were 1.4mb in sizeAug 24 03:54
schestowitz[TR]but later we got better ways to pass files aroundAug 24 03:55
techrights-newsWhat’s curious about these latest figures is that no place really adopted Vista 11 (in any meaningful way; a tough economy discourages PC sales and Microsoft has mass layoffs) 24 03:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 12 Months Later Vista 11 Still MIA (Very Small Share) and in Some Places Vista 7 Has Higher Share Than Vista 10! | TechrightsAug 24 03:55
HelenahI found the motd file, starstreak Aug 24 03:55
Helenah 24 03:55
starstreaki had win95 on floppy disksAug 24 03:55
starstreaki didnt get a cdrom drive until around 2000Aug 24 03:55
HelenahWasn't that like 25 floppies or something?Aug 24 03:55
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Firefox 105 Beta Brings Memory Fixes, Two-Finger Swipe Back/Forward Gesture on Linux ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 03:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Firefox 105 Beta Brings Memory Fixes, Two-Finger Swipe Back/Forward Gesture on LinuxAug 24 03:56
starstreakyeahAug 24 03:56
HelenahYou could merged em together, stick them on a disc :DAug 24 03:56
HelenahI did that myself :DAug 24 03:56
starstreakmy 386 didnt have an optical driveAug 24 03:56
Helenah<===== 28 years oldAug 24 03:56
Helenahbut I was a lucky kidAug 24 03:56
starstreaki didnt get a 486 until around 2000Aug 24 03:56
starstreakim 37Aug 24 03:56
HelenahI had a computer at 4Aug 24 03:56
HelenahLemme find what I hadAug 24 03:57
DaemonFCI got a computer at 5. The Commodore.Aug 24 03:57
starstreaki started my transition at 34 and psychologist approved surgery, proof that you dont have to be young to transitionAug 24 03:57
DaemonFCThe C64 was not a bad system for the time.Aug 24 03:57
DaemonFCThey kept making them into the early 90s.Aug 24 03:57
starstreakmy first computer was a 16Mhz 386Aug 24 03:57
DaemonFCSo, my first computer was not a PC.Aug 24 03:57
HelenahYou don't have to be young for most things you're told you have to be young for...Aug 24 03:58
starstreakit came with 4mb ramAug 24 03:58
HelenahSuch as universityAug 24 03:58
HelenahThis manAug 24 03:58
Helenahhe started uni for the first time...Aug 24 03:58
Helenahat 80 years oldAug 24 03:58
starstreaki did paralegal school (college) a few years agoAug 24 03:58
HelenahWhy? He said it gave him something to learn and do.Aug 24 03:58
DaemonFCYou couldn't even do anything UNIX-like on such a system.Aug 24 03:58
starstreakyeah i love learningAug 24 03:58
starstreaki'd love to go to university to become a lawyerAug 24 03:58
DaemonFCTanenbaum was mocked for restricting Minix in the 90s to what was available on the 80286.Aug 24 03:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–‚β–β–β–‚β–β–…β–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–„β–ˆβ–„β–‚β–ƒβ–…β–‚β–β–„β–β–‚β–ƒβ–β–„β–‚β–…β–‚β– avg(k/sec) 74.91 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–ˆβ–β–β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–…β–†β–ˆβ–β–β–†β–β–β–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–β–„β–…β–„β–ˆβ–β–β–‚β–β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–β– avg(k/sec) 70.80β–• swarm size (avg): 105.11  βŸ²Aug 24 03:59
*horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 03:59
HelenahFound it! My first computer! 24 04:00
starstreaki had the same monitorAug 24 04:00
Helenah:DAug 24 04:00
HelenahniceAug 24 04:00
HelenahI hated CRT thoughAug 24 04:00
HelenahI have sensory processing disorderAug 24 04:01
Helenahthey knocked me sick...Aug 24 04:01
starstreaki didnt mind Aug 24 04:01
Helenahand gave me migrainesAug 24 04:01
HelenahI'd puke everywhere...Aug 24 04:01
DaemonFCMr. GULAG is busy amusing himself with Microsoft's PC UNIX.Aug 24 04:01
DaemonFC"Xenix"Aug 24 04:01
Helenahsame for CRT TVsAug 24 04:01
HelenahCRT tubes made me extremely illAug 24 04:01
HelenahAnd so do lightsAug 24 04:01
starstreaki used that monitor with windows 3.11, trumpet winsock, mIRC and ICQAug 24 04:01
Helenahbut CRTs were different...Aug 24 04:01
Helenahthere was something about how they felt...Aug 24 04:01
HelenahI could feel them "emitting" somethingAug 24 04:01
Helenahat my bodyAug 24 04:01
Helenahand it made me very ill...Aug 24 04:01
starstreaki still have my six digit icq numberAug 24 04:01
HelenahSo I didn't spend much time in front of such tubesAug 24 04:02
DaemonFCI don't think ICQ is still around.Aug 24 04:02
starstreakthats a shameAug 24 04:02
starstreakcrt monitors are so classicAug 24 04:02
DaemonFCYou can use it with a different server, but there's only a few users on that server.Aug 24 04:02
DaemonFCLike AIM and MSN.Aug 24 04:02
HelenahThe refresh rate is unhealthy though.Aug 24 04:02
HelenahAnd I can see itAug 24 04:03
HelenahThen again...Aug 24 04:03
starstreakoh wowAug 24 04:03
HelenahWhen can I not see lights flicker?Aug 24 04:03
HelenahThey all flicker...Aug 24 04:03
starstreakis that your autistic super power?Aug 24 04:03
HelenahYesAug 24 04:03
DaemonFCI mostly used AOL Instant Messenger during the "Messenger" days, but I was also on MSN and Yahoo.Aug 24 04:03
HelenahI hear electricity tooAug 24 04:03
starstreaki thought i had good hearingAug 24 04:03
starstreaki do technicallyAug 24 04:03
HelenahMe and my gf was out walking...Aug 24 04:03
DaemonFCYahoo Messenger ended up being like "Grindr by mistake" for a while.Aug 24 04:03
starstreakim autistic tooAug 24 04:03
HelenahI said "I smell onions"Aug 24 04:03
HelenahShe was like "I can't, where?"Aug 24 04:04
HelenahI said "Down there"Aug 24 04:04
DaemonFCThey had user chatrooms with no moderation and all sorts of horrible things went on in there.Aug 24 04:04
HelenahWe walked...Aug 24 04:04
Helenah20 minutes later...Aug 24 04:04
DaemonFCBut there was an Indiana_M4M roomAug 24 04:04
Helenahthere the onion was, walked right to itAug 24 04:04
Helenahand then I said "I told you"Aug 24 04:04
HelenahShe was like "Wow"Aug 24 04:04
starstreaklol wowAug 24 04:04
DaemonFCAnd like, it didn't take long for thousands of gay men in Indiana to find it.Aug 24 04:04
HelenahDaemonFC: Told you I'm not crazy... I'm just different.Aug 24 04:05
starstreakthats impressiveAug 24 04:05
techrights-news#Techrights Bulletin for Tuesday, August 23, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextAug 24 04:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesAug 24 04:05
techrights-news#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingAug 24 04:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexAug 24 04:05
HelenahSo yeah, that's meAug 24 04:05
starstreaki have super hearingAug 24 04:06
HelenahYeah me tooAug 24 04:06
HelenahIt's good and a curseAug 24 04:06
Helenahat the same time :DAug 24 04:06
DaemonFCI still keep in touch with some people I met in Indiana_M4M on Yahoo.Aug 24 04:06
starstreakeven got my hearing tested by the military and they were quite impressed by itAug 24 04:06
DaemonFCMost of them are on Facebook.Aug 24 04:06
HelenahI'd had colour vision tests tooAug 24 04:06
starstreakthey put me into a sound proof room and i could hear my heart beatingAug 24 04:06
Helenahcome back perfectAug 24 04:06
DaemonFCICQ was never really popular in the US.Aug 24 04:06
Helenahbut my eyes aren't goodAug 24 04:07
techrights-newsTranscript of Jim Zemlin Talking About His Wife’s (Sheela Microsoft) Reaction to Linux | Techrights βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 04:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Transcript of Jim Zemlin Talking About His Wife’s (Sheela Microsoft) Reaction to Linux | TechrightsAug 24 04:07
Helenahmy colour vision is superAug 24 04:07
Helenahwell 10%Aug 24 04:07
Helenah100%Aug 24 04:07
Helenahbut my eyes?Aug 24 04:07
HelenahLOLAug 24 04:07
HelenahI got VS (Visual Snow)Aug 24 04:07
starstreaki have above average sight tooAug 24 04:07
starstreaki also have probability field manipulationAug 24 04:07
HelenahThis 24 04:08
HelenahOn the right is my visionAug 24 04:08
starstreak 24 04:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Probability Manipulation | Superpower Wiki | FandomAug 24 04:08
HelenahOn the left is normal visionAug 24 04:08
starstreakoh weirdAug 24 04:08
starstreakfuzzy vision?Aug 24 04:08
HelenahMy neurology is screwed starstreak Aug 24 04:08
HelenahIt has pixels in itAug 24 04:08
Helenahand er...Aug 24 04:08
HelenahgrainsAug 24 04:09
HelenahThey look like that of a untuned TVAug 24 04:09
HelenahOr partially tuned should I sayAug 24 04:09
HelenahBut I'm good at graphics design! :DAug 24 04:10
starstreakim really good at video editing in imovie but i haven't found anything on linux thats as easy to useAug 24 04:10
starstreakimovie is fantasticAug 24 04:10
HelenahAnd music productionAug 24 04:10
Helenah 24 04:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Stream Helena Bolan - Moonscapes (Original) by Helenah | Listen online for free on SoundCloudAug 24 04:10
starstreakit has a nice retro sound to itAug 24 04:11
HelenahYes, it's synthwave :DAug 24 04:11
Helenah80s genre of electronic musicAug 24 04:11
starstreaki love synthwaveAug 24 04:12
HelenahGary Numan, Human League, artists like thatAug 24 04:12
starstreakvapourwave is nice tooAug 24 04:12
Helenah:DAug 24 04:12
HelenahYesAug 24 04:12
starstreakvapourwave is more 90s right?Aug 24 04:12
HelenahYeah it seems to sound itAug 24 04:12
starstreakone of my all time favourite CDs is the Tron Legacy soundtrack by Daft PunkAug 24 04:13
Helenah<3Aug 24 04:13
HelenahThe drums in my soundtrack are erm...Aug 24 04:14
DaemonFCWhat really hurts you is deciding to show mercy to someone.Aug 24 04:14
HelenahRoland TR-808Aug 24 04:14
DaemonFCI'll leave what that means up to the imagination.Aug 24 04:14
starstreakDid you ever listen to .MOD files?Aug 24 04:14
HelenahDaemonFC: Why should that hurt?Aug 24 04:15
DaemonFCBecause few people will show mercy to you or be thankful and stop trying to drag you down while you're stopped to help them.Aug 24 04:15
HelenahhmmAug 24 04:15
HelenahBut surely "being a good example" matters too, no?Aug 24 04:16
HelenahIf nobody showed mercy then nobody will ever show mercy.Aug 24 04:16
HelenahThere is always a kickstarterAug 24 04:16
Helenahand then there are the people that follow who support itAug 24 04:17
HelenahIt's how "gain in popularity" worksAug 24 04:17
HelenahFirst something is made...Aug 24 04:17
HelenahThen people start supporting itAug 24 04:17
Helenahthen more people jump onto itAug 24 04:17
HelenahIf people decided to go backwards and become barbarians then everyone will be the same way.Aug 24 04:17
HelenahYou've got to be the difference, the better example.Aug 24 04:18
HelenahThe one who wants changeAug 24 04:18
starstreakHelenah, 24 04:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Mod Archive v4.0b - A distinctive collection of modules - the real at&t mix - Att.mod (MOD)Aug 24 04:18
HelenahOh that!Aug 24 04:18
HelenahYeah I like that! :DAug 24 04:18
HelenahThat and er... milkytracker :3Aug 24 04:19
*souseksi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 24 04:19
HelenahI like listening to them and maybe messing around with them but my music production lies with LMMS.Aug 24 04:19
starstreakwhen I was too poor to play MP3 files (because of my 16Mhz), i'd listen to midi and mod filesAug 24 04:19
Helenah:3Aug 24 04:19
Helenah<3Aug 24 04:19
HelenahYeahAug 24 04:20
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 04:20
Helenahand now people take MP3 for granted :DAug 24 04:20
HelenahHistory repeats this way all the time...Aug 24 04:20
starstreakthe soundblaster awe32 was SOOOO good at playing midi files, it had ram on it for the midi tablesAug 24 04:20
HelenahFirst something isn't easy to getAug 24 04:20
Helenahbefore long even a baby can get itAug 24 04:20
*souseksi (~souseksi@z4erpfet58qwy.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 04:20
Helenahnext thing it's taken for granted...Aug 24 04:20
HelenahOh midi tables :DAug 24 04:20
HelenahI remember that card.Aug 24 04:20
starstreakmidi files need a good sound card to really get the whole experienceAug 24 04:21
HelenahYeahAug 24 04:21
starstreakWindows 2000/XP came with a good midi tables emulatorAug 24 04:21
HelenahbrbAug 24 04:22
Helenahneed to peeAug 24 04:22
HelenahMy bum hurts... :DAug 24 04:22
HelenahSat down too long, can't get up! lol I'm gonna have a stretch I think, brbAug 24 04:22
starstreak 24 04:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 24 04:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Aug 24 04:23
starstreakTom Green - The bum bum songAug 24 04:23
*Helenah looksAug 24 04:24
*horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 04:24
HelenahThat stretch helped :DAug 24 04:24
HelenahDoes anyone ever feel like a hypochondriac?Aug 24 04:25
HelenahOr should I say...Aug 24 04:25
HelenahLike... they could be accused of it?Aug 24 04:25
HelenahNice music :DAug 24 04:26
starstreak=)Aug 24 04:27
starstreaktom green is the bestAug 24 04:27
Helenah:DAug 24 04:28
HelenahI hate the list of conditions I have...Aug 24 04:29
starstreakI got ASD, ADHD, Social Anxiety, Gender DysphoriaAug 24 04:29
HelenahIt's the amountAug 24 04:30
schestowitz[TR]i've had that tom green track on my frive for 20+ yearsAug 24 04:30
schestowitz[TR]*driveAug 24 04:30
starstreak:)Aug 24 04:30
schestowitz[TR]he even did a show with monica lewinskiAug 24 04:30
starstreakim glad you like it too schestowitz[TR] Aug 24 04:30
HelenahASD (selective mutism, social communication disorder, sensory processing disorder, hyperlexia, dyscalculia, opposition defiant disorder), ADHD, VS (Visual Snow), light sensitivity to the point of wearing super dark tinted glasses, intersex, cancer, astma as a child, placental deficiency inside the wombAug 24 04:32
HelenahSee?Aug 24 04:32
HelenahSee why I get scared of being accused of being a hypochondriac?Aug 24 04:32
HelenahYet I'm not the one adding to that list...Aug 24 04:32
HelenahIt's complication after complication after complication... it gets bigger as I get older...Aug 24 04:33
Helenahcancer at 16, ASD diagnosis at 14Aug 24 04:33
HelenahSee?Aug 24 04:33
HelenahWell actually the cancer part was 2 misdiagnosis and one possibly correct one...Aug 24 04:33
Helenahsoft tissue unclsssified myxoid sarcomaAug 24 04:34
Helenahleft 6th palsy is another thing I had, that cleared up with a debulking and a 12th right palsy which is still there.Aug 24 04:34
HelenahI had that PTSD but it cleared up and that stockholm syndrome which seems to have at least gone back into its cave.Aug 24 04:35
HelenahI'm infertileAug 24 04:36
starstreakI got my ASD diagnosis a couple years agoAug 24 04:36
HelenahOh niceAug 24 04:36
starstreakand im 37Aug 24 04:36
HelenahYeah that's great cause now at least er...Aug 24 04:36
HelenahAt least you are validated :)Aug 24 04:36
starstreakyes exactly :)Aug 24 04:37
Helenahand things will be clearer to you :DAug 24 04:37
HelenahBut yeah, you should've had that younger really but there you go...Aug 24 04:37
starstreakautism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability, without communication disorder, requiring supportsAug 24 04:37
HelenahDoesn't always happen that way, especially in past times...Aug 24 04:37
starstreaki was diagnosed with ADHD as a kidAug 24 04:37
HelenahDid you see the brackets I put on my ASD label? That will give you details of mine.Aug 24 04:38
starstreakyeah Aug 24 04:38
HelenahI was diagnosed with ADHD a lil younger than ASDAug 24 04:38
Helenahthe inattentive oneAug 24 04:38
HelenahI mask like fuck...Aug 24 04:38
Helenah1minAug 24 04:38
starstreakI mask like fuck tooAug 24 04:39
starstreakthats what took so long for a dxAug 24 04:39
Helenahstarstreak: 24 04:39
starstreakoh wowAug 24 04:40
HelenahYeahAug 24 04:40
HelenahMy experience is women are expected to be socially sophisticated. :/Aug 24 04:41
HelenahThat it's even harder to make friends with a girl than it is a boy as a kid...Aug 24 04:41
HelenahYou could make friends with a boy just by rolling around in a bit of dirt...Aug 24 04:41
HelenahThen there's the expectations they get fired onto them because they're expected to be the one who mothers a child, who gives birth to the child, who bleeds...Aug 24 04:42
HelenahAnd it's fuckin' wrong because people should be raised equally, not based on sex...Aug 24 04:42
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 04:42
*Seaduck- has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 04:42
HelenahI think other factors can cause masking too but I thinkthat's A factor if you know what I mean...Aug 24 04:42
*Seaduck- (~seaduck@ys9kag65kxsiu.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 04:43
starstreakyeah i knowAug 24 04:43
HelenahYou being transgender probably heightened your masking ability. Having to "pretend" you are a man/boy when you are actually and always have been a girl/woman.Aug 24 04:44
starstreakwhen i started to transition i just stopped the masking and my autism came outAug 24 04:45
HelenahHey thoughAug 24 04:45
HelenahIf at any time I trigger you, ANY TIMEAug 24 04:45
HelenahPlease tell me becauseAug 24 04:45
starstreakdont worry, youAug 24 04:45
HelenahI'm not a nasty piece of work and will rectify.Aug 24 04:45
starstreakyou're coolAug 24 04:45
HelenahThanks :)Aug 24 04:45
starstreak=)Aug 24 04:45
HelenahSo erm...Aug 24 04:46
HelenahYou don't ask anymore?Aug 24 04:46
HelenahAnd you are 30 odd?Aug 24 04:46
HelenahDAMNAug 24 04:46
HelenahI'm 28 and still do it... so like... what age did you stop masking?Aug 24 04:46
starstreaki don't have the energy to mask anymoreAug 24 04:46
HelenahYesh it's exhausting :/Aug 24 04:46
*souseksi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 24 04:46
HelenahI cry at times to my gf...Aug 24 04:46
Helenahher mother is annoying me at the momentAug 24 04:46
*XFaCE (~XFaCE@uzfeivw9fp6ba.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 04:47
HelenahI went from living in the city to being annoyed by neighbours at my door every two minutes to living here needing my door locked at all times because her mother helps herself to come here...Aug 24 04:47
Helenahwithout telling usAug 24 04:47
Helenahand I can't do with unannounced visits.Aug 24 04:47
Helenah*dealAug 24 04:47
HelenahI need to mentally gear up to them...Aug 24 04:47
starstreaki wouldn't be able to deal with that because of my social anxietyAug 24 04:47
HelenahI need prior warning, give me 24 hours :DAug 24 04:47
starstreakexactlyAug 24 04:48
HelenahI have selective mutismAug 24 04:48
HelenahThat's extremely difficult to maskAug 24 04:48
starstreakme tooAug 24 04:48
HelenahIt's apparently common in girls and those who are learning another language but anyone can have it. lolAug 24 04:48
starstreaki can't speak much when its a strangerAug 24 04:48
HelenahI canAug 24 04:48
Helenahbut it's like erm...Aug 24 04:48
HelenahHow did I put this :DAug 24 04:48
HelenahI'm forcing myself to do it, keeping straight to show no signs of struggle for like an hour and half before like I get tiredAug 24 04:49
Helenahand my head is racing "How do i escape the environment without looking rude?!" :DAug 24 04:49
*horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 04:50
starstreaki try to find ways to escape asapAug 24 04:51
HelenahYeah sameAug 24 04:51
HelenahIt's just...Aug 24 04:51
HelenahI want to socialise... this is the thing... I want to do it! I want friends...Aug 24 04:51
HelenahBut it's like an hour and half effort each time I meet...Aug 24 04:52
starstreaki have 47 friends and thats on facebookAug 24 04:52
starstreaki socialize on the netAug 24 04:52
HelenahI have 300 on there but don't use it.Aug 24 04:52
HelenahI hate FacebookAug 24 04:52
starstreakme tooAug 24 04:53
starstreaki prefer to socialize on irc and discordAug 24 04:53
starstreaki have a really good friend on elementAug 24 04:53
HelenahI prefer IRC :DAug 24 04:53
Helenahelement as in the web client for Matrix protocol?Aug 24 04:53
starstreakyesAug 24 04:54
HelenahahAug 24 04:54
starstreake2e encryptionAug 24 04:54
HelenahMy cancer doesn't help...Aug 24 04:54
Helenahwith my AutismAug 24 04:54
HelenahYes, it's e2eAug 24 04:54
HelenahIt causes physical painAug 24 04:54
Helenahdamn another condition...Aug 24 04:54
HelenahHERE GOESAug 24 04:55
Helenahoccipital neuralgiaAug 24 04:55
Helenahit's a pain disorderAug 24 04:55
HelenahTold you...Aug 24 04:55
HelenahI got this huge list and I don't like it!!!Aug 24 04:55
starstreakoccipital is the visual region in your brainAug 24 04:55
HelenahIt makes me feel like er... some scumbag who is claiming to have every condition under the sun...Aug 24 04:55
starstreakthats probably why CRT fucked you upAug 24 04:55
Helenahwhen I'm notAug 24 04:55
HelenahWell erm...Aug 24 04:56
Helenahthe cancer is at the skull baseAug 24 04:56
HelenahYes you are right in regards to brain regionAug 24 04:56
Helenahbut the occipital nerves are longAug 24 04:56
HelenahThey are at the back of the skull, go around the back of the cranian, around the fore head and back of the yesAug 24 04:57
HelenahSo the pain starts at the skull base like an electrical jolt, a migraine, a headaache, it radiates up the nerve, around the head and behind the eyesAug 24 04:57
Helenah*base of the skullAug 24 04:58
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–„β–…β–ƒβ–β–‚β–‚β–ƒβ–ƒβ–β–ƒβ–„β–β–‚β–β–„β–‚β–β–„β–‚β–β–β–„β–„β–…β–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–„β–β–‚β–ƒβ–β–‚β–„β–ƒβ–„β– avg(k/sec) 29.61 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–ˆβ–β–β–β–ˆβ–β–β–β–ƒβ–„β–‚β–β–β–‚β–β–‚β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–β–‚β–‚β–β–‚β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–ƒβ–„β–ˆβ–‚β–β–ˆβ–β– avg(k/sec) 73.71β–• swarm size (avg): 104.60  βŸ²Aug 24 04:59
starstreaki can't imagine how much that must suck :(Aug 24 05:02
HelenahIt sucks bad cause I've to take co-dydramol and naproxen for itAug 24 05:03
HelenahSince I was 16Aug 24 05:03
HelenahIt's growing now btwAug 24 05:03
HelenahI don't care anymore I'm used to this...Aug 24 05:03
HelenahI'm just a fuck up and I got to accept that that is "Helenah"Aug 24 05:04
HelenahBut beyond that I'm no fuck up :DAug 24 05:04
HelenahI'm just me :3Aug 24 05:04
Helenah<3Aug 24 05:04
starstreak<3Aug 24 05:04
techrights-newsNew: Text-based sql client gemini:// 24 05:05
techrights-news"I've created this capsule in gemini space but I'm still not known to others. I'm not in threads and searching engines. How to spread message about my capsule? How to create acceptable feed?" gemini:// 24 05:05
HelenahDamn I got to count these conditions now.... this is unbelievable...Aug 24 05:05
techrights-news"The main shortage is with gas, but the UK burns a lot of gas in turbines to generate electricity, so electricity prices are affected too." gemini:// 24 05:07
Helenahdamn okiesAug 24 05:07
HelenahSo if there is a magic pillAug 24 05:08
HelenahThat makes all your diseases go away...Aug 24 05:08
HelenahI'd take in a heart beat :DAug 24 05:08
starstreakits called LSDAug 24 05:08
starstreaklolAug 24 05:08
HelenahlolAug 24 05:08
heurekai prefer a clear mindAug 24 05:09
Helenahheureka: To be honest, me tooAug 24 05:09
starstreaki miss LSDAug 24 05:09
HelenahDespite the weed smoking...Aug 24 05:09
starstreaki've had LSD once and it was such a good experienceAug 24 05:09
heurekai refrain from anything which impairs thinkingAug 24 05:10
heurekaexcept, after 24hours of hacking, i take a nap of vodkaAug 24 05:10
starstreakheureka, youAug 24 05:10
HelenahWell weed makes my selective mutism worseAug 24 05:10
starstreakheureka, you're already crazy enoughAug 24 05:10
HelenahIt can switch it on completelyAug 24 05:10
Helenahmaking it no longer selective...Aug 24 05:10
starstreakHelenah, same, and it makes me paranoidAug 24 05:10
HelenahMy gf hates it...Aug 24 05:10
heurekastrangely, i've never had withdrawal symptoms from alcoholAug 24 05:10
techrights-news"NVIDIA has released the latest update to their special Vulkan Beta Driver, for developers and users who want to test out the very-latest stuff." β˜› | Source: GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NVIDIA Vulkan Beta Driver 515.49.14 out now | GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:10
HelenahShe'll be like "When you smoke that weed, you won't talk for days and you are just a mong"Aug 24 05:10
HelenahlolAug 24 05:10
techrights-news"After being announced back in June, we now actually have a release date for the latest Hearts of Iron IV expansion from Paradox with By Blood Alone coming on September 27th" β˜› | Source: GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Hearts of Iron IV - By Blood Alone set to release on September 27th | GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:10
techrights-news"Creative Assembly and SEGA have announced the massive Total War: WARHAMMER III 2.0 patch which comes along with a Beta version of Immortal Empires." β˜› | Source: GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Total War: WARHAMMER III 2.0 out with Immortal Empires, Linux update 'as soon as possible' | GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:11
HelenahBut at the same time she knows why :DAug 24 05:11
HelenahShe can call me a mong cause I know she isn't meaning it offensively :DAug 24 05:11
heurekait's "only" coffee and cigarettes, and then, what i dislike with nicotine withdrawel is only this: tiredness, sleepynessAug 24 05:11
HelenahI'm tired all the time heureka Aug 24 05:11
Helenahthat I don't know when I'm tiredAug 24 05:12
heurekaa coffee and cigarette, bam, i am awake... without it i barely get upAug 24 05:12
HelenahIt's 5amAug 24 05:12
*souseksi (~souseksi@z4erpfet58qwy.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 05:12
Helenahand I don't know if I'm tired because of drugs or cause I need sleepAug 24 05:12
HelenahI don't know...Aug 24 05:12
heurekaor bothAug 24 05:12
starstreaklolAug 24 05:12
HelenahI'm probably like really er...Aug 24 05:12
Helenahsleep deprived for years many many years, since age 16 nowAug 24 05:12
HelenahMaybe I should go to bed but idkAug 24 05:13
HelenahI'm confused, soo confusedAug 24 05:13
starstreaki wish LSD was legal, its like impossible to find and i don't feel safe ordering it from the darknetAug 24 05:13
HelenahI used to take morphineAug 24 05:13
starstreaki don't want to get arrestedAug 24 05:13
Helenahno joke...Aug 24 05:13
HelenahMy pain used to be SOOO BADAug 24 05:13
HelenahI had to take strong stuff, morphine...Aug 24 05:14
Helenah...Aug 24 05:14
starstreakthe guy in mr robot snorted morphineAug 24 05:14
HelenahThey tried everything weak, mid, a bit strong...Aug 24 05:14
HelenahNothing workedAug 24 05:14
Helenahbut hey debulkings means I just take naproxen and er... co-dydramol now :DAug 24 05:14
HelenahNow time to express how I felt on morphine, heureka and starstreak :3 24 05:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Stream Helena Bolan - Lady Morphine (Original) by Helenah | Listen online for free on SoundCloudAug 24 05:15
HelenahThat's how I felt ^Aug 24 05:15
starstreakyou're pretty :)Aug 24 05:16
HelenahThankies :DAug 24 05:16
HelenahIt isn't the first time I've used sounds to describe my feelings.Aug 24 05:16
Helenahstarstreak: I'm a mixture of er... bothAug 24 05:17
HelenahNot sure if you read that condition tooo...Aug 24 05:17
Helenah:/Aug 24 05:17
Helenahin my list...Aug 24 05:17
starstreakwhich oneAug 24 05:17
HelenahIntersex (45,X/46,XY mosaicism)Aug 24 05:18
starstreakohhh yeahAug 24 05:18
techrights-news"ProtonUp-Qt is a simple and great way to manage the likes of GE-Proton (previously known as Proton GE), the Luxtorpeda compatibility tool for Native Linux game engines and more." β˜› | Source: GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ProtonUp-Qt for easy GE-Proton installs on Linux and Steam Deck v2.7.0 out now | GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:18
starstreakI always wondered what that was likeAug 24 05:19
HelenahWhat was?Aug 24 05:20
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 05:20
HelenahIntersex or the actual condition?Aug 24 05:20
HelenahI was luckyAug 24 05:20
*souseksi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 24 05:20
starstreakintersexAug 24 05:20
HelenahWhen I was born, my mother was kept in the loop (luckily) about some surgical procedure they said they "had to do"Aug 24 05:21
Helenahit was a lieAug 24 05:21
HelenahAnyway...Aug 24 05:21
Helenahwhen she was told exactly like... what was going on... and found out it isn't even life threatening and can wait she turned it down...Aug 24 05:21
Helenaharguing it should be my choiceAug 24 05:21
Helenahwhile most parents of intersex children fell for this shit...Aug 24 05:21
Helenahand end up growing up intersex advocatesAug 24 05:22
heurekawhat is intersex?Aug 24 05:22
HelenahFighting for this stuff to not happen againAug 24 05:22
starstreakyou are luckyAug 24 05:22
Helenah'What does intersex mean? Intersex is a general term used for a variety of situations in which a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the boxes of β€œfemale” or β€œmale.” Sometimes doctors do surgeries on intersex babies and children to make their bodies fit binary ideas of β€œmale” or β€œfemale”.'Aug 24 05:22
HelenahSex is fluid, heureka Aug 24 05:22
HelenahIt isn't solid and binary like people think it is.Aug 24 05:22
HelenahTypically it is binary and you are one or the otherAug 24 05:23
Helenahbut there are exceptions to this ruleAug 24 05:23
HelenahThe biology that drives sex development is not clear cutAug 24 05:23
HelenahIt is not simple as 1 or 0Aug 24 05:23
Helenaha LOT MORE is going on behind the scenes.Aug 24 05:23
Helenahand it can go wrong at any pointAug 24 05:23
HelenahMy cell structure is a mixture of cells containing a Y chromosome and cells not containing a Y chromosomesAug 24 05:24
Helenahso my cells were sexually developing in different ways from each otherAug 24 05:24
Helenahwhich for me personally caused me to develop bits and pieces of both sexes.Aug 24 05:24
HelenahYou could say some of my cells are genetically male and some of my cells are genetically femaleAug 24 05:25
Helenahand they're all clumped together in a single entity (me)Aug 24 05:25
heurekasexual hormones?Aug 24 05:25
HelenahI don't take hormones.Aug 24 05:25
heurekaall people got them.Aug 24 05:25
HelenahYes I knowAug 24 05:25
starstreaki did the 23andme thing and it said i was male, they asked me to confirm and asked if i was transAug 24 05:25
HelenahAhAug 24 05:26
HelenahIt would probably say the same for me because of the mixture of both male and female DNA hanging around in my mucus.Aug 24 05:26
HelenahThe Y chromosome makes them put "Male" down cause like... er... that's how scientists classify this stuff that a Y chromosome makes a karyotypically male genomeAug 24 05:27
techrights-news"GOG are making a big splash with "The GOG Sale" which is live now until September 5th, 10 PM UTC. Time to pick up a bunch of DRM free goodies?" β˜› | Source: GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GOG have a huge sale going with giveaways, flash deals | GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:27
HelenahI don't classify myself as transgender by the wayAug 24 05:27
HelenahCause I was luckyAug 24 05:27
heurekai don't know, i wouldn't give it too much thoughtAug 24 05:27
Helenahheureka: I've had all my life to think about this stuff.Aug 24 05:28
HelenahI'm not thinking up anything new.Aug 24 05:28
Helenahjust conversing.Aug 24 05:28
heurekaHelenah: everyone has to live through pubertyAug 24 05:28
Helenahheureka: I've gone through puberty.Aug 24 05:28
techrights-news"Valve has confirmed that production of the Steam Deck has gone better than expected, and so even more (yes again) people will be seeing their emails to purchase one." β˜› | Source: GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Steam Deck production better than expected, Q4 emails already going out | GamingOnLinuxAug 24 05:28
HelenahMy cup size is 38B because of thatAug 24 05:28
HelenahI do look boyish though, heureka Aug 24 05:29
HelenahIt doesn't bother me that I look boyishAug 24 05:29
DaemonFC 24 05:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The History of Sodomy Laws in the United States - IndianaAug 24 05:29
DaemonFC"In 1807, the Indiana Territory adopted a comprehensive criminal code3 that included a sodomy law that eliminated the gender-specifics and reduced the penalty to a maximum of 1-5 years in prison, a fine of $100-$500, up to 500 lashes "well laid on, on his or her bare back" and a permanent loss of civil rights.4 The imprisonment sentence was the third-longest in the criminal code, and the 500 lashes for sodomy were the most that could be given Aug 24 05:30
DaemonFCfor any crime. The new law was signed by Governor and future President William Henry Harrison.5"Aug 24 05:30
DaemonFCVery progressive.Aug 24 05:30
DaemonFCOnly 5 years in prison and 500 lashes and a permanent loss of civil rights.Aug 24 05:30
HelenahPlease may you pastebin your texts?Aug 24 05:30
HelenahIt's just, it pushes everything into the scrollback.Aug 24 05:30
techrights-news"If you are taking the first step in learning Bash scripting, then you have come to the right place." β˜› | Source: OSTechNixAug 24 05:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Introduction To Bash Scripting - OSTechNixAug 24 05:31
techrights-news"WordPress is an open source and free blogging application and a dynamic CMS (Content Management System) developed using MySQL and PHP." β˜› | Source: TecMintAug 24 05:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install WordPress with LAMP in RHEL DistributionsAug 24 05:31
starstreakim 36CAug 24 05:32
HelenahI'm sweating a lotAug 24 05:33
HelenahCan't copeAug 24 05:33
Helenahmy gf thinks I sweat excessively, she ain't lyingAug 24 05:33
HelenahIt's annoying when I just wanna open the window and she's like "No, it's freezing"Aug 24 05:33
starstreaklolAug 24 05:34
Helenahand I'm like "How can I be pouring sweat if it's freezing?" but then other people will agree with her... so I don't bloody know anymore...Aug 24 05:34
HelenahLOLAug 24 05:34
techrights-newsBSDCan 2022 - Invidious βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 05:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSDCan 2022 - InvidiousAug 24 05:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-BSDCan 2022 - YouTubeAug 24 05:34
HelenahAlways something wrong one way or another :DAug 24 05:34
HelenahBut there you go... :/Aug 24 05:34
HelenahApparently it's 18C, starstreak Aug 24 05:35
techrights-newsiophk: that is what russia/murdoch/billbc media are trying to bury 24 05:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sanna Marin: The Baltics should have been heeded over Russia | News | ERRAug 24 05:35
HelenahEven at 13C I'm sweatingAug 24 05:35
HelenahShe also pointed out that I won't wear winter clothes and that even in winter time I'll wear summer clothes. LOL :DAug 24 05:37
HelenahWell cause it's fuckin hot!Aug 24 05:37
HelenahIf it's hot then I'm gonna wear something appropriate for that, no?Aug 24 05:37
HelenahOne thing you will notice with my selfies is I'm never in anything like sweaters and stuff.Aug 24 05:37
HelenahNever in a coatAug 24 05:37
HelenahIf it rains hard I'm like "Don't care if I got hardly anything on, I'm lovely the cool down on my body!"Aug 24 05:38
DaemonFC"In other words, in only one type of criminal case in Indiana was it permissible to prejudice the jury against the defendant. Acts of "normal" sexual intercourse, including rape, would be shielded from the jury’s knowledge."Aug 24 05:38
DaemonFCThe Indiana Supreme Court declared "rape" to be "normal" sexual intercourse and you couldn't bring that up to taint a jury in a sexual deviancy case.Aug 24 05:38
DaemonFCYeah, that sounds like Indiana.Aug 24 05:39
techrights-newsDuckDuckGo = Microsoft. More people finally "get" it...,-here's-my-new-search:8 24 05:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BYE DUCK DUCK GO, here's my new search engine! Private Alternatives to GoogleAug 24 05:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DuckDuckGo - TechrightsAug 24 05:39
HelenahRape was probably a natural thing in past times that was normal but we live in the 21st century, even in the 20th century rape was considered wrong, we are not cave people rather we are a society, a civilisation.Aug 24 05:39
techrights-newsThe sportswashing of state terrorism 24 05:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trump, golf and Saudi Arabia: A filthy cycle of "sportswashing" | Salon.comAug 24 05:40
HelenahOr should I say the behaviour of forcing yourself onto someone else for sex to reproduce, it's classified as rape today but humans probably did all that back thenAug 24 05:40
starstreakit gets cold at night latelyAug 24 05:40
HelenahI mean I once saw a cat dive on a female cat LITERALLY DIVEDAug 24 05:41
HelenahIt was like... if those two weren't cats but were human... lolAug 24 05:41
HelenahOne of em would be getting done for rape :DAug 24 05:41
HelenahHonestly, I saw the look on the female cat's face, it was like "What's going on here? I'm pegged down!", it wasn't happy, I could see that cat was not happy!Aug 24 05:41
starstreak:(Aug 24 05:42
HelenahAnd the male was like "Gotta do it as quick as possible! HUMP HUMP HUMP HUMP"Aug 24 05:42
Helenahsee?Aug 24 05:42
techrights-newsReform or Recalibrate ISDS? - Lexology βš“ δ·‰ Source: Lexology | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 05:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Reform or Recalibrate ISDS? - LexologyAug 24 05:42
HelenahWhy would humans not have done that? :DAug 24 05:42
HelenahI bet they did...Aug 24 05:42
schestowitz[TR]the tribes frowned upon itAug 24 05:42
schestowitz[TR]humkans live in groupsAug 24 05:42
schestowitz[TR]cats do tooAug 24 05:43
schestowitz[TR]some of themkm anywayAug 24 05:43
HelenahWait so...Aug 24 05:43
Helenahhumans ALWAYS frown upon... forced sex?Aug 24 05:43
HelenahALWAYS?!Aug 24 05:43
schestowitz[TR]the tribe would retaliateAug 24 05:43
heurekaBonobos aren't felinesAug 24 05:43
HelenahAnd what about before homo sapiens, schestowitz[TR] ?Aug 24 05:43
Helenahhomo erectus for exampleAug 24 05:43
Helenahor earlierAug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]outside my field of expertise to be honest, ANDAug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]if studied bya  scholarAug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]it would be taboo areaAug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]for academiaAug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]like if a scholar said, trape used to be OKAug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]or race "science"Aug 24 05:44
HelenahSo they would be censorshiped basically on merely saying what could be fact?Aug 24 05:44
schestowitz[TR]yesAug 24 05:45
techrights-newsFish Shell Tips and Tricks (Can Your Shell Do This?) βš“ 24 05:45
Helenah:/Aug 24 05:45
HelenahThat's crazy...Aug 24 05:45
schestowitz[TR]that's where we areAug 24 05:45
Helenahit's a harmless little thing said!!!Aug 24 05:45
HelenahWhat's wrong with people?!Aug 24 05:45
schestowitz[TR]there are manu factual things people cannot say anymoreAug 24 05:45
schestowitz[TR]or think twiceAug 24 05:45
schestowitz[TR]or word it cleverelyAug 24 05:45
schestowitz[TR]oor apologise upfrontAug 24 05:45
schestowitz[TR]btwAug 24 05:46
schestowitz[TR]this is deliberateAug 24 05:46
schestowitz[TR]intentionalAug 24 05:46
schestowitz[TR]culture creepAug 24 05:46
HelenahApparently forced sex regardless is classified as rape I just found outAug 24 05:46
schestowitz[TR]it weaponises masses into mass control lobsAug 24 05:46
Helenaheven if it involves two cats or whatever...Aug 24 05:46
Helenahmeaning that tom cat raped that female catAug 24 05:46
HelenahAnd I read it can be dangerous... o.OAug 24 05:47
schestowitz[TR]and then you usually end up incapable of saying things that threaten certain powerful interestsAug 24 05:47
Helenah"It's actually quite dangerous for male cats to attempt rape, especially in the wild where they need to be fit to hunt in order to survive."Aug 24 05:47
HelenahAnd I read other things that female cats can't willingly have sex.Aug 24 05:47
DaemonFCThe Indiana Supreme Court has had some unorthodox opinions.Aug 24 05:47
schestowitz[TR]it turnes coeity into enforcer agaoinst itselfAug 24 05:47
schestowitz[TR]*societyAug 24 05:47
schestowitz[TR]the collective accountability/responsibility wayAug 24 05:48
DaemonFCYour bedroom becomes "a public place" if a thief breaks into your home and witnesses you having sex.Aug 24 05:48
DaemonFCTherefore, sex in your bedroom becomes a public place, therefore illegal.Aug 24 05:48
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I once expressed support towards Edward Snowden while I was in college because if I remember that's when he ended up stuck in that embassy.Aug 24 05:48
schestowitz[TR]?Aug 24 05:48
DaemonFCBetter make sure those curtains are closed and the door is locked.Aug 24 05:48
schestowitz[TR]embassy?Aug 24 05:48
HelenahYeahAug 24 05:49
HelenahSwedish embassy in the UKAug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]hahaAug 24 05:49
HelenahHe was stuck inside it for YEARSAug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]no.Aug 24 05:49
HelenahSo yeah anyway...Aug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]you mixed up many thingsAug 24 05:49
HelenahahAug 24 05:49
HelenahI expessed my supportAug 24 05:49
HelenahNext thing...Aug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]sweden = smear ampaignAug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]uk = assanmgeAug 24 05:49
Helenahthe teachers, the students, ALL GANGED ON MEAug 24 05:49
Helenahin one go!Aug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]snowden was never in the uk afaikaAug 24 05:49
HelenahAnd I was like WTFAug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]nad assange never in the usAug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]he claimsAug 24 05:49
schestowitz[TR]ecuador is the embassy you think ofAug 24 05:50
HelenahohAug 24 05:50
schestowitz[TR]edward snowden was stuck in an airport in mocowAug 24 05:50
schestowitz[TR]after he had hidden in hong kongAug 24 05:50
HelenahSo they all was shouting at me saying I'm wrong for supporting the theft of classified documents.Aug 24 05:50
HelenahReally laid into meAug 24 05:50
HelenahI felt like I'd done something seriously wrong! o.OAug 24 05:50
HelenahI simply said a sentence...Aug 24 05:51
schestowitz[TR]assange stole nothiongAug 24 05:51
schestowitz[TR]he published stuff sent to himAug 24 05:51
HelenahI knowAug 24 05:51
HelenahTell that to a brainwashed college... lolAug 24 05:51
schestowitz[TR]he did a service to the whisleblowerAug 24 05:51
HelenahThe WHOLE college... BRAIN WASHEDAug 24 05:51
Helenahclass of 13 students, "LETS ALL HAVE A GO AT HELENA FOR WHAT SHE SAID", two teachers joined in...Aug 24 05:52
techrights-news"No Criminalization of DefamationΒ " β˜› | Source: EFFAug 24 05:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indonesia’s New Draft Criminal Code Restrains Political Dissent | Electronic Frontier FoundationAug 24 05:52
HelenahThen the staffroom had a word with meAug 24 05:52
heurekaAssange made a mistake: wikileaks had NOT required a "VIP" such as himAug 24 05:52
HelenahThen the damn college principle had a word with meAug 24 05:52
HelenahWhy did they do that to me?!Aug 24 05:52
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: YesAug 24 05:52
Helenahhe didAug 24 05:52
techrights-news"Lopez filed suit on Tuesday, claiming that Pandora streamed two of his comedy albums" β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 05:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | George Lopez is the latest comedian to sue Pandora for unpaid royalties - The VergeAug 24 05:52
heurekafor example, "dark net" and similar, everyone knows it exists, doesn't require any prominence either, to find itAug 24 05:52
techrights-newsGulagTube β˜› | Source: Torrent FreakAug 24 05:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTube Fires Back in Content ID Lawsuit Haunted By Fraud Allegations * TorrentFreakAug 24 05:53
HelenahI had a video recordingAug 24 05:53
HelenahWhich the collegeAug 24 05:53
Helenahlocked me in a roomAug 24 05:53
heurekaAssange wanted to be the big VIP poser;Aug 24 05:53
Helenahand forced me to de-publicise it from the internet...Aug 24 05:53
Helenahand then they said "And delete it from your student network drive too" and I was like "WTF you literally rummaged through EVERYTHING!"Aug 24 05:53
HelenahI never disclosed it being on there, they randomly and silently checked the drive...Aug 24 05:54
HelenahSaid it was in "a log report" hold on a minute...Aug 24 05:54
Helenaha college with hundreds of students.. you can't possibly monitor them all, they were looking at me specifically...Aug 24 05:54
HelenahMy gf says "The college had it in for you and wanted rid of you"Aug 24 05:56
HelenahBecause they later on said they got another log reportAug 24 05:56
techrights-news"Here's a fast-paced tour of Android version highlights from the platform's birth to present" β˜› | Source: Computer WorldAug 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Android versions: A living history from 1.0 to 13 | ComputerworldAug 24 05:57
Helenahwhere I was putting executable files onto my network drive, executable files that do "malicious stuff to the college infrastructure" apparently... LOLAug 24 05:57
HelenahThat day... they got rid of me...Aug 24 05:57
techrights-news">SQLite only comes with these few core functions. A few JSON functions have recently become builtin too" β˜› | Source: Data StationAug 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SQLite has pretty limited builtin functionsAug 24 05:57
Helenahand they SHOUTED at me, as per usual, shout at Helenah automatically, don't find out if she is right or wrong first no, should at her, make her sensory processing disorder a nightmare for her...Aug 24 05:57
techrights-news"Video recordings from BSDCan 2022 are now available." β˜›;sid=20220823153925 | Source: UndeadlyAug 24 05:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSDCan 2022 videos are availableAug 24 05:58
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: sounds like abuseAug 24 05:58
HelenahI was "hacking"Aug 24 05:58
HelenahBut because they told me they wanted me toAug 24 05:58
Helenahto help them secure their setupAug 24 05:58
schestowitz[TR]they did to you what those 3 rapists had doneAug 24 05:58
HelenahI broke into their servers too, gained admin shell accessAug 24 05:59
starstreaklol i had sub7 on my network drive in high schoolAug 24 05:59
schestowitz[TR]but without the physical contactAug 24 05:59
Helenahit wasn't hardAug 24 05:59
HelenahStupid WindowsAug 24 05:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▃▃▁▁▂▄▃▄▁▂▅▆▄▄▁▁▁▃▁▁▂▂▂▃▂▂▂▂▄▃▄▁▃▁ avg(k/sec) 9.25 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–„β–β–β–‚β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–†β–†β–β–β–‡β–ˆβ–†β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–‡β–β–ƒβ–β–β–β–β–β–β–‚β–ˆβ–β– avg(k/sec) 88.48β–• swarm size (avg): 102.85  βŸ²Aug 24 05:59
Helenahhow this be soo friggin EASY?!Aug 24 05:59
techrights-news"Federal Judge J. Philip Calabrese sided with Ogletree yesterday, determining that the university’s room scan did constitute an unreasonable search" β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 05:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | University can’t scan students’ rooms during remote tests, judge rules - The VergeAug 24 05:59
HelenahSystems are supposed to have a little security at the very least...Aug 24 05:59
HelenahSo they go around patching the systems...Aug 24 05:59
HelenahThen I exploit more vulnerabilitiesAug 24 05:59
schestowitz[TR]it's not designed to be securewAug 24 05:59
HelenahI gained control over every client workstation in the collegeAug 24 05:59
schestowitz[TR]it's design for controlAug 24 05:59
schestowitz[TR]for some to control othersAug 24 06:00
schestowitz[TR]not securityAug 24 06:00
HelenahAnd er... the college freaked out cause everyones cursor was movingAug 24 06:00
Helenahand that was meAug 24 06:00
HelenahAB Tutor ControlAug 24 06:00
Helenahused to monitor student systems, watch their screens, lock their screens, control the computer, etc, etcAug 24 06:00
techrights-newsHealth β˜› | Source: Eesti RahvusringhÀÀlingAug 24 06:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Regulatory amendment to allow farmers to grow higher THC cannabis crops | News | ERRAug 24 06:01
HelenahI could make the library kiosks log into an admin shell by pulling the cable out during login process.Aug 24 06:01
HelenahIt would fail and throw me into an admin shell.Aug 24 06:01
HelenahAnother way I could do that was via a process kill on my OWN user!Aug 24 06:01
Helenaho.OAug 24 06:01
HelenahThey went around and patched itAug 24 06:01
techrights-newsMinceR happy at last? β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 06:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here’s how much Apple charges for every part to fix your own MacBook - The VergeAug 24 06:02
HelenahBut do I get the attention and thank you for it?Aug 24 06:02
HelenahNope, I get a huge big fat GTFOAug 24 06:02
HelenahNext time, this is getting done under a legal contract...Aug 24 06:02
*phanes has quit (connection closed)Aug 24 06:02
*phanes (~phanes@vdaaabp6wfeza.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 06:02
HelenahI will FORCE them to back up their infrastructure before I will even touch it and make sure no students and staff are working during the processAug 24 06:02
HelenahApparently the kiosk system was wrote in "Delphi", WTF!Aug 24 06:03
HelenahDelphi in 2010s?!Aug 24 06:04
Helenaho.OAug 24 06:04
HelenahEh?Aug 24 06:04
starstreakoh wow delphi in 2010sAug 24 06:04
starstreakthats crazyAug 24 06:04
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I was promised a pentesting apprenticeship in return.Aug 24 06:04
Helenahand I opted for that opportunity over the IT course I chose cause it was the only thing on the table...Aug 24 06:05
HelenahWindows Technician stuff, I'm a GNU/Linux fuckin user not a Windows user!Aug 24 06:05
HelenahI have been since 2005Aug 24 06:05
starstreaki ran gentoo back in 2003Aug 24 06:05
HelenahThe day they kicked me outAug 24 06:06
HelenahThey said I'm "screwed for life"Aug 24 06:06
starstreakoh wait, 2004Aug 24 06:06
DaemonFCHeh, Indiana tried to pass a bill to put people with HIV/AIDS on a publicly available list (in 1984).Aug 24 06:06
Helenahand will never be able to go into education again.Aug 24 06:06
HelenahIt was a crock of shit fed to me...Aug 24 06:06
HelenahThis does not prevent you from going back into education.Aug 24 06:06
DaemonFCThe same bill would have forced every hospital to test for HIV with all patients being admitted, and for people to undergo an HIV test before getting a marriage license.Aug 24 06:06
HelenahWhy? Because I signed up for a mathematics course at another collegeAug 24 06:06
Helenahwho they apparently "Report student behaviour to"Aug 24 06:07
HelenahSo if such reporting is true then why did they take me on?Aug 24 06:07
HelenahAnd why did they not mention it?Aug 24 06:07
HelenahMaybe they got sick of nannying me too, I didn't ask for it, they offered it me, because I have this cancer, they contacted the exam board to get me some allowances, what I received was I was permitted to walk out of the exam room whenever I wented if I felt I needed a break, I got 5 minutes each time I walked out.Aug 24 06:08
DaemonFCIt's dangerous to "do" anything anymore.Aug 24 06:08
DaemonFCOnce you visit a Web page or go somewhere, your phone or some scripts running in your Web browser put it on your "permanent record".Aug 24 06:09
DaemonFCAlong with every Google search you've ever made.Aug 24 06:09
HelenahI didn't even need to ask to walk out, they said "Just silently walk out and come back in"Aug 24 06:09
Helenahpermanent record?Aug 24 06:09
HelenahI doubt that...Aug 24 06:10
HelenahDoesn't sound possible...Aug 24 06:10
HelenahI could be anyoneAug 24 06:10
HelenahI could be Helena, Zoe, IveeAug 24 06:10
HelenahYes my real namesAug 24 06:10
HelenahokiesAug 24 06:10
HelenahrightAug 24 06:10
HelenahyeahAug 24 06:10
DaemonFCmjg59_, JavaShit is "secure".Aug 24 06:10
DaemonFCIt's not even secure in the way he means it.Aug 24 06:10
HelenahI told someone about this in another channel, my 3 full names.Aug 24 06:10
HelenahbrbAug 24 06:10
DaemonFCThat it is guaranteed not to hijack and escape your Web browser and do nasty things on your computer or to some other tab.Aug 24 06:11
DaemonFCIt's not secure from an opsec point of view.Aug 24 06:11
heurekaimpossible to review, too much clutter, and "security" updates every few daysAug 24 06:11
heurekaanyone ever git-diff those "security" updates?Aug 24 06:11
DaemonFCJust like his favorite firmware, UEFI.Aug 24 06:11
HelenahbackAug 24 06:12
HelenahYou won't believe I could return soo quickly with what I did and I ain't saying.Aug 24 06:12
HelenahokiesAug 24 06:12
DaemonFCRunning JavaShit at all opens you up to attacks targeting SPECTRE-like vulnerabilities.Aug 24 06:12
DaemonFCAnd GULAG's retpoline mitigations turned out to be inadequate as will anything else.Aug 24 06:13
HelenahYeah cause it is executed client side but servers are feeding it data at the same time.Aug 24 06:13
HelenahWell not alwaysAug 24 06:13
Helenahbut Javascripts tend to do too much these daysAug 24 06:13
Helenahstupid developersAug 24 06:13
Helenahthey do a load of reporting, etc.Aug 24 06:13
DaemonFCThere we go. My blue Totoro shirt and my blue, black, and white camouflage pajama pants.Aug 24 06:15
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 06:15
HelenahDaemonFC: Are you a boy or girl?Aug 24 06:15
*DaemonFC puts on a beret and debates the finer points of overthrowing the government.Aug 24 06:15
Helenaho.oAug 24 06:15
DaemonFCMaleAug 24 06:15
HelenahOhAug 24 06:16
Helenahclear cut maleAug 24 06:16
HelenahokiesAug 24 06:16
HelenahGovernment doesn't have to be evil but people think it's the only thing Government can be when in reality it's the people who run it.Aug 24 06:17
HelenahWhich could change and get better or get worse or it might just you know fluctuateAug 24 06:18
DaemonFCThe government is evil.Aug 24 06:18
DaemonFCPure evil.Aug 24 06:18
HelenahLike I've known times when Government was better and when it was worseAug 24 06:18
Helenahit has fluctuated throughout my lifeAug 24 06:18
HelenahIt depends on the politician and party in power at the time and what they stand forAug 24 06:18
Helenahalso the cabinet tooAug 24 06:18
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR] probably noticed that Bogus Johnson hasn't done a hell of a lot to help with their gas bill.Aug 24 06:19
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: You got a sky high gas bill too?! o.OAug 24 06:19
HelenahMine went from...Aug 24 06:19
HelenahΒ£50/monthAug 24 06:19
HelenahtoAug 24 06:19
HelenahΒ£500/monthAug 24 06:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 06:20
DaemonFCJesus Fuck!Aug 24 06:20
Helenahand I was like "How that all of a sudden?"Aug 24 06:20
HelenahI do NOT use gas!Aug 24 06:20
HelenahMy stove is electric...Aug 24 06:20
HelenahMy boiler is gas but rarely on...Aug 24 06:20
HelenahMy shower is electric but broken, I'm minimalist, I have wash downs and no bath...Aug 24 06:20
DaemonFCPeople in /r/ChicagoSuburbs are complaining about their gas bills going from like $30-40 in the summer to like $100.Aug 24 06:20
HelenahSo I don't even use a lot of hot water...Aug 24 06:20
Helenahand they can justify adding an extortion like that to my bill?Aug 24 06:20
HelenahCharge some greedy cunt who uses fucktons of gas...Aug 24 06:20
HelenahNot the fuckin' minimalist who uses hardly any...Aug 24 06:21
HelenahPfft, piss take... :/Aug 24 06:21
DaemonFCYeah, Communist Edison charges a big fat fucking "customer fee" and another big fat fucking "standard meter fee".Aug 24 06:21
DaemonFCSo if you keep the air conditioner off, half your bill is the standard fee just for being hooked up to the power grid.Aug 24 06:21
HelenahI don't have ACAug 24 06:21
HelenahI got plenty of cashAug 24 06:22
Helenahbut still...Aug 24 06:22
HelenahI'm not some greedy fat cat!Aug 24 06:22
DaemonFCI keep it on during the day.Aug 24 06:22
HelenahCharge the ones who are greedyAug 24 06:22
DaemonFCI turn it off at night and just use a bunch of fans.Aug 24 06:22
Helenahand suck fucktons of resource out the grid with no care...Aug 24 06:22
DaemonFCI have like three fans blowing on me while I sleep.Aug 24 06:22
HelenahThey'r the ones needing the extortion because they're DESTROYING THE PLANETAug 24 06:22
heurekacharge what was consumed, that's sufficiently simple and avoids most moral hazardsAug 24 06:22
HelenahI should be given nice prices for being kind to mother earth.Aug 24 06:22
heurekaanyone consumes 10x as much, charge 10x as much, simple.Aug 24 06:23
DaemonFCAmazon was getting rid of a bunch of box fans.Aug 24 06:23
HelenahIt isn't that simple... cause that's like saying I'm charged for what I use...Aug 24 06:23
HelenahI'm not charged for what I use...Aug 24 06:23
HelenahI'm charged WAY more than that...Aug 24 06:23
HelenahLike I said, I rarely use any gas... RARELYAug 24 06:23
HelenahI used zero gas today, zero gas yesterday, day before that I used a tiny bit of gas, just a lil water in a sink worth.Aug 24 06:24
HelenahMy usage habits have not changed...Aug 24 06:24
Helenahheureka: ^Aug 24 06:24
HelenahI am eco-environmentally friendly, this is my principles, I am not perfectly but I try my hardest.Aug 24 06:25
heureka^ with a gas bill of 500/monthAug 24 06:26
HelenahYeah, the amount the company claims I should be paying...Aug 24 06:26
DaemonFC 24 06:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Large Proportion of Men with Monkeypox Are Living With HIV - POZAug 24 06:27
DaemonFC"Around 40% of people with monkeypox are living with HIV, but the proportion can be substantially higher in some areas, according to recent reports on the ongoing global outbreak."Aug 24 06:27
Helenahheureka: You don't believe me, do you? :/Aug 24 06:27
HelenahEach to their own, I say...Aug 24 06:27
DaemonFCYeah, why stop there?Aug 24 06:27
HelenahWhat I hate is how they blame gay people...Aug 24 06:27
HelenahCome on...Aug 24 06:27
Helenahyou have sex with someone who has a disease you gonna get it...Aug 24 06:27
HelenahIt isn't about ones sexuality or their sex...Aug 24 06:28
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR] pointed out it's a distraction.Aug 24 06:28
DaemonFCAn otherwise healthy person who gets Monkeypox will just have a really bad month and then recover.Aug 24 06:28
DaemonFCAnd if you don't have sex with that person, you won't get it.Aug 24 06:28
DaemonFCBut the media is panicking people so they won't think about unemployment, national debt, hyperinflation.Aug 24 06:28
HelenahFuck employment, that ain't for me...Aug 24 06:29
Helenahself-employment is more for me.Aug 24 06:29
HelenahI have never been employed.Aug 24 06:29
DaemonFCI have not had a single structured day since 2007.Aug 24 06:29
HelenahDaemonFC: Welfare?Aug 24 06:30
DaemonFCWell, I'll give you a hint.Aug 24 06:30
starstreakthis channel is a lot cleaner without daemon's trashAug 24 06:31
DaemonFCRoy says they don't give a fuck about me. That's the truth.Aug 24 06:31
DaemonFCThe feeling's mutual though.Aug 24 06:31
Helenahstarstreak: lolAug 24 06:31
DaemonFCOther than that I hate them and I want them all to die.Aug 24 06:31
HelenahWho the hell is Roy? o.OAug 24 06:31
DaemonFCIn a vague sense.Aug 24 06:31
DaemonFC<Helenah> Who the hell is Roy? o.OAug 24 06:32
DaemonFCschestowitzAug 24 06:32
HelenahWho?Aug 24 06:32
heurekaHelenah: believe what?Aug 24 06:32
Helenahheureka: When I say I use hardly any gas.Aug 24 06:32
DaemonFCThe UK is at the mercy of Vladimir V. Putin on the gas situation.Aug 24 06:33
starstreakHelenah, schestowitz[TR] is RoyAug 24 06:33
heurekafor 500Pound/month? Aug 24 06:33
DaemonFCProving how stupid their government really is.Aug 24 06:33
HelenahDaemonFC: Right I'm paying an engineer to cap my gas mains in a bit.Aug 24 06:33
HelenahI don't want it...Aug 24 06:34
HelenahI do not want this gas...Aug 24 06:34
HelenahNo...Aug 24 06:34
Helenahstarstreak: OhAug 24 06:34
heurekahow many kWh are those 500Pound? 5000kWh/month?Aug 24 06:34
Helenahheureka: The bill is in my gf's name... and I will be having a word with her about putting a cap on the gas mains.Aug 24 06:35
HelenahI wash my body at the sink twice a weekAug 24 06:35
HelenahThat's how I washAug 24 06:35
HelenahIt uses gasAug 24 06:35
Helenahbut it's a little bit of water in a sinkAug 24 06:35
HelenahAs for my kitchen... well... yeah I wash pots but more often than not, I use cold water because things tend to not be that mucky and therefore dead easy to clean with a lil soap and a lil cold water...Aug 24 06:36
HelenahSo I'm charged... Β£500/month just to have hot water to wash myself...Aug 24 06:36
HelenahIt's stupid...Aug 24 06:36
HelenahI don't even pay that for a lil bit of water...Aug 24 06:37
HelenahI would rather wash with freezing water...Aug 24 06:37
HelenahI got plenty of money but I'm in protest...Aug 24 06:37
HelenahBecause I don't believe this is fair...Aug 24 06:37
HelenahI don't believe this is the price of gas...Aug 24 06:37
HelenahBut yeah capitalists don't like minimalists, charge the minimalist who cares about the environment the extortion so the rich elite can have gas for the price of pennies.Aug 24 06:38
starstreak1 vCore CPU, 1 GB RAM, 20 GB SSD, $3/month CAD  <-- Good deal?Aug 24 06:39
*KiKi (~KiKi@gph63bcnfvisc.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 06:39
Helenah"We don't like minimalists, they won't support are gas and electricity which earns us cash so we'll make the person who uses pennies worth of gas per week pay Β£500/month"Aug 24 06:39
HelenahI might need to leave...Aug 24 06:39
Helenahand calm down, this isn't fair on your guys.Aug 24 06:39
HelenahMy anger is justified, the gas board wants to rob me.... over-charge me gas...Aug 24 06:40
*Helenah (~s98259@wzs8dse5xhnbw.irc) has left #techrights (Calm down Helenah)Aug 24 06:40
*Helenah (~s98259@wzs8dse5xhnbw.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 06:45
HelenahI've calmed down.Aug 24 06:45
DaemonFCThat was fast.Aug 24 06:49
HelenahDaemonFC: A lot of people have to be told but me? I'm self-controlling.Aug 24 06:52
HelenahI jumped on it early...Aug 24 06:52
HelenahWhat I mean is...Aug 24 06:53
HelenahIn IRC channels when people get firey, they most likely keep getting more firey and never come down and so some op has to intervene.Aug 24 06:53
HelenahI would rather take responsibility for my own actions and not be told beforehand.Aug 24 06:53
HelenahAnd saying this, we should probably go back onto tech maybe I'm not sure, is this a quasi-social channel?Aug 24 06:54
starstreakim shopping for vpsesAug 24 06:55
starstreak1 vCore CPU, 1 GB RAM, 20 GB SSD, $3/month CAD  <-- Good deal?Aug 24 06:55
heurekastarstreak: missing info, data-volume, such as GiB/month Aug 24 06:56
starstreakit doesnt say :(Aug 24 06:57
*horseface has quit (Quit: PING TIMEOUT!!! >9000 FOR SURE!!!)Aug 24 06:57
HelenahNot all VPS providers do charge GiB/monthAug 24 06:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–„β–β–ƒβ–„β–β–β–…β–β–ˆβ–„β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–…β–β–β–‚β–ˆβ–ƒβ–„β–ƒβ–ƒβ–β–ˆβ–ƒβ–„β–…β–β–‚β– avg(k/sec) 85.33 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–‚β–β–β–β–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ƒβ–„β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–β–‚β–β–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–‚β–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–β– avg(k/sec) 84.58β–• swarm size (avg): 92.85  βŸ²Aug 24 06:59
Helenahnot from what I've seenAug 24 06:59
heurekasure, $3/month is cheap; more info missing: DNS record included?Aug 24 06:59
heurekaoften that's some extra free.Aug 24 06:59
heurekathen costs sum up quickly.Aug 24 06:59
HelenahYeah $3/month is cheaper than Digital Ocean and Vultr.Aug 24 06:59
HelenahWith them it would be $5/monthAug 24 07:00
HelenahI got an hypervisor.Aug 24 07:00
HelenahI offer services to my disadvantaged friends. <3Aug 24 07:00
Helenahand not just to myselfAug 24 07:00
HelenahYou see?Aug 24 07:00
HelenahI help people, I give them things if I can.Aug 24 07:01
starstreak:)Aug 24 07:01
HelenahThey get access to a VPS panel and everything. :3Aug 24 07:01
HelenahSo they never have to bother me for things :DAug 24 07:01
starstreakhave you ever used cjdns?Aug 24 07:01
HelenahNoAug 24 07:01
HelenahI heard of it though!Aug 24 07:01
*heureka has quit (Quit: connection closed.)Aug 24 07:02
Helenahthe name that isAug 24 07:02
starstreak 24 07:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GitHub - cjdelisle/cjdns: An encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing.Aug 24 07:02
HelenahAnd for anyone who wants to look at my cute girly nails while I look at this github page. :3 24 07:02
*horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 07:02
starstreaknice!Aug 24 07:03
starstreaki need to do my nails againAug 24 07:03
starstreakduring the christmas season i did them red and green like christmasAug 24 07:03
HelenahInteresting. :3Aug 24 07:05
Helenahstarstreak: :DAug 24 07:05
Helenah:Aug 24 07:05
Helenah:3 <3Aug 24 07:05
HelenahGet any pics?Aug 24 07:05
HelenahI hope you didn't mind me asking that. o.oAug 24 07:06
starstreakof my christmas nails? nahAug 24 07:07
HelenahOhAug 24 07:08
Helenah:3Aug 24 07:08
starstreaki just dm'd you a photo Aug 24 07:09
starstreakglitter nails: 24 07:10
HelenahOh wow nice!Aug 24 07:11
HelenahI'm jealous of your big nails! o.oAug 24 07:11
HelenahLoads of area for a coat! :DAug 24 07:11
HelenahThey look like the width of my gf's and my mothers :3Aug 24 07:12
starstreakim quite good at itAug 24 07:12
HelenahMy hands are smaller than my mothers and so are my erm...Aug 24 07:12
HelenahWhat was I saying now?Aug 24 07:12
HelenahYeah my head yes are smaller than hers :DAug 24 07:12
HelenahLike my gf says "Your mother has big hands like mine but yours are really tiny"Aug 24 07:13
HelenahEven my dad has big hands, bigger hands than my mother.Aug 24 07:13
starstreakok so when i was suffering from psychosis, i thought the police were after meAug 24 07:13
starstreakso i did this: 24 07:13
starstreaktrying to appease themAug 24 07:13
starstreaklolAug 24 07:13
Helenaho.oAug 24 07:14
HelenahOh dearAug 24 07:14
HelenahHow are you now though?Aug 24 07:14
starstreakim good nowAug 24 07:14
starstreakim on anti psychoticsAug 24 07:14
starstreakmy favourite is this clear glitter nail polish i can use on top of any colourAug 24 07:15
starstreakim surprised i dont have a picture of christmas nails :(Aug 24 07:15
HelenahPhew! :3Aug 24 07:16
DaemonFC 24 07:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can the economy grow forever? - InvidiousAug 24 07:17
DaemonFCInfinite economic growth is possible, if you consider "bullshit" to add to the Gross Domestic Product.Aug 24 07:17
HelenahIt will probably collapse at some point, DaemonFC Aug 24 07:17
HelenahCapitalism is not sustainable if it just hikes up prices and makes the poor suffer.Aug 24 07:17
DaemonFCMost valuation of the stock market is fake and has been for some time. They value "IP" in ways that are hard for people to fathom.Aug 24 07:18
HelenahThey'll come a cut off point where the world will just stop buying because it can't and so capitalism would collapse as nobody will be able to afford to sustain it any longer.Aug 24 07:18
DaemonFC<Helenah> Capitalism is not sustainable if it just hikes up prices and makes the poor suffer.Aug 24 07:18
DaemonFCThat's been going on in the United States constantly since 1913.Aug 24 07:18
HelenahhmmAug 24 07:18
HelenahYeah but...Aug 24 07:18
DaemonFCThe Federal Reserve's dual mandate is maximum employment and price stability.Aug 24 07:18
Helenahthis stuff doesn't happen over night, in a year, decade, whateverAug 24 07:18
HelenahWhat I'm talking about takes a LONG LONG timeAug 24 07:19
Helenahstarstreak: Aww, I wanted to see those!Aug 24 07:19
DaemonFCBut inflation *is* price instability and we've had such bad inflation since the Federal Reserve was enacted, that a dollar is only worth a few cents.Aug 24 07:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 07:20
DaemonFCA meal costs a few dollars and keeps you alive.Aug 24 07:20
starstreaki even checked facebookAug 24 07:20
DaemonFCA gallon of gas costs $3.95 and gets you to work and back that day.Aug 24 07:20
DaemonFCA movie ticket costs $20?Aug 24 07:20
HelenahA mean costs a few dollars?! o.OAug 24 07:20
HelenahDafuq?!Aug 24 07:20
HelenahHow?!Aug 24 07:21
starstreakunfortunately i go in to facebook every week and delete all my posts, comments and reactsAug 24 07:21
DaemonFCIf you do things right, it can.Aug 24 07:21
HelenahDaemonFC: A bottle of milk costs me a few dollars...Aug 24 07:21
DaemonFCA gallon of milk costs about $3.Aug 24 07:21
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 24 07:21
starstreaklol i still have him on ignoreAug 24 07:21
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 24 07:22
DaemonFCI remember in 1990 or so.Aug 24 07:22
DaemonFCSupermarkets, actual supermarkets. Local ones.Aug 24 07:22
DaemonFCThey'd sell you a gallon of milk for 89 cents maybe?Aug 24 07:22
HelenahCheaper than I thought...Aug 24 07:23
Helenah1.71 USD for 4 pints of whole milk.Aug 24 07:23
DaemonFCA dozen eggs back then was like 59 cents.Aug 24 07:23
DaemonFCNow you can barely get two eggs for that.Aug 24 07:23
HelenahWell it's almost a few...Aug 24 07:23
starstreaki think its almost $5 CAD for 4L milkAug 24 07:23
starstreakin CanadaAug 24 07:23
HelenahI can get 6 eggs for 1.18 USD, DaemonFC Aug 24 07:24
DaemonFCA loaf of name brand bread was about 79 cents. Now I'm paying over $3 for the same quality.Aug 24 07:24
DaemonFCThings have gotten pretty bad.Aug 24 07:24
starstreak$3.59 CAD for 12 eggs Aug 24 07:24
DaemonFCAnd mostly in the last two years.Aug 24 07:24
DaemonFCYou add it all up, I'm paying $600 a month to feed two people.Aug 24 07:25
DaemonFCIn 2020, I was only paying $400 and we were eating at least as well as this.Aug 24 07:25
HelenahSpagetti Bolognese: 4.95 USDAug 24 07:26
starstreakthese days I just use facebook for the memesAug 24 07:26
DaemonFCI like using my slow cooker.Aug 24 07:26
starstreakthere is this badass facebook group called "If you go far enough left you get your guns back"Aug 24 07:26
DaemonFCYou've got some meat, some vegetables. Whip up a sauce for it and it's dinner!Aug 24 07:27
DaemonFCPeople in the 70s were just....different than they are now. Hell, the 90s. I mean, you had food on the table and it was decent you were happy.Aug 24 07:27
starstreak 24 07:28
DaemonFCNow people are all like "This isn't vegan and organic and there's chemicals!" and it's like, "Dude, it's fucking Burger King. They have fries and burgers!".Aug 24 07:28
DaemonFCNobody makes you go in there.Aug 24 07:28
DaemonFCGo home and juice something. We'll both be happy.Aug 24 07:28
HelenahPetrol: 7.620 USD per Gallon DaemonFC Aug 24 07:28
HelenahYou Americans trash the planet...Aug 24 07:29
DaemonFCThese are what the anti-smoking people are up to these days.Aug 24 07:29
HelenahWhy are you selling fossil fuels soo cheap?!Aug 24 07:29
DaemonFC<Helenah> Why are you selling fossil fuels soo cheap?!Aug 24 07:29
DaemonFCBecause we're not totally insane.Aug 24 07:29
HelenahWait?Aug 24 07:29
DaemonFCAnd we like to have some standard of living.Aug 24 07:29
HelenahWhat?Aug 24 07:29
HelenahYeah so do I but...Aug 24 07:29
HelenahPetrol is not a requirement for that.Aug 24 07:29
DaemonFCWe haven't been brainwashed by people who fly around in private jets by themselves, like you people have.Aug 24 07:29
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 24 07:30
HelenahHumans are greedy, selfish, they try justifying lots of travel as a needAug 24 07:30
Helenahwhen it isn'tAug 24 07:30
DaemonFCWho say "climate change is so bad....but not bad enough to get rid of the jet!".Aug 24 07:30
HelenahDaemonFC: I think the jet should go too...Aug 24 07:30
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 24 07:30
HelenahJust we were talking about petrol...Aug 24 07:30
Helenahwhich is bad also...Aug 24 07:30
DaemonFCYou guys are literally panicking based on what Bill Gates says in the Billshit section of the BillBC.Aug 24 07:30
HelenahI don't know what he said...Aug 24 07:30
DaemonFCThe guy eats hamburgers, tells you to eat locusts.Aug 24 07:31
DaemonFCThe guy flies on private jets to private islands where he can fuck 12 year old girls in private.Aug 24 07:31
HelenahHe fucks 12 year old girls?Aug 24 07:31
Helenaho.oAug 24 07:31
HelenahAlso...Aug 24 07:31
DaemonFC(Epstein)Aug 24 07:31
DaemonFC(Lolita Express)Aug 24 07:31
HelenahWhat does this guy have to do with bill gates?!Aug 24 07:32
HelenahYou're dwindling lolAug 24 07:32
HelenahYou mention bill gates then...Aug 24 07:32
Helenahsend me a link to some random man...Aug 24 07:32
Helenahname sorryAug 24 07:32
DaemonFCBill was trying to buy a Nobel Prize by way of his ties to Epstein.Aug 24 07:32
HelenahAhAug 24 07:32
DaemonFCBill Gates controls a lot of what people read and listen to.Aug 24 07:32
DaemonFCHe corrupts the media.Aug 24 07:32
DaemonFCI'll take climate change more seriously when rich people give up their jets.Aug 24 07:33
DaemonFCAnd move into an efficiency apartment.Aug 24 07:33
HelenahSo...Aug 24 07:33
DaemonFCAnd turn the air conditioner to 86 degrees.Aug 24 07:33
HelenahYou think two wrongs make a right?Aug 24 07:33
HelenahWhat's wrong with you?Aug 24 07:33
HelenahHow can you go and not care about the environment because other people don't?Aug 24 07:33
DaemonFCIt's propraganda.Aug 24 07:33
HelenahNo...climate change is not propaganda... it's real...Aug 24 07:33
starstreakHelenah, hes insaneAug 24 07:33
DaemonFCI've seen your old weather maps.Aug 24 07:33
HelenahPart of it happens naturallyAug 24 07:34
Helenahbut humans are accelerating itAug 24 07:34
HelenahDaemonFC: I don't have any weather maps...Aug 24 07:34
DaemonFCThe only thing that's different today is that they take the same temperatures and put angry fire engine red all over the UK.Aug 24 07:34
HelenahSo I don't know what you are talking about...Aug 24 07:34
DaemonFCAnd tell you to lose your shit over the same temperatures from 20 years ago when there was a nice "sunny day" icon on the TV.Aug 24 07:34
starstreakHelenah, he likes to make up facts to support his opinionsAug 24 07:34
HelenahhmmAug 24 07:34
starstreakI pointed out to him the other day that anti abortion is just white supremacy. Most abortions are by white people and they want to shut it down to increase the population without immigration.Aug 24 07:35
starstreakHe tried saying black people get the most abortions and I proved him wrong with dataAug 24 07:35
DaemonFCIn 2012 in Indiana there was a heat wave. I think it was 2012 anyway. The reservoir dried up that summer, there wasn't much rain. There was a string of 115-ish degree days.Aug 24 07:36
DaemonFCThey're on the news going climate change! Climate change!!!!!! Soylent Green is made of PEEEEEEEOPLE!!!!!Aug 24 07:36
starstreakhe ignored the data and posted a wall of textAug 24 07:36
DaemonFCAnd then you look at the history of heat waves, and Indiana had one just as bad in the 1950s.Aug 24 07:36
HelenahWhy do you keep going on about the media?!Aug 24 07:37
HelenahI've been alive for 28 yearsAug 24 07:37
HelenahI can feel the summers and winters getting warmerAug 24 07:37
DaemonFCBecause the only reason people even know it's happening is because the media is screaming about it.Aug 24 07:37
HelenahI don't need a damn news reporter to tell me this when I can experience it...Aug 24 07:37
DaemonFCIt's even dumber than the wall to wall COVID.Aug 24 07:38
DaemonFCThat's nice. I've been alove for over 38 years.Aug 24 07:38
HelenahYou think covid is fake?Aug 24 07:38
DaemonFCAnd it's about the same now as it ever was.Aug 24 07:38
starstreakhe is a republican btwAug 24 07:38
DaemonFC<Helenah> You think covid is fake?Aug 24 07:39
HelenahAhah, you claim to have been alive for 38 years and yet you argue the climate has not changed at all?!Aug 24 07:39
HelenahDaemonFC: I've had it...Aug 24 07:39
DaemonFCNo, my mom and my brother had it and neither one are in great shape.Aug 24 07:39
HelenahI haven't had a common cold or flu since I was a little child...Aug 24 07:39
DaemonFCShe's 65 and he's fat.Aug 24 07:39
DaemonFCReally fat.Aug 24 07:39
Helenahmy immune system is very goodAug 24 07:39
HelenahAnd then comes... this yearAug 24 07:39
Helenahand BAM I'm hit by something I've never felt beforeAug 24 07:39
Helenahthat has cold and flu like symptomsAug 24 07:39
HelenahIt's fuckin real!Aug 24 07:39
DaemonFCEhh, it was like a flu she told me.Aug 24 07:40
DaemonFCWith the pills it was like a mild case of the flu.Aug 24 07:40
HelenahI took nothing for itAug 24 07:40
HelenahWas over it in only 2 daysAug 24 07:40
DaemonFCI think people just need to quit with the excess worry.Aug 24 07:40
HelenahI am not worrying dude...Aug 24 07:40
HelenahI am merely conversingAug 24 07:40
starstreaklol you know what really grinds my gears?Aug 24 07:40
DaemonFCThere's treatments for it. Some cause for alarm when there was nothing to do about it.Aug 24 07:40
HelenahAnd merely stating the fact that I had covid-19Aug 24 07:40
HelenahThat isn't worry...Aug 24 07:41
HelenahThat's just throwing fact onto the table...Aug 24 07:41
Helenahstarstreak: What's that?Aug 24 07:41
starstreakDaemonFC can sit in this channel being racist, transphobic and spreading disinformation about covid and climate change but when I start talking about reptilians, Roy says I make the channel look badAug 24 07:41
DaemonFCWhen we were vaccinated, only about 4% of the people in this state were.Aug 24 07:41
DaemonFCI figured out how to jump the line and get vaccinated while they were still doing the old people.Aug 24 07:41
Helenahstarstreak: Wow WTFAug 24 07:41
starstreakyeah lolAug 24 07:42
HelenahOne rule for a man (DaemonFC for example) and another rule for a woman...Aug 24 07:42
starstreak*I* make the channel look bad compared to the shit daemonfc does every dayAug 24 07:42
HelenahI wonder which of my topics he'll fall against? :DAug 24 07:42
HelenahI just seem to detect some misogyny.Aug 24 07:42
starstreaki wouldn't be surprised if daemonfc hates women tooAug 24 07:42
DaemonFCI don't hate women.Aug 24 07:42
HelenahBut you hate trans women who are women?Aug 24 07:43
DaemonFCIf I said, "I really hate that particular person!" and that person is a woman.... Would it be fair to say I hate "women"?Aug 24 07:43
HelenahDaemonFC: Did they go to a gender psychologist?Aug 24 07:44
Helenahgender psychiatrist evenAug 24 07:44
HelenahCause like...Aug 24 07:44
HelenahMaybe if they just...Aug 24 07:44
DaemonFCWhat I said is I really don't like Keith. I said I think what he did to his wife and especially his two young girls was abhorrent and worthy of the most extreme contempt. That no psychiatrist agreed he was actually transgender, and that the only reason he got the surgery was because he went to Canada with money.Aug 24 07:44
Helenahtossed themselves throug treatments as fast as possible...Aug 24 07:44
Helenahwith no thought what so ever...Aug 24 07:44
starstreakone day someone is going to sue Roy for the shit that DaemonFC says and he will wish he had an enforced CoCAug 24 07:45
Helenahthen that might have drove them crazy... but hey I don't know cause I don't know them...Aug 24 07:45
DaemonFCI also said he had a lot of nerve crashing a funeral that nobody invited him to, that my Aunt would have asked him not to be at could she have spoken (it was her funeral), and that I think he's a wretch for doing that.Aug 24 07:45
HelenahFunerals are public events dude..Aug 24 07:46
HelenahThey're not by invite...Aug 24 07:46
DaemonFCNo, they are private.Aug 24 07:46
HelenahWow you lay the law down like my grandma!Aug 24 07:46
HelenahNot here they aren't...Aug 24 07:46
HelenahThey're public events, anyone can go to any funeral...Aug 24 07:46
DaemonFCMy cousins could have kicked him out and didn't. I guess that's their decision at that point.Aug 24 07:46
DaemonFCBut they don't like him.Aug 24 07:46
HelenahLike my er...Aug 24 07:47
HelenahgfAug 24 07:47
Helenahwho has schizophreniaAug 24 07:47
Helenahshe went crazy herself, you know?Aug 24 07:47
HelenahShe turned to the church during a psychosisAug 24 07:47
starstreaki feel bad for the trans woman who can't be part of her family anymore because shes trans (according to Daemon)Aug 24 07:47
Helenahand delusions and stuffAug 24 07:47
Helenahand erm...Aug 24 07:47
HelenahShe was like working for them lolAug 24 07:47
DaemonFC<starstreak> i feel bad for the trans woman who can't be part of her family anymore because shes trans (according to Daemon)Aug 24 07:47
HelenahAnd she sat in every funeralAug 24 07:47
DaemonFCHe turned his back on his children.Aug 24 07:47
HelenahEVERY FUNERAL she sat inAug 24 07:47
Helenahpeople she didn't knowAug 24 07:48
DaemonFCNow they don't want anything to do with him.Aug 24 07:48
DaemonFCAt least if I did ever get a woman pregnant I'd stay around and help raise the kid even if it meant what I wanted to do was over.Aug 24 07:48
DaemonFCUnfortunately, a lot of people have no decency anymore.Aug 24 07:48
DaemonFCA lot of people love their children even if raising them is difficult, inconvenient, or annoying sometimes. And even if it's stressing them out and literally sucking their life out.Aug 24 07:49
DaemonFCBut others just bolt and leave their ex-wife to do it alone.Aug 24 07:50
DaemonFCWhy am I the only one who thinks Keith did something wrong here?Aug 24 07:50
HelenahSo do you think someone wakes up one morning and thinks "Hey I'm gonna be a woman, go clothes shopping put a frock, some high heels and go being a diva in the streets"?Aug 24 07:51
DaemonFCThe media has portrayed single-parent households too well. ItAug 24 07:51
DaemonFC*It's undesirable, socially.Aug 24 07:51
DaemonFC<Helenah> So do you think someone wakes up one morning and thinks "Hey I'm gonna be a woman, go clothes shopping put a frock, some high heels and go being a diva in the streets"?Aug 24 07:52
DaemonFCAccording to starstreak he would have known before he even married her, much less got her pregnant 8 years later.Aug 24 07:52
HelenahThe reason I said that is because you seem to portray complicated matters that you do not understand as being simple in order to suit yourself.Aug 24 07:53
HelenahIt is well known, I researched it...Aug 24 07:53
DaemonFCIt was pretty simple.Aug 24 07:53
HelenahThat trans women and trans menAug 24 07:54
Helenahgo through a LOT of life mistakes, and wrong paths before they come out...Aug 24 07:54
DaemonFCIt was even simpler back in those days.Aug 24 07:54
HelenahMaybe if you actually did you research you would find the same things...Aug 24 07:54
DaemonFCI would have had a stroke if one of my parents did that.Aug 24 07:54
HelenahThis involved mistakenly dating and marrying the wrong people...Aug 24 07:54
Helenahand even wrongly having kids tooAug 24 07:54
Helenahmistake alsoAug 24 07:54
starstreakI came out at 34, I was seperated and could have had kidsAug 24 07:54
DaemonFCIt was bad enough they got divorced like a couple of selfish jerks, but at least my dad didn't go pull that shit.Aug 24 07:55
DaemonFCI don't think I could've processed that too.Aug 24 07:55
HelenahBut you would rather sit here and make it seem simple and black and white "Should've known better" attitudeAug 24 07:55
HelenahIf I was to stick a coin into a jar each time someone says "They should've known better, it's dead simple" I would be rich right now.Aug 24 07:55
*KiKi has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 07:55
HelenahI'd be able to fly you to LA in a private jet...Aug 24 07:55
DaemonFCYeah, I knew I was gay. I didn't get married, wait 8 years, get someone pregnant, and then bolt on my family to go "Well, I'm gay now!".Aug 24 07:56
DaemonFCKind of the same thing.Aug 24 07:56
HelenahPeople have made people live inside themselves, deep inside themselvesAug 24 07:57
Helenahand forced them to pretend to be someone they're notAug 24 07:57
Helenahand then when such person makes all these life mistakes...Aug 24 07:57
Helenahpeople like you tell them "You should've known better than to have kids", blah blah blahAug 24 07:57
HelenahYou do not understand life...Aug 24 07:57
HelenahAnd you do not understand other peoples livesAug 24 07:57
Helenahand you refuse to as wellAug 24 07:58
HelenahI've sent you links before now and it appeared like you just looked right past them...Aug 24 07:58
DaemonFCI also mentioned he's a tax cheat.Aug 24 07:58
DaemonFCWhich blew up in his face because he can't collect Social Security.Aug 24 07:58
HelenahAnd what if them pretending to be a man has caused them to make mistakes in life?Aug 24 07:59
HelenahLike I kept sayingAug 24 07:59
DaemonFCHe would have been able to draw it based on my Aunt's earnings record, but they weren't married 10 years.Aug 24 07:59
DaemonFCSo he can never draw Social Security.Aug 24 07:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–β–‚β–β–‚β–‚β–ƒβ–‚β–…β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–β–β–‚β–ƒβ–„β–‚β–„β–β–‚β–‚β–ˆβ–‚β–β–β–‚β–β–‚β–β–β–ƒβ–β–β– avg(k/sec) 67.13 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–β–‚β–…β–‚β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–‚β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 131.91β–• swarm size (avg): 112.58  βŸ²Aug 24 07:59
HelenahYou can keep throwing the shit they have apparently done in this channelAug 24 07:59
DaemonFCBecause he divorced her a few months before 10 years and cheated the IRS.....Aug 24 07:59
DaemonFCHe gets what he deserves.Aug 24 07:59
HelenahIt's soo easy to say "They get what they deserve"Aug 24 07:59
Helenahwith anyoneAug 24 07:59
HelenahSoo easy to say thatAug 24 08:00
DaemonFCHe loses millions of dollars and can find someone to take care of him when he's too old to run that body shop anymore.Aug 24 08:00
HelenahWITHOUT evenAug 24 08:00
HelenahtryingAug 24 08:00
Helenahto put yourselfAug 24 08:00
Helenahin their shoes and seeing what is going on in their mind...Aug 24 08:00
HelenahCondemn first, understand later...Aug 24 08:00
starstreakits like arguing with a brick wall right?Aug 24 08:00
HelenahHow backward...Aug 24 08:00
DaemonFCIt's a bitter irony that someone who ran out on his girls is now reaping this harvest.Aug 24 08:00
DaemonFCHe'll have to rely on the charity of others.Aug 24 08:00
Helenahstarstreak: I'm wired on adrenaline right now... I need to reach a conclusion...Aug 24 08:00
Helenah07:00:46            DaemonFC | He'll have to rely on the charity of others.Aug 24 08:01
HelenahYep and so do other people at times...Aug 24 08:01
HelenahWhy do you think charity exists?Aug 24 08:01
DaemonFCHe doesn't have any family left that cares.Aug 24 08:01
HelenahFor people to donate and never take from it?Aug 24 08:01
DaemonFCIf he'd paid his damned taxes or stayed and raised his family, he'd be cashign $2,500 monthly checks from Social Security now that he'll never get.Aug 24 08:02
HelenahDaemonFC: Did you know I let myself and my house go one time?Aug 24 08:02
DaemonFCHe also destroyed his lungs with those fumes at his shop and can't get Medicare.Aug 24 08:03
Helenahmaybe I'm a scumbag for not doing house chores for not taking care of my hygieneAug 24 08:03
Helenahfor supporting criminals due to Stockholm SyndromeAug 24 08:03
DaemonFCYou have to have work quarters for Medicare and he cheated the IRS.Aug 24 08:03
Helenah"Oh look Helenah is a scumbag she harboured criminals"Aug 24 08:03
HelenahNOTHING is this simple man!Aug 24 08:03
HelenahYou want to know why?Aug 24 08:04
DaemonFCIt's impossible for him to go back and correct his earnings record now.Aug 24 08:04
HelenahI lived in a rough areaAug 24 08:04
Helenahno supportAug 24 08:04
HelenahPeople putting on me, raping me, abusing me...Aug 24 08:04
HelenahI couldn't functionAug 24 08:04
HelenahHow do I know your family didn't do the same thing with that person?Aug 24 08:04
DaemonFCThe IRS never audited him and if he tries to fix it now, it'll bring years of deliberate failure to files to their attention.Aug 24 08:04
HelenahIf they did then how do you expect them to function properly and do better?Aug 24 08:04
DaemonFCAnd he could be facing criminal charges.Aug 24 08:04
HelenahDaemonFC: What else do you want to argue about? :)Aug 24 08:05
DaemonFCWhat I'm getting at is he's not having a very good life.Aug 24 08:05
HelenahCats? Dogs? Why the coffee table is slanted?Aug 24 08:05
*horseface has quit (connection closed)Aug 24 08:05
DaemonFCPeople who wrong others shouldn't expect a large safety net for themselves when they fall down.Aug 24 08:05
HelenahIn your eyes, I probably shouldn't expect a safety net then.Aug 24 08:06
HelenahCause I done wrongAug 24 08:06
Helenah"harboured criminals"Aug 24 08:06
HelenahRight?!Aug 24 08:06
HelenahThat's correct, right? It really is true!Aug 24 08:06
HelenahYou agree?Aug 24 08:06
DaemonFC<Helenah> Cats? Dogs? Why the coffee table is slanted?Aug 24 08:07
DaemonFCWell, the coffee table was $20 at IKEA so....Aug 24 08:07
HelenahDaemonFC: So back onto me now :DAug 24 08:08
DaemonFCMy point was that I'm not a "transphobe", I simply don't like Keith.Aug 24 08:08
HelenahI'm a scumbag, aren't I?Aug 24 08:09
HelenahI harboured criminalsAug 24 08:09
DaemonFCI'm not sure what his psychiatrist would say today.Aug 24 08:09
DaemonFC<Helenah> I'm a scumbag, aren't I?Aug 24 08:09
DaemonFCI can't judge you. I don't know you.Aug 24 08:10
HelenahCorrect answer. :)Aug 24 08:10
DaemonFCAs a gay person I know what would have happened to me in my own home state had I been born a few decades or 100 years sooner.Aug 24 08:10
DaemonFC500 lashes, 5 years in prison, huge fine....or maybe death, or possibly just a psychiatric "hospital".....Aug 24 08:11
DaemonFCThey never could decide.Aug 24 08:11
DaemonFCThat's how people who believe in God and try to guess what God wants tend to act.Aug 24 08:11
DaemonFC"We have to be cruel, but maybe not kill the guy, okay maybe kill him.....No, wait.....It would be unfair to kill a crazy person.Aug 24 08:12
*starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 08:17
*starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 08:17
Helenah07:12 <DaemonFC> "We have to be cruel, but maybe not kill the guy, okay maybe kill him.....No, wait.....It would be unfair to kill a crazy person.Aug 24 08:19
HelenahYou see...Aug 24 08:19
HelenahIf you hadn't said lil things like this from when you first started talking about this person...Aug 24 08:19
HelenahAnd so therefore there wasn't anything EXTREMELY NASTY ever said...Aug 24 08:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 08:20
HelenahLike if you had initiated such discussion... without sounding hostile about this person...Aug 24 08:20
HelenahAnd having some like neutralness to your language...Aug 24 08:20
HelenahThen I would've most likely believed that there are no secrets being kept.Aug 24 08:20
HelenahLike maybe mistreatment to this person?Aug 24 08:20
HelenahYou say in one sentence, you say maybe kill him to say maybe not to say it would be unfair to kill a crazy personAug 24 08:21
Helenahbut I noticed this a lot, you are in conflict with what you really want to say :)Aug 24 08:21
HelenahDeep down you probably want this person dead...Aug 24 08:21
Helenahbut you are in conflict, a battle with what you really want and as a result are forming nonsensical sentences like that...Aug 24 08:22
HelenahMaybe you don't want... repercussions from your words... your sentences, what you want to happen to this person...Aug 24 08:22
DaemonFCNo, I meant, that's how society goes back and forth.Aug 24 08:23
DaemonFCThrough the laws.Aug 24 08:23
DaemonFCThey would have just killed me at various points.Aug 24 08:23
DaemonFCToday transgender people seem to think they're being actively persecuted every time someone goes "Yeah sure whatever." and goes on about their day.Aug 24 08:24
HelenahThen I guess you've never heard of secret hide outs...Aug 24 08:24
HelenahIf you think you would've simply be killedAug 24 08:24
Helenah"simply"Aug 24 08:24
HelenahYou've to be court in an act first...Aug 24 08:24
DaemonFCYes, and that tends to happen when the police actively entrap you.Aug 24 08:25
HelenahIn the UK, back in Victorian times, there was an LGBT communityAug 24 08:25
HelenahI ain't kididngAug 24 08:25
Helenahit was thereAug 24 08:25
Helenahit was thrivingAug 24 08:25
Helenahit was livingAug 24 08:25
Helenahand it was keeping aliveAug 24 08:25
HelenahWhy?Aug 24 08:25
HelenahBecause they had secret barsAug 24 08:25
Helenahwhere they could be themselvesAug 24 08:25
DaemonFCAnd when you say to the court that the entrapment was illegal, the judges go "HAHAHA NOBODY CARES FAGGOT! DEATH SENTENCE!" and bangs the gavel.Aug 24 08:25
Helenahwhere they could keep safe away from the prejudice society who would call the shots the moment they see how it would've been put "A man in a frock"Aug 24 08:25
HelenahBut but...Aug 24 08:25
DaemonFCI mean, that's how courts worked then, you know.Aug 24 08:26
DaemonFCLiterally.Aug 24 08:26
HelenahDid you know that the UK police knew transgender well back then?Aug 24 08:26
HelenahWhy? Because they had information about everybodyAug 24 08:26
Helenahbecause it was soo difficult being transgender back thenAug 24 08:26
HelenahThey HAD to know everyoneAug 24 08:26
HelenahThey HAD to know who to trust and who to not trustAug 24 08:26
DaemonFCDressing up like a woman was the stuff of comedy.Aug 24 08:26
Helenahand so they KNEW everyone and the police relied on them for information so really even if it was frown upon and against the law back then, the police were not killing them.Aug 24 08:27
DaemonFCMonty Python there, the guy in MASH that was trying to get a discharge for being crazy over here.Aug 24 08:27
HelenahDaemonFC: I'm not talking about drag queens...Aug 24 08:27
HelenahI'm talking about trans wmenAug 24 08:27
Helenah*womenAug 24 08:27
DaemonFCYou figure they could use men dressing like women for comedic effect today?Aug 24 08:27
DaemonFCThey won't.Aug 24 08:27
HelenahActually no drag queens are still a thing...Aug 24 08:27
Helenahso why wouldn't they be used in comedy?Aug 24 08:28
DaemonFCI was with a drag queen for a while you know. Why the hell do I care?Aug 24 08:28
DaemonFCHe didn't deny that he was a man.Aug 24 08:28
*horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 08:28
Helenah07:28 <DaemonFC> I was with a drag queen for a while you know. Why the hell do I care?Aug 24 08:28
Helenah07:28 <DaemonFC> He didn't deny that he was a man.Aug 24 08:29
HelenahWhose denying they're a man?Aug 24 08:29
HelenahA drag queen is a man but whose denying being a man?Aug 24 08:29
DaemonFCTrans women.Aug 24 08:29
DaemonFCIt's like denying a force of nature.Aug 24 08:29
Helenah07:29:28            DaemonFC | Trans women.Aug 24 08:29
DaemonFCNature made me a man. I can't factually change this.Aug 24 08:29
DaemonFCI don't really want to, but the debate is pointless.Aug 24 08:30
HelenahNo, nature made you karyotypically male and phenotypically male.Aug 24 08:30
DaemonFCSometime while I was in the womb, maybe late 1983 or so, that happened, and I'm a man now.Aug 24 08:30
HelenahIt didn't make you a man or a woman.Aug 24 08:30
Helenahsex is fluidAug 24 08:31
mjg59_DaemonFC: Yeah you're a man in the same way that a trans woman is a womanAug 24 08:31
mjg59_Easy enoughAug 24 08:31
HelenahHence why I have an intersex conditionAug 24 08:31
Helenahcause sex is damn fluidAug 24 08:31
DaemonFCRemember when the left made fun of Trump's administration over alternative facts?Aug 24 08:31
DaemonFCI can say I'm a woman but it would just be alternative facts if I said that.Aug 24 08:31
HelenahDaemonFC: My body's cell structure consists of a mixture of genetically male and genetically female cells.Aug 24 08:31
HelenahSo am I both?Aug 24 08:31
HelenahIn your eyes?Aug 24 08:31
HelenahCause in my eyes I'm a woman.Aug 24 08:31
mjg59_Helenah: Ryan's an unrepentant transphobe who's also incapable of actually engaging in logical discussionAug 24 08:33
Helenahmjg59_: Is DaemonFC called Ryan?Aug 24 08:33
mjg59_Helenah: YeahAug 24 08:33
HelenahI already know they're a transphobe. :DAug 24 08:33
HelenahBut heyAug 24 08:33
Helenahyou confirmed it! :DAug 24 08:33
mjg59_Helenah: Roy keeps reposting his stuff for some reason despite the transphobia and the racismAug 24 08:33
HelenahhmmAug 24 08:34
HelenahIf he says a great thing...Aug 24 08:34
HelenahI may repost myself...Aug 24 08:34
DaemonFCI'm not afraid of trans people.Aug 24 08:34
Helenahbut I certainly won't repost any crap...Aug 24 08:34
mjg59_DaemonFC: People with photophobia aren't afraid of lightAug 24 08:34
DaemonFCLike, I'll go up and shake your hand and say "Hey, how are you getting along?". Aug 24 08:34
mjg59_DaemonFC: Doesn't mean they're not photophobicAug 24 08:35
*Helenah holds up the Photophobia cardAug 24 08:35
HelenahBut hey DaemonFC has a point here...Aug 24 08:35
HelenahI've thought about this myself...Aug 24 08:35
Helenahphobe = fearAug 24 08:35
Helenahbut is defined as hatred when it comes to transphobia, homophobia, etcAug 24 08:35
DaemonFCI don't have a fear of trans people I just don't think the way they do I suppose.Aug 24 08:35
DaemonFCActual bigotry would be something like calling for them to be killed or socially excluded.Aug 24 08:35
mjg59_That's the original etymology, but "intolerance" is a better fit for many uses of it in compound termsAug 24 08:35
DaemonFCOr you know, stuff like that.Aug 24 08:36
DaemonFCI tolerate them.Aug 24 08:36
HelenahDaemonFC: Calling a trans woman a man is bigotry in the eyes of trans people.Aug 24 08:36
mjg59_Not just trans peopleAug 24 08:36
HelenahYeh, I was speaking definitively.Aug 24 08:36
HelenahBut yeah, other people tooAug 24 08:36
DaemonFCI am never saying "they/them". Ever.Aug 24 08:36
DaemonFCIt reads wrong.Aug 24 08:36
HelenahThey and them is gender-neutralAug 24 08:37
DaemonFCIt's a corruption of the language.Aug 24 08:37
Helenahdefined that by the English language itselfAug 24 08:37
HelenahNo, it's not corruption, it's accurate.Aug 24 08:37
HelenahThey're terms which can be applied to groups, to living things which you don't know the gender ofAug 24 08:37
Helenahor...Aug 24 08:37
Helenahthey are non-binaryAug 24 08:37
Helenahor whateverAug 24 08:37
mjg59_Singular they has plenty of precedenceAug 24 08:37
DaemonFCIn general, if it makes people feel comfortable if I say "he" or "she", then sure. I'll do that.Aug 24 08:37
Helenahmjg59_: YepAug 24 08:38
Helenahmjg59_ said it nicer than me.Aug 24 08:38
DaemonFCNot for Keith. I just don't like him at all. Not one bit.Aug 24 08:38
DaemonFCIt still says Male and Keith on his driver's license.Aug 24 08:38
DaemonFCHe's never bothered to get that changed, so it's not even legally correct.Aug 24 08:39
HelenahDaemonFC: So lets say you played a game of "Guess the sex of that slug" and you get a tray of 5 slugs, how would you define their sex?Aug 24 08:39
DaemonFCYou don't even need a court order in Indiana to change your gender to "X" to get it stricken from your license.Aug 24 08:39
DaemonFCSo that's even easier than going to court and having the court order you legally a woman.Aug 24 08:40
DaemonFC<Helenah> DaemonFC: So lets say you played a game of "Guess the sex of that slug" and you get a tray of 5 slugs, how would you define their sex?Aug 24 08:40
DaemonFCSlugs are hermaphroditic.Aug 24 08:41
HelenahCorrect!Aug 24 08:41
HelenahIt was a test.Aug 24 08:41
HelenahSo there you go, sex it's fluidAug 24 08:41
Helenahslugs? They're part of the animalia kingdomAug 24 08:41
DaemonFCIn certain animals.Aug 24 08:41
Helenahmost cratures are of one of the binary sexesAug 24 08:41
Helenahsome are like you say hermaphroditesAug 24 08:41
Helenahbut animals evolved around each otherAug 24 08:42
Helenahmammals are very similar sexuallyAug 24 08:42
DaemonFC<mjg59_> Singular they has plenty of precedenceAug 24 08:42
DaemonFCSeems like the last few years maybe.Aug 24 08:42
mjg59_Rather more than thatAug 24 08:42
HelenahDaemonFC: It's always been that way.Aug 24 08:42
DaemonFCI don't recall anyone using this forced error before that.Aug 24 08:42
HelenahJust people wasn't open minded when it came to applying the term.Aug 24 08:42
Helenah*asAug 24 08:42
mjg59_Is the use of singular "you" a corruption of English?Aug 24 08:43
HelenahDaemonFC: That's because the world was more prejudiceAug 24 08:43
HelenahLets say you live in Victorian timesAug 24 08:43
HelenahYou are looking afarAug 24 08:44
Helenahyou see a personAug 24 08:44
HelenahYou can't identify them, too far but you erm...Aug 24 08:44
DaemonFCmjg59_, You might be talking about me, or you could point to a room of people and collectively say "You know what I'm getting at here, right?".Aug 24 08:44
DaemonFCBut "they" is plural.Aug 24 08:44
HelenahYou wanna talk about them to your friend who is stood next to youAug 24 08:44
HelenahWould you apply He, She, Their or Them?Aug 24 08:44
DaemonFCThe recent hijacking of "they" is just a liberal corruption of English.Aug 24 08:44
DaemonFCAnd it's very recent.Aug 24 08:44
Helenaher... 3 terms, not 4.Aug 24 08:44
DaemonFC"They" think "they" can gaslight us into thinking it can be used in the singular without a conformance problem with the way that English has traditionally been spoken.Aug 24 08:45
mjg59_DaemonFC: "you" was traditionally exclusively plural Aug 24 08:45
DaemonFCAnd if you let "them" do that, then "they" will be right.Aug 24 08:45
DaemonFCBut I won't.Aug 24 08:45
HelenahDaemonFC: Sorry what?Aug 24 08:46
DaemonFCIt's Orwellian.Aug 24 08:46
mjg59_DaemonFC: Hence "thee"Aug 24 08:46
mjg59_DaemonFC: And yet, here we are, because languages changeAug 24 08:46
DaemonFCThe goal here is to burn everything so that people won't remember, and then start anew.Aug 24 08:46
DaemonFCWhere they'll have an easier time with their moral corruptions and depravities. Aug 24 08:46
mjg59_DaemonFC: And "they" being used in the singular form has centuries of usageAug 24 08:47
DaemonFCI'm not pissed off of transgender people. Aug 24 08:47
DaemonFCI'm pissed off about the attempt to change the language.Aug 24 08:47
mjg59_DaemonFC: But rather than actually discuss that, you'll just continue making assertions that have no relation to what people are saying to youAug 24 08:47
DaemonFCChanges are almost never for the best.Aug 24 08:47
DaemonFCThey're almost always political in nature, or some sort of dumbing down.Aug 24 08:48
mjg59_nAug 24 08:48
DaemonFCYou can't have people thinking too much!Aug 24 08:48
DaemonFCI'm not going to change my use of language just because some idiot thinks it would be swell if they can shoehorn a new pronoun for an indeterminate gender into it.Aug 24 08:49
Helenah"Political in nature" doesn't equate to good or bad, it depends on what exactly it is that's political in nature.Aug 24 08:49
HelenahAs for people having the freedom to be themselves (trans women being women for example), that is political yes but it's a step forward and is good.Aug 24 08:49
HelenahIt supports quality.Aug 24 08:49
DaemonFCYes, that was a joke btw.Aug 24 08:50
HelenahAh, my SCD gets the better of me at times.Aug 24 08:50
DaemonFCMicrosoft actually was one of the first to make things really clunky.Aug 24 08:50
HelenahSo let me get this straight.Aug 24 08:51
DaemonFCInstead of assuming someone would be male, they said "when the user" does something with "her" computer.Aug 24 08:51
DaemonFCSo it's not at all wrong to assume that a person will be female for some reason.Aug 24 08:51
HelenahYou don't hate trans people but at the same time you see that... a trans women for example is actually a man while a trans man is actually a woman because nature dictates that depending on karyotype?Aug 24 08:51
mjg59_Helenah: It's really not worth it, I'm afraidAug 24 08:51
DaemonFCThey could have avoided stepping in it entirely by just leaving it at "when the user".Aug 24 08:52
mjg59_Helenah: Any time he's challenged on anything he just starts changing the subject rather than engagingAug 24 08:52
Helenahmjg59_: Ah sure.Aug 24 08:52
DaemonFCMost people see "gender pronouns" listed in an email and just do what I do.Aug 24 08:52
mjg59_It's mildly entertaining to just keep demonstrating his unwillingness to engage, but it doesn't actually change anythingAug 24 08:53
HelenahIf that's how you see it then I'm both a man and a woman in your eyes.Aug 24 08:53
DaemonFCRoll my eyes and reply to them if I absolutely must.Aug 24 08:53
HelenahAnyway...Aug 24 08:53
HelenahI er.. gonna go do house chores in a bit...Aug 24 08:53
DaemonFCYou should be able to make an educated guess by name.Aug 24 08:53
DaemonFCIf their parents weren't a couple of goddamned hippies smoking a crack pipe, they probably named them something that's a dead giveaway as to their gender.Aug 24 08:54
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 08:54
HelenahWOOO HE LEFT! :DAug 24 08:54
Helenahmjg59_: I got to know him now. :)Aug 24 08:54
mjg59_He'll be backAug 24 08:56
Helenahmjg59_: Yeah, I was finding it entertaining and getting an adrenaline trip.Aug 24 08:59
HelenahlolAug 24 08:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▁▁▂▃▁▅▁▁▁▁▁▃▃▄▅▁▂▁▁▁▂▃▁▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 6.33 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–ƒβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ƒβ–β–ˆβ–‚β–‚β–‚β–ƒβ–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–β–β–β–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β– avg(k/sec) 115.96β–• swarm size (avg): 109.43  βŸ²Aug 24 08:59
HelenahAnyway, that aside, I met some really nice people here! :DAug 24 08:59
mjg59_Helenah: I disagree with pretty much everyone here, but a lot of them have well thought through opinions and I learn from themAug 24 09:02
mjg59_Not Ryan, thoughAug 24 09:02
HelenahAhAug 24 09:04
HelenahEveryone is disagreeable to some extent or another, mjg59_.Aug 24 09:04
mjg59_Haha hang around here and you'll find out just how much people disagree with meAug 24 09:04
Helenah:DAug 24 09:05
Helenahmjg59_: I forgot how all this started but I think it happened when I spoke of some medical stuff, this:,X/46,XY_mosaicismAug 24 09:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 45,X/46,XY mosaicism - WikipediaAug 24 09:07
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 24 09:07
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 24 09:07
mjg59_Helenah: I've got a PhD in genetics, so actually got taught about this (that was a long time ago now, though)Aug 24 09:10
Helenahmjg59_: I'm a case.Aug 24 09:11
HelenahAnd nice :)Aug 24 09:11
HelenahThere is a lot wrong with me, but that's one of them.Aug 24 09:12
techrights-news"While 34 per cent of the people surveyed said they feel that someone will eventually hack their devices, 31 per cent do not trust the Internet" β˜› | Source: India TimesAug 24 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over 3 in 10 people wish to delete their Internet footprint amid privacy thefts, CIO News, ET CIOAug 24 09:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 09:20
techrights-news"Ads posted on TikTok by people-smugglers to take refugees to French coast are described as β€˜unacceptable’" β˜› | Source: The Telegraph UKAug 24 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Albanian gangs offer migrants free minibus rides to Channel crossing pointsAug 24 09:20
techrights-news"Twitter blasted Zatko, who worked at the company from November 2020 to January 2022" β˜› | Source: ABCAug 24 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whistleblower alleges Twitter deceived regulators on security and spam, Twitter says it's a 'false narrative' - ABC NewsAug 24 09:21
techrights-news"As his profile grew, Zatko took on roles with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Google’s Advanced Technologies and Projects research group." β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security pros are rallying to defend the Twitter whistleblower - The VergeAug 24 09:22
techrights-news"Twitter has hidden negligent security practices, misled federal regulators about its safety, and failed to properly estimate the number of bots on its platform" β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter’s former security chief says company lied about bots and safety - The VergeAug 24 09:22
techrights-news"Well, yes, Musk could have asked, but Dorsey, historically, is known for his indecision and inability to make good calls in a timely fashion" β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 09:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sorry, Elon, but Jack Dorsey is still Twitter’s main character - The VergeAug 24 09:23
techrights-news"This morning, The Washington Post and CNN published dual reports into alarming new safety and security allegations raised against Twitter by Peiter β€œMudge” Zatko" β˜› | Source: The VergeAug 24 09:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Congress is investigating Twitter whistleblower claims - The VergeAug 24 09:23
techrights-news"The whistleblower, who has agreed to be publicly identified, is Peiter "Mudge" Zatko, who was previously the company's head of security, reporting directly to the CEO." β˜› | Source: CNNAug 24 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter whistleblower Peiter "Mudge" Zatko raises concerns over security threats at platform - CNNAug 24 09:24
techrights-news"On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported that Twitter’s former head of security, Peiter Zatko, had filed a whistleblower complaint with federal regulators" β˜› | Source: The Washington PostAug 24 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter vs. Musk trial could be shaken up by whistleblower revelations - The Washington PostAug 24 09:25
techrights-news"Zatko alleged that he warned colleagues about out-of-date and vulnerable software on the company's servers, adding that executives withheld important data" β˜› | Source: AxiosAug 24 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whistleblower complaint alleges Twitter deceived regulatorsAug 24 09:26
techrights-news"But according to Zatko’s complaint, after Dorsey stepped down as CEO in November 2021, and Zatko informed members of Twitter’s board that protections for sensitive user data " β˜› | Source: The Washington PostAug 24 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Peiter 'Mudge' Zatko's journey from hacker to Twitter whistleblower - The Washington PostAug 24 09:26
techrights-news"The complaint from former head of security Peiter Zatko, a widely admired hacker known as β€œMudge,” depicts Twitter as a chaotic and rudderless company beset by infighting" β˜› | Source: The Washington PostAug 24 09:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whistleblower: Twitter misled investors, FTC and underplayed spam issues - Washington PostAug 24 09:27
techrights-news"So let’s talk about how I did this, and how you can do this for your city, possibly with my help!" β˜› |Aug 24 09:29
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techrights-news[Old] Microsoft Pelosi β˜› | Source: ReutersAug 24 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-U.S. House speaker Pelosi discloses trades in Apple and Microsoft | ReutersAug 24 09:30
techrights-news[Old] Microsoft Pelosi "$600,000 in Microsoft shares" β˜› | Source: NYPostAug 24 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Paul Pelosi's bought up to $2.1M of Apple, Microsoft sharesAug 24 09:30
techrights-news[Old] Microsoft Pelosi "Paul Pelosi's stock option trades come in the midst of a roiling debate on Capitol Hill over whether lawmakers and their spouses should be allowed to trade stocks at all." β˜› | Source: Business InsiderAug 24 09:30
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techrights-news[Old] Microsoft Pelosi "She also disclosed the purchase of Microsoft ($MSFT, NASDAQ) call options at a $180 strike price with an expiration date also on 6/16/2023" β˜› | Source: NasdaqAug 24 09:30
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techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 09:32
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 09:32
*starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 09:34
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ju4kayhrhsm6a.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 09:35
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77Aug 24 09:35
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): 7 sudo myths debunked ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 09:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” 7 sudo myths debunkedAug 24 09:46
techrights-newsIRC Proceedings: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 | Techrights βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 09:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 | TechrightsAug 24 09:47
techrights-newsMisinformation β˜› | Source: Dallas NewsAug 24 09:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will Southlake approve using book by grandson of slave in school bearing his name?Aug 24 09:49
techrights-newsUK spies accused over arrest of Sikh blogger in India β˜› | Source: RTLAug 24 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RTL Today - Critical information: UK spies accused over arrest of Sikh blogger in IndiaAug 24 09:50
techrights-news"Since I started as a journalist in 1989, I’ve denounced that we live in a narco-klepto-dictatorship that has us kidnapped and cowered," β˜› | Source: The NationAug 24 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Guatemalan government is targeting journalists. Is US intervention the answer?Aug 24 09:50
techrights-news"2022 has been one of the deadliest ever for journalists in Mexico, which is now considered the most dangerous country for reporters outside a war zone" β˜› | Source: VOA NewsAug 24 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Journalist Killed in Mexico, 15th to Die So Far This YearAug 24 09:50
techrights-news"Such is evidently the case with the Gannett newspaper chain, which owns more than 250 newspapers across the country including USA Today" β˜› | Source: SalonAug 24 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bad to worse for news biz: Gannett chain turns to union busting, layoffs, stock buybacks | Salon.comAug 24 09:51
techrights-news"describes himself as a robot in a the afromentioned β€œinterview” and across his TikTok and Instagram pages" β˜› | Source: Rolling StoneAug 24 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Capitol Records Drops Its First Virtual Rapper After Just Over a Week – Rolling StoneAug 24 09:51
techrights-news"The virtual rapper has amassed more than 10 million followers on its TikTok profile" β˜› | Source: The HillAug 24 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Capitol Records walks away from AI rapper project, offers β€˜deepest apologies to the Black community’ | The HillAug 24 09:51
techrights-news[Old] "A perfect storm of factors has propelled unemployment among 16- to 24-year-old urbanites to a record 19.3%, more than twice the comparable rate in the US." β˜› | Source: BloombergAug 24 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Aug 24 09:52
techrights-news"So it may shock many that the concept of β€œquiet quitting” is actually derived from a movement that began sweeping through China last year known as β€œlying flat” or tang ping." β˜› | Source: News AUAug 24 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Aug 24 09:52
techrights-news"We literally did their job for them, instructed them how to apprehend them, yet protecting them because of their age, the law is not on our side when it comes to youths" β˜› | Source: Mirror UKAug 24 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Police slam bowls club for filming kids without permission using anti-vandal CCTV - Mirror OnlineAug 24 09:53
techrights-news"Anyone in journalism who wants to regain that trust would do well to read American Dispatches and internalize the lessons that Robert Parry offers, writes Nat Parry." β˜› | Source: ScheerpostAug 24 09:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Instinctive Distrust of Big Media – scheerpost.comAug 24 09:55
techrights-newsICBM: reject community GNU/Linux distros and become our SLAVE Install, remove, update, and list packages using dnf, the RPM package manager command.Aug 24 09:59
techrights-newsICBM: reject community GNU/Linux distros and become our SLAVE 24 09:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Move from apt to dnf package management | Red Hat DeveloperAug 24 09:59
techrights-newsSnow Crash by Neal Stephenson gemini:// 24 10:01
techrights-newsSwedish Block Politics gemini:// 24 10:02
techrights-news"Do what you love and love what you do and success will automatically follow. Don't work for success but for love." gemini:// 24 10:02
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today's π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” today's howtosAug 24 10:03
techrights-newsRupert Murdoch Sells Lithium Neocolonialism as Climate Necessity β˜› | Source: FAIRAug 24 10:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WSJ Sells Lithium Neocolonialism as Climate Necessity - FAIRAug 24 10:03
techrights-news"Free Speech Absolutist" β˜› | Source: TechdirtAug 24 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-β€˜Free Speech Absolutist’ Elon Musk Pens Column For Chinese Censorship Agency | TechdirtAug 24 10:04
techrights-newsWow, Techdirt turns 25. Impressive age for WWW. β˜› | Source: TechdirtAug 24 10:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-25 Years Ago Today… Techdirt Got Started! | TechdirtAug 24 10:05
techrights-newsTwitter Whistleblower β˜› | Source: TechdirtAug 24 10:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Twitter’s Former Security Boss Drops Stunning Whistleblower Report | TechdirtAug 24 10:05
techrights-news"National Meteorological Service have been fired after – according to the government – they made the wrong weather forecast and the fireworks planned for Statehood Day" β˜› | Source: Telex (Hungary)Aug 24 10:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Telex: Hungary's top weather experts fired after wrong forecast on national holidayAug 24 10:08
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: ^Aug 24 10:08
schestowitz[TR]wtf?Aug 24 10:08
techrights-newsSriram Ramkrishna: GUADEC 2022 – GUADALAJARA 24 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GUADEC 2022 – GUADALAJARA – Sri RamkrishnaAug 24 10:10
techrights-news"We’d like to thank Trigkey for sending the Speed S3 Ryzen 5 3350H mini PC for review." Once again, fake 'reviews' of 'gifts'.... and THOSE DEVICES ARE NOT LINUX BUT WINDOWS!!! 24 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trigkey Speed S3 mini PC review - Part 1: Unboxing and teardown - CNX SoftwareAug 24 10:11
*matteobin (~matteobin@tecziqbycf9k2.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 10:12
techuserhiAug 24 10:12
matteobinHello there!Aug 24 10:12
schestowitz[TR]0/Aug 24 10:13
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Best Open-Source Distributions for Pentesting and Forensics ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Best Open-Source Distributions for Pentesting and ForensicsAug 24 10:17
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 10:20
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding: ESP32 and Arduino ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Open Hardware/Modding: ESP32 and Arduino"Aug 24 10:21
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Latest GUADEC 2022 Coverage ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Latest GUADEC 2022 CoverageAug 24 10:22
techrights-news"31 per cent do not trust the Internet" it's essential nowadays TO NOT TRUST TECH IN GENERAL! Also, it's essential to lower living expenses.Aug 24 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over 3 in 10 people wish to delete their Internet footprint amid privacy thefts, CIO News, ET CIOAug 24 10:27
techrights-newsLinks 24/08/2022: Kubernetes 1.25, Firefox 105 Beta, and Techdirt Turns 25 | Techrights βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 10:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 24/08/2022: Kubernetes 1.25, Firefox 105 Beta, and Techdirt Turns 25 | TechrightsAug 24 10:34
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 Programming Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Programming Leftovers"Aug 24 10:35
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (UPDATED): $29 Inovato Quadra Arm mini PC runs Armbian on Allwinner H6 processor (UPDATED) ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” $29 Inovato Quadra Arm mini PC runs Armbian on Allwinner H6 processor (UPDATED)Aug 24 10:35
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today's π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 10:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” today's leftoversAug 24 10:35
Helenahmatteobin: Welcome! :)Aug 24 10:36
matteobinHello! Nice to meet you.Aug 24 10:36
schestowitz[TR]many new facesAug 24 10:36
HelenahYou too! :D I gotta get on with chores :3Aug 24 10:37
schestowitz[TR]good luckAug 24 10:37
schestowitz[TR]when MinceR  uses :3 it means catAug 24 10:37
matteobinChores? I'm not a native English speaker.Aug 24 10:37
schestowitz[TR]house duties/workAug 24 10:38
schestowitz[TR]toilAug 24 10:38
matteobinAh, good luck! :DAug 24 10:38
schestowitz[TR]our fridge is getting empty, so I too have choresAug 24 10:38
schestowitz[TR]wife's bday todayAug 24 10:38
*darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 10:39
*darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 10:39
techrights-newsGet Into Jail Card β˜› | Source: The NationAug 24 10:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Get Into Jail Card | The NationAug 24 10:39
techrights-newsRural Hospital β˜› | Source: The NationAug 24 10:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Kill a Rural Hospital | The NationAug 24 10:40
techrights-news"There’s talk of Biden’s age, but not of Trump’s. So how’s The Donald’s youthfulness conveyed? When he begins to bully or he whines, He sounds as if he’s still in second grade" β˜› Biden, Sanders, HRC. Trump... all very oldAug 24 10:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Youthfulness | The NationAug 24 10:41
MinceR24 110820 < schestowitz[TR]> wtf?Aug 24 10:42
MinceRjust the usual middle asian stuffAug 24 10:42
schestowitz[TR]:3  ?Aug 24 10:42
schestowitz[TR]aah, I get itAug 24 10:43
schestowitz[TR]orban and the fireworksAug 24 10:43
schestowitz[TR]telex had 3 articles about it yesterdayAug 24 10:43
schestowitz[TR]next: execute people for witchcraftAug 24 10:43
schestowitz[TR]for not wishing well upon the nationAug 24 10:44
MinceRthey're also rebuilding "socialism"Aug 24 10:45
MinceRwe have 3 mobile operatorsAug 24 10:45
MinceRone of them is a collaborantAug 24 10:45
techrights-news"Salman Tepsurkaev, the moderator of a Telegram channel that monitors human rights abuses in Chechnya, was murdered by local security forces almost two years ago." β˜› | Source: MeduzaAug 24 10:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 10:45
MinceRthe second is 25% owned by the stateAug 24 10:45
MinceRand they're trying to buy 100% of the thirdAug 24 10:45
schestowitz[TR]telecom owned and run by the state would be similar to communismAug 24 10:46
schestowitz[TR]transport might be okAug 24 10:46
schestowitz[TR]if that keeps prices downAug 24 10:47
techrights-news"The Putin administration is bracing itself for an anticipated rise in popular discontent in Russia, as prices continue to go up and factories shut down, informed sources told Meduza." β˜› | Source: MeduzaAug 24 10:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 10:47
techrights-news"A group of people, poorly compensated, are arranged in a call center environment as contract workers for a platform you’ve definitely heard of" β˜› | Source: The NationAug 24 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What's Life Like for the Content Moderator? | The NationAug 24 10:48
techrights-newsCensorship: "Krasnodar magazine has pulled its cover story and interview with Manizha, the singer and former Eurovision contestant, over her anti-war statements" β˜› | Source: MeduzaAug 24 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 10:48
matteobinIn Italy telecom are not run by the state anymore. However is it better to have companies that do not care about people and infrastructure? I think a state should own a bit of the telecom infrastructure, not all but a bit, at least for strategic purposes.Aug 24 10:49
schestowitz[TR]herew it owns some of the infraAug 24 10:49
schestowitz[TR]but not the operatorAug 24 10:49
schestowitz[TR]it used to be a BT monopolyAug 24 10:50
schestowitz[TR]when BT was like forefront of the new "tech"Aug 24 10:50
schestowitz[TR]not it's openreachAug 24 10:50
schestowitz[TR]same for water pipes and electric/gas pipes/gridAug 24 10:50
schestowitz[TR]shared infra makes it more efficientAug 24 10:50
schestowitz[TR]but the companies you deal with are competingAug 24 10:50
MinceR24 114651 < schestowitz[TR]> transport might be okAug 24 10:51
MinceRhungarian public transport is practically unusableAug 24 10:52
MinceRthe state is trying to strangle budapest to punish its inhabitants for voting for the democratsAug 24 10:52
MinceRso BKK/BKV has no money to maintain or develop their serviceAug 24 10:52
MinceRit was already abysmal before 2010 thoughAug 24 10:53
MinceRMAV has no excuseAug 24 10:53
MinceRthen again, pretty much everything is fucked up in hungaryAug 24 10:54
techrights-newsStreaming Tops Traditional Cable TV Viewership For First Time Ever β˜› | Source: TechdirtAug 24 10:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Streaming Tops Traditional Cable TV Viewership For First Time Ever | TechdirtAug 24 10:55
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–„β–ƒβ–‚β–β–‚β–‚β–ƒβ–ƒβ–β–β–β–‚β–‚β–β–ƒβ–„β–β–…β–‚β–‚β–ƒβ–β–β–ƒβ–„β–β–‚β–β–β–‚β–β–β–‚β–β–β–‚β–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 36.28 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–β–‚β–β–‡β–‚β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–‚β– avg(k/sec) 121.15β–• swarm size (avg): 102.63  βŸ²Aug 24 10:59
techrights-newsExtremists and business supremacists β˜› | Source: TruthOutAug 24 10:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mysterious Right-Wing Donor Drops $1.6 Billion Gift on Federalist Society BossAug 24 10:59
techrights-newsProfits β˜› | Source: Common DreamsAug 24 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Disaster Capitalism at Its Worst': Profits of Grain Giants Spark Global CriticismAug 24 11:02
matteobinMy dream would be if the state used a free or open decentralised infrustructre. For instance in Italy we could have at least one XMPP server per region. That would be rad!Aug 24 11:04
matteobinThe same could be said for email, VoIP and IRC.Aug 24 11:05
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@5p26b77xeftxg.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 11:06
HelenahHi again matteobin :3Aug 24 11:07
DaemonFCPause between naps. Anywho, I think mjg59_ underscores my point for me pretty well.Aug 24 11:07
HelenahYes, chores are duties around the house. :3Aug 24 11:07
Helenahand er... other responsibilities like erm...Aug 24 11:07
Helenahgetting in the shopping, etc. :DAug 24 11:07
DaemonFCTaking in people who have no respect for human rights and your Constitution and letting them buy citizenship is a bad idea.Aug 24 11:07
DaemonFCYou get a lot of those people, it doesn't help whatever's been going on in your country already.Aug 24 11:08
techrights-news"The recent wave of Starbucks workers seeking to join a union shares many characteristics of a mass movement." β˜› | Source: Common DreamsAug 24 11:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | Inside the Countrywide Campaign to Unionize Every Starbucks in America | Saurav SarkarAug 24 11:08
HelenahWhat about cat rights? o.OAug 24 11:08
matteobinIn this case you would have an open standard that individuals could operate by their own, if the state becomes evil, and you would incentivise companies to use good comunication protocols.Aug 24 11:08
HelenahI want to be able to take my cat with me everywhere :3 <3Aug 24 11:08
DaemonFCCats would actually have a lot of rights if a landmark bill in the Illinois legislature right now passes.Aug 24 11:08
HelenahI can't reproduce and he's like offspring to me. <3Aug 24 11:09
techuserif cats had rights, owning them would have been illegalAug 24 11:09
techuserbecause owning is slaveryAug 24 11:09
Helenahtechuser: I take good care of him and he follows me everywhere at his own choice. :3 <3Aug 24 11:09
matteobinI like cats, but I'm more of a dogs person. All animals should have more rights. We should respect nature way more.Aug 24 11:10
HelenahHe has a flap so he can let himself in and out. <3Aug 24 11:10
HelenahHe came to the shop with me <3Aug 24 11:10
Helenahand then to the pharmacy with me <3Aug 24 11:10
DaemonFCThe bill actually changes animal cruelty law to say you've committed a crime if your pet cat becomes sick and you don't do anything to help it or euthanize it if it's in pain and terminally ill.Aug 24 11:10
HelenahAnd then back home with me <3Aug 24 11:10
HelenahAnd I talk to him like he's a human baby <3Aug 24 11:10
HelenahAwwwwAug 24 11:10
DaemonFCNo, cats aren't human and they should not have "human rights". PETA is ridiculous. Their founder is a real weirdo.Aug 24 11:11
matteobinSorry if I write like a mix between a chocolate poem and a discount asian wiseman.Aug 24 11:11
DaemonFCBut animals are also not ours to abuse.Aug 24 11:12
Helenahmatteobin: It doesn't bother me, I've been around non-natives for a LONG time. :3Aug 24 11:12
DaemonFCIf people don't take cats as a pet, the cats will have it a lot worse.Aug 24 11:12
DaemonFCJust having to live outside cuts the cat's life expectancy down to 3-4 years.Aug 24 11:12
HelenahThey might not be able to survive due to being bred down by humans stuck in places all around the world.Aug 24 11:13
DaemonFCIt has to deal with disease, cars, predators, not having enough food.Aug 24 11:13
DaemonFCIt may drink out of a dirty mud puddle.Aug 24 11:13
DaemonFCI mean, my cats have it a lot better than that.Aug 24 11:13
HelenahDaemonFC: Cats drink out of that anywayAug 24 11:14
matteobinYou're right, but so what? Animal rights should serve to prevent abuse from humans not animals.Aug 24 11:14
HelenahThey're food and drink regulatorsAug 24 11:14
DaemonFC<Helenah> They might not be able to survive due to being bred down by humans stuck in places all around the world.Aug 24 11:14
DaemonFCMy cats are sterilized.Aug 24 11:14
HelenahThey won't eat and drink all in one go, if the cat can't get in and access to its bowl, it will drink from other sources.Aug 24 11:14
DaemonFCThey are indoor cats.Aug 24 11:14
HelenahOhAug 24 11:14
DaemonFCNature says cats have as many litters of kittens as possible so that at least a few survive.Aug 24 11:15
HelenahMine is bothAug 24 11:15
DaemonFCThat's pretty bad.Aug 24 11:15
HelenahI had to deal with that myself...Aug 24 11:15
Helenahwhen I lived in the city...Aug 24 11:15
Helenaha cat came to meAug 24 11:15
Helenahwith a litter of kittensAug 24 11:15
DaemonFCNature kills more than 9 out of 10 of the kittens and their survival is based on producing a lot of kittens.Aug 24 11:15
Helenahthen another litter of kittensAug 24 11:15
Helenahso I had 9 cats...Aug 24 11:15
DaemonFCIt's depressing.Aug 24 11:15
Helenahall blood relatedAug 24 11:15
HelenahLOLAug 24 11:15
HelenahIt was raining, it took her HOURS and HOURS to carry them back one by oneAug 24 11:16
HelenahI'd stand at front door waiting for herAug 24 11:16
HelenahBy her last oneAug 24 11:16
HelenahI didn't wanna intervene but I didAug 24 11:16
Helenahbecause the mother collapsed due to exhaustionAug 24 11:16
DaemonFCNature sucks, doesn't it?Aug 24 11:16
Helenahplus she was piss wet through due to the rainAug 24 11:16
HelenahWell she wasn't have done normallyAug 24 11:16
HelenahThey were heavy on her headAug 24 11:16
DaemonFCThat's Ingrid Newkirk's opinion of what should happen to your cat.Aug 24 11:17
HelenahDaemonFC: What is?Aug 24 11:17
DaemonFCA short sad life of losing most of its kittens and then getting run over by a car.Aug 24 11:17
DaemonFCSo you won't have it as a pet cat.Aug 24 11:17
matteobinI wouldn't say that Nature sucks. It's cruel in a fair way.Aug 24 11:17
HelenahWhat?Aug 24 11:17
Helenahmatteobin: AgreedAug 24 11:17
DaemonFCI really despise Ingrid Newkirk.Aug 24 11:17
HelenahYeah but...Aug 24 11:18
HelenahI was talkingAug 24 11:18
Helenahyou said "That's such and such opinion of what to do with your cats"Aug 24 11:18
Helenahand then went on about em being ran over and shit...Aug 24 11:18
HelenahAre you mad dude?Aug 24 11:18
HelenahI'm not a fuckin' animal abuser...Aug 24 11:18
HelenahWTF is wrong with you man?Aug 24 11:18
HelenahJesusAug 24 11:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 11:20
matteobinHelenah, techuser told me you are into GNU/Linux. What distro do you use?Aug 24 11:21
Helenahmatteobin: Arch and Devuan :3Aug 24 11:21
DaemonFCIngrid Newkirk's will says she wants to be cut up and turned into "nuggets".Aug 24 11:21
DaemonFCSounds pretty crazy to me.Aug 24 11:21
HelenahWho will eat her? o.oAug 24 11:22
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Kasts – convergent podcast software ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Kasts – convergent podcast software"Aug 24 11:22
DaemonFCSoylent NewkirkAug 24 11:22
HelenahOr is it for her catsAug 24 11:22
Helenahfor when she's dead?Aug 24 11:22
DaemonFCVery big in California.Aug 24 11:22
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): DeskPi Super6C mini-ITX board takes up to 6x Raspberry Pi CM4 modules ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” DeskPi Super6C mini-ITX board takes up to 6x Raspberry Pi CM4 modulesAug 24 11:22
techusermatteobin: btw Luis64_gamer from IKTeam (I may try to bring him here) said he did use GNU/Linux at some point already, and these days he is doing things with WSLAug 24 11:24
techrights-newsKansas β˜› | Source: HackadayAug 24 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The First-Ever Kansas City Keyboard Meetup Is This Weekend | HackadayAug 24 11:24
techrights-newsICBM β˜› | Source: HackadayAug 24 11:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-IBM’s Early PC Attracts Time Travelers | HackadayAug 24 11:25
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 11:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Android LeftoversAug 24 11:25
HelenahThing is, it isn't a Windows Subsystem for Linux, it's a Linux Subsystem for Windows...Aug 24 11:25
HelenahBut...Aug 24 11:26
HelenahMicrosoft for you, they like software to be called Windows Foo or Microsoft Foo but then go way to far...Aug 24 11:26
schestowitz[TR]yeahAug 24 11:26
schestowitz[TR]it didn't have LinuxAug 24 11:26
schestowitz[TR]until WSL2Aug 24 11:26
schestowitz[TR]or LSW2Aug 24 11:26
schestowitz[TR]it was GNU SLAug 24 11:27
HelenahThey stupid named it stupidly though.Aug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]or WSGAug 24 11:27
HelenahJust for the sake of marketingAug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]WQindows subsystem for GNUAug 24 11:27
Helenahthey named a subsystem wronglyAug 24 11:27
matteobinI use Debian and I want to try NetBSD. I don't like WSL. I try to minimiza my Windows usage.Aug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]like cygwinAug 24 11:27
matteobinWhat do you use Arch and what Devuan for?Aug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]Windows uses youAug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]the operator is MicrosoftAug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]and the userAug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]the person in front of the PC just pays for the PCAug 24 11:27
schestowitz[TR]and that's itAug 24 11:27
HelenahYeah the operator isn't just the user but also microsnot like you saidAug 24 11:28
Helenahnannying youAug 24 11:28
Helenah"Windows went wrong, lets troubleshoot"Aug 24 11:28
Helenahbut not like go into technical details about the problemAug 24 11:29
DaemonFCThen there's Matthew J. GULAG's recent development.Aug 24 11:29
HelenahAssume you are a baby who needs their hand holding, diaper changing and a babies bottle...Aug 24 11:29
Helenahand never give you the technical details that would allow a nerd to fix the problem in 2 seconds...Aug 24 11:29
DaemonFCLike Captain Renault.Aug 24 11:29
DaemonFC"I'm shocked, shocked to find gambling going on in here!"Aug 24 11:30
DaemonFC,_shocked_to_find_that_gambling_is_going_on_in_here!Aug 24 11:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @,_shocked_to_find_that_gambling_is_going_on_in_here )Aug 24 11:31
DaemonFCmjg59_ in a nutshellAug 24 11:31
HelenahDaemonFC: Why do you keep mentioning mjg59_ like that?Aug 24 11:32
HelenahAlso the quoting of text which is in the URLs you post is annoying, it's excessive quoting.Aug 24 11:33
HelenahIt like... seriously I'm being a piece of shit when I say this, it really does push conversation into the scrollback.Aug 24 11:33
Helenah*I'm not beingAug 24 11:33
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR] complaining about Windows controlling the user.Aug 24 11:35
DaemonFCIt can't prevent you from leaving, except with things like "Secure Boot".Aug 24 11:35
Helenahbrb doing choresAug 24 11:35
DaemonFCSo they get someone to pretend to be an "open source developer" to legitimize their takeover of your computer.Aug 24 11:36
techusermatteobin: I know one BSD user here (nickname matey), but he disappearedAug 24 11:36
techuserand idk if he is going to be back anytime soonAug 24 11:37
DaemonFCI'm considering trying out GhostBSD.Aug 24 11:37
DaemonFCIt seems that finally someone cares what kind of fresh Hell installing a BSD operating system is.Aug 24 11:37
matteobinI don't have time to try NetBSD now, but when I finish my mail server, I will.Aug 24 11:38
matteobin*BSDs seem the only thing my 2005 PowerPC Mac mini can run.Aug 24 11:40
techrights-news">Workers Are Organizing Independently" β˜› | Source: The NationAug 24 11:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Workers Are Organizing Independently. Why Don’t Our Politicians Seem to Care? | The NationAug 24 11:40
techrights-news"Cancel It All" β˜› | Source: Common DreamsAug 24 11:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Cancel It All,' Say Progressives as Biden Favors $10,000 in Means-Tested Student Debt ReliefAug 24 11:40
DaemonFC"Progressives" whine that people with $600,000 incomes don't get their loans canceled out.Aug 24 11:43
DaemonFCFigures.Aug 24 11:43
HelenahWhy the fuck does every food item need to come in packaging?!Aug 24 11:46
HelenahI can't get rid of my trash now... :/Aug 24 11:46
HelenahMy cardboard bin is fullAug 24 11:46
HelenahMy domestic waste bin is fullAug 24 11:46
Helenahmy glass, plastic and metal bin is full..Aug 24 11:46
HelenahDAMNAug 24 11:46
DaemonFC"Americans are wasteful" says the person who has unnecessary packaging for the food.Aug 24 11:46
DaemonFCDamn you! Your sandwich and apple slices are causing CLIMATE CHANGE!Aug 24 11:47
techrights-newsEducation β˜› | Source: Common DreamsAug 24 11:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | Four Decades of Attacking Teachers Is Destroying Public Education | Jack SchneiderAug 24 11:47
HelenahDaemonFC: What?Aug 24 11:47
DaemonFCEven worse, you might fart later and that will too. It's worse than Uncle Bill's private jets.Aug 24 11:47
HelenahFarts are natural...Aug 24 11:47
DaemonFCMethane is a greenhouse gas!Aug 24 11:48
DaemonFCOh no!Aug 24 11:48
HelenahYou can't possibly say my body in itself damages the environment...Aug 24 11:48
techrights-news"This strike is about our students." β˜› | Source: Common DreamsAug 24 11:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teachers' Strike in Columbus About Students, Says Union, Not WagesAug 24 11:48
HelenahlolAug 24 11:48
DaemonFCYes it does.Aug 24 11:48
MinceR"It is natural to die."Aug 24 11:48
HelenahThat would be absurd considering I'm part of the ecosystem...Aug 24 11:48
DaemonFC 24 11:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Farts and Burps Contribution to Global Warming | SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and ControversyAug 24 11:49
HelenahYeah "contribute"Aug 24 11:49
Helenahthat doesn't mean it's the cause...Aug 24 11:49
DaemonFCOh they really have you.Aug 24 11:49
schestowitz[TR]corrupted mediaAug 24 11:49
HelenahOf course it is gonna be an "addon" to the damage humanity does.Aug 24 11:49
HelenahDaemonFC: I think you really are stupid...Aug 24 11:49
HelenahDid you know Biomethane is friendlier than non-biomethane?Aug 24 11:50
HelenahFor one non-biomethane is locked in the groundAug 24 11:50
Helenahnot supposed to be releasedAug 24 11:50
Helenahso when it gets released, that's humanity unbalancing the damn system...Aug 24 11:50
HelenahAnd you blame farts are the issue?!Aug 24 11:50
HelenahFood contains methaneAug 24 11:50
MinceRi didn't know there was a moiety called "bio-"Aug 24 11:50
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsAug 24 11:50
techrights-news"Change on industrial scales is slow, but if you’re operating your own small farm or simply working in a home garden there are some excellent ways to use water more effectively." β˜› | Source: HackadayAug 24 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-2022 Hackaday Prize: Plant Monitoring System Grows To Include LoRa | HackadayAug 24 11:51
HelenahIt decays, methane is released as it is broken downAug 24 11:51
matteobinThis chat is very strange.Aug 24 11:51
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 11:51
Helenahit gets released into the environmentAug 24 11:51
techrights-news"Moving air with spinning blades is the most popular way, but it is not the only way." β˜› | Source: HackadayAug 24 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Flapping PCB Fan Blows A Little Bit | HackadayAug 24 11:51
HelenahBut you'd be an idiot go around and say "Apples and oranges are destroying the planet due to the methane they release"Aug 24 11:51
schestowitz[TR]matteobin: sometimes it's about tech ^_^Aug 24 11:52
HelenahYeah, sometimes it's about tech...Aug 24 11:52
DaemonFCMy friend said that raising cattle was bad for the planet, with cow flatulence in the ozone and the clearing of land for the raising of cattle. He asked me what I was doing to help the environment. I said, β€œI'm eating the cows.” ~Ron WhiteAug 24 11:52
Helenahbut numb nuts over there won't allow that...Aug 24 11:52
HelenahDaemonFC: YesAug 24 11:52
Helenahbut...Aug 24 11:52
Helenahwild cows areAug 24 11:52
Helenahnot unbalancing anythingAug 24 11:52
HelenahIt's the "excess of cows" caused by farming...Aug 24 11:52
HelenahYou can't blame the cow itself...Aug 24 11:53
DaemonFCYes, we know that.Aug 24 11:53
MinceRit's the excess of humans that causes most of that farmingAug 24 11:53
Helenahbut you can blame the human who raised the cow...Aug 24 11:53
DaemonFCIt was a joke. He's a comedian.Aug 24 11:53
matteobinI agree on that.Aug 24 11:53
matteobinOh sorry. I'm confused.Aug 24 11:53
DaemonFCCows are delicious.Aug 24 11:53
matteobinI'll go to lunch. Have a good meal, everyone!Aug 24 11:53
techrights-newsMeans-Test Student Debt Relief β˜› | Source: Common DreamsAug 24 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Anger Mounts Over Biden's Reported Plan to Means-Test Student Debt ReliefAug 24 11:53
MinceRthere could be a couple million humans living sustainably and comfortably on this planet, or we can try and cover it in bodies, and insist that everyone live like an ascetic because it's unsustainableAug 24 11:53
DaemonFCUntil Creepy Uncle Bill's Lab Garbage Burgers are better, people will eat burgers.Aug 24 11:54
MinceRand the latter still won't workAug 24 11:54
MinceRbut it's very popular.Aug 24 11:54
HelenahMinceR: I designed a biodigester, just need to put in place.Aug 24 11:54
Helenahthat and a gasometerAug 24 11:54
*matteobin has quit (Quit: leaving)Aug 24 11:54
DaemonFCWalmart doesn't sell Beyond Beef anymore.Aug 24 11:55
DaemonFCGood.Aug 24 11:55
DaemonFCThe stuff is fucking crap that lies about being beef.Aug 24 11:55
techrights-news"The fastest ground vehicles on earth are not driven by their wheels but by an aircraft jet engine." β˜› | Source: HackadayAug 24 11:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-High-Speed RC Car Needs A Flight Controller | HackadayAug 24 11:55
DaemonFCOr even beef-like.Aug 24 11:55
techrights-news"With the never ending march of technological progress, arguably the most complex technologies become so close to magic as to be impenetrable to those outside the industry in which they operate" β˜› | Source: HackadayAug 24 11:55
DaemonFCMcDonalds gave up and canceled the "McPlant".Aug 24 11:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Integrated Circuit Manufacturing At Bell Labs In 1983 | HackadayAug 24 11:55
DaemonFCDid you see that, schestowitz[TR]?Aug 24 11:56
DaemonFCBeyond Beef's stock sank on the news.Aug 24 11:56
DaemonFCCreepy Uncle was trying to get it into McDonalds.Aug 24 11:56
schestowitz[TR]they ain't got beed with himAug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]gates invests in walmartAug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]coca colaAug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]and who knows what else?Aug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]I've not keps abreast for over a decadeAug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]he buys the chainsAug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]and then puishes into them his PATENTED crapAug 24 11:57
schestowitz[TR]that costs a lotAug 24 11:57
techrights-newsRed Hat expands support for Java with Eclipse Temurin | Red Hat Developer βš“ δ·‰ Source: XDA | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 12:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat expands support for Java with Eclipse Temurin | Red Hat DeveloperAug 24 12:02
techrights-newsIT talent: the thing Red Hat (ICBM) is getting rid off by firing them all... for low-cost slaves 24 12:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IT talent: 4 interview questions to prep for | The Enterprisers ProjectAug 24 12:03
techrights-newsWhere to start with linux authentication? " Firstyear’s blog-a-log βš“ δ·‰ Source: WFYI Radio | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 12:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version. ( status 0 @ )Aug 24 12:04
HelenahNobody is 100% bad, you know?Aug 24 12:05
HelenahEven if they're the most hated person the planet...Aug 24 12:06
HelenahGates has probably done a mixture of good and bad things.Aug 24 12:06
HelenahI just don't like how Microsnot is...Aug 24 12:06
HelenahAnd I don't like some of Gates ways eitherAug 24 12:07
HelenahI don't even necessarily like what he chooses to fundAug 24 12:07
techrights-newsKingdom of Barbaria 24 12:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FEATURE-Saudi 'surveillance city': Would you sell your data to The Line? | ReutersAug 24 12:08
HelenahBut I'm sure he's got his good and his bad about him, we all have...Aug 24 12:09
Helenahrich, poor, etc, we all have good and bad in us. :)Aug 24 12:09
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: people are judged on net effectAug 24 12:09
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsAug 24 12:09
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I prefer to look at a person in full and get a full picture.Aug 24 12:09
HelenahYou could say something bad...Aug 24 12:10
Helenahbut if I was to then sayAug 24 12:10
Helenahyou're an absolute evil piece of shitAug 24 12:10
schestowitz[TR]igf you don't mind me saying:Aug 24 12:10
Helenahthen I am degrading youAug 24 12:10
schestowitz[TR]saying gates did some good things is a big stockholm-yAug 24 12:10
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 12:10
Helenahand er... like... what about the good thing?Aug 24 12:10
HelenahsAug 24 12:10
schestowitz[TR]we should not forgive everyoneAug 24 12:10
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Wait, what?Aug 24 12:10
DaemonFC 24 12:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | House (Series) - TV TropesAug 24 12:10
HelenahI don't support the guy...Aug 24 12:10
schestowitz[TR]some people did a lot of badAug 24 12:10
schestowitz[TR]and belong in prison for lifeAug 24 12:11
DaemonFC"Asexuality doesn't exist in healthy people."Aug 24 12:11
DaemonFCIn general, no, it doesn't.Aug 24 12:11
DaemonFCIt's what happens when the doctor starts playing around with your antidepressants.Aug 24 12:11
HelenahDaemonFC: So I must be very sick thenAug 24 12:11
Helenahbecause I'm Demisexual which is like..Aug 24 12:11
Helenahpartially asexualAug 24 12:11
Helenahand partially sexualAug 24 12:11
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Rocky Linux 9.0 Quick overview ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 12:11
techuserI want to become asexualAug 24 12:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Rocky Linux 9.0 Quick overviewAug 24 12:11
psydruidGates is pure evilAug 24 12:12
Helenahtechuser: GnRH agonistAug 24 12:12
Helenahwill reduce your sexual urges to nilAug 24 12:12
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: 24 12:12
Helenahbut erm...Aug 24 12:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gates Foundation Critique - TechrightsAug 24 12:12
schestowitz[TR]all his investments are badAug 24 12:12
HelenahPlease take that under the guidance of a doctor, okay?Aug 24 12:12
schestowitz[TR]inc. the media bribesAug 24 12:12
HelenahCause playing with that is like... well...Aug 24 12:12
HelenahlolAug 24 12:12
schestowitz[TR]that compel "publishers" to tell people he does "good"Aug 24 12:12
HelenahAhAug 24 12:12
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: I never mentioned anything he did though in particular...Aug 24 12:13
HelenahI was generally saying that...Aug 24 12:13
schestowitz[TR]I studied it for many yearsAug 24 12:13
schestowitz[TR]he belongs in prisonAug 24 12:13
Helenaheveryone has both good and bad in them...Aug 24 12:13
schestowitz[TR]he was arrested twiceAug 24 12:13
HelenahYeah but even prison inmates have some good in them...Aug 24 12:13
schestowitz[TR]he also tried to free epstein from prisonAug 24 12:13
schestowitz[TR]after he had flew child explottaion planes with himAug 24 12:13
HelenahGary Glitter is a pedophile but I still like his music...Aug 24 12:13
schestowitz[TR]*flownAug 24 12:13
HelenahEven if I don't like what he did to minors.Aug 24 12:14
schestowitz[TR]not all prison inmates are equalAug 24 12:14
schestowitz[TR]some are there for mass murderAug 24 12:14
HelenahYepAug 24 12:14
schestowitz[TR]some are notAug 24 12:14
schestowitz[TR]some for lifeAug 24 12:14
schestowitz[TR]some for monthsAug 24 12:14
Helenahbut even a mass murderer has something "good" about themAug 24 12:14
Helenaheven if the murder itself is bad...Aug 24 12:14
HelenahI don't see how someone can be 100% bad throughout...Aug 24 12:14
HelenahI've never met anyone who is 100% bad throughout, even the 3 men who raped me...Aug 24 12:15
schestowitz[TR]the "banaility of evil"Aug 24 12:15
schestowitz[TR]when "decent" man convince themselves that massive harm is justifiableAug 24 12:15
schestowitz[TR]see BrehvikAug 24 12:15
HelenahhmmAug 24 12:15
DaemonFCHitler was the Chancellor of Germany. He loved to paint, was a vegan, and took very good care of his dogs. For more, see Criticism of Hitler.Aug 24 12:15
DaemonFC(Wikipedia)Aug 24 12:15
HelenahYeh, there are things that are good about hitlerAug 24 12:15
HelenahThings I like about himAug 24 12:16
Helenahbut I do not like nazismAug 24 12:16
HelenahAnd therefore I do not like the nazism in himAug 24 12:16
HelenahI don't like what he did to people...Aug 24 12:16
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], I use the "Hitler was the Chancellor." bit every time someone references Wikipedia.Aug 24 12:16
HelenahBut he has good things about him tooAug 24 12:16
DaemonFCSpecifically, an article that's been pruned by government censors or PR firms.Aug 24 12:16
HelenahAnd I see both good and bad in all peopleAug 24 12:16
HelenahIncluding DaemonFC Aug 24 12:16
Helenaheven though I've been up their arse for hours...Aug 24 12:17
techrights-newsBittersweet moment: 5 years to the landmark Privacy judgement, but no data protection law yet! #SaveOurPrivacy <p><img src="/Features/" class="feature" align="left" width="" height="" alt="" /> <p class="dropcap-first"> <a class="readon" href="">Read on</a>Aug 24 12:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bittersweet moment: 5 years to the landmark Privacy judgement, but no data protection law yet! #SaveOurPrivacyAug 24 12:17
techrights-newsBittersweet moment: 5 years to the landmark Privacy judgement, but no data protection law yet! #SaveOurPrivacy βš“ δ·‰ Source: Internet Freedom Foundation | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 12:17
techrights-newsOpen source for beginners: setting up your dev environment with LXD | Ubuntu βš“ δ·‰ Source: Ubuntubuzz | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 12:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Open source for beginners: setting up your dev environment with LXD | UbuntuAug 24 12:18
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: he pisses off a  lot of peopleAug 24 12:18
DaemonFCMy dad is one of those Nostradamus freaks. Aug 24 12:18
schestowitz[TR]male, female, the restAug 24 12:18
schestowitz[TR]he doesn't have a sense for people's feelingsAug 24 12:18
DaemonFCYou know, he saw Hitler (Hister) and 9/11.Aug 24 12:18
schestowitz[TR]he just fires awayAug 24 12:18
DaemonFCJust not clearly enough that anyone would know.Aug 24 12:18
schestowitz[TR]Nostradamus didn't see Pusin [sic]Aug 24 12:18
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Wo does? DaemonFC ?Aug 24 12:19
HelenahI can see that...Aug 24 12:19
HelenahI haven't denied that...Aug 24 12:19
HelenahI'm not naive to thatAug 24 12:19
HelenahBut underneath it all, I see where there is good...Aug 24 12:20
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 12:20
HelenahAnd that's not to say the bad doesn't matter because it does...Aug 24 12:20
HelenahThey can improve...Aug 24 12:20
schestowitz[TR]he was traumatised over the yearsAug 24 12:20
schestowitz[TR]he won't admit itAug 24 12:20
schestowitz[TR]I knew him online since 2008 , I thinkAug 24 12:20
HelenahhmmAug 24 12:20
schestowitz[TR]hopping from one disaster to the nextAug 24 12:21
HelenahYeah, that's not to say I've known him for a while, I only met him today.Aug 24 12:21
HelenahIt's observation.Aug 24 12:21
schestowitz[TR]rejection, health, police, bankruptcy, marriage issues, financial agfainAug 24 12:21
schestowitz[TR]I don't think I was even traumatised to such an effectAug 24 12:21
schestowitz[TR]people I know who saw dead bodies or got bullied made promises to themselves, so they support mean politicians, don't trust people, look for vengeanceAug 24 12:22
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Stockholm syndrome.Aug 24 12:23
HelenahI had it :'(Aug 24 12:23
HelenahI think I told you that... :'(Aug 24 12:23
HelenahYou the manc...Aug 24 12:23
HelenahIn Oldham...Aug 24 12:23
HelenahYour name is RoyAug 24 12:24
HelenahDaemonFC's name is RyanAug 24 12:24
Helenah:3Aug 24 12:24
techrights-newscemu has become Free software (yussss!), but it's outsourcing to proprietary crap (noooo!) like Reddit and Microsoft's GitHub 24 12:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cemu EmulatorAug 24 12:24
schestowitz[TR]not in oldhamAug 24 12:25
HelenahYes, you told me some tactics they use, I appreciated it. :3Aug 24 12:25
HelenahOhAug 24 12:25
schestowitz[TR]I'm opp. man city stadiumAug 24 12:25
HelenahYou mentioned a few places.Aug 24 12:25
schestowitz[TR]a friend of mine moved to oldham areaAug 24 12:25
schestowitz[TR]Ryan has a blogAug 24 12:26
schestowitz[TR]you can find out about his life thereAug 24 12:26
schestowitz[TR]https://baronhk.wordpress.comAug 24 12:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BaronHK's RantsAug 24 12:26
HelenahhmmAug 24 12:27
DaemonFCIt's occurred to me that I don't actually remember very much of my childhood anymore.Aug 24 12:27
DaemonFCJust parts of it.Aug 24 12:28
DaemonFCPlaces and things more than events.Aug 24 12:28
HelenahMy childhood was different...Aug 24 12:28
Helenahto most peoples childhoodAug 24 12:28
HelenahI told techuser about itAug 24 12:28
DaemonFCI don't know if it's because there's some kind of a block there or what.Aug 24 12:29
HelenahYeah you get trauma blocksAug 24 12:29
Helenahthat block your traumatic experiences outAug 24 12:29
HelenahDid you have PTSD by any chance?Aug 24 12:29
DaemonFCNot diagnosed.Aug 24 12:30
DaemonFCIt's like "Swiss Cheese memory". I can remember pieces, but like, the names and faces of classmates are gone, school teachers, gone for the most part.Aug 24 12:31
DaemonFCI couldn't tell you anything about my school teachers up through about 1995 or so because I just don't remember.Aug 24 12:32
DaemonFCExcept this really mean art teacher named Mrs. Wimmer.Aug 24 12:32
schestowitz[TR]most of my dreams are full of memories from school daysAug 24 12:32
schestowitz[TR]and childhood, even disproportionate amount Aug 24 12:33
DaemonFCProbably the only reason I remember her is because I remember how much I hated her and art class and how she kept giving me Fs and it was the only thing I was getting Fs in at that point. Everything else was fine.Aug 24 12:33
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): xisxwayland 2 ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 12:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” xisxwayland 2"Aug 24 12:34
DaemonFCToday there isn't even an art class.Aug 24 12:34
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): PanWriter: Distraction-free writing tool ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 12:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” PanWriter: Distraction-free writing toolAug 24 12:34
DaemonFCThey took so much money from the schools that there's no art class anymore.Aug 24 12:34
DaemonFCBeing an obedient worker doesn't require art appreciation.Aug 24 12:35
DaemonFCOut it goes!Aug 24 12:35
DaemonFCUncle Bill's Common Core incoming.Aug 24 12:35
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], For 8 years I just stopped having dealings with anyone.Aug 24 12:36
DaemonFCFrom about 2008 to late 2015. So like 7 years and change.Aug 24 12:36
DaemonFCI started sleeping during the day and being awake at night specificulally to avoid people.Aug 24 12:37
DaemonFCThat was going well. I should have kept it up.Aug 24 12:37
schestowitz[TR]there are other upsidesAug 24 12:37
schestowitz[TR]you can use computer resources overnightAug 24 12:37
schestowitz[TR]if you are nucturnaAug 24 12:37
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Linux-First AI Image Upscaler Upscayl Released its First Version ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 12:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Linux-First AI Image Upscaler Upscayl Released its First VersionAug 24 12:38
DaemonFCIf it started raining and I wanted to sit on my back porch and watch it, I could just do that.Aug 24 12:38
schestowitz[TR]there are also jobs that require being aware at nightsAug 24 12:38
schestowitz[TR]like my jobAug 24 12:38
schestowitz[TR]so you can be better off being nucturnalAug 24 12:38
schestowitz[TR]it's a scarcityAug 24 12:38
DaemonFCNobody was there to bother me. For almost 8 years I nearly completely avoided people.Aug 24 12:38
DaemonFCI even did the shopping at night.Aug 24 12:38
DaemonFCWHy did I ever stop that? It was so much better than this.Aug 24 12:38
DaemonFCIt's best if nobody even knows you're there.Aug 24 12:39
DaemonFCNobody can even think to bother you. They don't see you anymore. Out of sight, out of mind.Aug 24 12:39
DaemonFCThe police don't even bother you at night. Why would they?Aug 24 12:40
DaemonFCThere's less of them, they're nowhere around, and it's dark outside.Aug 24 12:40
schestowitz[TR]<DaemonFC> I even did the shopping at night.Aug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]some place are open late, yesAug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]and no queuesAug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]and nicer staffAug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]not overestressedAug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]so confrontational tone less likelyAug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]also you protect their jobAug 24 12:41
schestowitz[TR]by coming late Aug 24 12:41
MinceRthat's what she said.Aug 24 12:42
DaemonFCIf I have regrets, it was breaking that string. I sleep better during the day anyway.Aug 24 12:42
DaemonFCI only got an hour and a half of sleep last night.Aug 24 12:42
DaemonFCI'll have to go back to bed here soon.Aug 24 12:42
DaemonFCI hate that Mandy won't change his schedule.Aug 24 12:42
schestowitz[TR]I split the sleep into 2 or 3Aug 24 12:42
schestowitz[TR]since covid-19 lockdownsAug 24 12:43
DaemonFCI hate waking up at 4 AM just to take him to work.Aug 24 12:43
schestowitz[TR]before that went to gym and stuff outdoorsAug 24 12:43
schestowitz[TR]when that stopped I could reassess the sleep allocsations etc.Aug 24 12:43
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Daniel Stenberg: What if I vanished? ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 12:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Daniel Stenberg: What if I vanished?Aug 24 12:44
DaemonFC"There is frequently a violation of the person's core assumptions about the world and their human rights, putting the person in a state of extreme confusion and insecurity. This is seen when institutions depended upon for survival violate, humiliate, betray, or cause major losses or separations instead of evoking aspects like positive self worth, safe boundaries and personal freedom."Aug 24 12:44
DaemonFCOver and over again.Aug 24 12:44
schestowitz[TR]soiurce?Aug 24 12:45
techrights-news"The Test Center team is happy to deliver the next major release of Test Center, version 3.0, offering support for Squish Coco coverage reports. You can now browse and analyze your code coverage reports right next to your test reports stored in Test Center." 24 12:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Test Center 3.0 Available NowAug 24 12:45
techrights-news"Whether for music, communication, or notifications, audio is an important feature of many personal computer systems. In a new FreeBSD system, an audio card will need to be configured to process audio files and send them to the connected speakers." 24 12:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Quick and Easy Guide to Setting Up Audio on FreeBSDAug 24 12:46
MinceR   ( )Aug 24 12:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cyanide & Happiness ( 24 12:47
DaemonFC<schestowitz[TR]> soiurce?Aug 24 12:47
DaemonFCWikipedia.Aug 24 12:47
DaemonFCYou know, my parents were fighting all the time.Aug 24 12:48
DaemonFCAs far back as I can remember. Over everything. It was just stupid.Aug 24 12:48
schestowitz[TR]wikipedia has deterioratedAug 24 12:48
schestowitz[TR]because it gained value the PR agennts and gov. actors took overAug 24 12:48
DaemonFCUsually it was my mom spent some money or something and my dad was yelling at her for it and then she'd one up him by picking up something and hitting him with it.Aug 24 12:48
schestowitz[TR]and use it as a PR tool nowAug 24 12:49
DaemonFCOf course, you can't go to the police if you're a man.Aug 24 12:49
DaemonFCShe'll just turn it around on you and they'll arrest you after she finished hitting you.Aug 24 12:49
DaemonFCI suppose that's why he never went to the police about anything.Aug 24 12:49
techrights-newsWladimir Palant: Attack surface of extension pages 24 12:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Attack surface of extension pages | Almost SecureAug 24 12:50
DaemonFCShe would beat me all over the house.Aug 24 12:50
DaemonFCSpit on me. What the hell am I going to do about it? Hit my mother?Aug 24 12:50
techrights-newsintel: split vulkan driver between gfx7/8 and above (!18208) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLab βš“ δ·‰ Source: LinuxAug 24 12:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | intel: split vulkan driver between gfx7/8 and above (!18208) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLabAug 24 12:50
DaemonFCThat's how the police take you to a facility for delinquents.Aug 24 12:50
DaemonFCShe's even physically attacked me several times as an adult.Aug 24 12:51
schestowitz[TR]spit on you?Aug 24 12:51
schestowitz[TR]that's... strangeAug 24 12:51
DaemonFCJust knowing I wouldn't hit her back.Aug 24 12:51
DaemonFCYeah.Aug 24 12:51
schestowitz[TR]it is not even sanitaryAug 24 12:51
schestowitz[TR]sooner or later the house gets filled with her salivaAug 24 12:51
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], It's not possible to have a normal relationship with anyone around me I guess. Sooner or later they all start abusing me somehow.Aug 24 12:52
schestowitz[TR]could bw orseAug 24 12:52
schestowitz[TR]you could be unemployeed nurse navigatorAug 24 12:52
DaemonFCI'm just glad this one isn't hitting me and fucking everything on an app.Aug 24 12:52
DaemonFC<schestowitz[TR]> you could be unemployeed nurse navigatorAug 24 12:53
DaemonFCHer LinkedIn says she's employed.Aug 24 12:53
DaemonFCPart time at two places.Aug 24 12:53
DaemonFCBut they really did a double whammy on her at the cancer hospital.Aug 24 12:54
techrights-news"mold is a fancy new linker that's really fast." 24 12:54
DaemonFCLess important job title and reduced hours.Aug 24 12:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ci: Use mold for x86-64 and AArch64 builds (!17992) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLabAug 24 12:54
techrights-newsfwupd in BSDs? 24 12:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Adding ESRT and EFI vars support for fwupdAug 24 12:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Adding ESRT and EFI vars support for fwupdAug 24 12:55
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], The CEO of the company had been panicking for years about their revenue.Aug 24 12:55
DaemonFCMandy said "Oh yeah, she said they were in trouble because of Obamacare.".Aug 24 12:56
DaemonFCI said, "No, they're in trouble because insurance doesn't pay for woo woo and people who could afford it can't afford it anymore.".Aug 24 12:56
DaemonFCHalf of what Cancer Treatment Centers of America does is cancer treatment, and the other half is woo woo.Aug 24 12:57
techrights-newsDraft: radv: Switch to 100% dynamic rendering (!15587) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLab βš“ δ·‰Aug 24 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Draft: radv: Switch to 100% dynamic rendering (!15587) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLabAug 24 12:57
DaemonFCJust strictly to run the bill sky high.Aug 24 12:57
techrights-news"I’ll discuss all the changes to the example extension one by one. But you can download the ZIP file with the complete extension source code here." 24 12:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Attack surface of extension pages | Almost SecureAug 24 12:58
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–ƒβ–…β–‚β–ƒβ–…β–†β–‚β–ƒβ–„β–ˆβ–‚β–‚β–β–‚β–ƒβ–‚β–ƒβ–„β–β–‚β–β–‚β–β–„β–„β–„β–…β–ƒβ–…β–…β–ƒβ–„β–ˆβ–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 75.26 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–β–‚β–ˆβ–β–β–β–β–β–β–„β–…β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–β–ƒβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–‚β–‚β–β–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 120.85β–• swarm size (avg): 114.55  βŸ²Aug 24 12:59
techrights-newsThose who 0.0% stake in Twitter's future will just grin at this 24 13:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mudge Files Whistleblower Complaint against Twitter - Schneier on SecurityAug 24 13:02
DaemonFC 24 13:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Adobe Acrobat hollowing out same-origin policy | Almost SecureAug 24 13:02
DaemonFC"To my surprise, the extension itself did almost nothing despite having a quite considerable code size."Aug 24 13:02
DaemonFCAdobeAug 24 13:02
DaemonFC:)Aug 24 13:02
techrights-news"Between 2022-08-17 and 2022-08-24 there were 24 New Steam games released with Native Linux clients. For reference, during the same time, there were 256 games released for Windows on Steam, so the Linux versions represent about 9.4 % of total released titles." 24 13:04
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 13:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Steam Games with Native Linux Clients - 2022-08-24 Edition - Boiling SteamAug 24 13:04
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 13:13
*Helenah hugs schestowitz[TR]Aug 24 13:13
*Helenah gives schestowitz[TR] a hamper of chocolatesAug 24 13:13
*Helenah gives techuser a hamper of chocolatesAug 24 13:13
*Helenah gives MinceR a hamper of chocolatesAug 24 13:13
*Helenah gives mjg59_ a hamper of chocolatesAug 24 13:13
Helenah:3Aug 24 13:13
HelenahAwwwwAug 24 13:13
schestowitz[TR]thanksAug 24 13:14
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): A New Raspberry Pi Powered Laptop - The CrowPi-L" ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 13:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” A New Raspberry Pi Powered Laptop - The CrowPi-LAug 24 13:16
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 13:20
techrights-news"With all of this inflation that the world has been seeing the last while, it has resulted in various central banks tightening policy in order to stamp it out." gemini:// 24 13:21
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: :3Aug 24 13:22
HelenahYou're most welcomeAug 24 13:22
techrights-news"Something that has been of concern to me in recent years is the strange cult of the hustle that has been metastasizing on the web. There’s a fetishization of workaholism that a vocal group have been pushing." gemini:// 24 13:22
techrights-news"Realms like the much talked about gig economy have also been infected by this with food delivery people, quasi taxi services, and whatever it is that Fiver does encouraging people to grind away at their task." gemini:// 24 13:22
techrights-news"Robyn has this song β€œCall your girlfriend” and it’s such a beautiful melody. It’s easy to understand why it’s such a widely-covered and well-beloved song." gemini:// 24 13:23
techrights-news"Instead, I would’ve expected capitalist proponents to trust that their pet system could handle the invention of bits, harddrives, and TCP/IP without having to introduce fictions and ghosts like β€œintellectual” property as a monopoly-enforcing band-aid" gemini:// 24 13:25
*matteobin (~matteobin@tecziqbycf9k2.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 13:44
schestowitz[TR]wb, matteobin Aug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]hopefully more onn-topic nowAug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]we think abotu doing a video abourt your suggestionAug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]for irc in italyAug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]and many "farms" of chatsAug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]instead of outsourced socialm control mediaAug 24 13:47
matteobinThanks, schestowitz[TR]Aug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]jyst need to research the matter a bitAug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]based on italy has many irc networksAug 24 13:47
schestowitz[TR]some quite largeAug 24 13:48
matteobinThat would be interesting. Do you know XMPP? Do you need help?Aug 24 13:48
schestowitz[TR]xmpp is good tooAug 24 13:48
schestowitz[TR]we used to use that at work for agesAug 24 13:48
schestowitz[TR]until some idiots who fancy "CLOWN COMPUTING" came top the companyAug 24 13:48
schestowitz[TR]xmpp can do chatrooms alsoAug 24 13:48
matteobinReally? What job was that? Here we have all MS tech. Unfortunately. :(Aug 24 13:49
schestowitz[TR]IT jobAug 24 13:49
schestowitz[TR] 24 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 13:50
schestowitz[TR] 24 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 13:50
matteobinYes, XMPP is a mix between email and chat, like the infamous WhatsAppAug 24 13:50
schestowitz[TR] 24 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 13:50
schestowitz[TR] 24 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 13:50
*CrystalMath (~coderain@2w8unh46sf8uw.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 13:50
schestowitz[TR]"During last connections to its servers reported an average of 1629 users and 50 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network!Aug 24 13:51
schestowitz[TR]"Aug 24 13:51
schestowitz[TR] 24 13:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEAug 24 13:51
matteobinI didn't know about all these Italian channels, maybe they'll like GNU/Linux in there too!Aug 24 13:51
schestowitz[TR]THEY ARE N NETWORKS ... oops capsAug 24 13:52
schestowitz[TR]sorry, caps lockAug 24 13:52
schestowitz[TR]they are not channels but networksAug 24 13:52
schestowitz[TR]and I noticed them  some months agoAug 24 13:52
techrights-newsLinks 24/08/2022: xisxwayland 2 and Test Center 3.0 | Techrights βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 13:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 24/08/2022: xisxwayland 2 and Test Center 3.0 | TechrightsAug 24 13:52
schestowitz-TR2[11:18] <Techrights-sec> 10:04:57       matteobin; My dream would be if the state used a free orAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:18] <Techrights-sec>               open decentralised infrustructre. For instance in Italy we could have atAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:18] <Techrights-sec>               least one XMPP server per region. That would be rad!       Aug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:20] <schestowitz-TR2> yes, good ideaAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:20] <schestowitz-TR2> I noticed quite a few large italian irc serversAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:20] <schestowitz-TR2> when I studied netsplit.netAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:20] <schestowitz-TR2> *.de Aug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec>   Aug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> that ^ x 1000Aug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> they already waste money fighting social control media, running their ownAug 24 13:53
matteobinSorry, I don't know much about how IRC networks work.Aug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> service would in some ways probably be less effort, overall, but the ROI Aug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> for the effot it would require would be great.  The technical side would notAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> be too hard, maybe a few FTE for redundancy, but there would have to beAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> teams managing the interaction properlyAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:30] <Techrights-sec> there are also matters of defense, rumor control, and sovreignty which areAug 24 13:53
schestowitz-TR2[11:31] <Techrights-sec> hard to put a monetary value on but are valuable nonetheless Aug 24 13:53
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Red Hat Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 13:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Red Hat Leftovers"Aug 24 13:54
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today's π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” today's leftoversAug 24 13:55
matteobinThat's all good to me! I don't know if our politics would ever be able to understand how much Free Software and open technology are valuable, since they are not able to understand basic human rights. Have you ever heard of Salvini or Meloni?Aug 24 13:56
matteobinAnyway the good thing about XMPP is that people would stop using WhatsApp as the primary communication method.Aug 24 13:57
schestowitz[TR] 24 13:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter / jzemlinAug 24 13:59
schestowitz[TR]he deleted all his tweets ^Aug 24 13:59
schestowitz[TR]matteobin: all those foreign-owned comms tools should be shunnedAug 24 13:59
schestowitz[TR]it's not hard to host one's ownAug 24 13:59
matteobinI'm a huge fan of public libraries. In my dream world we would have something similar for common shared digital services, like internet browsing (we already have that at libraries), email, XMMP or VoIP. A public and cozy Free Software server farm. Aug 24 13:59
schestowitz[TR]zemlin:Aug 24 14:00
schestowitz[TR]"etting up twitter instead of sleeping 01:29 AM February 28, 2008 from imAug 24 14:00
schestowitz[TR]Still can't sleep 01:26 AM February 28, 2008 from imAug 24 14:00
schestowitz[TR]Insomnia 01:17 AM February 28, 2008 from web "Aug 24 14:00
techuser"free software" looks like a lie these daysAug 24 14:00
techusercorporations do parasite on itAug 24 14:00
schestowitz[TR]that's called "Open Source"Aug 24 14:00
matteobinCorporations do, but what about individuals or collectives?Aug 24 14:01
techuserLennart Poettering?Aug 24 14:01
schestowitz[TR] 24 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Aug 24 14:01
schestowitz[TR]"Gmail went down while I am on vacation. Thanks Google!"-zemlinAug 24 14:02
schestowitz[TR]"Just did my first microloan."Aug 24 14:02
matteobinWhy is this relevant? Maybe I missed something.Aug 24 14:02
schestowitz[TR]which part?Aug 24 14:17
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 14:20
Helenaho.oAug 24 14:35
*Helenah dances around the rooom while waving her handAug 24 14:36
techrights-newsJim Zemlin’s Wife (at Bakkt) Seems to be Running a Pyramid Scheme or a Scam, Preying on Gullible People | Techrights βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 14:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jim Zemlin’s Wife (at Bakkt) Seems to be Running a Pyramid Scheme or a Scam, Preying on Gullible People | TechrightsAug 24 14:36
techrights-newsCoCs let corporations spin fact-finding and investigations (against corporations) as "harassment"Aug 24 14:37
matteobinschestowitz[TR]: The part about the tweets of the former Twitter user called Jim ZemlinAug 24 14:47
techrights-newsDelete Twitter. Today. 24 14:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ex Security Head at Twitter Becomes Whistleblower - Make Tech EasierAug 24 14:48
schestowitz[TR]matteobin: he deleted all his tweetsAug 24 14:48
schestowitz[TR]some are incriminating to some extentAug 24 14:48
matteobinWho is that guy? Do you know him?Aug 24 14:48
schestowitz[TR]chief of 'Linux' FoundationAug 24 14:49
schestowitz[TR] 24 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation - TechrightsAug 24 14:50
MinceR   ( )Aug 24 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cyanide & Happiness ( 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR] 24 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jim Zemlin - TechrightsAug 24 14:50
matteobinWhat did he do to be incriminated?Aug 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR]these people basically attack Linux... as a projectAug 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR]they try to turn it into a product of Microsoft, VMware etc.Aug 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR]i.e. gpl violatorsAug 24 14:50
matteobinI'll read the article you posted.Aug 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR]and they promote githubAug 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR]ti hed developers into the cage of MicrosoftAug 24 14:50
matteobinMeh :(Aug 24 14:50
schestowitz[TR]*to hedAug 24 14:51
schestowitz[TR]*to herdAug 24 14:51
schestowitz[TR]they also bribe publishers for PRAug 24 14:51
schestowitz[TR]and prkmtioon of diploma millsAug 24 14:51
schestowitz[TR]so of course the media rarely talks about these issues and seldom says anything bad about LFAug 24 14:51
schestowitz[TR]while it does habitually makee snide remarks on TorvaldsAug 24 14:52
schestowitz[TR] 24 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] They Send Linus Torvalds to Therapists While Microsoft Pays Their Full Salary | TechrightsAug 24 14:52
matteobinMills? What does the word mill mean?Aug 24 14:52
MinceR 24 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Diploma mill - WikipediaAug 24 14:52
techrights-newsEmpty promises: more internet shutdowns during exams in MENA - Access Now βš“ δ·‰ Source: AccessNow | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 14:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Empty promises: more internet shutdowns during exams in MENA - Access NowAug 24 14:54
techuserhow many of the exams actually matter?Aug 24 14:54
techuserthere are some jobs which require to be fastAug 24 14:55
techuserbut others don'tAug 24 14:55
techuserwe have Stack Overflow programmers for exampleAug 24 14:55
matteobinWell The Linux Foundation seems pretty bad!Aug 24 14:56
techrights-newsMonopolies-controlled w3c to BREAK the Web to herd all sites into the "trust" scheme of Pentagon cartel. They'd block any sites that the cabal does not fancy giving a cert to. Really awful. see 24 14:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | W3C's planned transition to HTTPS stymied by legacy laggards β€’ The RegisterAug 24 14:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | World Wide Web Consortium - TechrightsAug 24 14:56
techrights-newsw3c: DRM GOOD, legacy and backward compatibility (or self-signed certs) BAD. 24 14:57
techrights-newsHopefully WWW will die in a fire in the next 10 yearsAug 24 14:57
techrights-newsOld: Techrights Calls for Tim Berners-Lee to Drop DRM Support, Regain Control of (Currently Corporations-run) W3C 24 14:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Calls for Tim Berners-Lee to Drop DRM Support, Regain Control of (Currently Corporations-run) W3C | TechrightsAug 24 14:58
techrights-newsTim B-L is a JavaScript relic, powered by proprietary Microsoft GitHub. Not what he was at CERN with his SUN boxAug 24 14:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: β–ˆβ–…β–β–„β–β–‚β–ƒβ–„β–„β–‚β–ƒβ–β–‚β–ƒβ–…β–„β–…β–β–β–ˆβ–„β–β–β–β–β–‚β–β–„β–…β–β–ƒβ–„β–…β–‚β–†β–„β–β– avg(k/sec) 41.23 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–†β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–β–β–β–β–ˆβ–β–β–β– avg(k/sec) 113.61β–• swarm size (avg): 119.30  βŸ²Aug 24 14:59
*psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 14:59
*psymin (~psymin@user/psymin) has joined #techrightsAug 24 15:00
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today's π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos " ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 15:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” today's howtos"Aug 24 15:02
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today in Techrights ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 15:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Today in TechrightsAug 24 15:03
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 15:20
*user021 (~user@56mr8zx47jkey.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 15:31
*matteobin has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 24 15:35
*matteobin (~matteobin@tecziqbycf9k2.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 15:37
*user021 has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 24 15:58
*techrights_guest|62 (~05945516@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 16:01
*techrights_guest|62 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Aug 24 16:03
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 16:20
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 16:56
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▃▃▄▂▁▂▂▁▅▄▅▂▃▁▄▅▅▂▂▁▁▂▁▂▁▁▂▅▃▁▃▁▅▂▁▂▃▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 9.23 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–β–ˆβ–β–…β–‚β–ƒβ–β–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–ˆβ–„β–‡β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 152.88β–• swarm size (avg): 124.11  βŸ²Aug 24 16:59
phanesAriadne, re: kiwi/fiberhub, I can't find it ethical to go after someone through their hosting provider and I think it sets a dangerous precedent.  Might improve the state of things to encourage legal or social action against kiwi in lieu of targeting their hosting.Aug 24 17:17
phanesI don't disagree that their user's behaviour on that issue is absolute trash thoughAug 24 17:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 17:20
*matteobin has quit (Quit: leaving)Aug 24 17:26
*techrights-news has quit (Received malformed line)Aug 24 17:29
*techrights-news (~techrights-news@ngvjyiryrrbba.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 17:31
techrights-news"Recently, I've been experiencing a bit of a dip in my mental health. Prolonged ill health (in the form of two successive kidney stone incidents, one of which required an operation) has left me in a rut, while the pandemic hasn't helped." gemini:// 24 17:31
schestowitz__[TR]"As I write this, I'm in the midst of removing my blog from my website, reintegrating all the timely content that once ran alongside big internet and turning it into something somewhat timeless.Aug 24 17:31
schestowitz__[TR]" gemini:// 24 17:31
techrights-newsgmiAug 24 17:33
techrights-newsTELOPSC Wordo: KLOOF gemini:// 24 17:33
techrights-news"I use Merriam-Webster's dictionary as a reference for SpellBinding. I've never had a single issue with them until today." gemini:// 24 17:34
techrights-news"Writing long essays is fun. It's enjoyable to be able to express an idea, work on it a bit, mold it, pull out the imperfections, and show it off to the world. It can feel like a timeless accomplishment, rather than a temporal quip on social media." gemini:// 24 17:35
techrights-newsMy best guess at a climate solution gemini:// "No more extracting oil, coal, or gas."Aug 24 17:36
techrights-news"We’ve rationed energy in the past and we need to do it again. This is also an efficient way to cut proof-of-work systems since a ban on it (which I would definitively welcome) is hard to enforce." gemini:// 24 17:37
techrights-newsLost a Bike, Made a Bag, Bought Trousers gemini:// 24 17:37
*techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 17:39
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsAug 24 17:41
*techuser (~techuser@agkps5rm7zn9y.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 17:49
techrights-newsThe Linux Foundation is a bit of a fraud, but it is connected to other frauds and charlatans, who don’t care about Linux and dodge ethical standards 24 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jim Zemlin’s Wife (at Bakkt) Seems to be Running a Pyramid Scheme or a Scam, Preying on Gullible People | TechrightsAug 24 17:50
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): The Future of NGINX: Getting Back to Our Open Source Roots ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 17:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” The Future of NGINX: Getting Back to Our Open Source Roots"Aug 24 17:51
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 17:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Android LeftoversAug 24 17:52
XRevan86The Life of Ryan: "I'm not anti-trans, I just don't like Keith in particular."Aug 24 17:52
XRevan86But also: "Trans women. It's like denying a force of nature."Aug 24 17:53
XRevan86scientes: "have you ever coded ARM thumb code?" <- That would be a "no".Aug 24 17:54
techrights-newsLinux Mint 21 | Cinnamon Desktop is Awesome - Invidious βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint 21 | Cinnamon Desktop is Awesome - InvidiousAug 24 17:54
techuserI hate sexes/gendersAug 24 17:54
XRevan86CrystalMath: "i kinda like TeX, but i sometimes joke about how elitist it is" <- There's always LyX, right?Aug 24 17:54
techuserjust a basis of discrimination and a cause of sufferingAug 24 17:54
techuserand reproduction doesn't help anywayAug 24 17:54
XRevan86schestowitz: "putin turns 70 in 2 months" <- That's the face of eternal youth :)Aug 24 17:55
techrights-newsGoogle’s 1984 Moment | Coder Radio 480 24 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's 1984 Moment | Coder Radio 480 | Jupiter BroadcastingAug 24 17:56
XRevan86DaemonFC: "I don't think ICQ is still around." <- But it is, owned by VK, although irrelevant even at the market it's trying to target.Aug 24 17:56
techrights-newsWhen ACTUAL pedophiles upload pedo stuff to Google but work for Bill Gates 24 17:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Detectives Found That Bill Gates’ Engineer Took Photos of Latino Boys at the Beach. His Child Pornography Files Included Similar Material. | TechrightsAug 24 17:57
XRevan86darwin: "it's good in recent years they finally returned RSS" <- They did? I use an add-on.Aug 24 17:57
techrights-news"We're spooked to learn how one man's life has been turned upside down just because he used Google Photos." 24 17:58
techrights-newsRelease: Police Report About Arrest of Bill Gates Engineer for Pedophilia (Detained at Residence of Bill Gates) 24 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release: Police Report About Arrest of Bill Gates Engineer for Pedophilia (Detained at Residence of Bill Gates) | TechrightsAug 24 17:58
techrights-newsRelease: 29 Pages of Internet Access Report About Pedophile Working for Bill Gates at His Home 24 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release: 29 Pages of Internet Access Report About Pedophile Working for Bill Gates at His Home | TechrightsAug 24 17:58
XRevan86DaemonFC: "Makes you wonder about people. They're worried about getting something that nobody's died of because of vanity concerns, but not of HIV." <- There are recorded deaths from monkeypox.Aug 24 17:58
techrights-newsRelease: Search Warrant and Reports on Findings When Bill Gates’ Engineer Arrested for Pedophilia 24 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release: Search Warrant and Reports on Findings When Bill Gates’ Engineer Arrested for Pedophilia | TechrightsAug 24 17:58
techrights-newsRelease: Several Police Reports About Searching the Home of Bill Gates’ Engineer (Stockpiles of Child Pornography Found Along With Illegal Firearm) 24 17:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release: Several Police Reports About Searching the Home of Bill Gates’ Engineer (Stockpiles of Child Pornography Found Along With Illegal Firearm) | TechrightsAug 24 17:59
techrights-newsRelease: Bill Gates’ Engineer Busted for More Child Pornography Than Reported in the Media 24 17:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release: Bill Gates’ Engineer Busted for More Child Pornography Than Reported in the Media | TechrightsAug 24 17:59
techrights-newsImagine sucking up to Bill Gates... in 2022!! 24 17:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 24 17:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Is Windows Bad? - InvidiousAug 24 17:59
techrights-newsJim Zemlin Idolises Bill Gates 24 18:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sheela Microsoft (Zemlin) Does Not Like Linux and Jim Zemlin Idolises Bill Gates | TechrightsAug 24 18:00
techrights-news"Mozilla has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system." 24 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Releases Security Updates for Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird | CISAAug 24 18:01
techrights-newsGulag: we catch pedophiles. Also Gulag: we hire them. 24 18:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCreep: Google Engineer Stalked Teens, Spied on Chats (Updated)Aug 24 18:03
techrights-news"In this article, I will show you various Flatpak commands that make you a pro Flatpak user." βš“ δ·‰ Source: DebugPoint | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Aug 24 18:05
XRevan86CIT (War in Ukraine): 24 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dispatch for August 22 – TelegraphAug 24 18:05
techrights-newsHow to Use Your Smartphone as a Second Monitor for Your Linux Desktop 24 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” How to Use Your Smartphone as a Second Monitor for Your Linux DesktopAug 24 18:05
techrights-newsThe 12 GHz Band Is the Easy Case for Spectrum Sharing. Let the FCC Do Its Job. - Public Knowledge βš“ δ·‰ Source: Public Knowledge | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 18:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 12 GHz Band Is the Easy Case for Spectrum Sharing. Let the FCC Do Its Job. - Public KnowledgeAug 24 18:06
*techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 18:15
*techuser (~techuser@sf2k3tzt9a34c.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 18:16
techrights-newsWhy the Atari 2600’s Joystick Port Became a De Facto Standard βš“ δ·‰ Source: Tedium | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 18:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why the Atari 2600’s Joystick Port Became a De Facto StandardAug 24 18:18
techrights-newsJonathan Dowland: Our Study, 2022 24 18:20
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 18:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jmtd β†’ log β†’ study β†’ Our Study, 2022Aug 24 18:20
HelenahSo one of the biggest mistakes one my girlfriends grandads claims to have made in the second world war was not shooting a kid. The kid was a soldier who when having a gun pointed at him would crying for his mother and her grandad couldn't bring himself to kill him. That day, one of his soldiers was shot in the back and killed by that same kid.Aug 24 18:20
techrights-news[Intel-gfx] [PULL] drm-intel-gt-next βš“ δ·‰ Source: Zx2c4 | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 18:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Intel-gfx] [PULL] drm-intel-gt-nextAug 24 18:20
techrights-newsWith energy prices soaring do you want this liability? 24 18:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Intel Announces Data Center GPU Flex Series Review - PhoronixAug 24 18:22
techrights-news"Zero-Trust" - misused buzzwords (albeit not originally) 24 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Buoyant Updates Linkerd to Simplify Zero-Trust Security - Container JournalAug 24 18:26
techrights-newssudo apt update vs upgrade: What’s the Difference? - It’s FOSS βš“ δ·‰ Source: Its FOSS | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 18:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | sudo apt update vs upgrade: What's the Difference? - It's FOSSAug 24 18:27
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Mozilla Firefox 104 Is Now Available for Download, This Is What’s New ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Mozilla Firefox 104 Is Now Available for Download, This Is What’s NewAug 24 18:28
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): #HowTo Use Your Smartphone as a Second Monitor for Your Linux Desktop" ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 18:28
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Security: Patches, Holes, and More ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Security: Patches, Holes, and MoreAug 24 18:28
techrights-newsYou asked. We acted: Red Hat Customer Portal launches improved technical documentation user experience βš“ δ·‰ Source: Red Hat OfficialAug 24 18:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You asked. We acted: Red Hat Customer Portal launches improved technical documentation user experienceAug 24 18:29
techrights-newsBlogspam/webspam ... sigh 24 18:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How RavenDB Has Earned the Trust of Hundreds of Companies | LinuxSe...Aug 24 18:30
schestowitz[TR]Helenah: good day today?Aug 24 18:33
Ariadnephanes: i agree that joshua should be sued for the harassment he enables, but he makes himself difficult to serve papers onAug 24 18:33
phanesso does mattAug 24 18:33
MinceR 24 18:34
Helenahschestowitz[TR]: Yes. :)Aug 24 18:34
techrights-newsNibble Stew: Random things on designing a text format for books βš“ δ·‰ Source: Jussi Pakkanen | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 18:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nibble Stew: Random things on designing a text format for booksAug 24 18:34
Ariadnei do not think that asking fiberhub and cloudflare to examine their own roles in operating a doxing website is unreasonable thoughAug 24 18:35
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): GStreamer for your backend services ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” GStreamer for your backend servicesAug 24 18:35
Ariadneas far as i am concerned it is a similar nuisance to a botnet C&C.  shutting down a C&C through technical means provides immediate harm reductionAug 24 18:35
phanesAriadne, hosting providers should be content-neutral to protect content creators that may go against the grain but are necessaryAug 24 18:35
schestowitz[TR]"content-neutral" has its limitsAug 24 18:36
schestowitz[TR]not just ethical but legalAug 24 18:36
phanesthat unfortunately means that some bad guys misuse thatAug 24 18:36
schestowitz[TR]Intnerte Archive had issues with ISIS uploading beheading vidsAug 24 18:36
schestowitz[TR]Iceland alsoAug 24 18:36
schestowitz[TR]the operators won't go like,Aug 24 18:37
phaneswithout that neutrality you have a caustic dystopian environment where if you're not smiling and agreeing with corporate malfeasance or caustic generational cultural mishaps then you get canceledAug 24 18:37
schestowitz[TR]"oh, cool, today we served 100,000 requests for this guy getting his head sawed off"Aug 24 18:37
Ariadnecontent neutrality does not include coordinating peoples efforts to commit crimesAug 24 18:37
phanesit does -- the courts should handle illegal content not the hosting providersAug 24 18:37
schestowitz[TR]<techrights-news> "Free Speech Absolutist" β˜› | Source: TechdirtAug 24 18:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-β€˜Free Speech Absolutist’ Elon Musk Pens Column For Chinese Censorship Agency | TechdirtAug 24 18:38
phanesthats how you prevent an era where people are afraid of their hosting providers to post controversial contentAug 24 18:38
Ariadnemany of the people who are targeted by kiwifarms do not have the resources to make use of the court systemAug 24 18:38
phanesoh no doubt, there needs to be some kind of class actionAug 24 18:38
Ariadneagain the site literally doxes childrenAug 24 18:38
phanesi envision kiwi ending much the way alex jones did (minus the deplatforming, which is unethical)Aug 24 18:39
schestowitz[TR]usually it bolls down to public interestAug 24 18:39
schestowitz[TR]which public? that's a tricky oneAug 24 18:39
phanesin this way a court provides actual justice and the owner is stripped of his wealth instead of being deplatformed in a way where he will adapt his model to be immune to the next attempt to stop himAug 24 18:39
phanesa hosting provider should serve one purpose:  converting money into content delivery, agnostic of that contentAug 24 18:40
schestowitz[TR][17:05] <techrights-news> China having a field day over US mistreatment of publishers like Wikileaks 24 18:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China: Claims of CIA spying on lawyers for Assange again reflect US hypocrisy on human rights - InvidiousAug 24 18:41
Ariadnei mean i think that joshua should face criminal liability for his role in thisAug 24 18:41
schestowitz[TR]in the west the standsards for deplatforming are being loweredAug 24 18:41
MinceR"they should be more like us, openly shitting on human rights!"Aug 24 18:41
schestowitz[TR]in china it's already, "anything the head of state doesn't fancy"Aug 24 18:41
schestowitz[TR]like in belarusAug 24 18:41
Ariadneand some have faced criminal liability for their involvement in kiwifarmsAug 24 18:42
AriadnealreadyAug 24 18:42
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: they say something closeAug 24 18:42
MinceRthat's because they're lying sacks of shitAug 24 18:42
schestowitz[TR]they justify their own actions to the world and to their [sic] peopleAug 24 18:42
schestowitz[TR]"look, even the west reached the same conclusions as us"Aug 24 18:42
phanesAriadne, oh agreed 100% on criminal liability for joshua/kiwiAug 24 18:43
MinceRalso, maybe elongated muskrat is a "free speech absolutist" in the sense that he wants absolutely no free speech to exist whatsoeverAug 24 18:43
phanesshutting him down in the middle of the act may actually prevent thatAug 24 18:43
schestowitz[TR][15:05] <techrights-news> Old: China is our real enemy says WikiLeaks' Assange 24 18:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-China is our real enemy says WikiLeaks' Assange | ReutersAug 24 18:43
MinceR"we can only have one real enemy at a time"Aug 24 18:44
schestowitz[TR]true leaderAug 24 18:44
schestowitz[TR]real godAug 24 18:44
schestowitz[TR]the one jehovahAug 24 18:44
Ariadneanyway, cloudflare breaks the law by hosting the talibanAug 24 18:44
schestowitz[TR]it's a sin to worship anotherAug 24 18:44
Ariadneso that’s another reason to dislike themAug 24 18:45
MinceRimaginary frenemyAug 24 18:45
schestowitz[TR]Ariadne: wait, clownflare serves GOP pages?Aug 24 18:45
MinceRso apparently crimeflare thinks that script blocking and Tor are both worse than the talibanAug 24 18:45
MinceRinterestingAug 24 18:45
schestowitz[TR]Gulag direct women who seek abortion to ANTI-=abortion "clinics"Aug 24 18:46
phanesi would say that means they get the memo on what their purpose in civilization isAug 24 18:46
schestowitz[TR]clownflare is weakening talibanAug 24 18:48
phanesi remember when matt trout was filing false reports to linode on me a while back and almost got his ass hauled in front of a judge to explain himselfAug 24 18:48
schestowitz[TR]by controlling its traffic Aug 24 18:48
schestowitz[TR]and spying on who goes on taliban sitesAug 24 18:48
schestowitz[TR]think of it like FBI running poedo sitesAug 24 18:48
schestowitz[TR]like playpenAug 24 18:48
Ariadneschestowitz[TR]: no i mean the actual talibanAug 24 18:48
schestowitz[TR]taliban would be foolish to let us-based companies control the routingAug 24 18:48
schestowitz[TR]Ariadne: but which country?Aug 24 18:49
schestowitz[TR]taliban has branches nowAug 24 18:49
AriadneafghanistanAug 24 18:49
schestowitz[TR]they even shake hands with the US offshotAug 24 18:49
phanesAriadne, in all fairness the us has a deal in effect with the talibanAug 24 18:49
phanessigned feb 29 2020Aug 24 18:49
phaneswhy we are maintaining diplomatic relations with child killers and actual rapists is beyond meAug 24 18:50
Ariadneyeah but they did this before thenAug 24 18:50
Ariadneand also ISILAug 24 18:51
Ariadnewhich we definitely don’t have a deal withAug 24 18:51
phanestrueAug 24 18:51
schestowitz[TR] 24 18:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UN Security Council Endorses US-Taliban Peace Deal in AfghanistanAug 24 18:51
phanesi still think hosting providers need to be content-neutral and held harmless of any liability for the content they serveAug 24 18:51
schestowitz[TR]Helsinki 24 18:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russia puts bounty on American troops and Trump does nothingAug 24 18:52
phanesits a taliban problem, not a cloudflare problem, just as its an isil and kiwi problem, not a cloudflare problemAug 24 18:52
schestowitz[TR]Trump thought Finland was part of RussiaAug 24 18:52
schestowitz[TR]maybe his boss told him soAug 24 18:52
schestowitz[TR]maybe he knows something we don't knowAug 24 18:52
schestowitz[TR]putin's 70th year giftAug 24 18:52
MinceRputler probably considers the entire universe to be part of orclandAug 24 18:52
*souseksi (~souseksi@xuvtf885khyde.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 18:52
phanesplot twist:  trump was a russian plant sent to undermine us credibility diplomatic strategiesAug 24 18:52
phanes*credibility & diplomatic strategiesAug 24 18:53
phanes^ this is not true but i want to see this movieAug 24 18:53
MinceRhe was the Moscovian CandidateAug 24 18:53
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: cheeto at 9pm Aug 24 18:53
schestowitz[TR],2531,x1,y70&width=2560Aug 24 18:53
MinceRthat cdn is incredibly sluggishAug 24 18:54
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: they look liike they are made of waxAug 24 18:54
MinceRbut yeah, i can see itAug 24 18:54
phanesdeplatforming even horribly unethical content really is a slippery slope into a dystopian hellscape where those without blue hair cannot speakAug 24 18:54
MinceRthat's an insult to waxAug 24 18:54
schestowitz[TR]glass?>Aug 24 18:54
schestowitz[TR]Putrump waxing lyrically Aug 24 18:56
*schestowitz[TR] checks today's covid reportsAug 24 18:56
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▂▃▁▄▅▁▂▁▁▂▁▂▂▃▄▃▃▅▂▁▃▂▃▃▄▁▁▁▁▅▃▄▅▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 30.13 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–β–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–‡β–β–β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 145.76β–• swarm size (avg): 122.06  βŸ²Aug 24 18:59
XRevan86CIT (War in Ukraine): 24 19:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dispatch for August 23 – TelegraphAug 24 19:09
techrights-newsNew COVID-19 Data Out 3 Hours Ago: This Summer's Hospitalisations Remain Extremely High (More Than Ten Times Higher Than 2020), Totals Doubled This Past Year and May Exceed 1,000,000 Next Month 24 19:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Β» Blog Archive Β» New COVID-19 Data Out 3 Hours Ago: This Summer’s Hospitalisations Remain Extremely High (More Than Ten Times Higher Than 2020), Totals Doubled This Past Year and May Exceed 1,000,000 Next MonthAug 24 19:14
techrights-news1,000,000 in UK hospitals with COVID-19. More than 20% of them leave in a body bag. BillBC: We're made it!! COVID-19 is defeated. Also: buy more patented vaccine doses (patents Gates profits from... passing a fragment of the profits as more bribes to BillBC)Aug 24 19:16
techrights-newsBillBC: it is distasteful to have disdain for criminal activity is the said criminals are BillBC sponsors.Aug 24 19:18
schestowitz[TR]*if theAug 24 19:18
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 19:20
techrights-newsSPAMNIL Bhartiya relaying anti-Free software talking points again. The click-fraudsters has resorted to attacking "Open Source" for money... as if a need to make money excuses fraud and lying. Then again, 'Linux' Foundation does the same. Birds flock together...Aug 24 19:20
techrights-newsPerl Weekly Challenge 179: Ordinal Numbers and Unicode Sparkline 24 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Perl Weekly Challenge 179: Ordinal Numbers and Unicode Sparkline | laurent_r []Aug 24 19:22
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Neptune 7.5 "Ada" overview | an elegant out of the box experience. ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Neptune 7.5 "Ada" overview | an elegant out of the box experience.Aug 24 19:22
*loner (~loner@2rmfpitrp9iqq.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 19:24
schestowitz[TR]hi, loner Aug 24 19:24
techuserhiAug 24 19:24
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (UDPATED): StarFive VisionFive 2 quad-core RISC-V SBC launched for $46 and up (Crowdfunding) (UPDATED) ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” StarFive VisionFive 2 quad-core RISC-V SBC launched for $46 and up (Crowdfunding) (UPDATED)Aug 24 19:26
techrights-newsDevSpace 6: Client-only developer tool for cloud-native development with Kubernetes - Help Net Security βš“ δ·‰ Source: Help Net Security | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DevSpace 6: Client-only developer tool for cloud-native development with Kubernetes - Help Net SecurityAug 24 19:26
techrights-newsHyping up GC, as usual, while openly and shamelessly promoting ciphers with back doors in them! 24 19:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Preparing Critical Infrastructure for Post-Quantum Cryptography | CISAAug 24 19:27
techrights-newsIt is widely known that those who exit the hospitals (alive afterwards, not in a body bag) have life-long or long-term damage. It happens most of the time. Those who survive don’t live too well. So we’re not actually solving the problem. We just test less to blind ourselves to the problem. 24 19:27
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Wii U emulator Cemu 2.0 out, goes open source and gets Linux support ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 19:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Wii U emulator Cemu 2.0 out, goes open source and gets Linux supportAug 24 19:34
*psymin_ (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 19:39
*darwin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 19:39
*psymin has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 19:39
*darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 19:40
phanesmjg59_, how's my foghorn leghorn impression getting?Aug 24 19:44
phanes 24 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Invidious: 24 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Looney Tunes | Foghorn Leghorn on the Farm | Classic Cartoon Compilation | WB Kids - InvidiousAug 24 19:47
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Today's π˜›π˜Άπ˜Ή π˜”π˜’π˜€π˜©π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 19:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” today's howtosAug 24 19:48
phanesdoo-dah, doo-dahAug 24 19:51
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Random things on designing a text format for book ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 19:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Random things on designing a text format for bookAug 24 19:57
techrights-newsfrontends/va: improve enc quality interface change (!17994) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLab βš“ δ·‰ Source: AMDAug 24 19:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | frontends/va: improve enc quality interface change (!17994) Β· Merge requests Β· Mesa / mesa Β· GitLabAug 24 19:59
Ariadneanyway i recently picked up an industrial PC for $93 that performs much better than the rpi4 it replaced ;/Aug 24 20:08
Ariadnethe rpi4 cost twice as much tooAug 24 20:09
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 20:20
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 20:21
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@cwit59532us6w.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 20:39
*souseksi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 24 20:44
*souseksi (~souseksi@xuvtf885khyde.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 20:48
DaemonFCYes, mjg59_'s former employer sends women to fake abortion clinics. I saw an article about that the other day. A woman accidentally called one of them and then they started pleading with her to "keep the baby" and then sending harassing text messages.Aug 24 20:52
DaemonFCAfter she hung up on them.Aug 24 20:53
DaemonFCThey don't just ask you nicely, they start blowing up your phone and then handing your info to the polive.Aug 24 20:54
DaemonFC*policeAug 24 20:54
DaemonFCIt's really creepy.Aug 24 20:54
MinceR(cat) 24 20:55
DaemonFCGULAG themselves said they wouldn't hand info over to the police about women seeking an abortion.Aug 24 20:56
XRevan86 24 20:56
DaemonFCIn reality, they have all kinds of data and the first time there's a court order, they'll hand everything right over.Aug 24 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews): "Watch Russia blame the West for Dugina's death and predict a full-on war with NATO, but listen closely: Kremlin propagandists are trying to use her demise to mobilize the population, revealing weapon production problems and a lackluster recruitment."|nitter.itAug 24 20:56
XRevan86 24 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews): "Meanwhile on Russian state TV: member of Russia's Federation Council Konstantin Dolgov claimed that Russiaβ€”the country that started the largest-scale land war in Europe in recent historyβ€”is providing safety and security for Ukraine, Europe and the entire world. Orwell is weeping."|nitter.itAug 24 20:56
XRevan86 24 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews): "Top Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov (who boasts of not being sanctioned by the U.S.) self-identifies as a terrorist, describing what he would like for the Russian Armed Forces to do in Ukraine."|nitter.itAug 24 20:56
DaemonFCBut by floating "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" to the top, they do a lot of damage indirectly.Aug 24 20:57
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▂▂▂▂▃▁▁▅▁▃▁▁▄▅▃▄▄▁▂▃▄▂▂▃▁▁▁▂▁▂▃▄▃▁ avg(k/sec) 37.41 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ƒβ–‡β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‚β–β–ˆβ–‡β–β–‚β–ˆβ–β–β–β–ˆβ–β–β–‚β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–‚β–β– avg(k/sec) 121.30β–• swarm size (avg): 128.01  βŸ²Aug 24 20:59
DaemonFCmjg59_ said, iirc, that he was making an effort to change Google from the inside.Aug 24 21:00
DaemonFCKids in cages, handing abortion trial evidence over to the state prosecutor.Aug 24 21:01
DaemonFCMatthew GULAG and the Chocolate FactoryAug 24 21:03
DaemonFCCome with me, and you'll see, a world where kids are in incarceration, getting raped, getting killed, during the Trump administration.Aug 24 21:04
DaemonFCI guess GULAG pays well enough to ignore their ICE contracts.Aug 24 21:04
CrystalMathXRevan86: i truly wonder what that has to do with tech rightsAug 24 21:05
DaemonFCThey have a terrible string of hiring people who have defects in their conscience, or none at all.Aug 24 21:05
DaemonFCNobody with a conscience would help build something like Google.Aug 24 21:05
DaemonFCThen say I'm the bad guy for not liking "Uncle Keith".Aug 24 21:06
DaemonFCWhat's going on in the United States today, where nobody is doing anything about these criminals that run our government, is fundamentally the same thing that was going on in Nazi Germany.Aug 24 21:07
DaemonFCIt's dangerous to even speak out against it, much less try to fight them.Aug 24 21:08
DaemonFCSo people are afraid and tend to mind their own business.Aug 24 21:08
DaemonFCThe Democrats animated the anti-abortion movement.Aug 24 21:09
XRevan86 24 21:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dozens of Moscow Metro Passengers Detained on Russia Flag Day - The Moscow TimesAug 24 21:09
DaemonFCI can tell you what forcing taxpayers to pay for it in Illinois did.Aug 24 21:09
XRevan86 24 21:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Yandex Reaches β€˜Binding’ Deal to Divest News Service, Homepage to VK - The Moscow TimesAug 24 21:09
DaemonFCIt had implications outside of Illinois, for sure.Aug 24 21:09
DaemonFCThe anti-abortion movement got a shot in the arm, because the government was seen as moving from neutral on the issue to encouraging people to have it done and even paying for it.Aug 24 21:10
XRevan86CrystalMath: Is that what bothers you?Aug 24 21:10
CrystalMathXRevan86: well, i'm bothered by your terrible opinion, but if i keep responding to it, we will fill up the channel with stuff that has nothing to do with tech rightsAug 24 21:11
MinceRcurious, that wasn't a problem beforeAug 24 21:11
CrystalMathi pretty much didn't respond for months until a few days agoAug 24 21:11
DaemonFC 24 21:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Biden to cancel up to $10K in student loan debt for borrowers making under $125K : NPRAug 24 21:17
DaemonFCPocahontas back at it again.Aug 24 21:17
DaemonFCSen. Elizabeth Warren, also of Massachusetts, highlighted the ways Biden's plan could help address racial inequalities: "Because Black Americans borrow more money to go to school, borrow more money in school and have a harder time paying their debt off after school, the President's action will also help narrow the racial wealth gap in the United States among borrowers."Aug 24 21:17
DaemonFCIf blacks are having more trouble paying the loans back it means they studied something that didn't help them and/or didn't do very well at it.Aug 24 21:18
MinceRor that they were poorer to begin withAug 24 21:18
DaemonFCRegardless, this is more election year vote buying.Aug 24 21:18
DaemonFCHe expects his party to do very badly at the polls, so he just starts tossing out helicopter money at idiots who went to school and still didn't make anything of themselves and that's why they can't pay their loan back.Aug 24 21:19
DaemonFCAnd then he makes sure the "moratorium" goes on past the election so the remaining payments won't start back up in time to anger voters.Aug 24 21:20
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 21:20
lonerstill, can't wrap my head around GNU binutils and assembly languageAug 24 21:23
loneri see no way to avoid them, GNU binutils, vendor specific and gas specific assemblyAug 24 21:26
*MinceR passes gasAug 24 21:30
lonerone test case, for example, statically compiled/linked dietlibc+toybox and some development utilities, provides a complete *nix development systemAug 24 21:31
DaemonFCMinceR, Don't mind Bill Gates.Aug 24 21:31
loneri mean, with a tcc-toolchain, this compiles in a few minutes, the entire toolchain and cross-compiler maintenance would be much simpler than GNU or LLVMAug 24 21:31
DaemonFCHe's just here to meter that.Aug 24 21:31
DaemonFCHe flew in on his private jet this morning.Aug 24 21:32
lonerfor example dietlibc# find . | grep '\.S$' | cat -n ... that's almost 700 asm files, which i bet almost none could be digested without binutils gasAug 24 21:34
DaemonFC 24 21:34
lonerdietlibc/arm# arm-tcc -I../include/ -I../ start.SAug 24 21:35
*souseksi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 24 21:35
lonerarm-features.h:57: error: known instruction expected ... puff, bam... all over the placeAug 24 21:35
loneri mean, dietlibc is just one example (musl, uclibc, glibc, all of them are cluttered)Aug 24 21:35
lonerjust picked dietlibc, because it's the smallest i knewAug 24 21:36
lonerand as soon as GNU/binutils are involved, the horror show begins elsewhere too (autotools/automake to name one)Aug 24 21:36
DaemonFCLook at the catastrophe that unfolded the other day because glibc people redefined what an ABI-breaking change means.Aug 24 21:37
DaemonFCThey must have been inspired by Biden's recession.Aug 24 21:37
lonerit's wrecked, and a knee-jerkAug 24 21:37
lonerand the problem isn't if GNU and their sponsors want to "innovate" and blow up everything Aug 24 21:38
DaemonFCIf glibc people are going to break glibc and not worry about what's linked to it, then why not just change your distribution's C library and be done with it?Aug 24 21:38
lonerproblem is, the tiny niche of what i am looking for was crushed by them tooAug 24 21:38
lonerireversible, beyond repairAug 24 21:38
lonerbecause, if you backtrack this, to something acceptable, you'll arrive at mos6502/z80 and earlier era computingAug 24 21:39
lonerseems to me, GNU and whoever, they still seem to be proud of the wreckage they producedAug 24 21:39
lonerand grant each other awards and whatnotAug 24 21:40
DaemonFCI raised an eyebrow at Ariadne's Alpine Linux thing.Aug 24 21:40
Ariadnewhat "thing"Aug 24 21:40
DaemonFCI think they changed to one of those "less bloated" C libraries.Aug 24 21:40
*souseksi (~souseksi@xuvtf885khyde.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 21:40
Ariadne"changed"Aug 24 21:40
DaemonFCI used to roll my eyes because everyone has a small C library and they never end up being compatible with glibc.Aug 24 21:40
loneri consider Alpine Linux among the least problematicAug 24 21:40
DaemonFCBut if glibc isn't going to be compatible with its own ABI, fuck glibc.Aug 24 21:40
AriadneDaemonFC: compatibility with GNU/Linux is not a goal of alpineAug 24 21:41
XRevan86activelow changed the nickname again: heureka β†’ lonerAug 24 21:41
Ariadnethat is like asking OpenBSD to be compatible with FreeBSDAug 24 21:41
DaemonFCI don't know how compatible the BSDs are with each other.Aug 24 21:41
DaemonFCI've never been a BSD user. I tried to install PC-BSD 6 once because they told me it was really easy to use and had binary packages and everything, which you just installed and that was that.Aug 24 21:42
DaemonFCBut it had no network driver for my onboard ethernet.Aug 24 21:42
DaemonFCI got much further along with Solaris than I did with BSD because Solaris installed and had drivers for my hardware.Aug 24 21:42
DaemonFCIf mjg59_ wasn't such a shill he'd admit Windows is what I said it was.Aug 24 21:43
DaemonFCAn OS should have lots of drivers. Unfortunately, Windows is a really bad OS and even the driver model is irredeemably fucked.Aug 24 21:43
lonerthing is, i can set AS=binutils-gas in a few minutes, and compile/link my entire distro with tcc-toolchain alreadyAug 24 21:43
lonerhowever, i am not willing to compromise, because libc is among the most critical components everything else depends onAug 24 21:44
DaemonFCMost other operating systems are generally well designed (at least much better than Windows), but whether they have drivers are not is an entirely different story.Aug 24 21:44
loneranother option, patched both tcc and musl-libc-1.x, for i386, yet this is another compromise i am not willing to accept, to exclusively vendor lock against x86Aug 24 21:45
DaemonFCThere's really only a few things the user looks at in an OS. Does it perform well? Does it run my hardware? Does it run my software? Can I actually get this thing installed at all?Aug 24 21:45
DaemonFCI don't like IBM but I have Fedora because it ticks those boxes.Aug 24 21:45
lonerand re-implementing binutils gas into tcc-toolchain, is both very much effort, and it too contradicts the entire design philosophy of tccAug 24 21:45
lonerin the end, GNU -> no "freedom of choice"Aug 24 21:46
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsAug 24 21:46
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 21:46
DaemonFCYou could say Windows runs a lot of programs, that's certainly true.Aug 24 21:47
DaemonFCBut it fails my other tests. It doesn't run well, it has all kinds of driver errors and bugs. Half the time the print system doesn't work at all.Aug 24 21:48
DaemonFCThe security is not actual security, it's just designed to make a lot of noise about "security".Aug 24 21:48
DaemonFCWhat mjg59_ calls security is what my spouse calls "corned beef".Aug 24 21:49
DaemonFCI say I want to make a brisket in the pressure cooker, he goes "Why don't you just get a can of Armour courned beef?".Aug 24 21:49
lonerwell yes, i would want to ask and talk with competent GNU developersAug 24 21:50
loneri feel somewhat betrayed, by what's advertised as "free software" by them, GNU/FSF/MappleAug 24 21:51
lonerand more important, i consider the type of software and design philosophy _dangerous_Aug 24 21:52
lonerof cause it's not specific to "free software", Mapple and IBM MICROS~1 are wrecked tooAug 24 21:52
lonerhowever, with "free software" i was misguided to think, a chance remained to salvage at least some of itAug 24 21:53
loneryet, vendor-specific and GNU specific gas assembly prevent just thatAug 24 21:53
lonerfurthermore, "competition", i didn't intend to interfere with their business prospects, the target audience for the type of system i envisioned remained small anywayAug 24 21:54
lonernonetheless, with their anti-competitive agenda they wrecked my tiny niche tooAug 24 21:55
DaemonFCActual security and mjg59_ security is the difference between a nice Italian restaurant that costs $100 a person and my ex, John, coming home and flinging his socks and underwear across the room and microwaving a bowl of Chef Boyardee Ravioli and dumping a cup of Kraft parmesan cheese on it.Aug 24 21:59
DaemonFCThere's a little bit of a difference.Aug 24 21:59
DaemonFCAnd that's like, what we're seeing from the GNU project lately with their software.Aug 24 21:59
*starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 22:00
DaemonFCEnemies of Free Software have persuaded maintainers to go into revolt against not only Free Software concepts and ideals, but also basic code quality and commitments to support what you've added in the past when you need it for support with a standard or something that a lot of software went ahead and depended on.Aug 24 22:00
DaemonFCIt's important to make sure you're not breaking tons of software that people actually use, which is not even old.Aug 24 22:01
DaemonFCAnd they WON'T even promise to do that anymore.Aug 24 22:01
*loner has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 22:02
*loner (~loner@nn58qcu3qngy2.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 22:02
DaemonFCSo the situation we get is the one schestowitz[TR] linked to the other day.Aug 24 22:03
DaemonFC"Win32 is the only stable ABI on Linux".Aug 24 22:03
DaemonFCThis should not be true, but thanks to glibc, they're right!Aug 24 22:04
DaemonFCIf the glibc people drop something, and Wine gets broken, and adapts, the Windows programs will work again.Aug 24 22:04
DaemonFCIt would be ideal if someone would (1) fork glibc (2) fix it up as well as possible (3) have compatibility guarantees, such as adding back DT_HASH.Aug 24 22:06
lonerin the end, all of them are cluttered with vendor-specific and GNU gas syntaxAug 24 22:06
loner 24 22:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comparison of C/POSIX standard library implementations for LinuxAug 24 22:06
DaemonFCThe resource savings for dropping DT_HASH aren't big enough to land on anyone's radar.Aug 24 22:09
DaemonFCThis change was completely fucking useless and stupid.Aug 24 22:09
DaemonFCIt's like how no engineer would have designed an evaporative emissions ssytem for a car because you're putting in $2,000 worth of shit that can break and saving a couple gallons of gasoline per YEAR.Aug 24 22:10
DaemonFCDesign By PoliticianAug 24 22:11
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 24 22:11
lonerwould be interesting to see, how much of the GNU userspace and other software could be used with dietlibcAug 24 22:11
DaemonFCYou're savign 16 KB of space for the glibc Shared Object.Aug 24 22:11
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 24 22:12
DaemonFCHow big is glibc now?Aug 24 22:12
lonersee the link: complete .a set 2MiB, .so set is 8MiB ... it's insanely hugeAug 24 22:12
DaemonFCYes, so 16 KB saves you nothing.Aug 24 22:12
DaemonFCAt this point, you may as well just be compatible.Aug 24 22:12
DaemonFCmjg59_ is demonstrably wrong about the security of JavaScript.Aug 24 22:13
DaemonFCIn fact, it's so easy to prove him wrong that it's the best way to handle untrusted code that all you need to do is point him as WebKit security alerts, or Mozilla SpiderMonkey ones after they declassify them of course, and V8.Aug 24 22:14
DaemonFCThey spring all sorts of leaks.Aug 24 22:14
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 24 22:14
DaemonFCThe People's Republic of China used one in JavaScriptCore (WebKit) a couple of years ago to spy on dissidents and install malware on their computers after tricking them into visiting a site.Aug 24 22:15
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsAug 24 22:15
DaemonFCAnd since there's no way to turn JavaScript off in Safari, it's guaranteed to work if you can find something like that and exploit it.Aug 24 22:15
lonerthe solution to Javascript is only this: entire removalAug 24 22:16
Ariadneironically, musl continues to support DT_HASH :)Aug 24 22:16
DaemonFCYour best bet on GNU/Linux is to make sure that if you use any browser to (1) install updates immediately and (2) disable JavaScript and use it only as needed.Aug 24 22:16
DaemonFC90% of the domains that load JavaScript on a site don't do anything to help you.Aug 24 22:16
DaemonFCAs a rule of thumb.Aug 24 22:16
DaemonFCThat makes them a liability.Aug 24 22:17
Ariadne(though i wonder if DaemonFC actually knows what DT_HASH and DT_GNU_HASH are/do ;))Aug 24 22:17
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 22:20
DaemonFC 24 22:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ELF: symbol lookup via DT_HASH | flapenguin.meAug 24 22:20
DaemonFCI think this explains it pretty well.Aug 24 22:20
DaemonFCSo glibc has violated the ELF standard if I'm understanding this correctly?Aug 24 22:21
AriadneyesAug 24 22:21
DaemonFCIt should always support DT_HASH as a failback even if there's a superior hash table format available like the GNU one.Aug 24 22:21
Ariadnethough, there are some arguably good reasons to do so.  DT_HASH has a lot of problemsAug 24 22:21
Ariadnehowever, i agree that it's not worth breaking ABI compatibility overAug 24 22:21
DaemonFCThis is one of those "Why would you even do that?" facepalm moments.Aug 24 22:22
DaemonFCAs far as I'm concerned.Aug 24 22:22
Ariadneif i were to build a new ecosystem, i would probably only bother with DT_GNU_HASHAug 24 22:22
DaemonFCPrograms don't HAVE to use the slower ELF implementation.Aug 24 22:22
Ariadnebut technically DT_HASH *is* required by the specAug 24 22:23
Ariadneand the spec is unlikely to be updatedAug 24 22:23
DaemonFCIt's just that some of them do, and those are usually incompetent developers or ones that target other *nix systems and don't want to write two implementations.Aug 24 22:23
DaemonFCOf course the spec is unlikely to be updated.Aug 24 22:23
DaemonFCIt's over 20 years old.Aug 24 22:23
Ariadnethe ELF specification was written by the TIS group in the 90s, and that group is long disbandedAug 24 22:24
DaemonFCIf you were designing a new binary format today, you'd definitely change some of these things.Aug 24 22:24
Ariadnethough the linux foundation have a nice copy of the spec ;)Aug 24 22:24
*starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 22:24
Ariadnei dunno, i think ELF is mostly fineAug 24 22:24
DaemonFCBut since everyone is using ELF and it would be so painful to get rid of that we're talking impossible, implement ELF!Aug 24 22:24
Ariadnethough some things are unnecessarily complicatedAug 24 22:24
DaemonFCIf you want to do cool non-conformant GNU-ish things on the side that are some optional code path, do that.Aug 24 22:25
DaemonFCI think that DT_GNU_HASH is a good idea and the documentation should reflect "DO NOT USE DT_HASH IN NEW APPLICATIONS! It is considered deprecated, and it does not perform well!".Aug 24 22:26
DaemonFCI mean, software is full of these situations, you know.Aug 24 22:26
AriadneELF beats COFF, hands down, but OSF/1 Mach-O was betterAug 24 22:26
Ariadnesadly AT&T and Sun made ELF a royalty-free standard and so OSF/1 switched to ELFAug 24 22:27
Ariadnewell, some variants of OSF/1 anywayAug 24 22:27
*starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 22:27
AriadnemacOS is using Mach-O stillAug 24 22:27
DaemonFCBy the time we're at a point where we could do this and absolutely nobody would probably mind, it'll be 20 years from now, and computers will have 128 GB of RAM in your laptop and nobody gives a shit, and it might as well stay there even then.Aug 24 22:27
DaemonFCLike, there are arguments like this from 2002 where back then something was unbelievably bloated and shitty.Aug 24 22:28
DaemonFCAnd folks wanted to remove it then.Aug 24 22:28
DaemonFCAnd now it's still there, and nobody cares. Why?Aug 24 22:28
DaemonFCPCs don't ship with single core Pentium 4s and 128-256 MB of RAM anymore.Aug 24 22:29
loner512MiB were common at that time alreadyAug 24 22:29
lonerand, the raspberry zero 1.3 still operates at that level of resources availableAug 24 22:29
DaemonFCWalmart PCs were still shipping 128 MB and XP.Aug 24 22:30
*DaemonFC shuddersAug 24 22:30
phanes>I think they changed to one of those "less bloated" C libraries | no, they changed to musl because building a sysroot with glibc is a ginormous pain in the ass that requires deep specialization -- thats why they're busybox instead of a proper userspaceAug 24 22:30
DaemonFCThat's like 4 GB and Windows 11 today.Aug 24 22:30
DaemonFCSomeone will make a really horrible computer to hit a price point.Aug 24 22:30
lonerhowever, software quality... i mean, try to reverse engineer some 1MiB BIOS.ROM blob... tell me when you're done with it...Aug 24 22:30
*loner waitsAug 24 22:30
Ariadnephanes: you can get gnu coreutils on alpine just fine, or any other userspace you wantAug 24 22:30
phanesAriadne, you can install packages to build other things but you can't get a glibc-based system -- compiling glibc is not hard.  building a glibc world is.Aug 24 22:31
Ariadneyou can even run gnu coreutils on solaris :DAug 24 22:31
Ariadnephanes: yeah, glibc build process is a nightmareAug 24 22:31
Ariadneat work, we are building a glibc distribution that is alpine-likeAug 24 22:31
Ariadneand there is a lot of glibc stuff that is just undocumentedAug 24 22:32
phanesi take like 6 months off at a time playing with it so that i don't rage out and become the wandering golem of linuxAug 24 22:32
Ariadneeven when consulting LFS as reference, it is like "you have to do this, we have no idea why"Aug 24 22:32
phanesAriadne, their devs are the same way, they just copy the last version and with the exception of a couple of the elderly they dont know why they do what they do anymore eitherAug 24 22:33
Ariadneanyway, alpine intentionally is outside of gnu/linux sphere because of this stuff ;DAug 24 22:34
phanesthey even changed their culture to be "we dont provide support for deviations from the book, yadda yadda, we're not a 'build your own distro' project, we're a 'build lfs project' yadda yadda" which was not a case with their old guard -- wasn't that way until ubuntu sent in ikonia to gut them outAug 24 22:34
loneri simply see no reasonable solution to the ASM problems within _all_ libcAug 24 22:34
Ariadneand, there is `gcompat` on alpine which does a reasonable job at running glibc programsAug 24 22:35
Ariadneit's basically like WINE, but for glibcAug 24 22:35
phanesew is that an EFI type monstrosityAug 24 22:35 made some progress with some musl-1.x version for i386, nonetheless, vendor-lock against i386... no.Aug 24 22:35
Ariadnegcompat, actually works pretty wellAug 24 22:36
Ariadnepeople run vscode and spotify in itAug 24 22:36
Ariadneonly thing that doesn't work reliably yet is nvidia driversAug 24 22:36
Ariadnepersonally, not terribly interested in running binary blobs thoughAug 24 22:37
DaemonFCI'm definitely going to try out GhostBSD at some point on my older laptop.Aug 24 22:37
Ariadnethe only thing i use gcompat with is the management utility for my RAID cardAug 24 22:37
DaemonFCI'm getting really annoyed with what's going on with GNU.Aug 24 22:37
phanesthat whole paradigm might shift soon, i think the nvidia drivers were released open sourceAug 24 22:37
Ariadnethe kernel module wasAug 24 22:38
Ariadnemost of the IP is now locked up in firmwareAug 24 22:38
DaemonFCIt's exceptionally petty.Aug 24 22:38
Ariadnelike AMDAug 24 22:38
DaemonFCThey don't just violate standards, they give developers no choice.Aug 24 22:38
DaemonFCLike we're going to cut off the standards compliant mode and if you don't change, your app just won't work so hahaha.Aug 24 22:38
Ariadnei am surprised they haven't done it sooner tbhAug 24 22:39
DaemonFCThat's the exact same mindset that IBM has.Aug 24 22:39
phanesman why yall hate on ibm so muchAug 24 22:39
phanesthey dont seem to be evil tbhAug 24 22:39
DaemonFCEven though they say they won't fund GNU anymore because they had to make up allegations of bigotry against Richard Stallman.Aug 24 22:39
Ariadnewhy would GNU people care about running binary blobsAug 24 22:39
Ariadneit's not free softwareAug 24 22:39
DaemonFCI think Stallman is not that well versed in politics, and I think his opinions on the economy are a disaster.Aug 24 22:40
DaemonFCBut he's not a bigot.Aug 24 22:40
phanesnow project leaders at RH is a different story.  theyve done some evil shit.  but their parent company is completely agnostic of that whole endeavour.Aug 24 22:40
Ariadnei don't know about thatAug 24 22:40
AriadneIBM tried to kill big-endian POWER use on linuxAug 24 22:40
Ariadnewith their ELFv2 specificationAug 24 22:40
DaemonFCWell, when Stallman said "We're defaulting to some sort of non-POSIX mode" he laid out the argument from the beginning, rationalized it, and introduced a "POSIX Mode" flag.Aug 24 22:41
DaemonFCThat you could set in scripts or even start BASH with.Aug 24 22:41
phaneslet's call it what it is:  big-endian energyAug 24 22:41
DaemonFCThis change to glibc is more like a terrorist attack.Aug 24 22:41
Ariadnewell, there are reasons to run in BE on servers rather than LEAug 24 22:41
Ariadnefor example, network stacks run fasterAug 24 22:41
phanesthat aren't legacy compatibility related?Aug 24 22:41
DaemonFCDT_HASH was removed with no warning and there's no override to make it come back.Aug 24 22:41
Ariadneall of TCP/IP is big-endian, on LE it has to flip the byte order, and that does have overheadAug 24 22:42
Ariadnethough these days it probably doesn't matterAug 24 22:42
DaemonFCAriadne, Yes, speaking of Apple, their design decisions are just all over the place. Like when they made an incompatible version of AIFF for absolutely no reason instead of just flipping the byte order on playback on x86 systems.Aug 24 22:43
phanesim just saying big blue doesn't try to destroy people, they try to make money.  big red tried to destroy people.Aug 24 22:43
DaemonFCAnd the way they did it, by abusing AIFF-C.Aug 24 22:43
DaemonFCThey claim the file is a compressed AIFF, but it's not.Aug 24 22:43
DaemonFCInside, there's a pseudo-compressed version with a different magic number, which has the byte order reversed, and is otherwise a normal AIFF file buried inside an AIFF file like some sort of crazy Inception bullshit.Aug 24 22:44
DaemonFCI recall running into one of these fucking things on Linux right after Apple did that.Aug 24 22:44
DaemonFCAnd the player couldn't make sense of it and told me the file was corrupt.Aug 24 22:45
Ariadneredhat tried to destroy whom, exactlyAug 24 22:45
Ariadne(seriously, i don't know anything about this)Aug 24 22:45
AriadneDaemonFC: i think mach-o is a better format than ELF in a lot of ways thoughAug 24 22:46
DaemonFCmjg59_, is on his shitter calling for CrimeFlare to drop something called Kiwi Farms, but curiously not calling on them to deplatform the Taliban.Aug 24 22:46
Ariadnefor example, it does not have `.strtab`Aug 24 22:47
DaemonFCCuriouser and curiouser.Aug 24 22:47
AriadneDaemonFC: kiwifarms is a doxing site that targets queer people and especially queer childrenAug 24 22:47
Ariadnejust, you know, for referenceAug 24 22:47
DaemonFCSo they should be raided by the FBI, which Crimeflare also hosts.Aug 24 22:47
DaemonFC;)Aug 24 22:47
Ariadnebesides, kiwifarms seems very offline all dayAug 24 22:48
DaemonFCI don't think that Crimeflare should be in control of who they shut down, I think the government is asleep at the switch and Mr. GULAG is calling on the wrong people to shut down Kiwi Farms.Aug 24 22:48
lonerdietlibc only supports static linking; yet the ASM issue blocks any further effort anyway, with whatever i decided to doAug 24 22:48
AriadneDaemonFC: people are calling on commercial intervention *because* the government is asleep at the switch *and* people are being materially harmedAug 24 22:49
DaemonFC"In 2013, American video game developer Chloe Sagal became a Kiwi Farms target after Eurogamer reported Sagal's Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign had been flagged for "suspicious activity". Sagal had raised over $30,000 on the platform for metal poisoning treatment to remove shrapnel from a car accident, but Eurogamer reported that Sagal had actually intended to use the proceeds for sex reassignment surgery. Sagal later died via self-immolation Aug 24 22:49
DaemonFCon June 19, 2018,[22][23] which several reports attributed to years of harassment from Kiwi Farms."Aug 24 22:49
DaemonFCSounds like there were a lot of mental health problems going on here.Aug 24 22:49
AriadneyesAug 24 22:49
Ariadnethey find peopleAug 24 22:49
DaemonFCAnd lying about what you're raising money for is criminal fraud.Aug 24 22:49
Ariadnewho are having mental health issuesAug 24 22:49
Ariadneand then dox and harass themAug 24 22:50
loneri mean, dietlibc+toybox statically compiled/linked with a tcc-toolchain... that would be another test-run, if...Aug 24 22:50
DaemonFCIf true, of course, being dead kind of means nobody will ever investigate that allegation.Aug 24 22:50
AriadneDaemonFC: regardless, it is not the place of The Internet(tm) to be vigilante investigatorsAug 24 22:50
DaemonFCGonad the Barbarian's wife Anita used to go around Huntington with a collection jar saying she was raising money for the medical bills of a young child who was the victim of a car accident.Aug 24 22:51
AriadneanywayAug 24 22:51
DaemonFCAnd there was no child and it became one more thing the local police busted her ass for.Aug 24 22:51
loneri would re-integrate an entire distribution from scratch, if... the ASM problem could be solvedAug 24 22:51
DaemonFCEvery town's got a few of these people.Aug 24 22:51
DaemonFCProbably even mjg59_'s hometown.Aug 24 22:51
loneryet, i am not willing to lock against GNU binutils (or whatever LLVM does)Aug 24 22:51
lonerand i am not willing to lock against x86 eitherAug 24 22:51
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR] mentioned that I've been repeatedly traumatized. Many people have had it so much worse, I mean. I could have had it so much worse.Aug 24 22:52
DaemonFCYou go back a generation or two....Aug 24 22:52
DaemonFCThere were people who got drafted and ended up in Vietnam, or Korea.Aug 24 22:52
DaemonFCThat's trauma.Aug 24 22:53
lonerhence, currently, i proceed with some cleanup tasks, and freeze at gcc47/binutils-2.22, no more toolchain upgradesAug 24 22:53
DaemonFCThat was a great and terrible evil.Aug 24 22:53
loneranother minor task, removal of libtoolize from the build system, slibtool fully replaced libtool already, except for some clutter inside gentoo-portage calling libtool, which i'll remove nextAug 24 22:53
Ariadnehmm, interesting.  1776 Hosting ASN is now withdrawn for all announcements.  maybe that means fiberhub did get a court order to shut it down.Aug 24 22:53
DaemonFCAll because of some dueling economic systems.Aug 24 22:53
lonerwithout libtool, i think there isn't any dependency against /bin/bash remainingAug 24 22:54
DaemonFCThe trauma it inflicted on the people that went is only half the picture. They have people like my dad who didn't even go and those are the people who support war.Aug 24 22:54
DaemonFCPeople who figure out ways to not go.Aug 24 22:54
loneri too removed all GNU gettext already, as build-dep and run-dep... not sure what it was, gettext had to be removedAug 24 22:55
phanesAriadne, its absolutely the place of the internet to be vigilante investigatorsAug 24 22:55
lonerthen, i had to downgrade to perl 5.8.6 too, to compile/link with arm-tcc... there isn't any excess perl dependencies remaining anymore eitherAug 24 22:55
Ariadnephanes: in some cases, but i don't think doxing children is included in thatAug 24 22:55
phanescourt rooms are just one place justice is prone to be found, but its not foolproof and things slip through the cracksAug 24 22:55
Ariadneor swattingAug 24 22:56
Ariadnedocumenting things is journalism, swatting people is notAug 24 22:56
phanesno of course notAug 24 22:56
phanesnone of that is okayAug 24 22:56
phanesand thepeople who do it need to become famousAug 24 22:56
Ariadnei guess what i am saying is that what kiwifarms does is not legitimate investigative reportingAug 24 22:57
DaemonFCThis debt forgiveness is a slap in my face.Aug 24 22:57
DaemonFCNot just the people who paid back their loans.Aug 24 22:57
DaemonFCIt's also a slap in my face. I was told if I went I'd rack up all kinds of debt at horrible interest rates with no guarantees, and planned according to that. And now these people get a free pass but I'd still have to pay if I went.Aug 24 22:57
phaneswhat debt forgivenessAug 24 22:57
DaemonFC"student loan forgiveness"Aug 24 22:57
Ariadnehasn't passed yetAug 24 22:57
DaemonFCVote them out!Aug 24 22:57
DaemonFCThat's it goddamn it. That's it.Aug 24 22:57
Ariadnewhat is "it"Aug 24 22:58
phanesno way, i want relief from a predatory system that exploited my desire to better myself in my youthAug 24 22:58
DaemonFCFucking freeloaders.Aug 24 22:58
AriadneDaemonFC: if they forgave the debt and gave you credit for your payments, would you be happyAug 24 22:59
DaemonFCNo!Aug 24 22:59
phanesif college were priced affordably it would be different -- its like medical, you should be able to just walk into a college or a hospital and get your brain or heart upgradedAug 24 22:59
DaemonFCI want the same deal they got!Aug 24 22:59
phanessame for mental health servicesAug 24 22:59
techrights-ipfs-bot β–•  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▁▁▃▃▁▅▁▃▄▃▂▂▂▁▂▃▁▂▄▁▂▁▂▄▁▂▃▁▁▄▄▅▂▃▁▁ avg(k/sec) 10.58 β–•  IPFS upstream: β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–‚β–ˆβ–β–β–ƒβ–β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–‚β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–β–β–ˆβ–β–ˆβ– avg(k/sec) 84.03β–• swarm size (avg): 122.66  βŸ²Aug 24 22:59
DaemonFC$20,000 credit towards if I go to school now.Aug 24 22:59
AriadneDaemonFC: yes, that is what i am saying, you paid your student loans off, so you get $20k off on your taxesAug 24 22:59
*starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Aug 24 22:59
DaemonFCI didn't have any loans.Aug 24 22:59
DaemonFCIf I took on new ones today, I'd have to pay them all back.Aug 24 22:59
phanesthen take your privileged ass to a wealth management firm insteadAug 24 23:00
DaemonFCThese people get freebies because the Democrats are about to lose the election.Aug 24 23:00
Ariadneare theyAug 24 23:00
Ariadnei feel like the other guys tried to violently overthrow the government, and that probably isn't going to reflect well in the pollsAug 24 23:00
DaemonFCThe Democrats are definitely going to lose the House.Aug 24 23:00
Ariadnei mean, it was only live on televisionAug 24 23:00
DaemonFCThe Senate is 50/50.Aug 24 23:00
DaemonFCBiden is less popular than Trump.Aug 24 23:01
phanesSpecial K saves the day: 24 23:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unix legend, who owes us nothing, keeps fixing foundational AWK code | Ars TechnicaAug 24 23:01
Ariadnei know somebody who wrote an irc bot in awkAug 24 23:01
DaemonFCIn 2024, I think Biden will either announce he's not running or lose to Trump if he does.Aug 24 23:01
phanes>i feel like the other guys tried to violently overthrow the government, and that probably isn't going to reflect well in the polls | thisAug 24 23:01
DaemonFCPeople have had enough of this hyperinflation and losing their jobs and $6 gas and grocery bills and rent going up 50% in two years.Aug 24 23:01
DaemonFCNobody wants this government to continue unless they're so on the dole that they don't pay for anything anyway.Aug 24 23:02
phaneshad enough?  no, no, no.  its going to get way worseAug 24 23:02
lonerDaemonFC: energy prices in USA are ridiculously cheap stillAug 24 23:02
*starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrightsAug 24 23:02
DaemonFCOr so rich that they see the problems as a trifling nuisance.Aug 24 23:02
DaemonFCmjg59_ probably isn't affected too much.Aug 24 23:02
DaemonFCSan Francisco was already expensive as all hell to begin with.Aug 24 23:03
phaneswe're looking at venezuela level inflation potentially if we're not carefulAug 24 23:03
DaemonFCIf you're living there, you obviously don't care about money.Aug 24 23:03
phanesole ariadne's gonna be selling paper dolls made out of 1000 dollar bills off the curb to buy groceriesAug 24 23:03
phanesif they don't hike interest rates i meanAug 24 23:04
Ariadnephanes: i have 1 million dollar billsAug 24 23:04
Ariadnefrom zimbabweAug 24 23:04
Ariadne:DAug 24 23:04
phanesAriadne, what is that, like 5 USDAug 24 23:04
Ariadnenot evenAug 24 23:04
Ariadneit is like $0.10Aug 24 23:04
phaneslolAug 24 23:04
DaemonFCSo far the only program we've qualified for under Biden is the Affordable Community Broadband.Aug 24 23:04
DaemonFCAnd even then, only because our income for the entire year was like $200 below the cutoff.Aug 24 23:04
Ariadnemeans-testing is bullshitAug 24 23:05
DaemonFCMeanwhile, everyone else gets $20,000 of student loan forgiveness.Aug 24 23:05
Ariadnenot everyone elseAug 24 23:05
Ariadneeveryone who made less than $100kAug 24 23:05
DaemonFC$1000 a month in food stamps.Aug 24 23:05
DaemonFCFree rent.Aug 24 23:05
Ariadneboth of these are falseAug 24 23:05
phanesi love how the world's 1% mostly still qualify for debt forgiveness because we're basing it off bookable incomeAug 24 23:05
Ariadnegod bless the 83(b) electionAug 24 23:06
phanesthe truly rich don't make more than 20k a yearAug 24 23:06
DaemonFCPart of the reason we qualified for the Affordable Community Broadband was because I stuffed so much money in Mandy's 401(k) to take advantage of the other tax credits.Aug 24 23:06
Ariadnethis income isn't real, it's *speculative*Aug 24 23:06
DaemonFCAnd that all comes out pre-tax, so it doesn't reflect on the Total Income line, which is what they use for programs.Aug 24 23:06
DaemonFCYou really can't afford not to fund your 401(k) if you're lower to lower middle income.Aug 24 23:07
Ariadnelol?  how much are you making where maxing out your 401(k) contribution lets you get tax creditsAug 24 23:07
DaemonFCIf you stuff a lot of money in it you can actually get pretty much all of it back through the tax code or something somewhere else, AND the retirement money is still yours to keep.Aug 24 23:07
DaemonFC<Ariadne> lol?  how much are you making where maxing out your 401(k) contribution lets you get tax creditsAug 24 23:08
DaemonFCThere's some quirks in the tax code.Aug 24 23:08
DaemonFCThis lets us make over $50,000 and only pay the IRS $46 for the entire year in Income Tax.Aug 24 23:08
Ariadnepersonal 401(k) contributions are capped at $20,500Aug 24 23:08
DaemonFCIt's all legal.Aug 24 23:08
DaemonFCNo, maxing the employer match and the SAVERS Credit, Ariadne Aug 24 23:08
DaemonFCI figured out how to take the SAVERS Credit at the 50% rate.Aug 24 23:09
DaemonFCIt's a good deal.Aug 24 23:09
phanesmy match is like 7k lolAug 24 23:09
phanescant even buy old people diapers for thatAug 24 23:09
DaemonFCThe SAVERS Credit is maxed at $1,000.Aug 24 23:10
DaemonFCSo if you take it at the 50% rate, you have to put $2,000 in your 401(k) to get the full value.Aug 24 23:10
DaemonFCIf it's at the 20% rate, you need to put in $5,000 to get the full value.Aug 24 23:10
DaemonFCIt it's the 10% rate, you need to put in $10,000 to take the full value.Aug 24 23:10
Ariadnei seeAug 24 23:11
Ariadnei have a person for thisAug 24 23:11
DaemonFCBut it's a good deal because it cancels out your annual tax debt $1:$1Aug 24 23:11
Ariadneone of those wealth management peopleAug 24 23:11
Ariadnea fiduciaryAug 24 23:11
DaemonFCSo last year, we only owed $46 to the IRS in income tax.Aug 24 23:11
DaemonFCThey ended up having to return everything else that was withheld from us. B-)Aug 24 23:11
Ariadnedunno, sounds like the government is doing you pretty well thenAug 24 23:11
DaemonFCI find (legal) ways to fuck them.Aug 24 23:12
Ariadnewhy are you complaining about benefits programs that are means-tested to far less than $50k pre-tax incomeAug 24 23:12
Ariadnewhen you only pay $46 in income taxAug 24 23:12
*Ariadne shrugsAug 24 23:12
*souseksi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 24 23:12
DaemonFCBecause I think it's funny. The government created most of my problems/.Aug 24 23:12
DaemonFCNow it can sit back and watch as they pay us more, overall, than I pay them, because of what they did to me.Aug 24 23:13
DaemonFCAriadne, I argued in bankruptcy court to discharge most of the fine from the criminal court.Aug 24 23:14
DaemonFCI successfully argued that all but $75 were "assessments" that were "totally unrelated to punishing me", such as "contributions to police pension funds".Aug 24 23:14
Ariadnedo you feel as if you paid your debt to society, then?Aug 24 23:15
DaemonFCSo the bankruptcy court ripped it up.Aug 24 23:15
DaemonFCThen I took the discharge letter and a check for $75 to the probation department and she's like "What the fuck is this?".Aug 24 23:15
DaemonFCAriadne, I don't care. Fuck em. The difference is what it's costing me to expunge it.Aug 24 23:16
XRevan86CrystalMath: My opinion is not the same as the terrible opinion demonstrated in the clips with Russian propagandists.Aug 24 23:16
DaemonFCServes them right.Aug 24 23:16
phanesim considering saving up a year's income, and having a firm pay it to me the next year and living off that, while my paychecks from that year on go to themAug 24 23:16
DaemonFCAriadne, You think I'm some kind of putz that takes shit that people try to dump on me laying down?Aug 24 23:16
DaemonFCHell no!Aug 24 23:16
DaemonFCI'll fight them for the goddamned paper plates!Aug 24 23:16
Ariadnei don't know what i thinkAug 24 23:17
AriadnetbhAug 24 23:17
DaemonFC(I picked up that saying from an ex who was talking about his divorce proceedings.)Aug 24 23:17
DaemonFCAriadne, For a while I was listening to some of those self-help tapes in the car.Aug 24 23:18
DaemonFCYou know the sort, where the person has you repeat affirmations from the tape.Aug 24 23:18
DaemonFCMy favorite of course is "I refuse to be a victim.".Aug 24 23:18
DaemonFCThat's a simple one, but it's a good one.Aug 24 23:18
DaemonFCWhen people are taking a shit on you, look in the mirror and say it. "I refuse to be a victim.".Aug 24 23:18
Ariadnei mean, if neuro-linguistic programming is your jam, i don't judgeAug 24 23:18
DaemonFCThen do something about it.Aug 24 23:18
AriadneNLP is largely bunk though ;)Aug 24 23:19
DaemonFCSays who?Aug 24 23:19
MinceR24 224752 < DaemonFC> You could say Windows runs a lot of programs, that's certainly true.Aug 24 23:19
MinceRmany of them you don't even want, and might not even know about :>Aug 24 23:19
techrights-ipfs-bot(β„Ή) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 24 23:20
DaemonFCI think the world would be better if more people adopted that mindset.Aug 24 23:20
DaemonFC"I refuse to be a victim."Aug 24 23:20
AriadneDaemonFC: pretty much all modern research psychologyAug 24 23:20
DaemonFCBecause nothing will get better for you when you don't assert yourself and start fixing your own problems and expect someone else will come do it for you if you just keep complaining loudly enough.Aug 24 23:20
Ariadnethe key thing is not the NLP then, but the actual action which followsAug 24 23:21
DaemonFCWell, yeah.Aug 24 23:21
DaemonFCBut you need to be in the right frame of mind to accept that.Aug 24 23:21
Ariadnebut again, if it motivates you to take action, then fine ;)Aug 24 23:21
DaemonFCWhen disaster happens, you panic, you despair. You do all of these things.Aug 24 23:21
DaemonFCAnd then if you're smart, you'll develop the kind of hatred and anger and motivation that pulls you back up out of the sewer.Aug 24 23:22
Ariadnesome do, i do not.  i recognize and solve problems proactively.Aug 24 23:22
phanesI don'tAug 24 23:22
phaneswhen disaster strikes I take namesAug 24 23:22
DaemonFCAnger can be constructive. Depression isn't constructive.Aug 24 23:23
mjg59_And assign them to yourselfAug 24 23:23
phanesI practice forgiveness if it's not life-altering, but once I bite, I never, ever let go until whatever is in my teeth belongs to me.Aug 24 23:23
DaemonFCDepression gets you stuck in a loop where you don't accomplish any of the things you need to in order to go on and survive.Aug 24 23:23
DaemonFCMaybe it's unavoidable that you'll be depressed for a while. It's natural. What's unnatural is for it to take over your life and go on for years and years.Aug 24 23:24
DaemonFCMy aunt never broke that cycle after Keith had his crisis play out.Aug 24 23:24
DaemonFCAnd look what it did to her.Aug 24 23:24
phanesSometimes it takes years.  I put it down for months at a time.  But I always come back.Aug 24 23:24
DaemonFCIt ruined her beautiful home.Aug 24 23:24
DaemonFCIt led her to spend all of her money escaping into fantasy (Disney vacations).Aug 24 23:24
DaemonFCIf she had drawn a line in the sand and said "I refuse to be a victim." she could have found her way out of that.Aug 24 23:25
DaemonFCShe was a great person. Everyone liked her. Everyone would and could trust her entirely. And she could fight, but she only stood up for other people. Never herself.Aug 24 23:26
DaemonFCThat was her biggest personality flaw.Aug 24 23:26
phanesmjg59_, speaking of biting, i noticed you got super quiet on twitter today, how come?Aug 24 23:27
DaemonFCI think on some level, what Keith did destroyed her because she let what alcoholics refer to as "stinking thinking" take over.Aug 24 23:27
DaemonFC"I'm responsible for his rejection of self."Aug 24 23:27
DaemonFC"What's wrong with me where I could have driven him to do this?"Aug 24 23:27
DaemonFC"If he won't stay with me, will anyone?"Aug 24 23:27
DaemonFC"Stinking thinking" are basically just useless thoughts of self-blame and sorrow.Aug 24 23:28
mjg59_phanes: New semester starts today, so I have teaching prep to doAug 24 23:29
phanesmjg59_, teaching a course on accountability soon, are we?Aug 24 23:30
DaemonFCmjg59_, So I'm interested in how you reconcile your opinion that JavaShit is secure with how nation states are using it to attack people.Aug 24 23:30
DaemonFCLet me go pull up an example for you.Aug 24 23:31
MinceR24 234028 < phanes> now project leaders at RH is a different story.  theyve done some evil shit.  but their parent company is completely agnostic of that whole endeavour.Aug 24 23:31
DaemonFC 24 23:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WebKit Vulnerabilities Facilitate Human Rights Abuses – Michael Catanzaro's BlogAug 24 23:32
loneris there any libc which doesn't contain vendor-specific and GNU gas specific ASM extensions, for easy assembly?Aug 24 23:32
MinceRrh's behavior did not change when ibm bought rh.Aug 24 23:32
DaemonFCOh but it did.Aug 24 23:32
MinceRibm even took jimmy allowhurst as their president or something for a while.Aug 24 23:32
DaemonFCIt got even worse.Aug 24 23:32
MinceRalso, ibm assisted nazi germany in implementing the holocaustAug 24 23:32
DaemonFCNow they had an unlimited warchest to dump millions of lines of untested shit into systemd every year.Aug 24 23:32
MinceRand nowadays they presume to educate us about how using words like "master" is evil.Aug 24 23:32
DaemonFCAnd watch as it sprang horrible security holes and memory leaks.Aug 24 23:32
MinceRibm also taught MICROS~1 how to keep and exploit monopoliesAug 24 23:33
DaemonFCmjg59_ "This is fine."Aug 24 23:33
mjg59_DaemonFC: Full escalation chains to arbitrary code execution are rare and as a result are *extremely* expensiveAug 24 23:33
MinceR24 234648 < Ariadne> DaemonFC: i think mach-o is a better format than ELF in a lot of ways thoughAug 24 23:33
MinceRdoesn't it have built-in DRM support?Aug 24 23:33
DaemonFCRemote DNS server can run arbitrary attack code on DNS request via systemd.Aug 24 23:33
DaemonFC"This is fantastic!"Aug 24 23:33
DaemonFC<mjg59_> DaemonFC: Full escalation chains to arbitrary code execution are rare and as a result are *extremely* expensiveAug 24 23:34
mjg59_Which means they're not used against random people - you're going to be explicitly targeted rather than risk burning a hard to replace exploit chainAug 24 23:34
DaemonFCGovernments have plenty of money to find them and pull off widescale attacks.Aug 24 23:34
mjg59_If you're likely to be a target of a state then yes, Javascript should be part of your threat modelAug 24 23:34
mjg59_But average people are simply not going to have hostile Javascript used against them in this wayAug 24 23:35
DaemonFCIsn't it best to just use NoScript and shut down most untrusted script before it's allowed to run?Aug 24 23:35
loner^ no.Aug 24 23:35
DaemonFCIf not, why not?Aug 24 23:35
DaemonFCEven if it doesn't escape and run arbitrary code, it's recording you.Aug 24 23:36
DaemonFCIt's tracking you.Aug 24 23:36
*phanes thinks "I have a class to teach" might be mjg59_'s version of "I have to return some video tapes."Aug 24 23:36
DaemonFCIt's weighing down your system.Aug 24 23:36
DaemonFCmjg59_, One of my banks uses 47 scripts from over two dozen domains.Aug 24 23:36
DaemonFCThe only thing you need to run to make the bank work is first party scripts.Aug 24 23:36
DaemonFCThe vast majority are tracking scripts and a session replay company.Aug 24 23:37
DaemonFCWhy do I want this running in my browser?Aug 24 23:37
DaemonFCCould they move something malicious and run it first-party? Sure.Aug 24 23:37
techrights-newsStop treating emails like Web pages... 24 23:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Embed a Google Form Into an Email - Make Tech EasierAug 24 23:37
lonerwith some relatively sane browsers lynx/w3m/links etc... it's impossible to do any online banking or shoppingAug 24 23:37
DaemonFCBut it's less likely to run makicious scripts if I block most of the scripts and everything from some other domain.Aug 24 23:37
DaemonFC*maliciousAug 24 23:37
lonermodern browsers (chrome,webkit,moz,edge) ARE the malicious components themselvesAug 24 23:38
DaemonFCIt's just something else you can throw in front of potential malicious code and drastically reduce the odds that some will run and do bad things.Aug 24 23:38
lonerthe only solution to this security hazards it the entire removal of thoseAug 24 23:38
loneranyway, which "free software" libc would you recommend?Aug 24 23:39
phanesloner, yeah i remember when firefox destroyed itself forever with the Mr. Robot plugin scandalAug 24 23:39
DaemonFCI do use text-based browsers and Gemtext proxies for a lot of things.Aug 24 23:39
DaemonFCWhy do I want to run JavaShit from 50 domains and deal with autoplay crap to read the text of a recipe?Aug 24 23:39
DaemonFCmjg59_, ?Aug 24 23:39
mjg59_If you don't want to, don'tAug 24 23:39
MinceRbecause it's the "modern" wayAug 24 23:40
MinceRsame reason why you want to boot systemd with uefiAug 24 23:40
DaemonFCThe Bullshit Web is quite, quite unpleasant.Aug 24 23:40
MinceRand run gnome on itAug 24 23:40
techrights-news➲ π•Ώπ–šπ– π•Έπ–†π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–˜ ⨦ (NEW): Mishi Choudhary Departs SFLC - Software Freedom Law Center ⇨ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Aug 24 23:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines β€” Mishi Choudhary Departs SFLC - Software Freedom Law CenterAug 24 23:40
DaemonFCHere, we're going to shove 300 MB of filth down the sewer pipe so you can read 6 KB of text.Aug 24 23:40
MinceR(or, better yet, just run windows or macos)Aug 24 23:40
DaemonFCOh what's that? Comcast charges you per GB?Aug 24 23:40
DaemonFCSORRRY!!! ;)Aug 24 23:40
phanesrelax this will all be people fighting over food in the strees before you know it, then all your browser woes will be goneAug 24 23:41
DaemonFCBasically.Aug 24 23:41
phanesif we play our cards right i meanAug 24 23:41
DaemonFCComcast allows 1.2 TB of bandwidth per month.Aug 24 23:41
techrights-newsI Can No Longer Recommend Manjaro Linux - Invidious βš“ | β™Ύ Gemini address: gemini:// 24 23:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I Can No Longer Recommend Manjaro Linux - InvidiousAug 24 23:41
DaemonFCI'd rather save that for "other things" than loading 300 MB pages to get at a recipe for pork chops.Aug 24 23:41
lonerwith those browsers, systemd etc., at least, solutions do exist, to either remove or replace themAug 24 23:41
loneri am not aware of any solution to the libc and ASM problemAug 24 23:42
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR], ^Aug 24 23:42
phanesi am kinda pissed about this systemd-resolvd introduction to fedora 8 years after the fact stillAug 24 23:42
techrights-news"Peter Kaminski explains to Doc Searls and Shawn Powers on FLOSS Weekly how Massive Wiki is on its way to beng a prominent movment that combines wiki utility with familiar tools and processes for distributed use online by all users." 24 23:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Massive WikiAug 24 23:42
DaemonFCI'm considering setting up a Gemini Pod as a middle finger to recipe Web sites.Aug 24 23:42
phanesthey symlink /etc/resolv.conf to /run/systemd/... so that if you turn on network manager and turn off systemd-resolved your machine loses connectivityAug 24 23:42
DaemonFCJust copy their text down and paste it into a Gemtext page, and sort them by type of food.Aug 24 23:42
MinceRphanes: you should have noticed by now that this is their general MOAug 24 23:43
MinceRyou either do everything their way or they try everything in their power to break everything for youAug 24 23:43
phanesoh yeah its gnome and wayland in connectivity formAug 24 23:43
starstreak<MinceR> (or, better yet, just run windows or macos)   <--- so you recommend those OSes over Linux?Aug 24 23:43
phanesand uefiAug 24 23:43
phanesto mjg59_'s credit on that, i dont think he had a malicious strategy, i think he was exploited by an employer as a useful idiot, but I wasn't there, its just from what ive noticed about how he thinksAug 24 23:44
MinceRstarstreak: no, i recommend them over systemd, to people who believe systemd is a good thing, since those are the paragons of "modern"ity as understood by the systemd cult.Aug 24 23:45
MinceRphanes: if he was exploited as a useful idiot, he should have realized that by nowAug 24 23:45
MinceRespecially if he's as smart as he likes to think he is.Aug 24 23:45
phanessort of like how's been exploited by his current social gathering to make up lies about people with the belief of impunityAug 24 23:46
starstreakMinceR, I'd rather have systemd/gnome/linux over windows, windows is trashAug 24 23:46
loneri would rather use DOS with MICROS~1 BASIC than either systemd/gnome/windows/maxAug 24 23:46
starstreakhey lonerAug 24 23:47
starstreakloner is heureka Aug 24 23:47
phanesMinceR, should have, yes.  But people who get used like that usually get used like that repeatedly by multiple groups.  He probably can't denounce any of it without risking a domino effect that completely inverts his situation in irreparable ways.  One does have to consider one's legacy.Aug 24 23:47
MinceRstarstreak: in what way is windows trash?Aug 24 23:47
starstreakMinceR, telemetry, bloat, cost, etcAug 24 23:47
MinceRphanes: it's a legacy of shit. he should let it go if he can.Aug 24 23:47
DaemonFCI don't think he's a useful idiot.Aug 24 23:48
DaemonFCIf he was useful they wouldn't have shown him out.Aug 24 23:48
starstreakmincer: i know you run windows for gaming, but some of us trust proton/steam more than windowsAug 24 23:48
MinceRstarstreak: systemd/gnome/linux has most of not all of those issuesAug 24 23:48
phanesI can't describe him as intellectually or socially adept.  He'd be a prime target for the types of users we have to really worry about.Aug 24 23:48
MinceRstarstreak: i don't trust my important systems with gamesAug 24 23:48
MinceRthey aren't built to be secureAug 24 23:48
MinceRs/st of/st if/Aug 24 23:48
phanesThe intelligent don't get twitter brain.Aug 24 23:49
starstreakMinceR, i use gnome with dash to panel because it resembles windows 8, my favourite windows versionAug 24 23:50
MinceRstarstreak: ah, so you like trashAug 24 23:50
starstreakwindows 10 is better than 7, not better than 8, but they're all trashAug 24 23:50
starstreaki would run macOS if i could tooAug 24 23:50
lonerthe problem isn't GNU/FSF/GNOME tailor some "free software" for the consumerist crowdAug 24 23:50
lonerproblem is, GNU lost meAug 24 23:50
loneranyway, which "free software" libc would you recommend?Aug 24 23:51
phanesif you dont believe in gnu then gnu probably dont believe in you bubAug 24 23:51
MinceRgnu is probably on the way out anywayAug 24 23:55
MinceRthey've capitulated to systemdAug 24 23:55
lonersystemd isn't the problem, systemd can be removed/replaced, relatively easy.Aug 24 23:56
lonerwith this at least, "freedom of choice" remainedAug 24 23:56
*psymin_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 23:57
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Aug 24 23:57
MinceRdistros already had problems replacing itAug 24 23:57
MinceRand ibm/rh is digging in, making it more difficultAug 24 23:57
MinceRmeanwhile the fsf overwhelmingly recommends distros that force systemd on their usersAug 24 23:58
lonerwhich isn't a problem, as long as "freedom of choice" remainsAug 24 23:59
lonerwith any later than gcc47 and binutils gas assembly, there isn't any at all, free choiceAug 24 23:59

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