The Microsoft-Sponsored 'Media' Sites Will Always Focus on 'Linux' Holes (Even If They're Neither Holes Nor Linux) While Ignoring Windows Issues (or Not Naming Windows When It's Breached)
THE daily cycle we have here includes an "alta vista" or "zeitgeist" of news about "Linux"; of course Gulag Noise (Google News) isn't helping much, but what's also not helping is a bunch of posers and phonies running "news" sites about "security", wherein bad passwords somehow become the fault of "SSH" and "Linux" (we named one example a few days ago).
We've therefore adopted a Windows Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) section, wherein links are grouped for incidents where we've figured out it was the fault of Microsoft and Windows. Yesterday we wrote about the considerable cost of that to the economy.
One option is to just boycott all those Microsoft-sponsored sites (or sites with Microsoft ads/moles in them). But a better option is to properly respond to them while linking to them. We shall try to do more of them now that our workflow is far more efficient. █