CNIL bosses approved Amandine Cryptie Jambert FSFE engagement
[Article 1.5 years old]
Reprinted with permission from the Free Software Fellowship.
We already blogged about the amateur sysadmins at FSFE and their exposure of members' financial data.
In a fresh leak, we reveal that Amandie "Cryptie" Jambert, who works at CNIL as a privacy specialist, was formally responsible for the FSFE GDPR compliance (or lack thereof).
FSFE failed to report the breaches to the members and donors. The GDPR requires mandatory reporting of breaches.
FSFE has been deliberately publishing the names of volunteers in a defamatory context. FSFE created the growing scandal of leaks and accusations, including the Outreachy grooming scandal. This outcome is the very opposite of what CNIL and the GDPR stands for. █
Subject: Cryptie leading the GDRP working group Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:01:28 +0100 From: Matthias Kirschner <> To: FSFE EU core team <>
Dear all, from May on, we as the FSFE have to be compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We have a working group for this ( - all of you are invited to join this!), which met at FOSDEM. There is a lot of work to do, and until now especially Albert, Vincent, and Reinhard did a lot of documentation and general work for this. I am happy that now after confirmation by her bosses, Cryptie confirmed that she will be able to take the project lead role during the next weeks until May that the FSFE is GDPR compliant. She will ask questions, take decisions about next steps or how to make compromises (or ask council@ to take a decision if it is a decision which she feels uncomfortable with), ask you to provide information, etc. Please help in this process, so we can make sure to be GDRP compliant in May, and for the future so we lead by good example and do not run into legal problems for the FSFE. I am very thankful for Cryptie volunteering with this, as I think there is no better candidate!
Best Regards, Matthias
-- Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290 Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030 | ( Contact ( - Weblog ( _______________________________________________ Team mailing list