Microsofters in 'Linux Foundation' Clothing Continue to Shift Security Scrutiny to 'Linux'
THE PR staff of Microsoft has been promoted by Jim Zemlin and we're all paying for it.
Pay closer attention to the latest Microsoft breach and security catastrophes.
They want everyone to lose sight of it.
From a new article entitled "After a failed Linux backdoor attempt grabs headlines, open-source leaders warn of more attacks":
OpenJS Foundation is a Microsoft proxy. We wrote about this many times before and we see who delivers the message. Robin Bender Ginn is from Microsoft. She's not technical, she comes from the deceit industry, Edelman. The Bill Gates-connected 'Linux' Foundation is sadly infiltrated by Microsoft and the people from Microsoft keep shifting attention away from Microsoft's many recent security blunders. OpenSSF is also Microsoft connected.
The infiltration is tragic. The issue is that of messengers from Microsoft infiltrating key projects, not spies from various countries entering projects (or trying to, or getting caught red-handed later). Microsoft- and 'Linux' Foundation-funded publishers help Microsoft shift attention away from its failures. █