Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jun 12, 2024

The Cost Of Smoking

Updated This Past Day

  1. Perl 5.40 Programming Language Released, Here’s What’s New
    Perl 5.40 programming language brings a new CLASS keyword
  2. AlmaLinux OS Now Officially Supports the Raspberry Pi 5 Computer
    AlmaLinux developer Koichiro Iwao shared some exciting news today for those who want to run the free Red Hat Enterprise Linux alternative on a Raspberry Pi computer as the latest Raspberry Pi 5 model is officially supported.


  3. 5 Linux commands you need to know to troubleshoot problems
    Having issues in Linux? These commands can help you get to the bottom of them


  4. Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
    FOSS leftovers
  5. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter and Mini UbuCon Malaysia 2024
    Some Ubuntu news
  6. Programming Leftovers
    Programming related links
  7. Security Leftovers
    Security picks for today
  8. Red Hat Leftovers
    Latest from
  9. Software: Buzzword/Hype Browsers for Linux, LLMs, and Clapper
    some of it fashionable trends
  10. Audiocasts/Shows: Late Night Linux, LINUX Unplugged, Destination Linux, Linux User Space, WordPress Briefing
    5 new episodes
  11. today's howtos
    a few more howtos for the afternoon
  12. Postgres: ldap2pg 6.1, PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2024, and pgmoneta 0.12
    some postgres news
  13. Slimbook Executive, long-term usage report 4
    Let's talk about my Slimbook Executive, shall we
  14. 9 Lightweight Linux Distributions for Beginners
    Looking for lightweight Linux Distributions that play smoothly on old PC or laptop with low end specs
  15. today's leftovers
    mixture of topics
  16. Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update, Astro Pi, and More
    some hardware news
  17. Windows TCO and Other Microsoft Blunders
    mostly Windows breaches
  18. Security Leftovers
    Security patches and more
  19. today's howtos
    many howtos for today
  20. Games: Steam Next Fest, Streets of Rogue 2, and More
    7 latest articles from GamingOnLinux
  21. ExTiX Deepin 24.6 Live based on Deepin 23 RC (latest) with Refracta Snapshot and kernel 6.9.3-amd64-exton :: Build 240607
    I’ve released a new version of ExTiX Deepin today (240607)
  22. Linux System Monitor App ‘Mission Center’ is Now Even More Useful
    A new version of Mission Center, the super-slick system monitor for Linux, has been released
  23. Best Free and Open Source Software
    Valkey is free and open source software
  24. Microsoft Will Switch Off Recall by Default After Security Backlash
    After weeks of withering criticism and exposed security flaws, Microsoft has vastly scaled back its ambitions for Recall
  25. Berry Linux – live distribution based on Fedora
    Berry Linux is a lightweight Live CD Linux distribution that has English and Japanese support
  26. Help wanted! Port KDE Frameworks oss-fuzz builds to Qt6/KF6
    If you're looking for an isolated and straightforward way to start contributing to KDE
  27. Replace Android System Apps With Open Source Alternatives
    Android is a fantastic smartphone system, many parts of it are open source
  28. Thunderbird: The Build and Release Process Explained
    Our Community Office Hours session for May 2024 has concluded
  29. Apple Decides to Block Open-Source Emulator App for iOS
    Apple being Apple.
  30. Adventures With My New Chromebook
    A friend of mine helped me buy a new Chromebook a few weeks back. These are my adventures in getting to know what it is like to use and see if I could get it to do some extra stuff too.
  31. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Tuesday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-06-05 to 2024-06-11
    975 /n/2024/06/05/BSD_Developer_Mike_Karels_Dies_FreeBSD_13_Testing.shtml
    913 /n/2024/06/05/Kali_Linux_2024_2_Ethical_Hacking_Distro_Released_with_GNOME_46.shtml
    852 /n/2024/06/05/Ubuntu_23_10_Mantic_Minotaur_reaches_End_of_Life_on_July_11_202.shtml
    846 /n/2024/06/05/Software_Morphosis_Incus_6_2_DNF_5_2.shtml
    838 /n/2024/06/05/NVIDIA_550_90_07_Linux_Graphics_Driver_Is_Out_Now_with_Various_.shtml
    801 /n/2024/06/08/today_s_leftoverss.shtml
    792 /n/2024/06/05/Raspberry_Pi_Kit.shtml
    739 /n/2024/06/05/today_s_howtos.shtml
    721 /n/2024/06/01/Linux_Lite_7_0_Galena_Officially_Released_with_Xfce_4_18_Based_.shtml
    705 /n/2024/06/06/Immutable_Distro_blendOS_4_Officially_Released_Now_Fully_Declar.shtml
    674 /n/2024/06/08/today_s_howtos.shtml
    669 /n/2024/06/05/Programming_Leftovers.shtml
    663 /n/2024/06/05/Programming_Leftoversd.shtml
    660 /n/2024/06/05/FreeBSD_14_1_RELEASE_Announcement.shtml
    659 /n/2024/06/05/Perl_Programming.shtml
    652 /n/2024/06/06/LibreOffice_24_2_4_Office_Suite_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_w.shtml

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

[Video] The 'Dangerous Precedent' (Jen Robinson on Assange Plea Bargain)
Published 3 hours ago in Australia
Microsoft is Losing Its Grip on Bulgaria
now may be a good time to look into statistics from Bulgaria Back to Relaying Anti-Linux FUD From Microsoft, Using Microsoft Chatbots That Recycle and Add Permutations to the FUD
They're killing the Web every time they do this
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
Microsofter Throwing Stones in a Glasshouse Again
"Life is imitating art" and if you're a BS artist, your life must be BS
[Meme] They Think of Their Business Partner, Microsoft
At the Cusp of Productivity
Work in progress: a critique of terms of service (ToS) in "modern" computing
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is Becoming More European Than the Google- and Microsoft-Funded 'FSFE' (Fake 'FSF', a Case of Identity Theft)
The Board of Directors of the FSF is now all European as far as women (3) go
[Meme] Meanwhile at IBM's Headquarters
Old white men can find common themes to laugh at in IBM
IBM's Board is a Men's Club, Unlike the FSF's, But Red Hat/IBM Are Trolling the Community Using the "Diversity Shtick"
CoC-fighting over diversity to distract from their own failings
John Gilmore, Cofounder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Joins the FSF's Board
it's already riling up the Microsofters and misogynists
Links 27/06/2024: Microsoft's Chief Brand Offices Kathleen Hall to Leave, The Beauty of Blogging, Ukraine Updates
Links for the day
Microsoft Got Lost in Bermuda
based on far too little data
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
IRC logs for Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Far Too Young to Die
He seemed to be healthy
Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands, Guam and Other American Satellites Drift Further Away From Microsoft
So even US-controlled islands are moving away from Windows, little by little...
Let's Encrypt is Dying in Geminispace (Now Down Very Sharply to 6%), More People Self-Sign as They Certainly Should
Abandoning a fake security model?
No More Justice for Assange?
Not the site anyway
[Meme] "No News is Good News"
2 days have passed and still not a word
Northern Mariana Islands May Have Been Taken Over by Debian!!
The place is strategic for military reasons (like a giant aircraft carrier with running water)
Birthday With His Family
Julian Assange was born 3 July 1971
Julian Assange on Cryptographically-deniable Block Storage Device (aka Marutukku)
An oldie
Links 26/06/2024: US State Department Controlling YouTube, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hype on the Brink as "Losses Balloon"
Links for the day
GNU/Linux Back Above 4% (in statCounter)
happened minutes or a few hours ago
Free Assange! (by Alexandre Oliva)
Reprinted with permission from Alexandre Oliva
Julian Assange & Debian: was he a developer?
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Links 26/06/2024: More on Hey Hi (AI) Bubble Fading, RIAA Steps in
Links for the day
Gemini Links 26/06/2024: UAF Botanical Garden and YouTube Workarounds
Links for the day
Microsoft Market Share Falling to New Lows in Aruba
Being below 20% in America is the exception, not the norm
Streaming in a Few Minutes: Julian Assange Press Conference
They test the microphone now.
[Video] Julian Assange Arrives Safely in Australia
even the person on the air cried
Debian Project Still Has a Lot of Explaining to Do...
Assange was actually a Debian Developer
[Meme] When Ian (of Debian) Was Still Alive
I wasn't always a Debian Developer...
"Julian Assange is Free"
Published ~34 minutes ago
GNU/Linux Userbase Surging in Iceland
Maybe there's something big going on, like people deleting Vista 11 in droves and installing GNU/Linux instead
Jennifer Robinson: "After 14 years of legal battles, Julian Assange can go home a free man”
She explains the implications for the general freedom of the press
Judge: Assange Leaves Court 'A Free Man'
on his way to Australia now
Julian Assange verdict: guilty, not guilty or blackmailed
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
12 Months Ago the FSF Said It Would Issue a Statement on IBM Taking RHEL Proprietary
Statement never happened
Sheriff of Cork & Debian Edward Brocklesby or Brockelsby Street confusion
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Microsoft's Bing Fall From 2.6% Before LLM Hype to Just 0.79% Right Now in Russia
statCounter's data
[Meme] Speaking Truth to Power (Still Easier in the West Than in Russia/BRIC)
Different people, different outcomes
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The Plot to Silence (or Deplatform) Techrights
This past month I've been spending time working on the text of an online publication
[Meme] Julian Assange's Lawyers Need to Ensure Assange Maintains Freedom to Publish
Let's ensure he can continue to publish
"Conviction for a Crime he Did Not Commit," Said Jennifer Robinson
Robinson is the kind of woman accomplisher we should look up to
Trying to Make Blogs (Independent and Mostly Decentralised Platforms) What Comes After Social Control Media
Social Control Networks 'stole the thunder' of blogs, but can we get back to blogs?
Julian Assange Has Landed
There will probably be some press interviews some time this month or next month
L is for Linux and Lao
Lao should really have something called LaOS
[Meme] Need More Sites Like Wikileaks, Not Less
On US government vs Wikileaks
We Know Who Stands to Gain From the Demise of the Press
the Assange release was a win for his family, but likely a dire loss for press freedom
[Meme] Think Twice Before Exposing or 'Embarrassing' Powerful People and Interests
The United States government has basically won the Assange case
An Extended Statement on Julian Assange
Assange's release was not important enough to "make the cut" for News, only "tweets" and other Social Control Media nonsense.
The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is Openwashing, Ben Cotton (Fedora) Acknowledges It, Fails to See How Bribes Led to That
As if... it "just happened"
Links 25/06/2024: RAM Stress, COVID Graft
Links for the day
Gemini Links 25/06/2024: Hey Hi Punditry and Right to Repair
Links for the day
Links 25/06/2024: Julian Assange Freed From Prison, "AI" Bubble Imploding Some More
Links for the day
Three Points About Julian Assange Plea Deal
There is still a secret problem
[Meme] EFF Became a 'Bunch of Pussies' Working for GAFAM (and Sponsored by GAFAM)
It won't protect people, except very rich people's interests
IBM Does Not Care for the Blind (Wayland Harms Accessibility)
What a punch in the gut
Who Is This Backup FOR, the NSA?
As Admfubar put it, "backups for everyone..."
Tux Machines Past 20: Still Thriving
Now 20 years and 2 weeks old
[Meme] Microsoft is Coming /Home
Microsoft's Siege of Libya Coming to an End
One might be tempted to guess the users deleted Windows and installed something else
Gemini Links 25/06/2024: Old Computer Challenge; An Opinionated GNU/Linux Guide
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, June 24, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, June 24, 2024
IEEE Computer Society on Andrew Tanenbaum, Winner of ACM Award, Who Also Inspired Linux Development
10 years ago
New Talk by Dr. Richard Stallman Published Two Days Ago By CeSIUM - Centro de Estudantes de Engenharia Informática da Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
The FSF no longer mentions Richard Stallman's talks, but we will
FSF Looking to Raise Money by Adding 200 New Members by July 19
The FSF is in good shape, according to Alexandre Oliva
Not Only Does It Not Add Security... (UEFI as a 'Bug Door')
Data From Monaco Should Alarm Microsoft
Just how many people are deleting Windows and installing something else this year?
Name the Threats and Threat Actors
Looking back to 2006, there was Novell and gregkh (partly salaried by Microsoft), so these are familiar territories
Linux in Central Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger)
Vast area, vast number of "Linux users" (if one counts Android as such)
[Meme] Gagging One's Own Staff as a Signal of Corporate Distress
Censorship at Microsoft