They Want 'Transparency' Only for the General Public (Every Bit of Communication Available to the Government, Usually Via Corporations)
TODAY might turn out to be an awful day. The EU might decide to effectively ban SSH (unless it has back doors), Mumble, and all sorts of other self-hosted and end-to-end-encrypted communication tools. So self-hosting, Free software, and privacy are all at risk/stake.
It's not entirely clear yet if the above-mentioned laws will pass. Press reports highlight some growing opposition and public criticism if not outcry. Of course the EFF isn't saying anything about it. Instead the EFF is busy blasting the US Surgeon General for merely saying Social Control Media is unhealthy (remember who funds today's EFF and what EFF means by "encryption").
For those of us who exercise science and stick to facts (as in, verifiable truth) what the EU is doing, not just what some NGOs say about it, matters a great deal.
The saddest thing is that it's not just an EU thing. Many nations, including Australia (similar culturally to Europe), have more or less the same thing going on.
It seems like right now the priority is to attack/silence critics of such policies, not to reassess these policies. They push fake security while slandering those who advocate real security (one of them died months ago). █