Who Does the Smearing? This Former Police Person, Speaking Under Oath, Says “That’s a Security Services Job."
They say the broadcast was suspended shortly after that..
WebM: That’s a Security Services Job
This past Thursday we were at the Police Museum* and, just to be clear, the cops did help us a bit when it comes to deterrence against abuse (targeting my whole family), but still there's ample room for abuse/misuse/danger by police powers. They're resourceful and if (or when) they don't like someone, that won't end well.
The video above is revealing. They basically rely on spies, or secret agents, to smear "inconvenient" people.
Where else have we seen this before? █
* Side story is, when we left the Police Museum some idiot threw a cigarette into the bushes, starting a fire that I was quick to put out with my feet (it hadn't gotten out of control just yet). By the time staff came out with buckets of water I had already extinguished the whole thing.