Change is Possible
THE Web, which was started by a Brit around the time I took this photo, is waning (there are metrics to support this seemingly bold assertion). Whatever replaces it is not better (many "apps"), but some "healthy" options do exist and more people adopt them.
Gemini Protocol is one of several. It replaces HTTP/S and HTML, for the most part...
Now... it also kicks to the curb the CAs cartel, having already chosen newer and perhaps better encryption (simpler too). Maybe it's not 100% secure, but one can get rid of a terrible dependence on third parties. As of the latest tally, which is a few hours old, in Geminispace "2562 (89.8 %) capsules are self-signed, 50 (1.8 %) use the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt, 240 (8.4 %) are signed by another CA (may be not a trusted one)."
4-5 weeks ago the Linux Foundation's Let's Encrypt was at over 100!
So we've made it! Next target? Down to 25? To 10? Zero?
CAs are a terrible security model, but imperialistic entities and their apologists (online "clergy") keep preaching this nonsense to us. How did "secure" boot work out for security? Eh? They hope to do the same to applications. Obstruct them! █