Gemini Links 29/10/2024: Electric Boogaloo and UCEPROTECTL3
Gemini* and Gopher
Salton Sea II: Electric Boogaloo
Just what we need, more sprawl that more or less lacks the tax revenue to cover maintenance, and that's ignoring the terraforming costs required to make the sprawl possible, to say less of the externalities, such as where does all the brine go, or what happens to the hypothetical lakes when the funding dries up or the maintenance fails? Anyways, there are sure to be short-term spending and building benefits, and who wouldn't want such a résumé-enhancing project associated with their name?
🔤SpellBinding: EGHLUPO Wordo: BODED
Technology and Free Software
Getting the 1st token generated on Tenstorrent with GGML
I've been working on integrating Tenstorrent cards into GGML for a while, since early this year, on and off. I was at MOPCON 2024 in Kaohsiung during the weekends. I'm more to just meet people then attending the actual talks. Out of not knowing what else to do late night, after a meetup with the Open Culture Foundation (they are awesome guys!), I was downing coffee at the hotel's lobby hacking away. Error messages comes and go. They change, but that happens all the time. It wasn't until a stroke of skepticism hit me. Looking at the wall of text, "llama.cpp prints the prompt yes, but what's the thing next to it".. Wait a second, OMG, llama.cpp generated a token. I AM GOOOOOD!
New tool for making Atom feeds from Gemini posts
Today I've publishd a new tool on Github for making Atom feeds for gemlogs.
It is a reimplementation of "gemfeed" but in Rust.
I used gemfeed extensively in my personal gemlog setup: I have several gemlogs, including the notorious "Heterodox Technology" gemlog which autoposts five normally pretty darn good links every Sunday, doubtless to the fury of some Antenna subscribers.
But gemfeed runs on Python; it doesn't place severe demands on Python, but nevertheless, some combination of and Python dist_utils and Debian and Ubuntu decided that whatever way I'd been using Python for the last 20 years was always a terrible idea and no longer supported. After two or three breakages of this kind, I figured Python is just not worth the effort any more, even though after a while I did research the problem and find that the usage patterns the maintainers want to ban rightly deserve to be banned - it's just too much hassle for this kind of thing to keep happening when I have alternatives.
UCEPROTECTL3 is so dumb
1. My specific IP,, is green because it doesn’t send spam email.
2. Even nearby IPs happen to be green which yay awesome but that’s not something I can affect either way.
3. But since Akamai bought Linode and on the Akamai network as a whole there are spammers, I’ve been blocklisted on the “level three” list which has lead to some emails not getting through.
The Lappy, Email, XMPP, and Twtxt
So... I'm on my Dell Latitude again. I've got emulators set up, and Pico-8, and I'm back to using terminal apps for nearly everything. I've been learning Alpine for my email, set up slrn for keeping track newsgroups, filled newsboat with my RSS feeds (and elfeed for a backup), imported my lynx files from my Mac to use, converted my MP3s to OGG files and set up cmus, installed timidity and modplug-tools for the rest of my music, set up Emacs (of course)... Getting back into a lot of my old habits, while gaining some new ones.
I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying some monitoring tools I created. They're almost certainly not what experts in the field would do: no comments in the code, probably not nearly enough reuse, purely for the command line, and so on. But, wow, I can't tell you how good I feel seeing the likes of the following accumulating in a tmux pane due to having started what I'm calling "link monitors" against specific links in the background: [...]
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.