Gemini Links 31/10/2024: Attention Economy and Gemlogs
Gemini* and Gopher
Attention economy? ✋ Spoon economy? 👈
People have been talking about the attention economy, trying to argue that we are building systems that never forget, that keep accumulating, because we can, because it is our instinct. And as a result, we're building our own panopticon, where the archives of our deeds are there for everybody to see, to ingest, to transform and to barf forth as AI slop. The records we keep only ever benefit our enemies, never ourselves. That's why I like automatic expiration of everything on social media.
On my watch
For most of my teen years and early twenties, I looked at the world with optimisim. The wall fell, hostilities between the West and Eastern Europe came to and end. The troubles in Northern Ireland ended. The World Wide Web gave us a global context that promised to bridge the divides and present economic opportunity to everyone.
Even when trouble reared its head in 2001, with 9-11 driving a renewed wave of animosity, I still broadly felt that most people of my generation were on the right path. Surely, it was only the bloated boomers generation holding us back. But, as Alex so rightly says, we now begrungingly have to look at ourselves and our contempories, the kids of boomers, and say that we're falling into all the same traps. The NIMBYism, the "why should I, if nobody else is" attitude, the selfish "just as long as I'm alright" attitude to the sacrifices required to stop disaster.
Descartes the Kabbalist
We know from the Talmud and Torah that God is not present in his creation. That is not to say of course that he is absent, but rater that he permeates through it. God is reflected in every thing as all thing are built according to the celestial blueprint which is Adam Kamon. While all things are like God, all things are also by necessity unlike God. For if something would be entirely like God, then it must be God (which is heretical) or there must be two Gods (which is HIGHLY heretical).
We do know however of the existence of Metatron, who is called the lesser God. Indeed this too seems heretical, yet it is in the scriptures so it cannot be so. We must look deeper.
Technology and Free Software
Yes, I'm Still Here
Been a long time since my last entry. I didn't lose interest in my gemlog, I've just been really busy, between a very drawn-out hiring process for my new job (which I did eventually get -- I start next week), multiple family visits, and wrapping things up at my previous job. I try not to use this gemlog overmuch as a personal journal (because really, who cares?), so since I was just busy with lots of personal things, it got neglected for a while.
That said, my trusty little server (my custom "Twinstar" Gemini server software running on a little Raspberry Pi) was faithfully serving my neglected gemlog that entire time, and didn't fail until I lost power this morning -- but I was planning to finally write a new gemlog entry today anyway, so it was only down for about half a day.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.