All the Red Flags in New Linux Foundation Report
The Linux Foundation's latest "report":
Linux not good enough?
The people who prepare these reports reject Open Source.
Context (old): With Microsoft in Charge, OpenSSF Seems More Like It's About Back Doors -- Not Real Security -- Inside the Linux Foundation
Their latest podcast episode features and focuses only on Microsoft staff, in effect promoting proprietary GitHub.
How telling...
Microsoft mentioned over 100 times in this report:
GitHub nearly 300 times:
This report is mainly a data dump or lists.
Page 29 onwards is just a data dump. It makes the report look more than 5 times bigger than it really is.
Scope limits admitted:
Forget about projects that reject proprietary hosting?
So it's a census of stuff Microsoft controls. FOSS is only what's contained in Microsoft's proprietary jail.
Some 'study'...