[Meme] 13 Years a Slave of Microsoft
WESTERN SOCIETY is losing touch with the importance of media or free speech in general [1, 2]. TPM pushers send threats to critics and people like Julian Assange get de facto imprisonment for about 13 years for merely exposing crimes, not committing crimes. 12 years ago Aaron Swartz, who had contributed to Wikileaks, ended his own life because he believed in making information available to the public.
Might makes right? Is everything owned and controlled by large corporations now? The same corporations that make "words salad" inside LLMs and pretend this is "fair use" rather than "piracy" or copyright infringement ripping off original authors and instead delivering a stream of unaccountable propaganda? Or GPL violations?
Who controls facts and information? GAFAM? Who decides what's true and what's permissible to say? The slave labour of Microsoft? █