"The AI Bubble is Popping", Now It's Bailout Time
YESTERDAY'S Daily Links included "The AI Bubble Is Bursting" because there is growing evidence that "AI is a bubble" and usually it's not even AI. LLMs are not AI, they're slop generators or "bullshit generators" as RMS calls them. They are plagiarism tools which help disseminate falsehoods while ducking accountability. Apparently they can even get away with murder.
It now seems like bailout season for 'hey hi' (AI) is upon us. As criminals run the US government (literally criminals, convictions too) we can see efforts to offload the cost of the bubble's implosion to the US taxpayers. Didn't we see that coming? What about pension funds tied to so-called "AI" companies?
Watch out. It's not getting better...
Bribes aren't given to crooked politicians without expectation of reciprocity (at the expense of a third party like taxpayers).
We're not even sure how to cover this without contributing to panic and trauma (there's enough of it already in the US this week).
Ryan explains: "It pissed Elon Musk off that he didn't get it. ["AI" bailout] It all went to Scam Altman after Musk paid a lot of money to buy Trump. $248 million is an "investment" in making sure billions of dollars in federal pork gets steered to Musk. So I can see why he's fuming. There's not much he can really do. He paid to get Trump in office and now Trump is there. Trump uses people and moves on."
So US taxpayers may need to pay for a Ponzi scheme [1, 2] again (welcome back, 2008), thanks to the US government being a bunch of criminals who are part of that Ponzi scheme. If this is the so-called "New World Order" people had in mind, why is it delivered by some mobsters who pretend to "stick it" to "the Establishment"?
"The AI bubble is popping," an associate says, "specifically there is an acknowledgment that there are no useful purposes for LLMs. There never were, there never can be. It's a characteristic of the technology. It's an expensive, fossil carbon burning novelty."
Like fake money and fake "coins" (or "memes", stuff like NFTs).
Now that criminals are running the show (see what Carlin said about the "freak show") we can expect them to try to prop up the scam for as long as possible (while they're on top of this pyramid). LLMs are generally useless and worthless, but they'll never admit it. The hype will quietly fizzle, just like "blockchains". █