There are two worthwhile events worth mentioning. The first is the one-year anniversary of Java as a (en route) GPL-licensed project. Here is a nice short video (among a series) which touches on that.
A year ago this week Sun finally bowed to pressure and agreed to make Java a free, open source project. It was an odd move given Sun's strong resistance to making Java open source for a more than a decade.
In the past few days (or months) we also found the following news:
All the stories above go beyond the scope of this Web site, so they won't be discussed further. The big news today is Dell's OEMing that involves servers with Solaris.
More curious, however, is the following news suggesting a GPLv3 embrace at Sun Microsystems. This is encouraging for a variety of reasons, including the effects on licensing of the Linux kernel (it could be pushed to GPLv3).
XVM consists of two components: xVM Server, a hypervisor with support for Linux, Solaris and Windows guest operating systems; and xVM Ops Center, a management console. The Ops Center project will be released under the open source GPLv3 license, and Sun has set up a community site at [].
It's almost as if there's a coordinated effort to weed out and drive away people who are passionate about security for the users, as opposed to the financial security of companies like Google and Microsoft
Cash infusions by taxpayers can create "billionaires" who aren't "job creators" (see what happened to Twitter) and bring no benefits to these taxpayers, only poverty
Seeing how the "hey hi" (AI) hype spreads to GulagTube and ruins GulagTube, we're glad we need not worry about Google (Gulag) policing our "content" via supposedly 'free' (not really) platforms, such as GulagTube, the social control (multi)media "market leader"