which boasts increasing acceptance of OpenDocument format. From the text:
Approved as an international standard (ISO 26300:2006) in May 2006, OpenDocument Format (ODF) has achieved growing acceptance as the document format of choice for governments around the world. Below are examples of policy actions taken by governments to promote the adoption of ODF and ensure the benefits of access, choice, interoperability and cost savings.
The list is impressive, but it also seems quite partial. If only ODF had a public relations department to show its full impact (but it's vendor-independent)...
The future looks bright for ODF. As for OOXML, not so much.
In the past, Ossendryver has vocally criticized Microsoft and its allies for their efforts to compete with the OpenDocument Format, an ISO-recognized standard office doc format that's already widely implemented.
As of his readers named "tz" says in the comments to Russell's post, Microsoft's latest move is more about politics than true standards compliance