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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: June 17th, 2008

*mark_antony_ken2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 00:06
*maxstirner (n=maxstirn@ has left #boycottnovellJun 17 00:07
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 00:17
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 00:28
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 00:49
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 01:16
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*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 01:27
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 01:37
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 01:59
*ZiggyFish ( has left #boycottnovell ("Ex-Chat")Jun 17 02:14
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 02:35
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 02:36
schestowitzThe Microsoft shills at ACT seem to have taken notice. What's funny is that they bothered to respond, which means they were worried by the criticism and resorted to name-calling ("tin foil hat").Jun 17 02:48
tessier_The reality is that Microsoft didn't need to do anything to FUD the GPLv3.  There were so many legitimate problems with the license that the Open Source community led the charge on the so-called "FUD" campaign.Jun 17 03:05
tessier_That's a quote from that blog entryJun 17 03:05
tessier_It seems to me they make some good points. There was a lot of internal fudding of the GPLv3Jun 17 03:05
tessier_Of course they aren't right about splitting the communityJun 17 03:05
tessier_Everything seems to have calmed down nicely and lots of people are licensing their stuff under the GPLv3Jun 17 03:06
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 03:08
schestowitzWhat they try to do there is pass liability.Jun 17 03:13
schestowitzBelieve me, I've watched what they did. It's not just GPLv3. ACT is attacking everything that threatens Microsoft's monopoly. Have you seen the item they respond to?Jun 17 03:14
*mark_antony_ken2 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 03:16
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*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 05:47
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 06:01
dsmith_i left a commentJun 17 06:02
schestowitzI now know which name you post under. Yes, but why scare quotes? :-)Jun 17 06:06
dsmith_scare quotes??Jun 17 06:07
dsmith_lolJun 17 06:07
schestowitz 17 06:07
dsmith_just my 2.2 centsJun 17 06:07
dsmith_you like van halen?Jun 17 06:08
schestowitzNot necessarily, why?Jun 17 06:09
*dsmith__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 06:13
dsmith__power winked offJun 17 06:13
dsmith__I need to get a UPS...Jun 17 06:13
schestowitzI've posted a followup about the 'census': 17 06:16
dsmith__ Seems Mozilla spent more time developing for windows and NOT Linux, as the chart shows increased memory usage which confirms what I just saw..Jun 17 06:20
schestowitzMozilla doesn't care so much about Linux. I have links to suggest otherwise, but at the end, just like Google, they are not a Free software company. They are market-share- and profit-driven.Jun 17 06:24
dsmith__I am realizing that nowJun 17 06:25
dsmith__ 17 06:25
*dsmith_ has quit (Connection timed out)Jun 17 06:25
tessierHow does mozilla make money?Jun 17 06:30
schestowitzThey receive a lot of money from Google, but they claim to be sustainable without it. They rely on market share and they operate as a foundation (maybe a non-profit) to keep goodwill and free PR.Jun 17 06:33
tessierBut what are people payign them for?Jun 17 06:37
tessierI've never paid them anything afaikJun 17 06:37
schestowitz<dsmith_>, I took a look at the CRN article. I saw it half an hour ago and it's from Fahmida Y. Rashid, who slammed a new Linux distro just over a week ago. He's not anti-Linux, but I'll wait and see what others write too. The performance study is disappointing indeed, if true.Jun 17 06:38
schestowitz<tessier>, it's the default search engine and if you put a phrase in the address bar and click ENTER/Go, then you are redirected via Google.Jun 17 06:39
dsmith__schestowitz: I just tried ff 3 on thi laptop and I saw no performance enhancements, no on windows thats another storyJun 17 06:40
schestowitzHave you tried both? They ought to share the same core (codebase), so what would be the explanation?Jun 17 06:42
tessierah, I see.Jun 17 06:43
tessierI have used their search many times in that case.Jun 17 06:43
schestowitzGoogle needs access to people's brains. It harvests queries, IPs, browsing history (e.g. if you have PageRank displayed) and even things like screen resolution if you visit Google Analytics-enabled sites with JS running.Jun 17 06:48
dsmith__schestowitz: yes both ff3 and ff2 on both linux and windows, I can see the improvements on windows..Jun 17 06:49
dsmith__cyasJun 17 06:53
*dsmith__ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jun 17 06:53
schestowitzOnly in America......... can a single incident of cyberbullying put you in prison. 17 07:03
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 07:05
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 07:06
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 07:07
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 07:13
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schestowitz 17 08:04
schestowitzAnd related to this, I was sent an E-mail that said "Did you see the piece which Byfield did about Brockmeier? It struck me as somewhat incestuous."Jun 17 08:08
PetoKrauswho is he/Jun 17 08:09
schestowitzNow watch this: (Zonker Brockmeier, openSUSE Community Manager) Jun 17 08:09
schestowitz"Then, for large chunks of 2006 and 2007, I interacted with him daily on’s private IRC channel, where he went under the nickname of jzb. So, as happens on the Internet, I likely have the impression that I know him better than I actually do." I like Byfield's writings a lot, but we disagreed on some technical/'political' things like Novell and OOXML.Jun 17 08:10
tessierTrolltech officially becomes Nokia in 1.5 hours.Jun 17 08:16
schestowitzThe TROLL (symbol) enters the host.Jun 17 08:17
schestowitzSpeaking of the Trolls, PJ wrote the following about Ari's latest blog item: "The more he says, the worse it gets." (on ). You might think that they can use Qt to 'educate' NDE [sic] developers. I was hoping to see a retraction or clarification from Ari, but all I find is stuff like this: 17 08:32
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 08:35
mark_antony_ken1I'm wondering if we'll see a series of new projects spawned, like the OpenSuse, Fedora, and so on, but for projects like the trolltech qt stuff, mysql and the like.Jun 17 08:35
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 08:37
mark_antony_ken1ah, there goes the other me.Jun 17 08:37
schestowitzWith Trolltech, doesn't the division already exist. And with MySQL dual-licence). Unless someone says F**K It (fork that is), the division (editions) seems unnecessary.Jun 17 08:37
mark_antony_ken1I thought that they both just had dual-licensing, which isn't really the same as a new project.Jun 17 08:39
schestowitzIs Fedora /really/ separate from Red Hat? CentOS is another interesting factor. Jun 17 08:39
mark_antony_ken1Ah, you're right, it was CentOS I was thinking of, rather than Fedora.Jun 17 08:40
schestowitzJust spotted this big hair pile of FUD: (WTF?)Jun 17 08:43
schestowitzOne thing's for sure: all companies, even Sun and Red Hat, will try to bend Free software and steer over to their own terms while exploiting the most free labour. That includes Novell of course.Jun 17 08:44
PetoKraus@ that link: you know, people are stupid...Jun 17 08:45
PetoKrausfraud happens anywhereJun 17 08:45
schestowitzDid you see the opening sentence?Jun 17 08:45
PetoKrausThere's no free lunch or, evidently, free open source Verio brings something extra to Linux: reliability. Click to learn about free test. Latest News about open source software.Jun 17 08:45
schestowitzSounds like Ballmer.Jun 17 08:45
PetoKraus:)Jun 17 08:45
PetoKraussmells like.Jun 17 08:45
schestowitz"No free soda," he said recently.Jun 17 08:46
PetoKraushehe, i like how it copied the links as wellJun 17 08:46
mark_antony_ken1Another con-man.  Free software is bound to attract a few conmen, because, like illicit DVD copying, the entry costs are very low.Jun 17 08:46
schestowitzIt's not ECT, but some article they grabbed from press that probably doesn't understand licences.Jun 17 08:46
schestowitzGood observation. That's why con-man hang out in casinos.Jun 17 08:47
schestowitz*menJun 17 08:47
mark_antony_ken1Yeah.  Hey, aren't you getting a supercasino in Manchester?Jun 17 08:47
schestowitzI have a friend who works at one, but I wouldn't care if that were true. I went to a casino in Manc only once. It's a bore.Jun 17 08:48
mark_antony_ken1I'm not a great fan of them myself - they're just another tax for the less well off, to my mind.Jun 17 08:49
schestowitzIn a Canadian casino I lost my wallet.Jun 17 08:49
mark_antony_ken1most people just lose the contents :-))Jun 17 08:50
schestowitzGot to keep fantasies alive. Sport celebrities, Disney World, Beauty and the Beast, lottery....Jun 17 08:50
mark_antony_ken1One sometimes wonders if we shouldn't return to our roundhouses in the woodlands, with the monster grendel at the crossroads up the way...Jun 17 08:52
schestowitzThat might happen too. Planet Earth is running of capacity and TV/couch make more people a side-effect of broadcast and perceptions that are now being enforced (Microsoft patents on forced viewing).Jun 17 08:54
mark_antony_ken1another digest posted.Jun 17 09:10
schestowitzNice one, thanks. They are read now only by searchers. Several sites have them mirrored.Jun 17 09:12
schestowitzThe same goes for Groklaw News Picks, based on what I was told. It's good to keep knowledge circulating to counter 'marketing' and 'studies'.Jun 17 09:13
mark_antony_ken1It could be possible to automate more of the process, but then it'd have to be by using digital signatures.  The advantage, the posts would appear when I don't have too much time, and I could save up the non-validated ones for later posting.  The disadvantage?  Anyone not using a digital sig would wait until I had time, and also that I would need to actually write the damn thing... currently it's a mix of sed Jun 17 09:15
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 09:18
schestowitzI suspect that most of what's in COLA is viewed as archived rather as 'news' (subscribed), so it probably doesn't matter much if it's posted immediately or not. I used to generate stats for some newsgroups and I did this semi-manually, so I could see what I post.Jun 17 09:19
mark_antony_kentI tend not to worry too much, as I agree with you, I think that cola is being used for finding obscure articles, and the digests are a great help with that.  The fact that I still get complaints about them from the trolls would suggest that they're quite useful.Jun 17 09:20
schestowitzThey sometimes nag about very specific articles or snippets, which is helpful because it tells you when you are on the right topic (hitting their sensitive spot). I am rather shocked today at the lack of news about/from Microsoft. The company has, in general, had little good news to deliver _in months_.Jun 17 09:23
mark_antony_kentIf they had some, they'd be shouting it from the rooftops.  Recession is not a great time for anyone, and for a company in Microsoft's rather precarious position, it's particularly nasty.  They have no assets.Jun 17 09:25
schestowitzBy the way, we might soon have some space and reason to look at other companies that /still/ try to battle a return to Free software days. IBM is still _a little_ FOSS-hostile (more than Sun, less than Oracle) and the rumours about DB2 open source (from the British press) has been just squashed by IBM. The financial reports from IBM and Microsoft are going to be as grim as Sun's.Jun 17 09:26
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 09:27
mark_antony_kentIBM have a very strong foss and linux unit, but they remain a hardware integrator at heart.  This is quite good from the foss viewpoint, as they're as likely to be helpful as not.Jun 17 09:28
schestowitzYes, that sums it up well. At least they adopt with RMS often speaks about. hHeir proprietary software aside, they make a lot of money offering services like support and customisation . Hardware too.Jun 17 09:31
tessierI interviewed with IBM once. What a nightmare. And their final excuse for not hiring me was pitiful. I know Rex works there these days.Jun 17 09:32
schestowitzCan you share their excuse. It was rather shocking to find that Rex once had an interview at Microsoft (do did my sister), but he didn't have "the religion".Jun 17 09:33
tessierI did a few phone interviews and at least one or two in-person interviews and put quite a bit of time into it and finally they said they "wanted someone with more sales experience."Jun 17 09:36
tessierI never listed any sales experience anywhere on my resume and never claimed to have any.Jun 17 09:36
tessierThey should have known from the very beginning I wasn't what they wanted if they weren't willing to train a tech guy on sales.Jun 17 09:36
tessierAnd I had to call them a week or so later as a follow-up just to find that out.Jun 17 09:37
tessierThe primary interviewer asked me how much I made at my last job. I told him. He seemed skeptical and asked if I could prove it. I said I could. The whole experience didn't come off as very professional.Jun 17 09:37
schestowitzInterviews are a pain, especially when one is committed to them and invests time.Jun 17 09:37
tessierNot that what I made at my last job should matter. I hate companies who hire that way. But it seems most do.Jun 17 09:37
schestowitzThey want to see how little they can afford to pay out. They want the candidate the name the number. Mark should know this well because he does interviews.Jun 17 09:38
tessierI know. They want to screw the candidate over and get him cheap. Which is a first indication of a crappy place to work.Jun 17 09:39
tessierAfter that particular experience I just started making up the number I wanted to be paid.Jun 17 09:39
schestowitzSpeaking of IBM, sour grapes are not worth it. The company is gradually moving to the east anyway.Jun 17 09:39
tessierIndeed.Jun 17 09:39
schestowitzAny time another round of axing is done, then I just hope Rex will be  'safe' He too seems to be making trips to India these days, so I imagine he'/s passing on skills.Jun 17 09:40
tessierYeah. Last email I got from him he was in India.Jun 17 09:40
tessierWish I could catch up with him some day. Would be cool to meet the guy I've known online for 15 years or whatever.Jun 17 09:41
schestowitzHis posts tell me that Ballard deploys virtualised servers and mixed environments (probably UNIX/Linux... z series) in a country which evidently moves in that direction. Jun 17 09:41
*tessier does a lot with virtualization as wellJun 17 09:42
tessierI need to do some more work on my project website: xenaoe.orgJun 17 09:42
tessierNeed to finish writing a bunch of documentation, get the svn repository linked into the site, etc.Jun 17 09:42
schestowitzBTW, what's the command in IRC which does what you just did ("* tessier does a lot with virtualization as well")Jun 17 09:42
tessier /me does this actionJun 17 09:43
*schestowitz tests this thingJun 17 09:43
schestowitzThanks.Jun 17 09:43
tessierThere ya goJun 17 09:43
*tessier has been an IRC addict since 1993Jun 17 09:43
tessierI discovered it when I first arrived at college. I also discovered that IRC stands for I Repeat ClassesJun 17 09:44
*schestowitz started IRC around 96 and moved to ICQJun 17 09:44
tessierWhen did you first start posting to cola and getting involved in Linux advocacy?Jun 17 09:44
tessierI used to read/post there regularly in the late 90's, then I quit for a few years, then I came back and you were dominating the groupJun 17 09:45
schestowitzAround 2005, I think. I was helping people with technical issues in USENET between 2004 and 2005. It gave me something to keep occupied between experiments (the PhD).Jun 17 09:45
tessierWhat sort of experiments?Jun 17 09:46
schestowitzCOmputer vision.Jun 17 09:46
tessierCoolJun 17 09:46
tessierYou have a PhD in computer science?Jun 17 09:46
schestowitzI don't do that anymore. Academia is Jurassic age for technology.Jun 17 09:46
tessierYeah. The latest stuff all happens in private industry it seems.Jun 17 09:47
schestowitzI'm dragging it now. 17 09:48
tessierSounds like you'll get there slowly but surely. Congrats in advance.Jun 17 09:50
tessierviva is like thesis defense?Jun 17 09:50
schestowitzYes, it is. Just another fancy word for the equivalent of a face-to-face job interview.Jun 17 09:53
tessierComputer vision...a field of AI. I've read a lot about AI in the last year or two. The great AI winter, Lisp, etc.Jun 17 10:00
tessierAs soon as we understand how something works we no longer consider it AI. Bayesian spam filtering should be considered AI but nobody really talks about it that way.Jun 17 10:00
schestowitz[Just came back] Yeah, but even AI is typically just simple brute-force stuff. Algorithms in general are not too exciting anymore. Also, many are reusable.Jun 17 10:08
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jun 17 10:10
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 10:34
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 10:35
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 10:58
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 11:14
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*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 13:05
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 13:06
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 13:07
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*mark_antony_ken1 ( has left #boycottnovellJun 17 13:18
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 13:44
*lojbanNewbie (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 13:55
lojbanNewbieholaJun 17 13:55
schestowitzHey there.Jun 17 13:56
lojbanNewbieWhat is so great about dotGNU that makes it better than Novell's Mono?Jun 17 13:56
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 13:56
schestowitzWhy do you ask?Jun 17 13:57
lojbanNewbieI couldn't find anything about dotGNU on the BN website so I came here insteadJun 17 13:57
lojbanNewbieYou're always ranting about Mono and not dotGNUJun 17 13:57
lojbanNewbieI assume that dotGNU has your approval. I want to know whyJun 17 13:58
schestowitzMono is being used to develop for Linux.Jun 17 13:58
schestowitzHold on, I'll get you a URL.Jun 17 13:58
schestowitz 17 14:01
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 14:02
schestowitzConsider Novell's MonoDevelop and compare to Wine (compatibility layer only). There are many P/Ls that are not owned by a company that threatens to use software patents; basing the Free desktop on it seems insane and divisional protection moreso.Jun 17 14:02
lojbanNewbieSo what about dotGNU?Jun 17 14:03
schestowitz<PetoKraus> : the ACT guys seem annoyed enough to comment and rebut ( ). Their masters at Redmond would be proud.Jun 17 14:04
schestowitzI think of  dotGNU like I think of Mainsoft. I suspect their arm is to run, not to develop. Execution is no infringement, but IANAL.Jun 17 14:05
PetoKrausi wish the kernel would be gplv3edJun 17 14:06
PetoKrausthough, who doesn't.Jun 17 14:06
schestowitzLet me put it this way: our aim is to gradually move people to GNU/Linux and a free API, but not to do so by embracing someone else's APIs and be at the mercy of your rival's rules. You can beat Microsoft at Microsoft's game.Jun 17 14:06
*mark_antony_ken2 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 14:07
schestowitzRMS is a bit hostile towards Linux (not Linus), at least in the same that he feels bitter. I think the reaction from Linus is a tad personal too. He cursed RMS on several occasion (PJ even had to delete his comment because of this).Jun 17 14:07
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 14:08
schestowitzJose, I think that the gist of it is that running our old applications in a transitory/transitional fashion is OK where it's permitted (Wine was no sin until the Novell deal that left doubt), but we have strength  we should focus on. Microsoft is scared of things like Java, Qt, ODF...Jun 17 14:10
lojbanNewbieI don't particularly care for .net as there are already plenty of free technologies aroundJun 17 14:12
lojbanNewbieI was reading your website and I wanted to know why Mono but not dotGNUJun 17 14:12
schestowitzDespite the relatively small proportion of desktop Linux users, many of us are developers. Microsoft understands this and it tried to become universal by getting us dependent on .NET, XAML, OOXML, etc. In the news at the moment it's shown that almost nobody developers for Vista. And remember: DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERSJun 17 14:13
PetoKrausit's only 11 times, not 14 :/Jun 17 14:13
PetoKraus:PJun 17 14:13
schestowitzYeah, I did a quick copy and paste (my typos probably tell that I don't proofread). :-)Jun 17 14:14
*mark_antony_ken2 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jun 17 14:15
schestowitz<lojbanNewbie>, dotGNU isn't too worrying at the moment because it isn't actively being used to replace C/C++/Java/Python applications on the common GNU desktop. Think Totem -> Banshee, Gwenview -> fspot, that sort of thing...Jun 17 14:15
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 14:15
schestowitzMany core applications in GNOME (de facto) are being built from the ground up using Mono.Jun 17 14:15
lojbanNewbieI may be confused but can't you replace Mono with dotGNU and still have the programs run?Jun 17 14:16
lojbanNewbieI am assuming that dotGNU does implement everything that mono doesJun 17 14:17
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 14:18
schestowitzYes, its aim it to run the applications.Jun 17 14:18
schestowitzI don't believe that the project was conceived as means of actually developing the GNU desktop though. See 17 14:19
lojbanNewbieok. I guess I understand now.Jun 17 14:21
schestowitzPlease ask questions any time. I am not against running .NET, but I opine that Novell is using Mono to penalise competitors. It's the same with virtualisation. They try to gain added value using software patents and the problem is a _long-term_ one.Jun 17 14:24
schestowitzJust published a piece about OLPC: 17 14:25
PetoKrausi've read an article how .NET was big opportunity to clean up windows but it completely failed due to it's proposed scopeJun 17 14:26
PetoKraus(targetting all user groups, win32 legacy code dependant etc)Jun 17 14:26
lojbanNewbieIt is a very big set of systems.Jun 17 14:26
lojbanNewbieNothing can fix the Win32 api without breaking compatibilityJun 17 14:27
schestowitzYes, OSNews wrote about this.Jun 17 14:27
schestowitzI think it was a Mac developers who complained about legacy stuff, concluding it was somewhat of a mess.Jun 17 14:27
schestowitz(I never used .NET, mind you, but I did some VB).Jun 17 14:27
PetoKraus"Oh that is a very interesting question! The I/O model is based on the Win32 model - we have to emulate the behaviour - and it turns out that behaviour is extremely nice. We went and implemented that.Jun 17 14:27
PetoKrausthat's utter bullshitJun 17 14:28
schestowitz<PetoKraus>, what is your level of experience with Windows programming. I could use your help! :-)Jun 17 14:29
PetoKrausnone, it's just what i've heard, unfortunately :PJun 17 14:29
PetoKrausbut everyone blames win32Jun 17 14:30
PetoKrauseven windows developers....Jun 17 14:30
lojbanNewbieI've used win32 before. It wasn't pleasantJun 17 14:30
lojbanNewbieIt's full of fooBar(hwnd,NULL NULL NULLJun 17 14:30
PetoKrausthe problem is - they are not gonna drop it soonJun 17 14:31
lojbanNewbieheh. The joys of backwards compatibilityJun 17 14:31
PetoKrausi guess windows will always have to be 32 bit, just because it's commitment (a bit pervert commitment) to backwards compatibility. You beat me to it.Jun 17 14:31
lojbanNewbieOn a proprietary software platformJun 17 14:31
schestowitzOn top of that, they lost a lot of compatibility with the revised model of Vista. They could soon compromise more.Jun 17 14:32
PetoKrausschestowitz: if they made it properly, like, Mac OS X, that'd be goodJun 17 14:32
schestowitzYes, <lojbanNewbie> , the key is permitting developers to do their thing with the code.Jun 17 14:32
PetoKrausbut they created something half-baked...Jun 17 14:32
lojbanNewbieIt's been how long already?Jun 17 14:33
lojbanNewbie15 years?Jun 17 14:33
schestowitzWell, that's legacy, I guess. Go ahead and try to get that merged in blob form.. :-)Jun 17 14:34
PetoKrauswell, every system strives with legacy...Jun 17 14:34
PetoKrause.g. big kernel lock.Jun 17 14:34
schestowitzThat's why system integration is the future. Being able to build a customised platform with legacy precompiled is possible. If there is demand for it, someone /will/ do it.Jun 17 14:34
PetoKrauswell, the guys who forked off gentoo and are developing exherboJun 17 14:35
schestowitzDon't they resolve BKL right now? It was on KernelTrap recently.Jun 17 14:35
PetoKrausdecided to do just that - simple, modern systemJun 17 14:35
PetoKrausschestowitz: it's process which is ongoing... many parts of kernel rely on some form of kernel locking, so, they are trying to push and break the big lock in smaller partsJun 17 14:36
schestowitzThat lock affects some desktop distros too, I suspect. They generally seem to be moving into branches now (embedded announced by Morton recently and another by Greg KH).Jun 17 14:37
PetoKrausi had a crazy idea ofJun 17 14:40
PetoKrausgnu/hurd running on GPU instead of CPUJun 17 14:40
lojbanNewbiethat's crazyJun 17 14:41
PetoKraussince GPU's are optimized for high amount of processesJun 17 14:41
PetoKrausand hurd is quite a lot processes...Jun 17 14:41
PetoKraus*lot ofJun 17 14:41
PetoKrauscould be fun. :) now i need the money to fund the developers.Jun 17 14:41
lojbanNewbieour GPUs are efficient for SIMD scenarios.Jun 17 14:42
lojbanNewbiethe Hurd is a general purpose set of programsJun 17 14:42
lojbanNewbieour GPUs are going to have a tougher time with Hurd in general thanJun 17 14:44
schestowitzNVIDIA has just cancelled iits 256-core GPU I think.Jun 17 14:44
lojbanNewbiewith MISD scenarios that I imagine occurs on a Hurd systemJun 17 14:45
PetoKrausrightJun 17 14:48
PetoKrausgoing for a pint: 17 14:48
lojbanNewbieenjoyJun 17 14:49
*schestowitz looksJun 17 14:49
PetoKrausi always wondered where there is such style of serving of a pint as is on the imageJun 17 14:49
PetoKraus* in britainJun 17 14:49
PetoKrauswe call it "cut beer"....Jun 17 14:50
schestowitzIt's a nice pair. Too much for driving.Jun 17 14:50
PetoKrausthat's for sure.Jun 17 14:50
lojbanNewbiedamn. I'm thirsty nowJun 17 14:51
schestowitzJust remember: no hacking on openssl after beer.Jun 17 14:51
PetoKraus:)Jun 17 14:51
PetoKrauswas he drunk?Jun 17 14:51
schestowitz"It was just a line. Didn't even delete it. Just commented out!!11"Jun 17 14:51
schestowitzNo, I don't know.Jun 17 14:51
PetoKrauswhere did you get that quote from?Jun 17 14:52
schestowitzJust made up. I didn't follow the Debian drama too closely. It made me nauseous.Jun 17 14:53
*lojbanNewbie (n=user@ has left #boycottnovell ("I thirst for some beers")Jun 17 14:53
PetoKraus:)Jun 17 14:53
PetoKrausok, bye, g2gJun 17 14:53
schestowitzcyaJun 17 14:53
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 15:04
schestowitz@ Euruaran: 17 15:07
*mark_antony_ken2 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 15:07
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 15:09
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jun 17 15:10
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 15:23
schestowitzBravo to Simon Phipps (Sun): "Rumours that Nokia may understand open source are greatly exaggerated if these comments reflect the company's actual position. DRM? SIM locks? What needs to change is the mobile industry, not open source." ( )Jun 17 15:28
*mark_antony_ken2 ( has left #boycottnovellJun 17 15:31
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 15:47
schestowitzJust posted the following : "To those who are IRC regulars: if you wish to add your favourite avatar — to be displayed adjacent to your messages in the logs — please mail it to me ( roy at schestowitz dot com ) or post below as a comment the URL containing the image. sed makes it all this simple to achieve."Jun 17 16:02
schestowitzWe can add homepage URL to turn a nick into a hyperlink. If you prefer. :-)Jun 17 16:03
mark_antony_kentavatar... hmmm, what's old, greying, a little decrepit, in need of early retirement, yesterday's man, etc... ah, I know, gimme a windows logo :-)Jun 17 16:12
schestowitzReally?Jun 17 16:15
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 16:18
mark_antony_ken1nah  - only jokingJun 17 16:19
schestowitzWhat will it be then?Jun 17 16:19
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 16:27
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 16:27
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 16:36
EruaranhulloJun 17 16:40
EruaranI'm starting to become suspiciousJun 17 16:40
*schestowitz listensJun 17 16:40
EruaranI've seen so many people attacking KDE4 latelyJun 17 16:41
EruaranSome of it is absolutely vitriolicJun 17 16:41
schestowitzYes, but some are trusted members of the 'community'.Jun 17 16:41
*theoddone ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 16:41
schestowitzThe "sucks bug time" one was just bad. Troy did damage control earlier and I was going to post many KDE links within a couple of hours.Jun 17 16:41
EruaranAnd there are those also who just buy into it and attack as wellJun 17 16:41
schestowitzLook up at the pointer I gave you: 17 16:42
EruaranYes I saw that tyJun 17 16:42
EruaranAlot of it seems to be deliberately misrepresentativeJun 17 16:42
schestowitzHans has been using KDE for many years. He's not nasty, so he's off the hook, so to speak.Jun 17 16:43
schestowitzBeramger on the other hand just curses everything in the world.Jun 17 16:44
EruaranI mean more those who keep popping up in the blog responsesJun 17 16:44
schestowitzWhat was your suspicion as you call it?Jun 17 16:44
EruaranI'm starting to wonder about the motivationJun 17 16:44
EruaranIf there aren't a group of people deliberately going out of their way to slag off on itJun 17 16:45
schestowitzA friend of mine who is a professor opines that Microsoft boosters (that's what he calls them) game some online content to subvert Linux. But that's just him anyway. There were also alerts recently about a rise in anti-Linux sites.Jun 17 16:45
EruaranIts speculation on my partJun 17 16:45
schestowitzThe Windows trolls in USENET go out of their way to slag off KDE 4. It intensified in the past month. They also attacked Ubuntu when 8.04 was released, then Fedora.Jun 17 16:46
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 16:47
EruaranI mean people, and desktop projects have had their differences before and for a while things were very friendly... then suddenly I see a rising tide of vitriol against KDE4.x from people, most of whom, don't even use it and betray their ignorance in their postsJun 17 16:47
schestowitzHi, Hilton Gibson.Jun 17 16:47
*theoddone ( has left #boycottnovell ("Kopete 0.12.7 :")Jun 17 16:47
Eruaranyes, it seems like a bit of a 'rent a crowd' that wasn't there beforeJun 17 16:48
schestowitzThere are firms for that. I wrote about Microsoft in this context recently.Jun 17 16:48
*theoddone ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 16:49
*theoddone ( has left #boycottnovell ("Kopete 0.12.7 :")Jun 17 16:51
moparxhey allJun 17 16:57
*mark_antony_kent wavesJun 17 16:58
*moparx waves backJun 17 16:58
PetoKraushelloJun 17 16:58
*PetoKraus thinks, that in retrospective, drinking beer in 30C was not a good idea.Jun 17 16:58
schestowitz<PetoKraus>, <moparx>: do you have an avatar you want added to IRC logs? Just a small image really...Jun 17 16:59
*mark_antony_kent thinks sit in the fridge and drink it?Jun 17 16:59
PetoKrausschestowitz: noJun 17 16:59
PetoKrausmark_antony_kent: draught is draught...Jun 17 16:59
mark_antony_kentPetoKraus: you're in the pub?Jun 17 16:59
schestowitzI used to get dressed up in the fridge.Jun 17 16:59
PetoKrausmark_antony_kent: not anymoreJun 17 17:00
mark_antony_kentschestowitz: err, why?Jun 17 17:00
mark_antony_kentPetoKraus: aha, I start to understand.  perhaps some coffee?Jun 17 17:00
PetoKraus:)Jun 17 17:00
PetoKrausshower.Jun 17 17:00
schestowitzI came to work sweating. t was a very big fridge.Jun 17 17:00
schestowitzMeat freezer.Jun 17 17:00
moparxIRC avatars, eh?Jun 17 17:01
mark_antony_kentPetoKraus: my kids are in the little pool thing outside - I know because I heard the screams of agony when they got in :-)Jun 17 17:01
PetoKraus:DJun 17 17:01
PetoKrausmoparx: on logsJun 17 17:01
mark_antony_kentschestowitz: ah, okay - some kind of butchery job :-)Jun 17 17:01
moparxI know :pJun 17 17:01
schestowitzBurger King. I was 17.Jun 17 17:01
mark_antony_kentschestowitz: well, it's a jobJun 17 17:01
mark_antony_kentand it'll probably put you off burgers for ever :-)Jun 17 17:02
schestowitzNot quite. I had loads while I was there. Fed up for just a while. But either way, Ieat healthier now.Jun 17 17:02
PetoKrausschestowitz: i've found that utility to DL mp4 files from you to beJun 17 17:03
PetoKrausit's in gentoo portageJun 17 17:04
schestowitzI have one that grabs the Flash. I then use ffmpeg2theoraJun 17 17:04
moparxooo my defectivebydesign anti-drm stickers came in the mail. now what shall I use them on :)Jun 17 17:05
schestowitzIt's time consuming though, so I'll probably do video just once or twice a week.Jun 17 17:05
mark_antony_kentmoparx: well, you could put one on your car rear window...Jun 17 17:05
schestowitz<moparx>, how about using them as an avatar?Jun 17 17:05
moparxthat works.. heheJun 17 17:06
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 17:07
schestowitz<moparx>, you mean, works for the car or works for the logs?Jun 17 17:08
moparxboth :)Jun 17 17:08
mark_antony_ken1heheJun 17 17:08
PetoKrauswell, i got nice stickers from being FSF memberJun 17 17:08
PetoKrausi got even Free Software, Free Society bookJun 17 17:08
PetoKrausit was a nice present :)Jun 17 17:09
moparxnice :)Jun 17 17:09
EruaranI couldn't help myselfJun 17 17:12
EruaranI posted an angry response to Mr, "Ahhh... So, now I have to wait until 4.2 for a usuable version."Jun 17 17:12
EruaranAnonymously :PJun 17 17:12
PetoKraus?Jun 17 17:12
schestowitzWhose blog? By the way, post a reply to ACT too. They called me Mr. Angry yesterday.Jun 17 17:13
Eruaranhttp://thebeezspeaks.blogspot.c...Jun 17 17:13
EruaranI don't think it shows up yetJun 17 17:14
moparxnopeJun 17 17:14
PetoKrausthe only thing which kind of stops me from trying out KDE4 is, that I am using gentooJun 17 17:15
schestowitzI hate Blogspot. I gave up almost when Glyn's Blogspot alerts ended up in GMail SPAM (yes, Google cans Google!). The captcha also takes longer to do than to write a comment.Jun 17 17:15
mark_antony_ken1Roy - did you see this, btw?  I've just posted a few words about it in cola in response to the erroneous claim regarding proprietary platforms which has been made about someone at BT whole stole my name :-)Jun 17 17:15
PetoKrausand i don't wanna compile it 4 daysJun 17 17:15
schestowitzmark_antony_ken1, I'll take a look at the moment. I can't have Firefox and KNode in RAM at the same time with a 220,000-message index in RAM (512 MB).Jun 17 17:16
Eruaranah, "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."Jun 17 17:16
PetoKrausEruaran: nice.Jun 17 17:16
mark_antony_ken1schestowitz: no worries.  It actually quotes quite heavily, more than I'd realised...Jun 17 17:17
moparxswitch to slrn :pJun 17 17:22
mark_antony_ken1moparx: I use slrn... I'm also a bit confused...Jun 17 17:23
moparx:)Jun 17 17:23
mark_antony_ken1ah - you mean roy ... hehe sorryJun 17 17:23
moparxyaJun 17 17:23
moparxheheJun 17 17:23
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 17:23
mark_antony_ken1ah, I've gone againJun 17 17:23
schestowitzYou're like a zombie with bits of you falling off. Somewhat like a snake. And those old bits 'dissolve'. :-)Jun 17 17:25
moparxhahaJun 17 17:25
mark_antony_ken1hehe - I'm shedding nyms :-)Jun 17 17:25
schestowitzWell, you later pick them up again. It's a cycle of life. There's 1st and second-gen Mark. Then there's 3G where the # is omitted.Jun 17 17:26
mark_antony_ken1schestowitz: I'll look out for the 3G /meJun 17 17:27
*schestowitz still in Generation Zero with PCs that can have Vista installed (for technical reasons alone).Jun 17 17:31
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 17:37
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 17 17:47
schestowitz<mark_antony_ken1>, I've just looked at that blog you linked to (  ). The trolls are better off ignored. They made libellous and defamatory claims, so setting the record straight is pointless. Just look how much energy Rex Ballard is spending (in vain) trying to defend himself.Jun 17 18:01 is down ;)Jun 17 18:02
PetoKrausi guess they are updating page for ffx 3Jun 17 18:02
schestowitzHaha! That's excellent. More hype.Jun 17 18:02
EruaranI got annoyed with FF todayJun 17 18:02
EruaranOn gnomeJun 17 18:03
Eruaranwanted to download a clip and it would play it but I didn't know how to just download itJun 17 18:03 always falls over when a new version is released. They can't scale well. But it's like a publicity stunt. Maybe.Jun 17 18:03
Eruaranso I just opened konquerorJun 17 18:03
Eruaranclick, download, doneJun 17 18:04
Eruaranbbl its bedtimeJun 17 18:05
EruaranI'm ramblingJun 17 18:05
PetoKraus:) beJun 17 18:05
PetoKraus*yeJun 17 18:05
schestowitzCya l8rJun 17 18:06
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 18:14
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 18:15
*maxstirner (i=maxstirn@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 18:27
tessier_schestowitz: Clever publicity stunt. Intentionally under-provisioning and making it look like the demand is so huge you can't handle it.Jun 17 19:11
tessier_Any sane distributor would just make everyone use bittorrent and serve it all off of one box.Jun 17 19:11
PetoKraus 17 19:37
PetoKrausspot the errors :PJun 17 19:37
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 19:54
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 19:54
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 19:58
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 20:14
*tessier has quit (Connection timed out)Jun 17 20:25
*mark_antony_kent ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 20:27
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jun 17 20:29
*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 20:48
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jun 17 20:59
*mark_antony_ken1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 21:35
*mark_antony_kent has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 21:37
*mark_antony_ken1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 17 22:05
*maxstirner has quit ("Leaving")Jun 17 22:25
[H]omerEvening allJun 17 22:55
[H]omerAnyone home?Jun 17 22:55
tessier_HiJun 17 22:55
[H]omerHelloJun 17 22:55
[H]omerI think I'm finally wearing the Ubuntu "noobs" down. Soon I'll have them all preaching the gospel of Tux, and quoting Stallman.Jun 17 22:56
[H]omer 17 22:56
[H]omerI see the big Firefox campaign is in full swingJun 17 22:59
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 17 23:05

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