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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: July 10th, 2008

-dmwaters-{global notice} Good day all, I have a fairly large rotation server that needs to be restarted, about 6000 users. This won't take long, but it will be a bit noisey. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for using freenode!Jul 10 00:58
*tessier_ has quit ( 10 00:59
*tessier has quit ( 10 00:59
*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 00:59
*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 00:59
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 01:48
*dsmith_ has quit ()Jul 10 02:32
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 02:33
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 10 04:46
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 04:47
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 10 04:48
schestowitzMicroSCOft's shill is out: Good riddance.Jul 10 05:12
RogerBacon 10 06:04
RogerBaconhave fun ;)Jul 10 06:04
RogerBacontitle of the link is :Jul 10 06:04
RogerBaconEt Tu, Intel? Chip Giant Won’t Embrace Microsoft’s Windows VistaJul 10 06:04
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jul 10 06:05:03 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jul 10 06:05:17 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJul 10 06:05
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications (publicly logged)Jul 10 06:05
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Wed Jun 4 04:34:16 2008Jul 10 06:05
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJul 10 06:05
schestowitzWhat companies /do/ adopt it?Jul 10 06:05
RogerBaconbloated softwareJul 10 06:07
RogerBacon;)Jul 10 06:07
RogerBaconsooo trueJul 10 06:07
RogerBaconim out againJul 10 06:08
RogerBaconbyeJul 10 06:08
schestowitzSee you laterJul 10 06:08
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 06:59
*RogerBacon has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 10 07:56
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 10 08:19
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 08:20
schestowitzHmmm... the site is down at the moment. I wonder why.Jul 10 09:02
-ChanServ-You have been opped on #boycottnovell by [H]omerJul 10 10:21
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJul 10 10:21
-ChanServ-You have been opped on #slated by [H]omerJul 10 10:21
*kentma (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 10:28
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jul 10 11:12
schestowitzInteresting comment: The *ahem* less clueful still use that stupid word INNOVA~1 to distinguish between development methods. Others ascribes GUIs (user friendliness) to code visibility.Jul 10 13:34
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 14:24
schestowitzZDNet has admitted recently being provocative because they are paid per pageview (with Microsoft ads). Now comes this (which is unrelated):Jul 10 14:29
schestowitz 'The Linux version of the Eee 1000 will cost €£369, while the XP version will cost €£349. An Asus spokesperson told on Thursday that the Eee 1000 was "with distributors already", while the 904 will be on shelves in about a week's time.'Jul 10 14:29
schestowitzThey did this in Australia before, but this seems like the first time that they do it elsewhere. it's cheaper to buy Windows and then install Linux (free) over it. Same stupid situation with Dell.Jul 10 14:32
Tallkenlol proabably MS is paying them to include XP xDJul 10 14:32
cozubor maybe they're just so "keen" on keeping good relations with m$ :-/Jul 10 14:34
TallkenPersonally, on such PCs I'd keep the original OS, unless it sucked horriblyJul 10 14:37
schestowitzUnreliable coverage of the Best Buy news makes me think..I dunno... ZDNet is sponsored by Microsoft and Prelow has openly admitted trolling/provoking (because they make income based on pageviews). As for Joe, he and Asay have been backslapping a lot recently (linking to each other endlessly for validation). They are both dismissing Best Buy's move.Jul 10 15:00
schestowitzLook at this: . Well, well... Linux is sold at the high street, but NO... it HAS to bad news. Working with U..........Jul 10 15:03
*rufus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 15:10
schestowitzJust been told this "Be expecting a gigantic marketing push from M$ very soon: "Jul 10 16:04
schestowitz It's the Enderle shill writing. The guy is practically paid by Microsoft (he calls it a client and attends Redmond cocktail parties), which has a shill blog onslught at the moment. That Vista blitz has 300 million dollars invested it in and its run by a proxy (peripheral advertising agency). It's OS/2-days-esque dirty tricks.Jul 10 16:04
Tallkenhum that article doesn't tell anything special... MS is annoyed; they'll respond to Apple's commercials. Honestly, between that and using proxies to meddle with GPL, I'm fairly confortable with advertising... They won't dare mess with Linux in the open, as they'd risk ackowledging Linux as serious competitionJul 10 16:18
Tallkenwhich they haven't done in the openJul 10 16:18
Tallkenwell, maybe they've with all those dealsJul 10 16:19
schestowitzI'll write about it later.Jul 10 16:19
TallkenBut I tend to think news related to Novell's Silverlight and Mono only reach me because I'm curious enough about that area of the newsJul 10 16:20
schestowitzIn and some other sites i run, about 1 in 3 people use GNU/Linux, but it's biased Science blog didn't give numbers: 10 16:20
Tallkenand that doesn't happen with most peopleJul 10 16:20
schestowitzI speak about it in a separate channel too. Here's the giest:Jul 10 16:21
schestowitzgist:Jul 10 16:21
schestowitz[It's publicly logged) <m-c> Well, yeah, that's what the article says, that they hired a popular ad firm to improve the image of VistaJul 10 16:22
schestowitz<m-c> Yeap, for sure, but the best way to defend against propaganda is to know of it's existence and purpose.  So you can be expecting this campaign, because $300 Jul 10 16:22
schestowitz<GNU\colossus> the best way to defend against propaganda is to shoot those in the head who are spreading it -- that isn't legal everywhere, from what I've heard, Jul 10 16:22
schestowitz<m-c> the best propaganda is spread by the people you are wanting to effectJul 10 16:22
schestowitz<m-c> if you know who originally created the memes, then it loses much of the effect - for you to believe you came up with the idea yourselfJul 10 16:22
schestowitz<m-c> I think I used "you" too many times to mean different things there.Jul 10 16:22
TallkenhumJul 10 16:25
schestowitzI hate big lies so much.Jul 10 16:25
Tallkenyou're all expecting the propaganda will appear in a covert way, done by a proxy with no apparent connection to MS?Jul 10 16:25
schestowitzAnother example: Microsoft said that only 0.2% or 2% of the PCs (can't remember which) has malware. The real figure is well over 50%. They had Geer /FIRED/ for daring to say the truth.Jul 10 16:26
schestowitzBy proxy, as in via ZDNet and via deal with GoDaddy to game Web server stats (true story by the way).Jul 10 16:27
schestowitzBe ready for the firms they hired to pull the same ol' dirty tricks. They are well paid to do this.Jul 10 16:27
schestowitzMicrosoft reaction: Oh, *that* advertising firm? It has nothing to do with us. Sure, it paid bloggers. Sure, it cheats. But we only dumped $0.3 billion onto it, we're not directly responsible. Jul 10 16:28
TallkenroflJul 10 16:28
schestowitzSearch YouTube for the "advertisers, advertisers, advertisers" video from Ballmer. As the wise men say, "Microsoft is a marketing company." It buys or steals other people's products and then markets them unethically ('hit below the belt' mentality).Jul 10 16:28
Tallkenwhen I read the pageJul 10 16:28
Tallkenand as they we're mentioning AppleJul 10 16:28
TallkenI thought it'd be a direct responseJul 10 16:28
Tallkennot a "undercover" oneJul 10 16:28
schestowitzApple doesn't scare Microsoft.Jul 10 16:28
Tallkenthe only true way to find out the numbersJul 10 16:28
Tallkenwould be all ISPs reporting their client OSJul 10 16:29
Tallkenany other way is biasedJul 10 16:29
schestowitzMicrosoft has a deal with Apple. Microsoft makes money from Mac users and it never mentions it as a threat, unlike FOSS.Jul 10 16:29
Tallkenfor example, people without jobs in the IT world are very less likely to visit your site...Jul 10 16:29
schestowitzHow would you weigh it? What about zombie PCs?Jul 10 16:29
Tallkenno, I'm mentioning the % of people with WindowJul 10 16:29
TallkensJul 10 16:29
Tallkennot the % of zombie PCJul 10 16:30
schestowitzI published an article about it last year. Made Slashdot's front page:http://itmanagement.earthweb...Jul 10 16:30
TallkenI wouldn't know how to determine that %Jul 10 16:30
schestowitzIt's a thing too complicated to measure because not all PCs are connected to the Web, let alone connected directly and sending identifiable HTTP headers. What about smartphones and appliances? It's a very, very complicated thing to meausre. See Science Blogs opinion, which is the same.Jul 10 16:31
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 10 16:33
*RogerBacon ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 17:27
RogerBacondamn, telecom immunity as been given to our telco companyJul 10 17:27
RogerBacon...Jul 10 17:27
schestowitzJust spotted this: 10 17:35
schestowitzWelcome to the NWO. :-DJul 10 17:35
RogerBacondamnJul 10 17:38
RogerBaconit's no more a conspiracy teory :(Jul 10 17:38
RogerBaconpeople will finally wake up when the NWO will be thereJul 10 17:40
schestowitzWell, I was joking about the term.Jul 10 17:41
schestowitzEither way, a few hours ago Glyn also showed his concern about 'globalisation', which like 'harmonisation' is a term that's supposed to sound nice but it's more like "contamination".Jul 10 17:42
RogerBaconITS REAL :DJul 10 17:42
RogerBaconjust kiddingJul 10 17:42
RogerBaconbut thy law is awfool ...Jul 10 17:42
schestowitzAnd yesterday I found out about G8 giving ACTA a nod. Have you read it?Jul 10 17:42
RogerBaconcan you give me a linkJul 10 17:42
RogerBaconpleaseJul 10 17:42
RogerBaconwill read thatJul 10 17:42
schestowitzIt's about 7 items ago, maybe it's in page2, not the front page. Wait... I'll get the link... 10 17:44
RogerBaconwhe need to start our own country, who's in ?Jul 10 18:15
schestowitzSealand is already taken. :-pJul 10 18:20
moparx_.. and you probably would not want to live there anyway :pJul 10 18:29
*moparx_ is now known as moparxJul 10 18:30
*Tallken has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jul 10 19:00
schestowitzmoparx: do they have fiber in Sealand?Jul 10 19:08
schestowitzLip service for Microsoft from the Partner Group, which Microsoft sponsors: 10 20:12
schestowitzOpen source as a term continues to die as journos equate APIs to "open source": (Asay, Dignan and other jokers that even equate Apple to 'open source'). Another article today is about iPhone and "open source". They really try to kill the term all together or squeeze what's left in it.Jul 10 20:19
moparxschestowitz: it has fiber-optic links if I recall correctlyJul 10 20:27
moparxsorry for the late replyJul 10 20:27
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 10 20:35
schestowitzThe OOXML scandal keeps getting worse, but I probably won't write about it until tomorrow. How can the system ignore so much corruption? I beats me.Jul 10 21:01
PetoKraushmm, i didn't follow itJul 10 21:01
PetoKrauswhat happened in last week?Jul 10 21:01
PetoKraus(i was painting the flat mostly this week)Jul 10 21:02
schestowitzISO plays clueless. "Nothing was wrong," it argues.Jul 10 21:02
schestowitzDespite the fact that it's own people (who ran away) complained about it.Jul 10 21:02
schestowitz*itsJul 10 21:02
PetoKrausaha. That's nice. And kind-of expectedJul 10 21:03
PetoKrausso, they are basically wiping the...Jul 10 21:03
PetoKrauscomplaints under carpet?Jul 10 21:04
schestowitzYes, I can give you some URLs.Jul 10 21:08
schestowitzLeaked documents: ttp:// Latest analysis: 10 21:09
schestowitzI feel like making some new graphical banners for ISO articles. They'll be more *ahem* visual.Jul 10 21:10
*rufus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 10 21:52
*tessier_ has quit ("Leaving")Jul 10 22:51
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Jul 10 23:04

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