A few minutes ago, Mandriva has announced the first release candidate version of Mandriva 2009, which brings a greatly improved package management tool, with automatic mirror selection and repository configuration.
Soon after they announced, I'd been hoping to take Google Chrome for a test drive. The comic book laid out a lot of interesting things, my favorite being the discussion of separate processes leading to detachable (and "retachable") browser tabs, something I have been touting for years as a long term Galeon user.
I've wanted to write this article for quite a while. Over the years I've noted that Java-based music and sound applications have increased in number and quality, yet no comprehensive list or summaries have covered these advances. And so at long last I present this survey of music and sound applications that require Java.
SUN released a new major release of their virtual machine software VirtualBox. Highlights in this release are 64bit guest support, a new GUI and also an enterprise subscription model.