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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 25th, 2008


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*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 01:25
*ReverseGTR ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 01:33
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 25 01:35
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 01:36
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerSep 25 01:36
*seller_liar ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 01:40
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Sep 25 02:23
*seller_liar has quit ("Leaving")Sep 25 02:36
*ReverseGTR ( has left #boycottnovellSep 25 03:59
*AVRS2 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Sep 25 05:21
MinceRbenJIman: noted :)Sep 25 05:56
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 25 06:08
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 06:15
*cj has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 25 07:06
*cj (n=cjac@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 07:30
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 07:38
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 25 07:39
MinceRgood morningSep 25 08:24
schestowitzMorning. I've just realise something important.Someone sent me this: "In principle this distro is a good thing, but fall short on using the source or checking the ingredients.  Picasa is a vector for DirectX, MS' proprietary imitation of OpenGL which has been industry standard for ages: "Sep 25 08:25
schestowitz"Letting or helping MS get DirectX a foothold anywhere in OpenGL's market would cede control over not just play back but also rendering in any form." Are they packaging Picasa? Either way, it shows the issue with embracing Wine out of the box. And for Google to play ball with DirectX... and ActiveX *sigh*Sep 25 08:26
*_Doug (i=4e69053d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 08:49
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 25 08:55
schestowitzPseudo science: 25 08:58
_DougToo much StarTrek .. :)Sep 25 09:01
schestowitzThey should read the jail sentence from tea leavesSep 25 09:02
_Dougentrails of a sheep ..Sep 25 09:02
_Dougwave a dead chicken at the perp :)Sep 25 09:03
schestowitzhaxor economist reads the US economy from tea leaves.Sep 25 09:03
_DougDid anyone ever do a double blind test in this brainwave reader ?Sep 25 09:04
_Doug"An investigator reads aloud details of the crime — as prosecutors see it — and the resulting brain images are processed using software built in Bangalore"Sep 25 09:04
_Doug"The inventors of the technology claim the system can distinguish between people’s memories of events they witnessed and between deeds they committed"Sep 25 09:05
schestowitzThe brain is just a disc/plateSep 25 09:06
_DougIt's been proved that false memories can be implanted, so-called recovered memories of child abuse later on turned out to be a concoction thought up by the examinerSep 25 09:06
schestowitzForget everything you know about nueronSep 25 09:06
schestowitzYou are getting very, very sleepy................Sep 25 09:06
schestowitz_Doug: you should forward this to psychic Laura.Sep 25 09:07
_DougWho? If people were psychic then why Invent the Internet ?Sep 25 09:08
_Dougonline gambling site cheated:Sep 25 09:12
_Doug 25 09:12
_DougWell - -a big DOH ...Sep 25 09:12
schestowitzThat's the business model.Sep 25 09:13
_DougBeats bunging up the cogs on one-arnmed-banditsSep 25 09:16
_Doug... gtg ..Sep 25 09:26
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Sep 25 09:26
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 10:40
schestowitz "Second, according to sources close to the development, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) — which met in New Delhi on the 22nd of this month — is reviewing the ISO transparency issue while simultaneously exploring alternate standards which emerge from bodies like the W3C and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)."Sep 25 10:40
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 25 10:41
schestowitzMiguel on pals from Microsoft (they are now with Mono): "Chris Anderson is wearing a Mono T-Shirt on this PDC interview  and is hosted on DekiWiki, a Mono-powered Wiki site." Well, sure, Microsoft people stay with .NET.Sep 25 10:43
*tommyd ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 11:03
*tommyd has quit ()Sep 25 11:26
*BooDy (n=BooDy@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 12:13
*tommyd ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 12:21
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 12:51
*moparx has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 25 12:57
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 13:00
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 13:04
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Sep 25 13:23
*kentma1 has quit ("Leaving.")Sep 25 13:30
*tommyd has quit ()Sep 25 13:33
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 13:41
trmanco 25 13:44
trmanco"Micro$$$oft, formerly known as My-Crow-Soft, inspired by disciplined structure of a old crow's nest, is a former world domination axed company that now produces nerve cell destroying software."Sep 25 13:44
schestowitzI remember their article on Vista.Sep 25 13:45
trmanco 25 13:47
trmancovista's on is even betterSep 25 13:47
trmancosee the screenshot with compiz on fedoraSep 25 13:47
schestowitzYes, I remember. Let me see.Sep 25 13:48
schestowitzVista is howt.Sep 25 13:48
*Aleksej2 (n=AVRS2@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 13:54
*AVRS2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 25 14:00
*Aleksej2 is now known as AVRSSep 25 14:00
*BooDy has quit ("sorry to disappoint you but I have no quit message")Sep 25 14:03
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 14:06
*_Doug (i=c17a2faa@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 14:23
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 14:23
_Dougany views on Microsofts' legacy Vista OS ?Sep 25 14:27
schestowitz 25 14:28
_DougSo, we can skip the Vista upgrade ?Sep 25 14:29
_Dougre: the LSE, any firm evidence it wasn't a borked upgrade that caused it ?Sep 25 14:30
schestowitzNo, LSE is all about secrecy.Sep 25 14:31
_Douggiven the reputations at stake, they must have found a 'report' by now putting the blame on UNIX ?Sep 25 14:31
schestowitzYou mean "  'found' a report  "Sep 25 14:33
schestowitzAs in paid someone to write it (manufacture it) and then linked to it in some MSDN blogs..?Sep 25 14:33
schestowitzExample just from yesterday: 25 14:34
schestowitzMay says: "That’s the conclusion of a recent Microsoft-sponsored study from Vital Wave Consulting, which Microsoft is touting in new posting on the company’s Unlimited Potential (UP) blog."Sep 25 14:34
_DougQuarter of Workers' Time Online Is Personal  ..Sep 25 14:39
_Doug 25 14:39
_DougBut remember, we wouldn't have been doing anything usefull anyway ..Sep 25 14:40
schestowitzJust a quarter. :-DSep 25 14:41
_Dougmonday: go in at 9:00 do nothing till 11.00 when you have your first coffeebreak ..Sep 25 14:43
_Dougtue: Do somethingSep 25 14:43
_Dougwed: don't turn up :)Sep 25 14:43
_Dougthurs: turn up in tha afternoon for the all-staff meetingSep 25 14:43
schestowitz..Unless you work for Nike.Sep 25 14:43
_DougFir: go to the pub at 12 noonSep 25 14:44
_DougFri: go to the pub at 12 noonSep 25 14:44
_DougFri morning is womans only meeting day. Actually that would be lesbians only ;)Sep 25 14:45
schestowitz:-(Sep 25 14:45
_DougOn a hot sunday afternoon, the aroma coming out of that room was really something ;)Sep 25 14:47
schestowitzWTF, _Doug ?Sep 25 14:47
_Dougfriday = sundaySep 25 14:47
_Douglots of ladies perspiring ?Sep 25 14:48
_Douguse you imagination ...Sep 25 14:48
*schestowitz point to topicSep 25 14:48
_Dougjust me reminising ..Sep 25 14:48
_DougThis is Thurs, my mind is wandering, time for the pub ...Sep 25 14:49
_Dougbye .. see you tomorrow ...Sep 25 14:50
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Sep 25 14:50
pombat42OT: some of those lesbians that frequent the clubs are married housewife types experimenting. Use your imagination :)Sep 25 15:04
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 25 16:18
*_Doug (i=4e69053d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 16:27
*tessier_ has quit ("Leaving")Sep 25 16:30
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Sep 25 16:43
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 16:45
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 16:52
_DougIP Addresses To Run Out By 2010 ..Sep 25 17:22
_Doug 25 17:22
_DougThen why don't they just use letters instead ?Sep 25 17:22
_Dougthe great virtualisation secret ..Sep 25 17:28
_Doug 25 17:28
*libervisco has quit ("Weakness corrupts and absolute weakness corrupts absolutely.")Sep 25 17:45
_Doug.Sep 25 17:45
trmancoOperating Systems:Sep 25 17:52
trmancoVista has not achieved the popularity of older brother XPSep 25 17:52
trmanco 25 17:52
trmanco"Good showing for Linux, which has achieved a 1.16% share of visits"Sep 25 17:53
trmanco 25 18:01
_DougShould people wait to upgrade to Windows 7 ?Sep 25 18:02
_Doug"a 10 minute install process" ?Sep 25 18:05
_Doug"I for one simply cannot wait for the new calculator. "Sep 25 18:07
_Doug 25 18:07
*tommyd ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 18:08
_DougJupiterResearch: "Their challenge for Windows 7 will be how can they continue to add features that consumers will want that also don't run afoul of regulators?"Sep 25 18:09
schestowitzJupiter is MS.Sep 25 18:10
_DougI'd like a static task bar at the top and a static status bar at the bottom, the middle being the app window that changes focus ..Sep 25 18:10
schestowitzClose to them anyway.Sep 25 18:10
_DougWill Windows7 be less like teletubbie land ?Sep 25 18:11
schestowitzBTW, sorry for not responding. I was away (gym). 246 dips in 2 minutes. :-)Sep 25 18:12
trmancogreatSep 25 18:12
trmancoNT 6.1Sep 25 18:12
trmancomehSep 25 18:12
trmancoI thought they where going to rewrite the hole kernel from scratch :PSep 25 18:13
_Douganyone here used the 'ribbon' ?Sep 25 18:13
_Dougthere's a hole in the kernel, where ?Sep 25 18:13
schestowitztrmanco: they lie and lie.Sep 25 18:13
schestowitzIt's not a crime, but Caldera sued them for it.Sep 25 18:13
schestowitzI have a copy here. It's very clearly presented: 25 18:14
trmancoI was just kidding :)Sep 25 18:14
trmancoM$ doesn't have the guts to do itSep 25 18:15
schestowitzWindows 8 will do double-flips in the air, serve you coffee, and *gasp* not have viruses. Thew feature will be called Ultra-Dieselware.Sep 25 18:15
trmancolooolSep 25 18:15
schestowitzBut some features may be dropped. Some.Sep 25 18:16
schestowitzJust stay with Windows -- for now. And hope. It's out "Any Moment Now"^TMSep 25 18:16
MinceRsome features, such as running your windows apps. ;)Sep 25 18:16
schestowitzWait, I'll find something funny.Sep 25 18:19
_DougPM schest .. see ya'llSep 25 18:19
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Sep 25 18:19
schestowitzI can't find it off hand.Sep 25 18:20
schestowitzIt's basically about Dell (I'm pretty sure it was Dell) presenting Vista (Basic) as good enough to "boot the O/S".Sep 25 18:20
schestowitzI think it was in their configurator. It's almost as though they made fun of Vista in  public.Sep 25 18:21
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 18:30
schestowitzOh cool. Matt Asay cites us. 25 18:31
*tommyd has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 25 18:46
schestowitzHugely imbalanced article here < >, which merely echoes Microsoft's owned unsubstantiated claims.Sep 25 18:46
schestowitzMore GL/PJ provocation: Astroturfing, sockpuppets, and SCO - ZDNet - You want to at least see this if you haven't. (he's blacklisted in GL).Sep 25 18:49
MinceR 25 19:07
MinceRi remember seeing that "booting the OS" screenshotSep 25 19:08
MinceR(yet i doubt that the bootloader of vista can really load an OS)Sep 25 19:08
MinceRhm, maybe loadlin.exe works on itSep 25 19:09
schestowitzGive it 5.Sep 25 19:09
schestowitzThey promise a thinner kernel, but it wa vapour.Sep 25 19:09
schestowitzSpotted 3 mins ago: The iPhone Is Now Doomed < >Sep 25 19:10
trmanco 25 19:13
*MinceR wonders what the fucking millions of brainless apple droids are doing on a site that's for nerdsSep 25 19:15
MinceRthey should be bannedSep 25 19:15
schestowitzSlashdot is changed.Sep 25 19:15
schestowitzI quite reading it personally, but it enters other aggregators.Sep 25 19:16
schestowitztrmanco: how did Vista climb all the way to the seat?Sep 25 19:17
MinceRdigg has already drowned under the sea of the clueless.Sep 25 19:18
schestowitzDigg is a lost cause now. 25 19:19
trmancoschestowitz, I don't knowSep 25 19:19
trmancocorruptionSep 25 19:19
trmancomoney can buy/corrupt a lot of things, especially OEMsSep 25 19:20
schestowitzWell, the Internet can track it better.Sep 25 19:21
trmanco 25 19:23
schestowitz 25 19:23
schestowitzI got to say it looks quite nice with the keyboard and everything. It's suited for use, not looks.Sep 25 19:24
trmancoyes it is neat :)Sep 25 19:26
schestowitzGood news ( zoobab probably knows by now): 25 19:26
*cozub has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 25 19:42
schestowitzMake you wonder about Dan Lyons: 25 19:46
schestowitz "We already saw what the option of doing nothing led to. And it wasn't "corrupted capitalism", but UNREGULATED capitalism. Unregulated, the capitalism evolves towards this kind of suicidal greed. The SEC is sick. "Sep 25 20:07
trmanco 25 20:32
schestowitzTimothy Prickett Morgan  is writing for them again.Sep 25 20:34
schestowitzSecond time this week and he's quite good (usually IT Beacon/Jungle). He's not a troll.Sep 25 20:34
benJIman"Archbishop Rowan Williams is right on the money. Because what he says is exactly what the Bible says in 1st Timothy 6:10, the love of money is the root of all evil."Sep 25 20:34
benJIman<-- So glad people actually bother to check what they're quoting.Sep 25 20:34
benJImanThe original says "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."Sep 25 20:35
schestowitz*nod*Sep 25 20:35
benJImanWhich has rather a different meaning.Sep 25 20:35
*schestowitz reads Reg articleSep 25 20:35
schestowitzThat's a bad answer: '"Fedora is our key open source development platform with the community and we have no plans to change that," Whitehouse said, explaining that Fedora's reason for existence was to create the foundation code that eventually makes its way into Enterprise Linux, the commercially supported product.'Sep 25 20:36
schestowitzHe's not supposed to say that. Fedora squashed that Slashdot-born rumour 1-2 years ago.Sep 25 20:36
*libervisco has quit ("Weakness corrupts and absolute weakness corrupts absolutely.")Sep 25 20:59
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Sep 25 21:24
MinceRgnSep 25 21:47
cjschestowitz: that doesn't wrap to 80 columns very wellSep 25 21:59
cjthe quotes, that isSep 25 21:59
cjI wonder why my client was scrolled to the top of the buffer....Sep 25 22:00
cjbenJIman: heh, that quote has been re-interpreted many waysSep 25 22:01
cjbenJIman: were you reading the KJV or NIV?  One of the many varied different translations?Sep 25 22:02
cjschestowitz: *shrug*  Michael came to amazon and called fedora the early adopter platform and claimed that it was the testbed for RHELSep 25 22:03
schestowitzProbably true, but depends on perspective.Sep 25 22:04
benJImancj: NIV has the above; ESV has "For the love of money is a root of(A) all kinds of evils." NKJV has "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,"Sep 25 22:04
benJImancj: The original KJV did have a misleading translation there yes.Sep 25 22:04
cjschestowitz: he's the frickin' CTO.  :)Sep 25 22:04
schestowitzYes. To the selfish side of Red Hat this may seem alright. Fedora develpers still own their distro (GPL).Sep 25 22:05
cjhow's it selfish?Sep 25 22:05
schestowitzIf they want a RHEL, they have Oracle, Startcom, xos, Centos, Scientific...Sep 25 22:06
cjthey abide by the GPL and release the source including all of their changes... that doesn't seem selfish...Sep 25 22:06
cjheh.  Ed will be happy you included Startcom in that list.Sep 25 22:06
cjI didn't know anyone else had ever heard of Startcom...Sep 25 22:07
benJImancj: I'm told the greek is quite clear that it's "a root" and the plural evils. I am not a greek scholar though.Sep 25 22:07
cjbenJIman: ah.  one day I want to know all languages.  I'm having enough trouble with english and sanskrit, though.  woe.Sep 25 22:08
benJImanWhy are you learning sanskrit?Sep 25 22:08
cjbenJIman: in order to read the gita in the original languageSep 25 22:08
cjbenJIman: I plan to learn hebrew and greek eventually for the same reason (different books, though, of course)Sep 25 22:09
cjschestowitz: now I'm curious.  What do you think of Startcom, and how did you hear about it?Sep 25 22:09
schestowitzLinuxToday, IIRC.Sep 25 22:13
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Sep 25 22:13
schestowitz 25 22:13
schestowitzBeranger wrote a lot about it too.Sep 25 22:13
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 22:15
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 23:10
*BooDy (n=BooDy@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 23:28

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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock