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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 1st, 2008


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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 01:38
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 01 01:41
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 01 01:50
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 01:51
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 01 01:51
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 01 02:08
twitterTake part in Freedom not Fear day. 01 03:10
*PeterKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 01 03:59
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 04:53
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 01 05:08
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 01 05:51
MinceRgeekingsOct 01 06:43
schestowitzMornin'Oct 01 06:43
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 01 06:52
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 07:01
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 07:23
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 01 07:24
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 07:29
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 07:52
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 01 07:57
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 08:34
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 01 08:36
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 01 08:52
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 10:35
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 01 10:36
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 10:37
*ZiggyFish has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 01 11:07
schestowitzOn Microsoft and its 'democracy'... 'Microsoft's "opportunity to democratize virtualization."'Oct 01 11:22
schestowitzFor a company that says it's not scared -- financially -- this is a stretch: . Possible reason: Microsoft's Market Cap Falls $24B in 17 Days -- 01 11:30
schestowitzBallmer: Congress must 'stabilize' financial crisis ... ... Ballmer says Microsoft not immune from global crisis ... 01 11:33
schestowitzGoogle passing a cushion to proprietary software: Oct 01 11:36
schestowitz 01 11:36
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 12:35
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 01 12:36
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 13:06
trmanco 01 14:25
schestowitzOpenLogic is sponsored by Microsoft.Oct 01 14:30
schestowitzThe headline is a bit of a troll (eye-grabber) anyway. Also see 01 14:31
trmanco:|Oct 01 14:44
trmancocan't trust nothing these daysOct 01 14:45
*_Doug (n=_Doug@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 14:49
_DougMicrosoft: Bad things happen to firms that use unlicensed WindowsOct 01 14:49
_Doug 01 14:49
schestowitztrmanco: the head of OpenLogic is a Microsoft veteran.Oct 01 14:54
schestowitz_Doug: Microsoft loves 'piracy', but it also loves (and /NEEDS/) cash right now to please investors, short-term.Oct 01 14:55
_DougWho is OpenLogic ?Oct 01 15:03
_Doughow does unlicensed software lead to system failures?Oct 01 15:03
_Doug"Businesses that use fully licensed software report they are growing faster"Oct 01 15:03
_Doughow does software relate to business growth, it either works or doesn't ..Oct 01 15:04
twitterThe take away message is that you can't mix M$ and anyone else's software.Oct 01 15:05
twitterBetter get rid of your M$.Oct 01 15:05
_Dougdid they include businesses that didn't report they used 'unlicensed software', fearing a call from the BSA ..Oct 01 15:06
twitterWindoze calls home, M$ knows what people have.Oct 01 15:07
twitterThe EULA says they will inspect any and all files on any computer running windoze, so licensed copies can spy on the unlicensed ones.Oct 01 15:08
schestowitz_Doug: Microsoft seeks compliance through fear, not action.Oct 01 15:10
schestowitzIt's the bully phase that follows. That's where a proxy like the BSA is called in.Oct 01 15:11
_Doug"Think only the big boys can afford the best database solutions? Think again. Learn about low cost systems that have proven time and time again to outperform legacy UNIX vendors on a dollar for dollar basis"Oct 01 15:13
_Doug 01 15:13
_DougOracle on Red Hat on big hardware ..Oct 01 15:14
_DougScalar do a nice report ..Oct 01 15:16
schestowitzI fear that Oracle might be hawking Red Hat for a takeover.Oct 01 15:18
_Doug"Novell invites you to: The Data Center Discovery Tour 2008 .."Oct 01 15:21
_Doug"Simplify your data center with the flexibility to seamlessly move virtual machines between Microsoft Windows and SUSE Linux Enterprise"Oct 01 15:22
_Doug"Reduce TCO by 50-70% by migrating SAP workloads from UNIX to SAP-optimised SUSE Linux Enterprise"Oct 01 15:22
_Doug"Novell€® Making IT Work As One"Oct 01 15:23
_DougThis page don't work on FF :(Oct 01 15:24
_Doug 01 15:24
_DougHow did they manage that, I wonder what app they wrote it in ?Oct 01 15:25
schestowitzReally? No FF?Oct 01 15:29
schestowitzBlack page indeed.Oct 01 15:30
schestowitzJS enabled...Oct 01 15:30
schestowitzLook at the source of the page. Lots of JS and FlashOct 01 15:31
_DougYea, hey it works in Opera ?Oct 01 15:31
schestowitzIt should really work: 01 15:31
_DougI tried UA switcher .. no go ..Oct 01 15:31
schestowitzWorks in Konqy.Oct 01 15:32
schestowitzJust Flash. Binary Web, brought to you by Novell (&Microsoft).Oct 01 15:32
schestowitztwitter: are you there? If so, can you test in Firefox please? If it doesn't work for 3 people, I'll post something about it.Oct 01 15:33
schestowitzNovell Recommends the IE browser... 01 15:34
_DougGood Grief: boaguOct 01 15:35
_DougYou know, it really amazes me that in late 2008, the vole is still allowed to get away with this kind of dodge ..Oct 01 15:40
_DougIs this it Micosoft ?Oct 01 15:41
_DougIs this the integrated innovation you're always on about ..Oct 01 15:41
_DougIS this a sample of the all brand-spanking-new 'interoperability' ?Oct 01 15:42
schestowitzYou mean the Web page?Oct 01 15:42
_DougNovells desktop don't even work with Novells web site ..Oct 01 15:43
schestowitzPlease let's try to get it to work in FF so that the trolls in BN Novell don't attack for false accusations.Oct 01 15:43
_Doug"you mean the Web page?" how difficult is it to get a web page to work both in IExplorer and Firefox ?Oct 01 15:44
_DougDo Novell use their own desktop internally ?Oct 01 15:44
schestowitzDepends on the page.Oct 01 15:44
schestowitzMS won't even support SVG, as I wrote minutes ago: 01 15:45
_DougIf so, how do they check out their own site, without buying software from a third company ?Oct 01 15:45
schestowitz_Doug: only /some/ people do.Oct 01 15:45
_DougNovell are in the software business after all ..Oct 01 15:45
*brunomiguel ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 15:45
_Dougschestowitz: by all means check it out and verified from a number of sources ..Oct 01 15:46
*brunomiguel helloOct 01 15:48
*_Doug has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 01 15:53
schestowitzI'll do browsershots.Oct 01 16:03
twitterI'm here now.  Iceweasel, 3.0.1 with gnash seems to have worked.  Konqueror got a Flash error it should not have.Oct 01 16:03
schestowitzI put it on the queue :-p 01 16:05
schestowitz 01 16:05
*_Doug (n=_Doug@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 16:05
schestowitzIt could be something like AdBlack eliminating a whole div block.Oct 01 16:05
schestowitz*AdBlockOct 01 16:05
twitterLinks don't work.Oct 01 16:05
twitterI get a finger but nothing happens when I push the button.Oct 01 16:08
twitterThe twirling USB sticks, dudes with suitcases, computer cases and colors are all groovy, but the page does not say much.Oct 01 16:10
twitter"taking interoperability to a whole new level" dude!Oct 01 16:10
twitterTrying to test it with Mepis.  I hate the firefox wrapper script that opens up a local browser session instead of x forwarding what I want.  Is there a way around that?Oct 01 16:12
twitterThis is one of many reasons I don't use Firefox, despite all of the groovy M$ crap is half works with.Oct 01 16:13
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 16:16
schestowitzThanks.Oct 01 16:18
schestowitzI guess Flash as a whole was a bad idea.Oct 01 16:18
schestowitzLet me check the screenshots.Oct 01 16:18
schestowitzDamn. I put the wrong URL in.Oct 01 16:19
schestowitzMissing "L". 01 16:19
twitterFlunks on old version of Mepis.  FF 1.5 with Flash 7 does not even do as well as new Iceweasel.  Text does not show up, just the obnoxious spinner and half of that is missing too.Oct 01 16:24
schestowitzMine and Doug's just gives a black screenOct 01 16:25
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 16:25
twitter"Making IT work as one."Oct 01 16:26
schestowitzWhat does that even mean? Such a cliche.Oct 01 16:27
twitterAll the text is content free.  I'd like to cut and paste it but can't.Oct 01 16:28
twitterI think it means they speak to beasts.  "Our Enterprise wide Linux, identity and Security Management, Systems Managment and Collaboration solutions easily integrate with almost any IT infrastructure.  With Novell you can lower cost, complexity and risk on virturally any platform and make your IT work as one."Oct 01 16:30
twitterIt's so much easier to eliminate uncooperative beasts.Oct 01 16:31
_DougNovell website: "else if(window.ActiveXObject) { // IE4+ Win32"Oct 01 16:31
_DougIt's all Active X ..Oct 01 16:31
schestowitzYes, no surprise there.Oct 01 16:32
schestowitz 01 16:32
schestowitztwitter: so did that page not work in FF?Oct 01 16:32
twitterYeah, broken.  Details - Iceweasel gives images, links do not work.  Old FF 1.5 with Adobe Flash 7, better than the version 6 required by Konq error message, gives one image better than a black screen.Oct 01 16:36
twitterIt is the suck.Oct 01 16:36
_Doug"Zope/(Zope 2.9.7-final, python 2.4.4, linux2) ZServer/1.1 Plone/2.5.3-final"Oct 01 16:36
pombat42works fine here in ff 3.03 and Hardy. you have to allow pop-upsOct 01 16:37
twitterAhhhh, pop ups.  There the links work .... :)Oct 01 16:37
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 01 16:38
twitterSo, Iceweasel with gnash seems to work.Oct 01 16:38
pombat42i missed it the first time too because my theme is dark and didn't notice the action bar.Oct 01 16:38
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 16:39
twitterI'm sadly unable to watch the work as one video 01 16:39
twittergotta run for a while.Oct 01 16:39
pombat42object not found on that oneOct 01 16:40
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 16:40
_DougHey, it works with PopUps enabled .. :>Oct 01 16:40
schestowitzIt's a good thing that we checked. :-)Oct 01 16:41
schestowitzWas going to post "Novell's Own Web Site Excludes Mozilla Firefox Users"Oct 01 16:41
_Doug"UNIX to Linux Migration"Oct 01 16:43
_Doug 01 16:43
_DougYes, what ever you do don't encourage people to magrate from Windows :)Oct 01 16:43
schestowitzDo they not have a page for Windows too?Oct 01 16:44
_DougAt the same time MS is encouraging Novell customers to migrate to Vista ..Oct 01 16:44
_DougNo: just a 'Linux and Windows Interoperability' page ..Oct 01 16:45
AVRS2_Doug: can't you see the Vista migration link there? ;-)Oct 01 16:45
AVRS2"Managing Windows Vista Migration"Oct 01 16:45
AVRS2oopsOct 01 16:45
*AVRS2 misread the from as to :|Oct 01 16:46
*AVRS2 misread the "from" as "to" :| *Oct 01 16:46
AVRS2sorryOct 01 16:46
schestowitzGood catch. Something to write home about..Oct 01 16:46
_DougMigrating to Vista, on a Novell website .. are they in the process of commiting hara-kiriOct 01 16:47
kentmaschestowitz: joe potter is gary stewart?Oct 01 16:47
_DougDon't they realise that when the Vista using CEO desides to upgrade his servers, he's going to go with Microsoft !Oct 01 16:48
schestowitzI think it's Scott Douglas.Oct 01 16:48
schestowitzNessuno thinks so too.Oct 01 16:48
kentmaschestowitz: ah, yes, that could well be right...Oct 01 16:48
schestowitzThere was a new puppet a few hours ago: "Keese"Oct 01 16:48
kentmanot seen in a while.  another for the kfile...Oct 01 16:48
_Doug"Move it: the time to migrate is now .. rock solid reliability at a lower TCO than UNIX"Oct 01 16:53
_Doug"Take the TCO Challenge: Learn how SUSE, LInux Enterprise Server delivers UNIX reliability for up to 75% less|"Oct 01 16:53
_Doug 01 16:53
_DougNO TCO costs comparing SuSE to Vista :)Oct 01 16:53
schestowitzOf course not.Oct 01 16:53
schestowitzWithout Microsoft's cash aid, Novell might be out on the streets.Oct 01 16:53
schestowitzGot to keep the beast happy and never hungry/angry.Oct 01 16:54
_DougWho ever at MS got them to agree not to mention VISTA TCO deserves the prize ..Oct 01 16:54
schestowitzPictures are worth more than words: 01 16:54
schestowitzNovell puts the "wuss" in WinlinuxOct 01 16:56
_DougThis 'computer' just spontainoulsy rebooted and now WLLoginProxy.exe has popped up in the process list :OOct 01 16:59
_DougWhen will the MS website stop functioning without the presence of WLLoginProxy.exe on 'My Computer' ?Oct 01 17:01 01 17:02
_DougHow soom will I be compelled to get a Windows Live account to browse the 'Microsoft Internet' with the 'Microsoft Internet Explorer', using Microsoft TCP/IP and my Microsoft Mouse :)Oct 01 17:03
schestowitzI hear they want to add DRM elements to packet transport.Oct 01 17:04
_Doug:)Oct 01 17:04
schestowitzAnd that this is why they rewrote what used to be 'stolen' BSD code.Oct 01 17:04
schestowitzBe sure, Microsoft would market it as "security" if that turned out to be true.Oct 01 17:05
_DougDo you seriously think you can send bits to 'my computer' without paying the Toal ?Oct 01 17:05
_DougThey do that a lot recently, spontainously reboot .. must be some sort of automatic update ?Oct 01 17:06
*_Doug has quit ()Oct 01 17:06
schestowitz*LOL* at best of times. Reboot comes first.Oct 01 17:08
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 01 17:11
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 17:11
*_Doug (n=_Doug@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 17:29
AVRS2schestowitz: what is about?Oct 01 17:31
AVRS2"Licensed Open Source (LOS)"Oct 01 17:31
schestowitzit's weird. I links to it yesterday.Oct 01 17:32
AVRS2Yes.Oct 01 17:32
schestowitzLooks like Carmony Junior.Oct 01 17:32
schestowitz*linkedOct 01 17:32
_Doug"LOS essentially means a company will benefit from a clear commercial licence, which provides legal protections that are not available under the General Public License (GPL)"Oct 01 17:33
_DougIS GPL software unprotected from legal 'stuff' ?Oct 01 17:34
AVRS2A license without the "No warranty, implied or perceived" part?Oct 01 17:35
_Dougsounds like kite flying for NovoSOFT ?Oct 01 17:35
schestowitz:-)Oct 01 17:35
schestowitzI wondered why he aired it.Oct 01 17:35
schestowitzThen again, Tectonic is sometimes exploited by Microturfs too.Oct 01 17:36
AVRS2Or a license which doesn't just become void, but requires payment for more things if something goes wrong?Oct 01 17:36
_DougTo date what companies have been sucessfully sued by a third party for using GPL software ?Oct 01 17:37
_DougI don't mean GPL violations .. but some third party patemt troll ?Oct 01 17:37
AVRS2Don't know about companies; persons have been, by game companies.Oct 01 17:37
schestowitzWallace?Oct 01 17:38
AVRS2But not really for copyright violation.Oct 01 17:38
_Dougfailed ...Oct 01 17:38
_Doug"Advanced Excel for Scientific Data Analysis 2008-10-01 13:02"Oct 01 17:38
_DougISn't this a contradiction in terms ?Oct 01 17:38
_Doug 01 17:39
AVRS2(and not for patents)Oct 01 17:39
schestowitzExcel doesn't even do its math right.Oct 01 17:40
_DougI know, they did a comparison ..Oct 01 17:40
schestowitzYes, and they (Microsoft) came up with the conclusion that it was 'close enough;.Oct 01 17:41
_DougGnumeric did best iircOct 01 17:41
schestowitzIt helped Microsoft too (Jody +OOXML)Oct 01 17:44
_Doug 01 17:46
_Dougyou wannt do advanced scientific data analysis you use Mathematica ..Oct 01 17:48
_DougOf course someone is going to say 1988 technology .. :)Oct 01 17:49
schestowitzExpensive.Oct 01 17:50
_DougLOS: "When examining OSS vs LOS" .. and so a new paradigm is born :)Oct 01 17:51
MinceRor use a recent version of gnumeric :>Oct 01 17:51
schestowitzI'm at a LOS.Oct 01 17:55
_Doug 01 17:56
MinceRthe LOS article is uselessOct 01 17:57
MinceRhe keeps repeating how great LOS is but cites absolutely nothing to support itOct 01 17:57
MinceRhe also seems to be completely oblivious of support contractsOct 01 17:57
_DougLOS: a meaningless term ..Oct 01 17:58
_DougLOS == litigation FUDOct 01 17:58
schestowitzIt reminds me of another thing. Let me find it.Oct 01 18:00
schestowitzCan't find that bugger.Oct 01 18:02 had these couple of people trying to make a legal business model out of the Novell/Microsoft deal.Oct 01 18:03
kentmaschestowitz: don't call me that ... I'm here :-)Oct 01 18:03
schestowitzCan't understand why I can't see it. I tried many queries... 01 18:03
schestowitzIt was a video. Some greedy people wanting patents4lunix.Oct 01 18:03
MinceRit's a legal business modelOct 01 18:04
MinceRlegal doesn't mean it's right to doOct 01 18:05
schestowitzMaking money out of nothing.Oct 01 18:05
MinceRwell, that's what the state doesOct 01 18:05
schestowitzWell, *that's* innovative.Oct 01 18:05
MinceRtake money from people with armed threats and provide little to nothing for itOct 01 18:05
AVRS2wtf is under CC BY-ND 3.0?Oct 01 18:05
MinceRsome version of CC might be equivalent to GFDLOct 01 18:06
schestowitzkentma: I was talking abput $employer < >, not you.Oct 01 18:06
AVRS2That doesn't matter here.Oct 01 18:06
schestowitz;-)Oct 01 18:06
MinceR(i don't know what ND is)Oct 01 18:06
AVRS2CC BY-ND is, at best, an equivalent of Verbatim distribution allowed.Oct 01 18:07
schestowitzNon Disclosure . :-)Oct 01 18:07
AVRS2But it is CC, the confusing license group.Oct 01 18:07
schestowitzYou've read it. Now we'll have to 'eliminate' you. :-)Oct 01 18:07
MinceRoh, No DerivativesOct 01 18:07
MinceRAVRS2: that's a good question.Oct 01 18:07
schestowitzLessig was asked about CC and DRM.Oct 01 18:08
MinceRit's strange that they wouldn't allow derivatives.Oct 01 18:08
schestowitzYesterday: 01 18:08
AVRS2MinceR: that's not the the question… has been using the "verbatim distribution" license for at least some time.Oct 01 18:08
AVRS2But why use a Creative Commons license instead of that?Oct 01 18:08
AVRS2 mentions the confusion.Oct 01 18:09
MinceRjumping on the bandwagonOct 01 18:09
schestowitz No Derivatives, eh? Maybe good for openssl after the Debian incident.Oct 01 18:09
AVRS2Might be because CC licenses are against DRM -- at least versions 2.5 was.Oct 01 18:09
schestowitzTruecrypt has other similar tendencies.Oct 01 18:10
MinceRit seems that the GFDL is against DRM but CC isn'tOct 01 18:11
MinceRWP says "The GFDL differs from the CC licenses in its requirement that the licensed work be distributed in a form which is "transparent", i.e., not in a proprietary and/or confidential format."Oct 01 18:11
schestowitzThis new one is interesting: 01 18:11
schestowitz"I'm in Brazil, just finished with a lecture, about to get on a plane back to the states. When I arrived last night, my inbox was full with a bunch of emails about an anti-Obama remix video that had been taken down from YouTube for copyright-related reasons."Oct 01 18:11
MinceRit's ambiguous but the GFDL itself contains that provision for transparencyOct 01 18:11
AVRS2MinceR: however, Debian considers GFDL w/o invariant sections free, and CC BY(-SA) 2.5 (but not 3.0, AFAIK) non-free.Oct 01 18:12
MinceRmaybe there's another nuance somewhereOct 01 18:12
AVRS2Because CC 2.5 prohibits something (IIRC) like playing the file through a DRMed device.Oct 01 18:12
MinceRoh.Oct 01 18:13
schestowitz_Doug might love this one: 01 18:14
_Doug"Barclays Bank online banking service has been mostly unavailable today due to 'technical issues'." ?Oct 01 18:15
AVRS2MinceR: as for derivatives, IIRC, RMS says sometimes that speeches etc should not be editable -- and that's why GFDL supports invariant sections.Oct 01 18:16
_Douganother borked update ?Oct 01 18:16
_Dougas I said, theres here local machines have taken to spontainously rebooting for no reason ?Oct 01 18:17
MinceRoh.Oct 01 18:17
MinceRwhat if it's attributed properly?Oct 01 18:18
_DougWLLoginproxy.exe is back ?Oct 01 18:18
_Dougwasn't there yersterday ?Oct 01 18:18
_DougI do try and kill processes that I don't know what they are supposed to be doing ..Oct 01 18:19
_DougRight now I am browsing on port 80, nothing elses needs to pop up in the process tree ..Oct 01 18:20
AVRS2MinceR: it can be misrepresented easilyOct 01 18:20
AVRS2(according to his or some other text)Oct 01 18:20
schestowitz_Doug: the main site uses Slowaris.Oct 01 18:20
schestowitzI tried upper/lowercase for the banking subsite (they hide it from Netcraft) and it seems *NIXy.Oct 01 18:21
_DougSolaris ?Oct 01 18:21
schestowitzNo, Slowaris.Oct 01 18:21
schestowitzMinceR says so.Oct 01 18:21
schestowitzSPAM (Windows spew) and malware cost a lot of money to British households: 01 18:22
kentmaSlowaris is what the MS shills used to call solaris...Oct 01 18:24
MinceRwell, i've read it as "slowlaris" but "slowaris" works too :)Oct 01 18:38
_Doug 01 18:39
_Doug 01 18:40
schestowitz 01 18:41
schestowitz,2... : Microsoft renews ties with Shavlik for scanningOct 01 18:42
schestowitzIs this the same "Shavlik" though?Oct 01 18:42
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 18:42
_Doug 01 18:43
_DougCan't be two Shavliks'Oct 01 18:43
schestowitz:-)Oct 01 18:44
schestowitzWell, I was a Barc' customer, but ran away from them and took the money after bad service. They made it so hard to get out of there... a lock-in of nags and "we forgot"Oct 01 18:44
_Doug"patch management, messaging, web & optimisation, server solutions, cisco, training, end point security and integration .."Oct 01 18:46
_Doug"As a Microsoft Certified Partner!" ..Oct 01 18:47
schestowitzShavlikOct 01 18:48
schestowitzOops. Meant to paste this one.. 01 18:48
_Doug"Shavlik NetChk Protect outperformed the competition in the areas of patch detection intelligence, patch status reporting, ease of use and value"Oct 01 18:48
schestowitzDo they have patents already.. like Finjan in London, which puts swpatents in the UK, through overseas lawsuits.Oct 01 18:49
_DougLike .. 'patch management' .. since when was that a thing to boast about ..Oct 01 18:49
_DougLIke, how about making a system that don't fall over without regular patches .. bug fixes ?Oct 01 18:50
schestowitzIt's a monthly recurrence: erroneous Windows/Office patches that lead to crashes or no boots. The smart one wait and watch what happens after Patch Tuesday.Oct 01 18:51
*brunomiguel has quit ("dinner")Oct 01 18:52
schestowitzThis rarely ever happens to Linux boxes or Macs from what I can gather. I heard about it just once in the Mac universe (being left with just a command prompt) and Ubuntu had such an incident some years back.Oct 01 18:53
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*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 19:01
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 19:01
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*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 01 19:02
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 19:05
schestowitzANNOVA~1 copyrights... 01 19:08
*trmanco has quit (Nick collision from services.)Oct 01 19:08
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*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 19:11
*libervisco has quit ("Weakness corrupts and absolute weakness corrupts absolutely.")Oct 01 19:12
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 19:13
AVRS2hehe 01 19:26
trmanco:|Oct 01 19:27
trmancotoo bad I don't know hot to read russianOct 01 19:27
schestowitzSince Jan 2008, says NetcraftOct 01 19:27
AVRS2Usual free software news blog, although the main page seems a bit slow.Oct 01 19:27
schestowitzThey need to translate the lies because it hasn't enough impact in English.Oct 01 19:27
schestowitzWaitOct 01 19:28
schestowitzThis is anti-FUD, right?Oct 01 19:28
schestowitzRuns on BSD.Oct 01 19:28
AVRS2Looks like just news.Oct 01 19:28
schestowitzI got my facts from Swteaty B: '“Forty percent of servers run Windows, 60 percent run Linux,” he [Steve Ballmer] said. “How are we doing? Forty is less than 60, so I don’t like it. … We have some work to do.”'Oct 01 19:29
AVRS2Lies are at stop _ piracy _ ru, very stupid lies.Oct 01 19:29
AVRS2I should probably have avoided mentioning it; it is really not a popular site.Oct 01 19:31
schestowitzI think they had some pictures and animations.Oct 01 19:32
schestowitzScare sites.Oct 01 19:33
schestowitzBeen in the press a year (plus) ago, but maybe it was US-onlu.Oct 01 19:33
schestowitz*onlyOct 01 19:33
AVRS2That site is where people say things like "stealing toilet paper is bad, that's just like pirating software" or "plagiarism is bad, software piracy is bad" in order to win a free Windows license or something.Oct 01 19:34
AVRS2And piracy _ ru  redirects to microsoft _ comOct 01 19:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 01 19:36
AVRS2(to a page there)Oct 01 19:36
schestowitz "Customers include Avaya, Cisco Systems, EMC, Microsoft..." <<<<<<<<<< Palamida... interesting.Oct 01 19:40
schestowitzThere's also lotsa fluff about OpenLogicsoft and their 'census'.Oct 01 19:40
schestowitz“It’s easier for our software to compete with Linux when there’s piracy than when there’s not.” –Bill GatesOct 01 19:41
schestowitzpiracy _ ru ->> Microsoft _ ru . It figuresOct 01 19:42
*_Dougv1 (n=_Dougv1@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 20:44
*_Doug has quit ()Oct 01 20:59
_Dougv1??????????????? wassssssssssup ????????????????????????Oct 01 21:00
MinceR???????!!!!!!!!!!???????!?!??!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!111111 111111111!!!!!!!!!1111111111Oct 01 21:01
schestowitz 01 21:02
*_Dougv1 has quit ()Oct 01 21:21
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 01 21:29
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 01 22:36
AVRS2gnOct 01 22:50
schestowitzgnOct 01 22:51
zoobabhiOct 01 22:52
zoobab 01 22:52
zoobab 01 22:52
schestowitzhave you seen the RMS piece?Oct 01 22:59
schestowitzYou have got to echo this one: 01 22:59
schestowitz"Staff at the European Patent Office went on strike accusing the organization of corruption: specifically, stretching the standards for patents in order to make more money."Oct 01 22:59
PetoKraustoday i was so crossed at patentsOct 01 23:00
PetoKrausi couldn't get DVD playback working... then i realised i need DeCSS... no way to find that in debian official repositories...Oct 01 23:00
schestowitzThe patent pirates (like Sisvel) are out hunting. They are hungry (slowdown).Oct 01 23:03
zoobabI have nice stories about SisvelOct 01 23:04
PetoKrausi got a nice conversation on ebayOct 01 23:06
PetoKrausi'll postOct 01 23:06
schestowitzThanks. I'm still catching up with stuff (40 unread in Digital Majority).Oct 01 23:07
schestowitzzoobab: I was actually in Brussels a couple of times, but just in the airport for a few hours.Oct 01 23:08
PetoKrausoh god, torrent is really clogging up our traffic.Oct 01 23:11
PetoKraus 01 23:13
MinceRgnOct 01 23:14
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 01 23:15
PetoKrausgnOct 01 23:15
zoobabI was at the airport for an OOXML meeting this TuesdayOct 01 23:18
zoobabsome Microsoft people tried to infiltrate the meetingOct 01 23:18
schestowitzOf course.Oct 01 23:19
schestowitzAsk Yoon Kit abotu Geneva.Oct 01 23:19
zoobabG plus consultantsOct 01 23:19
schestowitzzoobab: here we have 'cj', who admits being a Microsoft infiltrator. It's just like they all say... it's all just a coincidence. They want to kiss you and love you and shower you with gifts.Oct 01 23:20
zoobabof course MS guys are spying this channelOct 01 23:21
zoobabas they are spying FFII's software patent discussion listsOct 01 23:22
zoobabwhat about building a large troll similar to IV, in order to get rid of Windows and Office?Oct 01 23:23
zoobabthe antitrust authorities fails to remove Microsoft products from the market, I think a good portfolio of patents to kick them out once for all might be necessaryOct 01 23:23
schestowitzWell, yes, but it won't work so easily.Oct 01 23:26
schestowitzPersonally I just write about things that I see and sign petitions. There's little you can do even with a Commissioner hat. The system is glued by money trails.Oct 01 23:27
zoobabI am not so sureOct 01 23:27
zoobabI am thinking to start a troll businessOct 01 23:27
zoobabwith high quality patents in thereOct 01 23:28
zoobabin Belgium you can get patents quite cheaplyOct 01 23:28
zoobabwithout examinationOct 01 23:28
schestowitzMicrosoft will claim that it has competition, just like Novell. Posted 15 seconds ago: 01 23:29
schestowitzHovsepian is the Durusau of the Linux world.Oct 01 23:29
schestowitz>> <zoobab> I am thinking to start a troll business            .... just don't tell the VC that you want to  "tart a troll business" ;-)Oct 01 23:31
zoobabpension funds now invests in trollsOct 01 23:33
zoobab 01 23:35
schestowitzYes, seen that one. They're catching up with the 'knowledge worker'Oct 01 23:37
zoobab64M RAM is a bit too fewOct 01 23:38
zoobabthey would have had 256MB, it would have been betterOct 01 23:38
zoobabtoo bad nobody produces laptop based on ARM cpusOct 01 23:39
zoobabthe only way to defeat MS on the UMPC market is to change architechtureOct 01 23:40
schestowitzARM will have something soon. They have worked on it for almost a year.Oct 01 23:43
schestowitzAMD might join in too. They already suffered the wrath of Intel dumpers and Microsoft dirty tricks (with Geode).Oct 01 23:44
zoobabyes but AMD is still x86 compatileOct 01 23:47
zoobabcompatibleOct 01 23:48
zoobabthe point is to avoid MS+AMDOct 01 23:48
zoobaband the best is to make much cheaper chips with another archOct 01 23:48
zoobabif the OLPC would be an ARM CPU, no way you can have Windows and all crappy apps running for the beastOct 01 23:48
zoobabI am considering buying a beagleboard:Oct 01 23:50
zoobab 01 23:50
schestowitzYes, I thought about that. Well, ARM should make its announcement any moment now. It's part of a group collaborating, but Intel will dump as much as necessary to keep ARM away.Oct 01 23:50
zoobabof courseOct 01 23:51
zoobabthe beagleboard might be powerful enough to power a small laptopOct 01 23:51
schestowitzIntel also works on multi-core atoms, so maybe they want Vistrictions on these.Oct 01 23:51
zoobabbeagleboard is really low power:Oct 01 23:52
zoobab 01 23:52
zoobabI am sure ARM wins in terms of power consumptionOct 01 23:53
schestowitzYes.Oct 01 23:54
schestowitzAlmost 10 times more efficient back in OLPC days. That's why Intel was so scared.Oct 01 23:54
zoobabgoing to zzzOct 01 23:55
schestowitz 01 23:55

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