The mind-shift for new Linux users is to use the Package Manager to find, download and install software, instead of using Google or just going directly to a website. Whilst the Package Manager won't cover every piece of software you might want to install, it will cover the vast majority and should always be the first place you begin to look.
The same can be said for driver installations. In a modern Linux distribution, drivers for most devices are already included.
What I’ve described is a sample of tasks I get done using OOo and Linux. There’s much more to tell, but it will have to wait for another time. I am no expert on Linux, MySQL or OOo, but use them to take care of part of what I do in ministry. If you use Linux, you know it to be a safe and solid operating system. It’s nice to get my work done and not have to be concerned with all the headaches associated with Windows maintenance.
The rest run on a Debian-based flavor of Linux that Ziegler calls "Schlunix" (pronounced "schloooonix") -- after company cofounder Rainer Schlund. In Europe, 90% prefer Linux, Ziegler said. "There's a profound distrust of Microsoft in Germany," where the company is headquartered.
And, finally, probably the best thing of all the good things about Marble: It is Free/Open Source Software, promotes the use of free maps...
Google’s vast data centers rely on a modified version of the open-source Linux operating system and the MySQL database. By going with open-source software, Google can tweak code to suit its needs. In particular, Google has been able to create lightweight versions of Linux and MySQL that spread well across myriad machines.