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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 8th, 2008


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jose__that's good news: Sun is crowing that a judicial ruling in the NetApp_Sun IP lawsuit has effectively invalidated another NetApp patent. The US Patent Office also appears to be rejecting NetApp's key patents in the law suit.Oct 08 00:12
schestowitzWell, there are many more patents out there.Oct 08 00:12
jose__exactlyOct 08 00:12
schestowitzThe only value of this potential ruling is a 'watch and learn' thingOct 08 00:12
schestowitzBut Sun was able to counter-sue because NetApp has some real products. Had it been a troll...Oct 08 00:13
*mib_tdjx0s (i=4f57f3e5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 00:13
jose__trollness is a loophole. Eventually, I see nothing but trolls and major companies develop partnerships with them.. and gplv3 will need helpOct 08 00:13
jose__developingOct 08 00:14
jose__not "develop"Oct 08 00:14
jose__i wanted the gpl to add more in terms of prohibiting from having "interests" in third parties bringing in the lawsuit.. but that could lead to complex language and still leave room out. it's an ugly gameOct 08 00:16
schestowitzSo will the lawmakers in other countries.Oct 08 00:16
schestowitzThe shenanigans strive to make laws in other countries 'equally ruined'Oct 08 00:16
*mib_tdjx0s has quit (Client Quit)Oct 08 00:17
jose__one more patent cast down does add evidence that patents are being granted badly and to loss of time and moneyOct 08 00:17
jose__monopolies are being granted nilly-willyOct 08 00:17
schestowitzThere's a rescue plan^TMOct 08 00:17
schestowitzIf a broken economy sinks, then better ones take over.Oct 08 00:17
schestowitzIt's Darwinism where broken systems just due.Oct 08 00:18
schestowitz*die. It's not sustainable living in a 10,000,000,000,000 debtOct 08 00:18
schestowitz$Oct 08 00:18
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 08 00:21
jose__oh, ohOct 08 00:37
jose__ 08 00:37
schestowitz"Jane, get the one without the virus." Oct 08 00:38
jose__schestowitz, the best type of marketing.. head to head comparisons in your favorOct 08 00:38
schestowitz*LOL*Oct 08 00:38
schestowitzOr format it.Oct 08 00:39
jose__new vocabulary for users: format, distro, apt-getOct 08 00:40
schestowitz 08 00:41
jose__thx for the linkOct 08 00:43
schestowitzI'll post a big bunch in BN pretty soon.Oct 08 00:46
schestowitzFell behind because I had other things to catch up with..Oct 08 00:46
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 02:01
*pombat42 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 08 02:37
twitterAptonCD, a very cool idea for cloning a computer spur of the moment.Oct 08 02:56
twitterit's already in Lenny.Oct 08 02:56
schestowitzGeexOct 08 02:59
schestowitzSome /.er has just pulled a comment of mine from 3 years ago: 08 03:00
schestowitzHe also took a shot at you again.Oct 08 03:00
schestowitztwitter: 08 03:00
schestowitzYou've got to stop that nymshifting thing. It's an embarrassment no matter the circumstance.Oct 08 03:00
*wingfreex ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 03:04
wingfreexsorry, i thought this chan was r opensuseOct 08 03:07
wingfreex*forOct 08 03:07
schestowitzOhOct 08 03:11
schestowitzWell, benJIman is from OpenSUSE. He spies here.Oct 08 03:11
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 03:37
twitterI'm not embarrassed and I'm not going to castrate myself for people who think it's OK to help M$ screw everyone.Oct 08 03:39
twitterFor all I know, BuckleDown, AlexH, Mark Anderson and Dan O'Brian are the same troll that wrote the willyhill journal they like to past to every Slashdot post I make.Oct 08 03:40
twitterOne thing is for sure, they hate you and your site.Oct 08 03:42
twitterThat's not the kind of people you should take advice from.Oct 08 03:42
schestowitzWe can't censor though. I'm not going there (moderation cop)Oct 08 03:48
twitterI'd throw them out.  All they do is call you a liar.  They are not here to help you, they are here to harm and mislead.Oct 08 03:53
pombat42Speaking of castration, not sure if you know this but there is some very hateful dialog that shows up in Google concerning Roy and castration.Oct 08 03:54
pombat42It's disgustingOct 08 03:54
twitteryes, I forgot that.  sorry.Oct 08 03:54
twitterThe first thing I thought of was neuter myself.Oct 08 03:54
pombat42Not a good idea :)Oct 08 03:55
schestowitzpombat42: it's libel.Oct 08 03:55
twitterWhat I really mean is I'm not going to let these fuckers censor me.Oct 08 03:55
pombat42never censor anything. you only play into the hands of the fools. let them expose themselves for what they are.Oct 08 03:55
twitterI'm going to actually look at this novelvideo crap.  I imagine I'll find some repulsive designed by committee advertisement.  The chances is was make by this supposed Ross Brunsin are nill.Oct 08 03:56
pombat42You are a celebrity now Roy!  When they attack you with fluff, you know you are on the right track.Oct 08 03:57
twitterHeh, I liked the Mac vrs PC vrs Linux ads, but I've seen porn flicks with a better budget.  Thanks Novell.Oct 08 04:04
schestowitzde Icaza was involved with the idea, IIRC.Oct 08 04:06
twitterShrits advertisement also nice.Oct 08 04:10
twitterThat one had a budget, music even.Oct 08 04:11
pombat42Personally I think the Mac vs PC ads are brilliant. The rebuttal PC ads are stupid.  The best ads were the Dell dude ads.Oct 08 04:12
pombat42A lot of sexual undertones with the Dell ads. Especially between the mom and the Dell dude.Oct 08 04:13
pombat42The worst ads are the Vista / Mojave ads. They are totally bogus.Oct 08 04:14
schestowitzThe spoofs anyway. :-)Oct 08 04:14
schestowitzMojave looks like rat labs.Oct 08 04:15
schestowitzThey also treat people like rats -- stupid.Oct 08 04:15
pombat42It looks like they found the 10 dumbest people on earthOct 08 04:15
tessierWhat is Mojave?Oct 08 04:15
twitterNovellionair was funny, but BYU students made it.  Shame to be out budgeted by students.Oct 08 04:15
pombat42VistaOct 08 04:15
tessierAside from a town in the high desert?Oct 08 04:15
pombat42Code name for a fake new version of WindowsOct 08 04:16
twitteractors are not always that bright, but I would not call them the 10 dumbest people on EarthOct 08 04:16
twitterPretty shiny advertisements.  Too bad the company is fucking evil.Oct 08 04:16
pombat42I doubt they are actors, however I suspect they had to wade through 1000 different clips before they sifted out the 10 dumbest.Oct 08 04:17
pombat42The advertisement sucks. Nobody I know likes it.Oct 08 04:17
twitterReally, you think M$ is telling the truth this time?Oct 08 04:17
pombat42nope...they lieOct 08 04:17
twitterThose are actors.  M$ would use stock films or computer animation if they could.Oct 08 04:18
pombat42Doubtful they are actors. However, it is highly edited and if you watch carefully you can see that. Also they apple picked.Oct 08 04:19
twitterApple picked ... good words.  Remember the Apple Switcher, where they used stock photos for the fake blog?Oct 08 04:20
pombat42IOW if you sit at the corner of Hollywood and Vine with a pile of poop on a plate, sooner or later someone will come along, eat some of it and claim it taste wonderfulOct 08 04:20
schestowitzCherry pick?Oct 08 04:20
pombat42re:Apple/..Yes I remeber that one!Oct 08 04:20
schestowitztwitter: it was a testimonial, not blog, IIRC.Oct 08 04:20
pombat42I like to be different :)Oct 08 04:20
twitterit was totally fakeOct 08 04:21
pombat42yepOct 08 04:21
pombat42They also use fake camera shots of the iPhone. If you freeze the commercial you will see it mentioned at the bottom of the screenOct 08 04:21
twitterM$ hates what people really thinks and goes to great lengths to brain wash/shut them up.Oct 08 04:22
pombat42I will say the iPhone does work pretty much as advertised. Overpriced though.Oct 08 04:22
twitterThe new Vista ads.  the guy in a shark cage, "I'm a PC" ...  none of those are actors, right?  Ha ha ha ha.Oct 08 04:24
twitterThe stero type dude, he really dresses like the PC guy every day, and he was really angry that he looked like the PC Guy.  Yeah.Oct 08 04:25
twitterHim and his early 90's suit from the thrift store - not dreamed up for a $300 million ad campaign, something spontaneous, grass roots even.Oct 08 04:27
twitterfailOct 08 04:27
schestowitz 08 04:28
twitterNovell, morally compatible with M$.Oct 08 04:28
schestowitzSomeone asks you a Q: 08 04:29
twitterI'm not going for it.  Part of showing up the assholes is how much effort they put into tracking me down, a form of targeted harassment.  Answering a question like that would be an admission of which accounts are mine.Oct 08 04:33
schestowitzStop using mutiple accounts.Oct 08 04:34
schestowitzStick with one, neglect the rest. You give them ammunition by playing their tricks.Oct 08 04:35
twitterWhat and be limited to two posts a day?Oct 08 04:35
twitteror less?Oct 08 04:35
twitterlet them have the site without effort?Oct 08 04:35
schestowitzLet the Dot rest.Oct 08 04:36
schestowitzIt's F*edOct 08 04:36
twitterthey won't quit beating me with it even if I do quit.Oct 08 04:36
twitterIf Slashdot is fucked, what I do does not matter.Oct 08 04:36
twitterI like to make them work hard and look like the hired guns they are.Oct 08 04:37
twitterIt proves the site is Astroturfed to hell and back and should not be trusted.Oct 08 04:37
twitterAt least the comments.Oct 08 04:37
schestowitzDon't play with them.Oct 08 04:37
schestowitzIf you wrestle with a pig, you're both in the mug. Only the pig enjoys it.Oct 08 04:38
schestowitzThere are Microsoft shills at least 2 in this IRC channel, but I can't tell which.Oct 08 04:38
twitterPig meat tastes good.Oct 08 04:38
schestowitzEither way, they also track other sites like Digg, BN, things like USENET and try to dig up dirt.Oct 08 04:38
schestowitzDon't go to places where they can shovel up dirt and spread libe.Oct 08 04:39
schestowitz*libelOct 08 04:39
twitterThose assholes say bad things about Richard Stallman.  Is there a more innocent person on the planet?Oct 08 04:39
schestowitzThey can also dpreas lies independently, in isolation, gives a manufactured debate.Oct 08 04:39
schestowitzAs in, one troll starts some slader and others join in to say "yes, it's true."Oct 08 04:40
schestowitzAlways some anonymous Munchkins when it comes to slander because they can get sued.Oct 08 04:40
schestowitztwitter: Stallman says a lot of stuff (truth) that scared a lot of people with $$Oct 08 04:40
twitterYes, but all of it was true and he did nothing wrong.Oct 08 04:41
schestowitzThe other day I found an article where he is repeatedly described as "controversial".Oct 08 04:41
schestowitzWhat does that word even /mean/?Oct 08 04:41
schestowitzThat he's eccentric, that he's wrong? Either way, it rings a bad bell.Oct 08 04:41
twitterNo matter what you do, the trolls are going to come for you because they want you to shut up and for people to think you are crazy.Oct 08 04:42
schestowitzPeople who know me know that they lie.Oct 08 04:42
schestowitzThey actually do a disservice there because they get people more curious about me.Oct 08 04:42
twitterI'm not going to let them tell me what to do.  They seek to discredit me no matter what I do and they will make shit up in any case.Oct 08 04:42
schestowitzI find that many people just Google my name and end up in my site.Oct 08 04:42
schestowitzThey then read my own stories, without the libel.Oct 08 04:43
twitterWell, there you go.Oct 08 04:43
schestowitzThe worst you can do is feed them.Oct 08 04:44
schestowitzLet them talk among themselves and save the time for something better. Oh! And please drop these multiple accounts.Oct 08 04:45
twitterNo, the worst I can do is what they want.  I could shut up and l leave them in peace.Oct 08 04:45
schestowitzThey want you to talk about people, not about ideas.Oct 08 04:46
schestowitzDon't spend (waste) time occupying your mind with details like the dunces that jump for $$. Just write about ideas.Oct 08 04:47
twitterThey don't care what is talked about, as long as it's harmful to free software.Oct 08 04:47
twitterI can't write anything while they have me mod bombed.Oct 08 04:47
twitterI'm essentially invisible.Oct 08 04:48
schestowitzSame in Digg for me.Oct 08 04:48
schestowitzI have 4 people who mod down all my comments and mod up the slander against me.Oct 08 04:48
twitterAnd of course, I never want to talk about myself.  That puts the conversation away from ideas and all the way back to personal defense.  I don't want to be there.Oct 08 04:48
schestowitzSo to the audience it seems like I must have said something bad and someone who slanderously claims that I'm a paid shill or something gets +4 mode points, thus seen as credible.Oct 08 04:49
schestowitzThese are criminals.Oct 08 04:49
schestowitzCriminals will be criminals like boys will be boys.Oct 08 04:49
twitterYou don't know how many people mod you.  You just know that some PR firm has targeted you.  Yes they are criminals.Oct 08 04:49
schestowitzAt the end they lose though.Oct 08 04:49
schestowitzAnd some go to prison (at least in the EU it's against the law)Oct 08 04:50
twitterNo they don't lose, you have been silenced.  We will see if they end up in jail.Oct 08 04:50
schestowitztwitter: I know how many if I look at patterns.Oct 08 04:50
schestowitzIf I leave 10 comments in a couple of hours and every comment is at -4, then it's traceable.Oct 08 04:50
schestowitzHold on.Oct 08 04:50
twitterpattern are fakedOct 08 04:50
schestowitzSee the screenshot here: 08 04:51
schestowitzSee how all the negative mod points for my adjacent comments (different threads) are -4?Oct 08 04:51
schestowitzThat's because the same trolls (some also occupy USENET, if not all) do this to thousands of my comments.Oct 08 04:51
schestowitzI keep them busy and they probably get paid for gagging meOct 08 04:52
schestowitzThey don't rotate and police (partol) Digg every 2 hours out of genuine fun. Not for several months.Oct 08 04:52
schestowitzMary Jo Foley has already told me about what Microsoft calls "buddies". It assigns people to people whom it 'monitors'.Oct 08 04:53
twitterWhole companies offer this "service" like Perens said.  They strike 24 hours a day, like they take shifts.Oct 08 04:54
twitteror have bots.Oct 08 04:55
schestowitzI posted those comments from Perens.Oct 08 04:55
twitterYes, I saw that.Oct 08 04:55
schestowitzThose marketing people need to be locked upOct 08 04:55
schestowitzThey beatify what they do.Oct 08 04:56
twitterFound the quotes in the Firehose, of all places.Oct 08 04:56
twitterPerens was replying to this duchebag Blakely Rat, seen here denying Peter Gutmann's findings and DRM in Vista.Oct 08 05:00
schestowitzSounds like a fake nameOct 08 05:00
twitterjust another Slashdot handleOct 08 05:01
twitterhe's been obnoxious for years but I've never had the time to write him up.Oct 08 05:02
twitterThe above comment on Vista DRM earned him a place in my troll zoo.Oct 08 05:02
twitterThe trolls have hundreds if not thousands of other names to chose from.Oct 08 05:03
twitterSlashdot reported once that M$ was buying up low numbered accounts.  Pathetic, isn't it?Oct 08 05:03
schestowitzGot a link to it?Oct 08 05:05
twitterLet me look.Oct 08 05:05
twitterhere's where cmdrtaco made fun of the concept with a charity auction 08 05:10
schestowitzI'm going to bed now. Iff you find the proof of Microsoft buying accounts, please pass it on so I can share in some plces.Oct 08 05:12
twittergood night, I'm not sure this is worth the effort.Oct 08 05:18
pombat42Twitter: people know exacttly who you are. It's no secret. The best you can do is stick to one nym.Oct 08 05:37
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 08 05:37
*jose__ has quit ("Leaving")Oct 08 05:39
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 05:39
*mib_3ycjr3 (i=d9070bde@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 06:55
*mib_3ycjr3 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 08 06:55
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 07:05
*ZiggyFish ( has left #boycottnovellOct 08 07:07
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 07:40
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 07:40
*wingfreex has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 07:57
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 08:03
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 08:03
MinceRr4wrOct 08 08:06
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 08 08:53
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*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 09:10
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 09:10
*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 09:10
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 09:10
schestowitzThe Register very late to the punch: 08 09:38
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 08 09:53
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 09:54
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 10:14
*[H]omer_ has quit ("reset by beer")Oct 08 10:33
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 10:34
*guest0121 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 10:47
*nonge ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 10:52
schestowitzMicrosoft’s Magalhães Laptops Scam and OOXML Scandals in Portugal Associated with Fraud? : 08 10:56
schestowitzApple's Brick 08 11:10
guest0121Roy I have a questionOct 08 11:10
MinceRi thought they had a brick alreadyOct 08 11:12
guest0121have you been using a bot to flood COLA with ~50,000+ posts, or do you do it all by hand?Oct 08 11:13
MinceRbut i guess you can never have too many products with apple logos that can't even bootOct 08 11:13
schestowitzguest0121: first of all, it's not a flood because I spent thousands of hours writing themcarefully myself.Oct 08 11:14
*guest0121 is now known as al_bOct 08 11:14
al_bthat answers my question, thankyouOct 08 11:14
schestowitzAnd no, there's no bot at all. As i stated publicly many time, I read many RSS feeds and pick a few reports that I like for posting later.Oct 08 11:14
al_bgood night allOct 08 11:15
*al_b has quit ()Oct 08 11:15
schestowitzIn the past I posted them as soon as I found them, but I couldn't bring together related new reports that way/.Oct 08 11:15
schestowitzMinceR: the name of the product sounds like a joke... humouring at their own expense.Oct 08 11:16
MinceRi think they don't realize the ironyOct 08 11:17
MinceRafter all, how could an apple cultist admit even to himself that apple products aren't perfect?Oct 08 11:18
schestowitzIn the news this morning: "Ipod doomed says Wozniak [... ] He said that punters were not getting all they want when companies are proprietary and lock their products down. He said he would like to write some more powerful apps for the Iphone than you're allowed. "Oct 08 11:23
MinceRwow, sudden change of mindOct 08 11:24
MinceRwoz suddenly isn't fond of the proprietary lock-down moneygrubbing scheme the moment he's affected negatively?Oct 08 11:25
MinceRwhat a selfish jerk.Oct 08 11:25
schestowitzWell, it's not the first time.Oct 08 11:26
schestowitz 08 11:26
schestowitzThe link is broken now (maybe in the Web Archive), but it used to say:Oct 08 11:26
*mib_5todj0 (i=c2975f16@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 11:27
schestowitzWoz :""It's very much like that, but sometimes the engineers are - yeah, no, I think it's very similar, very similar. Sometimes the engineers are true artists and really care what they're doing, doing a really great job. Although, I don't know how much I can even say that because the big companies, Microsoft, Apple and AOL, they tend to turn out the crappiest products, you know, software-wise."Oct 08 11:27
schestowitz"The ones that have the most bugs, the most items that are supposedly in there but don't work. The most things that are left out because they aren't finished. The most things that are inconsistent with the way they did their last program. I get the worst, worst software almost always from Apple."Oct 08 11:27
schestowitzNo watches:*/http://www.stanford.e...Oct 08 11:28
*mib_5todj0 (i=c2975f16@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellOct 08 11:28
schestowitz and discuss it.Oct 08 11:29
MinceRso he keeps changing his opinionOct 08 11:29
MinceR 08 11:29
schestowitzNo, he like open source for technical merits (like BSD), not for freedom, as far as I can tell.Oct 08 11:30
schestowitz*likesOct 08 11:30
schestowitz[obs: sys-con is still bombarding Google News with an arbitrary list of company names. Still an unethical tabloid, I gather.]Oct 08 11:31
MinceRso he doesn't believe in profiting from quality products but he still demands profit and quality productsOct 08 11:31
MinceRi wonder how that adds upOct 08 11:32
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 11:32
*mib_zpftfn (i=50803d26@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 11:33
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*nonge ( has left #boycottnovellOct 08 11:50
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 11:58
trmanco 08 12:38
trmanco 08 12:38
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 12:46
schestowitzI remembered this thread.Oct 08 12:49
schestowitzI think GPL put it up in 2006 or 2007.Oct 08 12:49
schestowitz*GLOct 08 12:50
trmanco...Oct 08 12:51
trmancoI'm getting pissed of with this sh*tOct 08 12:51
trmancooff*Oct 08 12:51
trmanco"Linus didn't say that.Oct 08 12:53
trmancoA boob on Schestowitz's IRC channel said that. "Oct 08 12:53
schestowitzCan't compete? But some new laws.Oct 08 12:53
trmanco 08 12:53
trmancono not the tux3 thingOct 08 12:53
schestowitzAh... that's a Microsoft shill, Gary M Stewart.Oct 08 12:54
schestowitzMaybe he'll be taken to jail some day.Oct 08 12:54
trmancoyesOct 08 12:54
schestowitzAstroTurfing is not a crime in the US though.Oct 08 12:54
schestowitzAFAIK.Oct 08 12:54
trmancothe boob he is referring to is me, I thinkOct 08 12:54
schestowitzHis libel of me, hoever, is very serious crime, not to mention identity theft.Oct 08 12:54
schestowitzGary has an obsession with genitalia and bodyparts. He uses that to repel readers.Oct 08 12:55
trmancololOct 08 12:55
schestowitzI hear that Microsoft et al also use a lot of sick content and imagery to repel people who read Slashdot or even blasklist the domain.Oct 08 12:56
schestowitz*lacklistOct 08 12:56
trmanco 08 12:57
schestowitzSee this news , then 08 13:00
schestowitzWherever Microsoft moves there appears to be some scam. (Nigeria for example... bribes against Mandriva)Oct 08 13:01
schestowitztrmanco: I posted this Jun link the other dayOct 08 13:01
trmancoon usenet?Oct 08 13:01
trmancololOct 08 13:04
trmanco*arguidos*Oct 08 13:04
schestowitzNo, in BNOct 08 13:05
trmancothe English word is "under my tongue"Oct 08 13:05
trmancookOct 08 13:05
trmancogrrrOct 08 13:06
schestowitzWhat?Oct 08 13:06
trmancoIMHO I really hate those stupid magalhães laptopsOct 08 13:06
schestowitzI left a comment in Linux Today.Oct 08 13:06
trmancowhat are 10 year olds going to do with a computerOct 08 13:07
schestowitzMagalhães =money-washing  scheme, Windows additionOct 08 13:07
trmancowatch porn?Oct 08 13:07
schestowitz*addicationOct 08 13:07
trmancoyesOct 08 13:07
schestowitz*addictionOct 08 13:07
schestowitzThat's what happened in NigeriaOct 08 13:07
trmancothat is not the only M$hit money washing scheme in portugalOct 08 13:07
schestowitz 08 13:08
trmancothere is another programOct 08 13:08
trmancocalled E-escolasOct 08 13:08
trmancowhich enables students from 6th to 12th grade to but laptops running ** for 250€ with internetOct 08 13:09
trmanco95% of those laptop models come with Windblows VispaOct 08 13:10
trmancoand office 2007Oct 08 13:10
trmancoand I have heard today that the government is going to expand this program to university studentsOct 08 13:11
trmancobut I don't remember where I have read itOct 08 13:11
schestowitzThey don't understand what they do.Oct 08 13:11
schestowitzThey just see $$ and discounts.Oct 08 13:12
trmancoyesOct 08 13:12
trmancobtwOct 08 13:12
schestowitzMicrosoft pretends they get a bargain and head of states happily let the kids become a prisoner of an abuser and their data locked in.Oct 08 13:12
schestowitzPeople ought to protest.Oct 08 13:12
trmancoits not 250€ its 150€Oct 08 13:12
schestowitzSchools are typically the same, with Microsoft puppets like BECTA.Oct 08 13:12
trmancothere is a 6gb ram laptop model but it only comes with LinuxOct 08 13:13
trmancogood thingOct 08 13:13
schestowitzAll they know is Microsoft and they are not interesting in even /knowing/ about anything else. It's the scientology-like culture a EU government delegate compared Microsoft to.Oct 08 13:13
trmancobut what I hear it that "I'll but it, but then I will install vista on it"Oct 08 13:13
trmancoI'll buy it*Oct 08 13:14
trmanco*a pirated version of vista*Oct 08 13:14
trmancoI hear this from my colleagues at schoolOct 08 13:14
trmancoor comments like "the problem with that 6GB laptop is that it comes with linux"Oct 08 13:15
schestowitzIf their schools only teaches them WIndows....Oct 08 13:15
trmancothis laptop model it the best in that e-escolas programOct 08 13:15
trmancoyes the do 99% of the timeOct 08 13:15
schestowitzIt's the illusion of choice sometimes.Oct 08 13:15
schestowitzMicrosoft is willing to lose money just to ensure the Linux laptops remain less attractive.Oct 08 13:16
schestowitzThe European COmmission lost its way some time ago, so there's not much hope for policing.Oct 08 13:16
schestowitzIn  this world you have people who police things like parking tickets, but they fail to put in jail the fraudsters responsible for the financial collapse, the criminals among Microsoft employees (well, recently they finally jailed one for fraud) and they also let BT go on spying on Internet users.Oct 08 13:17
trmancosome of my colleagues at school *they are not true friends, just simples friends*, if you know what I mean... they harass me just because most of the times I refuse to use windows and boot in with a linux distroOct 08 13:18
schestowitzThe police is controlled by those who pay the $$, be it Hollywood or whatever, which is why it typically responds to unimportant 'crime' that favours monopolies while letting rich criminals roam the Savannah.Oct 08 13:18
trmancoyes for sureOct 08 13:19
trmancothat also happens a lot here in soccer :POct 08 13:19
schestowitzAt least you are given choice. Too many in the procurement process (for education) are etther too lazy or corrupt. They want the status quo even if Vista is a total disaster, according to everyone.Oct 08 13:19
trmancoit is a disasterOct 08 13:20
trmanco80% of my school mates bought a vista pc and switched back to xp (pirated in most cases)Oct 08 13:20
trmancoeven one of my teachers switched back to XP over vistaOct 08 13:21
trmanco*about 80%*Oct 08 13:21
trmancosome of them won't install XP because there are no working drivers for itOct 08 13:22
trmancoso they sort of get locked with vistaOct 08 13:22
trmancoand have no other choice but vista in the windows worldOct 08 13:22
schestowitzIt's a forced upgrade treadmill.Oct 08 13:23
schestowitzThat should be made illegal or enforced if it is already illegal.Oct 08 13:23
schestowitzIn Holland I think they took formal action against VIsta.Oct 08 13:23
trmancowell Holland is a much more advanced country than portugalOct 08 13:24
trmancothey know what is really good and bad for there economyOct 08 13:24
trmancohere in Portugal all the government sees is $$ or in this case €€€Oct 08 13:25
schestowitz "If GNU/Linux netbooks were outselling Windows netbooks at a ratio greater than 4:1 then that means that they are outselling Windows netbooks despite the rate of returns."Oct 08 13:30
schestowitzI guess Canonical contradicts this by now.Oct 08 13:30
trmancogood articleOct 08 13:33
twitterI don't like the terms "luser" and "consumer".Oct 08 13:43
twittercompanies have customersOct 08 13:43
twittersoftware has usersOct 08 13:43
schestowitzI fell so much behind the news.Oct 08 13:43
schestowitzIn USENET, I've posted very little recently because I'm cashing comments in BNOct 08 13:44
twitterCashing?Oct 08 13:44
schestowitzSome recent posts like the one about the BBC getting MS insiders are getting lots of attention. Something like 10,000 page views 0-9AM. It's reassuring to know that people get exposed to how corrupt the system is and help enhance this knowledge using feedback (comments).Oct 08 13:45
schestowitzCatching.Oct 08 13:45
schestowitzThat was a typoOct 08 13:45
twitter:) The MSI story stinks, no typo there.Oct 08 13:45
schestowitzWith like 100 comments in one day I want to also response, not just read.Oct 08 13:45
schestowitzAnd yesterday there was a lot about Novell's YouTube 'marketing'.Oct 08 13:46
twitteramazing what a few hired guns can do, isn't it?Oct 08 13:46
twitterI saw some of it.Oct 08 13:46
schestowitzSome new 'nyms' showed up and I needed to catch up with their attacks on the message/rOct 08 13:46
twitterYeah, I saw a lot of that too.  :)Oct 08 13:47
schestowitzThe thing is, if I take my eyes off the comments, a discussion sometimes develops that vilifies me without giving me the space/change to defend myself or remove the FUD.Oct 08 13:47
schestowitz"Remove" as in point at the false claim and debunk it.Oct 08 13:47
schestowitzLike O'Brian's attempt to associate me with nymshifter like yourself (please stop it!).Oct 08 13:48
twitterAfter some thought, I've decided to keep using multiple accounts on Slashdot.  Trolls have gamed the system to strip me of my rights and disrupt conversation. I will use the tools I have available to keep my rights and continue to share.Oct 08 13:48
twitterLet's not talk about that any more, it is a waste of time.Oct 08 13:48
twitterIt is better to talk about how evil it is to cooperate with M$.Oct 08 13:49
schestowitztwitter: you make the /. zoo more of a zoo.Oct 08 13:49
schestowitzYou put a show on both sides and make it a mockery of the site.Oct 08 13:49
twitterYou are going in circles.Oct 08 13:50
schestowitzOuch. 08 13:50
twitterOthers made a mockery of the site when they censored me.Oct 08 13:50
schestowitz“I have thought about my role at Sun and decided that I am better off in smaller organisations.”Oct 08 13:50
schestowitz“I HATE all the rules that I need to follow, and I also HATE breaking them. It would be far better for me to ‘retire’ from employment and work with MySQL and Sun on a less formal basis.”Oct 08 13:51
schestowitzThere goes down the bin Sun's attempt to buy the M in LAMPOct 08 13:51
schestowitzNot the first defection/ditchOct 08 13:51
schestowitzSun should release MySQL back to 'the wild' ;-)Oct 08 13:52
schestowitzOi!!! "A well-known hedge-fund manager has hit out at Microsoft’s “overaggressive and almost panicky” attempts to plump up its online investments."Oct 08 13:53
schestowitzFamed investor backs away from web-obsessed Microsoft 08 13:53
schestowitz"Meanwhile, Microsoft shares have tanked over the past few weeks forcing Ballmer to admit on his recent tour of Europe that no one was safe from the dollar meltdown on Wall Street."Oct 08 13:54
twitterSad to hear about a free software advocate leaving Sun.Oct 08 13:55
twitterEspecially one with so many years of experience.Oct 08 13:55
twitterWatch out for that SVI site, that's the Slate/MSN stock manipulator's site.Oct 08 13:56
schestowitzSun fell sharply.Oct 08 13:57
twitterWhat he says here looks reasonable but ... it's also freaking obvious as usual.Oct 08 13:58
schestowitz 08 13:58
schestowitzToggle 3M.Oct 08 13:58
twitter Einhorn on the other hand, ha ha M$, the money dudes have figured out what a dog you are.Oct 08 13:59
twitterOverall a good story ....Oct 08 14:02
schestowitzIt's pretty stable so far in today's trading, but there's no rebound.Oct 08 14:06
schestowitzBig tumbles, following by "dead cat bouncing"Oct 08 14:06
twitterLooking at it again, Einhorn has not figured things out yet.  He still thinks M$ is good at software.Oct 08 14:07
schestowitzYou left out the word "buying"Oct 08 14:10
schestowitzAs in "buying software"Oct 08 14:10
schestowitzArno Edelmann, Microsoft's European business security product manager: "Usually Microsoft doesn't develop products, we buy products. It's not a bad product, but bits and pieces are missing." <,100... >Oct 08 14:11
twitterBlack box.  Money and people go in, shit comes out.  The details are sometimes amusing but you don't want the end product.Oct 08 14:27
twitterHoly crap, they deleted Outlook's files and database as malware?  That's like all of your mail, contacts and scheduling if you are dumb enough to use it.Oct 08 14:30
twitterLOLOct 08 14:30
twitterunbelievable, one of the fixes is to buy a new exchange server...Oct 08 14:38
schestowitz"On a related note, Slate looks at the pros and cons of the Google-Yahoo deal — with an emphasis on the cons. The article quotes Microsoft attorney Brad Smith, who shared his company’s objections" 08 14:51
schestowitzTaking on Twitter with open source software 08 14:54
schestowitzSlate = Microsoft -owned. Attacked the deal, as expected. Microsoft's own pres.. gotta buy some more papers to shape public perception and poison mind against Google.Oct 08 14:55
twitterblatant isn't it?Oct 08 14:56
twitterthat's all they have to offer now, smears and crap that does not work.Oct 08 14:57
twitter Gee, sorry about deleting your email, calendar and contacts while protecting you from malware.  We're not very good at security, why don't you upgrade your mail server?  This kind of thing does not happen as often with our new software.Oct 08 14:59
twitterDat's some nice email you got there.... better buy some up to date protection, drool.Oct 08 15:00
schestowitzThe s/w is not modular in Windows. They don't test it properly/exhaustively as a result.Oct 08 15:00
twitter"Buy the new version" has been their stock answer to all their cock ups for more than a decade.  It makes you think the cock ups are intentional.Oct 08 15:02
schestowitzThey tested the software... but only with Microsoft Exchange. Just as they 'test' their Web sites, with Internet Explorer and Microsoft Windows onlu.Oct 08 15:02
twitterThe other day, I installed DOS 6.x for fun.  It had all the same assurances about viruses and backups they have today.  The best solution is to dump all of their stuff.Oct 08 15:03
twitterNon free software can never be trusted.Oct 08 15:04
twitterFree software needs no trust, you have the source as proof.Oct 08 15:04
twitterIt's amazing how much more worthy of trust your neighbors in the free software community are than those at M$ and other non free software companies.Oct 08 15:05
twitterYet trust is what non free software always demands.Oct 08 15:06
twitterBlind trust.Oct 08 15:06
schestowitzMicrosoft coders tried to put their own back door in the software.Oct 08 15:09
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 15:18
schestowitz "Microsoft may have inadvertently disclosed a potential Microsoft backdoor for law enforcement earlier this week."Oct 08 15:20
AVRS2 - a refutation article for the “Russian post gives up on GNU/Linux” rumors.Oct 08 15:24
AVRS2*PostOct 08 15:24
AVRS2That is, another one based on words by a Red Hat's partner.Oct 08 15:25
schestowitzDo what do you think is the truth?Oct 08 15:27
schestowitzI see nothing about it in English-speaking feeds, so it might be an unconfirmed rumour.Oct 08 15:28
AVRS2What truth?Oct 08 15:28
AVRS2OK, it's no use mentioning it here, because it's been mentioned here already, and that article is there just because it hasn't on that site…Oct 08 15:29
AVRS2The company LinuxCenter (GNU/LinuxCenter) started taking pre-orders for Neo FreeRunner in Russia.Oct 08 15:32
AVRS2 08 15:32
schestowitzIt sells well in education, I think.Oct 08 15:36
schestowitzIt's also used to build mobile hackable appliances. It's the hardware people pay for and about 9 distros for it already exist.Oct 08 15:37
schestowitzLinux XP could make an OpenMoko-targeted derivative. You can't accept calls under you punch in an activation code.Oct 08 15:38
AVRS2On that newsworldwide article: the reporting feature is mentioned at since 2005 (according to with disabling instructions, and in the EULA (according to Wikipedia).Oct 08 15:49
twitternew lows of another kind 08 15:51
twitterasian markets took it yesterday, 10% losses 08 15:52
schestowitzHold gee.......Oct 08 15:53
schestowitz*holy... 22.xOct 08 15:53
schestowitzThat's almost the lowest in 10 years.Oct 08 15:54
MinceRonce again, jobs tries to patent something he didn't inventOct 08 15:56
MinceR 08 15:56
schestowitzIt's also a Sun thing, no?Oct 08 15:58
schestowitzAnd the shadows... yeah... innovation... shadows... Apple is a follower in many regards, but it's very naughty when it comes to swpats.Oct 08 15:59
MinceRArthur had oneOct 08 16:00
MinceRwithout the stupid zoom effect, of courseOct 08 16:00
MinceRbut if anyone tries to tell me that graphical effect is the point of the whole thing, i'll laugh at himOct 08 16:02
*ld50 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 16:07
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brunomiguelgreets everyoneOct 08 16:39
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 16:46
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*_Doug (i=c3c24bd1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 17:06
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*_Doug (i=c3c24bd1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 17:07
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*_Doug (i=c3c24bd1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 17:25
_DougHi all .. :)Oct 08 17:25 .. Admin Organization: Microsoft Corporation ... ;)Oct 08 17:25
_Doug"VFI is a network .. dedicated to supporting public policies that promote choice, innovation, and .."Oct 08 17:27
schestowitzShill armOct 08 17:27
zoobabpromote patents, vendor lock-in, etc..Oct 08 17:27
schestowitzMicrosoft has many of them.Oct 08 17:27
schestowitzThere should be a law with prison sentence for such AstroTurf.Oct 08 17:28
_Dougup is down, black is white ...Oct 08 17:28
schestowitzI think there is one in the EU, but it applies to other things.Oct 08 17:28
schestowitzLike fake blogs and fake reviews.Oct 08 17:28
_DougWho won last night Obama or the old why dude ?Oct 08 17:29
_DougwhiteOct 08 17:29
schestowitzSome people still wonder why "people are obssessed with Microsoft" and "how Microsoft sabotages Free software."Oct 08 17:29
_DougMicrosoft is just a euphenism for a particular way of doing businessOct 08 17:29
_DougThey are better at it than most of the rest ..Oct 08 17:30
_Douga big shout out to Chandler, USA ...Oct 08 17:31
schestowitzWhy INNOVA~1 when you can just say "innovation" when only attacking competitors.Oct 08 17:31
_Doug"With the support of Microsoft, VFI members educate thought leaders and elected officials about new technologies "Oct 08 17:32
_Dougtranslation: ?Oct 08 17:32
schestowitzWhy reduce tax and please voters when you can launch smear campaigns against the other candidate?Oct 08 17:32
schestowitz_Doug: what it that? We ought to study who's involved in this anti-FOSS EU-based orgy.Oct 08 17:32
_DougI can't watch it .. don't have Silverlightâ„¢Oct 08 17:33
_Doug 08 17:33
_DougVFI ? we don't need to guess ..Oct 08 17:34
_Doug"Interoperability Principles - English UK"Oct 08 17:34
_Doug"Over the past few weeks radical elements in the open source community have intensified their efforts "Oct 08 17:36
_Doug 08 17:36
schestowitz"Radical"?Oct 08 17:37
_Dougradical, yea it's those commie Linux users again .. sounds like drug users if you ask me :)Oct 08 17:37
_Dougfollow the link :)Oct 08 17:37
schestowitzJim Allchin, Platform Group Vice President (Microsoft): "We need to slaughter Novell before they get stronger….If you’re going to kill someone, there isn’t much reason to get all worked up about it and angry. You just pull the trigger. Any discussions beforehand are a waste of time. We need to smile at Novell while we pull the trigger."Oct 08 17:38
schestowitzDon't forget Microsoft "Jihad" (its word for marketing): 08 17:38
schestowitzShill site.Oct 08 17:38
schestowitzNo videoOct 08 17:38
schestowitzThey probably send lots of E-mails for partners to sign upOct 08 17:39
schestowitzThey did similar AstroTurf for OOXML back in 2006 or early 2007.Oct 08 17:39
schestowitzCreated 'grassroots' sites, then 'invited' 'supporters' to sign up and voice support.Oct 08 17:39
_DougRemember all those shreaded documents in Caldera v MS .. that MS got newSCO to shread.. except IBM prevented it .. ?Oct 08 17:39
_DougWell now MS wants to resurect the self same docs in Novell v MS ..Oct 08 17:40
_Doug 08 17:40
schestowitz "In private a government delegate compared Microsoft’s public affairs methods with the scientology cult."Oct 08 17:40
schestowitz_Doug: yes, I know.Oct 08 17:40
_Doug 08 17:42
_DougWhy did SCO do this on behalf of their new 'investor' ?Oct 08 17:43
_DougWill we now get to see what exactly MS were afraid of coming out in the open ?Oct 08 17:43
schestowitz_Doug: where did you find this link? I'm just curious.Oct 08 17:43
_Dougwhat link ?Oct 08 17:44
_DougI keep detailed files, if you must know ..Oct 08 17:44
schestowitzThe Register. Someone sent it to me 2 months ago saying it was the likely evidence of Microsoft playing with the SCO puppet.Oct 08 17:44
zoobabthe problem with Microsoft is evidenceOct 08 17:45
_DougI remember reading about it ..gtg .. later dudeOct 08 17:45
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 08 17:45
schestowitzI mentioned it here: (at the bottom you see followup posts)Oct 08 17:45
zoobabto trace the Mafia, you need to use the criminal procedureOct 08 17:45
schestowitzWhich is that?Oct 08 17:45
zoobabseize of evidenceOct 08 17:46
zoobablike in the AMD Vs Intel caseOct 08 17:46
zoobabwhere the European Commission seized the Intel offices looking for evidenceOct 08 17:46
*ld50 has quit ("Lost terminal")Oct 08 17:47
schestowitzYes, Intel bribes.Oct 08 17:47
schestowitzBut the EC hardly enforced anything.Oct 08 17:47
schestowitzAnd whiny Otellini just cried "they're anti-American"Oct 08 17:47
schestowitzSometimes "anti-American" is code for "anti-corruption"Oct 08 17:47
schestowitzAnd ACT enforces this belief by attacking Kroes in public.Oct 08 17:48
zoobabdo you have the video of ACT?Oct 08 17:48
zoobabwhen was that?Oct 08 17:48
zoobabI am looking for a video of Nelliee Kroes I had on my harddiskOct 08 17:48
zoobabwhere she says she was for software patentsOct 08 17:49
zoobabI will dig in the archivesOct 08 17:49
zoobabit was last year after the 17 September announcementOct 08 17:49
schestowitzHold on.Oct 08 17:50
schestowitzI believe I have a video somewhere in BN where the ACT shills (and another) are shown talking. You know... the usual puppet in one of the 'shell accounts', led by the Jon Zuck shill.Oct 08 17:51
schestowitzArticles are easier to find though because of text indexing.Oct 08 17:51
schestowitzSee if you can find a connection between any of the names from ACL+ACT to that new VoicesOfInnovation shell.Oct 08 17:52
schestowitzThey just travel between 'umbrellas' whenever they get exposed for the shill the shell is.Oct 08 17:52
trmancoheheOct 08 18:31
trmancogood news for portugalOct 08 18:31
trmanco 08 18:31
trmanco"Com uma visão muito marcada e definida sobre as vantagens do open source face ao software proprietário, Louis Suárez-Potts, coordenador mundial do desenvolvimento do está em Portugal para falar com o Governo sobre os projectos nas Escolas, e especialmente o Magalhães, que vai integrar a suite de produtividade na partição de Linux."Oct 08 18:31
trmancotranslated -> 08 18:32
*schestowitz looksOct 08 18:32
trmancothe first paragraph is interesting and it is what caught my attentionOct 08 18:34
*libervisco__ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 18:37
schestowitz"With a vision very marked and defined on the advantages of open source software against the owner, Louis Suarez-Potts, coordinator of the global development of is in Portugal to talk with the government on projects in schools, and the Magellan, which will integrate the suite of productivity in the partition of Linux. "Oct 08 18:38
trmancotoo bad I only got this news todayOct 08 18:40
trmancoor else I would have gone to Lisbon to see him :POct 08 18:40
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 18:41
schestowitzzoobab: new comment in ""There are several participants in SC34 who have had the stated goal of taking control of OOXML and ODF and maintaining them both in SC34 WG's. They've been quite open about this plan. The problem is that they are planning a future for standards that they neither own nor control nor have technical expertise."Oct 08 18:41
schestowitztrmanco: I saw him before.Oct 08 18:41
trmanco:POct 08 18:41
trmancoI wouldn't mind driving 250KM to see him :POct 08 18:41
*libervisco_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 18:53
cj*sigh*Oct 08 19:00
cjschestowitz: the reason I'm here, since you're asking, and I'd prefer you ask me directly rather than make public accusations, is to facilitate a dialogue.  It seems to me that you're not interested in such a dialogue.  If you aren't interested in a rational, mature discussion, there is no reason for me to idle here.Oct 08 19:01
cjschestowitz: I think you proved to the Free Software community that you are a bigger man than they thought by removing the kick/ban.  Because of that, I've decided to stay in hopes of helping to bridge any gap that you may perceive.Oct 08 19:03
cjif instead, you prefer to make wild, unfounded accusations instead of sitting down to talk, there is no reason to keep the channel open, as it were.Oct 08 19:04
schestowitzI never banned or kicked.Oct 08 19:05
schestowitzAnd I removed it after [H]omer had done it, but didn't realise how to do this properly.Oct 08 19:05
cjso.  tell me, do you want to communicate in a bi-directional arena like adults, or would you prefer to hurl insults and paranoia about topics you do not understand, but could learn about should you ask?Oct 08 19:05
cjAs you know, I understand that you did not kick or ban.Oct 08 19:05
schestowitz[H]omer had temper. But either way, I'm busy writing right now about Microsoft admitting the hijack attempt of ODF.Oct 08 19:06
cjokay.  yes or no, should I stay and discuss topics of interest to the two of us, or should I go?Oct 08 19:07
twitterspill it cj.Oct 08 19:07
cjsince schestowitz is the one insulting me publicly, I will let him make the decision, twitter.Oct 08 19:08
twitterhe'll kick you off if you troll anyway, nothing new there.Oct 08 19:09
twitterIn other news, " ) -- American International Group Inc., the insurer that hosted a $440,000 event at a California resort less than a week after receiving an $85 billion federal loan, said it is ``reevaluating'' its costs a day after facing Congressional criticism for the trip.             ``While this sort of gathering has been standard practice in our industry for many years and was planned many months before the Federal Reserve's loan to AIG, weOct 08 19:09
twitterstandard practice?  Nice. 08 19:10
cjare they saying "er, what we meant by '$440,000' was '$440.00'.  honest rounding mistake.  won't happen again"? :)Oct 08 19:10
twitterNo, they say they are entitled to meetings at spas that cost the company nearly half a million dollars when they could have worked it all out over email.Oct 08 19:12
twitterYour tax dollars at work.Oct 08 19:13
cjtwitter: come on.  pidgin doesn't have webcam support, what do you expect them to do?Oct 08 19:13
twitteruse the KDE client that does or Ekgia or any of the web phones on the market?Oct 08 19:13
cjtwitter: p'shaw.  is there a windows version of ekiga?Oct 08 19:13
*cj ducksOct 08 19:13
twitterI'm not sure what they use, they can obviously have anything they want.Oct 08 19:15
twitterThey could be like John McCain, who's never used email.  ... that would explain their communications difficulties that have to be solved by physical travel.Oct 08 19:16
twitterIf they had a clue, they would not want to share their plans and communications with M$ and other software owners.Oct 08 19:16
twitterEspecially when they have so much to hide.Oct 08 19:17
cjtwitter: s/physical travel/massages/Oct 08 19:17
cjotr++, eh?Oct 08 19:17
twitterSo what's your beef cj?Oct 08 19:18
schestowitzMSFTers tries to "engage in a conversation" with BN. Hmmm...Oct 08 19:18
twitterIs he?Oct 08 19:18
cjwell, being referred to as a "lurker," "troll," and "spy" for one, two and three.Oct 08 19:19
schestowitzSometimes they invite people for spaOct 08 19:19
schestowitzAsk RoblimoOct 08 19:19
schestowitzMicrosoft flew him over to a luxurious tripOct 08 19:19
twitterSo tell me cj, you work for M$?Oct 08 19:19
cjtwitter: no.  I am a consultant to microsoft, not an employee.Oct 08 19:19
schestowitzHe no longer is a "Microsoft doubter" as they call it. They bribed him with a good time.Oct 08 19:19
schestowitzAlthough he sometimes does criticise a bit, but not quite the same.Oct 08 19:19
twitterWhat do they pay you to do?Oct 08 19:19
cjschestowitz: oh?  does being a U.S. citizen make me no longer a "Bush doubter"?Oct 08 19:20
schestowitzhe wrote about the Microsoft mafia just beforehand, IIRC.Oct 08 19:20
schestowitzMafia = 08 19:20
schestowitztwitter: he's paid.Oct 08 19:20
schestowitzThat's the bottom line.Oct 08 19:20
schestowitzIt's like working for Microsoft remotely.Oct 08 19:20
cjschestowitz: however, I don't want to get into any conversations with you if you are just going to insult and mock me publicly.  I agree with you on many points.Oct 08 19:21
schestowitzThe money flows from the Vole.Oct 08 19:21
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 19:21
twitterI understand that, but a job description would be interesting.Oct 08 19:21
schestowitzcj: if you are willing to work for such a company, I believe it to be sad.Oct 08 19:21
schestowitzSad, yet greedy.Oct 08 19:21
schestowitzI suppose I could work in an uranium refinement plant too... you know, for the 'good' of society.Oct 08 19:21
cjschestowitz: I respect your opinion.  Can you put that aside and have a rational conversation with me?Oct 08 19:22
cjI'm happy to agree to disagree where needed.Oct 08 19:22
schestowitzcj: you have conversations on behalf of your interests (employment).Oct 08 19:22
schestowitzUnless it's about fishing or something, then it's about Microsoft.Oct 08 19:22
twitterCooperating with M$ is evil, there's nothing irrational about saying that.Oct 08 19:22
schestowitzWatch what they did to Miguel, although he was poisoned from day 1Oct 08 19:23
twitterOnce again cj, what's your beef?Oct 08 19:23
twitterWhat do you do for M$?Oct 08 19:24
cjschestowitz: so, are you interested in conversing?  can we agree to avoid slinging mud at one another?Oct 08 19:24
twitterstill waitingOct 08 19:25
cjtwitter: I will get to that if schestowitz will agree to stop insulting me publiclyOct 08 19:25
cjschestowitz: I will, of course agree to the same.Oct 08 19:26
twitterwhat you do may deserve condemnationOct 08 19:26
cjtwitter: condemnation is fine.  calling names is not.Oct 08 19:27
cjanything that you say which can be backed up by fact is fair game.  insults to myself or my family is not.Oct 08 19:27
twitterthat depends on how often you do bad things, I doubt anyone has mentioned anything about your familyOct 08 19:28
cjhow about this:  tell me here if you think something I've done is "bad"Oct 08 19:28
twitterunless you are Sweaty B talking about "brainwashing" his kids.  even then the conversation is about how crazy B is.Oct 08 19:28
twitterI don't know who you are or what you do.Oct 08 19:29
cjI'm happy to tell you so long as you agree to treat me as an adult and a fellow free software developerOct 08 19:29
twitterYou work for M$, that is bad.  Your level of guilt depends on your level of knowledge of how evil your employer is.Oct 08 19:29
cjtwitter: fine.  so long as you'd say the same about my being a citizen of the united states.Oct 08 19:30
schestowitzWHOAOct 08 19:31
schestowitzInsults?Oct 08 19:31
schestowitzNames?Oct 08 19:31
schestowitz" insults to myself or my family is not."Oct 08 19:31
schestowitzNot you're just lying.Oct 08 19:31
twitterI can't say that, it is easier to find another job than it is to leave your home and extended family.Oct 08 19:31
schestowitzShame on you, cj.Oct 08 19:31
schestowitz*NowOct 08 19:31
cjschestowitz: perhaps you do not understand the concept of "lie"Oct 08 19:31
cjhow is telling you that it is not okay to insult me a lie?Oct 08 19:32
twitterthis is a waste of time, cj.  Get to the pointOct 08 19:32
cjdo you mean the implication that you may have done so before?Oct 08 19:32
twitterNormal people are honest.  You are proving otherwise.Oct 08 19:33
cjtwitter: this is not a waste of time.  I am negotiating a standard of acceptable treatment.Oct 08 19:33
twitterPrior restraint without prior knowledge, how M$ like.Oct 08 19:33
cjtwitter: if roy can not agree to treat me with dignity, there is no point in continuing to converse.Oct 08 19:34
twitterYou have already broken your own restraints with false accusations and libel.Oct 08 19:34
cjtwitter: examples?Oct 08 19:34
twitterYou said that RS had said bad things about you and your family.Oct 08 19:35
cjtwitter: quote me, pleaseOct 08 19:35
twitterIt was a lie, even if you only implied it.Oct 08 19:35
twitterPromise not to beat your wife and kids and we can talk.  Hmph.Oct 08 19:35
cjtwitter: it goes "if you agree to stop beating your wife and kids ..."Oct 08 19:36
twitterget lostOct 08 19:36
cjschestowitz: do you condone twitter's statements?Oct 08 19:37
cjschestowitz: keep in mind that I mean no insult by anything I've said.  I respect your goals and will help you as I can.Oct 08 19:42
cjI ask only that we both agree to treat one another with respect from this point forward.Oct 08 19:42
*brunomiguel has quit ("bye")Oct 08 19:44
schestowitzYes, I was accused of insulting a family ("insults to myself or my family is not")Oct 08 19:46
schestowitzAnyway, let's stop talking about people. It's rubbish. ;-)Oct 08 19:46
cjplease forgive me.  That is not what I intended.Oct 08 19:46
schestowitzI'm doing a post now about NOVL financial problems.Oct 08 19:47
schestowitzMicrosoft's attempted hijack of ODF has just had proof postedOct 08 19:47
cjschestowitz: so, can we agree to treat one another with respect and agree that we will not insult or assume insult from one another?Oct 08 19:59
schestowitzYesOct 08 19:59
cjthanks.Oct 08 19:59
cjokay.  so the bits I wanted to share :)Oct 08 20:00
schestowitzI take your apologyOct 08 20:00
schestowitzit's you who attacked me firstOct 08 20:00
schestowitzSmears in Free Software Daily and all... after Homer got angry at you.Oct 08 20:00
cjthe same here.  I'm sorry for saying anything untoward.  I try to keep emotion out of such conversations, as it tends to only cause distrust and obfuscation of the important pieces.Oct 08 20:01
cj"being informed by Mono boosters, who are now intervening in a thread whose goal is to add or prevent the entry of Moonlight into Debian."Oct 08 20:01
cjthe intervention was being done by members of the team who were presenting moonlight for inclusion by debianOct 08 20:02
cjyou might also want to know that the previous DPL was pro-mono and in fact committed many patches to mono libraries and the supporting debian/ infrastructureOct 08 20:02
cjI do not know the current DPL's stance toward MonoOct 08 20:03
cjhowever, since it is approved by RMS as a "Free Software" project and released under a license which complies with the OSL and (more importantly) the Debian FSG, I would be surprised if there was opposition.Oct 08 20:04
cjyou asked why I paste links to such topics.  the reason is that I want to let #bn know about integration of these technologies into the F/OSS infrastructure.  You seem interested and you bring up points that shine a skeptical light on the process.  Although I do not believe that my friends on the Mono, Debian and GNOME development teams are trying to destroy the F/OSS community (quite to the contrary, in fact), I realize that it is good to have and communicaOct 08 20:07
cj"Jo Shields seems to be ignoring the fact that Debian lacks the prerequisite patent grant to distribute Moonlight. Only Novell has such a grant, which is something that is documented very clearly and unambiguously by both Microsoft and Miguel de Icaza."Oct 08 20:10
cjDebian is by and large a non-U.S. entity, consisting for the most part of developers outside the jurisdiction of U.S. patent laws.  Jo (and more importantly, Mirco) in particular need not kow-tow to the patent scare.Oct 08 20:11
cjanyway, I've got to get back to work.  Cheers.Oct 08 20:12
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 08 20:14
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 20:19
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 20:33
*kentma has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Oct 08 20:51
twitterThat's what M$ wanted to tell us, cj?  That mono should be deeply integrated into Gnome and Debian?Oct 08 21:00
zoobabDebian should request a patent license, just for legal certaintyOct 08 21:00
schestowitzIdeally be version 3.0 as de Icaza desired back in 2003.Oct 08 21:00
twitterthanks but no thanks.Oct 08 21:01
zoobabjust for fun BN should request a patent licenseOct 08 21:01
zoobabrequest it at iplg@microsoft.comOct 08 21:02
zoobabsay you resell Mono binaries, you need to have patent licenseOct 08 21:02
zoobaband ask at the same time which US and EP patents covers MonoOct 08 21:02
twitterM$ could grant everyone a license by releasing it and all of their software GPL3 themselves.Oct 08 21:03
zoobabnopeOct 08 21:03
twitterGPL3 has anti-patent language, no?Oct 08 21:03
zoobabforget about copyright, patent world is another dimensionOct 08 21:03
twitterM$ could also transfer their bogus patents to the FSF.Oct 08 21:04
twitterPeople might begin to trust them at that point.Oct 08 21:04
twitterand mono might start to look like a good idea instead of a trap.Oct 08 21:04
twitterAs long as M$ denies users their software freedom, they can not be trusted.Oct 08 21:05
twitterM$ declared war on software freedom.  That war will only be over when M$ unconditionally surrenders.Oct 08 21:07
twitterThe sooner they liberate their users the more customers they will be able to keep.Oct 08 21:08
twitterComplete ruin awaits them otherwise.  Every scheme they come up with to perpetuate their obsolete business model damages their reputation further.Oct 08 21:09
*AlbertoP (n=AlbertoP@pdpc/supporter/active/AlbertoP) has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 21:15
AlbertoPhiOct 08 21:19
twitter:)Oct 08 21:20
zoobabthey can only win if nobody does anything against software patentsOct 08 21:20
*libervisco__ has quit (Client Quit)Oct 08 21:20
zoobabI want a judgment on the First Amendment and software patentsOct 08 21:21
*benJIman sees he has been upgraded to "Novell Spy" in schestowitz's special version of reality.Oct 08 21:22
twitterthere's at least one judgment on business method patents on the way, if it has not already happenedOct 08 21:22
twitterdo you work for Novell, benjie?Oct 08 21:22
benJImanNo.Oct 08 21:22
AlbertoPno he does not ^^Oct 08 21:22
twitterdoes anyone pay you to be here?Oct 08 21:23
benJImanOr maybe that's what they want you to think €¬_€¬Oct 08 21:23
AlbertoPor maybe he that special reality ^^Oct 08 21:23
benJImantwitter: Yes, you'd be surprised how much people will pay you to sit in IRC channels.Oct 08 21:23
zoobabtwitter: you cannot differenciate swpat and business method patentsOct 08 21:23
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 21:23
twitterzoobab, that's rightOct 08 21:23
zoobabI am gonna campaign against the EPOOct 08 21:24
MinceRbenJIman: it's called astroturfingOct 08 21:24
twitterNot after listening to Perens tell us about being offered such services while working at HP, BenjieOct 08 21:24
twitterIf you wish that you worked for Novell, you might have a few second thoughts. 08 21:25
twitterand not wanting to work for the next SCO.Oct 08 21:26
benJImanYes, Novell is the only company to have had their share price drop this week.Oct 08 21:26
twitterthey are also not the only bad investment you could have made over the last ten years either. 08 21:27
twitterIt's like flushing money down a toilet that dumps shit back into your house.  :)Oct 08 21:27
twitterWhat's that smell?Oct 08 21:28
twitterIt's Novell!Oct 08 21:28
twitterthat was childish, I admit.Oct 08 21:28
schestowitzMSFT at $22.x again: 08 21:30
schestowitzMicrosoft will blame "piracy" in 2 weeks when the report comes.Oct 08 21:31
schestowitzIf results are good, then it's "despite the piracy". If underwhelming, then "because of the piracy"Oct 08 21:31
MinceRyet they'd be dying much faster without piracyOct 08 21:34
MinceR(and in their weaker moments they even admit it)Oct 08 21:34
*mib_uj3fwk (i=5d619838@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 21:36
*mib_uj3fwk (i=5d619838@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellOct 08 21:36
twitterThis time, they are crying "it's the economy" without admitting to their parasitic roll in that general economy.  Sweaty B was quoted the other day saying financial companies would have a hard time buying his software, boo hoo, pass the bail out money.Oct 08 21:37
*mib_fwkfby (i=5210ca83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 21:38
*mib_fwkfby has quit (Client Quit)Oct 08 21:39
trmanco 08 21:39
trmanco 08 21:44
twitterNice collection of threads on BN today!Oct 08 21:45
AlbertoPtwitter, no stock is going up ^^Oct 08 21:51
schestowitzzoobab: I need Apple quotes on patents.Oct 08 21:51
AlbertoPI would say that for once it's right that it depends on the economy, and you don't need to be a Nobel to understand itOct 08 21:51
schestowitzAny bad things they said about them?Oct 08 21:51
AVRS2schestowitz: has no real link to the blog mentioned at the top.Oct 08 21:53
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 08 21:54
AVRS2Is it a Firefox issue that blockquote cite= doesn't make a link?Oct 08 21:54
schestowitzAVRS2: I know. I linked to it yesterday, so the citation was near. I was lazy. Should I readd the link?Oct 08 21:56
AVRS2schestowitz: well, might be useful, though I have already retrieved the link.Oct 08 21:57
schestowitzOK< fixed now.Oct 08 21:59
AVRS2Thanks; are there Wikipedia-credible sources for that? Because I cannot link a comment from a random registered "Rob" the the blog.Oct 08 22:00
AVRS2never mindOct 08 22:00
schestowitzFor SC34?Oct 08 22:01
AVRS2Time to sleep; forgot that Blogger profiles have lists of blogs.Oct 08 22:01
AVRS2But still, are there other sources?Oct 08 22:02
schestowitzYes.Oct 08 22:03
schestowitzFollowing the links here: 08 22:03
schestowitzToday's update is about it coming almost from the horse's month.Oct 08 22:04
AVRS2OK, I actually haven't misdescribed SC34 in Wikipedia.Oct 08 22:05
AVRS2(I just said it is a sub-commitee of ISO/IEC JTC1, nothing more)Oct 08 22:06
AVRS2Look at 08 22:07
AVRS2Is that written by hAl?Oct 08 22:07
AVRS2*Has it been reworded by hAl?Oct 08 22:08
AVRS2Maybe I am too sleepy for it too look good to me. Good night.Oct 08 22:08
*AlbertoP pats his faithful GeekoOct 08 22:10
MinceRgnOct 08 22:13
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 08 22:15
schestowitzAVGR: hAl is a Microsoft shill.Oct 08 22:16
schestowitzAmazing. Microsoft AstroTurfers rewrite history.Oct 08 22:16
schestowitzThry still plague Wikipedia.Oct 08 22:16
twitterThat would not surprise me.  You should see how the APM and APCI articles have been mauled.Oct 08 22:19
schestowitzACPI?Oct 08 22:20
AlbertoPwho is the MS "spy"?Oct 08 22:22
twitterThe wiki article is not so bad today 08 22:22
schestowitzIt uses something I put in Digg last year.Oct 08 22:22
schestowitzEither way, Microsoft was caught before offering money for non-employees to change articles.Oct 08 22:23
twitterI blogged about this here 08 22:23
schestowitzIOW, it's running a business around disinformation.Oct 08 22:23
AlbertoPcoughOct 08 22:23
twitterPerception management is the new term.Oct 08 22:24
twitterLie is the old term.Oct 08 22:24
schestowitzYou post got trolled by MS turfs.Oct 08 22:24
twitterEvery post I make is trolled.Oct 08 22:25
schestowitzOr just some people who hate you enough to heckle, which I doubtOct 08 22:25
schestowitz.So they try to pressure you out or insult you in public.Oct 08 22:25
schestowitzTypical Microsoft Munchkin tactic.Oct 08 22:25
twitterNotice the one that gloats about having censored me with mod bombing.  Nice.Oct 08 22:29
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 22:29
schestowitzHP and EDS kill nearly 3,500 UK jobs : 08 22:29
schestowitzSlashdot zoo. Just leave it, don't retaliate by abusing it like the Microsoft (and co.) Munchkins.Oct 08 22:30
schestowitzOh noes. Look at this poll: 08 22:32
AlbertoPwell, considering the highly scientific terminology, it is surely reliable no?Oct 08 22:36
schestowitz:-)Oct 08 22:37
schestowitzIt's bad and it's insulting.Oct 08 22:37
AlbertoPand I'm surely not a Miguel fanboy...Oct 08 22:37
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 22:38
schestowitz 08 22:38
schestowitzIMG: 08 22:50
AlbertoPschestowitz, it's useless to look at stocks these days and hope in some + ^_^Oct 08 22:51
AlbertoPhopefully the dollar is improving a bitOct 08 22:53
AlbertoP:POct 08 22:53
schestowitz 08 22:57
schestowitzYay! Copyrights: "Keene Valley resident Jerilea Zempel was detained at the U.S. border this summer because she had a drawing of a sport-utility vehicle in her sketchbook." 08 22:58
AlbertoPLOLOct 08 23:01
AlbertoPby direct experience, she had probably something more than a sketch ^^Oct 08 23:01
AlbertoPI've been travelling in US, and controls are serious but not so stupidOct 08 23:01
AlbertoPbut well, maybe the officer was not so smart either ^^Oct 08 23:02
PetoKrauslol!Oct 08 23:10
AlbertoPHmm look at kde4-NM of the future 08 23:10
AlbertoPlooks a bit horrible to meOct 08 23:10
*PetoKraus np: Supertramp - Bloody Well Right (The Very Best of Supertramp)Oct 08 23:11
PetoKrausliterally ^^Oct 08 23:11
PetoKrausstuffing capableOct 08 23:19
PetoKrausman, great sticker. want one.Oct 08 23:20
PetoKrausor, a dozen!Oct 08 23:20
*AlbertoP has quit ("Sto andando via")Oct 08 23:26
schestowitzLooks OK to mke.Oct 08 23:31
schestowitz*me. It's a matter of taste Oct 08 23:31
schestowitzBeranger runs away to communism again.. :-S 08 23:36
schestowitzHmmm... is LinuxToday stripping URLs now? 08 23:41
*jose__ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 23:44
jose__a discussion article about yahoo-microsoft 08 23:45
schestowitzjose__: I'll repost my message.Oct 08 23:45
schestowitzHmmm... is LinuxToday stripping URLs now? 08 23:45
schestowitzMicrosoft is buying stock and going into debt. I doubt they need Yahoo! at times like these.Oct 08 23:46
jose__Aol set mozilla into motion. I'm not sure what they could have in mind here.Oct 08 23:46
schestowitzThere's turbulence shaking many companies ATM.Oct 08 23:46
jose__i hope notOct 08 23:46
schestowitzjose__: If I embed links in LinuxToday as <a href="blah">blah</a>, should there be an issue?Oct 08 23:47
jose__i hope so.. that they leave yahoo alone.. i understand what you mean about diverting funds to their stockOct 08 23:47
jose__i never embed linksOct 08 23:47
jose__i just post them outOct 08 23:47
schestowitzI think it's the second time this happens.Oct 08 23:47
jose__since carla took over there was a changeOct 08 23:47
schestowitzThe last time too I thought the Brian had removed them.Oct 08 23:47
jose__where urls now don't cause text to run off to the right behind the addsOct 08 23:48
schestowitzads. They probably have lots of MS ads.Oct 08 23:48
schestowitzIt's hard to block them all (for an admin even). They come from many domains.Oct 08 23:48
schestowitzI think I should rethink how I read RSS.Oct 08 23:48
schestowitzMaybe you can offer advice.Oct 08 23:49
jose__i don't read rssOct 08 23:49
schestowitzThere's just so much repetitive junk.Oct 08 23:49
jose__blogs like this make life easier for me *sheepish grin*Oct 08 23:49
schestowitzI just want /news/, not discussions and 'columns' (like those Matt Hartley rambles).Oct 08 23:49
schestowitzThere's also like 10 different article for each major piece of breaking news.Oct 08 23:50
schestowitzI waste too much time wading through cr*Oct 08 23:50
schestowitzTime for change.Oct 08 23:50
schestowitzI should also focus more on BNOct 08 23:50
schestowitzIt's driving like 20000+ pages today and is more important than some other things.Oct 08 23:51
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 08 23:52
schestowitzI'll probbably start just 'cherry-picking' feeds and items instead of exhaustively exploring them (putting them on zero)Oct 08 23:52
jose__imagine an aol offer for yahoo at say $15 or a bit more but only after yahoo has dropped more..Oct 08 23:55
jose__this helps yahoo's management and those that accumulate shares at the future new prices.Oct 08 23:55
jose__mainstreet pays but yahoo ends up stronger down the line (within aol)Oct 08 23:55
jose__and ceo's and everyone else always make out with money.. and they avoid microsoftOct 08 23:56
jose__nothing against yahoo since this process probably applies to many deals.. that's certainly what things have looked like recentlyOct 08 23:56
schestowitzMicrosoft pondered an AOL deal.Oct 08 23:57
jose__$15 or less (15 was for illustration purposes since at least it is below the 20-ish resistance point now crossed).. maybe even below 10 come to think of it but maybe not or nothing at all remotely like this will happen.Oct 08 23:57
jose__i worry about aol .. that's why i mentioned itOct 08 23:58
schestowitz Microsoft shifts its search to AOLOct 08 23:58
jose__they did buy out netscape and give mozilla 2 millionOct 08 23:58
schestowitzGoogle Gets 70% of U.S. Searches     - 08 23:58
schestowitz"But Google's gain led to lower numbers for other search companies. Yahoo Inc. received 19.62% of U.S. searches in June, down from 21.31% last year, while MSN Search received 5.46%, down from 9.85% in June 2007."Oct 08 23:58
jose__the url is broken.. did you leave out something after the ending ".jp"Oct 08 23:59
jose__the first link aboveOct 08 23:59
jose__waitOct 08 23:59


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