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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 22nd, 2008 - Part 1


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MinceRgnOct 22 00:09
twitterWhat's wrong with referring to distributions as GNU/Linux?Oct 22 00:38
twitterand Linux as the kernel?Oct 22 00:38
twitterYou can, after all, get GNU/Solaris and GNU/HurdOct 22 00:39
twitterI was looking at your Criminal Inside, Intel article.  Here's something interesting and sneaky they are up to: 22 00:40
twitterI loved this quote:  " How does a rich and self-seeking company approach a cooperating community?  By asking for a handout, of course"Oct 22 00:41
twitterThen, of course, there's the whole OLPC sabotage thing.Oct 22 00:42
twitterOr the "Linux compiler" that worked so much better with with Windows. 22 00:42
*twitter ( has left #boycottnovellOct 22 00:43
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 00:43
twitter:) thread too long to search easily.  That's what Google's for.Oct 22 00:44
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 22 02:17
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 03:32
yuhongIn the long term, I think almost all word processors will support both OOXML and ODF.Oct 22 03:33
yuhongOpenOffice 3.0, for example, supports OOXML.Oct 22 03:33
yuhongAnd future versions of Microsoft Office will support ODF.Oct 22 03:33
tessier <- not looking so good for Sun, or their faux-free software/open source JavaOct 22 06:00
*yuhong has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 22 06:34
MinceRj0Oct 22 06:44
schestowitztessier: why do you consider Java not FOSS?Oct 22 07:10
schestowitzHeh. Oct 22 07:18
schestowitzPirates scoff at Microsoft's anti-piracy day < >Oct 22 07:18
schestowitzYahoo! axes! (at least)! 1,400! workers! < > "Yahoo! profits plummeted 64 per cent in its latest fiscal quarter - yes, 64 per cent - and the company says it will jettison at least 10 per cent of its workforce by the end of the year." Bang&Olufsen slices 300 jobs < >Oct 22 07:24
schestowitz "We consumers are cracking. We don't trust the banks. The banks aren't lending to businesses. The businesses are firing workers and buying less. So we consumers are spending less. It's a mess. The economy is in an almost certain recession and storage sales could head south."Oct 22 07:24
schestowitzNo word on the economy from Captain Beranger, though.Oct 22 07:25
schestowitzLook what happened since Bush was elected: "A U.S. study in a December 2008 released article within the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that the rate of suicides in the United States has increased, on average, 0.7% per year between the years of 1999 and 2005. [Scientific American: “Suicide Uptick: U.S. Rate Climbing”]"Oct 22 07:27
schestowitz"[...] However, according to the new study, the overall U.S. rate for suicides went from 10.5 suicides per 100,000 persons, in 1999, to 11.0 per 100,000 persons, in 2005, an increase of about 0.7% per year, on average, and just under 5% for the six-year frame of time."Oct 22 07:27
schestowitz Good job, Mr. Bush.Oct 22 07:28
schestowitz Police Round Up Murderous Motorcycle Gang, and Their Intellectual Property! < > All bow to the almighty "Intellectual Property".Oct 22 07:30
schestowitzWall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies' < >Oct 22 07:32
schestowitzYes, we're dummies. You. Me. All 300 million of us. Clueless. We should be ashamed. We're obsessed about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, half-truths and outright lies. McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer matters who's president."Oct 22 07:32
schestowitz "Sorry to take the preview from the article, but yes, CBS Market Watch is apparently giving in to the concept of  Disaster Capitalism, the idea that artificial disasters on Wall Street are being used to subvert democracy."Oct 22 07:32
schestowitz"And with every disaster, the bankers and the stock brokers come out richer and the American taxpayer comes out paying for their  big bonuses instead of  redeploying the bailout to stabilize the industry." Biggest corruption yet of the 21st century?Oct 22 07:33
schestowitz "Poor Yahoo.  As we all know, the company's facing quite a few problems - a shrinking stock price, a skeptical Department of Justice, and so on - and now it's been made the defendant in a trademark infringement case filed by American Airlines."Oct 22 07:35
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 22 07:37
schestowitzDOJ and patents: "The U.S. Department of Justice won't oppose an agreement by seven companies to jointly license patents related to RFID (radio frequency identification) technology, potentially clearing the way for greater deployment of RFID standards."Oct 22 07:44
schestowitz "With the economy in trouble, job security has become a major fear for many people. As a result, the need to be in contact with your workplace 24/7 has led to a growing trend of e-mail addiction, according to a report conducted by Osterman Research (PDF) for the IT data recovery firm Neverfail."Oct 22 07:46
schestowitzTI too: ""Our outlook for the fourth quarter is for revenue to decline substantially based on weak order trends over the past few months," said Rich Templeton, TI chairman, president and chief executive. " < > China poised to benefit here.Oct 22 07:53
schestowitzDon't have security nightmares < >... or "why not to rely on proprietary software"Oct 22 07:54
schestowitzpotentially Good for GNU/Linux:  "Sun is not helped by the fact that many of its best customers for its profitable high-end servers are in the bankrupt Wall Street investment bank sector, though of course Sun's profits weren't exactly going like gangbusters before the meltdown went into full swing." < >Oct 22 07:56
schestowitzAAI Calls for Government Review of Emergency Mergers to Include Competition Concerns < >Oct 22 08:00
twitterDisaster capitalism.  I'm starting to believe more in that.  Look at Iceland to see the next IMF screw over.Oct 22 08:09
twitterHere's something a little lighter, 22 08:09
schestowitzIceland is scary environment right nowOct 22 08:10
twitterand some good news, Gnash in Lenny does YouTube flash.Oct 22 08:10
schestowitzMy dad was raving about their economy years ago.Oct 22 08:10
twitterMove than 50 Vista sucks videos, some very funny. 22 08:11
twitterIceland was doing some good things with healthcareOct 22 08:11
schestowitzwas?Oct 22 08:12
twitterIMF won't even let states pay for public school.Oct 22 08:13
schestowitzThis video will be added to the next "eye on ms" postOct 22 08:14
twitter:)Oct 22 08:14
twitterIt's an amazing outburst.Oct 22 08:14
schestowitz2:00 in... *LOLOct 22 08:15
twitterHere's a more local version of the Iceland story. 22 08:16
twitterI don't really trust Forbes, so reality may be even worse.Oct 22 08:16
schestowitzForbes can't be trusted Oct 22 08:17
schestowitzDan Lyons did his RMS attacks from there, for instance.Oct 22 08:17
twitterRight.  I only point to it because they interviewed what looks like a reputable local who complains about some things I have verified through a friend in Iceland.Oct 22 08:18
schestowitzThey can put their diapers on, but can't figure out that they lead to a collapse. Why? Greed. Bonuses. Let the others suffer.. stop thinking about tomorrow.Oct 22 08:19
twitterSpecifically, Brown's use of anti-terrorism laws to seize Iceland's assets - an action that really hosed Iceland.Oct 22 08:19
schestowitzNow they'll just use inflation as a tax... the rich bastards have already stashed this money that they stole from those whom they screwed.Oct 22 08:20
twitterInflation in Iceland, deflation elsewhere.Oct 22 08:21
schestowitzW T F ? ? ? "On Oct. 8, the U.K. government took action to freeze the assets of Icelandic companies, citing the U.K. Anti-Terror Law. Among them was Kaupthing, and its online banking operation, which was taken over in what looks like an act of revenge in the confusion created in the wake of the collapse of Landsbanki."Oct 22 08:21
twitterThat was confirmed.Oct 22 08:21
schestowitzSo now economics and terror are the same thing?Oct 22 08:21
schestowitzHeck. Use DMCA to 'fight' dissidents too...Oct 22 08:21
schestowitzOr truth fighters... like the criminals from Baer Bank and Wikileaks.Oct 22 08:22
twitterYou don't think the US invaded Iraq to fight terrorism, do you?Oct 22 08:22
schestowitzThey saw massive corruption just about 8 months ago... if only they could expose this sub-prime thing and present inside knowledge that got suppressed.Oct 22 08:23
twitterIs it surprising that the same tactics would be employed against Iceland?Oct 22 08:23
schestowitztwitter: I think it was a combination of many reasons.Oct 22 08:23
schestowitzIceland has WoMD.Oct 22 08:23
schestowitzThey just haven't found them yet. ;-)Oct 22 08:23
twitterEasy target, no military.Oct 22 08:24
schestowitzHow it /should/ be.Oct 22 08:24
schestowitzI bet Clown and his cronies at Bilderberg Club will be having a good laugh about it at the next secret meeting (where will it be? Will Melinda Gates attend again?)Oct 22 08:25
schestowitz"This was to have been priced at €£279, with the XP version costing €£329. There is now only an XP option, priced at €£299." 22 08:27
schestowitzSounds like Microsoft is pressuring vendors again using discounts/dumping.Oct 22 08:28
twitterI wonder if Iceland has oil not mentioned here 22 08:33
twitterlooking at zdnet linkOct 22 08:34
schestowitzNorth seas have plenty of oil left.Oct 22 08:34
schestowitzBut that's probably not related. Anyway, to suggest Clown is responsible is probably a stretch. It's an op-ed more of less.Oct 22 08:35
twitterWe shall see as the island is plundered.Oct 22 08:36
twitterIt's hard to tell how much of the current crisis is manufactured or how bad it will get.Oct 22 08:36
twitterThese things have a life of their own once started.Oct 22 08:36
twitterThe ZDNet article is clueless, as usual.  This jumped out at me, " This makes sense. As referenced in the above link, SUSE Linux was a massive fail on the Apricot PicoBook Pro. In its natural state, the OS was too unintuitive for the netbook."Oct 22 08:37
schestowitzmanufactured?Oct 22 08:37
twitterYes.Oct 22 08:38
schestowitzThat would suggest it's an excuse for taxing people, but I very much doubt it.Oct 22 08:38
schestowitzSomeone would blow the whistle on that one if it was potentially true. Any URL?Oct 22 08:38
schestowitztwitter: regarding ZDNet, the guy who wrote this is a SUSE user. He's no enemy of GNU/Linux, so I take his word.Oct 22 08:39
twitterAn IMF whistle blower did emerge, don't have the URL, read it in Stallman's political notes.  predicted crash for the wealthy to consolidate their positions.Oct 22 08:39
twitterOh come on, XP does not make sense on a "netbook"Oct 22 08:39
schestowitzI wrote some weeks ago about SLED's bad fit for low-end devices. You can't just slap a desktop O/S on a low-end S*itel chipOct 22 08:40
twitterXandros did.Oct 22 08:40
schestowitzFound this 3 minutes ago:Oct 22 08:40
schestowitz"I love my little Asus Eee 900 netbook. It's been doing quite well in the world market for notebook computers, and there are more on the way. Mine came with Xandros' really scaled down Linux software, but I loaded Ubuntu-eee instead for a much fuller experience. It's great in tight seating on planes." 22 08:40
twitterI can imagine that.Oct 22 08:41
schestowitzLinpus too should be good. People don't manage OpenGL games and 16 virtual desktops on sub-notebooks. The O/S needs to fit the hardware.Oct 22 08:41
twitterEEEpc has Intel graphics and working 3D accel.Oct 22 08:42
schestowitzJust as you didn't have 3D-accelerated GUIs about 10 years ago, although this was possible.Oct 22 08:42
twitteryou can play openGL games on it.Oct 22 08:42
schestowitztwitter: battery hogOct 22 08:42
twittersuch is life.Oct 22 08:42
twitterI got my daughter one of the first EEE PCs.  She runs it stock and I've left it alone.Oct 22 08:43
schestowitzFound now: "et autres frivolités propres aux passionnés. Que le mot ligne de commande n'effraie personne, le système embarqué, actuellement en cours de peaufinage, devrait être à l'image de la version de Xandros sur les Eee PC, simplifié et convivial." < >Oct 22 08:43
schestowitzNew review: Hands-On With ASUS Premium Eee PC S101 < >Oct 22 08:44
schestowitzASUS says it's "Closely tied up with Microsoft", so it hardly seems to be working on Linux as much as it used to.Oct 22 08:45
twitterThe 700 series were simple and easy.  Their new ties with M$ will be bad news for them.Oct 22 08:46
twitterXandros has also been tied up.Oct 22 08:46
twitterThey have gone about 2 years without a new release.Oct 22 08:47
schestowitzI wonder how they make money.Oct 22 08:48
schestowitzThey sell Scalix servers.Oct 22 08:48
twitterEEEPC was a big hit.Oct 22 08:48
schestowitz"Munich, Germany October, 2008 Xandros, the leader in making Linux and Windows work together, today announced that key staff will showcase the latest Scalix email, calendaring and messaging solutions at Systems 2008 in Munich, Germany, October 21-24. Systems is the leading business-to-business trade show for IT, media and communications in Germany" . 22 08:48
twitterThey had a lot of users too.Oct 22 08:48
schestowitz"Xandros and Scalix, two Linux technology companies with research operations in Ottawa, are rolling out the Scalix e-mail and scheduling software feature in Japan. Scalix said it has more than 1,000 corporate customers." 22 08:48
schestowitzNo, but Xandros isn't necessarily paid for the Eee PC stuff.Oct 22 08:49
twitterThen came the M$ deal.  I wonder how much cash they got out of it.Oct 22 08:49
schestowitzThose secretive weasels won't say how it works.Oct 22 08:49
schestowitzThe CEO refused when asked to comment on how ASUS' fork of Xandros works.Oct 22 08:49
twitterPeople say Xandros is not paid for EEEPC.  That sounds crazy.Oct 22 08:49
schestowitzXandros CEO's reply: "It's complicate" [next question, please].Oct 22 08:50
schestowitzI was talking to one of the chiefs from there.Oct 22 08:50
schestowitzHe said that Xandos was not paid by ASUS for those Eee PCs.Oct 22 08:50
twitterSurely they earned something from it all?Oct 22 08:50
schestowitzDoes the Eee PC  come with Microsoft codecs and all?Oct 22 08:51
schestowitztwitter: just brand power, that's what I always assumed.Oct 22 08:51
MinceRit would be nice to have this info on all ballnux-loaded computersOct 22 08:51
MinceRdo you know about others?Oct 22 08:51
schestowitzMinceR: in the site?Oct 22 08:51
schestowitzLinspire is, well.. dead.Oct 22 08:51
twitterNot sure about codecs.Oct 22 08:51
MinceRwell, that would be idealOct 22 08:51
schestowitzTurbolinux I'm not sure about.. all the coverage about it is in Chinese or japanese.Oct 22 08:51
twitterIt did not work with some MPEG2 files my all in wonder card created.Oct 22 08:52
schestowitzDellbuntu is infected.Oct 22 08:52
schestowitzMicrosoft taxOct 22 08:52
schestowitzIronically, Eee PC might be more 'pure' than those Dell PCs with ShuttlebunuOct 22 08:52
twitterOverall, debian seems to do betterOct 22 08:52
MinceRschestowitz: indeed.Oct 22 08:52
twitterI often go get the "essential codecs" which are free but DMCA distribution prohibited in the US.Oct 22 08:54
schestowitzThe kids at UF are now whining for Moonlight... they just don't understand freedom and some say they might be MS boosters.Oct 22 08:54
schestowitzPosing as Ubuntu users (well, maybe they tinkered with it)Oct 22 08:54
schestowitzDMCA is an unlawful law. It's bought, not ratified.Oct 22 08:54
twitterUF are filled with trollsOct 22 08:55
schestowitz 22 08:56
twitterwell, it is late here.  I'm going to bed.  Night night.Oct 22 08:56
twitter4AM, that's very late for me.Oct 22 08:56
schestowitz "Samsung on Tuesday withdrew its $5.85 billion bid for SanDisk, citing an increasing "risk profile.""Oct 22 09:00
schestowitzYahoo earnings: It could be worse < >; Yahoo bets on a glass half full < 22 09:01
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 09:06
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 22 09:19
schestowitzInteresting numbers: "Morvay revealed to Linux Magazine Online that there were no specific figures for Linux netbook sales, but that it lay somewhere in the 40th percentile. Even though this figure seems a little high, it is known that many of the world's netbooks have Linux on board since their first inception 18 months ago."Oct 22 09:33
schestowitz"For example, notebooks with Linux make up about 5.5% of the notebook market in Germany..."Oct 22 09:33
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 22 09:50
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 09:53
schestowitzAbout: someone just mailed me to say "About Microsoft co-opting FOSS... I tried downloading and installing on my virtual WinXP for a test drive. Only works with Vista and Windows Server 2008."Oct 22 10:04
schestowitzAnother abusive monopolist looking for free labour: 22 10:07
schestowitzWell, well... "Optimized decompression using annotated back buffer, patent No. 7,439,882, invented by Michael Meeks of Newmarket, U.K., assigned to Novell Inc. of Provo. " < >Oct 22 10:15
schestowitzCan't ind it..  yet. 22 10:16
schestowitz 22 10:17
*fumanchu2175 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 10:35
schestowitzNovell employees sound more like Microsoft employees every day: ( Google: Evil or just overworked? ). This Novell employee also slammed Apple earlier, but not Microsoft. Never.Oct 22 10:37
fumanchu2175I was reading the comments from JoseX about how he believes Microsoft will eventually lose market share and go bankrupt and how that could be a good thing.  I might even agree with that statement.  Wouldn't the loss of Microsoft be a problem for Samba since there would be little need for CIFS or SMB if everyone were using a Linux variant?Oct 22 10:40
schestowitzThey do other protocols, I think.Oct 22 10:41
schestowitzIt's like saying that if binary .doc die out, then is obsolete.Oct 22 10:41
schestowitzTwo years ago Microsoft hardly mentioned patents. Its current obsession with patent means that it's no longer able to rely on revenue from products (not for long because margins fall).Oct 22 10:42
schestowitzFor the record, here is this Novell senior painting Apple -- not Microsoft -- as the bad guy (Novell employees get their wages from Microsoft now, so...): Apple knows best? Don’t you believe it! < >Oct 22 10:44
fumanchu2175Ok.  I looked at and it only mentions smb/cifs.  I think ooo is different since it uses ODF as its standard.  If .doc were to die ooo would be even more valuable as an office suite.Oct 22 10:44
fumanchu2175lol.  Novell made a huge mistake I think,Oct 22 10:46
schestowitzfumanchu2175: good to know. I don't use Samba myself (never really did). Either way, Microsoft Windows legacy is here to stick for a while no matter what.. like UNIX, SCO UNIX, Netware, Mac OS 9...Oct 22 10:47
fumanchu2175What could Novell do now to make it right?Oct 22 10:47
schestowitzNot much. TBH, "just drop dead" is the answer, I think. :-(Oct 22 10:48
fumanchu2175schestowitz: LOL but that's not going to happen.Oct 22 10:49
fumanchu2175Good job on the site btw.  I read it everyday.Oct 22 10:50
schestowitzHmmm..the Paul Murphy troll chose the headline "Desktop Unix: MacOS X and “Sousa Linicks” ... then 9 minutes later he changed the headline to "Desktop Unix: MacOS X and SUSE Linux"Oct 22 10:50
schestowitzWhy did he regret the headline (or did the editor change it)?Oct 22 10:50
fumanchu2175good question.Oct 22 10:50
schestowitzfumanchu2175: thanks.Oct 22 10:50
schestowitzI can see the headline change in my feed.Oct 22 10:51
schestowitzDesktop Unix: MacOS X and “Sousa Linicks” - ZDNet : 10/21/2008 07:19 AMOct 22 10:51
fumanchu2175Probably an editorOct 22 10:51
schestowitzDesktop Unix: MacOS X and SUSE Linux (ZDNet) : 10/21/2008 07:28 AMOct 22 10:51
schestowitzIt's very annoying when editors change headlines.Oct 22 10:52
fumanchu2175They take all the fun out of it.Oct 22 10:52
schestowitzI had an editor do this to me in order to provoke readers with fear... and it reflects badly on the writer.Oct 22 10:52
fumanchu2175Yes it does especially when they do it to provoke fear.Oct 22 10:53
fumanchu2175Schestowitz: gtg and get ready for work.Oct 22 10:53
fumanchu2175keep up the good work.Oct 22 10:53
schestowitzSee you laterOct 22 10:54
*fumanchu2175 ( has left #boycottnovellOct 22 10:54
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 11:49
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 22 11:53
*harrytuttle (i=528c0ab2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 12:16
harrytuttle.Oct 22 12:31
schestowitzHey there.Oct 22 12:32
harrytuttlehey royOct 22 12:32
harrytuttlejust tested out things hereOct 22 12:32
schestowitzWhat's up?Oct 22 12:32
harrytuttleslow work dayOct 22 12:32
harrytuttle:-)Oct 22 12:32
schestowitzWell, some people don't have work, so..Oct 22 12:33
harrytuttlerightOct 22 12:33
harrytuttlejust read the last few irc-logs to keep upOct 22 12:33
schestowitzThis one is funny: 22 12:34
schestowitzFunny in a sick sense though.Oct 22 12:34
harrytuttleyep, i like some twisted humor when it hits the nailOct 22 12:35
harrytuttleso relative quiet that part of the day?Oct 22 12:36
schestowitzIn the news it's pretty busy.Oct 22 12:38
schestowitzI used to think that with the death of 'old media' (IDG and all)... it must move online, but can't pay writers this way... well, I imagined that volume of news would decline.Oct 22 12:39
schestowitzAlso, as the guy above shrewdly said (Beranger), all our sophisticated technology was supposed to make life easier, yet we are getting more and more stressed all the time.Oct 22 12:40
harrytuttlewell, what shocked me today was the EU thinks of deploying more and more of these:Oct 22 12:43
harrytuttle 22 12:43
harrytuttleit really sickens meOct 22 12:43
harrytuttleas it nowhere improves securityOct 22 12:43
harrytuttleI personally think it is to reduce resistance (mentally and emotionally) to prepare the people to accept even more humiliation and total controlOct 22 12:45
*schestowitz looks (maybe "job security")Oct 22 12:45
schestowitzI saw these before.Oct 22 12:45
harrytuttleit takes away the dignity and really makes you feel low self-esteemOct 22 12:45
schestowitzBut not everyone is scanned with these. Besides, does it not cause cancer?Oct 22 12:46
harrytuttle"The TSA also claims the machine emits 10,000 times less energy than a cell phone transmission."Oct 22 12:46
harrytuttlethey ought not be trusted thoughOct 22 12:46
schestowitzSounds queer to me.Oct 22 12:46
schestowitzI was scanned for a friend's experiment.Oct 22 12:46
schestowitzThese things are electricity Hoovers.Oct 22 12:47
harrytuttlebut the thing is, that in an article today, they publicly claimed to let big airports decide if they want to make use of it and install itOct 22 12:47
schestowitzTSA, 2015: 22 12:48
harrytuttle,ra17m1...Oct 22 12:49
harrytuttlethis is the german newsOct 22 12:49
schestowitzFirst airplanes, not trains.Oct 22 12:50
schestowitzI can't find it... 22 12:51
schestowitzIt's about ban on liquids in some trainsOct 22 12:51
*_Doug ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 12:54
_DougASUS return rates similar for XP and Linux ..Oct 22 13:03
_Doug 22 13:03
schestowitz:-)Oct 22 13:04
*schestowitz tries to find the money quoteOct 22 13:04
schestowitz_Doug: I'm doing a post about it right now.Oct 22 13:04
_Doughoo kay ..Oct 22 13:05
schestowitzWhere does it talk about returns?Oct 22 13:05
schestowitz"Oct 22 13:05
schestowitzI think the return rate for the Eee PCs are low but I believe the Linux and Windows have similar return rates. We really separate the products into different user groups. A lot of users like the Windows XP, but in Europe a lot of people want the Linux option. Actually in Linux we support the Easy Mode and in Q4 of this year we are going to start selling Windows XP with an Easy Mode."Oct 22 13:05
harrytuttlewell this is also priceless:Oct 22 13:06
harrytuttleSeems very cool. Seems like something that could help with Vista. Do you think its something you could put on Vista?"Oct 22 13:06
harrytuttleI think we could, but we don’t plan on putting Vista on any of the Eee PCs. I think in the future in the second half of next year we will put Windows 7 on Eee PCs. For now it will be Linux and XP and then Windows 7 and not do Vista.Oct 22 13:06
harrytuttleThey wait for Windows 7, i guess they will be in for a big surprise... (Vista II)Oct 22 13:07
schestowitzIt will be delayed forever.Oct 22 13:07
schestowitzHe's clinging onto vapourware, which even Ballmer said "is Vista... just..."Oct 22 13:07
harrytuttleWe should try to coin it Vista 7Oct 22 13:07
MinceR:)Oct 22 13:08
harrytuttleThat way, the people get confused and the brand dilutedOct 22 13:08
harrytuttlelike MS always does like OOXMLOct 22 13:08
_Dougplease wait for Windows 7 and don't by any of that socalist Linux stuff :)Oct 22 13:08
harrytuttleOfficeOpen as to relate and mix it to sound like OpenOfficeOct 22 13:08
MinceRthere's socialist linux stuff?Oct 22 13:08
harrytuttleyeah, wait for Vista 7, er Windows Vista SP2Oct 22 13:09
schestowitzharrytuttle: yes, I wrote about that.Oct 22 13:10
harrytuttlecannot repeat it enough :-)Oct 22 13:10
_DougLets call it Lindows 7, just to confuse people :)Oct 22 13:10
harrytuttleheheOct 22 13:10
schestowitz "The name “Office Open XML” is often mistakenly called “Open Office XML” implying a non-existent connection to the project." Makes you wonder if Microsoft encouraged this mistake.Oct 22 13:11
harrytuttleyes, thats intentionalOct 22 13:11
schestowitz : Microsoft’s OOXML Gives Open Source Software a Bad NameOct 22 13:12
harrytuttlethey try to control the words and their meaningOct 22 13:12
harrytuttlebeacuse behind terms and words are a meaning and ideasOct 22 13:12
schestowitzIt’s Official: Microsoft Has Redefined “Open Source": 22 13:13
harrytuttleif everybody agreed to the same meaning and its positive and favors your side, then the other has a much more hard time refuting your thoughtsOct 22 13:13
schestowitzAs they say, if you don't protect your brand, you lose it.Oct 22 13:13
harrytuttleyesOct 22 13:13
schestowitzOSI let itself be destructed in a sense.Oct 22 13:13
harrytuttlef you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who use those words"Oct 22 13:15
harrytuttlethat was philip k dickOct 22 13:15
harrytuttle 22 13:16
harrytuttlehe made quite some fitting novels like Bladerunner, Minority Reprt or Total RecallOct 22 13:16
harrytuttleThis is a synopsis which sums up everything this blog is about: Mono/MS/Media-Manipulation/freedomOct 22 13:18
harrytuttle 22 13:18
schestowitzPirate.Oct 22 13:19
schestowitzNon-proprietary softwaare.Oct 22 13:20
schestowitzCommunism... _cheap_ software.Oct 22 13:20
schestowitzIt's not just terms, but also mental images and associated.Oct 22 13:20
schestowitz*associationsOct 22 13:20
harrytuttleDo not believe—and I am dead serious when I say this—do not assume that order and stability are always good, in a society or in a universe. The old, the ossified, must always give way to new life and the birth of new things. Before the new things can be born the old must perish.Oct 22 13:20
schestowitzMSGoebbels :-(Oct 22 13:21
harrytuttleno, its P.K.DickOct 22 13:21
schestowitzI bet lots of people are /still/ under the impression that Steve Jobs is ill. Too many false alarms. This disinfo may have arrives from Microsoft, based on some sources.Oct 22 13:21
_Doug"When all things began, the brand name already was. The brand name dwelt with God, and what God was, the brand name was"Oct 22 13:25
_Doug:)Oct 22 13:25
schestowitzWithout brands, it's communism.Oct 22 13:32
schestowitzBread from the Bread Brand. branded uncompetitive...Oct 22 13:32
schestowitzLatest ASTROT~1 report: 22 13:33
_Doug"a technical marketing case" ?Oct 22 13:35
*mib_vpvi4g (i=c0597b29@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 13:35
schestowitzMarketing... also called Geurilla marketing.Oct 22 13:35
_Dougtypical .. a glorified advert pretending to be a technical analysis ..Oct 22 13:35
schestowitz"Marketing help" = Microsoft bribe in Nigeria.Oct 22 13:36
schestowitzBribe = "incentive"Oct 22 13:36
schestowitzBribe laptop = "gift"Oct 22 13:36
_Dougit's the abuse of the language that's the worst crime ..Oct 22 13:36
schestowitzShills = "evangelists"Oct 22 13:36
schestowitzOn to a post about them damn laptops! ;-)Oct 22 13:38
_Doug"Computer criminals could soon be eavesdropping on what you type by analysing the electromagnetic signals produced by every key press"Oct 22 13:39
_Doug 22 13:39
_DougThis is old technology .. has been around years .. only now the BBC discovers it ..Oct 22 13:40
*mib_vpvi4g has quit (Client Quit)Oct 22 13:40
_Doug 22 13:41
schestowitzYes.Oct 22 13:42
schestowitzI thought the same thing. Tuning in to keystrokes is quite an art.Oct 22 13:42
schestowitzI think the MSBBC mentions this now only because of a 'new' study. I read it this morning.Oct 22 13:43
_Dougdon't secure systems have to be in a RF shielded room or something ?Oct 22 13:43
*mib_gmf0kc (i=c0597b29@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 13:43
twittersomeone on Slashdot pointed me to this, "Accounts for Microsoft Ireland Research, an Irish subsidiary of the global software giant, show that the company paid just €460,000 in tax, on profits of more than €1.2 billion last year, by using provisions in Irish tax law to take its corporation tax bill down from €158m. Much of Microsoft's international profits are channelled through Ireland, but because the main company for MicrosoOct 22 13:44
schestowitztwitter: that's another one for the tax evasion collection.Oct 22 13:44
schestowitzAny source for this?Oct 22 13:44
schestowitztwitter: your message is truncated.Oct 22 13:44
_DougIreland the corporate tax evasion capitol of Europe ..Oct 22 13:45
twitterLess than half a million tax on 1.2 billion profit.  I've seen bigger percentages in nuclear statistics. 22 13:45
twitterthat took forever :)Oct 22 13:45
mib_gmf0kcWas it this?Oct 22 13:46
*mib_gmf0kc has quit (Client Quit)Oct 22 13:46
schestowitzWell, the Irish will not pay the tax... in the form of huge inflation.Oct 22 13:47
schestowitzMicrosoft laughs all the way to the bank.Oct 22 13:48
*mib_aomu31 (i=c0597b29@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 13:48
_Dougbillion = 1,000,000,000 ??Oct 22 13:48
schestowitzYesOct 22 13:50
schestowitzmilliard?Oct 22 13:50
_Dougthat's 3.8% tax last year ?Oct 22 13:52
_Dougwhen did we stop using the BRITISH billion ?Oct 22 13:52
schestowitzI don't know. I wondered about that myself... but many years ago.. when I was like 17Oct 22 13:57
schestowitzAmerican pound is now the universal pound too.Oct 22 13:57
schestowitzPint also, I think.Oct 22 13:58
_Dougwhat's the difference between the US and UK pound ?Oct 22 13:59
schestowitzI can't remember. Just a few grams, IIRC.Oct 22 14:01
schestowitzOops.Oct 22 14:01
schestowitzI must be confusing it with ounce.Oct 22 14:01
_Doug"According to a 1959 NIST publication, the international pound differed from the United States 1894 pound by approximately one part in 10 million.[5]. The difference is so insignificant that it can be ignored for almost all practical purposes"Oct 22 14:04
_DougWell, I never ... not a lot of people know that ....Oct 22 14:04
_Doug 22 14:04
_Douggtg ..Oct 22 14:10
*_Doug has quit ()Oct 22 14:10
twitterliquid ban on trains, 22 14:12
schestowitzThanks.Oct 22 14:12
schestowitzNext: scanners at the office/building, drinking only in special rooms (like smokers)... other mad sci-fi stuff...Oct 22 14:13
twittertwo way tele-screens everywhere.  think of your gym or the airport with the constant broadcast blair and cameras everywhere.Oct 22 14:18
twitteryou should be grateful for your synthetic coffee even if you can only drink it in the cafeteria.Oct 22 14:19
MinceR 22 14:19
MinceR:(Oct 22 14:19
twitterGoldstein has agents everywhere, you can never be too careful.  2minute hate.Oct 22 14:19
schestowitzMr. Smiths.Oct 22 14:26
schestowitzOh no.Oct 22 14:26
schestowitzIDG??????Oct 22 14:26
MinceRidg.Oct 22 14:26
schestowitzMinceR: he privately told me about this for months.Oct 22 14:27
schestowitzSince last year.Oct 22 14:27
*harrytuttle has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 22 14:27
schestowitzIDCOct 22 14:27
schestowitzAl Gillen and Pals.Oct 22 14:27
MinceRwhat do you think can we expect from Phoronix now?Oct 22 14:27
schestowitzHe had to respond to them by November, so...Oct 22 14:27
schestowitzMinceR: [whispers] things that Michael does not like.Oct 22 14:28
schestowitzI'll give him flak in IRC. :-)Oct 22 14:28
schestowitzThat's IDC owned... 22 14:29
MinceRdo you know Michael? will he resist the shillism from IDG?Oct 22 14:29
schestowitzHe might.Oct 22 14:30
MinceRwould he choose truth over bribes?Oct 22 14:30
schestowitzBut he was tempted once by a chance to meet the Man in the Sweater (BillG)Oct 22 14:30
schestowitzAd hominem responses in phoronix.Oct 22 14:31
schestowitzThe thing is, independent site can care about freedom. Business-backed sites must care about $$.Oct 22 14:32
schestowitzNovell employee just commented in BNOct 22 14:46
MinceRthey don't have toOct 22 14:49
schestowitzWell, no disclosure, but it's obvious given the context.Oct 22 14:49
MinceRthey could draw a line and say "if you cross this, i won't be doing business with you anymore" to advertisers/overlordsOct 22 14:49
MinceRbut it's highly unlikelyOct 22 14:49
*schestowitz not looking forward to Wintel-cladded PhoronixOct 22 14:49
schestowitzWell, for his own welfare I hope he got a good wad of cash because he worked hard, but to link to this site now is to empower the IDC empire. And be sure he won't have much of a word against it...Oct 22 14:51
schestowitzWhen Brian Proffitt left Linux Today he was relieved to have escaped the Microsoft ads from Jupitermedia, but one reader slammed him for doing nothing/not enough to stop those ads. As for myself, I stopped writing for them while the Microsoft ads are there. I won't sell out.Oct 22 14:52
schestowitzDigg haven't sold out (yet), either, but they probably dumped Google because Microsoft paid them for it (they made lots of noise about this 'case study' in the media)Oct 22 14:53
*mib_aomu31 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 22 14:58
*mib_jamuox ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 15:03
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 15:18
*mib_jamuox has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 22 15:31
twitterHeh, might not have to worry about M$ long.  Down another 5% in heavy looking sell off. 22 15:38
twitterWonder what they know that we will learn tomorrow.Oct 22 15:39
schestowitzYes.Oct 22 15:39
schestowitzMaybe it won't crash tomorrow (the stock) because they escape early.Oct 22 15:39
schestowitzIn April and July the results crashes the stock (MSFT)Oct 22 15:39
schestowitzBut in April and July Microsoft was not buying back its stock so aggressively.Oct 22 15:40
*schestowitz is doing a post about the Ireland thingie.Oct 22 15:40
twitter:)Oct 22 15:40
*harrytuttle (i=528c0ab2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 15:40
schestowitzMy posts are getting longer (this one is tiring). So I fall behind. I also proofread more carefully because many people read it.Oct 22 15:45
twitterthey get their money's worth.  :-DOct 22 16:00
schestowitzThis new post contains a lot of information (tightly): 22 16:01
*harrytuttle has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 22 16:04
tessierschestowitz: I consider Java not FOSS because it doesn't come with any distro yet although it would sure be nice if it did and I can't download the source and compile it. Have you ever tried? It isn't practical.Oct 22 16:16
tessierWhen Java comes with Fedora and a source RPM I can build which results in a working jvm, browser plugin, and compiler with class libraries, then it will be FOSS.Oct 22 16:17
schestowitzThat will happen, as far as I know. Let me find an article I have.Oct 22 16:23
schestowitzOpen Source Java Technology Debuts In GNU/Linux Distributions : 22 16:23
schestowitzOpenSUSE 11.1 beta3 is out.Oct 22 16:25
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 16:51
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has left #boycottnovellOct 22 16:52
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 22 16:53
tessier_schestowitz: That java is icedtea, not the Sun java. It won't work as a plugin or run Limewire or much of anything else. It only runs the java based stuff in IIRCOct 22 16:55


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