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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 22nd 2008


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neighborleegn minceNov 22 00:18
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 22 00:29
schestowitzneighborlee: remember this post from 3 months ago < >? It's still getting many views, so people are curious. 1000 views this month.Nov 22 01:23
*mib_wy4cyl (i=473558b0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 01:25
neighborleeschestowitz, good deal ;00-Nov 22 01:29
schestowitzI wrote 15 posts today. It was fun.Nov 22 01:30
schestowitzLots of Mono in the front page too. We get over 30,000 pageviews foday.Nov 22 01:31
neighborleegood deal Im glad to hear that as alwaysNov 22 01:32
schestowitzTeamwork pays off.Nov 22 01:32
neighborleepeople like to read objective pieces of news and  ive never seen you post anything but that. I am adult enough to let you report, and I decide..those saying otherwise are insulting the readers intelligence, and doing that  gives them ZERO credibility.Nov 22 01:32
neighborleeindeed it does .Nov 22 01:32
schestowitzObjective means what?Nov 22 01:33
schestowitzThat's it's more in alignment with Wintel press, which aligns with Microsoft and Novell PR?Nov 22 01:34
schestowitzRemember the press pre-'War' in IraqNov 22 01:34
neighborleeobjective truths are those which are discovered rather than createdNov 22 01:35
neighborleeoh lord I sure do../another reason im so glad obama made immediately has tons more respect overnightNov 22 01:35
neighborleeus/u.s.Nov 22 01:36
neighborleewar mongering was fine in the middle ages..this is now ;)Nov 22 01:36
schestowitzI still see things on televisions that glorify military. Last night I saw  (again) the video clip of "Hero". That's pro-military. Now, don't get me wrong. I adore people who go and fight for their country, but those who send them to fight often do this for /NO NEED/. So they follow orders, sometimes come back to Galveston in coffins, but what for?Nov 22 01:36
neighborleethere is no honor lost in finding peaceful means to settle differences...a true mans measure is finding peace admist turmoil...never appologise for a ideology of peace ;)Nov 22 01:38
schestowitzYou can win a war by going to none. A peace treaty can be like winning a war... with no casualties. The media continues to glorify guns and violence and computer games sometimes seem like they are created by 'higher forces' (America's Army,. anyone?)  to manufacture aggression and promote diligence that's violent, just in case recruitment time comes.Nov 22 01:39
neighborleeyes,,ive seen a nasty trend in violent games, which is why im doing heartseedNov 22 01:40
neighborleeas if violence is the only means to fun ;)Nov 22 01:40
neighborleepalease ;)Nov 22 01:41
schestowitzEncouraging ignorance re Freedom and DRM is another thing.Nov 22 01:41
neighborleesureNov 22 01:41
schestowitzIf people understood how corrupt American politics are, there would be revolt in the streetsNov 22 01:41
neighborleeI think we just had one ;)Nov 22 01:41
neighborleepeople know...maybe not the total nature of it,but they know ;)Nov 22 01:41
schestowitzBingo. +1 >> "as if violence is the only means to fun ;)"Nov 22 01:42
neighborlee:)Nov 22 01:42
schestowitzThat comes from education.Nov 22 01:42
neighborleeive never had so much fun as I have playing wiitennisNov 22 01:42
schestowitzLike animals, people are taught by examples (e.g. on television) that shoot is hip, just like drinking alcohol, having one-night stands, vandalising, etc.Nov 22 01:42
neighborleewiigolf some, wiibowling I love too from HS days..but wiitennnis rocks my world, if only for a few hours a week or such...major fun ;)Nov 22 01:43
neighborleewhen im not doing it for real on a court :)Nov 22 01:43
schestowitzneighborlee: they don't know enough. Most people don;t.Nov 22 01:43
schestowitzNot here anyway.Nov 22 01:43
neighborleeyeah our system needs massiive updating ;)Nov 22 01:43
neighborleepeer pressure, education system, parental guidance yaddaNov 22 01:43
neighborleeit all adds upNov 22 01:43
schestowitzneighborlee: wait until people ridicule you for playing the 'girl's' console instead of shooting people /sarcasmNov 22 01:44
schestowitzPeer pressure factorNov 22 01:44
neighborleeI was very lucky to have amazing pees and good examples..not everyone was so fortunateNov 22 01:44
neighborleeLOL , they already doNov 22 01:44
schestowitzYou beat me to it re: peer pressure. This comes from a peer like TV+Radio too. These are 'peers' tooNov 22 01:44
neighborleeand some are friends doing it ;)Nov 22 01:44
neighborleebut as they know me goes in one ear and out the other one..I;ll listen but they know better than to provoke me on such siimplistic meansNov 22 01:45
schestowitzIt's a problemNov 22 01:45
schestowitzParental guidance makes some games /more/ desirable. They are seen as 'forbidden'Nov 22 01:45
neighborleecommon ,our culture says a guy  must fight and the 180 is girlish ;)Nov 22 01:45
neighborleeat least some families.Nov 22 01:45
schestowitzAnd people (well, kids) /do/ manage to get them somehowNov 22 01:46
schestowitzThat's not guyNov 22 01:46
schestowitzThat's beastNov 22 01:46
neighborlee:)Nov 22 01:46
schestowitzUntil we devolveNov 22 01:46
neighborleeyeah kids get them sometimes one way or another..especially if parental guidance is low , if one parent say..yaddaNov 22 01:46
neighborleetrust  me, I complained direct to wii when I hear of nasty M rated games coming to wii consoleNov 22 01:47
schestowitzThe education system is not the problem though.Nov 22 01:47
neighborleedirect to ninetendo <lolNov 22 01:47
schestowitzChildren seem to be exposed to violent stuff on TV, outside school.Nov 22 01:47
neighborleeNintendoNov 22 01:47
schestowitzI was a kid not so long ago, so that's how I remember it.Nov 22 01:47
neighborleewell I can tell you when I was a kid there was none of this..or if there was my parents shielded us from itNov 22 01:48
schestowitzPeople are taught to imitate the Disney model first, then whatever adults watch.. Rocky (violence)... Die Hard (guns)...war films...Nov 22 01:48
neighborleewe watched 'some tv, but honestly most of my child life was outside             doing neighbors or riding bike or playing tennis...I was very active that wayNov 22 01:48
neighborleeno computers so yeah very activeNov 22 01:48
schestowitzObsesity rises in the US, right?Nov 22 01:49
schestowitzObesity up, smoking down.Nov 22 01:49
neighborleenot just violent but also shody pron,,its everywhere, and we wonder we have the issues we do in society..I dont wonder at allNov 22 01:49
schestowitzWell, some smokers don't live long if you know what I mean. My grandma dies from it.Nov 22 01:50
neighborleepeople eat due to stress, etc.Nov 22 01:50
neighborleesorry to hear that ;(Nov 22 01:50
schestowitzCompensating selvesNov 22 01:50
schestowitzSame with smokingNov 22 01:50
neighborleemy gfather when I was 18 or suchNov 22 01:50
schestowitzAddiction=distractionNov 22 01:50
neighborleeyeahNov 22 01:50
neighborleewar games are instant gratification..I see it in most gaming friends that are male..Nov 22 01:51
neighborleethough one female does it too to relieve day stress, but she also enjoys as much or more rpg where quests are as important as fps stuffNov 22 01:51
schestowitzAddictive too (I too was addicted to them)Nov 22 01:51
neighborleeyupNov 22 01:51
schestowitzIt's an ego thingNov 22 01:52
schestowitzAnimal instinctNov 22 01:52
schestowitzYou improve all the time and boast machoismNov 22 01:52
neighborleeI think the danger zone is when  gamers enjoy them the more bloody and gorey the better.. fine if your a soldier I guess but  beyond that hardly   healthy :)Nov 22 01:52
schestowitzIf only people knew that outsiders don't care..Nov 22 01:52
neighborleeyuppers exactlyNov 22 01:52
schestowitzLike people who can text fastest... who on earth knows about this 'skill'?Nov 22 01:53
schestowitzSame with metal though.Nov 22 01:53
neighborleeroflNov 22 01:53
schestowitzGets more gory and violent... until black metal.Nov 22 01:53
neighborleeI dont get the whole text messaging fascination...I never bother.Nov 22 01:53
schestowitzWhere singers commit suicide like it's a sort of vanityNov 22 01:53
schestowitzAndroid has keyboardNov 22 01:53
neighborleeI can see it applicable in school , but gez I just want to talk not text ;)Nov 22 01:53
schestowitzI saw it yesterday because a friend of mine got itNov 22 01:53
neighborleeahhhNov 22 01:54
schestowitzIt's nice.Nov 22 01:54
neighborleeyeah id love and linux what a sweet combo ;)Nov 22 01:54
schestowitziPhone is like Jessica Simpson.Nov 22 01:54
schestowitzAndroid is like Hillary ClintonNov 22 01:54
neighborleeLOLNov 22 01:54
neighborleeok :)Nov 22 01:54
schestowitzIt actually does workNov 22 01:54
neighborleeim so glad hillary got sec. of stoked ;)Nov 22 01:54
schestowitzWhatever keeps guys who say "folks" out of office...Nov 22 01:55
neighborleelolNov 22 01:55
schestowitzI don't trust Feds who talk about "folks" and "ranch"Nov 22 01:55
neighborleelord knowsNov 22 01:55
schestowitzThis leads to "big machine", "teh Google", and "Internet is tubesNov 22 01:55
schestowitzThe latter got busted for fraud BTWNov 22 01:56
schestowitzMaybe he shills for telcosNov 22 01:56
neighborleeyou lost me on internet is tubesNov 22 01:57
schestowitz 22 02:00
schestowitz 22 02:01
schestowitz"On October 27, 2008, Stevens was found guilty of all seven counts of making false statements. "Nov 22 02:02
schestowitz"I've got a virus, Doc" < >Nov 22 02:05
neighborleeLOLNov 22 02:07
neighborleeyeah tubes ic ;)Nov 22 02:07
neighborleestevens..thank god he was defeated..what a mell of a hess.Nov 22 02:07
schestowitzThey have nice rocking chair in prison. ;-)Nov 22 02:08
schestowitzDubya versus mother Ter.. nature...  Bush set to relax endangered species rules < >Nov 22 02:10
schestowitzNo surprise there... series of tubes... no Kyoto treaty... let Earth fry, animals disappear and get lots of oil..Nov 22 02:11
neighborleeschestowitz, I think its all bush has left...pander to angry humans bent on  getting rights to kill kill kill as if forgetting about genesis 1: 29-31 :) < BIBLE RANT OVER> heh ;)Nov 22 02:14
schestowitzThe issue is clearNov 22 02:14
schestowitzHe tarnished the image of the USNov 22 02:14
schestowitzThat will cost even after his departureNov 22 02:14
neighborleeits far easier for some to go along with status quo than to have to think and devise change that helps us evole as a species and become oh dear I say it,,more godike ;)Nov 22 02:14
schestowitzfanaticism abroad, limited trade, etc.Nov 22 02:14
schestowitz*godlike??Nov 22 02:15
neighborleewell I mean...if one considers genesis 1:29-31, its sorta hard to argue for hunters rights ;)Nov 22 02:15
schestowitzI don't have a bible at handNov 22 02:16
neighborleethough my father was one and I loved my father, I never followed in his footstepsNov 22 02:16
schestowitzDubya's perpetrators in the UK have a similar effect here.Nov 22 02:16
schestowitzI know people who lost their jobs.Nov 22 02:16
neighborleewell it basically says,,god said for us only to eat herbs and fruits of the tree and that even the animals that fly and crawl are to do the sameNov 22 02:16
neighborleealarmingly different than todays world, but thats what it says ;)Nov 22 02:16
neighborleeno surpise :(Nov 22 02:17
schestowitzDo monkeys eat meat?Nov 22 02:17
schestowitzLike any species?Nov 22 02:17
neighborleesometimes yupNov 22 02:17
neighborleeapes dontNov 22 02:17
schestowitzWhat about the Hovo Sepians? ;-)Nov 22 02:17
neighborleelolNov 22 02:18
schestowitzThey eat red HatsNov 22 02:18
schestowitzAnd suck Microsoft's.. oh, never mind.Nov 22 02:18
neighborleeyum ;)Nov 22 02:18
neighborleeroflNov 22 02:18
neighborleeBAD timing ;)Nov 22 02:18
schestowitzCareful with the IRC log Nov 22 02:18
schestowitzYes, bad timingNov 22 02:18
neighborleeroflNov 22 02:18
neighborleequite ;)Nov 22 02:19
schestowitzLMAONov 22 02:19
neighborleeI cant wait to see the spin on that oneNov 22 02:19
neighborlee err ahm...Nov 22 02:19
neighborleehmm nvm ;)Nov 22 02:19
schestowitzLet's try this again.Nov 22 02:19
schestowitzThey eat red HatsNov 22 02:19
neighborleeok ;) <ha>Nov 22 02:19
neighborleeindeed those peksy hatsNov 22 02:19
neighborlee < amazing isn't reply from saul's last post on 6/2008Nov 22 02:22
neighborleespeechless they areNov 22 02:22
neighborleethat and geokenNov 22 02:22
schestowitztwitter minutes ago: 22 02:23
neighborleekNov 22 02:26
neighborleethx for adding seths comments..someone actually @gnome is MUCH harder to refute I'd imagine ;)Nov 22 02:27
neighborleeI hope to get a reply from him soonNov 22 02:27
schestowitzDo you read books?Nov 22 02:28
schestowitzThe author of this book contacted me a couple times today. It's worth a read < >. Have a look (free PDF).Nov 22 02:29
schestowitzThe news comes to OSNews a month late: 22 02:31
neighborleesure I doNov 22 02:32
neighborleeone im dong atm is electric universeNov 22 02:32
neighborleefascinating stuffNov 22 02:32
neighborleehm ;)Nov 22 02:36
neighborleedoes sound interesting ;)Nov 22 02:36
neighborleethx for link, downloading ;)))))Nov 22 02:36
schestowitzWait, I'll get you the contact of the authorNov 22 02:38
schestowitzHe's keen on getting feedbackNov 22 02:38
schestowitzIf you decide to read it (it seemed pretty good based on a  cursory look), mail me and I'll get you in touch with him.Nov 22 02:39
schestowitzI love things like Lulu or the Internet in general. It enables everyone to become a publishing authors. Some artists of various sorts come to light this way... singers, photographers, writers, geeks.Nov 22 02:40
neighborleehmmm sweeetNov 22 02:41
neighborleeinteresting twitter post ;)Nov 22 02:42
schestowitz "Meena Vyas, Murthy Chintalapati and Allen Gilliland just published an article on BigAdmin that describes the architecture of, a Roller, Sun Web Server, Memcached and MySQL based site that averages 4 million hits a day with its two SunFire T2000 servers at 97% idle."Nov 22 02:42
neighborleeschestowitz, oh and yeah a few posts back..imagine the childhood phelps must have had to have turned out so 'sour' o_0,...phrases of let thee without sin case the first stone comes to mind.Nov 22 02:44
neighborleehmm phone need charged <cell>brbNov 22 02:44
schestowitzGood comments here (they also defend me): 22 02:49
schestowitzPhelps was in IBM... another s*tty company from some perspectives. As the above says: "The deal is morally wrong and should not be looked at in terms of money. Software patents are a problem non free software makers have more than free software does. No one owes M$ anything and should not have a say in anything to do with free software."Nov 22 02:50
neighborleeno joke ;0-Nov 22 02:52
schestowitzHmmm.... that strong humour I wanted to link to this morning but didn't... 451 Group put it up.... --> 22 02:53
schestowitzThe Microsoft shillgang is excluding the priorities that matter: 22 02:57
schestowitzForrester corrupted by Microsoft money.Nov 22 02:57
schestowitzIDC corrupted by Microsoft money.Nov 22 02:57
schestowitzGartner funded by Microsoft money.Nov 22 02:58
schestowitzStupid Wintel press, saying "piracy"... "The recording industry is doing the Tennessee Waltz right now, thanks to a bill recently signed by Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen that commits nearly $10 million of taxpayer money to fighting music piracy on state campuses." < >Nov 22 03:06
schestowitzRIAA network... "Tennessee will spend $9.5 million on hardware, software, and the salaries of 21 staffers whose job is to monitor campus networks for signs of illegal file swapping." For the 'betterment' of the Internet... spying by a legion of MAFIAA fighters.Nov 22 03:07
schestowitz "At the end of May, Palm had 1,050 employees. On Thursday, the PalmInfocenter blog, citing unnamed sources, reported that around 200 Palm workers had been let go this week. "Nov 22 03:09
schestowitzOne useless company buys another: McAfee acquires Secure Computing news < >Nov 22 03:17
schestowitz "iiNet managing director Michael Malone rubbished the claim, saying that "AFACT seems to expect ISPs to be judge, jury and executioner here". "We are meant to take their unfounded allegation, then cut customers off. That makes no sense. If someone is breaking the law, let the police and the courts do their job", he said."Nov 22 03:21
*mib_wy4cyl has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Nov 22 04:31
*neighborlee_ (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 06:49
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 22 07:16
*neighborlee_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 22 07:37
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 07:38
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*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 22 08:07
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MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Nov 22 10:23
trmancofineNov 22 10:32
trmancoand you?Nov 22 10:32
MinceRme tooNov 22 10:38
trmanco 22 10:40
trmancoksplice is commingNov 22 10:42
MinceRi thought it was here alreadyNov 22 10:43
MinceRi'm waiting for distros to support itNov 22 10:43
trmanco 22 10:44
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 11:13
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 22 12:42
*neighborlee_ (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 12:57
schestowitzHehe. 22 13:01
schestowitzSomeone created itNov 22 13:01
trmancololNov 22 13:03
trmancojoinedNov 22 13:12
trmancoschestowitz, I just added you as a friendNov 22 13:19
*schestowitz looksNov 22 13:27
schestowitzNovell is Microsoft... Novell and Microsoft in Celebratory Moods < >Nov 22 13:38
trmancoMoonlight rich media plugin *LOL*Nov 22 13:39
schestowitzIt's for Microsoft... y'know, instead of flowers.Nov 22 13:40
schestowitzI can't take CNET anymore. Even their 'open source' blog is Apple/iPhone fanboyism and MS apologism... 22 13:53
trmancowhat? it is Asay, what else should you expect from him?Nov 22 13:57
schestowitzI think I'd dump his RSS feed. Not good for my bl00d pr3ssure ;-)Nov 22 13:58
schestowitzPublicity by FUD: 22 13:59
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 14:01
schestowitzBlankenhorn entertains SCO shills: 22 14:01
schestowitzLike other n00bs from CNET who don't know the guy is anti-FOSSNov 22 14:01
neighborlee_I dont think silverlight is getting many inroads atm, at least not towhere I frequent which is CNN , gamespot ,,,,,having competitors to flash is fine, but at least flash has a direct download for linux whereas ahem we know silverlight doesn't ;)..Nov 22 14:07
schestowitzHere's the type of announcement where Microsoft pretends to 'take on Google' or 'gain in supercomputers' (it never does): 22 14:21
schestowitzWhy is MarketWatch peddling this stuff?Nov 22 14:21
_dougSee this free advert for the Xbox pretending to be in interview ..Nov 22 14:23
_doug 22 14:23
_dougBrendon Burns, similar to Russell Brand, only he's really funny :0Nov 22 14:24
schestowitzHaha. First two lines...Nov 22 14:26
schestowitzHidden messages?Nov 22 14:26
_dougIntellectual Ventures sponsors conference ..Nov 22 14:27
_doug 22 14:27
_dougMicrosoft OpenOffice ..Nov 22 14:28
_doug 22 14:28
_doug"Could Microsoft be feeding Intellectual Ventures ideas that it, in turn, can bludgeon Microsoft's competitors with?"Nov 22 14:29
_dougNo, who could be that devious ?Nov 22 14:29
_dougHalliburton patent patent-trolling ..Nov 22 14:31
_doug 22 14:31
_doug"Methods for a first party to acquire and assert a patent property against a second party are disclosed"Nov 22 14:31
_dougsatire ?Nov 22 14:33
_dougMicrosoft's Open Source Operating System ..Nov 22 14:34
_doug 22 14:34
_doug"You may use, copy, reproduce, and distribute this Software for any non-commercial academic purpose"Nov 22 14:36
_doug 22 14:36
schestowitzFree labourNov 22 14:37
schestowitzWindows made them miserableNov 22 14:37
schestowitzSo they kicks around some wasteful Arrr and DeeeNov 22 14:37
_doug"Microsoft is granted back, a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, and sub-licensable license to, for any purpose"Nov 22 14:37
schestowitz*kickedNov 22 14:37
_doug"the patent rights, if any, granted to you in this MSR-LA only apply to the Software, not to any derivative works you make"Nov 22 14:38
schestowitzSounds like Microsoft... they need 'pawns' to write code cheaplyNov 22 14:38
schestowitz 22 14:40
schestowitzPretending to be FOSS people..Nov 22 14:40
schestowitzLook. Code... don't watch the licence... buy Windows, Office... DRM... Nov 22 14:40
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 14:52
Omar87Hey schestowitzNov 22 14:52
Omar87So what about Facebook? Why did it get sued?Nov 22 14:52
Omar87ping schestowitzNov 22 14:54
*Received a CTCP PING 1227366127 from Omar87Nov 22 14:54
schestowitzHey, Omar87 Nov 22 14:56
schestowitzWhat's up?Nov 22 14:56
schestowitzFacebook was sued by a troll. The USPTO is a mess.Nov 22 14:56
schestowitzIt would do more for the economy if it became a brothel or something. It lost all proprtionNov 22 14:57
schestowitzThey essentially replace an economy of goods into an economy of thoughts, where people own thoughts only if they are 'first to apply' for these thoughts. Making an hamburger is a thought too! :-)Nov 22 14:59
schestowitz'Jacobsen' Gives Legs to Open Source < >Nov 22 15:23
schestowitzSJVN is right on: Microsoft will end up buying Yahoo < >. "But, why would Ballmer even bother to offer that much? All he has to do is keep saying that Microsoft has no interest in buying Yahoo, watch the company’s stock sink even lower, and then swoop in, at say $5 a share."Nov 22 15:39
Omar87Mr Roy, can I ask you for some personal consultation?Nov 22 15:44
schestowitzSure, go ahead. Hehe... "Mr Roy..." :-)Nov 22 15:45
Omar87:)Nov 22 15:45
Omar87Umm, since you seem to be a professional blogger (maybe even journalist), how do you suggest I start my blogging career?Nov 22 15:46
_dougRemember the Julie Amero case ?Nov 22 15:48
_dougThe classroom windows98 computer was infested with porno viruses ..Nov 22 15:49
_dougThey charged her with a felony ..Nov 22 15:49
_dougWell, what do ya know ..Nov 22 15:49
Omar87You see? There are so many things I'd to talk about, so many thoughts and ideas I'd like to share with the world. But whenever I sit in front of my Blog, and try to start a new topic, words just refuse to come out. I just don't know what to write or how to express this thought or that.. Can you give me some enlightenment?Nov 22 15:49
schestowitzOmar87: blogging or writing is hardly a career.Nov 22 15:49
_dougJulie Amero pleads guilty to disorderly conduct ..Nov 22 15:49
_doug 22 15:49
schestowitzI make no money from this and literature is becoming Free like code.Nov 22 15:49
Omar87schestowitz: I didn't mean it literally.Nov 22 15:50
_doug'"Oh honey, it's over. I feel wonderful," Amero said a few minutes after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct and agreeing to surrender her teaching license'Nov 22 15:50
schestowitzIf you write something people want to know about as much as you, then you do a hobby while others listen too.Nov 22 15:50
Omar87schestowitz: Yeah, that's right.Nov 22 15:50
schestowitzAt I lack scope, but I must have that too for ranting. :-)Nov 22 15:50
schestowitz_doug: yes, I remember that case.Nov 22 15:51
schestowitzDismissed, but lots of damage done..Nov 22 15:51
schestowitzOmar87: best thing for blogging is to read news and use input as starting points.Nov 22 15:51
schestowitzI take notes as I go through the feeds (then sticking these notes together to make a unique analysisNov 22 15:52
schestowitzThat's how most ideas are formed. Nothing is original but we paste and weave together facts and axioms, then draw conclusions form themNov 22 15:52
twittergood morning.  Has the user  G. Michaels ever posted anything but twitter attacks?  If not, he should be flagged if not booted.  I'm tired of his spam.Nov 22 15:52
Eruaranhello allNov 22 15:53
schestowitzG. M. is likely to be flagged like Gentoo UserNov 22 15:53
Omar87schestowitz: Thanks a lot. ^_^Nov 22 15:53
schestowitzThey both came after you from /. posting nothing but attacks which bother other readers (they asked for such attacks to be deleted)Nov 22 15:53
schestowitzHey, EruaranNov 22 15:53
*Omar87 says hello back to Eruaran.Nov 22 15:54
Omar87schestowitz: That's what most losers do when they have nothing else to say.Nov 22 15:55
schestowitzIt makes them feel better. it's called the bully complex, IIRCNov 22 15:55
twitterIt would be good to delete the attack and keep a record of it.  It shows the the attackers for what they are.Nov 22 15:55
schestowitztwitter: how do you mean...?Nov 22 15:56
twitterTimes of posting and number of posts are useful information.Nov 22 15:56
schestowitzI never deleted comments unless it abused me by trying to sell I need V1agra, asian girls, or something to do with Web cams. :-)Nov 22 15:56
Omar87twitter: It also works for a good proof to Richard Stallmans quote: "Idiots can be defeated but they just never admit it." ;)Nov 22 15:56
twitterDo the work 24/7?  How many times have they struck in time.  That kind of thing.Nov 22 15:57
schestowitzOmar87: yes, it's true. They usually run away if they lose a debateNov 22 15:57
schestowitzThey attack within minutes.Nov 22 15:57
twitterActually, the M$ people just keep saying the same things when you are not away.Nov 22 15:57
schestowitzQuite a few people read the IRC logs tooNov 22 15:57
twitter*around.Nov 22 15:58
twitterflagging the attacks and linking to a statistics page would be useful.Nov 22 16:00
Omar87schestowitz: Or, instead of running away, they stay there and keep proving to you how stupid they are by just splashing flames at you. :)Nov 22 16:00
schestowitztwitter: oh, I see what you mean.Nov 22 16:00
schestowitzA post containing proofs of a pattern of attacks?Nov 22 16:00
schestowitzOmar87: sometimes they plant libel and link to it, esp. in USENETNov 22 16:01
Omar87schestowitz: libel?Nov 22 16:02
schestowitzYes.Nov 22 16:02
schestowitzLike this: 22 16:03
neighborlee_ok woah ,,thats freaky.Nov 22 16:06
EruaranFrom an average user perspective I really don't understand the whole Mono thing... Questionable .NET implementation when you have Java. It makes absolutely no sense to me unless you look at it from a Microsoft/Novell trojan perspective.Nov 22 16:10
schestowitzNovell must keep Microsoft happyNov 22 16:11
EruaranAnd the apps they plug as examples of how great it is are just duplications of already existing software that Novell wont contribute anything to.Nov 22 16:11
schestowitzIn the past there were reasons.Nov 22 16:11
schestowitzMiguel wanted a GPL-ed stack to build the desktop (Qt was closed)Nov 22 16:12
schestowitzHe later wanted a better p/l/framework and Java was closedNov 22 16:12
schestowitzBut not it's time for change, esp. after the 2006 that Miguel himself condemned last yearNov 22 16:12
EruaranAnd the way they go on about rapid application development... I just don't see it in practice. I've seen more nice new apps for KDE4 appear in the last few months than I've seen Mono apps, ever.Nov 22 16:12
schestowitzMoreover, he ought to remember clearly how his beloved Microsoft is threatening to sue Linux now... with patents.Nov 22 16:13
Omar87schestowitz: By "suing Linux", who do they exactly mean?Nov 22 16:13
EruaranAs far as rapid app development goes, how is Mono better than Qt or Java ? Or MonoDevelop better than Qt Designer etc, or Eclipse ?Nov 22 16:15
schestowitzOmar87: they just do extortion.Nov 22 16:15
schestowitzWith Red Hat and all..Nov 22 16:15
schestowitzThey don't want to sue, but they can pressure with trolls like MyhrvoldNov 22 16:16
schestowitzThey want 'Linux tax', preferably just with racketeering and no legal action.Nov 22 16:16
Omar87schestowitz: But as we All know, Red Hat is not Linux, Red Hat only uses Linux.Nov 22 16:16
EruaranAs far as desktops go, I see KDE moving rapidly forward along with apps being developed for it - people seem to have clear minds and clear goals and this is giving KDE a lot of momentum.Nov 22 16:16
schestowitzBunch of gangsters really, but that's Microsoft for you..Nov 22 16:16
schestowitzThe govt. overlooking them ain't necessarily betterNov 22 16:17
schestowitzMicrosoft, like Bush, is a xenophobe at heart. Only Microsoft is allowed to exist... but for charity and betterment of humanity.Nov 22 16:17
schestowitzEruaran: Marble is niceNov 22 16:18
EruaranyesNov 22 16:18
EruaranI think people like Aaron Seigo pointing the way forward in very clear, "we've made this, its very nice, and this is where were heading" fashion, without anything being dependent upon questionable tools, has done more to attract developer interest and support than anything Miguel de Icaza has sone.Nov 22 16:21
twitterRed Hat is a commercial user of GNU/Linux.  M$ wants to be the only commercial software company and to destroy non commercial distribution.  They have always used and abused free software towards this goal.Nov 22 16:22
EruaranLook at what has happened in the past year with KDE... after a rough start with 4.0, things have serious momentum now.Nov 22 16:22
neighborlee_If mono supporters want to be taken seriously on any level, how can they expect it when their replies often take the form  of hateful curses ?..Such discourse was tried 2000 years ago, and it didn't work then either ;)Nov 22 16:22
twitterDid KDE 4.0 really have a rough start or was it all just FUD and premature use?Nov 22 16:23
EruaranI guess a lot of it was FUD, and people didn't understand who the release was really for.Nov 22 16:23
EruaranKDE has always been, "release early, release often"Nov 22 16:24
twitterWhat distributions actually made it the default?Nov 22 16:24
twitterDebian still uses 3.5 for Etch and Lenny.Nov 22 16:24
EruaranKubuntu made 4.1 defaultNov 22 16:24
twitterFrom what I read on the KDE Quality list, the features for KDE 4.0 were available but not revealed yet.  It's code name was kalamity or something like that.Nov 22 16:25
*schestowitz on phoneNov 22 16:25
neighborlee_mandriva  Mandriva Linux 2009 < kde 4.1 defaultNov 22 16:26
twitterByfield jumped right on the FUD waggon, that irked me.Nov 22 16:26
neighborlee_I saw that..I was somewhat surprisedNov 22 16:26
EruaranAaron says in his blog that 4.1 was for core KDE users, and 4.2 is the one he would roll out in a commercial environment.Nov 22 16:27
twitterThey use the Linux numbering system, odd is experimental, even is ready for use and zero is avoid?Nov 22 16:28
Eruaranthink so...Nov 22 16:29
twitterDuh, I'm sorry, they can't because 3.5.9 is stable.Nov 22 16:29
Eruaranlol trueNov 22 16:29
twitterI still imagine zero is "avoid"Nov 22 16:29
EruaranOr, maybe they use it until it is stable and then not worry about itNov 22 16:30
Eruaran(which sounds really dumb I know)Nov 22 16:30
twitternot if you are a developer and that's your grooveNov 22 16:31
EruaranAfter Roy mentioned Marble I realised I don't have it installed... "Marble ! Why don't I have Marble installed ?!"... *installing now* :PNov 22 16:32
EruaranThis is rather niceNov 22 16:38
Eruaran*installs addons*Nov 22 16:39
twitterugh, you are right Roy, within minutes 22 16:42
twitterNever mind, it seems to be an active discussion.Nov 22 16:43
twitterDan and Jo both jumping on within one minute of each other is suspicious though.Nov 22 16:44
*Spyhawk (n=spyhawk@opensuse/member/Spyhawk) has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 17:12
*Spyhawk (n=spyhawk@opensuse/member/Spyhawk) has left #boycottnovellNov 22 17:13
schestowitzI'm done spending times with them.Nov 22 17:17
trmanco 22 17:28
neighborlee_ROFL, now Im being accused of no longer being 'holier than thou < as I ever said I was, I mean palease>, and a basher of non foss when I use gmail :)) ...Nov 22 17:30
*neighborlee_ is now known as holierthanthouNov 22 17:30
holierthanthou o_0Nov 22 17:30
holierthanthouI guess I am LOLNov 22 17:30
*holierthanthou is now known as neighborleeNov 22 17:30
neighborlee:)Nov 22 17:30
trmancololNov 22 17:31
trmancoCourt Grants OLPC's Motions Dismissing Lancor's Claims in Nigeria: 22 17:43
trmancoSix reasons Microsoft will continue to lose market share: 22 18:19
schestowitzNeowin??Nov 22 18:21
schestowitzWow.Nov 22 18:21
trmancocheck the commentsNov 22 18:21
trmancothat was my pointNov 22 18:21
schestowitzIt's a Microsofty site. They'll defend their Sugar Daddy.Nov 22 18:22
trmanco"Well Microsoft is going to giving anti-virus for free next year so if that goes well #5 won't be trouble.Nov 22 18:22
trmancoWith today's system specs Vista isn't a problem at all. It's a stable Operating System." ooh so stableNov 22 18:22
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 18:23
trmancoyes I know, a lot a fanboyism going onNov 22 18:23
trmancodid I spell it right?Nov 22 18:23
schestowitzfanboism?Nov 22 18:23
schestowitzNow it's them with the back against the wallNov 22 18:24
PetoKraushello ladsNov 22 18:24
trmancoyes that, I did misspell itNov 22 18:24
trmancoHiNov 22 18:24
schestowitzNot Apple users or Free software users. Microsoft on the defence...  debt, sagging sales, convictions near in some areas where they commit crimes.Nov 22 18:24
_doug 22 18:28
_doug"I heard from several of Alfresco's partners that they are not allowed to do projects based on Alfresco's GPL edition because their partnership contract denied them the right to do so."Nov 22 18:28
_dougIS this true Roy ?Nov 22 18:28
trmancoLOL, add 1 million more Windows zombies to the big number already in existence -> Fake Windows “Antivirus” Code Infected 1 Million ComputersNov 22 18:29
schestowitzI know they don't like forksNov 22 18:29
schestowitzSomeone asked them for help with a fork.Nov 22 18:29
schestowitztrmanco: one million. What's that? Like 0.3% more?Nov 22 18:30
trmancoyeah probablyNov 22 18:30
trmancoHow many estimated Windows zombies are there? I can't recallNov 22 18:31
_douganother slow day on slashdot ..Nov 22 18:31
schestowitz320 mil (in April 2008)Nov 22 18:31
schestowitzSlow days in general, _doug Nov 22 18:31
trmanco:ONov 22 18:31
schestowitzThe economy is sinkingNov 22 18:32
trmancomore than I thoughtNov 22 18:32
PetoKrauswellNov 22 18:32
PetoKrausi had a nice dayNov 22 18:32
PetoKrausi brought SystemRestoreCD to workNov 22 18:32
PetoKrausit's a linux-based livecdNov 22 18:32
schestowitz 22 18:32
PetoKrausi managed to get his data off the HDD without needing to screw it outNov 22 18:33
schestowitzWhy not a visit to the PC 'doctor'?Nov 22 18:41
schestowitzOnly 50 quid for the same thing. ;-)Nov 22 18:41
_dougWhich HD, do you keeps backups ?Nov 22 18:43
_dougGood grief, you didn't keep backups and you call yourself a techieNov 22 18:46
_doug:ONov 22 18:46
schestowitzI think it's for a mateNov 22 18:48
PetoKraus_doug: no, we don't keep backupsNov 22 18:49
PetoKrausand it's €£40Nov 22 18:49
PetoKrausi don't care about mr. Iain's wedding picturesNov 22 18:49
PetoKrausthough I wanted to ask him about his website businessNov 22 18:49
PetoKrausgosh, i spent like 4 hours with that thingNov 22 18:50
PetoKrausyou wouldn't fkn believe how long does it take to check and resize 300GB vfat...Nov 22 18:50
_dougYou did get paid, yea ?Nov 22 18:51
_dougpersonally I stopped doing free tech-support a long time ago ...Nov 22 18:52
schestowitzPetoKraus: took me like 1-2 hours to repartition that size on a dual-core box.Nov 22 18:52
PetoKrausyeahNov 22 18:52
schestowitz_doug: it's the Windows culture.Nov 22 18:52
PetoKraus_doug: i am paid €£7 per hourNov 22 18:52
PetoKrausquite reasonable for a student in glasgowNov 22 18:52
trmancothat is goodNov 22 18:53
PetoKrausthough i feel it's quite a charity from their partNov 22 18:53
schestowitzFree software community =  swap code and plugins; Windows community: 'free' support, symapthy for losses (suppot group)Nov 22 18:53
_dougI don't go up to people and say, come round and do my accounts, fix the washing machine, for free ..Nov 22 18:53
PetoKrausyupNov 22 18:53
schestowitzBut Windows...Nov 22 18:53
PetoKrausi wouldn't charge a friend, thoughNov 22 18:53
_dougSomeone actually said, I thought you would do it for nothing :0Nov 22 18:53
schestowitzWell, you come to expect it.Nov 22 18:53
schestowitzChildren do this..Nov 22 18:53
schestowitzYou can't pay children.Nov 22 18:53
schestowitzAnother thing indeed is friends and family that begNov 22 18:54
schestowitzAnd if time is worth money... then... you know, TCO and all..Nov 22 18:54
PetoKrausthey moved me from sales to techNov 22 18:54
PetoKrausit's delightNov 22 18:54
PetoKrausi can actually bitch about M$ all the timeNov 22 18:55
PetoKrausand i am not getting fired :DNov 22 18:55
_dougAs a favor, I copied pics off a camera and FTPd them to their client, all I got in thanks was .. your computer gave me a virus .. !!!Nov 22 18:55
_dougI *said* I don't use Windows, I *don't get viruses .. shoulda seen the glazed look on their faces ..Nov 22 18:56
trmanco:)Nov 22 18:56
PetoKrausi don't really get why we don't switch to unix/bsd at workNov 22 18:57
schestowitzI have a questionNov 22 18:57
PetoKrausESPECIALLY when you deal with virus-riddled software half the timeNov 22 18:58
schestowitzHow can I expose an E-mail fro  Microsoft?Nov 22 18:58
schestowitz(without Microsoft knowing where it came from?Nov 22 18:58
trmancoheaders?Nov 22 18:58
schestowitzWould anonimising it help?Nov 22 18:58
schestowitz*nyNov 22 18:58
_dougexpose an email ?Nov 22 19:03
schestowitzYes.Nov 22 19:03
schestowitzIf I remove names it might help, no?Nov 22 19:03
schestowitzLike... all name apart from affiliationsNov 22 19:03
_dougIf it's private and addressed to you then it should stay private until you get the permission of the sender ..Nov 22 19:03
schestowitzOnly the recipient can ask for premission.Nov 22 19:04
twitterJust quote it and the headers that show what mail server sent ti.Nov 22 19:05
twitteritNov 22 19:05
_dougcorroborate from other sources, or paraphrase the contents, post on it and ask for confirmation or denial ...Nov 22 19:06
twitterultimately people will have to trust you that you did not make the mail up, even if you quote the whole thing.Nov 22 19:06
schestowitzThe thing is, I don't respect Microsoft much.Nov 22 19:06
schestowitzIt's not as though they have been respectful to people, to say the leastNov 22 19:06
twitterrespect has to be earned.Nov 22 19:06
schestowitzJust watch the Intel/Micfrosoft crime that's in court now.Nov 22 19:07
schestowitzIf they commit crime, why should one be civil at the lowest of levels?Nov 22 19:07
schestowitzI can just omit the names.Nov 22 19:07
twittercriminals, once convicted, should never be trusted.Nov 22 19:07
schestowitzNo?Nov 22 19:07
twitteryou should always be civil, but not trusting.Nov 22 19:07
twitterprotect yourself when dealing with them and do your best to avoid that.Nov 22 19:08
schestowitzI think I can anonymise this and put it up in such a way that those involved won't notice Nov 22 19:08
_douggtg ..Nov 22 19:09
*_doug has quit ()Nov 22 19:09
twitterIf you have evidence of fraud, it is your duty to expose it.  Good luck protecting the innocent if they work for or with M$.Nov 22 19:11
neighborleeits interesting to see the rhetoric about moonlight, when neither debian or fedora are going anywhere near it ;)..and when they do points things out, they almost always descend into pesonal attacks, like Dan  O'B did to me with the holier than thou comment..classy ;)Nov 22 19:11
twitterM$ style.Nov 22 19:11
neighborleeyeah if im holier than thou for trying to do that, then I accept the definition LOLNov 22 19:11
twittername calling is all they have.  It's surprising they think they can insult their way into things and make friends that way.Nov 22 19:12
neighborleequite.Nov 22 19:13
schestowitztwitter: thanks.Nov 22 19:13
schestowitzneighborlee: the mail is about Mono.Nov 22 19:13
neighborleeey ?Nov 22 19:13
schestowitzMS shot in foot.Nov 22 19:13
schestowitzThey want to sell a Mono licence.Nov 22 19:13
neighborleewhat mail about monoNov 22 19:14
schestowitzIt's getting fun, eh?Nov 22 19:14
neighborleewhat did I missNov 22 19:14
schestowitzneighborlee: I'll post it later.Nov 22 19:14
neighborleeo_0Nov 22 19:14
neighborleeokie dokieNov 22 19:14
schestowitzMaybe we can knock a nail on Monovell's coffin, with the exception of SUSE (they are already 'protected', no?)Nov 22 19:14
neighborlee:)Nov 22 19:16
schestowitzIt would be useful if you spread the word once it's posted.Nov 22 19:19
PetoKrauswellNov 22 19:33
PetoKrauswhateverNov 22 19:33
schestowitzHaha. "Uniformity is not always a good thing,” said Tsilas. “At the end of the day, we should have a more dynamic market, and live in a world of ‘and,’ not ‘either/or.’”Nov 22 20:15
schestowitzSay Microsoft lawyers behind the racketeering...Nov 22 20:16
twitterHi, I did a little analysis of yesterday's Jo Shield's flame fest.  Counted comments and computed average response times.  Would you believe that other people responded faster than you could Roy?Nov 22 20:43
twitterI'm going to email you the results.Nov 22 20:43
schestowitzneighborlee: check front page of BNNov 22 20:45
schestowitzOK, thanks, twitter.Nov 22 20:45
neighborleeok thxNov 22 20:47
twitterIt surprised me.  Because you have the best monitoring of the site and knowledge of the situation, I expected you to be the fastest responder.Nov 22 20:50
EruaranA short while ago I suggested to someone who appears to be astroturfing on youtube that Vista 7 looks like M$ devs spent the last 12 months studying KDE 4.x and browing at The funny part is that his response was to say that "you probably have never used KDE" (lol) and that suggesting ANYTHING in Vista 7 has been copied from elsewhere is "ridiculous".Nov 22 20:51
twitterSome of the response time can be explained as more than one person participating to harass you, but that can't explain the fast response times of low number participants.Nov 22 20:53
neighborleeschestowitz, interesting :)Nov 22 20:55
twitterThe raw numbers are:Nov 22 20:55
twitterstevetheFLY,0:03,1Nov 22 20:56
twitterJosh Bell,0:04,2Nov 22 20:56
twitterAlexH,0:07,7Nov 22 20:56
twitterJo Shields,0:07,24Nov 22 20:56
twitterRoy Schestowitz,0:08,39Nov 22 20:56
twitterCor,0:12,2Nov 22 20:56
twitterDan O'Brian,0:15,13Nov 22 20:56
twitterChris,0:18,2Nov 22 20:57
twittertwitter,0:24,3Nov 22 20:57
schestowitzCor seems to be close to SUSE's headquarters, but this might not mean muchNov 22 20:57
schestowitzThe smears from s/he/it  appear in other sites tooNov 22 20:57
twitterI'm now going back to look at the contents.Nov 22 20:59
schestowitzThese are separate people, but they spend a lot of time in a site they merely protest againstNov 22 21:00
EruaranBallmer ordered to testify in 'Vista Capable' suit: 22 21:03
twitterThe comments may come from different places but they are coordinated and similar.  If they are really separate people, do they lurk on IRC or pass email between each other to go to a gang bang in which no one's average time of response is less than 24 minutes?  It's uncanny.Nov 22 21:03
schestowitzThis is so cool. A reader just sent me this: 22 21:07
schestowitzEruaran: I posted about it 5 minutes ago. :-DNov 22 21:07
Eruaranoh :PNov 22 21:07
schestowitzHave a look.Nov 22 21:07
schestowitzI'll add your linkNov 22 21:07
twitterOne difference of opinion from yesterday's flame fest is easy to check.  You claim Jo is pushing mono in both Debian and Ubuntu.  Jo implies he's only interested in Ubuntu.  Have you documented Jo's advocacy in other distributions?Nov 22 21:32
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 22 21:36
schestowitztwitter: I haven't no.Nov 22 21:37
twitterOK.  I thought it was strange that Jo did not deny that right away.Nov 22 22:04
schestowitzWell, it seems true.Nov 22 22:06
schestowitzBut let's no talk about people.Nov 22 22:06
schestowitzLet us make it clear that some people who are close to the Mono centre of gravity (mostly Novell|Microsoft) are pursuing Mono and defending it from critics.Nov 22 22:07
twitterI'm not sure I'm talking about people or nyms.Nov 22 22:07
twitterHere's my flame ratio count from yesterday's conversation:Nov 22 22:07
schestowitzI replies to this thing a minute ago:Nov 22 22:08
schestowitz 22 22:08
twitterstevetheFLY1.00Nov 22 22:08
twitterJosh Bell0.50Nov 22 22:08
twitterAlexH0.29Nov 22 22:08
twitterJo Shields0.29Nov 22 22:08
twitterRoy Schestowitz0.05Nov 22 22:08
twitterCor1.00Nov 22 22:08
twitterDan O'Brian0.62Nov 22 22:08
twitterChris1.00Nov 22 22:08
schestowitzBrit posting from GermanyNov 22 22:08
twitterMy analysis of the content of the discussion is that it was coordinated attack designed to discredit the site.Nov 22 22:09
*pcolon (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 22 22:09
schestowitzhey, pcolon.Nov 22 22:11
pcolonHi there, just got out of work.Nov 22 22:12
twitterAnalysis follows:Nov 22 22:12
twitterThe thread was a coordinated, nym filled attempt to discredit the site as, "a haven for lies, half-truths, and absence of fact"  The speed at which people jumped on a percieved slip up, "vested interests" with the same anger is unlikely to be spontanious or the result of more than one or two people's mind,Nov 22 22:13
twitter yet there were obsenively nine people in the conversation.  Average response times and 100% flame to comment ratios indicate that several minor paricipants were nyms.  Major attackers agreed with each other in dismissing reputable sources such as Groklaw and the FSLC.  The unmistakable conclusion is that fewer people than names were involved and that the people involved coordianted their attackNov 22 22:13
twitterJo himself was intereested in accusations not correcting mistakes.  He starts the conversation with a flame which attempts to discredit the site.  "explaining this site’s content," is the way he puts it as he rails against, "make up random things" from readers and Roy's, "made-up reality."Nov 22 22:13
twitterMuch baiting follows and is joined by others or nyms who all call Roy a liar.  Jo refuses requests to explain his motivation while he continues to insult and ultimately agreeing with the Dan, the Novell party line man and veering into poorly founded and unrelated patent and DeCSS discussions, MP3 and DVD playing.Nov 22 22:14
twitterOther participants add little more than insult and Novell party line.  Dan claims, "Roy wants to be world dictator - anyone who disagrees with him should be hung or burned at the stake" before laughably asserting that nothing learned between 2006 and now could be cause for alarm and that mono is safe.Nov 22 22:14
twitter  The opinion of the FSLC is dismissed along with Roy as a manevolent twisting of ignorant opinion.  He digs up the old news groups cannard of image copyright, "piracy."Nov 22 22:14
twitterParticipants Chris and Cor provide nothing but flames.Nov 22 22:15
twitterFlames were defined as obvious, personal attacks.  Comments directed against Novell, Microsoft and other companies were not considered flames because no one claims to be employed by them.Nov 22 22:16
pcolonYet they defend them (MS-NOVL) vehementlyNov 22 22:17
schestowitzThey try to put the site on the defensive rather than themselves (Mono boosters)Nov 22 22:18
schestowitzThat's erroneous in my eyesNov 22 22:18
schestowitzThe same goes for the SUSE/Novell people. We're not the bad guys.Nov 22 22:18
twitterand the attackers are not who they say they are.Nov 22 22:19
schestowitzLet me check some IPsNov 22 22:20
schestowitzCor is GermanNov 22 22:20
schestowitzI know the ful nameNov 22 22:20
schestowitzI think Chris is German tooNov 22 22:20
schestowitz[we get the most abuse from Germany]Nov 22 22:21
twitterit will be interesting if you can get anything as you did when you checked downloading agents.  I would think they'd be bright enough to use botnets but ...Nov 22 22:21
twitterM$ PR drones are never as clever as they think they are.Nov 22 22:21
schestowitzI don't think there's "agents" here.Nov 22 22:22
twitterSteve the Fly?Nov 22 22:22
schestowitzSome of them might be related to Novell employees (friends, family, colleagues)Nov 22 22:22
schestowitzSteve the Fly is "eet"Nov 22 22:22
schestowitzHe attacks Novell critics not just in BNNov 22 22:22
schestowitzBeranger tossed him almost... Nov 22 22:23
twitterThey might be related to Novell employees and they might be nodes on the botnet.Nov 22 22:23
PetoKrausschestowitz: whereNov 22 22:23
schestowitzNo, the style is unique and consistentNov 22 22:23
schestowitzPetoKraus: let me find it.Nov 22 22:23
PetoKraussureNov 22 22:23
twitterNormal relatives, like my wife stay far away from this shit.Nov 22 22:24
twitterbblNov 22 22:24
PetoKrausxDNov 22 22:24
PetoKrauscalling wife "normal relative" can be a bit trickyNov 22 22:24
schestowitz 22 22:24
PetoKrausif my wife called me just a "normal relative", i wouldn't be quiet :PNov 22 22:24
schestowitz"Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you an advanced Web vandal.Nov 22 22:24
schestowitzI'm not sure if his name is really Sebastian Weiss or not, or if he uses the nickname "eet" in some other places or only here.Nov 22 22:24
schestowitzBut one of his e-mail addresses is, that's a safe bet for now.Nov 22 22:24
schestowitzDue to his vandalism, he managed to get all his comments he posted on this blog deleted. "Nov 22 22:24
schestowitz"My German Nazi friend (that's how I will name this vandal from now on) seems to be a seasoned SUSE user and a strong advocate of Novell.Nov 22 22:25
schestowitzOn Sep. 9, 2005, I thought myself that Novell has genius. But I don't believe this anymore.Nov 22 22:25
schestowitzWhat kind of vandal is this guy?"Nov 22 22:25
PetoKraus:)Nov 22 22:27
schestowitzI don't think anyone else in BN and Planete Berangeer ever required the same type of especial treatment.Nov 22 22:40
schestowitzI can't figure out why so many people read BN today and more importantly, I can't understand where they come from.Nov 22 22:41
pcolonI think people are getting tired of being led where they do not want to go.Nov 22 22:44


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Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft/Korea Game Industry Association Workforce Cuts, Outlook and 365 Outage Affects Very Many
Links for the day
Transcript of Richard Stallman's Interview With Manuel Cuda News in Italy (Debunking Fake "AI")
A rough draft, but checked by two people
Chad: All-Time Lows for Windows, According to statCounter
According to statCounter, many in Chad moved to Android
Links 04/03/2025: Universities Are Under Attack, Windows Attracts Ransom Against Ministry of Health
Links for the day
Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
Microsoft is losing across all sectors
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): An Introduction
In a nutshell: there's a massive conflict inside the OSI and the OSI stooges (staff serving Big Sponsors like Microsoft) try to hide it
Paraguay: GNU/Linux Surging to New Usage Levels (7%), According to statCounter
Notice that the gains are at Microsoft Windows' expense
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
When you realise you made an error and things you adopted more than 15 years ago became utterly bad
Microsoft's Entryism as Mortal Risk/Danger: The Example of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Microsoft is a cult
Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft Issues Policy Instructions to the Cheeto Mussolini Administration, Cloudflare Engages in Mass Censorship Again
Links for the day
Gemini Links 04/03/2025: Athens, Fedora 41, and Yelling at Clouds
Links for the day
FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
Due to Google's growing aggression against Free software and proper APIs, this cannot be downloaded and converted to a free format
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Belatedly Comments on Case That Tests Copyleft in the United States
"The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today it has submitted an amicus brief in the case entitled Neo4j"
If They Try to Censor You on Some Topic, Then You Should Cover This Topic Even More
OSI is only a small part of it
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
Links for the day
Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
Links for the day
In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
Links for the day
The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Links 03/03/2025: Mass Layoffs in IBM China, Intel Still in Trouble
Links for the day
3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
Links 02/03/2025: Day Off, POWER9, Console Challenge
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025