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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 24th, 2008 - Part 1


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PetoKrausright, time to sleep. Nice chat today. See you tomorrowNov 24 00:02
MinceRgnNov 24 00:03
EruaranniteNov 24 00:03
*schestowitz atches up with (almost 400 comments)Nov 24 00:04
schestowitzgNov 24 00:04
schestowitznNov 24 00:04
schestowitztrmanco: Bruno's letter got promoted: 24 00:11
schestowitzEarlier I made some remark about Obama and privacy, so this new remark from RMS is interesting: "If phone company employes were not punished for checking who Obama called, can you trust them not to check (and tell) who you call?"Nov 24 00:13
schestowitzHollywood Goes to War < >Nov 24 00:15
EruaranStop posting links Roy ! I'm not getting any work done ! :PNov 24 00:17
schestowitzOkay, I'll go to USENETNov 24 00:20
Eruaran:PNov 24 00:21
*schestowitz a bit boredNov 24 00:21
Eruaranusenet is just asking for troubleNov 24 00:22
schestowitzTrouble  resolves boredomNov 24 00:22
EruaranhehNov 24 00:22
*kapipi (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 00:24
twitterEruaran, print to pdf send results to printer.Nov 24 00:25
EruaranI doNov 24 00:26
twittershould work then.  apt-get remove excelNov 24 00:26
EruaranheheNov 24 00:26
Eruaranno can do I'm on Winblowz here at work atmNov 24 00:26
Eruarancalc is more productiveNov 24 00:27
twitterI feel your painNov 24 00:27
twittergnumeric is even nicerNov 24 00:28
twitterfor routine graphing, go with gnuplotNov 24 00:28
Eruaranthat reminds meNov 24 00:28
twitterthat works with winblows, I thinkNov 24 00:28
*schestowitz hasn't touched Excel for 6 yearsNov 24 00:28
Eruarangotta give the new koffice a whirlNov 24 00:28
schestowitzI had to produce some Gantt chart in a public cluster Nov 24 00:29
twitterKDE seems to have a library for doing that.  There's planner and opensched to do it as well.  Have not needed that in 7 years.Nov 24 00:32
twitterdinner time.Nov 24 00:32
twitterGlad you enjoyed Matt, Roy.  Those videos are very hopeful and beautiful things.  It's like the whole world can live in peace and be happy.Nov 24 00:33
EruaranSomeone mentioned that KOffice looks like iWork... I had a look and yes, it does resemble iWorkNov 24 00:33
schestowitzBut it supports ODF, not MOOXNov 24 00:37
EruaranODF I likeNov 24 00:37
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 24 01:16
*Eruaran lurksNov 24 01:22
schestowitz2am, bed time...Nov 24 01:42
EruaranniteNov 24 01:55
*Eruaran has quit (" HydraIRC -> <- *I* use it, so it must be good!")Nov 24 02:01
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Nov 24 03:59
*MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 04:01
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 04:04
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 04:31
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 24 06:13
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 07:27
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 07:49
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Nov 24 07:50
schestowitz"The billionaire bankers bailout was not well received in the US by Joe Sixpack. Despite a 99 to 1 "vote no!" constituent response, the bailout went forward. That's the US. " < >Nov 24 08:00
kentma1That's because the official line on government intervention is a tiny little bit different to the real one...Nov 24 08:01
schestowitzIt's better to let the 'small people' pay so that 'bug people' can carry on hoarding and collect big bonuses.Nov 24 08:02
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 08:43
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 24 08:44
schestowitzNader on socialism for the rich (AKA bailout): 24 08:47
MinceRgeekingsNov 24 08:48
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 24 08:53
schestowitzManufactured consent (for Vista 7): 24 09:26
schestowitzThe Vole keeps harming Y! Yahoo Sells Kelkoo To Private-Equity Firm < > ; Nov 24 09:42
schestowitz 24 09:42
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 24 09:42
schestowitzBallmer deposition before Xmas: 24 09:45
PetoKrausbloody hell, i don't even wanna know what's my temperature. Good thing I don't have thermometerNov 24 09:46
PetoKrauswhat does "deposition" mean?Nov 24 09:46
schestowitzLike interrogation.Nov 24 09:47
schestowitzHard questions for discovery (legal term)Nov 24 09:47
PetoKrausahaNov 24 09:47
PetoKrausi thought it means he'd be sacked.Nov 24 09:47
schestowitzWho would replace him? The company can't live without criminal behaviour. They need an aggressive crook in charge.Nov 24 09:51
PetoKrausneighborlee: since the case is in seattle, and i guess the courts are public - are you gonna go? :PNov 24 09:51
schestowitzneighborlee is in Iowa, no?Nov 24 09:51
PetoKrausi thought he's in WaNov 24 09:51
PetoKrausi wanted to go to X summit in EdinburghNov 24 09:52
PetoKrauswell, i dunno if it was public, but i would find out if i was in Scotland at that timeNov 24 09:52
schestowitzJudge orders Microsoft CEO to testify in lawsuit < >Nov 24 09:52
schestowitzPetoKraus: the one in the zoo?Nov 24 09:52
PetoKrausyupNov 24 09:53
schestowitzMonkey boy wanted to go there too. ;-)Nov 24 09:53
PetoKrausoh, did heNov 24 09:53
schestowitzInteresting: seems like a Microsoft CEO just jumped ship: Microsoft appoints Leung as Greater China CEO < >Nov 24 09:54
schestowitzDid the previous one leave then? Probably. They already lost a China boss less than a year ago... he went to NBA.Nov 24 09:55
PetoKrausonly available to subscribers... could you print it to pdf, or pastebin?Nov 24 09:55
schestowitzJudge orders Ballmer to testify < >Nov 24 09:56
schestowitzPetoKraus: I can't read it either. I wish I couldNov 24 09:56
PetoKrausaha hmmNov 24 09:57
schestowitzDamn. I can't STAND Barron's. Darn Microsoft boosting junk: 24 09:57
schestowitzOther publications accused Barron's of being some kind of a lousy Microsoft booster. Fool is the same.Nov 24 09:57
schestowitzIf only I could find this video I watched this morning about the old press the new press, which is almost always owned by corporations to serve themNov 24 09:58
PetoKrausi don't want to move outta my bed :/Nov 24 09:58
schestowitz*LOL* 24 09:59
schestowitzSo that's what SteveB is doing when he doesn't use his schedule (an Excel spreadsheet, no kidding!)Nov 24 10:00
schestowitz*LOL* Microsoft has _already_ laid off people and now this thing says "Microsoft Exec Says No Layoffs Coming" < >Nov 24 10:02
schestowitz Check out #1 and #2 resultsNov 24 10:04
schestowitzThe Gates Fundation [sic] does goes things like saving... errr... automobiles? ( Gates raises stake in dealership AutoNation )Nov 24 10:07
schestowitz ( GameStop Net Falls as Growth Slows )Nov 24 10:21
schestowitzIn Hindsight: 'Extreme pessimism' in the tech industry: Who could blame us? < >. Black Friday starts in the US within hoursNov 24 10:23
schestowitzVery important future ref: ""I can't be more clear than to say you not only let us down by reneging on your commitment to stand behind the [device driver model] requirement, you have demonstrated a complete lack of commitment to HP as a strategic partner and cost us a lot of money in the process," said one e-mail from Richard Walker, theNov 24 10:24
schestowitz senior vice president of HP's consumer business unit, to Jim Allchin and Kevin Johnson."Nov 24 10:24
MinceRbut will this give HP a clue?Nov 24 10:25
schestowitzKevin Johnson and Allchin both quit Microsoft. Will Poole too... what a DISASTER!Nov 24 10:25
schestowitzH-P is already messing about  with more GNU Linux, macabe Nov 24 10:25
schestowitzOops. MinceR Nov 24 10:25
MinceR:))Nov 24 10:25
MinceRs/.$//Nov 24 10:25
schestowitzI should proofreadNov 24 10:26
schestowitzOnly monkeys don't proofread: 24 10:26
schestowitz"Quite frankly, this reads more like an MSN chat transcript than a CEO trying to resolve a potentially major partner crisis. Memo to Steve:Nov 24 10:26
schestowitz    * Full stops can make it much easier to read sentences.Nov 24 10:26
schestowitz    * Please avoid meaningless phrases like "I am not even in the detail of the issues".Nov 24 10:26
schestowitz    * Outlook has had a spelling and grammar checking facility for some time; using it more often might be sensible. After all, you never know when internal email might end up in a court document these days."Nov 24 10:26
schestowitzThis one's disgusting: EDITORIAL: Schools must cash tech check: Unspent Microsoft settlement money is like an unclaimed lottery ticket. < >. Microsoft did the crime, but it still doesn't pay the fine.Nov 24 10:27
PetoKrausfuck life, i wanna dieNov 24 10:27
PetoKraussays me head.Nov 24 10:27
schestowitzI forwarded this to a friend who uses this money to deploy GNU/Linux at Bay Area schools...Nov 24 10:27
PetoKraus"this money?"Nov 24 10:28
schestowitzPetoKraus: head says stupid things when it's ill.Nov 24 10:28
schestowitzHundreds of millions in fine.Nov 24 10:28
schestowitz*finesNov 24 10:28
schestowitzThis isn't the first such article. What a disaster.. the state got this compensation years ago, but it just keeps sitting in Microsoft's bank account.Nov 24 10:28
PetoKrausthat bootup time, it's funny thingNov 24 10:42
PetoKrausi had the same when working in callcentreNov 24 10:42
PetoKrausi had to come like 15 minutes earlier so i'd power the XP machine on and launch the phone consoleNov 24 10:43
schestowitz "More generally, these emails as well as the others demonstrate that Microsoft does a good job of managing the media, including analysts and reporters. I think it would be too strong to suggest that Microsoft manipulates the media; if anything, the emails reveal a collegial but respectful interaction with the media."Nov 24 10:43
schestowitzGartner should be embragoedNov 24 10:43
schestowitzThe whole media is a big stinkin' joke.Nov 24 10:43
PetoKrausschestowitz: did you read about the nvidia "HPC desktop"?Nov 24 10:43
schestowitzYes, but not much.Nov 24 10:44
schestowitzNVidia seems to be heading for the ashtrayNov 24 10:44
PetoKrausi read only the /. articleNov 24 10:45
PetoKrausit's interesting thing, thoughNov 24 10:45
schestowitzMicrosoft's CTO quits! 24 10:45
kentmawowNov 24 10:46
PetoKrauswell quitsNov 24 10:47
PetoKrausi'd say he just went to better jobNov 24 10:47
zoobab_who is the CTO?Nov 24 10:48
PetoKrausname to go is CTO Michel BurgerNov 24 10:48
kentmaMichel Burger has given up trying to get carriers to adopt Microsoft's service creation frameworks (SCFs) and has joined Vodafone.Nov 24 10:48
PetoKrausthis is nice: 24 10:49
PetoKrausit's been linked on BNNov 24 10:49
PetoKrausi totally agree, especially with the artistic part - photos, videos, writers...... I don't think I am good at any of these, but I know most people who think they are good really aren't. I know how much effort it takes to make a good video sequence (yet be it 5 minutes long); most of the youtube videos just make me sick by insensitive cut.Nov 24 10:51
kentmaeven getting decent rushes is hard.  good editing is as much an art-form as anything mechanical.Nov 24 10:52
PetoKrauswell... i'll just mention Alan Parsons and his take on Dark Side of the MoonNov 24 10:53
PetoKrauswithout him, the album simply wouldn't be the same.... and he's "only" an excellent sound engineer and producerNov 24 10:53
kentmaDark Side of the Moon is a brilliant achievement - & Roger Waters is still doing most of it live in concerts - saw it/him last year in London's Hyde Park.  but...Nov 24 10:54
kentmaThe name has created a generation of people who think that the moon has a "dark side"...Nov 24 10:55
schestowitzMicrosoft already poisoned Vodafone with a former VPNov 24 10:55
schestowitzThis is not good. They could lean back to the former employer... cronies and all.Nov 24 10:55
PetoKrauskentma: but it's true, isn't it, the "dark side of the moon" is simply the part of the moon we don't seeNov 24 10:55
PetoKrausjust because it rotates around it's own axis the same angular speed as it rotates around earth...Nov 24 10:56
kentmaPetoKraus: except it's not dark!Nov 24 10:56
PetoKrauswell... how'd you call it then :PNov 24 10:56
kentma"far side"Nov 24 10:56
PetoKrausokay ;)Nov 24 10:56
kentmastill love the albumNov 24 10:56
kentma:-)Nov 24 10:56
PetoKrauswe are using similar words to "dark" in slovak to describe that ^^Nov 24 10:57
PetoKrausi think it's important to develop your own presentation skills, because in few years, when I graduate, there will be only few people who'll know grammEr :PNov 24 10:58
PetoKrausit's annoying when you see ballmer typing like a chat-monkey. though it's not surprising; the same happens with most of my proffesors at uni - their emails are poorly structured.Nov 24 10:59
PetoKrausit's terrible that your surroundings force you to be elitist...Nov 24 11:00
schestowitzNothing to do with Microsoft, but Stupid 'Fool' needs to do some more Microsoft fanboyism for the masters... Microsoft Will Kill Blu-Ray < >Nov 24 11:02
kentma"Elitist" is a term usually used by people who are too lazy to spell and/or write well, so rather than put the effort in themselves, they try to destroy the credibility of those who do put that effort in...Nov 24 11:03
PetoKrausthere's difference between elitist and snobNov 24 11:04
kentma"dark side" has two meanings, a physical meaning which is merely "unlit", and a more metaphorical meaning which is a "bad side" or "poor aspect", aspect being another word for side :-)Nov 24 11:04

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