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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 30th, 2008


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*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 30 01:13
MinceRgnNov 30 01:17
*kevin__ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 30 01:35
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 02:20
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 04:50
dsmith_ 30 04:51
*dsmith_ ( has left #boycottnovellNov 30 04:53
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 04:53
schestowitz "Another model of transparency that Microsoft likes to present is OOXML, the open documentation standard, according to Sandra Schaefer, manager of interoperability strategy at Microsoft. When asked why a certain specification ran over 6,500 pages with some facts still missing, she remained contrite."Nov 30 06:04
schestowitzWhat a baloney!Nov 30 06:04
schestowitzOOXML is corruption, not openness.Nov 30 06:04
*Omar87 has quit (Connection timed out)Nov 30 06:29
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 06:32
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellNov 30 06:56
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 06:56
Omar87schestowitz: HiNov 30 06:56
schestowitzHey there, what's up?Nov 30 06:56
dsmith_thats what I saidNov 30 06:57
schestowitzI was just about to make some more posts.Nov 30 06:57
dsmith_baloneyNov 30 06:57
schestowitzdsmith_: I can't help but feel like Microsoft uses Linux magazines now.Nov 30 06:57
schestowitzThey seem to have approached this (as I guess it) German magazine.Nov 30 06:57
Omar87schestowitz: Just got my wireless working, lol. :)Nov 30 06:57
schestowitzIt's a /fluff' -piece- misfitNov 30 06:57
dsmith_heh, I was wondering about thatNov 30 06:57
schestowitzOmar87: good stuff. It's a one-time effort, lasting for longNov 30 06:58
dsmith_im like MS in a linux mag?Nov 30 06:58
schestowitzNo, it's not.Nov 30 06:58
schestowitzIt actually covered some BN stuff before.Nov 30 06:58
dsmith_according to Ballmer, linux is a cancerNov 30 06:58
schestowitzBut knowing how Microsoft sings like a Canary to LUGs it wouldn't surprise me if they lobbies for such an articleNov 30 06:58
schestowitzYesNov 30 06:59
schestowitzBut another silly guy wrote something like "ballmer loves linux" the other dayNov 30 06:59
dsmith_Nonetheless, Schaefer reiterated that MS Office 2007 SP2 will include a native implementation of ODF 1.1....when it dont work, MS will blame LinuxNov 30 06:59
schestowitzIt's the same "Linux" writer who asked Micrsooft to hire him not so long agoNov 30 06:59
schestowitzI'm very much mystified by these mixture that I seee...Nov 30 06:59
dsmith_ppl want to feed from the MS troughNov 30 07:00
dsmith_lolNov 30 07:00
schestowitz...not because some sort of Microsoft 'xenophobia' but because Microsoft is STILL threatening to sue.Nov 30 07:00
Omar87schestowitz: Yeah! That's true! :)Nov 30 07:00
schestowitzAre these people asleepNov 30 07:00
schestowitz?Nov 30 07:00
dsmith_talk is cheapNov 30 07:00
dsmith_obviouslyNov 30 07:00
schestowitzI bet some people see their job going away and they beg for giveaways from /anything/Nov 30 07:00
schestowitzErwin from Sun went to SAPNov 30 07:00
dsmith_openoffice erwin?Nov 30 07:01
Omar87schestowitz: I asked the people at the #ubuntu channel for help. They introduced my to wcid. It's amazing! :)Nov 30 07:01
schestowitzdsmith_: yesNov 30 07:01
dsmith_ahhh okNov 30 07:01
schestowitzI hate Microsoft after last night.Nov 30 07:01
dsmith_I dont read that blog anymoreNov 30 07:01
schestowitzI got back from a night out, got this E-mail about Silverlight and I had to restart my KDE session with some data loss after Silverlight had f*ed it upNov 30 07:01
Omar87schestowitz: Well, who doesn't hate Microsoft? :)Nov 30 07:02
dsmith_silverlight?Nov 30 07:02
schestowitzI'll blog about this too... because Novell helps Microsoft in this.Nov 30 07:02
schestowitzdsmith_: yesNov 30 07:02
dsmith_on whatNov 30 07:02
Omar87schestowitz: Wait, what happened?Nov 30 07:02
schestowitzKonqyNov 30 07:02
schestowitzI'll write about this later.Nov 30 07:02
dsmith_okNov 30 07:02
schestowitzIf only just to show how much trouble Microsoft causes by not serving HTMLNov 30 07:03
schestowitzThey try to replace 'the Web'Nov 30 07:03
dsmith_let them keep shooting themselves in the footNov 30 07:03
schestowitzGates used to mock the Web, saying it did not serve enough of Microsoft's own binary files.Nov 30 07:03
dsmith_whats he knowNov 30 07:03
schestowitzdsmith_: here's the thing. Windows users might not notice.Nov 30 07:03
schestowitzSo it often boils down to loud minorities.Nov 30 07:04
dsmith_windows users really dont careNov 30 07:04
schestowitzWell..Nov 30 07:04
dsmith_all they want is sh!t to workNov 30 07:04
dsmith_Omar87: whats wcidNov 30 07:04
dsmith_nm I found itNov 30 07:06
Omar87dsmith_: okayNov 30 07:06
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 30 07:11
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 30 07:13
schestowitzHmm.. 30 07:17
schestowitz"Moreover, an organization cannot work in isolation. Kiran's close connections with the Communist Party can be and should be used for the benefit of the organization. Being the editor of CPI(M)s very popular newspaper, he should be able to take the organization to the next level."Nov 30 07:18
schestowitzOne Board member in that Indian conference fiasco seems to is a member of a left political party. He keeps prioritizing party's interest over Free Software Interests. He was behind all sectarian moves.Nov 30 07:19
schestowitzCPIM now have a interest in Mobilising Knowledge workers in the name of Free Software Movement. All the moves listed in that FAQ is done by this person, including the Cochin conference. But the party never subscribes Free Software Philosophy. For them it is an anti-Microsoft thing.Nov 30 07:20
schestowitzSomeone tells me that the FAQ was very sharp earlier on. After they'd seen the initial one -- and it was very direct -- it was changed. Later it got diluted in Board discussionsNov 30 07:21
schestowitzProprietary software... all politics, as usual. Money and power..Nov 30 07:21
schestowitzThere ought to be a response to this FAQ. Maybe we ought to do this. It's already circulated in mailing lists.Nov 30 07:22
*kevin__ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 07:29
*kevin__ ( has left #boycottnovell (""byebye everybody!"")Nov 30 07:31
*kevin__ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 07:32
kevin__hiNov 30 07:33
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 07:33
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 30 07:33
schestowitzHey there.Nov 30 07:33
schestowitzLast night I posted things in a rush and seem to have been disconnected while awayNov 30 07:34
*kevin__ ( has left #boycottnovell (""byebye everybody!"")Nov 30 07:36
schestowitzIDG peddling of lock-in... 30 08:42
schestowitzThe End of Bailout Transparency Already? < >Nov 30 09:05
schestowitz"When the Treasury Department's bailout czar provided an update this week on the government's $700 billion plan to rescue troubled financial institutions, he vowed that it would be an "open and transparent program with appropriate oversight. [...]  fell short in the transparency department."Nov 30 09:06
schestowitzIt's amusing too see the blog posts aggregated now at the bottom of Google search results... 30 09:33
schestowitzCiting a former Microsoft evangelist (and employee), describing him as "Industry observer." Amazing. 30 09:38
schestowitzEric Lai tries to defend the Vole: 30 09:54
schestowitzTagline: "Regarding Redmond"  He also took a shot at BN recently.Nov 30 09:54
trmanco 30 10:12
schestowitzI'm not sure about "art" but the other part of the domain name fits this...Nov 30 10:13
schestowitzHere is the Micro^H^HSeattle Post Intelligencer sucking up to Microsoft with fairy tales that say nothing about the truth: In other news, Stalin was a good father and the Chinese govt. loves cats.Nov 30 10:14
schestowitzAttempts to sell Windows using athletes.. That too comes to and end, just like the Seinfeld gig.Nov 30 10:16
schestowitz"Windows mobile partners such as Samsung, LG, HTC and Motorola now have a strong reason to dump the Microsoft Windows Mobile OS Operating system" < >  Mind "OS Operating system"Nov 30 10:24
schestowitzSuits: Microsoft files new cybersquatting charges < >Nov 30 10:24
*kentma has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Nov 30 10:27
schestowitzNow you see it < >... and now you don't : < > ERROR 404. "Microsoft Not Rushing To Fix Vista Kernel Vulnerability"Nov 30 10:35
trmancoG.M Stewart?Nov 30 10:36
schestowitzGary StewartNov 30 10:36
schestowitzAKA "flatfish", "Guandeep", "Moshe Goldfarb" etc.  same person, hundreds of name.Nov 30 10:36
trmanco:|Nov 30 10:37
schestowitzThey're a bunch of thugs.. 30 10:38
schestowitzBe careful. Microsoft has just... bought a domain name! ... ... just as 'scary' as the relaunching and renamings of Live/MSN ... they put a nice picture there, so the engine /MUST/ be good.Nov 30 10:40
trmancoengine? what engine?Nov 30 10:43
trmancothe search engine?Nov 30 10:43
schestowitzSearch engine. Microsoft is still experimenting with win32Nov 30 10:43
trmancololNov 30 10:44
schestowitzThese things are not built to scale.Nov 30 10:44
trmancoMicrosofts engine is like a Fiat compared to Google's BugattiNov 30 10:44
schestowitz"LeBron James and Microsoft have lost their Internet connection. James' spokesman says the NBA superstar and the software giant have ended a two-year ..." CLICK on this.. and "Server Error in '/WebSports' Application." 30 10:46
schestowitzASPXNov 30 10:46
trmancololNov 30 10:48
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 10:48
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 30 10:49
schestowitzdsmith_: I wrote about the Silverlight incident: 30 10:49
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 10:49
schestowitzOh, he's just leftNov 30 10:49
schestowitzdsmith_: I wrote about the Silverlight incident: 30 10:49
dsmith_ok thxNov 30 10:50
schestowitz "In requesting Ballmer's testimony, the plaintiffs entered into evidence e-mails -- unsealed by the court last week -- in which Ballmer appears to have been informed of changes to the Vista Capable definition that allowed inclusion of an underpowered Intel graphics chipset."Nov 30 10:52
schestowitzWii Sales Pass 7 Million Units in Japan < >Nov 30 10:56
schestowitzVMware and Microsoft aren’t the only games in town < >. Most journalists focus on just two 'camps'.. like Google-Yaho, Apple-MicrosoftNov 30 11:05
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 30 11:09
schestowitz"At barely $3 a share, Sun's $2.3bn stock market value is 40 per cent below its book value, and little more than 1 per cent of its value at the start of the decade." < >Nov 30 11:11
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 11:13
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 30 11:13
schestowitzThe Gartner shills' insult is making its way to more countries: 30 11:14
schestowitzAnother faker... "open-source dedication" 30 11:23
schestowitzMore abuse of the term "open source": 30 11:25
trmanco 30 12:09
schestowitzGood, good.. I'll chain it to this: ( MIT to Open Source Mobile Web Code )Nov 30 12:12
schestowitzI wonder what this project is about . Stallman is in MIT. Well, Chomsky is in MIT too. They are under constant threats, but the latter claims that he gets better protection where he resides, in campus.Nov 30 12:13
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 12:22
MinceRgeekingsNov 30 12:32
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 13:17
TallkengreekingsNov 30 13:18
EruaranhelloNov 30 13:19
schestowitzHiNov 30 13:20
EruaranAnything interesting happening ?Nov 30 13:21
schestowitzI heard about KDE4..Nov 30 13:23
Tallkenhum?Nov 30 13:23
Eruaran4.2 ?Nov 30 13:23
schestowitzDid you see the post about KDE and Silver Lie? I should really check how many people in BN use KDE4.Nov 30 13:24
schestowitz"It sounds like you're using KDE4.  I've seen other scenarios which kill "Kwin" there.  Mine was that, every time I started the KDE4 version of "amarok", "kwin" dies.  With "konqueror", it's a mixed bag." Nov 30 13:24
schestowitz"Some Web sites seem to work better with the KDE4 version of "konqueror" and others, like the Silverlight site, work better with the KDE3 version of "konqueror".  I was using crusty old "konqueror" under KDE v. 3.5.4 with CentOS5, which is why I didn't experience a crash (just the "not supported" message which I was expecting.)"Nov 30 13:24
EruaranyesNov 30 13:25
TallkenI fail to see the issue here?Nov 30 13:26
Tallkenbesides code problems of courseNov 30 13:27
TallkenI just don't follow "silver lie"+"kwin dies"+"KDE3 version of "konqueror""Nov 30 13:27
EruaranSilverlight doesn't work with Konqueror, period.Nov 30 13:27
Tallkendoes it work with any browser? on Linux I meanNov 30 13:28
EruarannoNov 30 13:28
schestowitzWill it /ever/? Silver Lie doesn't work with Linux. period.Nov 30 13:28
schestowitzMoonlight has nothing to do with it.Nov 30 13:28
EruaranI think its probably a sideshow reallyNov 30 13:32
MinceRwhy is it a problem if SilverLie or MoonBlight fail to work with konqueror anyway?Nov 30 13:32
schestowitzThat doesn't require RIAs.Nov 30 13:32
EruaranI think whatever plans Google has with V8 and Chrome are more interesting and will be more influentialNov 30 13:32
schestowitzWant image? JSNov 30 13:32
schestowitz(that's Flickr)Nov 30 13:32
schestowitzI've seen people whose photos from events they shove up some Flash shell.Nov 30 13:33
schestowitzVery annoying... can't even download the imagesNov 30 13:33
schestowitzCan't index.. nothing...Nov 30 13:33
EruaranI think in the end Silverlight is just noiseNov 30 13:34
schestowitzEruaran: yes, Google's work is good and they help with JS, but... we need SVG.. Microsoft imperils it.Nov 30 13:34
schestowitzEruaran: don't say that. Miguel&Novell&MS will cry.Nov 30 13:34
EruaranMicrosoft imperils everything it touchesNov 30 13:34
MinceRsince chrome has such a windows-centric design, i have my doubts about whether it will ever be ported anywhere.Nov 30 13:34
MinceR(i don't consider crossover chromium a port)Nov 30 13:35
EruaranI think Miguel is what might be termed from Microsoft's point of view a, "useful idiot".Nov 30 13:35
schestowitzMinceR: don't worry.Nov 30 13:35
schestowitzNovell is working on iot.Nov 30 13:35
schestowitzThey turn GNU/Linux into another Windoqs.Nov 30 13:35
schestowitzThen to serve it to the Vole, I guess..Nov 30 13:35
MinceRi think they'll only turn suse into another windowsNov 30 13:35
schestowitzWhat about Ubuntu?Nov 30 13:36
MinceRdunnoNov 30 13:36
EruaranUbubuntu is getting worseNov 30 13:36
schestowitzThere's peer influence... they pass their poisonware around.Nov 30 13:36
MinceRi know it's getting worseNov 30 13:36
schestowitzUbubuntu?Nov 30 13:36
schestowitz[Ub]*unbtuNov 30 13:36
EruaranI got some updates today and the updater told me I needed to reboot before changes could take effect...Nov 30 13:37
schestowitzUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbUbuntu. [recursive acronym-ish.Nov 30 13:37
EruaranI'm like, "reboot" ?Nov 30 13:37
trmanco 30 13:37
MinceRsome updates do need thatNov 30 13:37
schestowitzEruaran: there was a kernel patch.Nov 30 13:37
MinceRespecially until distros start using kspliceNov 30 13:37
EruaranUbuntu does it all the time thoughNov 30 13:37
schestowitzSee Softpedia article.Nov 30 13:37
schestowitzEruaran: making users feel like in old(er) home maybe.Nov 30 13:37
schestowitzOr playing it safe, I don't know...Nov 30 13:38
EruaranFor exampleNov 30 13:38
EruaranInstall graphics driversNov 30 13:38
EruaranNeed to restart xorgNov 30 13:38
EruaranUbuntu tells the user to reboot the systemNov 30 13:38
MinceRan update to init would probably need a reboot too :>Nov 30 13:38
MinceREruaran: they ought to fix thatNov 30 13:38
EruaranUbuntu is starting to feel like WindowsNov 30 13:39
EruaranAsking you to reboot everytime something updatesNov 30 13:39
schestowitzIs Fedora not doing this?Nov 30 13:39
schestowitzI don't think distros typically say anything.Nov 30 13:39
schestowitzBut you probably speak about "Restricted Drivers" GUI.Nov 30 13:39
schestowitz└─(13:40 $)─> uptimeNov 30 13:40
schestowitz 13:40:13 up 45 days, 21:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.79, 0.89, 0.86Nov 30 13:40
schestowitzroy@baine:~$ uptimeNov 30 13:40
schestowitz 13:29:21 up 87 days,  2:57,  2 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.11, 0.09Nov 30 13:40
benJImanRestarting dbus requires a reboot too really.Nov 30 13:41
trmanco13:53:06 up 4 days,  7:19,  5 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.92, 1.14Nov 30 13:44
trmanco:(Nov 30 13:44
macabe08:56:19 up 18:52,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.12, 0.09Nov 30 13:48
Eruaran00:58:37 up 1 day,  2:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.22, 0.24, 0.20Nov 30 13:50
MinceRmincer@stormwind(pts/4) % uptimeNov 30 13:50
MinceR 14:59:04 up  1:31,  1 user,  load average: 0.16, 0.17, 0.18Nov 30 13:50
MinceRguardian% uptimeNov 30 13:50
MinceR 15:04:54 up 52 days, 20:01, 11 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00Nov 30 13:50
EruaranI installed the Prey demo the other dayNov 30 13:50
schestowitzOh, Phoronix mentioned it.Nov 30 13:50
schestowitzAny good?Nov 30 13:51
EruaranI like itNov 30 13:51
macabeInstalled later kernel yesterday (2.6.27-7.686)Nov 30 13:51
EruaranAlthough at the moment I can only play it windowed and I don't know whyNov 30 13:51
schestowitzSo that you can spin it 'round the cube maybe.. to show off.Nov 30 13:53
MinceRlolNov 30 13:56
MinceRhow well do opengl games work with an aiglx-based window manager now?Nov 30 13:56
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 30 14:02
*Tallken ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Nov 30 14:21
*ld50 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 14:34
ld50hiNov 30 14:34
ld50there's some mono activity in kde-devel mailingNov 30 14:35
ld50listNov 30 14:35
ld50brbNov 30 14:35
MinceRi see a single post related to thatNov 30 14:36
ld50i see 3Nov 30 14:36
schestowitzThanks.Nov 30 14:36
schestowitzWhat about?Nov 30 14:37
schestowitzURL?Nov 30 14:37
ld50 30 14:39
schestowitz 30 14:40
schestowitz"Nov 30 14:41
schestowitzDepending on a closed company like Microsoft to have new APIs, newNov 30 14:41
schestowitztechnologies, new improvements is i think a bad point. Mono just implementNov 30 14:41
schestowitz.Net APIs, this project has no creativity. Ok .Net is developer friendly,Nov 30 14:41
schestowitzyes but comparing to first point it is nothing. We have already a toolkitNov 30 14:41
schestowitzwith Qt which save us a bit from C++ crap. Gnome start to port theirNov 30 14:41
schestowitzapplications to Mono, that is their choices. I don't want to start aNov 30 14:41
schestowitzflameware here but i think it is a very bad idea.Nov 30 14:41
schestowitz"Nov 30 14:41
schestowitzThere's all that stuff like hooks from Richard Dale.Nov 30 14:41
schestowitzHmmm... I noticed that PJ publishes just one article per day (less than you used to). I can't help but wonder if she works outside the site in order to pay the bills? I've asked her because I might need to follow a similar route.Nov 30 14:43
EruaranI hate these Mono weasels.Nov 30 14:43
schestowitz"Mono is so good..."Nov 30 14:44
schestowitz"Blah, lah, blah..."Nov 30 14:44
EruaranThey obviously expect everybody to be as stupid as the Anakin de Icaza fan club.Nov 30 14:44
schestowitzI'm trying to find out his background... 30 14:45
EruaranI certainly hope the KDE community at large does not entertain these guys.Nov 30 14:47
EruaranThey are poison.Nov 30 14:47
schestowitzI'll do a quick post.Nov 30 14:48
EruaranIts like having Grime Wormtongue over for dinner.Nov 30 14:48
Eruaran*GrimaNov 30 14:49
schestowitzI was warned by a prof. a year ago that this is how they might fight back... not necessarily with shills but with aficionados that subvert from the insideNov 30 14:49
schestowitzgaming of bug reports, voting on features, etc.Nov 30 14:49
EruaranGríma, called (the) Wormtongue, is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings... He is introduced in The Two Towers as the chief advisor to King Théoden... Gríma serves as an archetypal flatterer, liar, and manipulator. The name 'Gríma' derives from the Icelandic word meaning "a mask".Nov 30 14:55
Eruaran(from Wikipedia)Nov 30 14:56
schestowitzLord of the (Cog)WheelsNov 30 14:58
Eruarannite guysNov 30 15:07
EruaranI got to get some sleepNov 30 15:07
schestowitzI've just posted about KDE... 30 15:17
*ld50 ( has left #boycottnovellNov 30 15:26
macabeDoes MS itself use .net for it's own product? Last I read ms-office 2003 & exchange were based on win32.Nov 30 15:33
schestowitzNo,. they don'tNov 30 15:34
schestowitzVista isn't .NETNov 30 15:34
schestowitz ( So what will happen to Sun? )Nov 30 15:34
*benJIman has quit ( 30 15:35
schestowitzSince Windows Server 2008 is said to have more downtime than 2003 (source: shills group, aka Yankee), I wonder how many of their own domains up^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HwngradedNov 30 15:36
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 15:36
macabeA chef that wouldn't eat his own food, I would suspect his offerings. If MS doesn't use .net for its fagship product I wouldn't use.Nov 30 15:41
macabe*fagship=flagshipNov 30 15:42
schestowitzThat goes back to 2006.Nov 30 15:42
schestowitzI doubt it changed in SPs (well, obviously)Nov 30 15:42
macabeyeahNov 30 15:42
schestowitzSo I wonder about Vista 7.. another Vista.Nov 30 15:43
schestowitzI.e. .NET still ignoredNov 30 15:43
macabeGot a few ppl hovering over this monitor; they can't believe MS not using .net for main product lines.Nov 30 15:50
schestowitzI'd need to confirm, but I'm sure I saw it.Nov 30 15:51
schestowitzThe media has been quiet about it for a long time since I saw it.Nov 30 15:51
macabeLast I seen it was in msversus.Nov 30 15:52
schestowitzI have it among my referencesNov 30 15:52
schestowitzI just can't think of a search string to find it by.Nov 30 15:53
schestowitzThis is not it, but wait... ( .NET will be the downfall of Microsoft Windows )Nov 30 15:53
schestowitzDevelopers Embrace Java, Drop Visual Basic < >Nov 30 15:54
schestowitzMicrosoft uses Novell et al to fight JavaNov 30 15:54
schestowitzWho would use Mono now? < >Nov 30 15:54
schestowitz"You can call it FUD, but for me it's a question of investing my time and energy in technology that are and will be available on the platforms I use (Mac OS X and Linux). I don't trust Microsoft and I don't trust Novell anymore either. Who knows when Microsot will bring out it's patents and kill Mono use outside of Novell? "Nov 30 15:55
schestowitzThat was in 2006.Nov 30 15:55
macabeSo they're in essence MS is laying the groundwork for dependence on .mono then come in for the kill.Nov 30 15:58
schestowitzThat's the hypothesisNov 30 15:59
schestowitzMicrosoft is not exactly a fan of GNU/Linux. It won't /HELP/ its development, yet it contributed to Mono.Nov 30 15:59
macabeThey control the API back when excel & 123 was feuding. Too many strange things were happening with 123 on win boxes.Nov 30 16:01
schestowitzDid they also have a 'partner in crime' back then? Accomplice like NOVL?Nov 30 16:03
macabeDon't know but if they (MS/novell) control hidden binaries in .mono what's to happen if they "feel" like changing?Nov 30 16:03
schestowitzThat's one riskNov 30 16:05
schestowitzThey could make division between free Mono and better 'enterprise' edition.Nov 30 16:05
schestowitzThey already have it divided into chunks.Nov 30 16:05
schestowitzCould be patent-free and pricey offerings separated.Nov 30 16:05
schestowitzLike Java..Nov 30 16:05
macabeA risk that you know is a risk is one too many in enterprise support considering the unknown risks that usually come up.Nov 30 16:09
macabeCurrently we're in 911 when one of the sme pushed .net 3 on every machine connected through WSUS.Nov 30 16:11
macabeBreaking many apps.Nov 30 16:12
schestowitz9 one one? 9 eleven?Nov 30 16:15
macabeIt's shorthand over here for "All hands on deck"Nov 30 16:16
macabeIt came originally from the phone calls to the application vendor. Call them and add a 911 to the #.Nov 30 16:18
schestowitzWSUS breaks thngs every month or so (maybe two)Nov 30 16:18
macabeConsistently, specially after 2nd Tuesday of the month.Nov 30 16:18
schestowitzYes, that one.Nov 30 16:20
schestowitzSame cycle evey 4 weeks.Nov 30 16:20
schestowitzCritical patched announced.Nov 30 16:20
schestowitzSysadmins get nervousNov 30 16:20
schestowitzSome company tries to sell patches earlyNov 30 16:20
schestowitzPatches arriveNov 30 16:21
schestowitzNew critical vuln found and attacks reportedNov 30 16:21
schestowitzBroken server reported due to patchNov 30 16:21
schestowitzPatch reissued.Nov 30 16:21
schestowitzRinse and repeat.Nov 30 16:21
macabeYeap, like clockwork. You can put money in the bank on that prediction.Nov 30 16:22
macabeIt's the patches to the patches. If we weren't involved in fixing them it would be comedy.Nov 30 16:23
macabeI'm support for 25 Debian servers but spend most of the time supporting windows sysadmins.Nov 30 16:26
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 17:06
_doug"Microsoft is in talks to acquire Yahoo’s online search business for $20 billion (€£13 billion)"Nov 30 17:07
_doug 30 17:07
_doug"Google and Miva both challenged Overture in court over the '361 patent, even as Microsoft, Yahoo, and others licensed the technology"Nov 30 17:10
_doug 30 17:10
_doug"System and method for influencing a position on a search result list generated by a computer network search engine"Nov 30 17:10
_doug 30 17:10
schestowitzThanks.Nov 30 17:16
schestowitzI'll do a summaryNov 30 17:16
_doug'Google's SEC filings mention a "fully-paid, perpetual license," but they omit the word non-revocable. Patent license terms often include non-revocable in addition to perpetual. Perpetual seems to indicate non-revocability but it really does not. It is unreasonable to expect Google's high-powered lawyers to miss the word non-revocable, so Google's license to the '361 patent is revocable'Nov 30 17:17
_doug 30 17:17
_doug 30 17:22
*MinceR proposes burning all juristsNov 30 17:22
_doug"Microsoft believes that by being clever about the deal terms Microsoft can practically get Yahoo's big fish patent licensee to fully reimburse Microsoft for whatever Microsoft pays for Yahoo's paid search assets"Nov 30 17:24
_doug"So, who is Yahoo's big fish patent licensee, and why would it compensate Microsoft for buying Yahoo's assets?"Nov 30 17:24
_doug...Nov 30 17:27
_doug 30 17:27
_doug...Nov 30 17:27
schestowitzI read about this at the time.Nov 30 17:28
_dougis very interesting all the same ..Nov 30 17:32
_dougbtw: I thought Microsoft recently expressed no interest in acquiring Yahoo ?Nov 30 17:33
_dougIF so, what was the point of stacking the baord and forcing out Jerry Yang?Nov 30 17:33
schestowitzYes, that tooNov 30 17:34
schestowitzThe indifference is intended to knock down the stockNov 30 17:34
schestowitzThey get it cheaper that wayNov 30 17:34
schestowitzThey rock the boatNov 30 17:34
schestowitzBallmer/MS say "No, yes, no, yes..."Nov 30 17:35
schestowitzI the same way they drove staff outNov 30 17:35
schestowitzAgitation... by design.Nov 30 17:35
_dougconstructive-destruction ..Nov 30 17:36
schestowitzHeh.Nov 30 17:37
schestowitzCompetition by destruction of compeition.Nov 30 17:37
_doug"you don't need to buy the company, just destroy them and then take their business", Duncan 'Dragons' Den' BannatyneNov 30 17:37
schestowitzThey aim to ruin Google.Nov 30 17:37
schestowitzNo Google means less competition... monopoly.Nov 30 17:38
schestowitzIs that a real quote , doug?Nov 30 17:38
schestowitzI'd use it if it is.Nov 30 17:38
_dougNo, better to have Google pay MS for Google AdSearch ...Nov 30 17:38
_dougIS a real quote, from one of his apprenticesNov 30 17:38
schestowitzThanks.Nov 30 17:39
_dougHe wouldn't be foolish enough to say that outloud ..Nov 30 17:39
_dougIt's on iPlayer: 'Dragons Den',Nov 30 17:40
_doughey, its just business ..Nov 30 17:41
schestowitzI have the post almost doneNov 30 17:41
schestowitz.Proofing.Nov 30 17:41
_dougDragons Den: I'll lend you money at 160% interest :)Nov 30 17:42
_dougmy former boss: I'll sell you cheap unbranded whiteboxes, that'll be broke in three months .. :)Nov 30 17:43
_dougI got the full quote ..Nov 30 17:48
_dougIgloo delivering school dinners 25:40 ..Nov 30 17:48
_doug"instead of buying a business, its much better to undercut that business put them out of business and then mop up their business anyway"Nov 30 17:48
_doug 30 17:48
schestowitz 30 17:49
_dougSo that's why their's four McDonuts in the one street ?Nov 30 17:49
schestowitzI need to run now.Nov 30 17:49
schestowitzCircuit training thing..Nov 30 17:50
_dougYou know, Dragons Den is very educational ...Nov 30 17:50
_dougwell, it goes quit round here .. makes me wonder why people tune in .. :)Nov 30 17:50
trmancostupid trollsNov 30 19:10
trmancoschestowitz, how can you take all that harassment that the trolls give you?Nov 30 19:11
schestowitzOh, wait...Nov 30 20:12
schestowitzWhat are they doing now? Let me check without killfile.Nov 30 20:12
_dougNorris patent linked lists on flash ..Nov 30 20:13
_doug 30 20:13
trmancoschestowitz, they continue to harass you aroundNov 30 20:14
_dougtotally ignore the trolls, that's what they want you to do, expend energy in responding to them ..Nov 30 20:14
schestowitzYes, I know.Nov 30 20:15
schestowitzThat's why I fd them.Nov 30 20:15
schestowitz*kfNov 30 20:15
trmancokf?Nov 30 20:16
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 20:16
trmancoohNov 30 20:16
trmancokillfileNov 30 20:16
_dougwhere do these trolls hangout ?Nov 30 20:16
schestowitzOne of the Mac trolls seems angry.Nov 30 20:16
schestowitzIt's because I mention Apple's attack on FOSSNov 30 20:16
schestowitzWhich is by all means an attack on Linux.Nov 30 20:16
schestowitzAnd they break the law in the process... DMCA abuseNov 30 20:17
neighborleeschestowitz, any news from rms does he still support the 'rewrite them in mono'  and mono poses a threat to gnome comments ?Nov 30 20:17
neighborleeI dont think it will matter much if android takes ahold ;)Nov 30 20:17
_dougApple would be huge, if they opened up the hardware to cheap manufacture in the far east ..Nov 30 20:18
schestowitzAndroid?Nov 30 20:18
schestowitzDe Icaza wanted to push some .NET into it.Nov 30 20:18
schestowitzRMS is not in favour of implementing in .NETNov 30 20:18
neighborlee 30 20:18
_dougAt the same time, business is moving away from the desktop, to smal lembedded devices and services ..Nov 30 20:18
neighborleeschestowitz, just making sureNov 30 20:18
neighborlee_doug, not unless they can support a large display :)Nov 30 20:18
schestowitzUsing it to lure in through portability is something that wine and dotgnu already doNov 30 20:18
schestowitzNovell makes MonoDEVELOPNov 30 20:19
_dougAt the same time, to keep others off the playing field, lets force the price up with Ip protention and patent litigation .. ?Nov 30 20:19
schestowitz_doug: I saw some Android yesterday. My friend has one, [Borat voice]is nice....[/Borat voice]Nov 30 20:19
schestowitzBillG hooks up with nathanmNov 30 20:20
neighborleeschestowitz, I guess that explains the troll comment about  me :) < I was happy to carry the burden>Nov 30 20:20
_dougRunning on what ?Nov 30 20:20
schestowitz BTW, _doug, if you look at Iowa material you'll see the nathanm is behind the deliberate vapourware tactcs.Nov 30 20:20
schestowitzHe's a vicious weasel.Nov 30 20:21
schestowitzRunning on Linux? Andrid you mean? Also Java VM..Nov 30 20:21
_dougDoes Google realise yet, Android is violating 256 patents (counting from zero :)Nov 30 20:21
_dougdon't hate the sinner, hate the sin :)Nov 30 20:22
schestowitzBSNov 30 20:22
schestowitzRemember Mr. Bilski?Nov 30 20:22
schestowitzThey have a mountain to climb.Nov 30 20:22
schestowitzThey fight armies of millions... they played with fire and got burned before.Nov 30 20:23
_dougInterDigital hold 3G patents ..Nov 30 20:23
_doug 30 20:23
_dougfollow the patents .. :)Nov 30 20:24
_dougUK government to patent GPS in India ..Nov 30 20:25
_doug 30 20:25
trmancoanymore news on Mono entering KDE?Nov 30 20:27
_dougre: InterDigital: given the information available in the patent, is this enough to create an actual device, and if not, how much more intellectual and monetary effort went into the Blackberry ?Nov 30 20:27
schestowitztrmanco: I've caught upNov 30 20:28
schestowitzThe libel ain't so bad. It used to be worse. All kinds of sex change lies... harassment though employers, ISPs, etc.Nov 30 20:28
schestowitz_doug: BT gets swpatents in India too.Nov 30 20:29
schestowitztrmanco: check the KDE thread. It expanded by the time I posted it.Nov 30 20:29
_dougFairchild Semiconductor Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Infineon Technologies ..Nov 30 20:29
_doug 30 20:29
schestowitzThe OP sort of apologised, but wanted to be 'counted' so to speak.Nov 30 20:29
_dougremember when companies, had factories and made things :)Nov 30 20:29
schestowitz"The UK government is seeking a patent in India for a defence invention called 'modulation signals for a satellite navigation system', which can measure satellite signals."Nov 30 20:29
schestowitzGordon is *that* miserable?Nov 30 20:29
schestowitznow /govts/ get imaginary assets?Nov 30 20:30
schestowitzNothing learned for the mortgages fiasco??Nov 30 20:30
schestowitzzoobab hopefully takes noteNov 30 20:30
schestowitz_doug: they still exist. They make things... paper money.Nov 30 20:31
schestowitzThey call it "knowledge workers"Nov 30 20:31
_douglets wait until someone makes something and then go after them, like RIM ..Nov 30 20:31
_doug 30 20:31
schestowitzAs in, let the kids in Vietnam make shoes for 10 cents an hour and we'll look at schemas of feer and move it a millimeter to the left or tightNov 30 20:31
schestowitz.*rightNov 30 20:32
trmanco 30 20:32
neighborleetrmanco, nice findNov 30 20:33
trmanconeighborlee, this was on schestowitz's kde postNov 30 20:34
trmanco:-PNov 30 20:34
schestowitzLet me find a billg quote I have in mind.Nov 30 20:34
neighborleetrmanco, so far replies look promising ;)Nov 30 20:34
trmancoyesNov 30 20:35
schestowitzFound it.Nov 30 20:35
trmancoI like the first oneNov 30 20:35
neighborleeyupNov 30 20:35
schestowitz"“Get me into that and goddam, we’ll make so much money!" --Bill GatesNov 30 20:35
schestowitzSonnds like something he would say to nathanmNov 30 20:35
neighborleeI have been a gnome guy for quite sometime, but that mono   will stay out of kde is enough to sway me .Nov 30 20:35
_doug'Pact XPP' patent processor accelerator ..Nov 30 20:36
_doug 30 20:36
_doug"Pact has been focusing accelerators that plug into the processor socket of dual or quad processor motherboards to run multimedia applications such as video, audio, voice, and image transcoding"Nov 30 20:36
schestowitz"Posted: 01 Dec 2008"Nov 30 20:37
schestowitzJesus! Must be a predictionNov 30 20:37
_doug"a reconfigurable highly parallel processor architecture"Nov 30 20:38
_dougmy point, there must be any number of ways of doing this .. I recall 'bit slicing' in relation to stacking processor chips, to get bigger performance ...Nov 30 20:39
_dougOh, I just noticed ..Nov 30 20:39
_doug"filed a law suit the Eastern District court of Texas"Nov 30 20:39
_dougis that not the patent litigants friend ?Nov 30 20:40
neighborlee 30 20:40
MinceRschestowitz: it depends on the time zone :.Nov 30 20:40
MinceR:>|Nov 30 20:40
MinceRs/.$//Nov 30 20:40
schestowitzMinceR: yes, I know.Nov 30 20:41
schestowitzI was helf joking.Nov 30 20:41
schestowitzEven if it was in Japan, quite early on Monday, no?Nov 30 20:41
MinceRo. half-elf joking.Nov 30 20:41
MinceR;)Nov 30 20:41
schestowitzWell, I am sloppy, that's all..Nov 30 20:42
_dougIsn't that where SCo goes to file, at the weekend, when the oppositions lawyers are on holiday ?Nov 30 20:42
MinceRwell, i tend to irc through midnightNov 30 20:42
schestowitzLike tossing some arbitrary ASCII art from a comment in Digg.Nov 30 20:42
schestowitzThey have good ASCII there where you can use Unicode to draw picture on _one_ line.Nov 30 20:42
schestowitzLet me find example.Nov 30 20:42
MinceR^_^Nov 30 20:43
schestowitz 30 20:43
schestowitzâ–€⬆â–€ ⬆â–¬⬆ ⬆ â–„â–„⬆▀▀ ⬆ â–„â–„⬆▀▀ â–„â–„⬆▀▀ â–€⬆â–€ ⬆â–„⬆ ⬆â–€ ⬆ â–„⬆ Nov 30 20:43
schestowitz▀▀⬆ ⬆⬆⬆ ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ ⬆▀▀Nov 30 20:44
schestowitz▄▀░ ⬆â–‘⬆ ⬆â–‘⬆â–‘⬆ ⬆â–‘⬆Nov 30 20:44
schestowitz▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░▀░▀ ▀Nov 30 20:44
MinceRniceNov 30 20:44
schestowitzAll UnicodeNov 30 20:44
schestowitz▁▇▁▌ ★▐▁▇▁▌Nov 30 20:44
schestowitzbrbNov 30 20:44
_dougMicrosoft Technical Education Conference in Orlando ..Nov 30 20:51
_doug 30 20:51
schestowitzchanging the report after vote (Microsoft): 30 20:57
schestowitz"That agreement was nearly imperiled last weekend, though. Gerri Elliott, corporate vice president at Microsoft’s Worldwide Public Sector division, sent an e-mail message to fellow commissioners Friday evening saying that she “vigorously” objected to a paragraph in which the panel embraced and encouraged the development of open source software and open content projects in higher education. The paragraph read like this:"Nov 30 20:58
schestowitzMicrosoft  Ã¢Ëœâ€¦ Open Source, eh?Nov 30 20:58
schestowitz""There's been a lot of room for growth here," Reynolds said, adding that one of his 2008 highlights was attending the weakling Microsoft Technical Education Conference in Orlando, Fla., with Bill Gates as keynote speaker." How did you find this?Nov 30 20:59
_dougIs this an old shuffle, wait until the consultancy phase is over, and then find fault with the report ..Nov 30 20:59
_dougDidn't thy pull this one a while back ?Nov 30 21:00
_doug"It is certainly a surprise entry and was absolutely never discussed in any of the meetings I attended"Nov 30 21:00
_dougShe never read the interm reports ?Nov 30 21:01
schestowitzBusy.Nov 30 21:01
schestowitzDoign bizNiz(C)Nov 30 21:01
trmancoYahoo Said to Deny Plans for Selling Search Business (Update1): 30 21:01
trmancohahahaNov 30 21:01
_dougCan you find the citation Roy, this one reads like a carbon copy ..Nov 30 21:02
trmancoYahoo Said to Have No Plans to Sell Internet Search Business to Microsoft - Better titleNov 30 21:02
_doug'A few hours later, just after midnight on Saturday, Charles Miller, the panel’s chairman, wrote in an e-mail that he believed Elliott’s proposed changes were “an improvement and consistent with the work of the commission.” He said the panel would make the changes “if there are no objections.'Nov 30 21:02
_doug"Richard Stephens ..  Boeing .. questioned whether it was appropriate to substantively change the draft the commissioners agreed to in August"Nov 30 21:03
_dougtrmanco: we did the Yahoo/MS deal a while back ..Nov 30 21:03
trmancotoday?Nov 30 21:04
_dougSo, Elliott never noticed the reference to Open Source, all the way back to August :)Nov 30 21:04
_dougMicroshuffle: wait until the vote is in and then get the text retrospectivly altered, preferably at midnight of the last day .. :)Nov 30 21:05
schestowitzMicroshuffle?Nov 30 21:09
schestowitzSounds like Microbuntu.Nov 30 21:09
_dougWasn't it was the ODF v 'Open XML' committee, the vote was in and later on the policy document got changed ?Nov 30 21:09
schestowitzI'm not too fond of Canonical. But we have bigger issues, IMHO. Canonical is not playing with swpatents and Microsoft.Nov 30 21:09
trmancoMicrosoft-Yahoo deal "total fiction:" report: 30 21:09
schestowitzBoeing = Seattle, WA, no? ish?Nov 30 21:10
neighborleeschestowitz, I presume this is old news, still Id never seen it , hey im busy and got into the whole debate reasonably recently ;)Nov 30 21:11
schestowitz_doug: which text?Nov 30 21:11
schestowitzMA?Nov 30 21:11
neighborleewaNov 30 21:11
neighborleebeen there,, seen it ;)Nov 30 21:11
schestowitzMassachusetts.Nov 30 21:11
neighborleeschestowitz,  url would have helped  o_0: 30 21:13
schestowitzRMS: "The more "cool stuff" depends on Mono, the closer we get to a situation where a Microsoft attack on Mono would put GNOME in a vice."Nov 30 21:14
neighborleeyupNov 30 21:14
schestowitzRMS on "cool stuff" (in scare quotes?)Nov 30 21:14
neighborleenoNov 30 21:14
schestowitzAmerican style quotes?Nov 30 21:14
neighborleeim sureyou've seen thatNov 30 21:14
neighborleethe url I just postedNov 30 21:14
schestowitzCool as in cold.Nov 30 21:14
schestowitzLike SweatyBNov 30 21:14
MinceRtime for FSF to start a new Free Software project to replace Gnome ;)Nov 30 21:14
_dougWho attended the SC 34 meeting in July?Nov 30 21:15
_dougBergius Kimmo Microsoft, Jaeschke Rex Microsoft, Mahugh Doug Microsoft, Opota Wemba Microsoft, Paoli Jean Microsoft, Roberts Brett Microsoft, Valet-Harper Microsoft, Welsh Dave, Microsoft ...Nov 30 21:15
schestowitzMr. Cold SweAT. :-)Nov 30 21:15
neighborleeMinceR, I think so yesNov 30 21:15
_doug 30 21:15
MinceR(i hope you see the irony in that)Nov 30 21:15
schestowitz_doug: it's not overNov 30 21:15
neighborleeMinceR, I doNov 30 21:15
schestowitzThey have another 'stuffer' coming.Nov 30 21:15
schestowitzThey took over with their cronies.Nov 30 21:15
schestowitzLike an army of ants.Nov 30 21:15
schestowitzAnts and lemmings crawling for dolla'zNov 30 21:16
neighborleelolNov 30 21:16
schestowitzRemember elephant in the room?Nov 30 21:16
neighborlee:)Nov 30 21:16
_doug"It is certainly a surprise entry and was absolutely never discussed in any of the meetings I attended,"Nov 30 21:16
schestowitzBunch of criminals: 30 21:16
schestowitz"If you thought that a Technical Committee meeting cannot get more bizarre, think again. Today was the final meet for SIRIM's Technical Committee for E-Commerce (TC4) to decide on the fate of the OOXML with respect to Malaysia's interests.Nov 30 21:17
schestowitz"Nov 30 21:17
schestowitz"So anyway, I find out, from the business card, that Doug is representing our friends from IASA! He even has a business card and all! Sure, IASA is an international body for software architects, but Doug Mahugh is actually a VP for IASA, specifically, for Malaysia!"Nov 30 21:17
_dougRey, could you find any sources as to what was discussed at the meetings, who attended, who got the minutes, and the time lineNov 30 21:17
_douggtg ..Nov 30 21:17
neighborleeschestowitz, nice to see odf support and open standards so proudly displayed.Nov 30 21:17
*_doug has quit ()Nov 30 21:17
schestowitzAlex and cronies deny the SC34 thing.Nov 30 21:18
schestowitz_doug's goneNov 30 21:18
neighborleethey have near zero credibility or they surely should..their tactics are often infantile and I suspect are viewed as such.Nov 30 21:21
neighborleeI dont know if its going to last, but its sure interesting to see fedora maintain #1 spot at DW, I didn't see that coming.Nov 30 21:21
schestowitzIt's normalNov 30 21:21
schestowitzRelease time. Hype and curiousityNov 30 21:22
schestowitzOpenSUSE will be #1 in 3 weeks.Nov 30 21:22
schestowitz(momentarily)Nov 30 21:22
neighborleeive seen that yes,but it usually doesnt last quite that long, and I dont think fedora ever went to #1 as a result of said hype.Nov 30 21:22
schestowitzDW is getting a makeover.Nov 30 21:22
neighborleeif it did I missed it ;)Nov 30 21:22
neighborleehm icNov 30 21:22
neighborleehonestly I think its long overdue..stats need to be on something more than just 'clicks'Nov 30 21:23
neighborleehow about 'its what I use, since oh ..6 months or so and here is why kinda thing ;)Nov 30 21:23
schestowitzneighborlee: it's gamedNov 30 21:31
schestowitzLinspire was caught gaming it. Ladislav told them off. Well, Linspire is dead now.Nov 30 21:31
schestowitzI just wrote to him. Some time ago he wrote about our site. Although it was critical, it was appreciated, but it is also important to appreciate and be aware of the dangers Novell poses. Neglecting to explain this to people is, in my humble, lulling them into sleep, inside a trap.Nov 30 21:35
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 21:36
twitterAnything new today?Nov 30 21:37
schestowitzYahoo news...Nov 30 21:39
schestowitzLots of Microsoft stuff too, so I'm posting about it now.Nov 30 21:39
twitterI saw a little about Yahoo sliding into M$'s open fist.Nov 30 21:41
schestowitzIt's still like a hard-to play love affair.Nov 30 21:44
schestowitzYahoo is already under siege.Nov 30 21:44
schestowitzMicrosoft might just remote-control them, it's cheaper than buying.Nov 30 21:45
twitterSlogged out, one way or another.  Remote control will be directed at fucking over free software users and destruction of the company.Nov 30 21:48
schestowitzThey were promoting Firefox3 recently.Nov 30 21:50
schestowitzI wrote about this in a combined post about Microsofties taking positions of power in the companyNov 30 21:51
schestowitzI fail to pack all the hard evidence in one single post and I doubt people chase all the links I provide.Nov 30 21:51
twitterI'm reading it now.  Everyone not attached to M$'s hip should be promoting FF, SVG, video tags, etc.Nov 30 21:52
schestowitzI've watch this whole thing (Yahoo-Microsoft) since 2006 or 2007 ... Semel days.. it's clear what Microsoft is trying to achieve.Nov 30 21:52
schestowitzIt was close to sticking it to Google by having it share market with YahooNov 30 21:52
schestowitzSame in VMware btwNov 30 21:53
twitterVisiting M$ using relatives reinforced my hate of Winblows.  XP is slow, virus infested garbage despite my brother's heroic efforts.Nov 30 21:54
schestowitzHeroin..Nov 30 22:00
schestowitzEffortsNov 30 22:00
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 30 22:16
*ReverseGTR ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 22:54
*_trmanco (i=trmanco@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 23:16
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 30 23:17
*_trmanco is now known as trmancoNov 30 23:17
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 23:27
twitterI've decided that I really don't like Facebook.Nov 30 23:46
twitterThe idea is nice but they have sold the users out to employers and made it simple to libel people.Nov 30 23:46
schestowitzHow so?Nov 30 23:47
schestowitzI never liked FBNov 30 23:47
schestowitzThe guys are pals of MicrosoftNov 30 23:47
twitterSomeone who knows your private details can publish fake pages for you as a private profile.Nov 30 23:47
ReverseGTRschestowitz: My Space dawg My SpaceNov 30 23:47
twitterEmployers see it but you are blindsided.Nov 30 23:47
schestowitzReverseGTR: same problemNov 30 23:47
ReverseGTRschestowitz: then still with XangaNov 30 23:48
schestowitzIt's what's called by Schmidt "cesspool", I imagine.Nov 30 23:48
schestowitzEven my 12-y-o sister has a 'site'Nov 30 23:48
schestowitzLotsa junk in one place.Nov 30 23:48
schestowitzAnd then there's that recent only harassment/suicide case.Nov 30 23:48
twitterIt's not reliable.Nov 30 23:48
schestowitz /s/oly/online/Nov 30 23:49
schestowitzSome people do this to teachers.Nov 30 23:49
schestowitzAnonymity permits this.Nov 30 23:49
ReverseGTRI will brbNov 30 23:49
*ReverseGTR ( has left #boycottnovellNov 30 23:49
twitterBotnets permit anonymity to criminals.  The recent MySpace case criminalizes anonymity, PJ wrote an interesting piece about it today.Nov 30 23:50
*RevGTR ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 23:51
schestowitzI didn't read about it.Nov 30 23:51
schestowitzBut Pj uses proxies.Nov 30 23:51
RevGTRI guess my nick is ghostingNov 30 23:51
RevGTRschestowitz: whats Pj?Nov 30 23:52
schestowitzRevGTR: never mind the name changes. PJ = Groklaw editorNov 30 23:52
schestowitzThere's too much easy spying these days.Nov 30 23:52
MinceRgnNov 30 23:53
schestowitzI mean, I could probably find out your home address.Nov 30 23:53
twitterWith facebook, there is also easy libel.Nov 30 23:53
schestowitzThe Munchkins use zombie PCsNov 30 23:53
schestowitzThey try to hide the footprints.Nov 30 23:53
RevGTRschestowitz: well you can probably find the node I am connected to which is about 15 minutes away from meNov 30 23:53
twitterI want people to know my home address and I publish lots of other details about myself.Nov 30 23:53
RevGTRschestowitz: it would take more then a DNS and IP address to pinpoint someone's locationNov 30 23:54
schestowitztwitter: makes life easier, don't it [sic]Nov 30 23:54
twitterIf the internet is to be free, it has to allow people to reveal the things they wish without revealing things they don't.Nov 30 23:54
schestowitzIn this studio apartment I'm working from the IP is fixedNov 30 23:54
schestowitzSame with my machine at work. It can be tracked trivially.Nov 30 23:54
schestowitzI put my IPs up on the Web siteNov 30 23:55
RevGTRschestowitz: has anyone knocked at your door claiming they know you from this channel or website?Nov 30 23:55
schestowitzThis was never a secret. You can find my IPs under "addresses" in my homepage. It's a form of disclosure.Nov 30 23:55
twitterAll of that is why the libel angle bugs me more than the rest.Nov 30 23:55
schestowitzNo, I get security here, RevGTRNov 30 23:55
schestowitzPeople like RMS and Chomsky get good protection on campus as well.Nov 30 23:56
schestowitzI'd dread living in a loose apartment somewhere.Nov 30 23:56
twitterPeople should have a way to share their experiences with each other without fear.Nov 30 23:56
schestowitzRemember that hounds are willing to fly to your house.Nov 30 23:56
twitterFB does not provide that because FB sells out.Nov 30 23:56
schestowitzMOG-Groklaw incident...Nov 30 23:56
schestowitztwitter: if people are transparent it doesn't make others equally sao.Nov 30 23:57
schestowitz*soNov 30 23:57
twitterrightNov 30 23:57
schestowitzIt's not a case of "here are my weapons, show me yours"Nov 30 23:57
twitterFB is not transparentNov 30 23:57
schestowitzMy cousin on Davie says the Web is "like the Wild West"Nov 30 23:57
schestowitzHe occasionally finds libel about me.Nov 30 23:58
twitterEmployers should not trust FB libel.Nov 30 23:58
RevGTRschestowitz: yea, but it is not like they know everything about you. They just spread pure fudNov 30 23:58
twitterYou misspelled malicious lie.Nov 30 23:58
twitterEmployers who trust what they find on FB are idiots.Nov 30 23:59
twitterIt's just too easy to abuse with private profiles.Nov 30 23:59

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CodeWeavers Ads Weaved by LLM Slop at BetaNews
How much of this was even touched by a human being?
It's Hard to Dispose or Get Rid of Swasticars Now
'Memecars' only sell as long as people have a 'belief' in them
Springtime Plans
We currently have two long series underway
In Australia, iOS Estimated to be Bigger Than or Equal to Windows
Not even counting macOS
Brett Wilson LLP Does Not Deny Microsoft or Another "Third Party" Secretly Funds the SLAPPs Against Techrights, Bankrolling Despicable People Who Deserve Criticism
Writing about crime is not a crime
Gemini Links 12/03/2025: LLM Slop Lacks a Future, Wordle Clone Comes to Gemini Protocol
Links for the day
Using FUD That Blames "Linux" for Typos, Turning It Into LLM Slop That Blames "Linux" for Typos
It is probably the "leader" at LLM slop (fake 'articles') about "Linux"
Links 12/03/2025: Big Cuts to US Education and Science (e.g. NOAA)
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Crossbow murders: prevention, missed opportunities
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
This yt-dlp Bug Report Shows Us That the Future of YouTube is DRM and It's Time to Leave (yt-dlp Should Also Leave Microsoft GitHub, Which Censors YouTube Downloaders)
GAFAM traps aren't "free hosting"; they herd us all into a world of tollbooths and locks, surveillance and planned obsolescence (you own nothing, you only rent)
Ukraine Didn't Take Twitter/X Down, Microsoft or Windows Likely Did
There are many debunkings (to likely false accusations), but won't that just be another example of Windows TCO, exacerbated externally in the form of Windows botnets?
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Worse Than What the Media Has Focused on, Losing Sight of Who Owns and Runs the OSI
Members' dues are less than 3% of the income; where does the 97+ percent come from other than Microsoft?
Apple Seems to Have Run Out of Things to Boast About After Apple Vision Pro Failed Spectacularly
With "Apple Intelligence", Apple has finally named a product after what target customers lack
Slopwatch: Reckless FUD and Machine-Generated Spam from,, and (Google Boosts LLM Slop About "Linux")
Google and so-called 'Google News' continue to yield anti-Linux misinformation
Gemini Links 11/03/2025: 'Chainsaw Politicians' and Proprietary Software Hell
Links for the day
Links 11/03/2025: Covid-19 5 Years On and Violence in Syria
Links for the day
Links 11/03/2025: NASA Besieged and "DOGE Has Become What It Claimed To Destroy"
Links for the day
Fresh IBM Layoffs Reported in Europe and North America, Jobs Allegedly Moved to South Asia (Low Salaries)
As usual, IBM does not talk about this
Illuminating Injustice is Critical When Reckless Microsofters and Law Firms Try to Silence Reporters of Violence Against Women
I want to clarify that I'm well within my right (and not running afoul of any rules) by explaining what goes on here
EPO Central Staff Committee: "The Strategy of the Office Lacks Transparency and Cannot be Understood"
Microsoft and the EPO violate data protection laws
Microsoft Has Not Much Left to Show Investors, Shares Fall Almost 20%
It's not even clear how Microsoft makes money anymore
Links 11/03/2025: Spring and Misfin Server
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 10, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 10, 2025