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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 4th, 2008 - Part 1


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MinceRgnDec 04 00:12
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 00:16
*tacone ( has left #boycottnovellDec 04 00:17
schestowitzMandriva's CEO about the layoffs: 04 00:17
schestowitz,10000... "Yet as the code is released on Microsoft's CodePlex pages under the GPL 3.0-compatible Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL), it's as good a piece of official Microsoft open source as you'll find."Dec 04 00:19
schestowitzMicrosoft is already polluting the space with its E.E.E. licenceDec 04 00:20
schestowitzESR rebuts MS/Novell apologist: 04 00:23
*kapipi_ (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 00:31
*kapipi has quit ("Ex-Chat")Dec 04 00:31
*kapipi_ has quit ("Ah Nah!")Dec 04 00:44
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 00:44
schestowitzMore Mandriva: 04 01:15
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 03:20
Omar87Hello everyone?Dec 04 03:20
twitterhelloDec 04 03:21
Omar87schestowitz: Have you seen this? 04 03:21
Omar87Microsoft Surface does not stand a bit of a chance now. :)Dec 04 03:21
Omar87Also, this Simpson's episode represents some good facts about how Microsoft and Apple treat their customers as cows whom they milk their money out of. :)Dec 04 03:26
Omar87 04 03:26
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 04 03:44
*macabe has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 04 04:23
*macabe ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 04:23
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellDec 04 05:11
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 05:24
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 07:34
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 07:42
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 08:02
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Dec 04 08:04
*neighborlee_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 04 08:46
MinceRoh haiDec 04 08:49
schestowitzMorning.Dec 04 08:49
kentmahiDec 04 09:02
*kevin8675309 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 09:09
*confignak (n=_doug@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 11:06
*confignak (n=_doug@unaffiliated/confignak) has left #boycottnovellDec 04 11:07
*harrytuttle (i=528c0ab2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 11:09
macabeHi Roy. On yesterday's may have a typo.Dec 04 11:15
macabe1. Novell recently shut down some offices across office.Dec 04 11:15
macabeshould office be Europe?Dec 04 11:16
schestowitzYes, thanks.Dec 04 11:16
schestowitzI'll fix it.Dec 04 11:16
Eruaranhai allDec 04 11:18
EruaranIts malware week this weekDec 04 11:18
schestowitzNot anti-pirate day?Dec 04 11:18
EruaranMostly malware services all weekDec 04 11:18
schestowitzAKA "the day to sob for poor Microsoft"?Dec 04 11:18
Eruaranwe make a lot of money on such weeksDec 04 11:18
*_doug (n=_doug@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 11:18
EruaranWe had one noobDec 04 11:19
EruaranWho wanted his Linux partition removedDec 04 11:19
EruaranHe'll regret thatDec 04 11:19
EruaranheheDec 04 11:19
EruaranBecause its MALWARE WEEKDec 04 11:20
Eruaran:PDec 04 11:20
schestowitzMalware creates job.Dec 04 11:20
schestowitzMicrosoft should register the domain. Malwarecreatesjobs.comDec 04 11:20
EruaranIt certainly created a lot of jobs this weekDec 04 11:20
kentmawhat's a "malware week"?  is it a special offer or something like that?Dec 04 11:20
EruaranIts a week when you notice a sudden influx of crippled Windows systems infested with malwareDec 04 11:21
schestowitzBotnet are apparently at an all-time highDec 04 11:34
schestowitzEconomy is weak -> crooks need more cybercrime.Dec 04 11:34
_dougwhat's the current malware called ?Dec 04 11:39
macabeIf it gets worse, would Lessig's prediction of iPatroit act go into effect?Dec 04 11:39
Eruaran_doug: all the usual suspects are pretty commonDec 04 11:46
Eruaran"Smart Antivirus 2009"Dec 04 11:46
schestowitzmacabe: yes, I read about that.Dec 04 11:49
macabeSeems kind of ripe if cybercrime hits even higher to use that as an excuse and given the current trend of "moving target accountability" not to lay it squarely where it belongs - "Microsoft"Dec 04 11:54
macabeMS is the real door for cybercrimes. Anti-virus, anti-malware are just "warm and fuzzy" snakeoil.Dec 04 11:56
Eruaran"Mail app has this really annoying bug"Dec 04 11:59
Eruaran"subfolders can't be dragged/dropped back to the root dir..."Dec 04 11:59
EruaranMicrosoft created users like thisDec 04 12:00
schestowitzHehe.Dec 04 12:01
EruaranA generation of retarded users.Dec 04 12:01
schestowitzBug #1:  market shareDec 04 12:01
schestowitzBug "freedom": unassignedDec 04 12:02
MinceRapple might have had a hand in it too.Dec 04 12:03
_dougot: someone just told me their laptop got wiped out from a virus. The thing is, they are tech savy and use current AV and an online AV service .. and still got hit ... !!!Dec 04 12:05
EruaranI told a customer today after she asked why viruses and spyware were such a problemDec 04 12:06
EruaranI told her straight, "With regard to security, Microsoft has left Windows users high and dry"Dec 04 12:06
Eruaran"they don't care"Dec 04 12:06
schestowitz"Our products just aren't engineered for security." --Brian Valentine, Microsoft executiveDec 04 12:08
schestowitz 04 12:08
EruaranI tried to explain to someone the difference between Windows, with antivirus products and Linux in security.Dec 04 12:08
Eruaran"Imagine you walk up to a house... the front door is locked. There is an intercom. You press the button and a voice answers, "who the hell are you ?""Dec 04 12:09
EruaranSo you tell them your nameDec 04 12:09
kentmaschestowitz: listen to you and yours podcast on Radio 4 - it's all about people being stung for downloading which they didn't do...Dec 04 12:10
EruaranYou get no responseDec 04 12:10
EruaranThen you remember your friend said he created an account for you with a username and passwordDec 04 12:10
Eruaranyou pull out a piece of paperDec 04 12:10
Eruaranyou press the button againDec 04 12:10
Eruaran"who the hell are you ?"Dec 04 12:10
_dougot: a slashdotter wonders why Linux won't boot from an external hotswappable USB harddrive, that's mapped into a 'Logical Volume' with the internal harddrive .. :)Dec 04 12:11
Eruaran"John Citizen, password: ub3r1337n355"Dec 04 12:11
EruaranThe door magically opensDec 04 12:11
EruaranYou go inDec 04 12:11
EruaranYou're in the foyer nowDec 04 12:11
EruaranAll the doors are lockedDec 04 12:12
EruaranOne door has your name on itDec 04 12:12
Eruaranyou find its the only one that opensDec 04 12:12
kentmaEruaran: you seem to have most of the ingredients for a traditional adventure game here... but with just the one story line :-)Dec 04 12:12
EruaranheheDec 04 12:12
EruaranSo, there's basic GNU/Linux securityDec 04 12:13
EruaranNow, you go to another houseDec 04 12:13
EruaranThe Windows houseDec 04 12:13
EruaranYou notice the front door is wide openDec 04 12:13
schestowitzIn through the windowsDec 04 12:13
schestowitzProphetic nameDec 04 12:13
EruaranYou stand at the door and say, "hello ?"Dec 04 12:13
schestowitzBreak windows to break inDec 04 12:13
EruaranAnd you here someone say, "oh hey, come on in !"Dec 04 12:13
EruaranSo you walk inDec 04 12:13
EruaranThere's a guy sitting on the couch drinking a beerDec 04 12:14
EruaranYou inform him the front door is wide openDec 04 12:14
EruaranHe says, "no worries, I got fantastic security, I got Norton 360"Dec 04 12:14
EruaranYou look back at the open front doorDec 04 12:14
EruaranAnd notice a big yellow thing that looks like a lock hanging from the door, with flashing lights and popups on a screen saying the latest updates have been installedDec 04 12:15
EruaranYou say, "um... but the front door is wide open"Dec 04 12:15
EruaranI usually tell a shortened version of that storyDec 04 12:16
EruaranSo the average user gets itDec 04 12:16
EruaranNo one who is serious about security uses Windows.Dec 04 12:17
EruaranThat, or their an idiot.Dec 04 12:17
Eruaran*they'reDec 04 12:17
Eruarancartoon from OSnewsDec 04 12:20
Eruaran"twitter does not make you relevant"Dec 04 12:20
EruaranThinking about writing a twitter message... Writing a twitter message... Sending twitter message... "I'm making tea"Dec 04 12:21
schestowitzTwitter was weird when used by executives.Dec 04 12:22
schestowitzWriting some very irrelevant things.Dec 04 12:22
EruaranI'm not using my twitter widget till the thing that makes plasma crash is fixedDec 04 12:24
MinceR"I'm writing a twitter message!"Dec 04 12:24
Eruaranthen I shall update twice daily with meaninless drivelDec 04 12:24
*harrytuttle has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 04 12:30
*miked ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 12:47
_dougtwitter, myspace etc .. i don't have the time or energy to engage ...Dec 04 12:50
_dougfacebook .. yaagedia yaaagedeia .. inane drivle ...Dec 04 12:51
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 12:59
schestowitzThe Microsoft/Novell fanboys are bombarding todayDec 04 13:03
schestowitzThey even defend what ISO did. *snigger*Dec 04 13:03
macabeWhat's with the fly? His behavior is like a striker inside a bell. He has no point.Dec 04 13:09
schestowitzIt's eetDec 04 13:14
schestowitzBig Novell booster (not just in BN)Dec 04 13:14
schestowitzBig blow: China Fund: Banks in West Are Risky Bets < >Dec 04 13:23
schestowitzMicrosoft seems to be shoving up very old bogus studies via 'journalists': 04 13:39
schestowitzThe only explanation for this is probably some push from behind the scene with reused FUD against F/OSSDec 04 13:40
Eruaran"Dell manufactures computer components in accordance with the customer's purchase order and requests. That included the operating system."Dec 04 13:40
EruaranMaybe I should give Dell a callDec 04 13:40
schestowitzWhere's that from?Dec 04 13:40
Eruaran,7340...Dec 04 13:41
EruaranMaybe I should give them a call and quote their own words to themDec 04 13:42
EruaranThen ask for Linux on the good hardwareDec 04 13:42
EruaranInstead of the extreme low end stuff onlyDec 04 13:42
schestowitzWhat ideally should happen is a national investigation.Dec 04 13:43
schestowitzThere's this affair that's collusionary with people pointing fingers at everyone else.Dec 04 13:43
EruaranBenQ has asked us for feedback on its systems its releasing next FebruaryDec 04 13:43
schestowitz"it's the customer!"Dec 04 13:43
schestowitz"No, it's Intel"Dec 04 13:43
schestowitz"But Vista's fat"Dec 04 13:44
schestowitz"No, it's Dell's choice"Dec 04 13:44
schestowitz"Kempin said he would make us 'do the delicate dance'"Dec 04 13:44
schestowitz"They said they would 'whack' us for suing Linux"Dec 04 13:44
schestowitz"We need to margins"Dec 04 13:44
schestowitz"If we didn't 'recommend' Vista, we'd be out of business"Dec 04 13:45
EruaranSystem76 doesn't recommend VistaDec 04 13:45
schestowitzWell, good luck to the,Dec 04 13:45
schestowitzMicrosoft and its cronies try to corner disobedient shops and people.Dec 04 13:45
schestowitzJust as they did with Quinn and MADec 04 13:45
schestowitzOr the blackmail allegations in KenyaDec 04 13:46
schestowitzBe assimilated or be out of business.Dec 04 13:46
EruaranThey did a signed in blood backroom deal to make BenQ behaveDec 04 13:46
EruaranIt must have been late, because they haven't even changed the packagingDec 04 13:46
schestowitzI think I'm gonna dump OSNewsDec 04 13:47
schestowitzThat Thom guy has become some kind of a Microsoft marketing guyDec 04 13:47
EruaranThe box has the picture of the BenQ Joybook Lite U101 sporting a destkop that clearly is not WindowsDec 04 13:47
schestowitzIt's sickening, I can't watch. 04 13:47
EruaranBut the unit inside has XP on it...Dec 04 13:47
schestowitzOthers complain too.Dec 04 13:47
schestowitzTheir feeds are filled with vapourware from Microsoft versus contemporary Linux stuff.Dec 04 13:48
schestowitzThey said they would stock LinuxDec 04 13:48
schestowitz  "BenQ and Italian mobile carrier TIM announced the availability of a MID with both WiFi and HSDPA mobile networking. Running Red Flag's Midinux Linux  distro, the BenQ S6 Mobile Internet Device (MID) is equipped with an 800MHz Intel Atom processor and 4.8-inch WVGA touchscreen. "Dec 04 13:51
schestowitz (BenQ to launch Linux ultramobile device in Q2)Dec 04 13:51
schestowitzhese included a Linux-based device from BenQ <  >Dec 04 13:51
schestowitzGeez. IDG is pushing lots of vapourware too now. it's horrible. Have they run out of /real/ products to coverDec 04 13:53
EruaranBenQ are releasing desktop systems in FebuaryDec 04 13:54
EruaranI forget what they are calledDec 04 13:54
EruaranThey will run Windows XP and LinuxDec 04 13:55
Eruarantwo categories, two models in each categoryDec 04 13:55
Eruaranone windows and one linuxDec 04 13:55
EruaranThe linux one doesn't get a proper hard driveDec 04 13:56
schestowitzSSD?Dec 04 13:58
EruaranyesDec 04 13:58
EruaranThey are kind of iMac like things, the computer is in the monitor... so you have a monitor/pc, keyboard, mouse.Dec 04 13:59
schestowitzWindows doesn't do SSD (not well)Dec 04 13:59
schestowitzSo it might not be malevolent.Dec 04 13:59
EruaranThey are basically aimed at that market segment who just want to surf the web and check emailsDec 04 13:59
schestowitzBut Microsoft tries to destroy commodities like Web standards.Dec 04 14:00
EruaranThe Linux model is cheaperDec 04 14:00
EruaranI don't have details yet as to what distro they might be usingDec 04 14:01
EruaranMaybe something they're already usingDec 04 14:02
EruaranLooks like it has a KDE desktopDec 04 14:02
schestowitz4?Dec 04 14:02
EruaranNoDec 04 14:02
EruaranNot yet at leastDec 04 14:02
Eruaran4.2 would be awesome thoughDec 04 14:03
EruaranBut I don't think soDec 04 14:03
Eruarantimeframe wont permitDec 04 14:03
EruaranBenQ are resonably conservativeDec 04 14:03
schestowitz (Sprint Lobbyist Declares Net Neutrality Support)Dec 04 14:04
schestowitzKDE4 needs users.Dec 04 14:04
EruaranKDE 4.2 comes out end of January... We know BenQ fairly well... It would take them at least another 6 months to ship anything with KDE 4.2Dec 04 14:04
schestowitzBut KDE3 isn't going away (support and all...)Dec 04 14:04
schestowitzMicrosoft will put sticks in the wheels.Dec 04 14:05
EruaranOr 4.x... It would have to be something they were planning well ahead of timeDec 04 14:05
schestowitzTrying to propagate the perception that laptops and PCs won't survive with Linux.Dec 04 14:05
EruaranThey might have a good look when 4.2 comes out and then start planning after thatDec 04 14:05
schestowitzThey did lots of this before and now that Linux kills their revenues they get more corrupt about itDec 04 14:06
EruaranWe foster grassroots supportDec 04 14:06
EruaranWe have customers who have switched to Linux and they are very happy, we have not had a single person come back saying they want to go back to WindowsDec 04 14:07
EruaranYou have to do things rightDec 04 14:07
EruaranBefore a customer leaves with a new Linux system, I run them through the basics and point them in the right directionDec 04 14:08
Eruaranthat makes a world of differenceDec 04 14:08
EruaranThe only support call we've had from a Linux user was this:Dec 04 14:09
Eruaran"do you know if I can import my old Outlook Express emails into Evolution ?"Dec 04 14:09
Eruaran=DDec 04 14:10
schestowitzMSBBC propganda: 04 14:11
schestowitz"Oh!! The children (watch the photo)!!!"Dec 04 14:11
schestowitzIt's ro protect the children.Dec 04 14:11
schestowitzNot for political reasons... oh , no... that will never happen. *rolls eyes*Dec 04 14:12
schestowitzDisgusting. People should take it to the streets.Dec 04 14:12
EruaranyesDec 04 14:12
EruaranAustralians are too apathetic thoughDec 04 14:12
schestowitz'"This would see the government establishing a blacklist of websites it deems harmful and ISPs providing a clean feed of the internet," said Mr Morton. 'Dec 04 14:12
schestowitzHmmmmmm... I wonder what sites these might be?Dec 04 14:12
schestowitzCan't the government give people free firewall/filter software?Dec 04 14:13
Eruaraninfowars dot comDec 04 14:13
Eruaran:PDec 04 14:13
schestowitz"Countries like Britain, Sweden, Canada and New Zealand have all implemented similar filtering systems, but they are all voluntary and not government-mandated."Dec 04 14:13
schestowitzHehe... forget about sites like that (which I don't read)Dec 04 14:13
schestowitzIf it's not approved by the government, then you're likely to get search results with 'safe' sites like and msbbc.comDec 04 14:14
schestowitzSites that will market this system as something that "protects the children"Dec 04 14:14
schestowitz""The only countries that really do have a widespread technological filtering or censorship regime are China, Iran and Saudi Arabia," said Colin Jacobs from Electronic Frontiers Australia, a group that represents online users' rights."Dec 04 14:15
schestowitzSo, China, Iran Saudi, Arabia... and AustraliaDec 04 14:15
schestowitzBut if it's "them!" (the Socviets/Russian/Muslims) then it's very wrong!Dec 04 14:15
schestowitzCroatia web arrests spark furore < >Dec 04 14:18
schestowitzHere we go. Freedom is speech is only permitted when it echoes the propaganda shown on TV and broadcasted in radio.Dec 04 14:19
schestowitz'He said "no-one should be detained or arrested in Croatia for expressing different views". 'Dec 04 14:20
schestowitzThe Galli shill again: "The new tools were outlined in a blog posting by Peter Galli, a Microsoft senior open source community manager." < >Dec 04 14:21
EruaranYes, Microsoft would love to "manage" the open source communityDec 04 14:22
schestowitzPeople whose aim is to stop competition and restore monopolies using words like <strike>"defending Christian values" and "stability in the region"</strike> "interoperability"Dec 04 14:22
schestowitzMicrosoft is like BushDec 04 14:22
schestowitzEruaran: Galli used to be a reporter, attacking FOSS via eWeekDec 04 14:23
schestowitzNow he's paid by MicrosoftDec 04 14:23
EruaranyepDec 04 14:24
schestowitzThey have lots of these cronies around.Dec 04 14:24
schestowitzWe need to expose themDec 04 14:24
*_doug_ (n=configna@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 14:24
EruaranI'm down with thatDec 04 14:25
schestowitzEntellium Files Bankruptcy, Intuit Eyeing Assets < >Dec 04 14:25
schestowitzHey, _doug Dec 04 14:25
schestowitzMicrosoft has some new propaganda tactics.Dec 04 14:25
schestowitz 04 14:25
EruaranAh, Microsoft "innovation"Dec 04 14:25
schestowitzWhat the Reg sez: "<p>Microsoft has today released a <strong>plug-in for Firefox that allows Open XML documents to be viewed</strong> within the popular open source browser."Dec 04 14:25
_doug_hi there ..Dec 04 14:25
Eruaranhi _doug_Dec 04 14:25
schestowitzThe reality: "Interoperability solutions announced today translate Open XML documents to a Web page (HTML) allowing readability on Web-friendly browsers such as Firefox,…"Dec 04 14:25
schestowitz"Viewed" is now viewedDec 04 14:26
schestowitzViewed means it gets exported to something differentDec 04 14:26
schestowitzBut the media charade goes on unabtedDec 04 14:26
schestowitzDoes the UN have a commando unit to crack down on white-collar crime?Dec 04 14:27
schestowitz (Adobe Says It Will Cut 600 Jobs, Lowers Revenue Guidance)Dec 04 14:27
schestowitzDon't worry. Microsoft is laying off people too.Dec 04 14:27
EruaranHopefully the 'netbook' trend will spread to desktopsDec 04 14:30
EruaranWhere people buy low priced slimmed down systems that just do the basics because thats all they want and needDec 04 14:31
EruaranAnd 'nettops' will further erode Microsoft's profitsDec 04 14:31
_doug_brb ..Dec 04 14:32
*_doug_ has quit ()Dec 04 14:32
PetoKrausgod save the queenDec 04 14:32
PetoKraus(@ beranger)Dec 04 14:32
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 14:46
Omar87Hello there, fellow freedom fighter! :-)Dec 04 14:47
Omar87fighters**Dec 04 14:47
schestowitzHeyDec 04 14:48
schestowitzThere's a big discussion about your blogDec 04 14:48
Omar87My blog?Dec 04 14:49
schestowitz 04 14:49
schestowitzLots of Microsoft trolls there, though.Dec 04 14:50
Omar87Kool! Thanks man! :DDec 04 14:50
Omar87Who cares about those morons? Let 'em go bang their brains against the wall! -_-Dec 04 14:51
Omar87Or let 'em go jump off a bridge and die.. whatever.. :-)Dec 04 14:52
schestowitzIt's differentDec 04 14:52
schestowitz.They are pro-MicrosoftDec 04 14:52
schestowitzThe fact that they are pro-Mono serves as a clueDec 04 14:52
schestowitzMono helps .NET and therefore helps MicrosoftDec 04 14:53
Omar87Exactly. :)Dec 04 14:53
Omar87And there's also fact that keep re-re-re-re-re-...-re-proving itself over the decades, that Microsoft won't ever do, or participate in anything just because it benefits the community.Dec 04 14:55
Omar87keeps*Dec 04 14:55
schestowitzMaybe Microsoft needs to EEE(xtinguish) one more thing for people to wake upDec 04 14:57
trmanco 04 14:58
Omar87Yeah, man.Dec 04 14:58
Omar87And this stupid Trauch idiot, what the hell was his mind made out of..? lollipop??Dec 04 15:00
trmanco 04 15:00
Omar87The facts he's asking for are tremendously uncountable!Dec 04 15:01
Omar87How about when they stabbed netscape in the back? How about when they stabbed Gary Kildall in the back??Dec 04 15:02
Omar87And the list goes on and on and on and on....Dec 04 15:02
EruaranGary Kildall should have sued way back when.Dec 04 15:04
EruaranHe would have won and the world would be different today.Dec 04 15:04
Omar87Eruaran: unfortunately, this is so true. Poor Gary Kildall, his bones might have turned into Petroleum by now.. -_-Dec 04 15:12
schestowitzDigg has some bugDec 04 15:16
schestowitzI registered  a coment in that page.Dec 04 15:16
schestowitzIt didn't show up and I forgot to copy the text before posting.Dec 04 15:17
schestowitzAh well...Dec 04 15:17
*confignak (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 15:25
*confignak (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has left #boycottnovellDec 04 15:27
trmancoloooolDec 04 15:29
trmancodo you know where the silverlight link on MSN links to?Dec 04 15:29
schestowitzWhere?Dec 04 15:29
schestowitzI am writing about it ATMDec 04 15:30
schestowitz(Moonblight)Dec 04 15:30
*confignak (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 15:30
trmancoit pushes you to the Moonlight siteDec 04 15:30
trmanco 04 15:30
trmancotry it out for yourselfDec 04 15:30
schestowitzYuckDec 04 15:31
Omar87schestowitz: What's Gary Killdal's quote about Bill Gate again? And can you provide a link to where you found it so I can make sure my comming post is well documented, please?Dec 04 15:31 is SOOOOO slowDec 04 15:31
schestowitzI wonder if it's O/S rleatedDec 04 15:31
trmancoit could have been worseDec 04 15:31
schestowitzPingdom recently showed that is slow too.Dec 04 15:31
trmancooh that...Dec 04 15:31
schestowitzIt doesn't redirect meDec 04 15:32
schestowitzJS is enabledDec 04 15:32
trmancothat is a website feature, the slownessDec 04 15:32
trmancoit doesn't?Dec 04 15:32
schestowitz"He [Bill Gates] is divisive. He is manipulative. He is a user. He has taken much from me and the industry."Dec 04 15:32
trmancoweird, it does here for some reasonDec 04 15:32
trmancothis link -> 04 15:32
schestowitzOhDec 04 15:33
schestowitzI see now.Dec 04 15:33
trmancoyou have to click on that "Click to install" buttonDec 04 15:33
schestowitzIt links to another Microsoft siteDec 04 15:33
schestowitzThe turncoats Web siteDec 04 15:33
schestowitzme, 251 Commonwealth Av, Boston, 02116, United States 04 15:33
trmanco:|Dec 04 15:33
schestowitzOMG!Dec 04 15:33
trmancoyesDec 04 15:34
schestowitzSavvis 3300 Regency Parkway Cary NC US 2751164.14.94.188unknownApache/2.0.50 FedoraDec 04 15:34
trmancoit link to go monoDec 04 15:34
schestowitzFEDORA!!Dec 04 15:34
trmancohere -> 04 15:34
trmancololDec 04 15:34
schestowitzThat's worth a post, methinksDec 04 15:34
trmancoit probably more stabel then suse at this moment :-PDec 04 15:34
schestowitzNovell: Powered by Red HatDec 04 15:34
trmancostable*Dec 04 15:34
trmancoohDec 04 15:34
trmancoand another thingDec 04 15:35
trmancoAOL's webmail dosen't depend on Silvy does it?Dec 04 15:35
Omar87schestowitz: I'm posting a reply to that pathetic guy Mike Trausch.Dec 04 15:35
Omar87schestowitz: Just to emphasize this sort of blind trolling.Dec 04 15:36
trmanco from microsoft's website "Once you have Silverlight installed, you will have access to some of the richest and most engaging experiences on the Web, from the Hard Rock Café Memorabilia site, to AOL’s Webmail, to Renault’s presentation of the Laguna Coupé.Dec 04 15:36
trmanco"Dec 04 15:36
Omar87schestowitz: Posting it on my Blog of course.Dec 04 15:36
schestowitzOmar87: he's not a troll.Dec 04 15:38
confignakschest: BG is a giant of the industry, there would be no GUI desktop, email, web or the Internet if it wasn't for him .. :ODec 04 15:38
schestowitzMicrosoft is doing reverse-marketing, sort of.Dec 04 15:38
schestowitzWord processor too.Dec 04 15:39
schestowitzMicrosoft also invented the iPodDec 04 15:39
schestowitzAnd it insists that Google is successful thanks to Microsoft.Dec 04 15:39
confignakWell, yea SteveJ went forward in time and copied it from the Zoon ..Dec 04 15:39
confignak"just because you have a good idea, doesn't mean it belongs to you"Dec 04 15:40
schestowitzI think I should abandon this thread: 04 15:40
schestowitzThere's nothing there but the 'Microsoft line'Dec 04 15:40
schestowitzThe more you spread, the more MS propaganda is echoed in returnDec 04 15:41
schestowitzconfignak: it wasn't even a good ideaDec 04 15:41
schestowitzThink what already existed at the time.Dec 04 15:41
confignakWhat pisses me off is how the legend is being endlessly repeated on the InterTUBES ..Dec 04 15:42
trmancooooDec 04 15:43
trmancolooks like carrying a copy of Linux is illegal nowDec 04 15:44
schestowitzconfignak: that's what revisionist shills are for.Dec 04 15:44
schestowitzThis includes sites like the BBCDec 04 15:44
EruaranNot even the name "Zune" is originalDec 04 15:45
EruaranZune is an object-oriented GUI toolkit.Dec 04 15:45
trmancoand this troll doesn't even know the meaning of "hack" and "crack", what a nut...Dec 04 15:45
Omar87Simply asking someone else to build the technology, stabbing him and the back when he's done, then stealing his job and bribing all the evidence of the crime away.. It's just that simple: 04 15:45
confignakWhy is this not true ?Dec 04 15:46
confignak"Spyglass licensed the technology and trademarks from NCSA for producing their own web browser but never used any of the NCSA Mosaic source code"Dec 04 15:46
confignak 04 15:46
trmancomeh, I'm not even going to reply to this idiot, *plonk*Dec 04 15:46
schestowitzVista = medical software.Dec 04 15:47
schestowitzThey got threatened for stomping on the name FijiDec 04 15:48
schestowitzThey'll ruin the holiness of the number 7 tooDec 04 15:48
schestowitztrmanco: which one?Dec 04 15:48
trmancoflatDec 04 15:49
trmancoyou know the restDec 04 15:49
schestowitzHe's change name again.Dec 04 15:50
schestowitz*he'llDec 04 15:50
confignak"And through Windows NT, you can see it throughout the design. In a weak sense, it is a form of Unix", bg 1996Dec 04 15:50
schestowitz"better UNIX than UNIX"Dec 04 15:50
trmancoI will plonk him againDec 04 15:50
schestowitzIt was vapourware and copycatDec 04 15:50
schestowitzMass marketing counts as first appearance though. It can easily deceive.Dec 04 15:51
schestowitzI wish I could plonk over and over.Dec 04 15:51
schestowitzMake a patent on a NG clients that allows you to plonk multiple time.Dec 04 15:51
trmancololDec 04 15:51
trmancoI hate patents, why would a do that?Dec 04 15:51
schestowitz*time. Microsoft had some STUPID invention around 2005 where you can STOMP to delete SPAMDec 04 15:52
schestowitzINNOVA~1Dec 04 15:52
schestowitzHow about getting rid of those 320,000,000 Windows-running zombies that spew SPAM instead?Dec 04 15:52
trmancostart first by removing there own msn zombiesDec 04 15:52
*neighborlee_ (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellDec 04 15:54
trmancoI love hacking SQL code, it is simple and clean, I'm a complete newbie, I just know the basicsDec 04 15:54
twitterQ:  "_doug: what's the current malware called ?"  A:  VistaDec 04 15:55
trmancoVirus [pling] [spling] transmission architectureDec 04 15:56
confignaktwitter: check out this chick with brains over on Twitter 04 15:58
confignak:)Dec 04 15:58
trmancoVISTA -> Virus Infection and Spyware Transmission ArchitectureDec 04 15:58
confignakIn the beginning was the word, but before the word was the op-code .. :)Dec 04 15:59
confignak'_doug' is stuck .. can't get rid of :ODec 04 15:59
confignakschest: what the name of that Yahoo patent again, the onbe everyone wants ?Dec 04 16:02
confignak361 patent ..Dec 04 16:04
confignaknick-nack ..Dec 04 16:10
confignakhola !Dec 04 16:10
confignakhasta luego ...Dec 04 16:11
*confignak has quit ()Dec 04 16:11
schestowitzchown Yahoo aolDec 04 16:12
Omar87schestowitz: 04 16:29
Omar87What do you guys think?Dec 04 16:29
Omar87LOL, this was like an blogging exercise. :)Dec 04 16:31
*schestowitz looksDec 04 16:43
schestowitzMichael is not a troll, but he's ignoring Microsoft's historyDec 04 16:45
Omar87schestowitz: so what are your suggested corrections?Dec 04 16:47
Omar87schestowitz: I sound a little bit aggressive in this post, right? :DDec 04 16:48

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