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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 9th, 2009


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*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 01:22
schestowitzFront page in Digg now.Feb 09 02:00
schestowitzDown already?Feb 09 02:00
schestowitzJust. About. There. very slow...... :-(Feb 09 02:01
*pupusertx has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 09 02:02
schestowitzHmmmmmm... I get some DNS errors too...Feb 09 02:07
schestowitzI'll tap people for cache. "Sorry to be commenting up on top. Our server chokes on Digg Effect at the moment, so in case you can't get through, please use Google Cache of this page and feel free to pass around, copy the text, whatever. Consider it public domain. This information deserves to become common knowledge. Inform peers.Feb 09 02:07
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 02:08
schestowitz"Server Load  10.27 (4 cpus)"Feb 09 02:10
schestowitzhi, zer0c00l Feb 09 02:10
zer0c00lhi schestowitzFeb 09 02:10
schestowitzThank you do much for the texts. I will post these as soon as the server calms down (maybe tomorrow)Feb 09 02:10
zer0c00lyeahFeb 09 02:11
schestowitzWe made Digg's front page some minutes agoFeb 09 02:11
schestowitzWe're still up most of the time (I get some errors)Feb 09 02:11
schestowitz"httpd (1.3.41 (Unix))  failed"Feb 09 02:11
zer0c00lohFeb 09 02:11
schestowitzI hope the host won't disconnect us.Feb 09 02:11
schestowitzI'll keep an eye for a while.Feb 09 02:11
zer0c00lyou dont have latest version of apache?Feb 09 02:12
schestowitzThat's the stable 1.3. branch, I thinkFeb 09 02:12
schestowitzIt's common to use older version for consistencyFeb 09 02:12
zer0c00lohFeb 09 02:12
schestowitzI use WordPress 2.0.11, which is a long-term support releaseFeb 09 02:12
schestowitzPhew. "Server Load  6.05 (4 cpus)"Feb 09 02:13
schestowitzDon't visit BN nowFeb 09 02:13
schestowitzI have the pages impacted cachedFeb 09 02:13
schestowitzSo any request for pages not in cache can do a lot of harm :-)Feb 09 02:13
schestowitzYou can watch comment here < >, but don't follow the link to BN. Just stay in Digg.Feb 09 02:14
zer0c00lyeah, it took little bit time to loadFeb 09 02:14
schestowitzI think the item you helped me with might make Digg's front page as well.Feb 09 02:14
schestowitzIt really ought to.Feb 09 02:14
schestowitzzer0c00l: no, don't load :-)Feb 09 02:14
*mib_gta046 (i=40e5b06f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 02:14
zer0c00lokFeb 09 02:14
schestowitzHi, mib_gta046 Feb 09 02:14
*mib_gta046 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 02:14
schestowitzAny pages requested off cache is risking the site being downed Feb 09 02:15
*Bill_Gates (i=40e5b06f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 02:15
Bill_Gatesyou bastardsFeb 09 02:15
schestowitz:-)Feb 09 02:15
zer0c00lhi Bill_GatesFeb 09 02:15
Bill_Gateshow did you get this information?Feb 09 02:15
schestowitzOK, I think the server is stablizing.Feb 09 02:15
schestowitzBill_Gates: your wardrobe :-)Feb 09 02:15
schestowitzWhere you keep all the fine literature.Feb 09 02:15
*Bill_Gates has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 02:16
schestowitzFunny guy.Feb 09 02:16
zer0c00lyeahFeb 09 02:16
schestowitzI hope to keep the server up throughoutFeb 09 02:16
schestowitzThe Apple sites might link as well. It shows how Microsoft played dirty against Apple.Feb 09 02:16
*mib_b4hy12 (i=476fbc49@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 02:46
*mib_b4hy12 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 02:46
schestowitzThis time we set up the cache defenses properly and trimmed the pages, so Digg is something we endure..Feb 09 02:54
*MethodOne ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 03:11
*mib_pdx01w (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 03:12
schestowitzGreat comment: 09 03:13
*mib_pdx01w has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 03:13
twittergmail to surpass hotmail in 2009 09 03:16
schestowitzI think I saw such estimates. It's irrelevant to FOSS, IMHO.Feb 09 03:17
*rami has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 03:33
*mib_zwkmm1 (i=792ce8a1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 03:33
*mib_n50kfc (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 03:33
*mib_zwkmm1 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 03:33
schestowitztwitter: I have more ammunition about Vista7 coming, in case you want to -read- prooread :-)Feb 09 03:35
*mib_n50kfc has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 09 03:40
twittersounds interestingFeb 09 03:42
*rami (n=rami@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 03:42
*student_ (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 03:42
schestowitztwitter: I'll do it now.Feb 09 03:42
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 03:48
schestowitztwitter: done. have a quick look pls: 09 03:54
twitterlooks OK to me.Feb 09 04:05
twitterThanks for putting it together.Feb 09 04:05
*student_ (n=student@ has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Feb 09 04:05
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 04:06
twittersorry to see "student" leave.  He did a few good papers while working for GuinnessFeb 09 04:06
zer0c00ltwitter:Feb 09 04:06
zer0c00lwho's student?Feb 09 04:06
twitterpen nameFeb 09 04:07
zer0c00lpen name?Feb 09 04:07
twitterhigh powered one too. 09 04:08
twitterI don't think I could have dreamed that up while working for a beer company.Feb 09 04:08
zer0c00lactually i logged in as student beforeFeb 09 04:09
zer0c00l:DFeb 09 04:09
twittergood name choiceFeb 09 04:09
zer0c00las i am in college, i logged in as a user named "student" so xchat picked it up and used a as a default nickFeb 09 04:10
*mib_4pkohr (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 04:13
schestowitzzer0c00l: I think I'll do the Ballmer-Intel post tomorrow.Feb 09 04:14
zer0c00lokFeb 09 04:14
zer0c00l:)Feb 09 04:14
twitterhave fun with it and good night.Feb 09 04:15
zer0c00lgood night twitterFeb 09 04:16
zer0c00lhere its 10 AMFeb 09 04:16
zer0c00l:DFeb 09 04:16
*mib_4pkohr has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 09 04:30
*rami has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 09 04:32
*rami (n=rami@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 04:40
*MethodOne has quit ("Ex-Chat")Feb 09 05:37
*mib_l2cvqw (i=60ec533a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 06:30
*mib_l2cvqw (i=60ec533a@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellFeb 09 06:31
*nottwo ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 06:59
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Feb 09 06:59
amarsh04bushfire toll now 131 09 07:23
*flex__ has quit ("Leaving")Feb 09 07:45
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 08:46
*berlin (i=29ccba82@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 09:00
schestowitzMorning. BN was returning many error for an hour+. Fixed now.Feb 09 09:02
berlinwhat special features does microsoft has in regard of its competitursFeb 09 09:03
*berlin has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 09:04
*I_am_locutus (i=5569717f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 09:08
I_am_locutushelloFeb 09 09:08
schestowitzHey, what's up?Feb 09 09:09
I_am_locutuscongrats on the digg effect :)Feb 09 09:10
I_am_locutusbrbFeb 09 09:10
schestowitzThanks.Feb 09 09:11
I_am_locutusbackFeb 09 09:13
I_am_locutusHavent been able to open it yetFeb 09 09:13
I_am_locutusseems to be a redirect loopFeb 09 09:13
schestowitzYes, fixed now.Feb 09 09:13
schestowitzDoes it work?Feb 09 09:14
I_am_locutusjust going to have a look nowFeb 09 09:14
I_am_locutusnope this address comes upFeb 09 09:15
I_am_locutus 09 09:15
I_am_locutusand internel server errorFeb 09 09:15
schestowitzLet me try again.Feb 09 09:15
I_am_locutuskkFeb 09 09:16
PetoKrausfor fuck's sake roy, change your host, honestly. It's driving everyone nuts, especially you.Feb 09 09:16
I_am_locutuslolFeb 09 09:16
PetoKrausi mean, what have you been doing last week?Feb 09 09:16
PetoKrausfixing the bloody system.Feb 09 09:16
schestowitzI'll try it without cache for a whileFeb 09 09:16
schestowitzPetoKraus: it's not a daily issueFeb 09 09:17
MinceRgeekingsFeb 09 09:17
PetoKrauswellFeb 09 09:17
PetoKrausit's bi-weeklyFeb 09 09:17
PetoKrausthat's enough i'd sayFeb 09 09:17
schestowitzI_am_locutus: try nowFeb 09 09:17
I_am_locutusthats got itFeb 09 09:18
schestowitzWorks?Feb 09 09:18
I_am_locutusnow I can read on the evilness :9Feb 09 09:18
I_am_locutusbut first I have some work to doFeb 09 09:18
schestowitzThe cache expired after 12 hoursFeb 09 09:18
I_am_locutusyes it worksFeb 09 09:18
schestowitzLet me know if the error returnsFeb 09 09:18
schestowitzThat's on, right?Feb 09 09:19
I_am_locutusyepFeb 09 09:20
schestowitz "The biggest challenge is getting the message out on Linux; it is just not as familiar to mainstream consumers. It will still continue to be only 5 percent of the total mix."Feb 09 09:21
schestowitzHm........ 5% for GNU/Linux at Acer?Feb 09 09:21
*mib_qvbz2s (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 09:28
*mib_qvbz2s has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 09:28
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 09:28
I_am_locutusAck why do users always demand my net browsing time? I have to do some work. Bye allFeb 09 09:30
*I_am_locutus has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 09 09:30
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 09:38
*jeremy_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 09:39
*jeremy__ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 09 09:39
schestowitzKaspersky fail to protect themself from website hack < >Feb 09 09:45
*johannesrexx (i=43ab3a74@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 09:46
*johannesrexx has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 09:47
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 10:04
*mib_dqg3qg (i=567e9ef8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 10:04
*mib_dqg3qg has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 10:04
amarsh04 made linuxtoday.comFeb 09 10:31
schestowitzYou brought this up, did you not?Feb 09 10:33
schestowitzBTW, I've received an E-mail just a moment ago. Maybe I can collaborate on a book detailing Microsoft's offenses.Feb 09 10:34
amarsh04jose_x submitted that link to linuxtoday.comFeb 09 10:40
schestowitzSomeone in IRC brought this up, maybe jose.Feb 09 10:41
*jeremy_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 09 10:41
*jeremy_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 10:41
amarsh04possible sub-title for the book: "what the withdrawal of court cases tried to hush up (and failed)"Feb 09 10:42
*mib_x0cidi (i=ca3d886b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 10:42
*mib_x0cidi has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 10:42
amarsh04seriously, if everything can be properly documented, it would be a great ideaFeb 09 10:42
amarsh04back in a few...Feb 09 10:44
schestowitzamarsh04: I'll discuss with a potential coauthorFeb 09 10:46
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 10:47
*mib_z56y3u (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 10:47
*mib_z56y3u has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 09 10:59
*mib_9fcali (i=525f6a1b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:14
*mib_9fcali has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 11:14
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:22
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Feb 09 11:23
*mib_2h1264 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:25
*mib_2h1264 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 11:26
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 11:26
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:28
ZiggyFishschestowitz: are you there?Feb 09 11:28
schestowitzYes, hi!Feb 09 11:29
ZiggyFishBrandon Paddock is he a Microsoft employee?Feb 09 11:30
oiaohmOk people don't understand how hard it is to get a web page with lots of load right.Feb 09 11:31
ZiggyFishschestowitz: I found the answer 09 11:31
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:33
schestowitzWho is this guy?Feb 09 11:37
*jeremy_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 09 11:37
*jeremy_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:37
oiaohm  Anyone thing Windows ABI is programmer friendly please read.Feb 09 11:37
schestowitzThe page does not respond.Feb 09 11:37
oiaohmthing/thinksFeb 09 11:38
ZiggyFishhe is a developer for Microsoft and is the developing Vista 7 ;)Feb 09 11:38
schestowitz"Hi. I'm Brandon. I work on the Explorer for Windows 7 at Microsoft. This is my blog."Feb 09 11:38
schestowitzWhat did he do?Feb 09 11:38
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 11:39
schestowitzZiggyFish: anything fishy he did? I assume you brought it up for a reason.Feb 09 11:39
schestowitzThere are 3 more Intel exhibits we ought to do :-) From 09 11:39
schestowitzSee top:Feb 09 11:39
schestowitz (boot sequence)Feb 09 11:39
schestowitz (Linux discussed)Feb 09 11:39
schestowitz (investment in Linux) Feb 09 11:39
oiaohmPlease be the guy to strangle for stuffing up 2008 and Windows 7 font rendering for old applications.Feb 09 11:39
ZiggyFishHe sent me an email after I posted on a chris prillo's forum.Feb 09 11:40
oiaohmOk Brandon might be the one to strangle for todays problem I had.Feb 09 11:40
schestowitzZiggyFish: what did he approach you about?Feb 09 11:41
oiaohmInternet Explorers Secuirty permissions stuffed up so everything icon on my desktop of my admin account was coming up with the permission denied messageFeb 09 11:41
ZiggyFisha discussion about the 'Windows 7 Federated Search' feature in Vista 7 (which he is working on)Feb 09 11:43
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:48
oiaohmSo a clonerFeb 09 11:49
schestowitzZiggyFish: does he know you do GNU/Linux?Feb 09 11:50
oiaohm  << working on something like that ZiggyFish I guessFeb 09 11:50
schestowitz 09 11:51
ZiggyFishyesFeb 09 11:51
*jeremy_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 09 11:51
schestowitzDid he say anything about it?Feb 09 11:51
*jeremy_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 11:52
schestowitzoiaohm: true, true...Feb 09 11:52
oiaohmGoogle saved my life todayFeb 09 11:54
ZiggyFishyeah, ' I know that in your Linux bubble you're trained to think that Linux / Open Source is the end-all be-all of software innovation, but I've never seen Linux do anything original ... That's what happens when you have thousands of technically capable engineers and zero creativity, vision, or direction.'Feb 09 11:54
oiaohmHad 200 users I had to get added to the server for the end of day.Feb 09 11:54
ZiggyFishwowFeb 09 11:55
oiaohmLast thing you want is a broken admin account.Feb 09 11:55
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 09 11:55
oiaohmLinux kernel itself is not really the of innovation.Feb 09 11:56
oiaohmIts more taking the great ideas of all OS's and merging them into 1 kernel.Feb 09 11:56
oiaohmNow if MS did that more they might have not stuffed up there real time support in there kernel.Feb 09 11:57
oiaohmIs my normal answer to that.Feb 09 11:57
schestowitzMicrosoft claims it owns Linux.Feb 09 11:57
oiaohmSolarias would have a larger claim.Feb 09 11:57
oiaohmThinking most of the great bits are clones of there system.Feb 09 11:58
schestowitzDo they have patents on UNIX systems?Feb 09 11:58
schestowitzI mean, they sure doFeb 09 11:58
schestowitzZFS patents.. makes you wonder about Linux filesystems inc. btrfsFeb 09 11:58
oiaohmYes they do but only used against people dumb enough to patent attack them.Feb 09 11:58
oiaohmSun also has most of the key patents to make motherboards.Feb 09 11:59
oiaohmIf Sun was not patent friendly you would not have the computer you are now typing on.Feb 09 11:59
oiaohmSun friendlyness has got them unstuck a lot.Feb 09 12:01
oiaohmELF fileformat used by Linux Designed by Sun.Feb 09 12:01
schestowitzHm....Feb 09 12:04
ZiggyFishwhat to say to this:Feb 09 12:04
ZiggyFishRag on it all you want, even though you haven't used it and know nothing about it. The market will prove Windows 7 to be Microsoft's most successful release since Windows 95.  It is the nail in the coffin for Linux on netbooks, the one in-road that Linux had and utterly wasted.Feb 09 12:04
schestowitzWell, I wish they well mostly.Feb 09 12:04
schestowitzZiggyFish: that's called "Slog"Feb 09 12:04
schestowitzI heard it about Vista/Longhorn all over the place in 05'-06'Feb 09 12:05
oiaohmLOLFeb 09 12:05
oiaohmLinux is unkillable.Feb 09 12:05
schestowitzEven in 07' it lasted for a while, but /REAL/ users were bitching enough to force Microsoft into the corner.Feb 09 12:05
oiaohmIs Windows 7 going to be embeded in BiosFeb 09 12:05
schestowitzIn early 2008 even gates and Ballmer gave up on pretense.Feb 09 12:05
oiaohmLinux is going to be by the time 7 gets released.Feb 09 12:05
oiaohmSo its here to stay.Feb 09 12:05
schestowitzoiaohm: they wanted toFeb 09 12:05
schestowitzThey didn't manage of courseFeb 09 12:05
schestowitzJust more vapourwareFeb 09 12:06
schestowitzThink about WinMinFeb 09 12:06
schestowitzOr other features that they /promised/ (to create a mythical image of an OS)Feb 09 12:06
oiaohmIssue here Linux wants MS fighting on motherboard embeded.Feb 09 12:06
oiaohmThere we can kick the crap out of MS.Feb 09 12:06
schestowitzIt's happening alreadyFeb 09 12:06
schestowitzPhoenix and ASUS taking the leadFeb 09 12:06
schestowitzMicrosoft is playing dirty ther.eFeb 09 12:06
oiaohmExactyFeb 09 12:07
oiaohmProblem is splashtop is currently just MS bate.Feb 09 12:07
schestowitz 09 12:07
oiaohmCome on to embed where OS's go at 1 cent a copy.Feb 09 12:07
schestowitzoiaohm: it isFeb 09 12:07
schestowitzThey fight itFeb 09 12:07
schestowitz 09 12:07
*mib_0jrey1 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 12:08
*mib_0jrey1 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 12:08
oiaohmAlso motherboard makers want to audit source code embeded.Feb 09 12:09
oiaohmBasically Linux next wave of attack.  Embeded in motherboard expanding there feature sets.Feb 09 12:09
oiaohmYou can already hack vista password from asus splashtops.Feb 09 12:10
schestowitzLearn from BeOSFeb 09 12:10
schestowitzMicrosoft will fight this tooth and nailFeb 09 12:10
oiaohmYes expectedFeb 09 12:10
oiaohmIssue here its not winning as such.Feb 09 12:10
oiaohmIts cutting MS profit lines.Feb 09 12:10
MinceRthey already are fighting all-outFeb 09 12:10
oiaohmIts like a game of chessFeb 09 12:11
oiaohmYou don't need to beat the other side if you can trick them into giving up there pieces for nothing.Feb 09 12:11
oiaohmIssue with Linux is that it does not have that many weakness.Feb 09 12:12
ZiggyFishwhat's a word to discribe the deals that Microsoft has with OEM?Feb 09 12:12
oiaohmmost of those deals are craking.Feb 09 12:13
oiaohmEmbed on motherboard saves having to teach back yarders how to install there first Linux too.Feb 09 12:14
schestowitzCollusion?Feb 09 12:14
schestowitzBlackmail? (using margins as a bargaining card)Feb 09 12:14
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, agreed.Feb 09 12:14
oiaohmAlso splashtop works as advertising to get people asking questions.Feb 09 12:15
oiaohmBeos failed because it really could not get it self in the markets face.Feb 09 12:15
MinceRit also helps inflate installed base numbers :>Feb 09 12:15
schestowitzoiaohm: no, illegal tacticsFeb 09 12:16
oiaohmIllegal tactics blocked people from interacting with it schestowitzFeb 09 12:16
oiaohmSo death happened.Feb 09 12:16
schestowitz 09 12:16
oiaohmHow can MS block motherboard makers.Feb 09 12:17
oiaohmYou cannot really threaten them Because without them you don't have a market.Feb 09 12:17
MinceRthey might threaten OEMs to not use mainboards from such manufacturersFeb 09 12:18
MinceRas long as there's a choiceFeb 09 12:18
schestowitzSee  €¶€¶13.-141Feb 09 12:18
oiaohmLinux embeded on motherboards.Feb 09 12:18
oiaohmSo threating OEMs don't remove it.Feb 09 12:18
MinceROEMs decide what mainboard to put into their computersFeb 09 12:18
oiaohmLinux has found the mega loop hole in MS defence.Feb 09 12:18
schestowitzۦ124; 137-141Feb 09 12:18
oiaohmPeople buy the motherboards with the Most features MinceRFeb 09 12:19
oiaohmYep nailedFeb 09 12:19
MinceRmost of the market is prebuilt PCs, isn't it?Feb 09 12:19
oiaohmStill people buy them with the most features.Feb 09 12:19
ZiggyFishdoes IBM's installable file system (IFS) work in kernel or userspace?Feb 09 12:19
oiaohmIf a dell has a feature the other one does at the same cost you buy the dell.Feb 09 12:19
oiaohmOpps left out a notFeb 09 12:20
MinceRm$ can manipulate costs thoughFeb 09 12:20
oiaohmMS can manipulate costs to there advantage or to there harm.Feb 09 12:28
oiaohmHmm wonder if expressgate installer works from reactos.Feb 09 12:32
oiaohmAs with all plans alway prepare plan B.Feb 09 12:33
ZiggyFishcentos looks good (played around with it today)Feb 09 12:33
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 12:36
oiaohmThere is one thing that annoys me about livecd installers they don't allow regetting of packages off them.Feb 09 12:40
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Feb 09 12:40
schestowitzZiggyFish: for desktop?Feb 09 12:43
ZiggyFishyeahFeb 09 12:46
oiaohmI am currently using debian 5Feb 09 12:47
ZiggyFishniceFeb 09 12:47
ZiggyFish'If only because of Microsoft's illegal, anti-competitive and collusive deals with OEMs that are under investigation by the EU.' sound good to the above statement from brendon?Feb 09 12:48
oiaohmThis is a tame OS to what I normally use.Feb 09 12:48
oiaohmI normally using openvz and 4 to 5 distributions side by side.Feb 09 12:48
schestowitzZiggyFish: the "OEMs are the delivery people"Feb 09 12:49
oiaohmAnnolying only 1 can have full 3d support at time.Feb 09 12:49
schestowitz 09 12:49
*ZiggyFish likes the name brendon, however it is spelled wrongly ;).Feb 09 12:50
oiaohmI am really looking forward to kernel mode switching and dri2 so I can start workign on a interface to all distributions in 1 system.Feb 09 12:50
ZiggyFishschestowitz: if all delivery people only offer one solution, how can other solutions succeed?Feb 09 12:52
MinceRoiaohm: can you switch full 3d support between them?Feb 09 12:56
*jeremy_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 12:56
ZiggyFishMinceR: that would be nice to see :)Feb 09 12:57
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 12:59
EruaranhiFeb 09 12:59
schestowitzHi, Eruaran Feb 09 13:00
Eruaranany interesting news ?Feb 09 13:01
schestowitzI'll do the next smoking gun shortly.. but needs caching... It's a matter of necessity. VPS would be expensive, so use distributed cache to handle the load (we deliver over 30k pages/day from only one quad-core server).Feb 09 13:01
EruaranokFeb 09 13:02
schestowitzWe might also do a bookFeb 09 13:02
Eruaranyou're certainly gathering quite a profileFeb 09 13:03
schestowitzThanks, I think we can organise information better. Also, time permits this now because I offload some academic workloads.Feb 09 13:04
schestowitzThere is hardly any news because the whole industry enters "brace" mode < >. This leaves room for creativity (things are otherwise static).Feb 09 13:05
oiaohmBy restarting and changing the dominate OS MinceR at moment.Feb 09 13:06
schestowitzSo the question is, write some literature or process more Comes? I guess both are related, so why not both? I'm waiting to hear from someone.Feb 09 13:06
oiaohmDRI2 and kernel mode switching opens up the way to avoid that evil.Feb 09 13:06
MinceRicFeb 09 13:06
oiaohmKernel mode switching allows multiable X11 server to be run.Feb 09 13:07
schestowitz4 years ago MATLAB approached me to suggest that I write a book, but it pretty much just serves them, the company, which makes non-Free software. But anyway, that was then when I was busy with the PhD. Times have changed.Feb 09 13:07
MinceRand for DRI2, the proprietary drivers would need to be changed, right?Feb 09 13:07
MinceReven for KMS?Feb 09 13:07
oiaohmNvidia's is going to be a bugger.Feb 09 13:07
schestowitzGreat news..!Feb 09 13:07
schestowitz 09 13:07
oiaohmATI VIA and Intel are well down the path to DRI2 and KMS drivers.Feb 09 13:08
schestowitzA recent report (last week) showed Linux gaining a lot in smartphones thanks to Android and today's there's this in LXer: 09 13:08
oiaohmGoogle is also out to win the OS war.Feb 09 13:12
EruaranI don't think Google is out to win any OS warFeb 09 13:14
schestowitzCloud maybe.Feb 09 13:14
schestowitzI.e. owning people's infoFeb 09 13:14
EruaranmaybeFeb 09 13:14
schestowitzWinning the hard-rive warsFeb 09 13:14
oiaohmGoogle needs to kill MS so MS cannot harm it.Feb 09 13:16
oiaohmThat is what Google would class as winning.Feb 09 13:16
EruaranCertainly charging people small fees for the use some of their cloud space is more up Google's alleyFeb 09 13:16
oiaohmNothing left alive to cause bias in the market other than them.Feb 09 13:16
Eruaranbut that might not be Google's goalFeb 09 13:16
ZiggyFishanyway it's 11:17pm here. time to go to bed, c ya all ( very very very very hot ), Victoria on Saturday got up to 47 C (and ATM their is a big bush fire down their and has cause 108 deaths already (and death toll is still rising). Lucky I live in Queensland though.Feb 09 13:16
Eruaranthey might prefer to have people freely use their cloud space and create a market in that space that they can monetize, weather advertising or whatever I dunno... I have come to expect the unexpectedFeb 09 13:17
*ZiggyFish ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 09 13:18
oiaohmHmm ZiggyFish and me might be near each other.Feb 09 13:18
oiaohmGoogle was not interested the the OS market before MS tried using it to get web search market share.Feb 09 13:19
schestowitzI'm surprises that there are penguins left in Aussie :-)Feb 09 13:20
schestowitz*risedFeb 09 13:20
oiaohmDon't underestermate how tough a penguin is.Feb 09 13:21
Eruaranlots of penguinsFeb 09 13:21
oiaohmLinus found out the hard way they have a beak and will use it.Feb 09 13:21
oiaohmI still remember seeing the news taht Linus has got bit.Feb 09 13:21
schestowitzHe always attends the Aussie confsFeb 09 13:21
schestowitzHe even ignores IDG's *cough cough* LinuxWorldFeb 09 13:21
EruaranThats cause its summer hereFeb 09 13:22
oiaohmOf course lead of samba and him is trouble.Feb 09 13:22
Eruaranwe had our hottest day on record on SaturdayFeb 09 13:22
schestowitzWhy? Andrew?Feb 09 13:22
schestowitz46?Feb 09 13:22
oiaohmYep AndrewFeb 09 13:22
EruaranAt Avalon the temp peaked at 47.8CFeb 09 13:22
oiaohmAndrew as with Linus the day he got penguin bit too.Feb 09 13:23
schestowitzDon't use the GPU too much :-)Feb 09 13:23
oiaohmas/wasFeb 09 13:23
Eruaran(Avalon is between Melbourne and Geelong)Feb 09 13:23
schestowitzWhen we had a sort of draught in August I kept checking the NVIDIA temperature meterFeb 09 13:23
EruaranThats 118.04FFeb 09 13:23
oiaohmI have only ever fried one Nvidia video card.Feb 09 13:24
oiaohmNot a wise move too motherboard with it.Feb 09 13:24
oiaohmtoo/tookFeb 09 13:24
schestowitzNow I'm just mostly cold here (around 0 degrees), so I occasionally go to my kitchen to make tea or soupFeb 09 13:24
schestowitzANyway, I have a secondary PC with a 2.x GHz CPU in case the main one gets fried and awaits replacement.Feb 09 13:25
oiaohmThat reminds me.Feb 09 13:26
oiaohmI need to save up for a tile64 card.Feb 09 13:26
schestowitzDoes it have support from many binaries?Feb 09 13:27
oiaohmLinux kernel runs on it schestowitzFeb 09 13:28
schestowitzYes, but what about appsFeb 09 13:28
oiaohmSo yes quite a few.  No video output.Feb 09 13:28
schestowitzI'm looking at their homepage again.Feb 09 13:28
schestowitz 09 13:28
schestowitzApplications: Advanced Networking,  Digital Video, Wireless InfrastructureFeb 09 13:29
oiaohmNetwork scanning like inline snort runs great on them.  Clamav demaon also runs great.  Some video rendering and custom gimp scripts.Feb 09 13:29
schestowitzIt's mostly for specialised system builders, I reckon.Feb 09 13:29
EruaranCrack Attack mocks meFeb 09 13:29
EruaranIt always says I win but I liesFeb 09 13:30
schestowitzWho's that?Feb 09 13:30
oiaohmAlso speeds up gcc hell load schestowitzFeb 09 13:30
EruaranIt toys with my emotionsFeb 09 13:30
EruaranCrack Attack (game)Feb 09 13:30
schestowitzoiaohm: ask Phoronix to do benchmarksFeb 09 13:30
*mib_gxx1sy (i=79011e62@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 13:31
schestowitz 09 13:31
mib_gxx1syhi may ger ger dire?Feb 09 13:31
*mib_gxx1sy has quit (Client Quit)Feb 09 13:31 ?Feb 09 13:34
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.)Feb 09 13:36
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schestowitzIRC makes good facility for quick trolling.Feb 09 13:36
*mib_jwqu9v (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 13:48
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*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 14:02
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schestowitz Asteroid bound for Earth! Warn your grandchildren 09 14:14
zer0c00li will make it as a bedtime story after 35 yearFeb 09 14:15
zer0c00l:)Feb 09 14:16
schestowitz 09 14:17
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellFeb 09 14:20
schestowitz new blog it seemsFeb 09 14:22
schestowitz 09 14:22
schestowitz Pioneer to quit flat-panel TVs < >Feb 09 14:29
schestowitz 09 14:31
*mib_ogdidh (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 14:32
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schestowitzFooty star sues Facebook over fake fascist profile < >Feb 09 14:34
schestowitz"Seagate terminated ex-CEO Bill Watkin's employment on 4 February and will pay him $5m according to SEC filings." 09 14:35
zer0c00lpaani puri funds infosys dreams http://interestingstuff-vinayak.blogspot...Feb 09 14:36
schestowitzHere's an outrage: 09 14:37
schestowitzInfosys is a Microsoft puppetFeb 09 14:38
zer0c00lyeahFeb 09 14:40
zer0c00l:)Feb 09 14:40
zer0c00lthey do things for microsoftFeb 09 14:40
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 14:41
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zer0c00lthe damn thing is here people respect infosys as one of the IT gaintFeb 09 14:43
zer0c00lyou cannot easily say anything against infosysFeb 09 14:43
schestowitzBecause they loot the people in exchange for wages? :-)Feb 09 14:45
schestowitzYou know, you could conduct some sort of analysis to show how their financial cycle is operated. For example, do they pay normal tax? Do they pursue foreign interests, e.g. with OOXML and software patents? What is the cost of avoiding FLOSS in India?Feb 09 14:46
zer0c00lyeahFeb 09 14:46
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 14:54
zer0c00lschestowitz: do you have any experience with mysql?Feb 09 15:24
zer0c00li am getting some errors hereFeb 09 15:25
zer0c00l[root@localhost db]# mysqladmin -u root -p passwordFeb 09 15:25
zer0c00lEnter password:Feb 09 15:25
zer0c00lmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failedFeb 09 15:25
zer0c00lerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'Feb 09 15:25
schestowitzI hardly use mysql from the CLI, except for sqldumpsFeb 09 15:28
zer0c00lphpmyadmin?Feb 09 15:31
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 15:34
schestowitzzer0c00l: that too.Feb 09 15:35
schestowitzWe've just made another front pageFeb 09 15:35
twittervery coolFeb 09 16:17
schestowitzI'll publish the next one when the server cools down.Feb 09 16:18
twitterThe Fairey story is nasty.  They are slapping down a prominent "trouble maker" to assert their authority.Feb 09 16:22
twitterI don't like graffiti, but even I can see the real issues in this case.Feb 09 16:23
twitterThe whole Culture Jamming thing is depressing.  It seems that the predators continue to win the battle and litter more and more of the world with their noxious advertising.Feb 09 16:26
twitterThe jammers have a short term impact but are swept away by the flow of tobacco and alcohol money.Feb 09 16:27
MinceRhas anyone, ever, in the world, managed to install the blight upon IT known as virtualbox from source?Feb 09 16:29
twitterno, I just use the debian packageFeb 09 16:30
MinceRwell, the newest OSE package i have for this machine contains a bug in the kernel module that corrupts memory and crashes the systemFeb 09 16:30
MinceRit's typical sun "open source", i guessFeb 09 16:31
twitterah, you might do better fixing the kernel module.Feb 09 16:31
MinceR"you can have the source but we'll be damned if you'll ever get any use from it!"Feb 09 16:31
MinceRor i might do better learning KVM and reinstalling my VMs thereFeb 09 16:31
twitterI doubt the problem is intentional, unless M$ put a mole in.Feb 09 16:32
MinceRm$ doesn't need any moles there, sun hates open source ever since it killed slowlaris.Feb 09 16:33
twitterNo malice is beyond M$.  Sabotage is all they have left.Feb 09 16:34
twitterSabotage may be all they ever had.Feb 09 16:35
twitterVirtualbox is slow without the kernel modules.  What are you trying to make work?Feb 09 16:35
MinceRi'm trying to install the newer version of the damn thingFeb 09 16:36
MinceRwhere this stupid bug is supposed to be fixedFeb 09 16:36
MinceRi've compiled itFeb 09 16:36
MinceRbut there's no way to install it or to make a binary packageFeb 09 16:36
MinceRso all i have is a pile of binaries in some directories with no information about where they should be putFeb 09 16:37
MinceRthere's a debian/ directory in the tarball but i don't know what to do with itFeb 09 16:37
MinceRi think the trick is that only the initiated can install itFeb 09 16:37
MinceRso anyone can have the source but it's uselessFeb 09 16:38
twitterI think I understand that part.  What do you want Virtualbox to do for you?Feb 09 16:39
twitterhave you tried the Debian source code package? 09 16:40
twitterIt seems to come with   /usr/share/doc/virtualbox-ose-source /README.DebiantG.xoBVQFeb 09 16:40
twitter /usr/share/doc/virtualbox-ose-source/README.DebianFeb 09 16:40
MinceRi want the damn thing to run and not crash my work pcFeb 09 16:41
MinceRi know, it's a lot to expectFeb 09 16:41
zer0c00lme too using virtual box..Feb 09 16:41
MinceRi'm not sure if the source package will work with a version of ubuntu it wasn't intended forFeb 09 16:41
zer0c00lbut never tried to compile it from sourceFeb 09 16:41
twitterThat is a lot to expect... better to learn on a non production machine.Feb 09 16:41
MinceRi don't have the time for that nowFeb 09 16:42
MinceRbesides, there's no way i'll let this piece of shit on my personal machine againFeb 09 16:42
MinceRi hope sun goes bankrupt soonFeb 09 16:42
twittersorryFeb 09 16:43
zer0c00lwhen i tried to install vbox on my friends showed up a strange error and some times sucksFeb 09 16:43
zer0c00l*quitFeb 09 16:43
twitterI have not had good experiences with kernel 2.6.26Feb 09 16:44
MinceRi don't have 2.6.26Feb 09 16:45
zer0c00ljust before i visited #mysql channel , those guys aren't helpfullFeb 09 16:46
zer0c00lwhen i tell my problems they are making fun of me :(Feb 09 16:46
MinceRi just avoid mysql when i canFeb 09 16:47
zer0c00li am fighting with it for last 3 hours with no luckFeb 09 16:47
zer0c00l:(Feb 09 16:47
zer0c00lits not letting me in with default passwordFeb 09 16:47
MinceRi'd just use the closed source version, but guess what, it's illegal to use for workFeb 09 16:57
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Feb 09 16:58
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 17:21
PetoKrausOh wellFeb 09 17:24
PetoKrausseems like Wine doesn't like the Open-Source ATI driversFeb 09 17:24
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 17:26
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toroshiFeb 09 18:01
schestowitzHi, toros Feb 09 18:09
*zer0c00l has quit (Excess Flood)Feb 09 18:11
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PetoKrausrightFeb 09 18:24
PetoKrauslist of bullshit blogs is increased yet againFeb 09 18:25
PetoKraus(to 4 so far)Feb 09 18:25
schestowitzWhich one/s?Feb 09 18:25
PetoKrausDana Blankenhorne, Mary Jo Foley, Bruce Byfield and the whole PCPro portalFeb 09 18:26
schestowitzGood list \0/Feb 09 18:45
trmancoomgFeb 09 18:50
trmancotoday I worked with SCO open serverFeb 09 18:50
torosSCO? Do they still exist? :)Feb 09 18:51
torosI tought nobody uses their products nowadays...Feb 09 18:52
trmancoit was an old computerFeb 09 18:56
twitterPCPro, lord.  I did not pay attention to author names for today's Slashdot flamebait story. 09 18:56
twitter Barry Collins.  What he wrote there deserves the highest BS rating possible.Feb 09 18:57
twitterFirefox is monopoly, don't punish M$.  Unbelievable.Feb 09 18:58
twitterSCO is funny.  So familiar, so primitive.Feb 09 19:00
torosPC Pro? Is this some kind of Windows fanboy magazine?Feb 09 19:03
twitterSeems to be.Feb 09 19:03
toros"PC Pro has installed Windows 7 Ultimate on two different netbook models, and found performance is largely unencumbered by running multiple applications. The netbooks were even capable of running advanced features such as Windows Media Center comfortably. "Feb 09 19:04
toros 09 19:05
twitternonstarter that's "comfortable" that's interesting.Feb 09 19:05
trmancoOpen Server from SCO has Microsoft references in itFeb 09 19:05
trmancoreferenced*Feb 09 19:06
schestowitzJust found Peter Plamondon, probably James' brotherFeb 09 19:27
*nottwo ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 09 19:27
schestowitzThere's also one where his colleague Marshall Goldberg appears. These are some of the Evil People.Feb 09 19:27
twitterThey are looking for another person like him.  Come help M$ destroy free software, 09 19:31
PetoKraushahaha royFeb 09 19:34
PetoKrausbrilliant virus sum-upFeb 09 19:34
PetoKrausyesterdayFeb 09 19:34
PetoKrausi just wonderFeb 09 19:35
PetoKrausLewis said city officials began to notice some of the effects of the virus on Wednesday and began a full-fledged effort to quarantine it on Thursday. It had the effect of severely slowing down the operations of computers, he said.Feb 09 19:36
PetoKrausone would think that is not gonna plop off whole French army network....Feb 09 19:36
schestowitzSee Houston.Feb 09 19:50
schestowitzHouston, we have a virus!Feb 09 19:51
PetoKrausyeahFeb 09 20:11
PetoKrausretardedFeb 09 20:11
PetoKrausand the OpenDNS thingFeb 09 20:11
*conley has quit ( 09 20:12
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*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 20:12
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trmancowhat's up with open dns?Feb 09 20:27
trmancodo you guys wanna know a secret? it OT btwFeb 09 20:31
schestowitzSureFeb 09 20:35
PetoKraustrmanco: they are offering to filter Conficker trafficFeb 09 20:35
PetoKrausor ratherFeb 09 20:35
PetoKrausto block the DNS entries conficker is connecting toFeb 09 20:36
PetoKrausor combinationFeb 09 20:36
PetoKrauscensorship++Feb 09 20:36
trmancowhat is "Conficker"?Feb 09 20:36
PetoKrausDownadupFeb 09 20:36
trmancoschestowitz, Today is my BdayFeb 09 20:36
*r0ver has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 20:40
schestowitztrmanco: oh! Happy bdayFeb 09 20:40
schestowitzWhich #?Feb 09 20:40
trmancothanksFeb 09 20:40
trmanco10Feb 09 20:41
trmanco+9Feb 09 20:41
*rami has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 09 20:41
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trmanco 09 21:04
schestowitzOK, I'm posting the next smoking gun. 09 21:05
schestowitzThanks, trmanco Feb 09 21:06
trmanco;)Feb 09 21:06
schestowitzSome people address this:Feb 09 21:09
schestowitzJust got a copy..Feb 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dear IETF: There appears to be a show-stopper in draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-07.txt It appears that the proposed standard is patent-encumbered."Feb 09 21:10
schestowitz"1) This violates the EU definition of open standard; 2) It hinders, and in some cases, prevents *use*, and use is what standards are about.  So as such it threatens to impair e-commerce and general web security; 3) It puts the IETF in a bad light to have allowed an apparently patent encumbered payload to get so far along in the standards discussion"Feb 09 21:10
schestowitz"The solution is to remove any items claimed to be patented, or else follow the EU's requirements for open standard and put in writing that there are no constraints on re-use.  Grant the copyright and patents irrevocably, royalty-free for implementation, use and distribution."Feb 09 21:10
-tomaw-[Global Notice] Hi all. One of our client (leaf) server sponsors is having network connectivity problems. We've removed the server from the DNS rotation until the issue is resolved. Sorry for the disruption and thanks for using freenode!Feb 09 21:15
schestowitzOk, it's another fp, i think... 09 21:16
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 21:17
schestowitzSocial media rush as Victorian bushfires rage < >Feb 09 21:31
schestowitzGoogle Offers Real-Time Map Of Australian Fires < >Feb 09 21:34
trmancoMicrosoft POS for .NET Overview | POS = Piece of sh*tFeb 09 21:42
trmanco 09 21:42
schestowitzLinux is big in POSFeb 09 21:50
schestowitzMicrosoft is chasing Linux like a doggie. Actually, SCO was once popular in POSesFeb 09 21:50
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 21:56
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 09 21:57
schestowitzOnce Again, The AP Tries To Redefine Fair Use; Goes After Shepard Fairey For Obama Poster < >Feb 09 22:07
*toros has quit ("leaving")Feb 09 22:09
*mib_s5nyq3 (i=51bf1f55@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 22:21
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trmancothanks schestowitz -> 09 22:28
schestowitzWhat utter idiocy.. ( Time for Kindle to go open source ) ... I found it in OStatic, I don't follow him anymore and now I see whyFeb 09 22:30
schestowitz "Russia and China have been identified as having the most active spy networks operating in the UK but it is understood that some European countries are also involved in espionage attacks against Britain."Feb 09 22:49
schestowitz "So I am now forbidden from trying to convince anybody about anything. God help this country."Feb 09 22:50
schestowitztrmanco: good news for Wine, you favoured project:  EVE Online ditches Linux Cedega client recommends Wine < >Feb 09 22:52
*metalmayhem420me ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 22:53
trmanco:DFeb 09 22:54
trmancothanksFeb 09 22:54
schestowitzHi, metalmayhem420me Feb 09 22:55
metalmayhem420mequiet in here..Feb 09 23:05
*GhostOfEruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 09 23:12
schestowitzmetalmayhem420me: sometimes it's more active, depending on events. I notice that there's another new Linux sub-notebook: 09 23:15
schestowitzAcer is meanwhile falling under the Microsoft collusion tour (no Linux in US)Feb 09 23:15
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 09 23:18
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MinceRgnFeb 09 23:31
schestowitzTomorrow's a big dayFeb 09 23:32
MinceRwhy?Feb 09 23:32
schestowitzForbes made up "In "The Open-Source Insurgency" gah! 09 23:33
*r0ver has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 09 23:33

Recent Techrights' Posts

In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
Links for the day
Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
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After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
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The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
Links 03/03/2025: Mass Layoffs in IBM China, Intel Still in Trouble
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3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
Links 02/03/2025: Day Off, POWER9, Console Challenge
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GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
Microsoft Windows Falls to All-Time Low in Thailand
We're seeing many all-time records like these so far in 2025
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: Snowdrop Flower and Hostile Leaders
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Links 02/03/2025: Microsoft Outlook Goes Offline, Foreign-Owned Social Control Media Interfering With Fair Elections
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According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
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Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
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Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
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Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
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Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025