This site currently exists to test out usage of the HTML 5 video and audio elements with the Ogg codecs. You'll need a browser that can playback Ogg media using <video> and <audio>. Firefox 3.1 nightly builds, Opera experimental builds and Safari with XiphQT installed can playback videos with varying degrees of success. Basic playback support for non-HTML5 compatible browsers is provided by the Java based Cortado player.
This is the Java Cortado Applet version of the video player. For a better playing experience you'll need a browser that can playback Ogg media using <video> and <audio>. Firefox 3.1 nightly builds, Opera experimental builds and Safari with XiphQT installed can playback videos with varying degrees of success.
2009-03-15 16:15:40
David Gerard
2009-03-15 16:21:45
Roy Schestowitz
2009-03-15 16:33:24
2009-03-15 19:14:30
David Gerard
2009-03-15 19:25:18
Roy Schestowitz
2009-03-15 20:34:20
Thanks, I've modified my template.