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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: May 6th, 2009 - Part 1


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DavidGerardmini microsoft is (obviously) interesting todayMay 06 00:00
oiaohmIt more interesting to see how many staff they can afford to lose.May 06 00:06
oiaohmThat would be a nasty line to take the ODF failure of MS Office.   "Is the Failure of ODF support a sign that MS lacks the staff to support there software any more?"May 06 00:08
oiaohmThat would be out of the pure rules of FUD.    Create Fear Uncerity so putting the company who did it at risk.May 06 00:10
*seller_liar (i=c95f3026@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 06 00:11
seller_liarwhat the extra moonlight clause measns?May 06 00:12
oiaohmLink to clause please seller_liarMay 06 00:14
seller_liarwaitMay 06 00:15
seller_liar In addition to the GNU LGPL, this code is available for relicensing for non-LGPL use, contact Novell for details (  We consider non-LGPL use instances where you use this on an embedded system where the end user is not able to upgrade the Moonlight installation or distribution that is part of your product (Section 6 and 7), you would have toMay 06 00:15
Balrog_wait a minuteMay 06 00:16
Balrog_they're trying to use LGPL 3 anti-tivoization without LGPL 3 patent clauseMay 06 00:16
seller_liarokMay 06 00:16
Balrog_:(May 06 00:16
oiaohmHang on that is breach of GPL.May 06 00:16
oiaohmYou are only allowed to use Section 6 and 7 in GPL to allow more than the licence would other wise let.   You cannot use Section 6 or 7 for limiting.May 06 00:17
seller_liarbut why not use lgpl v3 instead?May 06 00:17
Balrog_because of patent clausesMay 06 00:17
oiaohmNo LGPL licence is clear on that fact.May 06 00:17
seller_liarlgplv2 , not lgplv2.1 or lgplv3 protects microsoft-novell dealMay 06 00:18
oiaohmIf you want to limit you have to create a new licence like AGPL.May 06 00:18
oiaohmseller_liar that needs to go to the free software foundation.May 06 00:19
oiaohmNovell needs sueing.May 06 00:20
seller_liarOk, thanks I understandMay 06 00:20
seller_liarnovell does not use lgplv3 because of dealMay 06 00:20
oiaohmlgplv3 does not apply to any deal before its create.May 06 00:20
oiaohmSo novell could use it.  But they would not be able to make a future deal the same.May 06 00:21
seller_liarokMay 06 00:21
seller_liarBut I was thinkingMay 06 00:21
Balrog_wait a minuteMay 06 00:22
oiaohmseller_liar: will you email that off to the freesoftware foundation or do I.May 06 00:22
seller_liarProjects like dotgnu needs more attentionMay 06 00:22
Balrog_they're claiming that LGPL they're using forbids tivoizationMay 06 00:22
Balrog_"We only require licensing for uses of Mono and Moonlight on embedded systems, or systems where you are unable to fulfill the obligations of the GNU LGPL."May 06 00:22
oiaohmTivo uses LGPL.May 06 00:22
seller_liarThere's no need for this .I have understoodMay 06 00:22
oiaohmLGPL does not allow that split Balrog_May 06 00:23
oiaohmseller_liar: its illegal.May 06 00:23
seller_liarBut please, if you want ,send a email for sflc for more explanation about moondarknessMay 06 00:23
Balrog_or RMS himself?May 06 00:23
oiaohmPage link that its on seller_liarMay 06 00:23
seller_liarmaybe, But Sflc knows is betterMay 06 00:24
Balrog_okMay 06 00:24
oiaohmPart of my job I do embed stuff.May 06 00:24
seller_liaroiaohm: download moonlight and see the licenseMay 06 00:24
oiaohmOk now that is also a break of some countries laws where you must be able to see the licence before downloading.May 06 00:24
oiaohmOr the licence is rendered void.May 06 00:25
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 06 00:25
oiaohmThis is just getting worse.May 06 00:25
seller_liaryes ,Because I have not found the license before downloadMay 06 00:25
_Hicham_what is getting worse?May 06 00:25
oiaohmMono licencing it appears to completely screwed up.May 06 00:25
Balrog_ 06 00:26
_Hicham_is this just in?May 06 00:26
Balrog_Also they're combining LGPL and MS-PLMay 06 00:26
Balrog_not sure if that's ok ...May 06 00:26
_Hicham_MS-PL with GPL? what a shameMay 06 00:26
Balrog_see that licenseMay 06 00:27
Balrog_we're talking about the 'anti-tivoization provision in Moonlight's licenseMay 06 00:29
Balrog_oiaohm and seller_liar: still arond?May 06 00:29
Balrog_around *May 06 00:29
seller_liaryesMay 06 00:29
Balrog_okMay 06 00:30
Balrog_any ideas on what to do?May 06 00:30
Balrog_oh another thingMay 06 00:30
seller_liarsend a email to sflc about moonlightMay 06 00:31
seller_liar 06 00:31
Balrog_I was told that the GNU licenses page used to say that Ms-PL was gpl compatible, but they changed itMay 06 00:31
Balrog_anyone has past pages or that kind of info? wayback machine doesn't have itMay 06 00:31
Balrog_Also MS discriminates against GPL3 in their covenantMay 06 00:32
Balrog_<< “Moonlight Implementation” means only those specific portions of Moonlight 1.0 or Moonlight 1.1 that run only as a plug-in to a browser on a Personal Computer and are not licensed under GPLv3 or a Similar License. >>May 06 00:32
oiaohmMs-PL is only compatible under particular conditions.May 06 00:35
oiaohmThat case it would be.May 06 00:35
seller_liarsee groklawMay 06 00:35
Balrog_which are??May 06 00:35
Balrog_URL?May 06 00:35
seller_liargroklaw have a discussion of sflc about microsoft-novell covenantMay 06 00:35
oiaohmYou cannot link MS-PL and GPL into the same program source.May 06 00:35
oiaohmThat case they are independant parts so independant works.May 06 00:35
seller_liar 06 00:36
oiaohmSo compadible.May 06 00:36
oiaohmAdding conditions illegally to LGPL cannot be tollerated.May 06 00:36
oiaohmLGPL only can demard that you release your source code.May 06 00:36
Balrog_or claiming that LGPL2 forbids tivoizationMay 06 00:36
oiaohmThat is adding a illegal condition Balrog_May 06 00:37
Balrog_well it's worded as a claim, not a conditionMay 06 00:37
oiaohmLaw does not split on that.May 06 00:37
Balrog_ok.May 06 00:37
oiaohmTo the person reading is it a condition you would have every right to think you would have to follow.  If yes its a condition.May 06 00:38
oiaohmclaim is not a magical word under law.May 06 00:38
oiaohmI really suspect the MS-PL is the bit that truly forbids embeding.May 06 00:39
Balrog_this guy <> really messed with LGPL. That's why no one uses his software; it's basically unredistributableMay 06 00:40
*LastGuyonEarth ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 06 00:40
LastGuyonEarthGood afternoon.May 06 00:40
Balrog_oiaohm: but you can build Mono / Moonlight without Ms-PL stuff ....?May 06 00:40
oiaohmThey also counld have put it on the MIT licence section.May 06 00:41
oiaohmNothing illegal adding a condition there.May 06 00:41
Balrog_yes.May 06 00:41
LastGuyonEarthI personally dislike how the MIT license gets used anymore, though.May 06 00:41
LastGuyonEarthCase in point, the Cedega developers caused a lot of problems by forking off the Wine code a few years back.May 06 00:42
LastGuyonEarthAlthough come to think of it, I don't really use much of either anymore.May 06 00:42
LastGuyonEarthBut I digress.May 06 00:42
LastGuyonEarthWhat I'd really like to see is a Free alternative to Flash and Silverlight that uses Javascript and OGG.May 06 00:43
LastGuyonEarthMaybe someday.May 06 00:43
Balrog_why not <video> tags?May 06 00:43
oiaohmBalrog_ I agree on that distribution one.May 06 00:43
oiaohmI have been against that for a long time.May 06 00:43
Balrog_oiaohm: which exact one ... IonWM?May 06 00:43
LastGuyonEarthBalrog_: I personally like the <video> tags in the new firefox, but I'd just like to see a framework as a whole be developed as an alternative.May 06 00:44
oiaohmThere are thousands of packages effected by it.May 06 00:44
LastGuyonEarthIt'd be especially useful for animators that want to switch from Flash.May 06 00:44
Balrog_yes, and I think such tampering with LGPL is probably illegalMay 06 00:44
oiaohmIncluding wine that I do support for Balrog_May 06 00:44
oiaohmSome places of the GPL world we need court cases to sort it out.May 06 00:44
LastGuyonEarthI have to admit, though, a lot of GNU/Linux apps have become quite refined, I haven't really used Wine-apps for a while now.May 06 00:45
LastGuyonEarthThat said, one person can not represent a demographic.May 06 00:45
oiaohmThat the way I recommend it.May 06 00:45
oiaohmIf native tools can do it use them.May 06 00:45
oiaohmWine is more of a stop gap.May 06 00:45
LastGuyonEarthEspecially if they're GPL-compatible.May 06 00:45
LastGuyonEarthYeah.May 06 00:45
oiaohmWine is not the most cpu friendly thing either.May 06 00:45
LastGuyonEarthWhat I think Free Software really needs are simpler ways to develop games.May 06 00:45
oiaohmthat will be blender soon LastGuyonEarthMay 06 00:46
LastGuyonEarthThe gaming community itself has so much untapped potential for Free Software/Free CultureMay 06 00:46
LastGuyonEarthAh, nice.May 06 00:46
oiaohmBlender is basically getting flow chart coding.May 06 00:46
LastGuyonEarthSo long as it runs well, I can't complain.May 06 00:46
oiaohmAnd its game engine updated to run extreamly well.May 06 00:47
Balrog_we're stuck with this at school: 06 00:47
Balrog_connects to IR cameras for 3d motion trackingMay 06 00:47
Balrog_it's expensive proprietary software, and I don't know of any foss alternativeMay 06 00:47
LastGuyonEarthAh yep.May 06 00:47
LastGuyonEarthHmm.May 06 00:47
LastGuyonEarthWell, I think an important thing to keep in mind is that the basic apps ought to be covered with Free Software alternatives first.May 06 00:48
oiaohm  << look at stress test of new engine LastGuyonEarthMay 06 00:48
LastGuyonEarthDon't get me wrong, they're definitely getting there.May 06 00:48
LastGuyonEarthBut some apps/patents/licensing schemes are still largely problematic.May 06 00:49
Balrog_they also rely on VirtoolsMay 06 00:49
LastGuyonEarthAlso, packaging is still difficult for a third-party app vendor.May 06 00:49
Balrog_which costs a few thousandMay 06 00:49
LastGuyonEarth=(May 06 00:49
LastGuyonEarthMaybe someday. One can only hope.May 06 00:49
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm hopefully the new game editor in Blender will be highly extendible.May 06 00:50
DavidGerardBalrog_: the other reason no-one uses tuomov's software is because he's INSANE. he recently got kicked off the lists for batshitnessMay 06 00:50
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))May 06 00:50
DavidGerardthoguh before he did I splorfed at ajax responding to one of his rants "Also, time is actually cubical in nature."May 06 00:50
LastGuyonEarthlolMay 06 00:51
LastGuyonEarthTime is an abstract concept, in my opinion.May 06 00:51
DavidGerardi'm trying to think of the ultimate free unix distroMay 06 00:51
LastGuyonEarthOpenBSDMay 06 00:51
DavidGerardwe could get joerg schilling, tuomo v, hans reiser ...May 06 00:51
LastGuyonEarthNo binary blobs in it whatsoever.May 06 00:51
LastGuyonEarthThat said, I hear it's difficult to install.May 06 00:51
DavidGerardthey'd never be able to agree on the license, but that's okMay 06 00:52
oiaohmLastGuyonEarth: you have python engine on top of the flow chart coding so yep highly extendible.May 06 00:52
LastGuyonEarthI personally am hoping to switch to either BLAG or gNewSense sometime soonMay 06 00:52
Balrog_Jorg Schilling put together an unredistriutable app known as cdrecordMay 06 00:52
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm: awesome!May 06 00:52
DavidGerardLastGuyonEarth: nah, it's easy. it's command-line and does expect you to read the manuals.May 06 00:52
DavidGerardthat said, the manuals are EXCELLENT. really really good.May 06 00:52
Balrog_DavidGerard: easier than Gentoo? ;)May 06 00:52
LastGuyonEarthDavidGerard: Good to know!May 06 00:52
DavidGerardwhen i was learning solaris admin i'd read the openbsd man page to understand the command and the solaris man page for the switches on solarisMay 06 00:52
LastGuyonEarthAh, Solaris.May 06 00:53
LastGuyonEarthI quite enjoyed OpenSolaris for what it was.May 06 00:53
Balrog_(i,e, cdrtools)May 06 00:53
DavidGerardkey things about openbsd: 1. it does things properly. 2. it's very fussy.May 06 00:53
DavidGerarddoesn't work in some virtual machines because it's like a stress test for emulators.May 06 00:53
seller_liarvery hard to useMay 06 00:53
LastGuyonEarthInteresting.May 06 00:53
DavidGerardsome software just won't start on it.May 06 00:53
seller_liarunfriendly peopleMay 06 00:53
seller_liararrogant peopleMay 06 00:53
DavidGerardthey're ... uncompromising.May 06 00:53
oiaohm  Ok with 3d human tracking how stupid do you want to look LastGuyonEarthMay 06 00:53
seller_liaris not user friendlyMay 06 00:54
DavidGerardsolaris is industrial machinery.May 06 00:54
DavidGerardplus point: it's predictable.May 06 00:54
Balrog_... seller_liar: who do you mean? Solaris Gentoo or OpenBSD?May 06 00:54
seller_liardoes not have gui installer , a little few distrosaMay 06 00:54
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm: I beg your pardon?May 06 00:54
seller_liaropenbsdMay 06 00:54
Balrog_okMay 06 00:54
seller_liarWhy to worry about security ?May 06 00:54
DavidGerardthat said, if you want a seriously secure external facing machine, openbsd is it.May 06 00:54
LastGuyonEarthLOL!May 06 00:54
oiaohmOpps wrong personMay 06 00:55
seller_liaropenbsd people focuses in stupid things like securityMay 06 00:55
DavidGerardand it's a bsd unix, it's really not that hard to use, and bsd is nice to administerMay 06 00:55
oiaohmIt was Balrog_ who asked about 3d user tracking.May 06 00:55
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm: It's fine! No worries!May 06 00:55
Balrog_yes, it wasMay 06 00:55
Balrog_looks interestingMay 06 00:55
DavidGerardbecause it's an evil internetMay 06 00:55
LastGuyonEarthDavidGerard: It's not all evil.May 06 00:55
LastGuyonEarthThere's at least.May 06 00:55
Balrog_though they say "ARToolKit is made available freely for non-commercial use under the GNU General Public License. " which is contradictoryMay 06 00:55
oiaohmIt can do it single cammera as well Balrog_May 06 00:55
seller_liarDavidGerard: Evil is cause by humansMay 06 00:55
DavidGerardtheo de raadt is also fiercely dedicated to software freedom, even if he disagrees with rms almost by reflexMay 06 00:55
Balrog_should I fire off an email?May 06 00:56
oiaohmNot really.May 06 00:56
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Ah, but evil itself is defined by society, whom I disregard.May 06 00:56
seller_liarDavidGerard: Of course , human systems tooMay 06 00:56
oiaohmIf you want to use it closed soruce you can pay a licence Balrog_May 06 00:56
DavidGerardLastGuyonEarth: that works as long as society disregards youMay 06 00:56
seller_liarDavidGerard: Evil is cause by human and human systemsMay 06 00:56
Balrog_yes, but 'non-commercial' ...May 06 00:56
LastGuyonEarthDavidGerard: Works for me then.May 06 00:56
oiaohmIts another QT style licence Balrog_May 06 00:56
Balrog_okMay 06 00:56
seller_liarIf we stop to produce more and more system , evil disappearMay 06 00:56
oiaohmThey don't class open source as commerial.May 06 00:56
seller_liarof  course, not entirelyMay 06 00:57
DavidGerard20 people want to save Vista!May 06 00:57
seller_liarbecause the universe is a systemMay 06 00:57
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: I think "evil" is present regardless of a system or not.May 06 00:57
DavidGerardthat's actually quite a worryingly large numberMay 06 00:57
DavidGerard 06 00:57
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: People will always disagree and have struggles.May 06 00:57
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: noMay 06 00:57
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: If we stop to produce systems , the evil disappearMay 06 00:57
oiaohmLooking completely stupid with large processing power you can basically do human 3d tracking  with 1 cam.May 06 00:57
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: But it's not impossible to destroy all systemsMay 06 00:58
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Again, I don't see it that way. People will still kill another regardless of a system or not.May 06 00:58
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: But it's not possible to destroy all systemsMay 06 00:58
oiaohmSo far no one has designed a tracking suit that looks good.May 06 00:58
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth:For example , the human body is a systemMay 06 00:58
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm: Ah well, as long as they work.May 06 00:58
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: I define a body as an organism rather than just a system.May 06 00:59
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth:The language is a systemMay 06 00:59
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Political systems I usually disagree with.May 06 00:59
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Language is a structure in my opinion./May 06 00:59
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Of course, but is a systemMay 06 00:59
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: You don't go to prison for defying language, body functions, or physics necessarily.May 06 00:59
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: But then, definitions and language have always been tricky.May 06 01:00
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Evil is generated because of lack of control of systemsMay 06 01:00
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Human can not control all systemsMay 06 01:00
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: I believe Evil is generated because the system is flawed in the first place.May 06 01:00
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Or evil is simply labeled as such because it is misunderstood.May 06 01:01
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Yes law is a system .May 06 01:01
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: But ,I consider all things a systemMay 06 01:01
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Sometimes a very bad system.May 06 01:01
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Fair enough.May 06 01:01
seller_liaratoms ,cells, language, cultureMay 06 01:01
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: What about abstract concepts, such as quantum physics?May 06 01:01
seller_liarThe big problem is in this era , the human creates a lot of systemsMay 06 01:02
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Technically, they are a system, but they can only be thought of and calculated.May 06 01:02
seller_liarknowledge is a systemMay 06 01:02
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: I can't argue with that one. But knowledge is the greatest form of a system I've ever come across.May 06 01:02
seller_liarYes, but the big problem is not knowledge ,May 06 01:02
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: For knowledge redefines everything around you.May 06 01:03
seller_liarthe real problem is the excess of knowledge and systemsMay 06 01:03
seller_liarAll thing created in this world generates reactionsMay 06 01:03
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: I can understand systems, but I fail to see how an excess of knowledge hurt anyone.May 06 01:03
seller_liarMore knowledge = more powerMay 06 01:03
DavidGerardLastGuyonEarth: too much knowledge and you end up a wikipedia administratorMay 06 01:04
LastGuyonEarthDavidGerard: LOL!May 06 01:04
DavidGerardand trust me, your productive life is OVERMay 06 01:04
LastGuyonEarthI feel bad about what Wikipedia is becoming...May 06 01:04
seller_liarIf you have a lot of knowledge you have more powerMay 06 01:04
LastGuyonEarthSo censored anymore.May 06 01:04
seller_liar"Power corrupts"May 06 01:04
seller_liarbecause you are a human and cannot control all knowldge you haveMay 06 01:04
seller_liarAnd this generates evilMay 06 01:05
LastGuyonEarthBut I myself do not believe in Evil.May 06 01:05
LastGuyonEarthI only believe in misunderstanding.May 06 01:05
seller_liarevery power of this world generates reactionsMay 06 01:05
seller_liarthe difference isMay 06 01:05
seller_liarsome reaction the human can control , others do notMay 06 01:06
seller_liarthe others are called "evil"May 06 01:06
seller_liarfor exampleMay 06 01:06
seller_liarHuman creates carsMay 06 01:06
seller_liarIt's very powerful butMay 06 01:06
seller_liarthe evil is pollution ,greed , money , and car asccidentsMay 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthNo.May 06 01:07
seller_liarevery power generates reactionMay 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthThe only evil I believe in is Hate.May 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthFor Hate motivates all the terrible reactions of the world.May 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthSounds a bit hippie-ishMay 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthBut that's how I see things.May 06 01:07
seller_liarHate is lack of control tooMay 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthIs it?May 06 01:07
seller_liaran exampleMay 06 01:07
LastGuyonEarthOr is Hate taking control in a negative form?May 06 01:07
seller_liarA human bornMay 06 01:07
seller_liarThe human borns with hate or hate is created in human mindMay 06 01:08
seller_liarHuman does not born with hateMay 06 01:08
LastGuyonEarthAre they?May 06 01:08
seller_liarHate is generated  by other humansMay 06 01:08
LastGuyonEarthAgain, is it?May 06 01:08
LastGuyonEarthAre aggression and hate learned, or parially inherent?May 06 01:09
seller_liarFamily creates hate , hate creates hate, society creates hateMay 06 01:09
seller_liarAgression =! hateMay 06 01:09
LastGuyonEarthMisunderstanding creates hate.May 06 01:09
LastGuyonEarthAggression begets hate, and vice versa.May 06 01:09
seller_liarAgression is a power to defend human against obstaclesMay 06 01:09
seller_liarBut human does not control agression too much ,May 06 01:09
LastGuyonEarthI lump it with violence.May 06 01:09
seller_liarthe reaction is violenceMay 06 01:09
seller_liaryou seeMay 06 01:09
seller_liarPower:AgressionMay 06 01:10
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 06 01:10
seller_liarReaction not controleed by human: ViolenceMay 06 01:10
seller_liarReaction controlled by human: Self defenceMay 06 01:10
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: But what about racism, homophobes, and the like?May 06 01:10
LastGuyonEarthThat's partially created out of fear, which is a lack of power.May 06 01:10
LastGuyonEarthAnd yet, it creates Hate, too.May 06 01:10
seller_liarseller_liar: Agreesion + poor society systemMay 06 01:10
seller_liarreaction=RacismMay 06 01:10
seller_liarEverything is power and systemMay 06 01:11
seller_liarhuman is a systemMay 06 01:11
seller_liarthe universe is a systemMay 06 01:11
oiaohmI believe in Evil and good and a large shade of grey in middle.May 06 01:11
seller_liarPówer generates reactionsMay 06 01:11
LastGuyonEarthBut so does a lack of power.May 06 01:11
seller_liarReaction are controlled by humans or notMay 06 01:12
seller_liarReactions not  controlled by humans:evilMay 06 01:12
LastGuyonEarthDepends on the situation.May 06 01:12
*DavidGerard has quit ("Leaving")May 06 01:12
oiaohmEvil in my define is simple an action performed with the pure idea of doing harm without any valid motive.May 06 01:13
oiaohmSolider does not step out on the battle field to kill they step out to protect.May 06 01:13
oiaohmSo not Evil.May 06 01:13
oiaohmMass murder killing for the sport of it that is Evil.May 06 01:14
LastGuyonEarthI disagree.May 06 01:14
seller_liarWhy Humans harm "without" motiveMay 06 01:14
LastGuyonEarthIf everyone is going to die anyway, is taking a life necessarily evil?May 06 01:14
oiaohmDie is natural.   You dna will stop working at some point and you will die.May 06 01:14
seller_liarBad humans are a consequence of poor systemsMay 06 01:15
LastGuyonEarthDefine "Bad Human"May 06 01:15
seller_liaroiaohm: This is not evil , natural death  is a normal condition of humanMay 06 01:15
seller_liar"People wants to harm people"May 06 01:15
oiaohmIt goes aganist nature to harm your own kind without motive.May 06 01:16
LastGuyonEarthI guess I'm the odd one out, I have no qualms about someone going on a killing spree.May 06 01:16
seller_liarAll things in this world have a reasonMay 06 01:16
LastGuyonEarthWhat I detest rather is forcing people to live in pain.May 06 01:16
seller_liaroiaohm: But this is not trueMay 06 01:16
seller_liaroiaohm: All things of world have a reasonMay 06 01:16
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Nothing HAS to have a reason per se.May 06 01:17
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 06 01:17
LastGuyonEarthThings can just happen randomly for no particular reason.May 06 01:17
LastGuyonEarthI personally am a fan of that.May 06 01:17
seller_liaroiaohm: Every things have a reasonMay 06 01:17
oiaohmThere is no reason for people to live in pain.May 06 01:17
LastGuyonEarthRight.May 06 01:17
seller_liaroiaohm:WrongMay 06 01:18
oiaohmThat is what medical induced comas are for.May 06 01:18
Balrog_seller_liar: things happen based on a probalistic natureMay 06 01:18
Balrog_at least in partMay 06 01:18
seller_liarbalrog: all probalistic nature is predictableMay 06 01:18
Balrog_seller_liar: you can predict that there's a 15% chance that something will happenMay 06 01:18
Balrog_but that's not predictabilityMay 06 01:18
LastGuyonEarthBalrog_: LOL!May 06 01:18
Balrog_there's a 85% chance it won't happenMay 06 01:19
seller_liaroiaohm: I'm not a god ,but this is predictableMay 06 01:19
Balrog_nature is like this ... once you get into quantum mechanics, it's commonplaceMay 06 01:19
*Balrog_ is a physics student ;)May 06 01:19
oiaohmHumans themselves are not random.May 06 01:19
LastGuyonEarthI love quantum mechanics.May 06 01:19
seller_liaroiaohm: All things have a destinyMay 06 01:19
_Hicham_there is no probalistic thingMay 06 01:19
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: As I heard in a movie: "There is a fate, it's what you create."May 06 01:19
_Hicham_Einstein died trying to prove itMay 06 01:20
LastGuyonEarthEinstein cribbed a lot of theoretical work.May 06 01:20
seller_liarseller_liar: All things have destinyMay 06 01:20
Balrog__Hicham_: heard of quantum entanglement?May 06 01:20
LastGuyonEarthI don't personally respect Einstein entirely.May 06 01:20
seller_liarbut only god knowsMay 06 01:20
LastGuyonEarthI'm an Atheist. ;)May 06 01:20
Balrog_and the EPR paradox?May 06 01:20
LastGuyonEarthWell no, actually I'm Pastafarian.May 06 01:20
seller_liarBut I will talk about eviMay 06 01:20
_Hicham_Einstein wasn't convinced by the probalistic aspect of quantum physicsMay 06 01:20
seller_liarEvil is generated by systemsMay 06 01:21
oiaohmI love the old test I did where I had 2 object on a table and a physicollagly lecturer.  An said throw 1 of them away.  Only one problem I had a list of actions the person would attempt to do.May 06 01:21
seller_liarWe cannot live without systemsMay 06 01:21
_Hicham_but the thing is that no one could prove itMay 06 01:21
oiaohmHumans are not random.May 06 01:21
_Hicham_probability is still a mysterious notionMay 06 01:21
oiaohmWe only think we are.May 06 01:21
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm: Sure they are! WAFFLES POTATOES!May 06 01:21
_Hicham_nothing is randomMay 06 01:21
seller_liarBecause we are a system ,atoms are system ,materia is a systemMay 06 01:21
_Hicham_everything is well computedMay 06 01:22
seller_liarall technology is a systemMay 06 01:22
_Hicham_nature can't be randomMay 06 01:22
LastGuyonEarthWhy not?May 06 01:22
LastGuyonEarthThere's nothing wrong with being random.May 06 01:22
_Hicham_there was ( and still ) a big debate about that in the USMay 06 01:22
oiaohmLastGuyonEarth: even that statement sure they are is not random.May 06 01:22
_Hicham_intelligent design vs darwinismMay 06 01:22
LastGuyonEarthoiaohm: I know, it was a joke.May 06 01:22
LastGuyonEarthDarwinism FTW.May 06 01:22
oiaohmIf I knew enough your back ground history the answer as predictable LastGuyonEarthMay 06 01:22
Balrog_random and probalistic are two different thingsMay 06 01:22
Balrog_the latter is predictableMay 06 01:23
seller_liarDarwinism is used by capitalists .I don tl ike itMay 06 01:23
oiaohmHumans are part DNA and Part there experisneces and part there brain malfuctions.May 06 01:23
LastGuyonEarthSorry, what?May 06 01:23
seller_liarDarwinism is used by capitalists .I don t  like itMay 06 01:23
LastGuyonEarthID is used by capitalists, as they have the largest percentile of theists.May 06 01:23
oiaohmNot really random.May 06 01:23
_Hicham_if you have enough data, you can predict anythingMay 06 01:23
seller_liarEvolution  is a quest of luck and bad luckMay 06 01:24
LastGuyonEarthIt's the best we've got.May 06 01:24
oiaohmEvil actions from people are normally made.May 06 01:24
LastGuyonEarthEvil is only defined by other people.May 06 01:24
seller_liaroiaohm: Because human body is a system , human cannot control human entirelyMay 06 01:24
LastGuyonEarthIf I shot a man who tried to kill one of my children, am I evil?May 06 01:24
LastGuyonEarthI technically just killed somebody, but to save another.May 06 01:24
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: YesMay 06 01:25
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: Ah, I see. You're a Moral AbsolutistMay 06 01:25
seller_liarBecause you not stoped that human beforeMay 06 01:25
LastGuyonEarthMuch like Rorschach from Watchmen.May 06 01:25
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Success)May 06 01:25
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: NoMay 06 01:25
_Hicham_LastGuyonEarch : you should avoid killingMay 06 01:25
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: For exampleMay 06 01:25
LastGuyonEarthSays who?May 06 01:25
oiaohmWhat if you were shooting at the wrong guy LastGuyonEarthMay 06 01:25
oiaohmLike his twin.May 06 01:26
LastGuyonEarthI personally will kill if I want to, that's part of human nature. It's been that way for thousands of years.May 06 01:26
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Why this human have killed your childrenMay 06 01:26
oiaohmRemember I said humans are part dna and part how they are raised.May 06 01:26
LastGuyonEarthYes.May 06 01:26
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Why this human have killed your children?May 06 01:26
_Hicham_you can't kill if u want toMay 06 01:26
LastGuyonEarthWhy does it matter, the point is that they're theoretically dead.May 06 01:26
oiaohmBase human nature from DNA normally does not include kill.May 06 01:27
seller_liarBecause he is crazy, right?May 06 01:27
LastGuyonEarth_Hicham_: Sure I can.May 06 01:27
seller_liarButMay 06 01:27
seller_liarWhy this man is crazy?May 06 01:27
LastGuyonEarthBecause you labeled him as "Evil"?May 06 01:27
_Hicham_LastGuyonEarth : you don't control yourself entirelyMay 06 01:27
seller_liarWhy you were not able to prevent it was crazyMay 06 01:28
_Hicham_to kill, certain conditions must be fulfilledMay 06 01:28
LastGuyonEarth_Hicham_: As defined by you. Perhaps I have more control.May 06 01:28
oiaohmThere are rare people who are basically born with the nature to kill.   Most of them end up as mass murders.May 06 01:28
seller_liarBefore building a family, you must live in a good systemMay 06 01:28
seller_liarYou did not ensure that the world has not insaneMay 06 01:28
seller_liarYou did not ensure that the world has not crazy peopleMay 06 01:29
seller_liarHenceMay 06 01:29
oiaohmTo kill you need lack of empthy with what you are killing.May 06 01:29
_Hicham_and to be healthyMay 06 01:29
seller_liarYou should spend time improving the world before building a familyMay 06 01:29
seller_liarHelping the world is ...May 06 01:29
seller_liaruse free softwareMay 06 01:30
oiaohmMost people cannot kill cattle and the like let alone humans.May 06 01:30
_Hicham_LastGuyonEarth : can u kill if u lose ur eyes?May 06 01:30
seller_liarrecycle lixMay 06 01:30
LastGuyonEarth_Hicham_: Sure!May 06 01:30
seller_liarrecycle wasteMay 06 01:30
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: It?May 06 01:30
seller_liarDid you understand?May 06 01:30
oiaohmNormal Humans must justify there actions so they can Kill.May 06 01:30
LastGuyonEarthThey don't have to.May 06 01:31
oiaohmIts a must.May 06 01:31
LastGuyonEarthNormal is a definition of an accepted norm by society.May 06 01:31
oiaohmIf your brain is working right.May 06 01:31
LastGuyonEarthWhich is largely Capitalist and overly consumerist.May 06 01:31
oiaohmIts a requirement.May 06 01:31
LastGuyonEarthNo, it's a precondition.May 06 01:31
_Hicham_LastGuyonEarth : where do u live?*May 06 01:31
seller_liarLastGuyonEarth: Men dee crazy because there are lack of control in the systemMay 06 01:31
oiaohmOver time you can desentise and shorting the process.May 06 01:31
LastGuyonEarth_Hicham_: United States. I hate it here.May 06 01:31
oiaohmBasically its a natural built in lock.May 06 01:32
seller_liarIf you change the system, will not have more men crazyMay 06 01:32
LastGuyonEarthDefine crazy.May 06 01:32
oiaohmWe just have the means of unlocking it.May 06 01:32
oiaohmBasically more you kill the simpler it becomes.May 06 01:32
seller_liarBrain abnormalityMay 06 01:32
LastGuyonEarthDefine abnormality now.May 06 01:32
seller_liarYou can prevent this happeningMay 06 01:33
LastGuyonEarthSomething that doesn't fit in with the norm.May 06 01:33
seller_liarInvesting more time on ethicsMay 06 01:33
LastGuyonEarthWhile I'm personally all for ethics.May 06 01:33
seller_liarIf the world is more health and educationMay 06 01:33
oiaohmSorry people who never had empthy there is a section of brain that is never active LastGuyonEarthMay 06 01:33
seller_liarmen not born or grow madMay 06 01:33
seller_liarFinallyMay 06 01:33
seller_liarsorryMay 06 01:33
oiaohmSo yes its a abnormality.May 06 01:33
seller_liarAfter allMay 06 01:34
oiaohmYou can either be born a killer.May 06 01:34
seller_liarall evil is generated because systemsMay 06 01:34
oiaohmOr develop into one.May 06 01:34
seller_liarYou can prevent born killersMay 06 01:34
seller_liarYou can prevent murderers growMay 06 01:34
LastGuyonEarthHow?May 06 01:34
LastGuyonEarthAbort them?May 06 01:34
LastGuyonEarthThat's no better than killing someone.May 06 01:35
seller_liarNoMay 06 01:35
seller_liarInvesting in healthMay 06 01:35
_Hicham_by educating peopoleMay 06 01:35
seller_liarYesMay 06 01:35
LastGuyonEarthRegardless of that, there will always be killers.May 06 01:35
oiaohmIf you know what they are you can also be aware of there state.May 06 01:35
LastGuyonEarthThat's my stance of beliefs.May 06 01:35
oiaohmSo no giving them weapons.May 06 01:35
LastGuyonEarthThey'd still kill.May 06 01:35
LastGuyonEarthFashion their own weapons.May 06 01:35
oiaohmNot exactly.May 06 01:36
LastGuyonEarthTo rob someone of a right to have a weapon simply is a restriction upon the human condition.May 06 01:36
oiaohmThey are not born with the skill todo that.May 06 01:36
seller_liarSo, before you build a family invests in ethicsMay 06 01:36
seller_liarEthics is a must!May 06 01:36
oiaohmTo be correct there are some paper pushing jobs born killers are good at.May 06 01:36
seller_liarA gun is a powerMay 06 01:36
LastGuyonEarthA great power.May 06 01:36
seller_liarAll power has reactionsMay 06 01:36
oiaohmLike sorting out what staff should be fired.May 06 01:36
LastGuyonEarthseller_liar: You're a repetitive one, aren't you?May 06 01:37
seller_liarThe gun creates a reactionMay 06 01:37
seller_liarNoMay 06 01:37
seller_liarThe man has no control over angerMay 06 01:37
LastGuyonEarthSure he does.May 06 01:37
oiaohmKiller nature is only a problem if they get given the skills to use it to do harm.May 06 01:37
seller_liarAnd USA has the powerMay 06 01:37
LastGuyonEarthHe can choose to be angry or blow it off.May 06 01:37
LastGuyonEarthAnd not care about it.May 06 01:37
oiaohmIf they are given the right skills they are useful.May 06 01:37
seller_liarFew men have control over angerMay 06 01:38
LastGuyonEarthProve it.May 06 01:38
oiaohmThat depends on culture seller_liarMay 06 01:38
LastGuyonEarthGive me hard, empirical evidence that humans cannot control anger.May 06 01:38
seller_liarThe company does not guarantee that all men have control over their bodiesMay 06 01:38
seller_liarSorryMay 06 01:38
oiaohmbuddist cultures have the lowest ammount of anger probems.May 06 01:38
seller_liarThe society does not guarantee that all men have control over their bnodiesMay 06 01:38
oiaohmLot of Cultures don't demard it.May 06 01:39
LastGuyonEarthMany Western religions seem to.May 06 01:39
seller_liarHaving a gun is a powerMay 06 01:39
LastGuyonEarth"Don't be angry, but KILL INFIDELS!"May 06 01:39
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 06 01:39
oiaohmNice myth there about gun and power.May 06 01:39
LastGuyonEarthlolMay 06 01:40
LastGuyonEarthWell, glad that's over.May 06 01:40
oiaohmHaving a gun does not give a person power.   Only the power to threaten.May 06 01:40
_Hicham_having a gun is cowardiceMay 06 01:40
oiaohmProblem is how will the threated person respond.May 06 01:40
LastGuyonEarthI prefer fist-fighting myself.May 06 01:40
_Hicham_fist fighting and swords are greatMay 06 01:41
oiaohmFighting with fist also is a failure why use fist.   There are other ways to win.May 06 01:41
oiaohmThat are less harmful.May 06 01:41
LastGuyonEarthOn the contrary, physical violence is great.May 06 01:41
LastGuyonEarthWithout weapons.May 06 01:41
LastGuyonEarthIt's a clean fight, and I can't help but respect that.May 06 01:42
_Hicham_do u practive any sport?May 06 01:42
LastGuyonEarthNope.May 06 01:42
oiaohmIf you know what is called death touch you can basically stop someones hart then use another presure point to restart it taking away there physical strenth for about 8 hours.May 06 01:42
LastGuyonEarthUnless you consider bar-fighting a sport.May 06 01:42
oiaohmEnd result is not a single bit of physical damage to person you did it on.May 06 01:43
LastGuyonEarthI like that.May 06 01:43
oiaohmBasically humans are incompetent.May 06 01:44
_Hicham_oiaohm : u should practice kung-fuMay 06 01:44
LastGuyonEarthHicham: There's a kung-fu school about 30 mins away from here, it's really legit.May 06 01:44
LastGuyonEarthPart of training is that you just carry cinder blocks everywhere with you for a few weeks.May 06 01:44
LastGuyonEarthI seriously want to get into it.May 06 01:45
_Hicham_go aheadMay 06 01:46
oiaohmI am a staff and walking stick fighter in weapons.May 06 01:46
oiaohmI still remember using a hooked walking stick to take a top of one martial arts feet and proceed to walk of draging him with stick over shoulder.May 06 01:47
oiaohmWhat use is a sword if you risk cutting your own foot off.May 06 01:47
LastGuyonEarthRobot feet.May 06 01:48
oiaohmBladed weapons are designed to kill.May 06 01:48
LastGuyonEarthSo are well-formed firsts.May 06 01:48
oiaohmstaff and walking stick can be used to kill or capture.May 06 01:48
LastGuyonEarth*fistsMay 06 01:49
LastGuyonEarthWow.May 06 01:49
oiaohmI prefer my attacker alive to question.May 06 01:49
oiaohmThey might not prefer it of course that as part of questioning I can be breaking arms.May 06 01:50
LastGuyonEarthEh.May 06 01:51
LastGuyonEarthWhatever floats your boat.May 06 01:52
oiaohmNo one who has attacked me has end up dead.May 06 01:52
oiaohmsome badly regret it.May 06 01:52
LastGuyonEarthYeah.May 06 01:57
LastGuyonEarthWell hey, I'm gonna pop out for a bit, I'm re-encoding all my videos in OGG Theora to throw up onto and Miro.May 06 01:57
LastGuyonEarthLater!May 06 01:57
*LastGuyonEarth has quit ("Leaving")May 06 01:57
_Hicham_oiaohm : have u worked with OpenGL before?May 06 01:59
oiaohmMost of the time not direct _Hicham_May 06 02:00
oiaohmI normally use a 3d engine of some form.May 06 02:00
_Hicham_is it possible to use two OpenGL viewports simultaneously on X11?May 06 02:01
oiaohmYes and no answer there.May 06 02:02
oiaohmIt dependant on video card drivers.May 06 02:02
_Hicham_what about r300 driver?May 06 02:02
oiaohmDRI 1 design is trying to get rid of only supports 1 viewport.May 06 02:03
oiaohmStablely.May 06 02:03
oiaohmI guess the open source drivers _Hicham_?May 06 02:03
_Hicham_yesMay 06 02:03
oiaohmThey have not updated to DRI 2 last time I checked.May 06 02:03
oiaohmDRI2 allows as many as you like.May 06 02:04
_Hicham_what about xserver 1.6?May 06 02:04
oiaohmxserver 1.6 can operate in DRI1 or DRI2 mode.May 06 02:04
_Hicham_Fedora and Ubuntu are including itMay 06 02:04
_Hicham_I will upgrade to Fedora 11 beta to take advantage of itMay 06 02:05
oiaohmIts purely mode releated.May 06 02:05
oiaohmAnd if r300 drivers work fully on DRI2 yet.May 06 02:05
oiaohmIt should be all sorted out by end of year.May 06 02:05

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