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Links 18/06/2009: Kindle Opens, Linux 2.6.31 in the Details

GNOME bluefish



  • FAQ: What to know about Moblin
    Moblin is a collection of open-source projects, including the Linux kernel, and made available in the Linux Standard Base (LSB) RPM packaging format. The beta of the Moblin 2.0 operating system was released earlier this month, and supports netbooks and net-tops. But the target is much broader, including personal devices, television, and in-vehicle automotive computing.

  • PARIS AIR SHOW: Linux control and heavy fuel engines for KillerBee
    The company's small tactical unmanned aircraft systems (STUAS) ground control station, which Raytheon describes as a variant of the US Navy's Tactical Control System, uses the Linux operating system.

    The common datalink is designed to be interoperable with open architecture networks and KillerBee used it to relay video from 4,500ft (1,370m) to a ground station over 93km (50nm) away. In a similar test the Linux ground control station provided target information to a distant soldier equipped with a Javelin anti-tank guided weapon. Following the Yuma flights, Raytheon's engine will now undergo full qualification flight tests.

  • Druvaa Insync v3 Now Available On Linux Platform
    Druvaa, a provider of state of the art data safeguarding and back up solutions, recently announced the much awaited commercial availability of the Druvaa Insync version 3 on the Linux Platform. The Druvaa Insync is a completely mechanized laptop backing application, which helps companies safeguard its data for both on-site and off-site workers.


    In the new Linux version, the graphical user interface is unchanged.

  • Linux Against Poverty: The Update.
    The date is approaching, and we’re ready to kick Linux Against Poverty into high gear.

    For our friends in other cities, we’ve made a few changes. The initial Linux Against Poverty event will be in Austin only.

  • CompuTex Linux found in Israel
    So, what happened?
    As a result of the show we received an initial order from one OEM for 400 licenses for test purposes. If the test succeeds, follow-up order will be for 10,000 copies. Five other OEM’s are in the stages of technical qualification. Once this step is complete, we expect orders to come in from Taiwan, Malaysia and Latin America.

  • Linux on a stick
    The compact and flexible nature of the Linux Kernel, plus the fact that it and all its support code is modular open source, means it lends itself very well to stripped down small and efficient distributions. This article explores a few of these distributions and explains just how useful they can be

  • Linux Outlaws 97 - Clickety-Clack
    This week the Outlaws discuss the resurgence of the Mono wars, fussing over leaked albums, Squirrels on Leo Laporte’s face, USB 3.0 and multi-touch in Linux, the browserless edition of Win7 for Europe and there’s also some hockey talk and more.

  • Desktop

    • Seneca an open source leader
      For those who may be unfamiliar with open source software, it refers to the public release of code used to produce various software. Therefore, people can make modifications to the software to improve it or make it specific to their needs. Popular examples of this type of software are Mozilla’s Firefox Internet browser and the Linux operating system.

    • What is the best Linux distribution for beginners
      To conclude I would say this: the easiest Linux distribution to install and use for beginners is Linux Mint, however if you want professional support or commercial applications the best Linux distribution for a beginner is Ubuntu. If you want an easy install "just to try Linux" you should use Linux Mint.

    • Still a minute faster
      Back in March, I compared the load times for Windows XP and Fedora 10 on different hardware, and found that Linux booted about a minute faster. The fact that I had to run the test on different hardware was because I have to run Windows on my work laptop, but my wife happily runs Linux on her laptop at home. But it was still interesting that Linux booted faster on much older hardware (2005: IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T43, Intel Centrino CPU @ 1.86 GHz, 512MB memory) compared to the newer laptop running Windows (2008: Dell Latitude D430, Intel Core2 CPU @ 1.20GHz, 2GB memory).

    • Ubuntu, OpenX Chiefs Talk OS, Search Disruption
      To Mark Shuttleworth, CEO of Canonical -- the lead commercial backer of the Ubuntu Linux distribution -- squaring off against Windows is a battle worth fighting.

      "The operating system is the intersection of so many things in technology," Shuttleworth said here at Wired's Disruptive by Design conference. "It's where software meets technology."

      And as Shuttleworth sees it, he and others who have built their businesses around open source -- Canonical provides premium, paid services around Ubuntu in addition to supporting the OS's development -- have an distinct advantage against the Microsofts of the world.

  • Server

    • Survey Predicts Continued Strong Growth of Linux Use on Mainframes
      The study surveyed 100 IT executives and managers at companies with at least $2 billion in annual revenue about their use of the Linux operating system on IBM mainframes. 93% of respondents projected that their use of IBM's IFL (Integrated Facility for Linux) specialty mainframe processor would increase or at least remain steady over the course of the next two years. 42% projected that their use of the IFL would grow between 21% and 40%, and 10% projected that it would grow more than 76%.

    • Alfresco, ParaScale Team Up for Content as a Service in the Cloud
      "This lowers costs both by eliminating a layer of servers to run Alfresco as well as by allowing the usage of commodity-priced storage," Krishnan said. "ParaScale's storage nodes are standard Linux servers, and it took zero effort for Alfresco to bring up their application directly on ParaScale's storage servers."

  • Kernel Space

    • TTM, Radeon KMS Support Goes Into Linux 2.6.31
      Last week a pull request went in to bring support in the Linux 2.6.31 kernel for Radeon kernel mode-setting and TTM memory management. This initial work was proposed to enter the Linux kernel as a staging driver and then be setup as a proper Linux kernel driver in the next release, Linux 2.6.32.

    • NVIDIA Privately Releases OpenCL Linux Driver
      Back in May we shared that NVIDIA was readying its OpenCL Linux driver and had submitted their OpenCL 1.0 NVIDIA drivers to the Khronos Group for certification. As of this morning, NVIDIA has now released its OpenCL driver for Linux (and Windows), but it's only available if you are a registered NVIDIA developer. Developers of hand-helds, games, workstations, and GPU computing are able to apply and if you are lucky you will get your hands on the OpenCL binary driver.

    • Linux Plumbers 2009
      In case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last several months, I’d like to remind you that the Linux Plumbers Conference is currently soliciting submissions for the following tracks:

      1. Audio: Lennart Poettering 2. Boot and Init: Dave Jones 3. Embedded Systems: Greg Kroah-Hartman and David Woodhouse 4. Energy Efficiency, Performance, and Power Management 5. Inter-Distributor Cooperation: James Bottomley

  • Applications

    • Mumbles Brings (More) Growl-Like Notifications to Linux
      Linux: Ubuntu 9.04 introduced a set of upper-corner notifications similar to Growl, but they lack for customization in both appearance and usability. Mumbles aims to bring a true Growl-like experience to Linux desktops.

    • Songbird 1.2 is here
      Songbird 1.2 focuses on improving library management and provides full integration with iTunes, in case you want to live in both worlds. We continue to listen to your feedback on Get Satisfaction, our blog and Bugzilla. Please let us know what’s important to you.

    • Stream Music With Subsonic

    • Install more then 100 games in one command with Djl

    • VirtualBox 3.0 Beta Brings SMP, OpenGL 2.0
      Sun Microsystems has announced the first beta release of VirtualBox 3.0 Beta 1. The major additions to VirtualBox 3.0 so far is guest SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing) support for up to 32 virtual CPUs, Windows guests now support Direct3D 8/9 applications and games, and there is now OpenGL 2.0 support for Windows, Linux, and Solaris guests.

    • GAP for GIMP 2.6 released
      GAP is a collection of GIMP plugins that make it possible to create animations as sequences of single frames. The result can be saved as animated GIF, AVI or MPEG file (external libraries are used for this).

    • 5 Ways to Contribute to GIMP
      GIMP, just like any other free software that runs under GNU project, is open to community based contributions and suggestions by users. There are various ways in which a user can contribute to GIMP–some of them are technical and some of them can be adopted by non-technical users also.

    • Web Browsers

      • The Conkeror Web Browser Conquers Small Screens
        Conkeror is a Web browser with an Emacs-style look, feel and configuration. It uses Firefox's HTML rendering engine and works with most Firefox extensions, but it provides a keyboard-driven interface and makes excellent use of screen space. It's a fitting Web browser for Netbooks with their imprecise touchpads and small screens. Conkeror uses the same free software license as Firefox.

      • Mozilla pushes Firefox 3.5 RC to beta testers
        If you've been using the Firefox 3.5 beta, you now get to upgrade to the release candidate for Firefox 3.5.

      • Firefox 3.5 RC1 emerges
        The Mozilla developers have released the first release candidate (RC1) of version 3.5 of their open source Firefox web browser, code named "Shiretoko". The release, currently only available to Firefox 3.5 beta and preview users, includes several new features and performance improvements.

      • about:mozilla - Service Week, New AMO, Community store, 3.5 demos, FSOSS, audio/video, Design Challenge, Weave, Jetpack, Personas, and more…
        # Mozilla Service Week launches! # New AMO and Add-on collections # Show us your speed # Get creative with the Firefox 3.5 launch # Firefox 3.5 feature demos # Update to Firefox 3.0.11 now available # FSOSS 2009 accepting proposals # Commit access policy revised # Audio and video elements and assistive technologies # Design Challenge submission deadline: June 21st

      • First look: Opera Unite alpha lets you share files -- but is it safe?
        For now, Unite, which is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, is alpha software. That means it breaks. A lot. (I experienced a number of disconnects and freezes.) Still, I was able to get it to work on systems running Windows XP and SimplyMepis 8.0, a Debian Linux distribution.

      • Did Opera Just Reinvent the Web?

  • Desktop Environments

    • Social Desktop Contest
      Today we are launching the Social Desktop Contest. As you know the idea of the Social Desktop is to connect online webservices with desktop applications. We give away great prices to developers who help making this vision reality.

      The Open Collaboration Services API has gotten many new features in the past few months and is now stable. The first features will ship with KDE 4.3, but this is only the beginning. Now that the infrastructure is in place we think that it is a good time to open up the development to more developers.

    • Make Your Computer Desktop Do Your Bidding With Étoilé

  • Distributions

    • Mandriva

      • My ideas for Mandriva 2010.0
        I tried to be as exhaustive as possible, but many ideas are missing, but I'd rather wait for another release. From firsts comments and rumor, 2010.0 will be an exciting release :-)

      • Mandriva Triage Team needs your help
        This is the reason for suggesting you to join to BugSquad: if we are more people, everybody will have to do less work, having more free time and, also, being able to dedicate a bit more time to every report for triaging them better.

    • Fedora

      • Fedora 11 ScreenShots
        Here we bring you ScreenShots of the Fedora 11 Installation process, as well with some of the apps that Fedora brings. Now I personally have not been a Fedora/RedHat fan for the Desktop environment since RedHat 7.3. After going through the install process and playing around for about 15 minutes, the only thing that I found impressive was how fast Fedora 11 booted. I know I will get flamed for the previous comment but this is my personal opinion.

      • If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’.
        Some important statistics from the first week of Fedora 11 release:

        * Over 140 Terabytes of Fedora 11 shipped via BitTorrent. * Approximately 200,000 direct downloads from unique IP addresses. (Incidentally, there were over 600,000 requests but some IP addresses requested more than one download.)

      • The Three Faces of Fedora 11, Part 2: KDE

    • Debian/Ubuntu

      • Debian - Debian GNU Linux 5 review
        Debian GNU/Linux (Debian for short) tends not to attract the same attention as more flashy distros such as Ubuntu, even though the popular Ubuntu package is, in fact, Debian based.

        Moreover, Debian developers like to take their time embracing new technologies, with a relatively lengthy release cycle compared to most of the Linux clan. Indeed, it's taken almost two years to come up with Debian 5, the latest incarnation of this venerable distro.


        This long-awaited update to the Debian GNU/Linux distro goes a long way towards catching up with what alternatives like Ubuntu have to offer. It's still not quite state-of-the-art, but that doesn't matter, with Debian 5 a well conceived, easy to deploy and stable platform for those who value function over form.

      • Favorite applications, most recommended for Ubuntu

      • 13 things to get excited for in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
        1. New Theme 2. I list this first because we've been promised this for so long, and even though we were promised it was actually happening in Karmic, i'm just not so sure anymore. I hope to see it, but i won't set myself up to be crushed if we don't =] Flawless PulseAudio 3. Oh yes, we've been waiting on this for all too long. Audio should finally be close to perfect. If you're like me, and haven't had any real problems with it, please move along to the next item. Firefox 3.5 The wonderful new version of Mozilla Firefox that adds support for Ogg Theora/Vorbis, audio and video, respectively for HTML 5's Open Web Video (also supported in Midori using WebKit) should be a significant upgrade from the current version.

      • Karmic Koala To Offer More Diverse Wallpaper Selection

      • There is more to Ubuntu than meets the eye
        It took me more than 4 years to use Ubuntu as my main distro. I am running 9.04/64 on my HP Compaq nx6325 laptop since the beginning of May, and I am very happy with its performance. But that's normal isn't it? So, what more can Ubuntu offer me that will make me stick to it? The human factor.

      • Distro Review: Linux Mint 7 Gloria
        Time for another distro review, and this time I thought I’d look at the latest version of a distribution I’ve enjoyed a lot in the past. Linux Mint 7, AKA Gloria. I’m tempted to make references to Van Morrison here, but I’ll restrain myself. The last version I reviewed was actually Linux Mint 5, so I’ve missed a release. At the time I said it was the best Linux distribution I’d seen for new users, better even than the hallowed Ubuntu (upon which it is based). Would I still feel the same?


        Conclusions: Ease Of Installation & Use: 5/5 Stability: 4/5 Community & Documentation: 4/5 Features: 5/5 Overall: 4/5

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Amazon releases Kindle source code to the world
      Jeff Bezos wants the Kindle to have some healthy competition. That’s why Amazon just released their source code for all the Kindle devices. It’s basic Linux underneath (kernel 2.6.22 on the latest 2.1 software), but includes E Ink drivers and other hardware support.

    • Amazon Kindle powered by Linux, FSF not impressed
      Amazon is also using BusyBox (how can you not if you're running embedded?), so it's a good thing they've released that code - BusyBox has been active in recent years by way of the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) in making sure that vendors that use their code actually comply with the GPL.

    • Open source Carrier Grade Linux middleware rev'd
      The OpenSAF project announced a new version of its open source High Availability (HA) middleware platform for Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) networking systems. Release 3.0 of the Open Service Availability Framework (OpenSAF) adds numerous platform management features, usability improvements, and support for Java APIs, says the project.

    • New Version of Linux1394 Delivers Significant Design Benefits and Advantages for Industrial, Instrumentation, Camera Applications
      Revisions and enhancements to Linux1394 will provide significant advantages to developers of industrial and security cameras, vision systems, and other innovative applications based on FireWire800, the 1394 Trade Association said today.

      Enhancements include automatic bandwidth allocation for isochronous (real-time) data transmission in case of bus resets. All re-allocations are now handled within the kernel so developers do not need extensive knowledge of or experience with these requirements. Client programs no longer need to implement reallocation in their bus reset handling, and in many applications can get rid of bus reset handlers. Isochronous resources are reliably released at client program shutdown.

    • IDE rev'd for improved multi-core debugging
      Swedish telecom software firm Enea announced a new version of its Linux-compatible Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE). Optima 2.1 adds enhanced system level debugging functionality via upgraded versions of the Enea BlackBox Recorder and Optima Log Analyzer, with a special focus on debugging multi-core and multi-processor applications, the company says.

    • ARM9 SoC targets touch-capable auto and industrial devices
      Testimonial quotes were offered from a variety of software vendors supporting the i.MX25, with the two that mentioned specific Linux support (AllGo and CodeSourcery) listed below. The full list of vendors announcing support include Adeneo Embedded, AllGo Embedded Systems, Beckoff, CodeSourcery, IAR Systems, ICytecture, Ka-Ro Electronics, and QNX.

    • Tiny SBC spawns GPRS router
      German embedded vendor SSV announced an add-on GSM/GPRS wireless router module for one of its miniature ARM-based SBCs (single-board computers). The "Embedded GPRS Router" module is designed to plug into SSV's Linux-ready DIL/NetPC ADNP/9200 SBC, to create a programmable router for remote equipment.

    • Low-power ARM9 SBC supports Linux
      The Linux distribution offered with the SBC includes a Debian ARM Linux 2.6.27 kernel, U-boot 1.3.4, GCC 4.2, Perl, and MySQL. The package is said to include a Linux cross development tool-chain, as well as other utilities "for rapid native application development."

    • Phones

      • 18 awesome Palm Pre tips, tricks and shortcuts

      • Palm Pre: The official Cool Tools review
        What it is: The touchscreen Pre is Palm's latest entrant into the smartphone market, and includes all of the features users would expect from today's smartphones: a compact size, e-mail access (including Exchange), Web browser, multimedia (music and videos) player, digital camera, embedded GPS and the ability to download new applications directly through an app store. Differences from the iPhone include a physical slide-out QWERTY keyboard, and the ability to keep multiple applications open simultaneously.

      • Asian mobile operators team up for Android
        A group including some of Asia's most powerful mobile phone network operators on Thursday announced a campaign to promote the development of applications for Google's Android mobile operating system, a further sign of growing enthusiasm for the software in Asia.

      • Android on ARM "very snappy," analysts say
        Android running on ARM-based "smartbooks" looks "very snappy" compared to Windows 7 on an Intel Atom, Gartner analysts are said to have declared. Meanwhile, according to another industry report, Garmin-Asus says it will ship an Android-based Nuvifone smartphone by year's end.

    • Sub-notebooks

      • Archos 10 Ubuntu with 500GB hard disk and 2GB RAM released!
        This is pretty awesome. Archos releases the Archos 10 Ubuntu edition, with a 500GB hard drive, 2GB RAM and a 6-cell battery built-in. Running Ubuntu 9.04. All for not much more than the Archos 10 with Windows XP, 160GB and 1GB of RAM: available for 375€ at french retailer Surcouf.

      • DIY Netbook Linux
        There are a variety of netbook distros out there, but you can have a little fun creating your own. Here are some software packages and tips worth considering:

Free Software/Open Source

  • Save a job with open source
    My own home county of Buncombe in western North Carolina will be letting about 80 teachers go with the current budget. Like many other government agencies, and businesses, they simply don't have enough money coming in.

    But, Wollenberg asks, why don't we save money for teachers, by switching to FOSS (free and open-source software), he's not talking about major changes, like switching from Linux to Windows on desktops. He's talking about taking small steps. As Wollenberg points out, it's not so much that the school systems have problems with open source; it's that they're reluctant to adopt anything new.


    For instance, Microsoft has finally given up on Microsoft Money. Intuit, of course, wants all those customers to go over to Quicken. But, should they? Shouldn't they at least consider GnuCash?

  • Tru2way Enters 'Open' Era
    CableLabs is offering the RI for free download under Gnu Public License (GPL) v2 open source license terms, allowing developers to contribute back to the "evolving software code and tool base." However, CableLabs is also offering it under a commercial license that, at last check, will cost about $100,000.

  • Weapon against epidemics: Cell phones
    Many global health institutions are now encouraging the use of advanced methodologies such as smart phones and open-source software as the next generation of data transmission, said Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy, an informatics scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • Web

    • The PeC Review: KompoZer is a Capable, Free Web Authoring System
      KompoZer is a complete, open-source, and free web authoring system that combines web file management, coding hints, and a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) page editor that is easy for non-technical site owners or designers to grasp.

    • JumpBox Delivers a 2-Minute Install of The Dspace Open Source Repository Software
      JumpBox, publisher of virtual appliances that provide the easiest way to trial, develop, and deploy Open Source applications, today announced the availability of the JumpBox for DSpace. This addition marks the fiftieth JumpBox in its growing catalogue of time-saving virtual appliances for Open Source software.

    • Open Source Customization – Tailoring your website to choice
      Open source Content Management Systems like Wordpress and Joomla are of great use in modern techno-freak world. Wordpress forms the most popular blogging platform, with many a people hosting their weblogs on this platform.

    • MIT Media Lab using Drupal
      After CSAIL started using Drupal (the group where Tim-Berners Lee works), the MIT Media Lab also switched to Drupal. Check out there Drupal site at As a former academic and a long term admirer of the MIT Media Lab, I think that is just really cool!

    • Drupal 7 testing: status update and next steps
      The first version of Drupal's automated test framework was developed in 2004 by Moshe Weitzman. It started as a simple wrapper around the SimpleTest unit testing framework. Later, Thomas Ilsche and Rok Zlender extended it as part of the Google Summer of Code projects of 2005 and 2006. NowPublic and others continued to sponsor Rok's work into 2008. Today, Jimmy Berry is the principal contributor of the Drupal test framework, as well as the main developer and maintainer of's automated test infrastructure. Behind the scenes, Kieran Lal was instrumental in helping to ensure our test framework received financial support, project management, hardware resources, and server administrators.

  • Events

    • Portland downloads two new open source conventions
      Open Source Bridge plans a loose "unconference" format, Eschright said, in hopes of bringing together developers from a variety of specialties.

      "We wanted people that work with different technologies to talk to each other," said Eschright, one of 30 volunteers staging the conference.

    • OpenSource World announces keynote speakers
      IDG World Expo has announced speakers for its inaugural OpenSource World 2009 show (formerly LinuxWorld) on Aug. 12-13 in San Francisco. California Secretary of State Debra Bowen will keynote the conference, which will feature presentations on Linux desktops, netbooks, Android, mobile devices, enterprise, security, troubleshooting, and numerous "cloud" topics.

  • Business

    • xTuple Promotes Open Source ERP to Partners
      Read the partner marketing materials a bit further, and you’ll discover xTuple has more than doubled its sales and internal staff in the past year. Now, xTuple is building a partner program to accelerate that growth. In addition to traditional resellers and consultants, xTuple seeks SaaS (software as a service) partners that want to host xTuple on their own. (xTuple, by the way, has no plans to become a SaaS provider on its own.)

    • xTuple Opens an Online Store for ERP Extensions

    • Open Source Management Line Evolves to Ecosystem
      GroundWork Open Source has begun beta testing GroundWork Monitor 6.0, which includes the company’s first software development kit. With it, third parties and customers can extend the system’s capabilities to collect information from other devices and control them.

    • Open Source's Funambol Intros Mobile Cloud Sync Tools
      Funambol, a provider of mobile open source cloud sync and push e-mail, reportedly has released a mobile cloud sync index study evaluating solutions from 12 of the top device makers, portals, carriers and specialists in the mobile industry.

    • eXo merges with JBoss - a game changer?
      In the past week two open source portal initiatives decided to merge efforts: going forward eXo will now be a part of the Red Hat JBoss Portal. It's a significant announcement but not one that is really going to rock the enterprise portal buyers world.

  • Funding

    • CIA's Technology Arm Taps Open Source for Enterprise Search
      The company in charge of providing technology to the U.S. intelligence community has invested in an open-source firm to provide enterprise-search technology to the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

    • CIA Invests in Open Source Lucene, Solr Search

    • A downloading guide for freeloaders
      "The cost of the Microsoft Office suite is prohibitive, so we chose OpenOffice and it does everything we need," Mr Waite says. "It's saved us about 18,000 ($A38,000). I just wish we'd deployed more open source software from the outset."

    • Welcome to the low-cost world of open source
      "It's amazingly easy to start," he says. "You just need to get onto the internet. A great example is, a site from a Linux distributor that is designed to help people who don't know what they're doing set up open source."

    • The computer helper: Going open source - Feature
      In tough economic times, there's a good reason to start exploring open source software: it's free. But that's not the only reason. The fact is, the open source software movement - which seeks revenue in ways other than through selling software to the general public - has resulted in so many first-quality applications that you could conceivably outfit an entire PC without ever spending any money at all. Read on for some ideas.

    • The commercialisation of Memcached
      There has been a significant increase in interest in the Memcached, the open source distributed memory object-caching system, in recent months, as a number of vendors look to exploit its popularity in Web 2.0 and social networking environments.

      Like Hadoop, which has become the focus of a number of commercial plays, it would appear that the time is right for commercialization of Memcached. But what is it, here did it come from, and what are the chances for vendors to rake in serious cash? Here are the details.

  • Releases

    • EnterpriseDB revs Postgres database
      The Postgres Plus database peddled by upstart EnterpriseDB was revved this week with the fifth tweak of its Oracle compatibility layer, bringing enhanced compatibility of key features in generations of Oracle databases and enabling the Postgres Plus Advanced Server database to mimic Oracle databases, particularly when coping with errors.

      Hopefully EnterpriseDB won't take Oracle compatibility too far and develop a sudden urge to take over the world or buy a big yacht.

    • Wireshark's New 1.2
      Wireshark 1.2 introduces a few "new and exciting" features for its network protocol analyzer software.

  • Government

    • Opening new doors
      In this week’s cover story, contributing writer Brian Robinson examines the open-source movement and its growing, if still somewhat grudging, acceptance in the government space.

  • Licensing

    • OASIS: New IP Policy Makes Room for Open Source
      In a nod to the open-source community, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, or OASIS, revises its intellectual property policy to include a non-assertion mode, which means standards contributors must forgo royalty claims or license rights.

  • Openness

    • Future of Open Source: Collaborative Culture
      On the cover of indie-rock band Bon Iver's recent Top 20 record Blood Bank is a striking photograph of a snow-encrusted, rusted car door. The record label didn't commission the image, or find it an art gallery or stock photography bank; instead, it licensed the shot from amateur photographer Lauren Hudgins, who had posted it to her Flickr feed last year when she was teaching English in Japan.

    • Synthetic biology: Feasibility of the open source movement
      (Nanowerk News) Synthetic biology is developing into one of the most exciting fields in science and technology and is receiving increased attention from venture capitalists, government and university laboratories, major corporations, and startup companies. This emerging technology promises not only to enable cheap, lifesaving new drugs, but also to yield innovative biofuels that can help address the world’s energy problems.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • HTML 5: Could it kill Flash and Silverlight?
      HTML 5, a groundbreaking upgrade to the prominent Web presentation specification, could become a game-changer in Web application development, one that might even make obsolete such plug-in-based rich Internet application (RIA) technologies as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX.

      The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) HTML 5 proposal [1] is geared toward Web applications, something not adequately addressed in previous incarnations of HTML, the W3C acknowledges. In other words, HTML 5 tackles the gap that Flash, Silverlight, and JavaFX are trying to fill.


      Google may also face some touchy decisions. For example, its YouTube subsidiary uses Flash for its video, but the inclusion of HTML 5 capabilities in browsers might cause YouTube to rethink that decision, notes Fette. "It's a cost/benefit analysis that they'd need to make."

    • Another online-video comparison
      As Greg Maxwell nicely pointed out it appears Theora can compete with other formats used to distribute video content online. He compared output generated by YouTube's encoding mechanism with output generated by the new Theora enconder (as of writing libtheora 1.1alpha2 is the latest release). The result in a nutshell: Theora delivers similar performance to whatever encoder setup is currently used at YouTube - this means online streaming services can use open media technology without paying a significant price in bitrate or quality compared to current setups.

    • W3C launches appeal to scupper Apple patent
      The W3C, custodians of web standards, have launched an appeal for prior art to contest an Apple patent that appears to cover any kind of automated updating procedure, including the Widget standard on which the group is working.

      The patent, filed in 1995 and awarded in 1998, and which Apple revealed to the W3C in March, covers an application contacting a central server to see if a new version is available, and downloading the replacement if it is. As such it would appear to cover most of the automated updating systems commonly in use today, though the W3C is most concerned with the impact it's going to have on the forthcoming widget standards.

    • Open Letter to Google's Eric Schmidt Requesting HTTPS
      Google Mail, Calendar and Docs could be vulnerable. That's the argument an open letter to Google's CEO Eric Schmidt makes, thereby asking him to adopt the HTTPS standard for data transfers for these applications.

    • The Biggest FOSS Challenge: the Smart Grid
      Andy Updegrove, ace attorney and author of the excellent Standards Blog, is one of the few people who understands the real implications behind seemingly-simple goals like "Let's have paperless networked medical records so health care workers can be more efficient" and "Let's have a smart electrical grid that manages electricity delivery intelligently."


  • Censorship/Web Abuse

    • EFF and Public Knowledge Reluctantly Drop Lawsuit for Information About ACTA
      The Obama Administration's decision to support Bush-era concealment policies has forced the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Public Knowledge (PK) to drop their lawsuit about the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). EFF and PK had been seeking important documents about the secret intellectual property enforcement treaty that has broad implications for global privacy and innovation.

      Federal judges have very little discretion to overrule Executive Branch decisions to classify information on "national security" grounds, and the Obama Administration has recently informed the court that it intends to defend the classification claims originally made by the Bush Administration.

    • Phorm incinerates $50m in 12 months
      Phorm was forced into deep cost-cutting after its controversial battle to monitor and profile web users burned through an average of more than $4m per month last year, its financial results today reveal.


      On Tuesday the Commission in London said it had received a response from the government to its formal letter in April and was considering its next move. The government told privacy campaigners it would not make public the content of the response

    • Bloggers' views on anonymity
      Det Con Richard Horton from Lancashire Constabulary asked for an injunction against the Times journalist Patrick Foster from publishing the true identity of his 'Night Jack' blog. Patrick Foster explained in the Times how and why he tracked Horton down. Also in the Times, Richard Horton stated why he decided to start a blog.

    • BT Heavily Throttling BBC, All Video
      Significant error in this story: BT's terms of service explicitly say that streaming video will be throttled to 896K on Option 1 (about 1,000 words in) I was therefore wrong to say this was a change that would allow breaking contracts. I relied on another reporters' comments rather than reading the actual BT posting. Thanks to Simon Dux of BT for the facts that showed my error.

  • Copyrights

    • Yet Another Study Shows That Weaker Copyright Benefits Everyone
      Economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf have written some previous papers on this subject, but they've just come out with a new working paper on how weaker copyright protection benefits society (pdf file). Michael Geist has an excellent overview and summary of the paper. To understand the key points made by the paper, you need to understand the purpose of copyright -- something that many people are confused about. It's always been about creating incentives to create new works.

    • Recording Industry: Radio Is Piracy, But Not Playing Our Music Is A Federal Offense
      It appears that the big record labels and their lobbyists aren't content with just suing and shaking down students across the country -- now they want to threaten them for taking a political stand as well. Earlier this week, musicFIRST, the big time lobbying group put together by the RIAA to push for the highly questionable.

    • I'll have a little Elvis with that, thanks
      CAFE and restaurant patrons could soon be eating in silence, after a proposal by Australia's largest record labels to increase the cost of background music by up to 2000 times.

      The push to raise the cost of playing recorded music could also make gym membership more expensive unless fitness classes use artists excluded by Australian copyright laws, including Elvis Presley and Beethoven.

Digital Tipping Point: Clip of the Day

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Recent Techrights' Posts

Microsoft's Bing Falls to Fourth in the Europe/Asia-Based Turkey, Share Halved Since LLM Hype, Now Only 1% (Sometimes Less)
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Backlash and Negative Press After Microsoft Tells Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) People to DIE
Follow-up stories
Censorship as Signal of Opportunity for Reform
It remains sad and ironic that Wikileaks outsourced so much of its official communications to Twitter (now X)
The World Wide Web Has Been Rotting for Years (Quality, Accuracy, and Depth Consistently Decreasing)
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Comoros: Windows Plunges to Record Low of About 6% in Country of a Million People (in 2010 Windows Was 100%)
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The Mail (MX) Server Survey for July 2024 Shows Microsoft Collapsing to Only 689 Servers or 0.17% of the Whole (It Used to be About 25%)
Microsoft became so insignificant and the most astounding thing is how the media deliberate ignores it or refuses to cover it
Windows Down From 98.5% to 22.9% in Hungary
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Microsoft Windows in Algeria: From 100% to Less Than 15%
Notice that not too long ago Windows was measured at 100%. Now? Not even 15%.
Joel Espy Klecker & Debian on Joe Biden's health and Donald Trump's assassination
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
IRC logs for Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Links 18/07/2024: Hostname Pedantry and Retro Coding
Links for the day
Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) 2024 Attracting 0.01% of the IBM Staff "Was a Success"
They expect volunteers (unpaid slaves) to do the PR for them...
African's Largest Population (Nigeria) Approaching 80% Android "Market Share" Amid Steady Monthly Increases While Microsoft Has Mass Layoffs in Nigeria
Microsoft- and Apple-sponsored Western (or English-speaking) media chooses to ignore that or treat it as irrelevant (a racist disposition in its own right)
[Meme] The Warlord's Catspaw
Thugs that troll us
Microsoft Misogyny Will be the Fall of Microsoft (Covering Up for Misogynists is a Huge Mistake and Highly Misguided Short-term Strategy)
Microsoft's undoing may in fact be its attitude towards women
Red Hat Keeps Behaving Like a Microsoft Reseller (for Proprietary Stuff!), Microsoft Employees as Authors in
In some ways this reminds us of Novell
UEFI 'Secure Boot' Once Again Bricking PCs and Fake Security Models Are Perishing in Geminispace
Let's Encrypt has just fallen again
Links 17/07/2024: New Attacks on the Press, European Patents Squashed Even at Kangaroo Court (UPC)
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Gemini Links 17/07/2024: Proponents of Censorship and New Arrivals at Gemini
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Links 17/07/2024: School Budget Meltdown and Modern Cars as Tracking Nightmares
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This Should Certainly be Illegal, But the Person Who Helped Microsoft Do This is Still Attacking the Critics of It
perhaps time for an "I told you so post"
[Meme] A Computer With an Extra Key on the Keyboard Isn't Everyone's Priority
(so your telling me meme)
Africa as an Important Reminder That Eradicating Microsoft Doesn't Go Far Enough
Ideally, if our top goal is bigger than "get rid of Microsoft", we need to teach people to choose and use devices that obey them, not GAFAM
Billions of Computers Run Linux and Many Use Debian (or a Derivative of It)
many devices never get updated or even communicate with the Net, so exhaustive tallies are infeasible
[Meme] Microsoft is Firing
Don't worry, Microsoft will have some new vapourware coming soon
More DEI (or Similar) Layoffs on the Way, According to Microsoft Team Leader
What happened shortly before Independence Day wasn't the end of it, apparently
[Meme] Many Volunteers Now Realise the "Open" in "OpenSUSE" or "openSUSE" Was Labour-Mining
Back to coding, packaging and testing, slaves
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Microsoft Windows "Market Share" in New Zealand Plunges to 25%
Android rising
[Meme] Ein Factory
A choice between "masters" (or "master race") is a false choice that results in mass exploitation and ultimately eradication (when there's little left to exploit)
Links 17/07/2024: Open Source Initiative Lies and Dark Net Thoughts
Links for the day
SUSE Goes Aryan: You May Not Use the Germanic Brand Anymore (It's Monopolised by the Corporation)
Worse than grammar Nazis
Media Distorting Truth to Promote Ignorance
online media is rapidly collapsing
Gratis But Not Free as in Freedom: How Let's Encrypt is Dying in Geminispace
Let's Encrypt is somewhat of a dying breed where the misguided CA model is shunned
Android Rises to New Highs of Almost 80% in Cameroon
How many dozens of nations will see Windows at under 10% this coming winter?
Links 16/07/2024: TikTok Ban in Europe and Yandex Split
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Gemini Links 16/07/2024: On Packrafting and on Trump Shot
Links for the day
[Meme] Firefox Users Who Think They Know Better Than Mozilla
Enjoy Firebook
Firefox Used to Have About Half the Market in Switzerland, But It Doesn't Stand a Chance Anymore (Chrome Surging This Summer)
Mozilla has managed to alienate some of the biggest fans of Firefox
Microsoft's Biggest Losses Are in Europe This Summer
Microsoft's ability to milk a relatively rich Europe is fast diminishing
How to Make Software Suck and Discriminate Against People at the Same Time
ageism glorified
Bing Was at 2.6% in Russia When LLM Hype Started. Now It's Down to 0.8% (for 3 Months in a Row Already)
The sharp fall of Bing may mean that exiting the Russian market won't matter to anybody
[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
since when does Microsoft obey the law anyway?
Microsoft Layoffs Are Still Too Frequent to Keep Abreast of and Properly (or Exhaustively) Classify
The "HR" department knows what's happening, but whistleblowers from there are rare
Bahamas Joined the "5% Windows" Club
statCounter only traces back about 1 in 20 Web requests to Windows
Links 16/07/2024: Salesforce Layoffs and Microsoft's DMARC Fail
Links for the day
Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
Perhaps all this junk is a sign of Gemini growing up
Possibly Worse Than Bribes: US Politicians and Lawmakers Who Are Microsoft Shareholders
They will keep bailing out Microsoft to bail themselves out
The Software Freedom Conservancy Folks Don't Even Believe in Free Speech and They Act As Imposters (Also in the Trademark Arena/Sense)
Software Freedom Conservancy was already establishing a reputation for itself as a G(I)AFAM censor/gatekeeper
Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
In Africa in general Microsoft lost control
GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message
segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
Links 16/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and One Page Dungeon Contest
Links for the day