THOSE in the press who are constantly Linux hostile have become preoccupied with Torvalds' admission that Linux is getting larger (more code). Is it getting more "bloated"? That's debatable.
During a roundtable discussion at LinuxCon in Portland, Oregon this afternoon, moderator and Novell distinguished engineer James Bottomley asked Tovalds whether Linux kernel features were being released too fast, before the kernel is stabilized.
Citing an internal Intel study that tracked kernel releases, Bottomley said Linux performance had dropped about two per centage points at every release, for a cumulative drop of about 12 per cent over the last ten releases. "Is this a problem?" he asked.
According to the report, Novell engineer James Bottomley referred to an internal study done by Intel which had found Linux performance had fallen by 2 percentage points at every release. Over the last 10 releases, the drop had been about 12 percent.
“Let us remember that Novell's Greg K-H self-servingly chose a criterion by which to slam Canonical and poison people's minds against Ubuntu.”So what is it that Novell's Bottomley was referring to specifically? Boot time has definitely improved, the file systems get faster as well, but it is always possible to find some specific test/s to suit whatever hypothesis is carved in stone and then requires proving. Let us remember that Novell's Greg K-H self-servingly chose a criterion by which to slam Canonical and poison people's minds against Ubuntu. Canonical contributes a lot outside kernel space, so Greg's smear ended up looking dishonest. Compare this to Greg's sweet talking when Microsoft's contribution to Linux was just a driver for Microsoft products [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Microsoft is his employer's ally, unlike Canonical.
In conclusion, adds Oiaohm: "Linux kernel is not just black and white numbers. Overall measurements are showing slowing [but] altering particular settings and setting up systems different ways cause completely different performance."
Referring to another regular reader, Oiaohm informally writes that this is the "reason why Diablo-D3 and me went head to head recently. I have been using cgroups to manage my processes so avoiding lot of cfs hell. Causing by auto grouping into users. So I am seeing way different bench numbers to what Diablo-D3 is getting, even when we are using the same source. It's also the numbers of merges over that time [...] Most of the independent trees to the main Linux kernel are no more [and the] Price of unifying it takes quite a few versions for all the side effects to be found and corrected. At some point something better in driver detection for hal searches has to be found. The merges into the Linux kernel should slow down soon [when] You get a linux feature list it is getting fairly complete." ⬆
"Microsoft did sponsor the benchmark testing and the NT server was better tuned than the Linux one. Having said that, I must say that I still trust the Windows NT server would have outperformed the Linux one."
--Windows platform manager, Microsoft South Africa
Reference: Outrage at Microsoft’s independent, yet sponsored NT 4.0/Linux research
Yuhong Bao
2009-09-23 21:13:16