Jose Socrates Caves to His Friend Bill Gates and Gives up Portugal's Digital Sovereignty
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-10-06 16:30:53 UTC
- Modified: 2009-10-06 16:30:53 UTC
Summary: Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates and Microsoft have apparently tightened their relationship as Portugal's GNU/Linux is being "phased out"
TONY Manco has called attention to this report from Portugal. Translated to English (automatically) it states that: "Reports that the CM had access rocking the way it was made technological reform in the ministry, initially based on the Linux operating system, chosen by ITIJ in 2005.
"At that time, put forward the reform and created a product called 'Linius', based on a draft release of Linux in English known as Caixa Mágica. This project, however, now being phased out when the Government of Socrates began to enter into agreements with Microsoft in 2007."
Caixa Mágica
abandoned OpenSUSE two years ago and the government's intimate relationship with Microsoft can be seen in
this post (Jose Socrates and Steve Ballmer joining forces when
Gates is not around), as well as some of the posts below. Portugal could take a lesson from Brazil, its former colony.
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