Bonum Certa Men Certa

Gates Foundation, the World Bank, and the Urgent Need for Population Control


Summary: Following controversial remarks and actions from a cabal of well-connected establishments, many articles get published which criticise private stakes in the reduction/control of the world's population (monopolising means and decisions on the matter)

SAVIOUR OF the world, the eminent Gates Foundation, is still helping the "big guys" gain more control over those pesky "little people". On Sunday we learned that Gates indirectly sponsors controversial censoring of Craiglist:

“We feel like if Craiglist is serious about addressing this issue of sex trafficking of women and children, they should complete the task and make complete and permanent that all erotic suites are closed down,” said Bradley Myles, executive director of the Polaris Project, which works to end human trafficking and slavery. The group receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google and The Body Shop Foundation.

It would be easy for the foundation to distance itself from this action (like many others), which is still a subject of much controversy. But anyway, the latest example we have of Gates' help to Big Business has a lot to do with banking. That's where a lot of money changes hands, far more than ever circulates in the software industry which Microsoft is in. Remember that Gates is an investor in Goldman Sachs, which means that he indirectly helps increase hunger in Africa, not necessarily end or reduce it. It's one of those many areas where Gates pretends to have some specific goals but actually invests (for profit) in those who promote opposite goals.

World BankSeveral months ago we wrote about what Gates was doing in Haiti. From each huge disaster come some huge business opportunities and Gates seems to be facilitating some banking industry in there, assisted by the Microsoft-seeded Grameen Foundation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Gradually, they are bringing banks into underdeveloped nations (victims of predatory loans from the West in most cases). They market this as help to the population, as if people who lost their family and home can find solace in a mobile phone with a bank account for micro-payments; the reality is more complex because it gives banks from the West even more leverage over already-crushed populations. Katrina was an example of this.

Cecilia Kang from the Washington Post (where Melinda Gates is on the board) has published no less than 3 articles about it, all just advertising this Gates-Grameen project [1, 2, 3] (Kang publishes many other articles to further Gates' agenda in the Washington Post, but we rarely refer to her by name).

And the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has dedicated $12 million to help village farmers in Tanzania, Cameroon and Rwanda save money through electronic mobile phone deposits. It has launched a $10 million contest in Haiti to fund the best mobile banking ideas to channel earthquake relief to people who would otherwise stand in long lines at overwhelmed bank branches to collect cash. (Melinda Gates is on The Washington Post Co. board of directors.)

Gates and his partners in the West get links with the local population in place like Tanzania, Cameroon and Rwanda (to repeat the above), which also helps them manage exploitation of local farmers by a variety of companies that produce pesticides, extract rare metals, spread experimental drugs, GMO and so forth at a very high risk (to the population, not to the companies, c.f. Trafigura disaster in 2009). Many good films were produced (albeit no blockbusters) to help explain these depressing issues that exist in the repressed Black Continent. China, not just the West, has become one of the notable exploiters. We won't go into the details of this because it's off topic and it requires further research to ensure accuracy.

“Thanks to the spending of billions of dollars on press coverage by the Gates Foundation, the propaganda outweighs the signal here and there is little hope of getting a message of truth across to everyone.”The short story is that Gates may be creating businesses for friends of his or companies that he invests in. Thanks to the spending of billions of dollars on press coverage by the Gates Foundation, the propaganda outweighs the signal here and there is little hope of getting a message of truth across to everyone. As we noted some days ago, media sellouts at The Guardian and Causecast too (possibly the way this foundation of Microsoft's co-founder pays the Huffington Post to carry its agenda) ensure that propaganda even reaches some of the more trusted and seemingly "independent" publications. Here we have the Huffington Post (under the "Causecast" banner) publishing some propaganda about the cellphones-banks initiative Gates is pushing for. And finally, here is another plug quoting Gates' workers on the subject. Who benefits from all of this? Clearly there is someone all this money flows towards.

We are left with no choice but to approach more controversial grounds which we shall defend with many references, mostly from respected sources. Earlier this month we wrote about Gates' remarks on "death panels" [1, 2]. Make no mistake; some pretty major publications took notice [1, 2, 3, 4]. It was not some irrelevant out-of-context remark and the 4 articles cited here bear the headlines "Bill Gates On ‘Death Panels’", "Gates Death Panels – Bill Gates On Health Care Savings", "Bill Gates on “death panels”", and "Bill Gates On Death Panels". A fifth new reference is titled "Bill Gates Death Panels and Health Care Savings" and it says quite calmly: "Clearly there are an array of moral issues when dealing with these death panels that Gates seems to advocate. Proponents of the idea give an example in which paying $1 million for a medical procedure to extend a persons life a few months should be outweighed by the fact that the same amount of money could hired 30 teachers for a year. Bill gates stated that there was a “lack of willingness” to even remotely consider the question of choosing between “spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient” or laying off ten teachers." (We will touch the subject of teachers tomorrow)

This controversy has also reached more controversial circles that are affiliated with Alex Jones (whom we prefer not to rely on because of alarmist tendencies):

Bill Gates’ advocacy for “death panels” has caused controversy amongst conservative commentators, but the real outrage behind the story has been completely overlooked – the fact that Gates is a hardcore eugenicist and has called for lowering the global population through vaccines which his foundation funds to the tune of billions.

Gates’ “death panel” comments were actually made over two months ago at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen Colorado, but they only garnered attention when the video clip appeared on numerous conservative websites on Sunday, including and The Blaze.

During a question and answer session, Gates implied that elderly patients undergoing expensive health care treatments should be killed and the money spent elsewhere.


The Microsoft owner’s advocacy for killing granny in the name of spending the money elsewhere strikes at the root of why so many Americans are outraged over Obamacare, which contains as one of its core components a cost/benefit board which will be able to refuse care to elderly patients, proving that death panels will indeed come into force despite establishment media PR campaigns to convince the public otherwise.


The Microsoft founder’s advocacy for death panels is a shocking admission, but it pales in significance when one considers that Gates, as one of the richest men on the planet who routinely meets with other billionaires to discuss population reduction efforts, has publicly stated his intention to use the billions of dollars worth of vaccines that he funds to lower global population in the third world, which could only be achieved if the vaccines were designed to forcibly sterilize people without their consent or induce forced abortions.

Global Research, a respected Web site by many people's estimation, published a long article on September 7th. The headline is "Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction" and the body says:

If you can't seem to bring yourself to believe that such an undertaking is possible, or that there are human beings willing and capable; Look back in time, this kind of conspiracy isn't new, in fact this kind of control was idealized by Plato some 2,300 years ago in his momentous work The Republic. Plato wrote that a ruling elite should guide society, "...whose aim will be to preserve the average of population." He further stated, "There are many other things which they will have to consider, such as the effects of wars and diseases and any similar agencies, in order as far as this is possible to prevent the State from becoming either too large or too small."

The activities of the ruling elite in controlling population, writes Plato, must be kept secret. He writes, "Now these goings on must be a secret which the rulers only know, or there will be a further danger of our herd... breaking out into rebellion."

Peering back into the mists of time and history reveal that there is truly nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done again, and the 21st Century manifestation of global elites have advanced tools at their disposal.

What we are about to show is the link between the banking industry and other agendas that Gates and Rockefeller love to promote. Gates is right now boosting his image in public for some trust to be bought. As sad as it may be, the general public remembers not Gates' days as a monopoly abuser at Microsoft; he is glorified in the press in many languages, so people do listen to what he says and accept a lot of it uncritically. As we showed before, Gates is working with the World Bank (responsible for debt-imposed slavery in populations Gates pretends to help the most) and not too surprisingly, the same bank which is aligned with GAVI (for vaccination) is also helping governments with Gates' banking crusades (Gates -- unlike bankers in suits -- appeals to the population because of his lobby/brand value). From this new article:

Survey work for the land bank project has already been initiated. The Bill Gates Foundation, the World Bank and Asian Development Bank are expected to help the government in the project, official sources said.

A World Bank Trust Fund is also mentioned here, in an article titled "Bill Gates to Fund EAC Health Project":

"I believe early next year, the review of the proposal of the project on Medicines Registration Harmonization will be done, and at that time, the Gates Foundation through World Bank Trust Fund, will be in a position give out a grant of 9.5 million dollars to EAC," Seiter said.

To quote another new article from the same source: "At the joint meeting of; EAC Secretariat, World Bank, NEPAD, WHO and GTZ, held at the EAC headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, Mr. Seiter said there is every indication that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the World Bank will accept a proposal to fund the project on Medicines Registration Harmonization in the EAC Partner States."

One last article from this source also names the UN, which is very close to the Gates family (at a personal level too as we demonstrated before):

At a press fellowship hosted by the UN Foundation, sponsored in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, journalists from various global media organizations, including, were brought together on September 7-9 to talk about the MDGs with a wide range of policymakers and presenters.

Part of the UN is increasingly seen in Africa as a front for Monsanto and other such interests from the West. One has to be careful and sceptical because people serve personal interests, not just stated goals in some establishment (whether they believe in these goals or not).

In a new press release which uses Techrights in a couple of its references, the World Bank is mentioned as well, in the context of eugenics. It has an interesting collection of events and disclosures, e.g.:

While lecturing at the elitist TED 2010 conference in Long Beach, CA, Bill Gates slipped a statement while speaking on the dangers of climate change and over population: "Vaccines? I love them." His admission was made in the context of his philanthropic strategy and, as we will see, vaccines play a dominant role in his firm conviction that population reduction is an urgent priority for the survival of humanity. Then the question is, who should be eliminated from the population? Who is elected from the public to make such decisions? The short answer is no one. Hence it is being done quietly thru foundations, international agencies and private industry.

Today the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is "the most powerful charity in the world, and one of the most quietly influential international organizations of any sort."[1] The Foundation is funded to the tune of $34.6 billion plus an additional $30 billion from Warren Buffet's investments. This is almost the entire budget of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Gates has followed in the footsteps of the Rockefellers' lead to usher the New Green Revolution, an aggressive onslaught of genetically modified seeds (GMOs) to increase large scale corporate-influenced agriculture in Africa, India and elsewhere. The international GMO initiatives have devastated small cooperative farms that have served as the lifeline of food for centuries and as resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of farmers. Of course nobody among the oligarchic elite, such as Gates, Rockefeller and Monsanto execs, will suffer from the consequences of this failed revolution.


In 2000, the Gates Foundation founded the International Finance Facility for Immunization (GAVI) and that organization's Global Fund for Children's Vaccines. GAVI is a global collaboration that includes governments, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, WHO, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, UNICEF, vaccine makers, and other influential entities. All of these are zealot vaccination promoters. The organization's mission is to vaccinate every child in Africa. Through GAVI and its various programs, an estimated 250 million children in developing countries have already been vaccinated.[3] But the Foundation itself does not perform drug and vaccine research and development. In addition to traditional grant giving, it also provides lines of credit. For example, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative received from the Foundation a $100 million line of credit to empower the nonprofit organization to influence HIV vaccine development within the vaccine industrial complex.[4]


As early as 1968, the Rockefeller Foundation's annual report recommended anti-fertility vaccines as a viable means for lessening the human population growth rate that should be aggressively pursued.

This is not to be confused with scare-mongering about vaccination. The issue here is not a theory about drugs that are harmful but about the openly-stated goals of population reduction through sterilisation or other means, with patents that are owned by few companies with vested interests (monopolies). Even before Gates 'bought' TED he made it quite clear that population control is on the agenda (there is no problem with that as the world's population has clearly grown too fast), but the controversial part is who exactly decides on action, how it is voted on (transparency, participation, etc.), and who potentially profits from it (e.g. drug companies, nations that are permitted to expand their population at the expense of others, and ethnic groups that can 'manage' the expansion of other groups based on some selfish criteria). In order to understand the affiliations at play, one might require further readings and background information. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men," warned Lord Acton.

White and Keynes
"Assistant Secretary, U.S. Treasury, Harry Dexter White (left) and John Maynard Keynes, honorary advisor to the U.K. Treasury at the inaugural meeting of the International Monetary Fund's Board of Governors in Savannah, Georgia, U.S., March 8, 1946." --Wikipedia on World Bank


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