Backed by proprietary data from OpenLogic (whose claims cannot be verified or reproduced), we recently saw yet more GPL bashing articles. While it is true that companies like Apple mistreat Free software projects, to say that "App store licensing hinders OSS growth" is quite a stretch, but hey, it's based on the data from a company run by a Microsoft veteran (and also partly funded by Microsoft). Kim Weins, senior vice president of products and marketing at OpenLogic (she keeps sending me mail each time I criticise her company), is once again quoted in an article predicting problems with GPL-licensed software. All that OpenLogic ever does is help generate negative press for the GPL. The last time, earlier this month, they led to articles saying that the GPL was "viral" and that it was bad (see discussion in IRC after the Apache push). To be cautious and not accuse of malice, we'll choose to assume that maybe it is not their intention, but this is definitely their effect. ⬆