If you imagined for one minute that the Apple v. Samsung litigation was over, think again.
Samsung is fighting hard, in what I'd describe as a D-Day, Normandy invasion, take-the-beach-at-all-costs style, fighting to the max over every inch. Perhaps that's because the new lawyer added to the Samsung team from Quinn Emanuel, John Pierce, tasked with overseeing all the post-verdict motions, is an ex-Army officer. It definitely has that military feel.
I have a lot of documents to show you since our last look at developments, and the most important is a motion to compel [PDF] Apple to reveal when it first learned that the jury foreman "failed to disclose truthfully during voir dire that he had sued and been sued by his former employer, Seagate, despite the Court’s express question asking him whether he had ever been a party to any litigation".
Here's the code that is on the UK version of the site; var HeroResize=AC.Class({initialize:function(b){this._height=null;this._hero=$(b); AC.Object.synthesize(this);this.__boundResizeHero=this.resizeHero.bindAsEventListener(this); if(typeof window.ontouchstart==="undefined"){this.resizeHero();Event.observe(window,"resize",this.__boundResizeHero) }},setHeight:function(b){this._height=(b<0)?0:b;return this._height},resizeHero:function(){this.setHeight(parseInt(window.innerHeight||(window.document.documentElement.clientHeight||window.document.body.clientHeight),10)-310); this.hero().style.height=this.height()+"px"}});Event.onDOMReady(function(){var b=new HeroResize("billboard") }); It is there specifically to get the bottom 310px of the website out of view. Independent of screen resolution. This is blatantly just to get the statement out of view from most people.
This needs to be at top. Apple automatically resizes the image of ipad on UK-site depending on the browser-size so that visitors will have to scroll to see the apology.
They got slapped around about evading the court order as Groklaw points out in her 4x updated story.. First they issued an incorrect statement that said a German court had ruled on the same patent which was both wrong and insulting to the judge who ordered them to change things in 24 hours. The UK site now has a notice that you have to scroll down to see, which will probably earn the company some big fines.
2012-11-05 18:07:41
As far as Apple placing the link below the fold - why not? Nothing wrong with it. Why such a strong bias from you, Roy?
2012-11-06 17:51:18
2012-11-06 19:21:50
Of course, if you just read info from this site you will be left thinking Apple merely stole Xerox's innovations (an out and out lie), that Apple claimed to have invented rounded rectangles (another fabrication Roy pushes), and all sorts of other ignorant BS from Roy who is amazingly paranoid and jealous (or, to use his own word, is filled with "envy").
As far as Apple market share tablet market share dropping - is *anyone* surprised to see this? Through their innovation Apple completely changed that previously failing market and was able to pretty much own that segment - but given how (contrary to Roy's lies) they never had any monopoly power, others were sure to enter with products that were largely inspired from what Apple did (though in some cases with innovations of their own). Why would this be surprising or shocking or whatever to you? Completely predictable. Frankly my surprise is that Apple still has such a strong hold on this market - I expected Android devices to get their act together more quickly than they have.