THE management of Europe's greatest source of shame as of late is accused of abusing not only EPO staff but also applicants (except large corporations, despite the hogwash), who are essentially the lifeline of the EPO.
"Correction is urgently needed for the EPO's very survival."It has come to our attention that action is being silently taken, as European SMEs find themselves squeezed and squashed by today's EPO. We are actually receiving a lot 'dirty laundry' these days, not from EPO examiners but from EPO applicants, or supposed 'clients'. Many Europeans are rightly upset. Even some European lawyers are very much upset at Benoît Battistelli's regime. They too send us material. The view of the EPO inside Europe is rapidly becoming akin to that of FIFA and Battistelli (the Blatter equivalent in this case) very much deserves all this, as many of the recent scandals he can be personally held accountable for. We know where the commands come from (the top) and instructions to suppress dissent by all means possible have led to a cyclical Streisand Effect.
Today we present the first part of a multi-part series which shows how the 'little guy' (or a small plater/European SME) gets mistreated by the EPO.
"I have tried to involve my MEP," told us a source. "He has written once to the EPO. He got a response, the usual that there is nothing wrong."
Recall how Battistelli typically reacts to politicians who are critical of him.
With or without politicians, we are eager to put some important stories out there, demonstrating not just to the public but also to EPO examiners what kind of discriminatory system is run from Munich. This has got to stop. Correction is urgently needed for the EPO's very survival. ⬆