THE EPO has already paid (one might say bribed) a lot of media organisations as large as the Financial Times for fake news about the UPC. It also spent over a million Euros for a PR firm (FTI Consulting) to manipulate the media and this PR firm paid IAM 'magazine', which for a number of years had promoted the UPC (even before FTI paid).
"But hey, if it helps the UPC campaign, why not air it, right?"There is one major problem with what IAM stated to create a false sense of optimism. As Francisco Moreno pointed out, along with a screenshot: "Participating in the UP (English, French, German) supporting at the same time Spanish was in their 2015 electoral program" (so this is far from news).
IAM tried to make 'news' (more UPC promotion) out of something that was not; there's no excuse for this other then shoddiness or sloppiness in reporting, especially given that IAM's editor in chief, by his own admission, lived for a long time in Spain and can probably speak Spanish (or Catalan) just fine.
But hey, if it helps the UPC campaign, why not air it, right? Especially when EPO (or EPO PR) money flows in... ⬆