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Links 26/8/2021: KISS Linux, OpenShot 2.6 is Out

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • Pardus 21.0

        Today we are looking at Pardus 21.0, the XFCE edition. It comes with Linux Kernel 5.10, based on Debian 11, XFCE 4.16, and uses about 1GB of ram when idling. Enjoy!

      • Pardus 21.0 Run Through - Invidious

        In this video, we are looking at Pardus 21.0, the XFCE edition. Enjoy!

      • The Day 11 Lines Of JavaScript Broke The Web - Invidious

        Software libraries are incredibly useful but with the advent of javascripts package manager NPM micro libraries are becoming more and more prevalent and sometimes those libraries disappear this is the tale of one of those times and some other problems that arise from this practice

      • FLOSS Weekly 644: OASIS Open

        Guy Martin has worked for everybody and done everything... or at least it seems that way. He also has 100% interesting, deep and knowing thoughts about important issues that have come up in his long career, especially in his current work in the standards world, running Oasis. All of that and more—IoT, standards +/vs open source, substitutability, multiple ecosystems—are on stage for a fact and thought-filled hour of conversation with Doc Searls and Guy's old friend and colleague Simon Phipps.

      • Is GNOME user friendly? - Invidious

        Download Safing's Portmaster for FREE and take control of your network traffic: Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: Today, we're going to start a new series, exploring each desktop environment, and seeing if we could call them "user friendly", or not. We'll begin with GNOME, one of the most interesting to study, because it doesn't do things as other, more well known desktop experiences.

      • Linux overview | Manjaro 21.1.0 Xfce Edition overview - Invidious

        In this video, I am going to show an overview of Manjaro 21.1.0 Xfce Edition and some of the applications pre-installed.

    • Kernel Space

      • Linux turns 30: The biggest events in its history so far | ZDNet

        A year by year summary of the most significant events in Linux's history to date.

      • Linux turns 30: ​Linus Torvalds on his "just a hobby" operating system

        In 1991, Unix was an important but secondary x86 operating system. That year, on August 25, a mild-mannered Finnish graduate student named Linus Benedict Torvalds announced on the Usenet group comp.os.minix that he was working on "a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones." No one knew it, not even Torvalds, but the technology was going to change forever.


        By the end of 1991, it was gaining more attention than the still-born GNU Hurd or Minix [Andrew Tannenbaum's ground-breaking free software educational Unix operating system]. Torvalds explained...

      • 30 years of Linux: OS was successful because of how it was licensed, says Red Hat

        On the 30th anniversary of the announcement of Linux by Linus Torvalds, Red Hat has said that it worked because of the way the OS was licensed.

        In a post today celebrating the anniversary, Red Hat said: "The reason that Linux has been arguably the most successful operating system of all time is due to the fact that its license allowed copying, improvement, distribution and required sharing of changes. (Note that the license does not require collaboration, but the reciprocal nature of Linux strongly encourages it.)"


        Red Hat is perhaps the most commercial of Linux distros and it appears that it started as it meant to go on. The first public release was issued by Marc Ewing in November 1994 with the top feature listed as "Retail price $49.95 – introductory special: $39.95."

        Red Hat confessed that this "was actually a paid beta and not a 1.0."

        The company now argues that the ability to charge for Linux was important to its success. "By removing restrictions to commercial use and so forth, Torvalds opened the door to companies improving and distributing Linux," said today's post.

        Has Linux become too commercial and corporate? Mike McGrath, Red Hat VP of Linux Engineering, told us: "The big thing has been the competition for that community talent. If you are a developer that wants to get involved in open source, there has never been more opportunity… the corporate side of it, I don't view that as a negative. It's a positive consequence of the success of Linux in businesses."

      • Happy birthday, Linux: From a bedroom project to billions of devices in 30 years

        On August 25, 1991, Linus Torvalds, then a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, sent a message to the comp.os.minix newsgroup soliciting feature suggestions for a free Unix-like operating system he was developing as a hobby.

        Thirty years later, that software, now known as Linux, is everywhere.

        It dominates the supercomputer world, with 100 per cent market share. According to Google, the Linux kernel is at the heart of more than three billion active devices running Android, the most-used operating system in the world.

        Linux also powers the vast majority of web-facing servers Netcraft surveyed. It is even used more than Microsoft Windows on Microsoft's own Azure cloud. And then there are the embedded electronics and Internet-of-Things spaces, and other areas.

        Linux has failed to gain traction among mainstream desktop users, where it has a market share of about 2.38 per cent, or 3.59 per cent if you include ChromeOS, compared to Windows (73.04 per cent) and macOS (15.43 per cent).

      • Happy Birthday, Linux: From a Bedroom Project To Billions of Devices in 30 Years

        On August 25, 1991, Linus Torvalds, then a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, sent a message to the comp.os.minix newsgroup soliciting feature suggestions for a free Unix-like operating system he was developing as a hobby. Thirty years later, that software, now known as Linux, is everywhere.

      • Happy 30th Birthday to Linux! | UbuntuHandbook

        It was 30 years ago that Linus Torvalds announced the operating system, just a hobby!

      • Happy 30th Anniversary, Linux! We Love You So Much!

        Our lovely operating system Linux is turning 30 today so we will like to wish a very happy birthday to the Linux.

        It all started on August 25th, 1991. A single student, studying computer science at the University of Helsinki, made his now-legendary announcement (you can read the entire mailing thread here) on the comp.os.minix newsgroup:

      • Happy birthday – 30 Years of Linux | Ubuntu

        By adopting the GPL license, a free software license that essentially commits participating developers to grant their contributions to the Linux project into the public domain, the Linux operating system was able to successfully build up a complete, if at times discoherent platform that offers, for many users, power and flexibility with comparable or better features than proprietary solutions. Indeed, many other operating systems owe a great deal of their inspiration if not their codebase to the GNU/Linux project.

        Relying on a vast army of volunteer contributors from across the world, from the ranks of commerce, research, academia and government, Linux has grown to sit at the top table of computing over the past thirty years. It has arguably become an iconic emblem for human achievement.

        By gifting a mature, comprehensive, freely available and freely adaptable software base to the world, Linus and his project has granted us all a powerful and resilient resource for the future, regardless of what the future may bring.

      • Take advantage of eBPF's monitoring capabilities on Linux

        To Linux system admins and developers, the extended Berkeley packet filter, or eBPF, can feel almost like magic. With eBPF, IT pros can do something that, until recently, seemed unimaginable: deploy kernel-mode programs in Linux without writing complex code, compiling special kernel modules or bloating the system's resource consumption.

        For monitoring -- and observability in particular -- eBPF's simple deployment and low resource consumption are powerful features. Teams can collect monitoring data from deep within the Linux kernel in a highly efficient, user-friendly way.

        Learn what eBPF is, how it works and why it's especially valuable for monitoring and observability.

      • Xen Summit Highlights: Xen FuSa SIG updates - Xen Project

        The panelists covered what work is being done by Functional Safety Special Interest Group to bring Xen on Arm mainline to regulated domains such as Automotive: creating maintainable Xen documentation, applying some defensive programming techniques, implementing safety-related features.

        In the talk, they elaborated on activities that will be useful for non-safety cases as well so that the whole Xen community may benefit from FuSa SIG work. Additionally, they explained how safety-only processes and tools may be introduced without significant impact on existing community processes.

      • Reminder: The Kernel Report on August 26

        One last reminder that LWN editor Jonathan Corbet will be presenting a version of The Kernel Report at 9:00 US/Mountain (15:00 UTC) on August 26. This live presentation is part of a test of the infrastructure for the 2021 Linux Plumbers Conference, but anybody is welcome to attend regardless of whether they are registered for LPC or not. The meeting "room" will open one hour ahead of the talk at; we hope to see you there.

      • Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board election: nominees sought

        The call for nominees for the 2021 Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board election has gone out.

      • Optimized C3 Entry Handling For AMD CPUs Queued For Linux 5.15 - Phoronix

        The work I initially wrote about last week for AMD optimizing their C3 entry handling to avoid an unnecessary cache flush will now be picked up for the upcoming Linux 5.15 kernel cycle.

        As explained in the prior article, this optimization around entry to the ACPI C3 sleep state is already applied for Intel, Zhaoxin, and Centaur processors on Linux. Unfortunately, it's just AMD CPUs are late to the party with the kernel code not having marked them as safe for this optimization until an AMD engineer submitted a patch last week.

    • Applications

      • OpenShot 2.6.0 Released | AI + Computer Vision + Audio Effects!

        I am proud to announce the release of OpenShot 2.6.0, which I hope is the finest version of OpenShot ever made! We have so many improvements, it’s hard to pick a favorite!

      • OpenShot Video Editor 2.6.0 Released With New Computer Vision / AI Effects, Audio Effects, More

        OpenShot, the free and open source Qt video editor for Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, and MacOS, had a new major release which adds new computer vision / AI effects, audio effects and much more. Also, with this release, Chrome OS (Crostini) is officially supported and available on the OpenShot downloads page.

        OpenShot is an easy to use yet powerful video editor for Windows, macOS and Linux. It features curve-based key frame animations, unlimited tracks / layers, clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, rotation and cutting. Using it you can also add video transitions with real-time previews, compositing, image overlays, watermarks, animated 3D titles and effects, and much more.

      • OpenShot 2.6 Video Editor Released With Computer Vision + AI Effects - Phoronix

        OpenShot 2.6 has been released as the newest version of this non-linear open-source video editing system for Linux.

        OpenShot 2.6 adds new computer vision and AI effects, new audio effects, UI improvements, a new transform tool, improved snapping, FFmpeg 4.x support, updated Blender support, better performance and stability, and much more.

      • 8 Best Terminal Apps for Enhanced Linux Productivity

        The terminal is the core of the Linux operating system. Many users do prefer it over using a GUI app for managing their system. If you are tired of the looks of the command line and want a change, you should check out other apps for a customized terminal.

        In that case, here are some of the best terminal apps to spice up your Linux experience. There are many terminal emulators out there, and some of them let you use multigrid for multitasking, which in turn, increases your productivity.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • How to Execute Sudo Commands Without Password - Linux Nightly

        Are you tired of typing your sudo password any time that you need to execute a command with root privileges? We’ve got good news: it’s possible to disable the sudo password, which will bypass the password prompt whenever you type a command with sudo.

        These instructions will work the same whether you’re using Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux, Manjaro, Fedora, or any other system that has sudo access configured.

        Obligatory warning: Disabling the sudo password is a bad idea unless you’re on a test system or you’re the only user on the computer. Otherwise, anyone logging into your account will have root permissions.

      • 10 things to learn if you want to become a Linux admin

        The writing on the wall has become incredibly clear and Linux administration is in your future. Your company has probably realized just how much money they can save and much more ore agile they can be by working with Linux as a server platform.

      • How to install RPG Maker VX Ace on a Chromebook

        Today we are looking at how to install RPG Maker VX Ace on a Chromebook. Please follow the video/audio guide as a tutorial where we explain the process step by step and use the commands below.

      • How to Use the fsck Command on Linux

        All of our important data sits in a file system of one type or another, and file system issues are bound to happen. On Linux, we can use the fsck command to find and fix file system errors.

      • How to Update Arch Linux

        Has the time come to update your Arch Linux system? Whether you’re on pure Arch or an Arch-based distro like Manjaro and Garuda Linux, we’ll show you how to safely update your system with one or two simple commands.

      • How To Install Certbot on AlmaLinux 8 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Certbot on AlmaLinux 8. For those of you who didn’t know, Certbot is a client that fetches the SSL certificate from the Let’s Encrypt authority and automates its installation and configuration. This eliminates the pain and hustle of accomplishing the entire process manually.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step-by-step installation of Certbot on an AlmaLinux 8. You can follow the same instructions for CentOS and Rocky Linux.

      • How To Setup A Virtual Penetration Testing Lab - ByteXD

        If you are just getting started with penetration testing and ethical hacking, you will need a penetration testing lab to practice your skills and test the different security tools available.

        This post will give you a step-by-step guide on setting up your virtual penetration testing lab and install the various operating systems and vulnerable machines you can start with.

      • How do you pass a Named Argument in a Shell Script?

        The shell scripts in Linux allow you to write programs with hard-coded values and programs that can take user inputs at runtime. These user inputs are known as parameters or arguments. All of us are generally familiar with passing normal arguments to the shell scripts. However, you might sometimes feel the need to pass “Named Arguments” to your shell scripts. This article will guide you more about what exactly are named arguments and their need in shell scripts. After that, we will share an extensive example of passing the named arguments to a shell script in Ubuntu 20.04.

      • How to Copy and Paste in Linux and Ubuntu Terminal

        When you switch to Linux from Microsoft Windows, especially if you are a programmer, there is a possibility that you might struggle to copy and paste commands or lines in the Linux Terminal window.

        Even when I ported to Ubuntu from Windows a decade ago, I struggled to copy and paste lines in the Linux terminal. At that time, I thought I’m the only user struggling to copy and paste. However, while searching on the Internet, I realized that it is a global problem.

        The reason is a keyboard shortcut and mouse keys to copy and paste lines in the Linux terminal windows are not the same as the ones we use on Windows.

        The key bindings for copy and paste operations are dependent on the specific terminal emulator you are using. In Linux, by default CTRL + C key binding is used for sending an interrupt signal to the command running in foreground. Hence, the Linux terminals do not use the standard CTRL + C and CTRL + V for copy and paste operations.

      • How to enable WLAN0 on Kali Linux | FOSS Linux

        Before getting into wlan0 and how to enable it, let us dig a little into the difference between WLAN and Wi-Fi and look at how it works. To begin with, the abbreviation, WLAN, stands for “Wireless Local Area Network.” Local in WLAN generally means a network contained in a geographical location, building, or campus. The W stands for wireless.

        These two terms (“WLAN and Wi-Fi) are interlinked and used interchangeably, thus creating misunderstandings among many users.

      • Install Chromium browser Debian 11 Bullseye - Linux Shout

        The steps given here to install Chromium on Debian 11 will also work for Debian 10 Buster and other previous versions including Ubuntu, Linux Mint, MX Linux, Kali Linux, and more…

        Chromium is an open-source browser from Google, on which “Google Chrome” is based. With this web app, developers and users always get the latest version of the browser for their system. It is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, which is mainly not intended for end-users, but only for developers because Google tweaks the Chromium source code almost every day, hence you should always use the latest version.

        Well, if you don’t want the proprietary Chrome browser but the open-source one then Chromium which is identical to that of Chrome can be installed easily.

        However, there are some restrictions such as Chromium does not have a Flash Player, and PDFs cannot be displayed in the browser.

      • How Do I Run a Bash Script?

        Bash is a very popular shell and command language, and it can be used with the Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. This language is extensively used for task automation and running repetitive tasks with more ease and convenience. The programs that you write in this language are known as Bash scripts. This discussion is focused on the different methods of running a Bash script on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine.

    • Games

      • Humble Best of Stealth Bundle has HITMAN 1 & 2, Aragami and more | GamingOnLinux

        Ready for another bundle of treats? You better be quiet on this one, it's all about stealth and there's some good games included in it.

      • Splitgate Season 0 launches with a new Contamination game mode, new map and more | GamingOnLinux

        Splitgate, the huge free to play first-person shooter with portals from 1047 Games announced recently that it shall remain in Beta for the foreseeable future and now Splitgate Season 0 has officially launched.

        Along with the fresh season, a new update also dropped adding in quite a few goodies. The new stuff includes a Contamination game mode where the contaminated team starts off only with Bats and needs to take down the "human" team who have shotguns. When a human dies, they respawn on the contaminated team. There's also a new map with Karman Station, which is a reimagining of the original map from an earlier version.

    • Distributions

      • New Releases

        • Clonezilla Live 2.7.3 Released with Major Enhancements and Bug Fixes

          Clonezilla Live 2.7.3 is here based on Debian Sid. The new version adds support for mounting BitLocker device as image repository.

          Clonezilla is a free and open source disk imaging and cloning application which runs from a live CD or live USB drive. It is created for disk partition, disk imaging, and cloning tasks as well as bare metal backup and recovery. It enables you to clone disks and partitions, storing resulting images on a backup storage device of your choice.

          Clonezilla is for any IT pro looking for a reliable, cost-effective tool to enable them to image and restore machines quickly and safely.

        • Kiss K1ss linux off, is here

          Kiss Linux nearly run aground by the founder’s good willing nature, and open and free spirit that was naively expected to be engulfed with respect by the community. Kiss since day 1 was a bet, to build a hard core base proposal, lay some values and principles down, and allow the interested community to build a quilt of packages around those principles. He (Dylan Araps) shared his project with those that became initially involved. So what happened? Not all those actors paid much attention to those values and principles, did things on their own violating the principles, and still wanted to call this a Kiss Linux community. Before anyone knew it, Kiss community violating the principles was more Kiss than Kiss itself, and the community’s looser principles (or lack there of) were characterizing Kiss more than it could maintain character itself.

          So after a much needed break and settling of the situation forming, the restructuring came in July 2021 as yet a new shot with stricter values and principles.

          Community repositories are still there, the base has changed a bit and so has the kiss package manager/builder. But kiss is just the core base project and from that point on anything you want to do with it is your own prerogative. You may set an installation up once and go on from there never looking back, you can follow it as close as you can, you can fork it and make it your own (MIYO), but don’t dare expect Kiss to call your contraption Kiss linux.

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

      • Debian Family

        • Developer Announces GNOME Desktop Boots on Asahi Linux for Apple M1 | iPhone in Canada Blog

          A terminal in the shot shows that it is running a pre-release of the 5.14 Linux kernel, Debian Linux, and GNOME 3.38.4. “No, it’s not GPU accelerated,” she said, adding: “Honestly, it’s usable. Not great, but usable, on a near mainline kernel. If ‘missing most drivers’ is this snappy, when everything is done @AsahiLinux will run like a dream on these machines.”

          The important caveat though is that currently that desktop experience is relying just on LLVMpipe for OpenGL acceleration as needed by the GNOME desktop. LLVMpipe is the Mesa Gallium3D software implementation for accelerating OpenGL on the CPU.

        • Thousands of Debian packages updated from their upstream Git€ repository

          The Debian Janitor is an automated system that commits fixes for (minor) issues in Debian packages that can be fixed by software. It gradually started proposing merges in early December. The first set of changes sent out ran lintian-brush on sid packages maintained in Git. This post is part of a series about the progress of the Janitor.

          Linux distributions like Debian fulfill an important function in the FOSS ecosystem - they are system integrators that take existing free and open source software projects and adapt them where necessary to work well together. They also make it possible for users to install more software in an easy and consistent way and with some degree of quality control and review.

          One of the consequences of this model is that the distribution package often lags behind upstream releases. This is especially true for distributions that have tighter integration and standardization (such as Debian), and often new upstream code is only imported irregularly because it is a manual process - both updating the package, but also making sure that it still works together well with the rest of the system.

        • Excellent Experience with Debian Bullseye

          I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I was already running a backports kernel, but somehow the entire system is snappier. Maybe newer X or something? I’m really pleased with it. Hardware integration is even nicer now, particularly the automatic driverless support for scanners in addition to the existing support for printers.

          All in all, a very nice upgrade, and pretty painless.

          I experienced a few odd situations.

          For one, I had been using Gnome Flashback. Since xmonad-log-applet didn’t compile there (due to bitrot in the log applet, not flashback), and I had been finding Gnome Flashback to be a rather dusty and forgotten corner of Gnome for a long time, I decided to try Mate.

          Mate just seemed utterly unable to handle a situation with a laptop and an external monitor very well. I want to use only the external monitor with the laptop lid is closed, and it just couldn’t remember how to do the right thing – external monitor on, laptop monitor off, laptop not put into suspend. gdm3 also didn’t seem to be able to put the external monitor to sleep, either, causing a few nights of wasted power.

          So off I went to XFCE, which I had been using for years on my workstation anyhow. Lots more settings available in XFCE, plus things Just Worked there. Odd that XFCE, the thin and light DE, is now the one that has the most relevant settings. It seems the Gnome “let’s remove a bunch of features” approach has extended to MATE as well.

          When I switched to XFCE, I also removed gdm3 from my system, leaving lightdm as the only DM on it. That matched what my desktop machine was using, and also what task-xfce-desktop called for. But strangely, the XFCE settings for lightdm were completely different between the laptop and the desktop. It turns out that with lightdm, you can have the lightdm-gtk-greeter and the accompanying lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, or slick-greeter and the accompanying lightdm-settings. One machine had one greeter and settings, and the other had the other. Why, I don’t know. But lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings had the necessary options for putting monitors to sleep on the login screen, so I went with it.

        • Bits from Debian: DebConf21 welcomes its sponsors!

          DebConf21 is taking place online, from 24 August to 28 August 2021. It is the 22nd Debian conference, and organizers and participants are working hard together at creating interesting and fruitful events.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

        • What’s New in elementary OS 6 “Odin”

          There are many Linux distributions (distros) that people claim are good replacements for Windows or macOS. But there are few that have that explicit goal, other than elementary OS, whose sixth major release, “Odin,” was released on August 10, 2021.

          The focus with Odin is on empowering people to be in control of their PC, including additional privacy controls, upgrades related to ease-of-use and inclusivity, and other minor new features. If you’ve been thinking about switching to Linux or looking for a new distro to call home, here are the highlights of elementary OS 6.

        • ROS Docker; 6 reasons why they are not a good fit | Ubuntu

          The Robot Operating System (ROS) has been powering innovators for the last decade. But as more and more ROS robots are reaching the market, developers face new challenges deploying their applications. Why did we start using ROS & Docker? Is it convenient? Does it solve our challenges? Or is it simply a tool from another domain that we are trying to incorporate into an entirely different and possibly inappropriate field?

    • Devices/Embedded

      • Raspberry Pi CM4 cluster board nears launch, adds Jetson support

        The Turing Pi V2, which clusters 4x RPi CM4 modules with a Layer-2 managed switch, has added a BMC and support for Nvidia Jetson modules. Meanwhile, Kobol called it quits, but will release its Helios64 NAS design to the masses.

        Open hardware projects that lack the backing of sizable tech companies often have more freedom to innovate, but they also face additional challenges in bringing products to market. Combined with the recent industry-wide chip and container shortages, the preeminence of the Raspberry Pi, and increasing market saturation, it has been tough going for community backed hardware projects, as reflected in a lower number of new open-spec SBCs.

      • Compact router board serves up Wave 2 WiFi

        Wallys’ 65 x 35mm “DR4019S” router board runs Linux on a quad -A7, Wave 2 WiFi equipped IPQ4019 SoC via a compute module. The carrier adds 2x GbE and USB 3.0.

        Wallys’ Communications has launched a DR4019S router board with an 802.11ac Wave 2 radio that offers a more affordable and compact alternative to its more feature rich and similarly Qualcomm IPQ4019 equipped DR4019. The DR4019S name appears to apply both to the compute module and the full $80 development board.

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • Web Browsers

        • Mozilla

          • Dennis Schubert: WebCompat Tale: Touching Clickable Things

            id you know your finger is larger than one pixel? I mean, sure, your physical finger should always be larger than one pixel, unless your screen has a really low resolution. But did you know that when using Firefox for Android, your finger is actually 6x7 millimeters large? Now you do!

            Unlike a pixel-perfect input device like a mouse or even a laptop’s trackpad, your finger is weird. Not only is it all soft and squishy, it also actively obstructs your view when touching things on the screen. When you use a web browser and want to click on a link, it is surprisingly difficult to hit it accurately with the center of your fingertip, which is what your touchscreen driver sends to the browser. To help you out, your friendly Firefox for Android helps you out by slightly enlarging the “touch point”.

            Usually, this works fine and is completely transparent to users. Sometimes, however, it breaks things.

          • How to enable text-to-speech in Pocket

            With Listen, you can have your articles in Pocket read out loud. This is perfect for those times when you’re doing chores around the house or driving during your commute, when your eyes and hands are busy.

          • Get started with Pocket

            Save what inspires you. Pocket is your save button for the internet. When a story catches your eye anywhere online, save it to Pocket and it’ll go straight to your list, ready for you to dig into when you’re free.

          • Stories Behind the Podcasts: Pocket’s New Partnership With Slate

            Pocket has long been the go-to place to discover, save, and spend time with the most thought-provoking and entertaining content from around the web.

            Now, Pocket – a Mozilla product – has teamed up with Slate’s world-class podcast hosts to provide deep dives into the episodes their listeners can’t stop thinking about. Through curated Pocket Collections, podcast and Pocket fans will have their very own ‘back-stage pass’ to explore the stories behind their favorite Slate podcast episodes—straight from the hosts’ notes.

      • Productivity Software/LibreOffice/Calligra

        • LibreOffice community members: Have your say in our survey! - The Document Foundation Blog

          At The Document Foundation, we try to grow and strengthen our community in many ways. We’d like to improve our support for existing community members who’re working on LibreOffice, but also increase the number of contributors (and TDF members).

          To achieve this, we’ve created a survey for active members inside the LibreOffice community, to identify areas where focused activity is needed, and address the needs of local projects around the world.

      • CMS

        • An Update on the Classic Editor Plugin

          Before the release of WordPress 5.0 in 2018, the Classic Editor plugin was published to help ease the transition to the new block editor. At the time, we promised to support the plugin through 2021 and adjust if needed as the deadline got closer. After discussing this with Matt, it’s clear that continuing to support the plugin through 2022 is the right call for the project as well as the community.

      • Programming/Development

        • GitLab 14.2 brings macOS 'build cloud' closed beta and improved Gitpod support among nearly 50 new features

          GitLab has updated its code repository and DevOps platform to version 14.2, including a private beta of a macOS "build cloud" for compiling applications for Apple's operating system.

          "Today, Apple ecosystem developers on GitLab SaaS need to install, manage and operate GitLab Runner on their own macOS systems to execute CI/CD workflows," said the company.

        • Scanf in C

          The scanf function is one of the most famous and useful C functions. It allows a C program to accept input from the standard input stream, mainly the keyboard. Once scanf reads data from the standard input, it stores the value according to the specified parameter format.

          This tutorial will give you the basics of how to use the scanf function in the C programs.

        • Sprintf in C

          In this guide, we will discuss how to use the sprintf function in C programs. The sprintf function is used to write a formatted string to a character string buffer.

          Let us discuss how to use this function and illustrate with various examples.

        • Strcat in C

          Strings are one of the fundamental building blocks in C and other major programming languages.

          This quick guide will walk you through using one useful string function: strcat.

          The strcat function allows you to concatenate or join two strings to form a single string value.

        • Strcpy() Function in C

          In this guide, we will discuss how to use the strcpy() function in C language. The strcpy() function is a part of the C standard library and is used to perform string copy operations. It is included in the string.h header file and needs to be imported before using the function.

        • Strncpy Function in C

          In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use the strncpy() function in the C programming language. The strncpy function in C is used to copy specified bytes of characters from a source to a specified destination. It is defined in the string.h header file which need to be included before using the function.

        • Structures in C

          In C, a structure is a user-defined variable used to store a collection of variables under a single entity. Let us use a simple analogy to explain structures implementation and usefulness in C.

          Suppose we want to store information about users using a specific service. Such information can include the username, email, address, service mode, and such. To store such information, we can go about creating each attribute as a standalone variable. However, when we have ten plus users, the code can spiral out of control and become very difficult and tiresome to read.

          To solve this, we can create a structure. Inside the structure, we can store all the attributes shared by all the users and then add unique variables for each user.

          Let us take a look at various examples to see how to implement this.

        • strstr Function in C

          The strstr() function in C is used to parse and locate the occurrence of a substring in a string. It is defined in the string.h header file.

          This short tutorial will show you how to use C’s strstr() function to locate a set substring.

        • Perror Function in C

          This guide will discuss the perror function in C, how it works, and how we can use it.

          The perror function prints error messages to the stderr stream based on the error state in the errno.

        • Where Clause MySQL

          This article will show you how to use the MySQL WHERE clause to filter rows for a specific condition. Using the where clause, we can specify a search condition for rows that return true for the condition and perform actions on them.

        • MySQL BIGINT Number Ranges

          This article focuses on the MySQL BIGINT data type and looks into how we can use it to store integer values. We will also learn its range, storage size, and various attributes, including signed, unsigned, and zero fill.

        • MySQL Create Temp Table

          A MySQL temporary table is a unique type of table that allows you to store data temporarily within a single user session. MySQL temporary table is not that different from a normal MySQL table, except that it is volatile. Once a table has initialized in a specific user session, only that user can view, edit, or delete the table. Other logged-in users have no access to it. Once a session dies, MySQL automatically drops the table and the data stored in it.

          In this tutorial, we will quickly discuss how you can create and use the MySQL temporary table.

        • New Release: KD Reports 2.0.0 - KDAB - KDAB on Qt

          Version 2.0.0 of KD Reports has just been released!

          KD Reports creates all kinds of reports from within Qt applications. These reports are printable and exportable from code and XML descriptions. KD Reports is a developer tool used in source code, but it allows the use of templates that are created by design staff. Reports may contain text paragraphs, tables, headlines, charts, headers and footers and more. Read more about KD Reports here.

        • Milonga in Flathub! | Juan Pablo's Blog

          Cambalache is a new RAD tool that enables the creation of user interfaces for Gtk and the GNOME desktop environment. It’s main target is Gtk 4 but it has been designed from the ground up to support other versions. It is released under LGPL v2.1 license and you can get the source code and file issues here


          Even tough the workflow is similar to Glade, there are some key differences like multiple UI files support in the same project, which means new concepts like import and export where introduced. Since I do not like writing documentation, who does? I made an interactive tutorial to show up the work flow.

        • Python

          • Using Gyroscope and Accelerometer with MPU6050, Raspberry PI Pico and MicroPython

            Gyroscopes and Accelerometers are basic features of modern smartphones. But they are vital for such projects as drones and self-balancing cars. These two kinds of sensor can be achieved with a single chip: the MPU6050. As it can communicate with a I2C interface, you can use it with Raspberry PI Pico

            In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to connect and use an MPU6050 with Raspberry PI Pico and MicroPython.

            The MPU6050 is a Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS), which are small form factor devices able to convert mechanical movements into electrical signals. The MPU6050 specific case includes a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis Gyroscope (built inside the accelerometer). The accelerometer will measure the acceleration given from a movement (values will be different from zero while it will change its moving speed), while the gyroscope will measure the speed of movement (values will be different from zero while it will move). From this, derives that MPU6050 can measure movement but it will not fit perfectly the aim to define an absolute position. For this purpose, you will need to add a magnetometer as a slave device to MPU6050, by using its auxiliary pins (not explained in this tutorial).

          • Using NumPy’s Meshgrid

            This post will show what a meshgrid is and how it can be created and used in python.

            A meshgrid is a rectangular grid of values made out of coordinate vectors. It is also that the values in the meshgrid are a function of the coordinate vectors.

            Let’s say you want to create a meshgrid out of the coordinate vectors x and y. The naive way to do it is create a new rectangular grid and assign the values of the grid by evaluating the function at each point of the meshgrid. The following code illustrated the naive way:

          • What is the cursor execute in Python?

            A cursor is an object which helps to execute the query and fetch the records from the database. The cursor plays a very important role in executing the query. This article will learn some deep information about the execute methods and how to use those methods in python.

          • How to Use the Decimal Module in Python

            This article will cover a guide on using the “Decimal” module in Python. It can be used to run various mathematical operations on floating point numbers or numbers containing decimals points. All code samples in this article are tested with Python 3.9.5 on Ubuntu 21.04.

        • Shell/Bash/Zsh/Ksh

          • What is the “Does Not Equal” Sign in Bash? How To Use It

            The not equal “-ne” controller inside the Linux Bash programming language compares two possible values when they’re not equivalent. The not equal function in Ubuntu bash is denoted by the symbol “-ne,” which would be the initial character of “not equal.” Also included is the “!=” operator that is used to indicate the not equal condition. The exclamation point, i.e., “!=” is also commonly used in certain computer languages to indicate that something is not equal. In addition, for the not equal expression to operate, it must be enclosed by brackets [[…]]. The not equal operation yields a boolean result of True or False. The not equal expression is often used in conjunction only with if or elif expressions to check for equality and run instructions.

          • What is $@ in a Bash Script?

            Most of us use Bash scripts for maintenance and certain other tasks. However, we aren’t always acquainted with the various Bash options. Whenever a user is a novice to the Bash shell and Linux, the user tends to seek a pre-written Bash script. This is due to some users finding the unique Bash characters such as $@, $_, and $1 confusing. Beginning with the $@ Bash parameter, it is being used to extend into the positional arguments. Each parameter extends into something like a distinct word whenever expanding happens within double-quotes. Separate parameters should be enclosed in quotations and distinguished by a space if $@ is used. Remember that $@ should be quoted to function properly. Nonetheless, it behaves similarly to arguments as distinct strings.

            We will be looking at several examples to elaborate on the functionality of $@ in the Bash Script while using Ubuntu 20.04 system:

  • Leftovers

    • Hardware

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • Security

          • Security updates for Wednesday

            Security updates have been issued by Debian (openssl), openSUSE (libspf2, openssl-1_0_0, and openssl-1_1), Oracle (libsndfile), SUSE (nodejs10, nodejs12, openssl, openssl-1_0_0, openssl-1_1, and openssl1), and Ubuntu (openssl).

          • Red Hat's open approach to vulnerability management

            Security is at the top of mind for our customers, and understanding the language and practices around security is vital for teams delivering applications and managing infrastructure. Understanding how Red Hat reports and evaluates security vulnerabilities — as well as the tools Red Hat uses to communicate and address vulnerabilities — goes a long way towards protecting your IT environment.

          • FreeBSD bhyve, OpenSSL, GEOM & libfetch security fixes released

            All supported versions of FreeBSD are affected by various security bugs that need to be applied ASAP. For example, a memory corruption bug exists in the bhyve hypervisor. Another overwrite the stack of ggatec and potentially execute arbitrary code. There are two issues fixed for OpenSSL in this security advisory too. Let us see what and how to fix these security vulnerabilities on FreeBSD.

            The excellent news is fixed are released for FreeBSD version 11, 12 and 13 for bhyve, openssl, GEOM and libfetch.

          • Watch now: 2021 Red Hat Security Symposium on-demand

            In July, Red Hat brought together a group of security experts, partners, and industry peers to discuss some of the hybrid cloud security problems organizations face and solutions to tackle those challenges.

            Those sessions were recorded and are now available for free on-demand viewing.

            If you’re a security professional who finds it increasingly difficult to keep up with the complexity of changing risks, compliance requirements, tools, and architectural changes introduced by new cloud and container technologies, these videos may help.

          • odix announces its hardened Ubuntu OS as contribution to the IT community

            odix's Ubuntu is preconfigured to meet the CIS recommendations Benchmarks for hardening.

          • odix announces its hardened Ubuntu OS as contribution to the IT community

            After months of intricate development, user testing and detailed configuration odix is excited to provide our complimentary Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Operating-System, which exceeds industry benchmarks and streamlines deployment of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for administrators, security specialists, auditors, help desk professionals, and platform deployment personnel.

          • Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt/Fear-mongering/Dramatisation

    • Defence/Aggression

      • The Franklin Scandal with Nick Bryant

        In this episode, Whitney is joined by investigative journalist and author Nick Bryant to discuss one of the most sordid child abuse rackets in American history, one that rose to the pinnacle of US political power. The Franklin Scandal, as it’s now known, shows that Jeffrey Epstein was hardly an anomaly.

    • Finance

      • Digital identifiers to help crypto market go mainstream - The Hindu

        Tags for identifying bitcoin, ethereum and other crypto assets will be launched in September in the latest sign of how the fast growing, unregulated market is adopting the hallmarks of mainstream investing.

        (Subscribe to our Today's Cache newsletter for a quick snapshot of top 5 tech stories. Click here to subscribe for free.)

        The ability to monitor cryptocurrencies has become a major worry for regulators as the ballooning market, which reached a record $2 trillion capitalization in April, has experienced wild volatility and central bank warnings that investors could lose their shirts.

    • Monopolies

      • Trademarks

        • Golden Bunny III: No retroactive application of EU Trade Mark Directive

          In addition to being known as a source for great chocolate, Swiss chocolate producer Lindt may be known to Kat readers as a source of interesting developments of trade mark law, especially in the field of non-traditional trade marks (see Katposts on Lindt's 3D golden bunny marks here, here and here). Last week, the German Federal Court of Justice published the reasons of its decision "Golden Bunny III", holding that Lindt owns an unregistered trade mark in the abstract colour gold, claiming the product "chocolate bunnies".

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Over at Tux Machines...
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