Bonum Certa Men Certa

Vivek Ramaswamy Represents the Rodrigo Duterte-ing of America

Reprinted with permission from Ryan Farmer. Also available in Gemini.

(This article makes heavy use of sarcasm and so requires a certain level of intelligence and familiarity with the English language.)

I have to say that I am very impressed with the Republican Party of America.

They have finally found an even bigger tyrant and an even bigger piece of trash than Donald Trump. It took a lot of years and hard work to get here, and they should be congratulated for this, in a way.

While the Democrat machine is figuring out all the ways it may be able to imprison Donald Trump and is masturbating publicly about using the 14th Amendment to disqualify him from office, something worse than Trump is out there now.

Vivek Ramaswamy

One look at the Wikipedia page of Ramaswamy’s political opinions make it very clear that he is like some sort of clone of Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, a man so vile he may yet face an international arrest warrant from the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Nobody took Vivek Ramaswamy seriously until recently, but then something happened and suddenly his Republican opposition suddenly feels a need to talk about him. So far they are dismissive.

They dismissed Donald Trump too. All of them did. The mass media made fun of him, his opponents never took him seriously. The result was that The Wrecker (as Richard Stallman calls him) was the President for four years, and now they have to scramble to figure out reasons he can’t run for office again, and even try to imprison him.

They’re making such a concerted effort to subdue Donald Trump because Biden’s term hasn’t been going a lot better and the Democrats are scared that if Trump comes back it will be a close election where the Republicans have had years to regroup.

While Trump was awful, even his judicial picks have made rulings that have expanded gay rights.

What does Ramaswamy say about gay people? Well, he’s the biggest homophobe of them all. He says gay people “are a cult”.

He also says he would “govern almost exclusively by executive action”. Something so extreme that Trump and Biden have limited the number of times they were willing to dabble in it. Neither Obama, Trump, or Biden had total success once it reached the courts.

The problem with courts is that it takes forever to have things play out there, meanwhile the policy may be in effect already. All you need is for a guy like Ramaswamy to bury us alive in “executive actions” and wait about 1,000 years for the courts to try dealing with all of it. By the time they manage, the damage will be done.

And what might Mr. Ramaswamy’s actions be? Oh nothing obscene, nothing grotesque, nothing terribly unreasonable.

He only wants to do things like invading Mexico and stripping people under 25 of their voting rights.

Like I said, nothing huge. Invading Mexico without Congressional approval. Laws? Hah! What laws! International relations? What are you, some kind of a chump?

He says he wants to “gut the FDA”, which is hardly perfect. But why don’t we just shut that down and start buying mystery meat out of a barrel again? Certainly nobody ever got sick from doing that. It can be Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” all over again.

How bad did food get before the FDA and USDA? Here’s a clip from the History Channel’s article showing a couple examples.

“Food manufacturing was unregulated. There was a license to do whatever you wanted to maximize profits,” says Deborah Blum, author of The Poison Squad: One Chemist’s Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. “There’s nothing that could be done to the food that’s illegal because there [were] no food safety laws.”

And Americans were dying because of it. The chemical-laced “embalmed beef” fed to soldiers during the Spanish-American War proved more lethal than combat. And by one estimate, writes Blum, food and milk tainted with formaldehyde killed 400,000 American infants a year.

It sounds like your food really will be an exciting adventure under President Ramaswamy. (Bring a toilet for when it starts coming out of both ends.)

Why do you need a regulatory framework for prescription drugs? It’s not like powerful chemicals designed to treat complex medical conditions need safety reviews and efficacy studies. What are you? Some kind of a hippie?

Mr. Ramaswamy also promises to abolish any agency he feels like, without waiting for Congress naturally, and also plans to fire every career government employee who reaches 8 years. Because who needs experienced people writing regulations that carry the force of law?

Mr. Ramaswamy has already figured out the cause of the 9/11/01 attacks. It was FBI agents and a false flag operation. This is a very mainstream view and not utterly remarkable at all.

Mr. Ramaswamy, perhaps rapping like Eminem as he has been known to do on stage, said that he supports major concessions to Vladimir Putin. Putin is the very democratically elected President for Life of a famously well adjusted country, you know?

Mr. Ramaswamy supports the Independence of Taiwan. Well, sarcasm aside, so do I.

Unfortunately, Mr. Ramaswamy believes that throwing guns at everyone in Taiwan will keep the Red Chinese out, and then we can abandon our promise to protect them from Communist aggression. Mr. Ramaswamy says we should abandon Taiwan after America is “semiconductor independent” in “2028”.

America only supports freedom in exchange for oil and semiconductors, and a lot of them.

I doubt anyone ran it by Ramaswamy that the reason we don’t have semiconductor capabilities is because treacherous neoliberal politicians, including Bubba Bill Clinton, signed NAFTA and got the ball rolling. (And then put cigars in Monica Lewinksy’s vagina.)

Immediately after, 11,000 people in Indiana lost their jobs making TV sets and obviously it didn’t stop there, and now the US is a broken drug-addicted, poverty-stricken Red Chinese debt colony.

Anyway, it’s worth noting that TSMC, a Taiwanese semiconductor company, set up a plant in Arizona already and then realized that all the Americans smart enough to run it died of old age or have dementia in a nursing home while their kids got degrees in underwater basket weaving and then asked Bonehead Biden to forgive $60,000 worth of underwater basket weaving debt.

America has a severe problem with college-educated adults who have no useful skills and mop the floor while acting like they own the company they mop the floor at and are better than people who didn’t take on student loans. This comes from most colleges operating as de facto diploma mills whose sole purpose is to load adult teenagers who don’t understand what they signed with debt.

So there are problems with the entire semiconductor thing too.

Moving on, Mr. Ramaswamy says he’s not a climate denier, then denies climate change.

While there is room for debate on how bad this problem actually is or what priority it should be, there should not be a debate on whether or not it’s happening, with yourself, with one sentence following another. This shows that Mr. Ramaswamy can’t help but to directly contradict himself in the same breath.

But who needs politicians that can remember what they said in the same sentence?

Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be in the running for Vice President, according to Mr. Ramaswamy, so wait, there’s more. You and your children can be massively exposed to vaccine-preventable childhood illness!

“Whats’s an iron lung between friends?”, I say.

So as you can see, Mr. Ramaswamy is clearly their best candidate in all of American history and I hope you enjoy four years of this by the time anyone takes him seriously.

Absolutely none of the serious issues America face can be fixed by one man, and people should be skeptical and scared-as-hell by a person running for president who claims they can fix things in a short time span without any actual collective effort.

Mr. Ramaswamy is nothing more than the latest politician who plays to the lowest IQ members of our public trawling for votes.

Even Joe Biden isn’t this bad.

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