Windows Mobile Reality Log
With single-digit market share and problems keeping up with competition, the future of Windows Mobile is uncertain. Articles about it have been included in:
Eye on Microsoft: All of Windows Compromised, Windows Mobile Claimed Dying
Windows Mobile, Vista, and Zune Injure Microsoft: Time to Go, Say Journalists
Entire Nation Paralyzed by Microsoft Windows Zombies; Windows Mobile Cracked
Microsoft Kills “Windows Mobile” as History’s Lesson Resurfaces
Eye on Microsoft: Windows Vista 7, Vista 1, and Mobile
Microsoft XBox360 and Windows Mobile Are Still Losing It
Another Review of Vista 7 and the Uncertain Future of Windows
Eye on Microsoft: Windows Mobile Failure, Server 2008/Vista Failure, and Vista 7 Failure by Design
Microsoft Raises Prices, Dodges Old Brands
Zune and Windows Mobile Fail at Rebirth
Microsoft Confirms Windows Mobile Has Kill Switch and Remote Deletion Built in
Steve Ballmer Says Microsoft Screwed up with Windows Mobile
Linux Climbs Fast in Mobile, Microsoft ‘Screws’ Badly with Windows Mobile 6.5
Microsoft Pink is Already Declared Dead and Danger Dies with Permanent Data Loss
Microsoft’s Gadgets and Consoles Still Ridiculed and Avoided
Windows Mobile Down to Single-Digit Market Share as Linux Grows
Microsoft DRM Cracked Within Hours
Microsoft Can Only Wish it Was as Popular as Linux (on Phones)
Google is Still Crushing Microsoft, Sometimes with GNU and Linux (see bottom part)
IDC Speculation That Vista 7 is Last PC Operating System from Microsoft, Windows Mobile 7 Already Slips
Microsoft Drives Developers Away from Windows Mobile
Failures in Xbox, Zune, and Windows Mobile Mark “Microsoft’s Downward Spiral”
Windows Mobile Suffers Another Defeat Amid Linux Triumphs
Microsoft Implicitly Acknowledges Failure in Consoles, Search, and Mobile
Microsoft Attempts to Freeze Mobile Market to Harm Linux
Vista Mobile 7 Likely Delayed One Year; Vista 7 Always Rented, Not Sold
As Customers Hang Up on Windows Mobile, Microsoft Turns to Mobile Linux FUD
Another Microsoft Vice President Abandons the Company (Windows Mobile turmoil)
Microsoft Takes the Axe to Another Product, Future Grim Based on CES
Zune and Windows Mobile Are Going Away
Huge Internet Explorer Flaw, Vista 7 “Kills Batteries”, and Windows Mobile is Virtually Dead
Windows Phone 7 Falls on Its Face and Microsoft Still Wants Patent Royalties on Linux Phones
Microsoft’s Mobile Strategy: Block GNU/Linux Using Silver Lie
Microsoft’s Gadgets/Hardware Business is Collapsing (Zune, Xbox, Mobile)
Windows Mobile Down Sharply, Linux/Android Up Sharply
Windows Mobile is Dying as More Major Developers Officially Abandon
Latest Failures in Windows Mobile, Zune, and Xbox 360
Are Proprietary Software Users Too Dangerous for Copying and Pasting?
Xbox 360 Dies Without a “Coffin” and Microsoft’s Other Hardware Endeavours Seemingly a Dead End
Microsoft Becomes Increasingly Irrelevant in Mobile Devices
Microsoft is Losing to Google in Search and in Mobile (Linux)
Microsoft Kin Fails, Aggravates the Public (Microsoft’s new Zune-like phones fail to impress anyone, even huge proponents of Microsoft)
Microsoft’s Phone Business as Dead as Zune, But Apple Too Loses Its Mind
Latest Microsoft Hardware Failures: Kin, Xbox, and Zune
In Face of Linux Threat, Microsoft KIN Abandoned by Developers, Neglected by Young People
Microsoft Has Already Lost to Google’s Linux and Google’s Gmail
Windows Insecurity Spreads From Desktop to Mobile, Which Fails Badly for Microsoft
Microsoft Fragmentation: 7 Editions of Vista/7 and No Less Than 6 Different Operating Systems for Mobile Phones and Devices
Microsoft Markets Mobile Products That Don’t Exist
Microsoft’s Mobile Business Broke (Rumours suggest that only 500 units of “KIN” were sold)
Microsoft’s Failure in Mobile Technology Shows That Microsoft Has No Promising Future
KIN is Dead, Zune May Naturally Jump the Shark Next
Danger Assets in Danger: Summary of KIN and Sidekick Demise
Under 10,000 KIN Phones Sold by Microsoft in Almost Two Months
Fading Future of Proprietary Handsets
Microsoft Booster Thinks Vista Phone 7 is Dead on Arrival
Why Microsoft’s Mobile Business Collapsed and There is No Future Haven For It, Either
Linux is Climbing to the Mobile Top While Microsoft Falls Below 10% in the US
Microsoft’s Zune and Vista Phone 7 Will End Up Just Like KIN
Windows Phone 7 is Already Failing, Linux to Blame is Dead, Microsoft Mobile Business Abandoned by Staff (Entering Yahoo! Management), Future Grim
If You Can’t Beat Them, Hijack Them (Microsoft Joins Nokia and It Already Shows)
Not So Keen on KIN2K (Vista Phone 7) and Why Windows Will No Longer Matter in a Mobile Future
Vista Phone 7 is Dead on Arrival, So Microsoft Resorts to ‘Chill Attack’ on Linux/Android
English and Spanish Versions of FSF Post on Vista Phone 7
Vista Phone 7 (sic) is Where Microsoft Partners Come to Die
Another $400 Million Down the Drain
Many High-Level Departures at Microsoft Raise Risk of Entryism, Make Mobile Business Akin to Zune
Billions in Marketing Can’t Help Microsoft Sell Hardware
Microsoft’s Vista Phony 7 Jailbroken, Developer Upset
Not Even Oprah Winfrey’s Fake Endorsements Can Save Microsoft’s Vista Phony 7
Sales of Vista Phony 7 (sic) Pathetic Compared to Linux
Vista Phony 7 {sic} is a Disaster, Implies Microsoft
Vista Phony 7 is Broken, Cracked
Reviewers, LG and Dell Show No Love for Vista Phony 7 Just Yet
Eric S. Raymond and John C. Dvorak Declare the Death of Vista Phony 7
KIN Dies Again and Vista Phony 7 — Not Yahoo! — is Blamed for ‘Phantom Data’ Mess
Motorola Dumps Windows, Opposite of Nokia
Vista Phony 7 a Disaster to Developers, Verizon Gives It Thumbs Down
Vista Phony 7 is Just a Very Costly Experiment
Windows Mobile Death and Wiped Data, Applications