The BBC suffered infiltration from Microsoft UK executives and it is also funded repeatedly by Bill Gates in order to promote Gates' agenda. We wrote about the BBC in the following posts (among more).
BBC Turned From Public Broadcaster Into Bill Gates-Funded Propaganda Machine and... a Crank/Troll-Feeding Machine
Raw: How Microsoft and/or the EPO Killed an Important EPO Story About Their SLAPP Against Techrights and Others
Did the EPO Spike a BBC Story Regarding Discriminatory Practices, Legal Bullying of Bloggers, and/or Microsoft Bias?
BBC Against the World Wide Web, Definitely Still for Microsoft Agenda
BBC Spreads More Microsoft Propaganda, Calls Proprietary ‘Open’
BBC Suspension After Microsoft Entryism
MSBBC Lies About Microsoft Market Share
BBC Deletionism of Open Source
With Microsoft Infiltration at the BBC, Time to Abolish or Privatise the BBC
Bill Gates Lobbies for Monopoly on Crops, Gates-funded BBC Advertises It
BBC Takes More Money From Bill Gates, Then Advertises for His Agenda
BBC’s Reversal of Android Stories Makes Them ‘Publishable’
BBC Bribed by Bill Gates
Bill Gates-funded BBC Does Not Name That Web Browser
BBC Newsnight on Digital Security
MSBBC Finally Calls Out… Android (to Scare People)
UK Drama: MSBBC Blames Google — Not Microsoft — for London Stock Exchange Site Malware, Sabotage Still Suspected
Microsoft Systematically Corrupts the Media
British Government Under Fire for Ignoring Free(dom) Software, Responds With Face-Saving Promise
Corporate Press Turns Against Patents But Forgets/Neglects to Stress Microsoft and Apple Are an Integral Part of the Problem
It’s Not a Virus If the User Needs to Actually Install It
Microsoft’s Attacks on Google and Android: Ben Edelman, ‘Flagrant Misdirection’, and More
The Evolution of Microsoft FUD
The BBC’s Anti-Internet Pro-Microsoft Revisionist Propaganda
BBC: Bill Gates a “Famous Thief”?
Microsoft Insiders Galore: BBC, Nokia, Others Already Damaged by Microsoft Hires
The BBC and Netflix Enter Microsoft’s DRM Bedroom, Again
Eye on Security: BBC Propaganda, Rootkits, and Stuxnet in Iran’s Nuclear Facilities
BBC Cannot Call out Windows
When the BBC Talks About Computers It Means Microsoft Windows
Jonathan D. G. Jones Promotes Monopoly on Food, BBC Gives Him a Platform
Another Microsoft Man Caught in a Scandal in the BBC
Return of Charney’s Lunacy and Latest BBC Propaganda: Microsoft Will Save the World From Insecure “Computers”
MSBBC Continues to Abuse GNU/Linux Users While Promoting Microsoft Products (at Taxpayers’ Expense)
Ashley Highfield, Microsoft UK, Bill Gates, Murdoch, and the BBC
MSBBC Finally Discovers That “Botnets Are Usually Armies of Hijacked Windows PCs That Send Spam or Malware.”
More Nations Make Statements Against Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, So Microsoft Advertises ‘Upgrades’
Microsoft Passes More of Its Executives to the MSBBC. What About Nokia?
Ashley Highfield (Formerly of the MSBBC) ‘Pulls a Ballmer’
Eye on Security: MSBBC Misinformation, McAfee Chops Windows, Vista 7 Severely Broken
The Lies About Moonlight Carry on, MSBBC to Block Free Software Users Again
Quick Mention: Microsoft Could Grab ITV Like It Grabbed BBC
Isn’t the MSBBC Breaking the Law by Hijacking 22,000 Taxpayers’ PCs, at Taxpayers’ Expense?
BBC Unable to Defend Windows Botnets Fiasco
Does Microsoft Take Over the BBC from the Inside?
How Microsoft Daemonises the EU Commission and Advertises Vista 7, with the MSBBC’s Help
Xbox 360 Still in the Gutter as Innocent Customers Get Banned, BBC Deal Falls Through
Microsoft Influence (and Staff) Inside Vofafone, BBC
BBC Worldwide is Run by Microsoft Folks
BBC Wants to Build Another Windows Botnet
Patents Roundup: Patent Propaganda from the BBC, IBM in the Shadows, and Early Mistakes from David Kappos
Verdict: The BBC Broke the Law with Microsoft Windows Botnets, Which Conficker Continues Building (Updated)
More New Evidence of the Incestuous Relationship Between the BBC and Microsoft
The BBC and Self Censorship (Regarding Windows)
Do-No-Evil Saturday – Part I: Another Week of Alpha 1, BBC Uses OpenSUSE
Ashley Highfield to Finally Get Paid by His Masters
Update on a Microsoft-loving BBC (Now Grilled in the Parliament)
Dear BBC, Shame on You
Microsoft ‘Pulled a BBC’ in New Zealand, ‘Stole’ from Taxpayers
Why BBC is Microsoft Media (Video)
Microsoft’s Grip on the BBC is Tightened
10 Questions to a Microsoft-corrupted BBC
Novell Supports .NET and MS OOXML, the BBC Supports .NET and MS DRM
As the Days Go By, Less Hope is Left for Neutrality in Media